657 resultados para insecticide Nuvacron


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Whiteflies and whitefly-transmitted viruses are some of the major constraints on European tomato production. The main objectives of this study were to: identify where and why whiteflies are a major limitation on tomato crops; collect information about whiteflies and associated viruses; determine the available management tools; and identify key knowledge gaps and research priorities. This study was conducted within the framework of ENDURE (European Network for Durable Exploitation of Crop Protection Strategies). Two whitefly species are the main pests of tomato in Europe: Bemisia tabaci and Trialeurodes vaporariorum. Trialeurodes vaporariorum is widespread to all areas where greenhouse industry is present, and B. tabaci has invaded, since the early 1990’s, all the subtropical and tropical areas. Biotypes B and Q of B. tabaci are widespread and especially problematic. Other key tomato pests are Aculops lycopersici, Helicoverpa armigera, Frankliniella occidentalis, and leaf miners. Tomato crops are particularly susceptible to viruses causingTomato yellow leaf curl disease (TYLCD). High incidences of this disease are associated to high pressure of its vector, B. tabaci. The ranked importance of B. tabaci established in this study correlates with the levels of insecticide use, showing B. tabaci as one of the principal drivers behind chemical control. Confirmed cases of resistance to almost all insecticides have been reported. Integrated Pest Management based on biological control (IPM-BC) is applied in all the surveyed regions and identified as the strategy using fewer insecticides. Other IPM components include greenhouse netting and TYLCD-tolerant tomato cultivars. Sampling techniques differ between regions, where decisions are generally based upon whitefly densities and do not relate to control strategies or growing cycles. For population monitoring and control, whitefly species are always identified. In Europe IPM-BC is the recommended strategy for a sustainable tomato production. The IPM-BC approach is mainly based on inoculative releases of the parasitoids Eretmocerus mundus and Encarsia formosa and/or the polyphagous predators Macrolophus caliginosus and Nesidiocoris tenuis. However, some limitations for a wider implementation have been identified: lack of biological solutions for some pests, costs of beneficials, low farmer confidence, costs of technical advice, and low pest injury thresholds. Research priorities to promote and improve IPM-BC are proposed on the following domains: (i) emergence and invasion of new whitefly-transmitted viruses; (ii) relevance of B. tabaci biotypes regarding insecticide resistance; (iii) biochemistry and genetics of plant resistance; (iv) economic thresholds and sampling techniques of whiteflies for decision making; and (v) conservation and management of native whitefly natural enemies and improvement of biological control of other tomato pests.


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We reviewed the control of transmission of leishmaniasis regarding chemotherapy, reservoirs elimination, vaccination and insect control through the use of chemical insecticides. We also discussed complementary measures like monitoring traps, impregnated bednets and curtains, repelents, pheromones, biological control, etc. A cost comparison of insecticide interventions through the use of products belonging to the four main chemical groups was also alone, comparing together conventional formulations versus a slow-release insecticide developed by the Núcleo de Pesquisas de Produtos Naturais, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. We finally did recommendations on the situation that would justify an insecticide intervention to control sandflies.


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Wild type and mutant toxins of Bacillus thuringiensis delta-endotoxins were examined for their binding to midgut brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV). CryIAa, CryIAb, and CryIAc were examined for their binding to Gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) BBMV. The binding of CryIAa and CryIAc was directly correlated with their toxicity, while CryIAb was observed to have lower binding than expected from its toxicity. The latter observation confirms the observation of Wolfersberger (1990). The "rule" of reciprocity of binding and toxicity is apparently obeyed by CryIAa and CryIAc, but broken by CryIAb on L. dispar. Alanine substitutions were made in several positions of the putative loops of CryIAa to test the hypothesis that the loops are intimately involved in binding to the receptor. The mutant toxins showed minor shifts in heterologous binding to Bombyx mori BBMV, but not enough to conclude that the residues chosen play critical roles in receptor binding.


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A Culex quinquefasciatus Say 1823 strain with resistant genes to organophosphates was tested in the laboratory to know the reproductive potential after exposure, as larvae, at the LC30 and LC70 (mg/l) of three organophosphorus insecticides: malathion, chlorpyrifos and methyl-pirimiphos. Data showed that fecundity was decreased significantly by malathion at LC30 = 0.0025 and LC70 = 0.0075, whereas fertility has a no significant decrement by chlorpyrifos and methyl-pirimiphos at the LC70 (0.000016, 0.00043). The sexual index was affected by chlorpyrifos and methyl-pirimiphos showing a greater number of adult females.


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An attempt was made to control phlebotomine sand flies biting indoors in a rural community near Cali, Colombia, using the residual insecticide "K-Othrine" (deltamethrin) sprayed on the inside walls of houses. Twelve houses were divided into matched pairs based on physical characteristics, one house in each pair being left untreated while the inside walls of the other were sprayed with 1 deltamethrin at a concentration of 500 mg a.i./m2. Sand flies were sampled each week using protected human bait and sticky trap collections for four months after spraying. The number of sand flies (Lutzomyia youngi) collected on sticky traps was significantly lower (P = 0.004) in the untreated houses than in the treated ones with which they were matched. This difference was not significant for L. columbiana; the other anthropophilic species were not present in large numbers. The numbers collected on human bait in treated and untreated houses were not significantly different for either species. Activity of the insecticide as determined by contact bioassays remained high throughout the study and failure to control the insects was attributed to two factors: the tendency of sand flies to bite before making contact with the insecticide and the fact that the number of sand flies that entered houses represented a relatively small proportion of the population in the wooded areas surrounding the settlement in the study.


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Several synthetic pesticides and allelochemicals used to treat Triatoma infestans adults by topic application showed some degree of cytosolic glutathione S-transferase (GST) induction. General inducers of detoxication systems such as phenobarbital and 3-methylcholantrene topically applied on T. infestans resulted in no GST induction. Meanwhile, general insecticide synergist such as piperonyl butoxide (160 mg/insect) increased the GST-activity in the range of 120-140%. Insects injected with reduced glutathione (300 mg/insect) presented at the forth day elevated GST activity


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In a visceral leishmaniasis endemic locality of northeast of Brasil where all settlements were treated with cypermethrin, a follow-up of Lutzomyia longipalpis populations was carried out by regular collections. The residual effect of the insecticide was studied using biological assays on three different types of walls. The results showed that the insecticides had an effect on intradomiciliar Lu. longipalpis populations limited to two months, and had no significant effect on peridomiciliar vector populations. The mortality rates of the tested sandflies were variable according to the type of wall. The decreasing of the insecticide effect was marked since the 3rd month, and mortality rates were identical whatever the type of wall since the 4th month. Unsufficient residual effect was detected after the 4th month.


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As pyrethroids are presently the favored group of insecticides to control triatomines, we performed a series of bioassays to determine the intrinsic activity of some of the main compounds used in the control campaigns, against five of the main species of triatomines to be controlled. Comparing the insecticides it can be seen that lambdacyhalothrin is more effective than the other three pyrethroids, both considering the LD50 and 99 for all the three species with comparable results. On Triatoma infestans the LD50 of lambdacyhalothrin was followed by that of alfacypermethrin, cyfluthrin and deltamethrin. On Rhodnius prolixus the sequence, in decreasing order of activity, was lambdacyhalothrin, alfacypermethrin, deltamethrin and cyfluthrin. Some modifications can be seen when we compare the LD99, that has more to see to what happens in the field. T. brasiliensis showed to be as sensible to lambdacyhalothrin as T. infestans, the most susceptible for this product. By the other side T. sordida is the least susceptible considering the LD99 of this insecticide.


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Chromosomal studies were carried on six larval populations of Simulium (Chirostilbia) pertinax from different locations in Brazil. Larvae were collected in the states of Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Polytene chromosome map comparisons within and among populations showed no differences in banding pattern, except for some limited polymorphism (secondary NOR and four band polymorphisms). There were no chromosomal variations associated with the resistance or susceptibility of the larvae to temephos. The chromosomal homosequentiality found among the six populations suggests that S. pertinax may be a monomorphic species.


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ABSTRACT Malaria is a major worldwide public health problem, with transmission occurring throughout Africa, Asia, Oceania and Latin America. Over two billion people live in malarious areas of the world and it is estimated that 300-500 million cases and 1.5-2.7 million deaths occur annually. The increase in multi-drug resistant parasites and insecticide-resistant vectors has made the development of malaria vaccine a public health priority. The published genome offers tremendous opportunity for the identification of new antigens that can befast-tracked for vaccine development. We identified potential protein antigens present on the surface of asexual malaria blood stages through bioinformatics and published transcriptome and proteorné analysis. Amongst the proteins identified, we selected those that contain predicted a-helical coiled-coil regions, which are generally short and structurally stable as isolated fragments. Peptides were synthesized and used to immunize mice. Most peptides tested were immunogenic as demonstrated in ELISA assays, and induced antibodies of varying titres. In immunofluorescence assays, anti-sera from immunized mice reacted with native proteins expressed at different intraerythrocytic developmental stages of the parasite's cycle. In parallel in vitro ADCI functional studies, human antibodies affinity purified on some of these peptides inhibited parasite growth in association with monocytes in magnitudes similar to that seen in semiimmune African adults. Siudies using human immune sera taken from different malaria endemic regions, demonstrated that majority of peptides were recognized at high prevalence. 73 peptides were next tested in longitudinal studies in two cohorts separated in space and time in coastal Kenya. In these longitudinal analyses, antibody responses to peptides were sequentially examined in two cohorts of children at risk of clinical malaria in order to characterize the level of peptide recognition by age, and the role of anti-peptide antibodies in protection from clinical malaria. Ten peptides were associated ?with a significantly reduced odds ratio for an episode of clinical malaria in the first cohort of children and two of these peptides (LR146 and ÁS202.11) were associated with a significantly reduced odds ratio in both cohorts. This study has identified proteins PFB0145c and MAL6P1.37 among others as likely targets of protective antibodies. Our findings support further studies to systematically assess immunogenicity of peptides of interest in order to establish clear criteria for optimal design of potential vaccine constructs to be tested in clinical trials. RESUME La malaria est un problème de santé publique mondial principalement en Afrique, en Asie, en Océanie et en Amérique latine. Plus de 2 milliards de personnes vivent dans des régions endémiques et le nombre de cas par année est estimé entre 300 et 500 millions. 1.5 à 2.7 millions de décès surviennent annuellement dans ces zones. L'augmentation de la résistance aux médicaments et aux insecticides fait du développement d'un vaccin une priorité. Le séquençage complet du génome du parasite offre l'opportunité d'identifier de nouveaux antigènes qui peuvent rapidement mener au développement d'un vaccin. Des protéines antigéniques potentielles présentes à la surface des globules rouges infectés ont été identifiées par bioinformatique et par l'analyse du protéome et du transcriptome. Nous avons sélectionné, parmi ces protéines, celles contenant des motifs dits "a helical coiled-coil" qui sont généralement courts et structurellement stables. Ces régions ont été obtenues par synthèse peptidique et utilisées pour immuniser des souris. La plupart des peptides testés sont immunogéniques et induisent un titre variable d'anticorps déterminé par ELISA. Les résultats de tests d'immunofluorescence indiquent que les sera produits chez la souris reconnaissent les protéines natives exprimées aux différents stades de développement du parasite. En parallèle, des études d'ADCI in vitro montrent qué des anticorps humains purifiés à partir de ces peptides associés à des monocytes inhibent la croissance du parasite aussi bien que celle observée chez des adultes africains protégés. Des études d'antigénicité utilisant des sera de personnes protégées de différents âges vivant dans des régions endémiques montrent que la majorité des peptides sont reconnus avec une haute prévalence. 73 peptides ont été testés dans une étude longitudinale avec 2 cohortes de la côte du Kenya. Ces 2 groupes viennent de zones bien distinctes et les prélèvements n'ont pas été effectués pendant la même période. Dans cette étude, la réponse anticorps contre les peptides synthétiques a été testée dans les 2 cohortes d'enfants à risque de développer un épisode de malaria afin de caractériser le niveau de reconnaissance des peptides en fonction de l'âge et de déterminer le rôle des anticorps anti-peptides dans la protection contre la malaria. Parmi ces peptides, 10 sont associés à une réduction significative des risques de développer un épisode de malaria dans la première cohorte alors qu'un seul (LR146 et AS202.11) l'est dans les 2 cohortes. Cette étude a identifié, parmi d'autres, les protéines PFB0145c et MAL6P1.37 comme pouvant être la cible d'anticorps. Ces résultats sont en faveur de futures études qui évalueraient systématiquement l'immunogénicité des peptides d'intérêt dans le but d'établir des critères de sélection clairs pour le développement d'un vaccin. Résumé pour un large public La malaria est un problème de santé publique mondial principalement en Afrique, en Asie, en Océanie et en Amérique latine. Plus de 2 milliards de personnes vivent dans des régions endémiques et le nombre de cas par année est estimé entre 300 et 500 millions. 1.5 à 2.7 millions de décès surviennent annuellement dans ces zones. La résistance aux médicaments et aux insecticides augmente de plus en plus d'où la nécessité de développer un vaccin. Le séquençage complet du génome (ensemble des gènes) de P. falciparum a conduit au développement de nouvelles .études à large échelle dans le domaine des protéines du parasite (protéome) ; dans l'utilisation d'algorithmes, de techniques informatiques et statistiques pour l'analyse de données biologiques (bioinformatique) et dans les technologies de transcription et de profiles d'expression (transcriptome). Nous avons identifié, en utilisant les outils ci-dessus, des nouvelles protéines antigéniques qui sont présentes au stade sanguin de la malaria. Nous avons sélectionné, parmi ces protéines, celles contenant un motif dit "a-helical coiled-coil" qui sont des domaines impliqués dans un large éventail de fonctions biologiques. Des peptides représentant ces régions structurellement stables ont été synthétisés et utilisés pour immuniser des souris. La plupart des peptides testés sont immunogéniques et induisent un titre variable d'anticorps déterminé par ELISA. Les résultats de tests d'immunofluorescence indiquent que plusieurs sera de souris immunisées avec ces peptides reconnaissent les protéines natives exprimées à la surface des globules rouges infectés. En parallèle, des études d'ADCI in vitro montrent que des anticorps humains purifiés à partir de ces peptides en présence de monocytes inhibent la croissance du parasite de manière similaire à celle observée chez des adultes africains protégés. Des études d'antigénicité utilisant des sera de personnes immunes de différents âges (adultes et enfants) vivant dans des régions endémiques montrent que la majorité des peptides sont reconnus avec une haute prévalence. 73 peptides ont été testés dans des études épidémiologiques dans 2 villages côtiers du Kenya Ces 2 groupes vivent dans des zones bien distinctes et les prélèvements n'ont pas été effectués pendant la même période. Dans ces études, la réponse anticorps dirigée contre les peptides synthétiques a été testée en utilisant 467 échantillons sanguins d'enfants à risque de développer un épisode de malaria afin de caractériser le niveau de reconnaissance des peptides en fonction de l'âge et de déterminer le rôle des anticorps anti-peptides dans la protection contre la malaria cérébrale. Parmi ces peptides, 10 sont associés à une protection contre un épisode de malaria dans le premier village alors qu'un seul l'est dans les 2 villages. Ces résultats sont en faveur de futures études qui évalueraient systématiquement l'immunogénicité des peptides intéressants dans le but d'établir des critères de sélection clairs pour le développement d'un vaccin.


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Rhodnius ecuadoriensis infests peridomiciles and colonises houses in rural southern Ecuador. Six out of 84 dwellings (7%) surveyed in a rural village were infested (78 bugs/infested domicile; 279 bugs were collected in a single dwelling). Precipitin tests revealed R. ecuadoriensis fed on birds (65%), rodents (31%), marsupials (8%), and humans (15%) - mixed bloodmeals detected in 37.5% of individual samples. Trypanosoma cruzi from opossums and rodents may thus be introduced into the domestic cycle. Wasp parasitoidism was detected in 6.5% of 995 R. ecuadoriensis eggs (only in peridomestic habitats). Control strategies should integrate insecticide spraying (indoors and peridomestic), better management of poultry, and housing improvements. A possible inefficacy of Malathion is reported.


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The insecticidal activity and residual effect of two formulations of lambdacyhalothrin were evaluated with Rhodnius prolixus;laboratory and field tests were conducted in the State of Chiapas, Mexico. The results indicate that the lethal concentrations of the active ingredient of SC (LC50 = 2.37 and LC90 = 8.5 mg, a.i./m²) were 4-8 times than those with the insecticide WP applied on R. prolixus bugs in palm leaves, a common building material for thatched roofs. Other investigators in South America recommended applying 30 mg a.i./m² in porous materials; we obtained that the products WP and SC were 3.5 and 16 times more effective on palm leaves. Regarding the evaluation of the residual effects in field spraying, there was up to 15 months persistence after the application of WP in two doses (8.6 mg a.i./m² and 3.752 mg a.i./m²) with SC. We consider R. prolixus highly susceptible to the employed pyrethroids; they could be used to control this vector in the state of Chiapas, Mexico.


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Aqueous suspension of ethanol extracts of Derris (Lonchocarpus) urucu (Leguminosae), collected in the state of Amazonas, Brazil, were tested for larvicidal activity against the mosquito Aedes aegypti (Diptera:Culicidae). The aim of this study was to observe the alterations of peritrophic matrix in Ae. aegypti larvae treated with an aqueous suspension of D. urucu extract. Different concentrations of D. urucu root extract were tested against fourth instar larvae. One hundred percent mortality was observed at 150 µg/ml (LC50 17.6 µg/ml) 24 h following treatment. In response to D. urucu feeding, larvae excreted a large amount of amorphous feces, while control larvae did not produce feces during the assay period. Ultrastructural studies showed that larvae fed with 150 µg/ml of D. urucu extract for 4 h have an imperfect peritrophic matrix and extensive damage of the midgut epithelium. Data indicate a protective role for the peritrophic matrix. The structural modification of the peritrophic matrix is intrinsically associated with larval mortality.


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Discovered in 1909, Chagas disease was progressively shown to be widespread throughout Latin America, affecting millions of rural people with a high impact on morbidity and mortality. With no vaccine or specific treatment available for large-scale public health interventions, the main control strategy relies on prevention of transmission, principally by eliminating the domestic insect vectors and control of transmission by blood transfusion. Vector control activities began in the 1940s, initially by means of housing improvement and then through insecticide spraying following successful field trials in Brazil (Bambui Research Centre), with similar results soon reproduced in São Paulo, Argentina, Venezuela and Chile. But national control programmes only began to be implemented after the 1970s, when technical questions were overcome and the scientific demonstration of the high social impact of Chagas disease was used to encourage political determination in favour of national campaigns (mainly in Brazil). Similarly, large-scale screening of infected blood donors in Latin America only began in the 1980s following the emergence of AIDS. By the end of the last century it became clear that continuous control in contiguous endemic areas could lead to the elimination of the most highly domestic vector populations - especially Triatoma infestans and Rhodnius prolixus - as well as substantial reductions of other widespread species such as T. brasiliensis, T. sordida, and T. dimidiata, leading in turn to interruption of disease transmission to rural people. The social impact of Chagas disease control can now be readily demonstrated by the disappearance of acute cases and of new infections in younger age groups, as well as progressive reductions of mortality and morbidity rates in controlled areas. In economic terms, the cost-benefit relationship between intervention (insecticide spraying, serology in blood banks) and the reduction of Chagas disease (in terms of medical and social care and improved productivity) is highly positive. Effective control of Chagas disease is now seen as an attainable goal that depends primarily on maintaining political will, so that the major constraints involve problems associated with the decentralisation of public health services and the progressive political disinterest in Chagas disease. Counterbalancing this are the political and technical cooperation strategies such as the "Southern Cone Initiative" launched in 1991. This international approach, coordinated by PAHO, has been highly successful, already reaching elimination of Chagas disease transmission in Uruguay, Chile, and large parts of Brazil and Argentina. The Southern Cone Initiative also helped to stimulate control campaigns in other countries of the region (Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru) which have also reached tangible regional successes. This model of international activity has been shown to be feasible and effective, with similar initiatives developed since 1997 in the Andean Region and in Central America. At present, Mexico and the Amazon Region remain as the next major challenges. With consolidation of operational programmes in all endemic countries, the future focus will be on epidemiological surveillance and care of those people already infected. In political terms, the control of Chagas disease in Latin America can be considered, so far, as a victory for international scientific cooperation, but will require continuing political commitment for sustained success.


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From October 2000 to April 2001, insecticide bioassays were conducted in 18 ranches from 10 counties in the states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul, in Central Brazil. Horn flies from wild populations were exposed to diazinon-impregnated filter papers immediately after collection on cattle, and mortality was recorded after 2 h. A high susceptibility to diazinon was observed in all tested populations. The LC50s ranged from 0.15 to 0.64 µg/cm², and resistance ratios were always lower than one (ranging 0.1-0.6). Pyrethroid products, most applied by backpack sprayers, have been used since the horn fly entered the region, about 10 years ago. The high susceptibility observed to diazinon indicates that this insecticide (as probably other organophosphate insecticides) represents an useful tool for horn fly control and resistance management, particularly in pyrethroid-resistant populations.