332 resultados para incidences
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde eine größere Anzahl an E. faecalis Isolaten aus Vaginalabstrichen, erstmals insbesondere von Patientinnen, die an Bakterieller Vaginose litten, untersucht und mit E. faecalis Stämme aus verschiedenen anderen klinischen Bereichen auf das Vorkommen von Virulenzfaktoren verglichen. Weiterhin wurden Korrelationen zwischen bestimmten Faktoren und der Menge an produziertem Biofilm erstellt, um mögliche Zusammenhänge zum Mechanismus der Biofilm-Bildung zu erfassen. Mittels statistischer Analysen konnte hinsichtlich der 150 untersuchten E. faecalis Isolate nachgewiesen werden, dass keine signifikanten Unterschiede der Inzidenzen von Virulenzfaktoren (esp, asa1, gelE, GelE, cylA, β-Hämolyse) zwischen den Stämmen der verschiedenen Herkunftsbereiche bestanden. In Bezug auf das Auftreten von Biofilm-Bildung zeigte sich ein erhöhtes Vorkommen bei Stämmen aus Urin sowie invasiver Herkunft (insgesamt jeweils ca. 70 % mäßige und starke Biofilm-Bildner) im Vergleich zu E. faecalis Isolaten aus Wunden oder Faeces (je ca. 40 %). Statistische Auswertungen bzgl. des Zusammenhangs eines oder einer Kombination von Virulenzfaktoren mit der Menge an gebildetem Biofilm wiesen darauf hin, dass Isolate, die das esp Gen besaßen, in erhöhtem Maße zur Biofilm-Bildung befähigt waren. Dies zeigte einen gewissen Einfluss des Zellwandproteins auf die Fähigkeit zur Biofilm-Bildung bei E. faecalis. Allerdings wurden stets auch Stämme identifiziert, die die Fähigkeit zur Biofilm-Bildung trotz des Fehlens der jeweils untersuchten genetischen Determinante bzw. der Determinanten aufwiesen, so dass auf das Vorhandensein weiterer, unbekannter Einflussfaktoren auf den Mechanismus der Biofilm-Bildung bei E. faecalis geschlossen werden konnte. Unter 78 untersuchten E. faecium Isolaten aus verschiedenen klinischen Bereichen konnte lediglich ein Stamm (1,3 %) als mäßiger Biofilm-Bildner charakterisiert werden, so dass die Fähigkeit bei dieser Spezies in der hier untersuchten Region unter diesen Bedingungen kaum nachgewiesen werden konnte. Einen Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit bildete die Untersuchung zum Vorkommen von Virulenzfaktoren und Biofilm-Bildung bei E. faecalis Isolaten aus Vaginalabstrichen. Bzgl. des Auftretens von Virulenzfaktoren und Biofilm-Produktion konnte kein Unterschied zwischen Stämmen assoziiert mit Bakterieller Vaginose und Isolaten einer Vergleichsgruppe festgestellt werden. Allerdings zeigte eine Gegenüberstellung mit den untersuchten E. faecalis Stämmen aus anderen klinischen Bereichen, dass die 80 Isolate aus Vaginalabstrichen eine ähnlich hohe Inzidenz bestimmter Virulenzfaktoren wie Stämme aus Faeces, Urin, Wunden oder invasiver Herkunft sowie eine mit den Isolaten aus Urin und invasiver Herkunft vergleichbar hohe Fähigkeit zur Biofilm-Bildung aufwiesen (ca. 75 % mäßige und starke Biofilm-Bildner). Dies deutete auf eine Verbreitung der Biofilm-Bildungsfähigkeit bei E. faecalis Stämmen der Vaginalflora und somit auf eine große Bedeutung der Eigenschaft für Isolate dieser Herkunft hin. Die statistische Auswertung der Korrelationen von Virulenzfaktoren mit der Menge an gebildetem Biofilm lieferte ähnliche Ergebnisse wie die Analysen bzgl. der 150 E. faecalis Isolate aus anderen klinischen Bereichen und untermauerte die Annahme, dass zusätzliche Faktoren zu den hier untersuchten Determinanten bei E. faecalis vorhanden sein müssen, die Einfluss auf den Mechanismus der Biofilm-Bildung nehmen. Deshalb konzentrierte sich ein weiterer Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit auf die Herstellung und Charakterisierung von E. faecalis Biofilm-Spontanmutanten, um bisher noch ungeklärte Mechanismen oder neue Faktoren zu erkennen, die Einfluss auf die Biofilm-Bildung bei E. faecalis nehmen. Die Untersuchung einer Mutante (1.10.16) und ihres Wildtypstamms lieferte erstmals den phänotypischen Nachweis des HMW-Komplexes der drei Bee-Proteine sowie die Identifizierung konservierter Pili-Motive dieser Proteine. Des Weiteren schien die in diesem Cluster ebenfalls codierte Sortase-1 dasjenige Enzym zu sein, das höchstwahrscheinlich die Bindung des Proteins Bee-2 innerhalb dieses HMW-Komplexes katalysiert. Insofern lieferten diese Untersuchungen neue, konkrete Hinweise zur Rolle des bee Genclusters bei der Pili-Biogenese und Biofilm-Bildung von E. faecalis. Darüber hinaus stellen Erkenntnisse aus der Charakterisierung von zwei weiteren hergestellten Biofilm-Spontanmutanten viel versprechende Ausgangspunkte für zukünftige Untersuchungen dar, die ein weitergehendes Verständnis der molekularen Mechanismen der Biofilm-Bildung bei E. faecalis erzielen könnten.
RESUMEN Objetivo: Analizar el comportamiento de la sintomatología de los Desórdenes Músculo-esqueléticos (DME) de miembros superiores y determinar si la dinamometría es predictiva y sirve como soporte para el diagnostico de los mismos. Pacientes y Métodos: Se tomó una cohorte de 400 trabajadores de tres empresas del sector floricultor de la sabana de Bogotá en el año 2006, quienes fueron evaluados clínicamente por un médico especialista en salud ocupacional. Se seleccionaron 105 trabajadores que no presentaban síntomas osteomusculares de miembros superiores, a quienes se realizó seguimiento clínico y dinamometría anual hasta el año 2009. En cada evaluación se realizaron tres mediciones con el dinamómetro Dynatron® midiendo la fuerza de agarre en cada mano, tomando como dato final el promedio obtenido. Los datos fueron digitados en un base de Excel 2003 (Office®) y la depuración y el procesamiento fueron realizados en el programa estadístico de sobrevida. Resultados: El grupo de estudio estaba compuesto por 73 mujeres (69.5%) y 32 hombres (32.5%). La mano dominante fue la derecha en 99 trabajadores (94.3%). El índice de masa corporal (IMC) se encontró alterado revelando sobrepeso en 50 trabajadores (47.6%). Tenían una media de antigüedad en la empresa de 6,48 años y de 14.12 años de exposición en el sector floricultor. El promedio de la fuerza de agarre manual fue mayor para los hombres con respecto a las mujeres. Los primeros presentaron cifras; para la mano derecha de 105 libras y para la izquierda de 102 libras; en las mujeres fue de 62 libras para la mano derecha y de 61 libras para la izquierda. El 38.1% de la población estudiada desarrolló patologías osteomusculares de miembros superiores a lo largo de los 4 años de seguimiento, dentro de las cuales predominó la epicondilitis de miembro superior derecho, presentándose con mayor frecuencia en las mujeres. La probabilidad de supervivencia global para las mujeres fue 46,3% mientras que para los hombres fue de 81,6% a lo largo del tiempo de estudio con una p=0.0107. En el periodo de estudio las mujeres necesitaron aproximadamente de 38 meses para alcanzar el 50% de sobrevida. Para el género femenino el promedio de la fuerza de la mano derecha de 28 libras tiene una sensibilidad del 100% con una especificidad del 1%. En la mano izquierda el promedio de la fuerza de 30,0 libras tiene una sensibilidad del 100% y una especificidad del 1%. En los hombres se encontró que el promedio de fuerza de la mano derecha de 65 libras tiene una sensibilidad del 100% y una especificidad del 1% y de la mano izquierda de 66 libras tiene una sensibilidad del 100% y una especificidad del 1%. Conclusiones: Las lesiones osteomusculares presentaron altas incidencias en la población estudiada que no se relacionan con aspectos como IMC y tiempo de vida en el sector floricultor y las mujeres presentaron una probabilidad de supervivencia significativamente menor con respecto a los hombres. La dinamometría en valores bajos es un estudio que se correlaciona con la presencia de DME pero no tiene valor predictivo.
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo estudiar el papel del Derecho Internacional Público frente a la problemática actual de los Refugiados Ambientales, una nueva categoría de desplazamiento que se ha convertido en un tema latente dentro de la Comunidad Internacional. Así, el Estado del Arte será el tipo de investigación utilizado para realizar una revisión bibliográfica frente al tema y de esta manera demostrar la necesidad de realizar la inserción del concepto de Refugiado Ambiental dentro del sistema de protección internacional para el refugiado, representado en la Convención sobre el Estatuto de los Refugiados de 1951, el cual fue el primer instrumento de protección correspondiente a este tema. Por tanto se evaluarán casos emblemáticos a nivel mundial donde se demuestra cada una de las incidencias y consecuencias producidas y la desventaja que tiene el refugiado ambiental frente al refugiado convencional, y de esta manera recalcar el vacío jurídico dentro de este sistema de protección, al no reconocer aquellos individuos afectados por los desastres naturales y el cambio climático. Aunque es una recopilación de autores y artículos importantes frente al tema, este trabajo de investigación quiere generar un cuestionamiento a los actores responsables, a aquellos que puedan tanto sugerir como ejecutar soluciones a largo plazo que suministren la protección legal a aquellas personas que han sido forzadas a desplazarse de su lugar de origen a causa de daños ambientales y por la incapacidad gubernamental para proporcionar soluciones de prevención, mitigación y solución a este tipo de problemas.
Early detection of breast cancer (BC) with mammography may cause overdiagnosis and overtreatment, detecting tumors which would remain undiagnosed during a lifetime. The aims of this study were: first, to model invasive BC incidence trends in Catalonia (Spain) taking into account reproductive and screening data; and second, to quantify the extent of BC overdiagnosis. We modeled the incidence of invasive BC using a Poisson regression model. Explanatory variables were: age at diagnosis and cohort characteristics (completed fertility rate, percentage of women that use mammography at age 50, and year of birth). This model also was used to estimate the background incidence in the absence of screening. We used a probabilistic model to estimate the expected BC incidence if women in the population used mammography as reported in health surveys. The difference between the observed and expected cumulative incidences provided an estimate of overdiagnosis.Incidence of invasive BC increased, especially in cohorts born from 1940 to 1955. The biggest increase was observed in these cohorts between the ages of 50 to 65 years, where the final BC incidence rates more than doubled the initial ones. Dissemination of mammography was significantly associated with BC incidence and overdiagnosis. Our estimates of overdiagnosis ranged from 0.4% to 46.6%, for women born around 1935 and 1950, respectively.Our results support the existence of overdiagnosis in Catalonia attributed to mammography usage, and the limited malignant potential of some tumors may play an important role. Women should be better informed about this risk. Research should be oriented towards personalized screening and risk assessment tools
Understanding the surface O3 response over a “receptor” region to emission changes over a foreign “source” region is key to evaluating the potential gains from an international approach to abate ozone (O3) pollution. We apply an ensemble of 21 global and hemispheric chemical transport models to estimate the spatial average surface O3 response over east Asia (EA), Europe (EU), North America (NA), and south Asia (SA) to 20% decreases in anthropogenic emissions of the O3 precursors, NOx, NMVOC, and CO (individually and combined), from each of these regions. We find that the ensemble mean surface O3 concentrations in the base case (year 2001) simulation matches available observations throughout the year over EU but overestimates them by >10 ppb during summer and early fall over the eastern United States and Japan. The sum of the O3 responses to NOx, CO, and NMVOC decreases separately is approximately equal to that from a simultaneous reduction of all precursors. We define a continental-scale “import sensitivity” as the ratio of the O3 response to the 20% reductions in foreign versus “domestic” (i.e., over the source region itself) emissions. For example, the combined reduction of emissions from the three foreign regions produces an ensemble spatial mean decrease of 0.6 ppb over EU (0.4 ppb from NA), less than the 0.8 ppb from the reduction of EU emissions, leading to an import sensitivity ratio of 0.7. The ensemble mean surface O3 response to foreign emissions is largest in spring and late fall (0.7–0.9 ppb decrease in all regions from the combined precursor reductions in the three foreign regions), with import sensitivities ranging from 0.5 to 1.1 (responses to domestic emission reductions are 0.8–1.6 ppb). High O3 values are much more sensitive to domestic emissions than to foreign emissions, as indicated by lower import sensitivities of 0.2 to 0.3 during July in EA, EU, and NA when O3 levels are typically highest and by the weaker relative response of annual incidences of daily maximum 8-h average O3 above 60 ppb to emission reductions in a foreign region (<10–20% of that to domestic) as compared to the annual mean response (up to 50% of that to domestic). Applying the ensemble annual mean results to changes in anthropogenic emissions from 1996 to 2002, we estimate a Northern Hemispheric increase in background surface O3 of about 0.1 ppb a−1, at the low end of the 0.1–0.5 ppb a−1 derived from observations. From an additional simulation in which global atmospheric methane was reduced, we infer that 20% reductions in anthropogenic methane emissions from a foreign source region would yield an O3 response in a receptor region that roughly equals that produced by combined 20% reductions of anthropogenic NOx, NMVOC, and CO emissions from the foreign source region.
Figs and fig wasps form a peculiar closed community in which the Ficus tree provides a compact syconium (inflorescence) habitat for the lives of a complex assemblage of Chalcidoid insects. These diverse fig wasp species have intimate ecological relationships within the closed world of the fig syconia. Previous surveys of Wolbachia, maternally inherited endosymbiotic bacteria that infect vast numbers of arthropod hosts, showed that fig wasps have some of the highest known incidences of Wolbachia amongst all insects. We ask whether the evolutionary patterns of Wolbachia sequences in this closed syconium community are different from those in the outside world. In the present study, we sampled all 17 fig wasp species living on Ficus benjamina, covering 4 families, 6 subfamilies, and 8 genera of wasps. We made a thorough survey of Wolbachia infection patterns and studied evolutionary patterns in wsp (Wolbachia Surface Protein) sequences. We find evidence for high infection incidences, frequent recombination between Wolbachia strains, and considerable horizontal transfer, suggesting rapid evolution of Wolbachia sequences within the syconium community. Though the fig wasps have relatively limited contact with outside world, Wolbachia may be introduced to the syconium community via horizontal transmission by fig wasps species that have winged males and visit the syconia earlier.
The use of antibiotics in birds and animals intended for human consumption within the European Union (EU) and elsewhere has been subject to regulation prohibiting the use of antimicrobials as growth promoters and the use of last resort antibiotics in an attempt to reduce the spread of multi-resistant Gram negative bacteria. Given the inexorable spread of antibiotic resistance there is an increasing need for improved monitoring of our food. Using selective media, Gram negative bacteria were isolated from retail chicken of UK-Intensively reared (n = 27), Irish-Intensively reared (n = 19) and UK-Free range (n = 30) origin and subjected to an oligonucleotide based array system for the detection of 47 clinically relevant antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and two integrase genes. High incidences of β-lactamase genes were noted in all sample types, acc (67%), cmy (80%), fox (55%) and tem (40%) while chloramphenicol resistant determinants were detected in bacteria from the UK poultry portions and were absent in bacteria from the Irish samples. Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) was used to qualitatively analyse the Gram negative population in the samples and showed the expected diversity based on band stabbing and DNA sequencing. The array system proved to be a quick method for the detection of antibiotic resistance gene (ARG) burden within a mixed Gram negative bacterial population.
Purpose – As online retailing grows in importance there is increasing interest in the online customer experience. The purpose of this paper is to explore the role of gamification, the use of game mechanics, in enabling consumer engagement with online retailers. Design/methodology/approach – The research adopts a qualitative methodology carrying out 19 in-depth interviews with individuals who are frequent online shoppers. Findings – Findings support the importance of including game elements to enhance the retail experience. However, data also suggests that without appropriate management customers can subvert gamification strategies to create their own “games” which increases competitive pressure between retailers. Practical implications – The paper suggests ways in which retailers might more successfully “gamify” their online retail stores and reduce incidences of undesirable customer behaviour. Originality/value – This paper provides empirical support to the current paucity of research into the role of gamification in the context of the online retail experience.
Background: The oral health conditions of indigenous peoples in Amazonia are closely associated with ecological and dietary changes related to interaction with non-Indians. Aim: The study investigated the incidence of caries in an indigenous community from Central Brazil focusing on gender differences. Subjects and methods: The research was conducted among the Xavante Indians and was based on longitudinal data collected in two surveys (1999 and 2004). The study included 128 individuals, 63 (49.2%) males and 65 (50.8%) females, divided in four age brackets (6-12, 13-19, 20-34, 35-60 years of age). The DMFT (decayed, missing and filled teeth) index and incidences (difference between 1999 and 2004) were calculated for each individual. The proportion of incidence was also calculated. Differences in caries risk between gender and age brackets were compared by parametric and non-parametric tests. Results: There were statistically significant differences in relation to caries incidence between age brackets and gender. The greatest incidence was observed in the 20-34 age bracket, which presented 3.30 new decayed teeth, twice the risk of the 6-12 age bracket (p0.01), chosen as reference. While females in most age groups did not show higher risk for caries when compared to males, there was a 4.04-fold risk in the 20-34 age bracket (p0.01). Conclusion: It is concluded that factors related to the social functions of each sex (gender issues) and differential access to information, health services, and education may help to understand the differences observed in the incidence of caries.
Background: Brazil implemented routine immunization with the human rotavirus vaccine, Rotarix, in 2006 and vaccination coverage reached 81% in 2008 in Sao Paulo. Our aim was to assess the impact of immunization on the incidence of severe rotavirus acute gastroenteritis (AGE). Methods: We performed a 5-year (2004-2008) prospective surveillance at a sentinel hospital in Sao Paulo, with routine testing for rotavirus in all children less than 5 years of age hospitalized with AGE. Genotypes of positive samples were determined by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Results: During the study, 655 children hospitalized with AGE were enrolled; of whom 169 (25.8%) were positive for rotavirus. In the post-vaccine period, a 59% reduction in the number of hospitalizations of rotavirus AGE and a 42.2% (95% confidence interval [CI], 18.6%-59.0%; P = 0.001) reduction in the proportion of rotavirus-positive results among children younger than 5 years were observed, with the greatest decline among infants (69.2%; 95% CI, 24.7%-87.4%; P = 0.004). Furthermore, the number of all-cause hospitalizations for AGE was reduced by 29% among children aged <5 years. The onset and peak incidences of rotavirus AGE occurred 3 months later in the 2007 and 2008 seasons compared with previous years. Genotype G2 accounted for 15%, 70%, and 100% of all cases identified, respectively, in 2006, 2007, and 2008. Conclusions: After vaccine implementation, a marked decline in rotavirus AGE hospitalizations was demonstrated among children younger than 5 years of age, with the greatest reduction in the age groups targeted for vaccination. The predominance of genotype G2P[4] highlights the need of continued postlicensure surveillance studies.
In industrial polymer and synthetic rubber production facilities, workers are exposed to 1,3-butadiene. This compound is converted in vivo to 1,2,3,4-diepoxybutane (DEB) and has been linked to increased incidences of cancer in these individuals. Carcinogenesis has been attributed to formation of DEB induced DNA interstrand cross-links. Previous studies have demonstrated that DEB cross-links deoxyguanosine residues within 5'-GNC sequences in synthetic DNA, in restriction fragments, and in defined sequence nucleosomes. The current study utilized the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to examine DEB damage frequencies within nuclear genes, found within "open" regions of chromatin, as compared to regions of unexpressed sequence that reside in tightly packed, "closed" chromatin, to more closely model DEB reactivity in vivo. These initial studies have been performed in chicken liver homogenates. Preliminarily, we have found a dose-dependent DEB lesion-forming response within "open" chromatin. DEB appears to have little-to-no effect upon regions of "closed" chromatin.
Introduction: Mouth cancer is classified as having one of the ten highest cancer incidences in the world. In Brazil, the incidence and mortality rates of oral cancer are among the highest in the world. Intraoral cancer (tongue, gum, floor of the mouth, and other non-specified parts of the mouth), the accumulated survival rate after five years is less than 50%. Objectives: Estimate the accumulated survival probability after five years and adjust the Cox regression model for mouth and oropharyngeal cancers, according to age range, sex, morphology, and location, for the city of Natal. Describe the mortality and incidence coefficients of oral and oropharyngeal cancer and their tendencies in the city of Natal, between 1980 and 2001 and between 1997 and 2001, respectively. Methods: Survival data of patients registered between 1997 and 2001 was obtained from the Population-based Cancer Record of Natal. Differences between the survival curves were tested using the log-rank test. The Cox proportional risk model was used to estimate risk ratios. The simple linear regression model was used for tendency analyses of the mortality and incidence coefficients. Results: The probability after five years was 22.9%. The patients with undifferentiated malignant neoplasia were 4.7 times more at risk of dying than those with epidermoid carcinoma, whereas the patients with oropharyngeal cancer had 2.0 times more at risk of dying than those with mouth cancer. The mouth cancer mortality and incidence coefficients for Natal were 4.3 and 2.9 per 100 000 inhabitants, respectively. The oropharyngeal cancer mortality and incidence coefficients were, respectively, 1.1 and 0.7 per 100 000 87 inhabitants. Conclusions: A low survival rate after five years was identified. Patients with oropharyngeal cancer had a greater risk of dying, independent of the factors considered in this study. Also independent of other factors, undifferentiated malignant neoplasia posed a greater risk of death. The magnitudes of the incidence coefficients found are not considered elevated, whereas the magnitudes of the mortality coefficients are high
Post-menopause is a period of women s life cycle that is characterized by estrogen depletion and therefore increasing cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, urogenital atrophy, osteoporosis, hot flushes and sexual discomfort incidences. Estrogen is a hormone with comfirmed antioxidant action and its depletion is related to oxidative stress instalation and damaging various important biomolecules. Regular physical activity has been identified as a factor involved in reducing women s post-menopausal complications in addition to improving antioxidant defense by reducing the oxidative damage and consequently improving life s quality in this part of the population. This study aims to evaluate the influence of hypoestrogenism in antioxidant adaptation due to regular exercise, by determining reduced glutathione (GSH) and Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances (SRAT) concentrations and antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase (GPx), Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) and Catalase (CAT) activities in blood, brain and liver of rats. To achieve this goal we used 50 Wistar rats, weighing 180-250g which were divided into two groups, control - GC (25) and ooforectomized - GO (25). Each group was subdivided into five subgroups: Not-trained - S (5), Not-trained Acute Exercise - SEA (5), regular exercise 30 days - E30 (5), regular exercise 60 days - E60 (5) and regular exercise 90 days - E90 (5). Each of the three subgroups exercised regularly was subjected to acute exercise on the eve and the day of sacrifice to collect biological samples of blood, liver and brain and subsequent determination of SRAT concentration, GSH content and antioxidant enzymes GPx, SOD and CAT activities. The results indicated that the sedentary animals acutely exercised presented oxidative stress and regular physical activity led to antioxidant adaptation. In ooforectomized group the antioxidant adaptation seen in control animals showed to be impaired. Unlike the results from blood and liver, in brain there was a shield against oxidative damage originated by the exercise and that hypoestrogenism led to a loss of this natural antioxidant potential. Therefore, hypoestrogenism interferes negatively in antioxidant adaptation due to regular exercise
O experimento foi instalado com o objetivo de estudar o desempenho agronômico de cultivares de bananeira Prata-anã e Maçã, na região de São Manuel-SP. Foram avaliadas as seguintes características de desenvolvimento, no primeiro ciclo de produção: número de dias do plantio à floração e da mesma à colheita, número de rebentos (filhos) emitidos até o surgimento da inflorescência e na época da colheita, número de folhas ativas na época do aparecimento da inflorescência e da colheita, e características de rendimento, como peso médio do cacho, ráquis, penca e fruto, número médio de frutos por penca e cacho, comprimento e diâmetro médio dos frutos. Também foi avaliada a incidência de pragas e doenças. Foi empregado o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com 2 tratamentos, 15 repetições e 5 plantas úteis por parcela experimental. As duas cultivares foram caracterizadas pelos valores das estatísticas descritivas, média e desvio-padrão, para as características de interesse no experimento. Foram estabelecidas possíveis correlações entre medidas de desenvolvimento e produção. As duas cultivares apresentaram ciclo do plantio até a colheita de 574 dias para 'Prata-anã' e 567 dias para 'Maçã', sendo que o ciclo produtivo foi maior na 'Prata-anã'. Não houve problemas de pragas e doenças em todo o ciclo de produção, nas duas cultivares avaliadas.