337 resultados para ileal interposition


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Récemment encore, la neuro-genèse chez le primate adulte était supposée limitée aux régions précises que sont le bulbe olfactif, la zone sous-granulaire de l'hippocampe et la région sous- ventriculaire. Depuis lors, des cellules neurales progénitrices distribuées dans l'ensemble du cortex du primate adulte furent mises en évidence. Cultivées in vitro, ces cellules forment des écosystèmes cellulaires nerveux constitués de progéniteurs neuronaux, d'astrocytes et d'oligo- dendrocytes. Transplantés sur un modèle de primate parkinsonien, certains progéniteurs complètent leur différentiation en neurones matures et développent des propriétés neuro- trophiques et neuro-protectrices. Injectées aux environs d'une lésion cérébrale, ces cellules offrent un bénéfice fonctionnel et comportemental significatif. Le présent projet mesure l'activité électro-physiologique du tissu nerveux obtenu par culture de biopsies corticales humaines adultes, de sorte à déterminer son aptitude à intégrer l'information. Des biopsies corticales humaines adultes furent cultivées in vitro avec succès sur un support Micro-Electrode-Array. Cette technologie permet l'acquisition d'enregistrements électro- physiologiques à l'échelle des circuits, au sein d'un tissu maintenu en culture. En parallèle, une mesure de l'activité à l'échelle cellulaire fut obtenue par l'application du Patch Clamp à des cellules cultivées sur un support de verre. Malgré une culture prolongée et l'induction d'une différentiation neuronale, aucune activité électro-physiologique significative ne put être démontrée. Une analyse phénotypique à un stade intermédiaire de culture montra l'expression prometteuse du marqueur neuronal précoce β-Tubulin-III. Cependant, après l'induction d'une différenciation neuronale, la surprenante co-expression de marqueurs astroglial (GFAP) et neuronal (MAP2) fut constatée. Le silence électro-physiologique issu des enregistrements sur MEA peut être l'oeuvre d'un isolement des cellules électriquement actives, et d'un défaut d'organisation en réseau. Une interposition de tissu glial entre neurones et électrodes peut également absorber le signal. Par ailleurs, les cellules enregistrées par Patch Clamp furent déterminées selon le seul critère morphologique ; leur nature exacte demeure inconnue. Les analyses phénotypiques laissent supposer l'entrée dans une voie de maturation neuronale par l'expression du marqueur β- Tubulin-III. Toutefois le phénotype exprimé au terme du processus de culture reste incertain. Des facteurs de maturation ou environnementaux semblent faire défaut à la complétion d'une différentiation neuronale. La culture de neurones bien différenciés et électriquement actifs appelle de nouvelles études in vivo, ainsi qu'une analyse fine des voies intracellulaires de maturation.


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Thirty-four years old patient, female, husband died of AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Síndrome). She's confined to Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto, with a positive tesT for AIDS, fever, 10 kg/month of weight loss, diarrhea with gummy faeces, productive cough, yellowish sputum. The therapy was initiated, symptomatic, associated to Epivir, Saquinavir and AZT. The searching exams for Alcohol Ácid Resistant Bacili and fungi in the sputum were negative. At the hemogram was shown a pancytopenia, the esophagogastroduodenunscopy showed light esophago moniliasis. During commitment presented a perforating acute abdomen chart, the abdominal radiography showed hidroair levels, pneumoperitoneum, enlarced bowels with swollen wall. She was undertaken a surgery with diagnosis hypothesis of cytomegalovirus perforation, which accordin to literature is the most frequent cause of intestinal perforation in patients with AIDS.


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Intestinal complications after laparoscopic cholecystectomy are rare and usually caused by direct injury sustained on trocar insertion. However, intestinal ischaemia has been reported as an unusual complication of the pneumoperitoneum. We describe a 55-years-old patient who underwent an uneventful laparoscopic cholecystectomy after an episode of acute cholecystitis. Initial recovery was complicated by development of increasing abdominal pain which led to open laparotomy on day 2. Gangrene of the distal ileum and right-sided colon was detected and small bowel resection with right colectomy and primary anastomosis was performed. Histological examination of the resected ileum showed features of venous hemorragic infarction and trombosis. In view of the proximity of the operation it is assumed that ileal ischaemia was precipitated by carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum. Some studies have been demonstrated that, within 30 minutes of establishing a pneumoperitoneum at an intraabdominal pressure of 16 mmHg, cardiac output, blood flow in the superior mesenteric artery and portal vein decrease progressively. Carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum may lead to mechanical compression of the splanchnic veins and mesenteric vasoconstriction as a result of carbon dioxide absortion. The distribution of the ischaemic segment of intestine is also unusual as the most precarious blood supply is traditionally at the splenic flexure of the colon. It has been suggested that intermittent decompression of the abdomen reduces the risk of mesenteric ischaemia during penumoperitoneum especially in patients with predisposing clinical features for arteriosclerosis intestinal. In present patient was observed intestinal venous infarction what remains unclear but we think the carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum have been related to it.


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OBJETIVO: Translocação bacteriana (TB) é fenômeno associado a bactérias aeróbicas e, assim, drogas anaerobicidas poderiam favorecer a ocorrência deste fenômeno. Avaliar o efeito do metronidazol na morfologia intestinal e na ocorrência de TB na vigência ou não de obstrução intestinal. MÉTODO: Oitenta ratos Wistar foram randomizados para dois grupos: Metronidazol (n=40) e Soro Fisiológico (n=40). Cada grupo foi subdividido em quatro subgrupos de dez animais, denominados sem laparotomia, com laparotomia, com obstrução do íleo e com obstrução do sigmóide. Os animais receberam metronidazol ou soro fisiológico por 72h sendo os procedimentos de cada subgrupo realizados após 48h do início da medicação. Após a morte dos animais, os linfonodos mesentéricos, baço, fígado e sangue portal foram enviados para pesquisa de TB. Biópsias do jejuno, íleo e sigmóide foram avaliadas histomorfometricamente. RESULTADOS: Houve maior mortalidade no grupo controle dentre os animais com obstrução intestinal. Não houve repercussões morfológicas com a utilização do metronidazol. A TB no grupo metronidazol (8/40; 20%) foi maior que nos controles (1/40; 2,5%; p=0.028) no subgrupo sem laparotomia. No subgrupo com obstrução ileal ocorreu mais translocação no grupo soro fisiológico quando comparado com o metronidazol (27/40; 67,5% vs. 7/40; 17,5%; p<0.001). Ocorreu mais translocação para linfonodos no grupo metronidazol com obstrução do sigmóide. CONCLUSÕES: Os achados sugerem que bactérias anaeróbicas protegem o organismo contra TB em ratos com trânsito intestinal preservado. Em animais com obstrução intestinal o local da obstrução influencia a translocação com uso do metronidazol. Na vigência de obstrução, o uso de metronidazol diminui a mortalidade dos animais.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência de uma dieta suplementada com glutamina sobre as alterações adaptativas no intestino delgado de ratos com enterectomia extensa. MÉTODO: Vinte ratos Wistar, divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos de dez animais, foram enterectomizados e alimentados com dois tipos diferentes de dieta nos 14 dias de pós-operatório: grupo controle (GC)-dieta padrão; grupo glutamina (GG)-dietapadrão acrescida de 3,05% de glutamina. Avaliou-se evolução ponderal, peso da mucosa intestinal (PM), profundidade das criptas (PC), altura das vilosidades (AV), espessura da parede (EP) e o conteúdo de ácido desoxirribonucléico (DNA) na mucosa intestinal, no início e no final do experimento. RESULTADOS: Com exceção da PC ileal do Grupo GG, todas as variáveis estudadas tiveram um aumento significativo em seus valores finais tanto no jejuno quanto no íleo (p<0,05).Entre os grupos, a comparação do PM, AV, DNA da mucosa, no jejuno e no íleo, tanto inicialmente quanto no final do estudo, bem como da EP inicial no jejuno e íleo eda PC no jejuno final e no íleo inicial e final não mostraram diferenças significativas (p>0,05). No jejuno inicial, a PC no grupo GC foi maior (p=0,005). A EP do jejuno e íleo final foi maior no grupo GC. CONCLUSÃO: A suplementação dietética com a glutamina não melhorou as alterações adaptativas que ocorrem no remanescente intestinal.


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OBJETIVO: analisar através de biologia molecular a diversidade da microbiota da junção ileocecal antes e após a ressecção da válvula ileocecal e reconstrução do trânsito com e sem a criação de "neoesfíncter". MÉTODOS: Os animais foram distribuídos em dois grupos: Grupo A (n=7) com ressecção da válvula ileocecal e anastomose ileocólica término-terminal em plano único, e Grupo B (n=7) com ressecção da válvula ileocecal e anastomose ileocólica término-terminal em plano único e confecção do esfíncter artificial. Reoperados com 20 dias coletou-se novamente conteúdo intraluminar do íleo e do cólon. Das amostras coletadas, extraiu-se DNA para reação de PCR-DGGE. Os padrões de bandas eletroforéticas , gerados na reação, foram submetidos ao programa Bionumerics para análise da similaridade e da diversidade da microbiota. RESULTADOS: a diversidade da microbiota foi maior e em mais amostras do íleo do que as do cólon. O grupo com a válvula apresentou os maiores valores e variações no cólon de 2,11 a 2,93. Em três animais de cada grupo estabeleceu-se comparação da similaridade e não se assemelharam ao controle. CONCLUSÃO: a ressecção da válvula ileocecal levou à mudanças da microbiota ileal e, com a criação de novo esfíncter, as variações foram maiores.


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OBJECTIVE: To verify whether the ileal exclusion interferes with liver and kidney functional changes secondary to extrahepatic cholestasis.METHODS: We studied 24 rats, divided into three groups with eight individuals each: Group 1 (control), Group 2 (ligation of the hepatic duct combined with internal biliary drainage), and Group 3 (bile duct ligation combined with internal biliary drainage and exclusion of the terminal ileum). Animals in Group 1 (control) underwent sham laparotomy. The animals of groups 2 and 3 underwent ligation and section of the hepatic duct and were kept in cholestasis for four weeks. Next, they underwent an internal biliary bypass. In Group 3, besides the biliary-enteric bypass, we associated the exclusion of the last ten centimeters of the terminal ileum and carried out an ileocolic anastomosis. After four weeks of monitoring, blood was collected from all animals of the three groups for liver and kidney biochemical evaluation (albumin, ALT, AST, direct and indirect bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, cGT, creatinine and urea).RESULTS: there were increased values of ALT, AST, direct bilirubin, cGT, creatinine and urea in rats from Group 3 (p < 0.05).CONCLUSION: ileal exclusion worsened liver and kidney functions in the murine model of extrahepatic cholestasis, being disadvantageous as therapeutic procedure for cholestatic disorders.


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Introdução: a peritonite meconial, como resultado da perfuração intestinal fetal, apresenta baixa incidência (1:30.000 nascimentos) e elevada mortalidade (em torno de 50%). Os achados ecográficos pré-natais incluem ascite e calcificações intra-abdominais. Há evidências de que o diagnóstico pré-natal possa melhorar o prognóstico pós-natal. Relato do Caso: R.C.M.S., 22 anos, II gesta O para, realizou ultra-sonografia em 02/12/98 com diagnóstico de ascite fetal. Fez investigação para hidropisia fetal, afastando-se causas imunes e não-imunes. Foram realizados ecografias seriadas em que se manteve a imagem de ascite fetal acentuada, sem calcificações. Parto normal em 02/01/99, com 36 semanas, observando-se volumoso poliidrâmnio. Recém-nascido do sexo feminino pesando 2.670 gramas, com sinais de desconforto respiratório, abdome distendido e com petéquias. Apresentou aumento progressivo da distensão abdominal, palpação de massa pétrea no hipocôndrio direito e eliminação de muco branco ao toque retal. Raios-x em 04/01/99 com imagem de extensas calcificações abdominais, distensão de alças intestinais e ausência de gás na ampola retal. Hipótese diagnóstica de peritonite meconial. Indicada laparotomia exploradora em 04/01/99, encontrando-se volumoso cisto meconial e atresia ileal, realizando-se lise de aderências e ileostomia em dupla boca. Evolução satisfatória nos primeiros dias de pós-operatório, complicada posteriormente por quadro séptico, verificando-se o óbito neonatal em 09/01/99. Conclusão: a peritonite meconial deve ser lembrada no diagnóstico diferencial das causas de ascite fetal. O diagnóstico pré-natal no presente caso poderia ter antecipado a indicação cirúrgica, com possível melhora da evolução neonatal.


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Samples of mesenteric lymph nodes and intestines from 79 unthrifty 3- to 5-month-old postweaning pigs, confirmed as naturally affected with postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS), were studied. Pigs originated from 12 farms in southern Brazil and were selected on the basis of clinical signs and/or gross lesions suggestive of enteric disorder. Lymphohistiocytic infiltrates of varying intensity were associated with anti-porcine circovirus type 2 (anti-PCV2) immunostaining (IS) in samples of intestines and mesenteric lymph nodes from all pigs. Although most findings were similar to those described in PCV2-associated enteritis, anti-PCV2 IS in association with depletion of the goblet cell mucin stores (24 pigs), diffuse ileal villous atrophy and fusion (18 pigs), and dilatation of the lymphatic vessels (11 pigs) combined or not with lymphangitis were also observed. PCV2 antigen was immunohistochemically demonstrated in the cytoplasm and nuclei from intralesional epithelial cells, histiocytes, and endothelial-like cells in intestinal tissues. Together these findings imply an association with PCV2. The presence of co-infections by Lawsonia intracellularis, Brachyspira spp., Mycobacterium spp., Salmonella spp., rotavirus, parvovirus, coronavirus and enteric calicivirus with PCV2 in the intestinal lesions was investigated.


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We determined the effect of acute extracellular fluid volume changes on saline flow through 4 gut segments (ileocolonic, ileal, ileocolonic sphincter and proximal colon), perfused at constant pressure in anesthetized dogs. Two different experimental protocols were used: hypervolemia (iv saline infusion, 0.9% NaCl, 20 ml/min, volume up to 5% body weight) and controlled hemorrhage (up to a 50% drop in mean arterial pressure). Mean ileocolonic flow (N = 6) was gradually and significantly decreased during the expansion (17.1%, P<0.05) and expanded (44.9%, P<0.05) periods while mean ileal flow (N = 7) was significantly decreased only during the expanded period (38%, P<0.05). Mean colonic flow (N = 7) was decreased during expansion (12%, P<0.05) but returned to control levels during the expanded period. Mean ileocolonic sphincter flow (N = 6) was not significantly modified. Mean ileocolonic flow (N = 10) was also decreased after hemorrhage (retracted period) by 17% (P<0.05), but saline flow was not modified in the other separate circuits (N = 6, 5 and 4 for ileal, ileocolonic sphincter and colonic groups, respectively). The expansion effect was blocked by atropine (0.5 mg/kg, iv) both on the ileocolonic (N = 6) and ileal (N = 5) circuits. Acute extracellular fluid volume retraction and expansion increased the lower gastrointestinal resistances to saline flow. These effects, which could physiologically decrease the liquid volume being supplied to the colon, are possible mechanisms activated to acutely balance liquid volume deficit and excess.


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We have investigated the effects of L-arginine, D-arginine and L-lysine on airway smooth muscle responsiveness to spasmogens in vitro. Both L-arginine and D-arginine (100 mM) significantly reduced the contractile potency and maximal contractile response to histamine but not to methacholine or potassium chloride in guinea-pig epithelium-denuded isolated trachea. Similarly, the contractile response to histamine was significantly reduced by L-arginine (100 mM) in rabbit epithelium-denuded isolated bronchus. The amino acid L-lysine (100 mM) failed to significantly alter the contractile potency of histamine in guinea-pig isolated trachea (P>0.05). In guinea-pig isolated trachea precontracted with histamine, both L-arginine and D-arginine produced a concentration-dependent relaxation which was not significantly altered by epithelium removal or by the presence of the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, NG-nitro L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME; 50 µM). Thus, at very high concentrations, arginine exhibit a non-competitive antagonism of histamine-induced contraction of isolated airway preparations that was independent of the generation of nitric oxide and was not dependent on charge. These observations confirm previous studies of cutaneous permeability responses and of contractile responses of guinea-pig isolated ileal smooth muscle. Taken together, the data suggest that high concentrations of arginine can exert an anti-histamine effect.


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The study was performed to investigate possible alterations in oxygen consumption in an animal model with broad intestinal resection. Oxygen consumption and the thermal effect of a short meal were measured in rats subjected to short bowel syndrome. Four groups of rats were used. Group I was the control group, group II was sham operated, group III was submitted to 80% jejunum-ileum resection, and group IV was submitted to 80% jejunum-ileum resection with colon interposition. Ninety days after surgery, oxygen consumption was measured over a period of 6 h with the animals fasted overnight. The thermal effect of feeding was determined in another session of oxygen consumption measurement in animals fasted for 12 h. A 12-kcal meal was then introduced into the animal chamber and oxygen consumption was measured for a further 4 h. No differences in fasting oxygen consumption or in the thermal effect of the meal were detected among the groups studied. It is concluded that short bowel syndrome does not affect the overall energy expenditure of rats.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Cistite glandular é um processo proliferativo benigno e infrequente da mucosa vesical, caracterizado por proliferação do epitélio e, em alguns casos, formação de glândulas intestinais. Alterações metaplásicas na cistite glandular são bem documentadas na literatura, embora sua etiologia não seja totalmente esclarecida. RELATO DO CASO: Relatamos um caso de cistite glandular em um paciente de 55 anos, apresentando sintomas miccionais irritativos e obstrutivos persistentes sem resposta à terapia com alfabloqueadores. Ultrassonografia evidenciou lesão vegetante no trígono vesical e o paciente foi submetido à ressecção endoscópica por duas vezes e evoluiu com ureterohidronefrose bilateral. Dado o extenso acometimento vesical e a persistência dos sintomas, o paciente foi submetido a cistoprostatectomia e neobexiga ileal com boa evolução pós-operatória. DISCUSSÃO: Há duas formas de cistite glandular: típica e intestinal. A forma típica é a mais comum e a intestinal é marcada pela produção de mucina, mais frequentemente associada ao adenocarcinoma de bexiga. A maioria dos casos de cistite glandular é assintomática, sendo que os pacientes sintomáticos normalmente apresentam hematúria, sintomas urinários irritativos e típicos de cistite crônica. Há controvérsias sobre o tratamento precoce agressivo, sendo que vários estudos propõem a ressecção transuretral e o acompanhamento com biópsias.


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At head of title: [43]. On the memorial asking interposition of Congress in a suit brought against him by John Donnell, for the detention of Schooner Eleanor by the Squadron under his command. "U.S. 14th Congress, 1st Session, 1815-1816. House report." Author Continued: United States. 14th Congress, 1st Session, 1815-1816. House. Report 43.; United States. 14th Congress, 1st Session, 1815-1816.