982 resultados para histone H3 acetylation


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5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (DAC) is a cytidine analogue that strongly inhibits DNA methylation, and was recently approved for the treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). To maximize clinical results with DAC, we investigated its use as an anti-cancer drug. We also investigated mechanisms of resistance to DAC in vitro in cancer cell lines and in vivo in MDS patients after relapse. We found DAC sensitized cells to the effect of 1-β-D-Arabinofuranosylcytosine (Ara-C). The combination of DAC and Ara-C or Ara-C following DAC showed additive or synergistic effects on cell death in four human leukemia cell lines in vitro, but antagonism in terms of global methylation. RIL gene activation and H3 lys-9 acetylation of short interspersed elements (Alu). One possible explanation is that hypomethylated cells are sensitized to cell killing by Ara-C. Turning to resistance, we found that the IC50 of DAC differed 1000 fold among and was correlated with the dose of DAC that induced peak hypomethylation of long interspersed nuclear elements (LINE) (r=0.94, P<0.001), but not with LINE methylation at baseline (r=0.05, P=0.97). Sensitivity to DAC did not significantly correlate with sensitivity to another hypomethylating agent 5-azacytidine (AZA) (r=0.44, P=0.11). The cell lines most resistant to DAC had low dCK, hENT1, and hENT2 transporters and high cytosine deaminase (CDA). In an HL60 leukemia cell line, resistance to DAC could be rapidly induced by drug exposure, and was related to a switch from monoallelic to biallelic mutation of dCK or a loss of wild type DCK allele. Furthermore, we showed that DAC induced DNA breaks evidenced by histone H2AX phosphorylation and increased homologous recombination rates 7-10 folds. Finally, we found there were no dCK mutations in MDS patients after relapse. Cytogenetics showed that three of the patients acquired new abnormalities at relapse. These data suggest that in vitro spontaneous and acquired resistance to DAC can be explained by insufficient incorporation of drug into DNA. In vivo resistance to DAC is likely due to methylation-independent pathways such as chromosome changes. The lack of cross resistance between DAC and AZA is of potential clinical relevance, as is the combination of DAC and Ara-C. ^


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Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) are anti-cancer drugs that primarily act upon acetylation of histones, however they also increase levels of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS). We hypothesized that agents that cause oxidative stress might enhance the efficacy of HDACi. To test this hypothesis, we treated acute lymphocytic leukemia cells (ALL) with HDACi and adaphostin (ROS generating agent). The combination of two different HDACi (vorinostat or entinostat) with adaphostin synergistically induced apoptosis in ALL. This synergistic effect was blocked when cells were pre-treated with the caspase-9 inhibitor, LEHD. In addition, we showed that loss of the mitochondrial membrane potential is the earliest event observed starting at 12 h. Following this event, we observed increased levels of superoxide at 16 h, and ultimately caspase-3 activation. Pre-treatment with the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) blocked ROS generation and reversed the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential for both combinations. Interestingly, DNA fragmentation and caspase-3 activity was only blocked by NAC in cells treated with vorinostat-adaphostin; but not with entinostat-adaphostin. These results suggest that different redox mechanisms are involved in the induction of ROS-mediated apoptosis. To further understand these events, we studied the role of the antioxidants glutathione (GSH) and thioredoxin (Trx). We found that the combination of entinostat-adaphostin induced acetylation of the antioxidant thioredoxin (Trx) and decreased intracellular levels of GSH. However, no effect on Trx activity was observed in either combination. In addition, pre-treatment with GSH ethyl ester, a soluble form of GSH, did not block DNA fragmentation. Together these results suggested that GSH and Trx are not major players in the induction of oxidative stress. Array data examining the expression of genes involved in oxidative stress demonstrated a differential regulation between cells treated with vorinostat-adaphostin and entinostat-adaphostin. Some of the genes differentially expressed between the combinations include aldehyde oxidase 1, glutathione peroxidase-5, -6, peroxiredoxin 6 and myeloperoxidase. Taken together, these experimental results indicate that the synergistic activity of two different HDACi with adaphostin is mediated by distinct redox mechanisms in ALL cells. Understanding the mechanism involved in these combinations will advance scientific knowledge of how the action of HDACi could be augmented in leukemia models. Moreover, this information could be used for the development of effective clinical trials combining HDACi with other anticancer agents.


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Histone deacetylases such as human HDAC1 and yeast RPD3 are trichostatin A (TSA)-sensitive enzymes that are members of large, multiprotein complexes. These contain specialized subunits that help target the catalytic protein to histones at the appropriate DNA regulatory element, where the enzyme represses transcription. To date, no deacetylase catalytic subunits have been shown to have intrinsic activity, suggesting that noncatalytic subunits of the deacetylase complex are required for their enzymatic function. In this paper we describe a novel yeast histone deacetylase HOS3 that is relatively insensitive to the histone deacetylase inhibitor TSA, forms a homodimer when expressed ectopically both in yeast and Escherichia coli, and has intrinsic activity when produced in the bacterium. Most HOS3 protein can be found associated with a larger complex in partially purified yeast nuclear extracts, arguing that the HOS3 homodimer may be dissociated from a very large nuclear structure during purification. We also demonstrate, using a combination of mass spectrometry, tandem mass spectrometry, and proteolytic digestion, that recombinant HOS3 has a distinct specificity in vitro for histone H4 sites K5 and K8, H3 sites K14 and K23, H2A site K7, and H2B site K11. We propose that while factors that interact with HOS3 may sequester the catalytic subunit at specific cellular sites, they are not required for HOS3 histone deacetylase activity.


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The recurring translocation t(11;16)(q23;p13.3) has been documented only in cases of acute leukemia or myelodysplasia secondary to therapy with drugs targeting DNA topoisomerase II. We show that the MLL gene is fused to the gene that codes for CBP (CREB-binding protein), the protein that binds specifically to the DNA-binding protein CREB (cAMP response element-binding protein) in this translocation. MLL is fused in-frame to a different exon of CBP in two patients producing chimeric proteins containing the AT-hooks, methyltransferase homology domain, and transcriptional repression domain of MLL fused to the CREB binding domain or to the bromodomain of CBP. Both fusion products retain the histone acetyltransferase domain of CBP and may lead to leukemia by promoting histone acetylation of genomic regions targeted by the MLL AT-hooks, leading to transcriptional deregulation via aberrant chromatin organization. CBP is the first partner gene of MLL containing well defined structural and functional motifs that provide unique insights into the potential mechanisms by which these translocations contribute to leukemogenesis.


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Histone acetylation is thought to have a role in transcription. To gain insight into the role of histone acetylation in retinoid-dependent transcription, we studied the effects of trichostatin A (TSA), a specific inhibitor of histone deacetylase, on P19 embryonal carcinoma cells. We show that coaddition of TSA and retinoic acid (RA) markedly enhances neuronal differentiation in these cells, although TSA alone does not induce differentiation but causes extensive apoptosis. Consistent with the cooperative effect of TSA and RA, coaddition of the two agents synergistically enhanced transcription from stably integrated RA-responsive promoters. The transcriptional synergy by TSA and RA required the RA-responsive element and a functional retinoid X receptor (RXR)/retinoic acid receptor (RAR) heterodimer, both obligatory for RA-dependent transcription. Furthermore, TSA led to promoter activation by an RXR-selective ligand that was otherwise inactive in transcription. In addition, TSA enhanced transcription from a minimum basal promoter, independently of the RA-responsive element. Finally, we show that TSA alone or in combination with RA increases in vivo endonuclease sensitivity within the RA-responsive promoter, suggesting that TSA treatment might alter a local chromatin environment to enhance RXR/RAR heterodimer action. Thus, these results indicate that histone acetylation influences activity of the heterodimer, which is in line with the observed interaction between the RXR/RAR heterodimer and a histone acetylase presented elsewhere.


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Virally transduced genes are often silenced after integration into the host genome. Chromatin immunoprecipitation and nuclease sensitivity experiments now demonstrate that silencing of the transgene is characterized by deacetylation of histone H4 lysines and chromatin condensation. Trichostatin A treatment results in dramatic reactivation of gene expression that is preceded by histone acetylation and chromatin decondensation. Analysis of individual histone H4 lysines demonstrate that chromatin domain opening is coincident with rapid acetylation of histone H4 K5, K12, and K16 and that maintenance of the open domain is correlated with acetylation of histone H4 K8. Removal of trichostatin A results in rapid deacetylation of histone H4 K8, chromatin condensation, and transcription silencing. The results suggest that deacetylation of histone H4 lysines and coincident chromatin condensation are critically involved in the silencing of virally transduced genes.


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DNA methylation of tumor suppressor genes is a common feature of human cancer. The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor gene p16/Ink4A is hypermethylated in a wide range of malignant tissues and the p14/ARF gene located 20 kb upstream on chromosome 9p21 is also methylated in carcinomas. p14/ARF (ARF, alternative reading frame) does not inhibit the activities of cyclins or cyclin-dependent kinase complexes; however, the importance of the two gene products in the etiology of cancer resides in their involvement in two major cell cycle regulatory pathways: p53 and the retinoblastoma protein, Rb, respectively. Distinct first exons driven from separate promoters are spliced onto the common exons 2 and 3 and the resulting proteins are translated in different reading frames. Both genes are expressed in normal cells but can be alternatively or coordinately silenced when their CpG islands are hypermethylated. Herein, we examined the presence of methyl-CpG binding proteins associated with aberrantly methylated promoters, the distribution of acetylated histones H3 and H4 by chromatin immunoprecipitation assays, and the effect of chemical treatment with 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine (5aza-dC) and trichostatin A on gene induction in colon cell lines by quantitative reverse transcriptase–PCR. We observed that the methyl-CpG binding protein MBD2 is targeted to methylated regulatory regions and excludes the acetylated histones H3 and H4, resulting in a localized inactive chromatin configuration. When methylated, the genes can be induced by 5aza-dC but the combined action of 5aza-dC and trichostatin A results in robust gene expression. Thus, methyl-CpG binding proteins and histone deacetylases appear to cooperate in vivo, with a dominant effect of DNA methylation toward histone acetylation, and repress expression of tumor suppressor genes hypermethylated in cancers.


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Transcription of the genes for the human histone proteins H4, H3, H2A, H2B, and H1 is activated at the G1/S phase transition of the cell cycle. We have previously shown that the promoter complex HiNF-D, which interacts with cell cycle control elements in multiple histone genes, contains the key cell cycle factors cyclin A, CDC2, and a retinoblastoma (pRB) protein-related protein. However, an intrinsic DNA-binding subunit for HiNF-D was not identified. Many genes that are up-regulated at the G1/S phase boundary are controlled by E2F, a transcription factor that associates with cyclin-, cyclin-dependent kinase-, and pRB-related proteins. Using gel-shift immunoassays, DNase I protection, and oligonucleotide competition analyses, we show that the homeodomain protein CDP/cut, not E2F, is the DNA-binding subunit of the HiNF-D complex. The HiNF-D (CDP/cut) complex with the H4 promoter is immunoreactive with antibodies against CDP/cut and pRB but not p107, whereas the CDP/cut complex with a nonhistone promoter (gp91-phox) reacts only with CDP and p107 antibodies. Thus, CDP/cut complexes at different gene promoters can associate with distinct pRB-related proteins. Transient coexpression assays show that CDP/cut modulates H4 promoter activity via the HiNF-D-binding site. Hence, DNA replication-dependent histone H4 genes are regulated by an E2F-independent mechanism involving a complex of CDP/cut with cyclin A/CDC2/ RB-related proteins.


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Macronuclei of the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila possess a histone acetyltransferase activity closely associated with transcription-related histone acetylation. Nothing definitive is known concerning the polypeptide composition of this activity in Tetrahymena or any comparable activity from any cellular source. An acetyltransferase activity gel assay was developed which identifies a catalytically active subunit of this enzyme in Tetrahymena. This activity gel assay detects a single polypeptide of 55 kDa (p55) in crude macronuclear extracts, as well as in column-purified fractions, which incorporates [3H]acetate from [3H]acetyl-CoA into core histone substrates polymerized directly into SDS polyacrylamide gels. p55 copurifies precisely with acetyltransferase activity through all chromatographic steps examined, including reverse-phase HPLC. Gel-filtration chromatography of this activity indicates a molecular mass of 220 kDa, suggesting that the native enzyme may consist of four identical subunits of 55 kDa. Furthermore, p55 is tightly associated with di- and greater polynucleosomes and therefore may be defined as a component of histone acetyltransferase type A--i.e., chromatin associated.


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The NF-κB family member p65 is central to inflammation and immunity. The purpose of this study was to identify and characterize evolutionary conserved genes modulating p65 transcriptional activity. Using an RNAi screening approach, we identified chaperonin containing TCP1 subunit η (CCTη) as a regulator of Drosophila NF-κB proteins, Dorsal and Dorsal-related immunity factor (Dif). CCTη was also found to regulate NF-κB-driven transcription in mammalian cells, acting in a promoter-specific context, downstream of IκB kinase (IKK). CCTη knockdown repressed IκBα and CXCL2/MIP2 transcription during the early phase of NF-κB activation while impairing the termination of CCL5/RANTES and CXCL10/IP10 transcription. The latter effect was associated with increased DNA binding and reduced p65 acetylation, presumably by altering the activity of histone acetyltransferase CREB-binding protein (CBP). We identified p65 lysines (K) 122 and 123 as target residues mediating the CCTη-driven termination of NF-κB-dependent transcription. We propose that CCTη regulates NF-κB activity in a manner that resolves inflammation.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) are a promising new class of chemotherapeutic drug currently in early phase clinical trials. A large number of structurally diverse HDACi have been purified or synthesised that mostly inhibit the activity of all eleven class I and II HDACs. While these agents demonstrate many features required for anti-cancer activity such as low toxicity against normal cells and an ability to inhibit tumor cell growth and survival at nanomolar concentrations, their mechanisms of action are largely unknown. Initially, a model was proposed whereby HDACi-mediated transactivation of a specific gene or set of genes was responsible for the inhibition of cell cycle progression or induction of apoptosis. Given that HDACs can regulate the activity of a number of nonhistone proteins and that histone acetylation is important for events such as DNA replication and mitosis that do not directly involve gene transcription, it appears that the initial mechanistic model for HDACi may have been too simple. Herein, we provide an update on the transcription-dependent and - independent events that may be important for the anti-tumor activities of HDACi and discuss the use of these compounds in combination with other chemotherapeutic drugs.


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Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease characterised by motor and non-motor symptoms, resulting from the degeneration of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons and peripheral autonomic neurons. Given the limited success of neurotrophic factors in clinical trials, there is a need to identify new small molecule drugs and drug targets to develop novel therapeutic strategies to protect all neurons that degenerate in PD. Epigenetic dysregulation has been implicated in neurodegenerative disorders, while targeting histone acetylation is a promising therapeutic avenue for PD. We and others have demonstrated that histone deacetylase inhibitors have neurotrophic effects in experimental models of PD. Activators of histone acetyltransferases (HAT) provide an alternative approach for the selective activation of gene expression, however little is known about the potential of HAT activators as drug therapies for PD. To explore this potential, the present study investigated the neurotrophic effects of CTPB (N-(4-chloro-3-trifluoromethyl-phenyl)-2-ethoxy-6-pentadecyl-benzamide), which is a potent small molecule activator of the histone acetyltransferase p300/CBP, in the SH-SY5Y neuronal cell line. We report that CTPB promoted the survival and neurite growth of the SH-SY5Y cells, and also protected these cells from cell death induced by the neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine. This study is the first to investigate the phenotypic effects of the HAT activator CTPB, and to demonstrate that p300/CBP HAT activation has neurotrophic effects in a cellular model of PD.


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Previous studies have associated the overexpression of histone deacetylase 2 (HDAC2) and the presence of TP53 mutations with the progression to advanced stage drug resistant colorectal cancer (CRC). However, the mechanistic link between HDAC2 expression and the TP53 mutational status has remained unexplored. Here, we investigated the function of HDAC2 in drug resistance by assessing the synergistic effects of DNA-targeted chemotherapeutic agents and HDAC inhibitors (HDACis) on two TP53-mutated colorectal adenocarcinoma CRC cell lines (SW480 and HT-29) and on the TP53-wild type carcinoma cell line (HCT116 p53+/+) and its TP53 deficient sub-line (HCT116 p53-/-). We showed that in the untreated SW480 and HT-29 cells the steady-state level of HDAC2 was low compared to a TP53-wild type carcinoma cell line (HCT116 p53+/+). Increased expression of HDAC2 correlated with drug resistance, and depletion by shRNA sensitised the multi-drug resistance cell line HT-29 to CRC chemotherapeutic drugs such as 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and oxaliplatin (Oxa). Combined treatment with the HDACi suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid plus 5-FU or Oxa reduced the level of HDAC2 expression, modified chromatin structure and induced mitotic cell death in HT-29 cells. Non-invasive bioluminescence imaging revealed significant reductions in xenograft tumour growth with HDAC2 expression level reduced to <50% in treated animals. Elevated levels of histone acetylation on residues H3K9, H4K12 and H4K16 were also found to be associated with resistance to VPA/Dox or SAHA/Dox treatment. Our results suggest that HDAC2 expression rather than the p53 mutation status influences the outcome of combined treatment with a HDACi and DNA-damaging agents in CRC.


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PURPOSE: Malignant rhabdoid tumor (MRT) and atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumors (ATRT) are rare aggressive undifferentiated tumors primarily affecting the kidney and CNS of infants and young children. MRT are almost exclusively characterized by homozygous deletion or inactivation of the chromatin remodeling gene SMARCB1 SMARCB1 protein loss leads to direct impairment of chromatin remodeling and we have previously reported a role for this protein in histone acetylation. This provided the rationale for investigating the therapeutic potential of histone deactylase inhibitors (HDACi) in MRT. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Whereas previously HDACis have been used at doses and schedules that induce cytotoxicity, in the current studies we have tested the hypothesis, both in vitro and in vivo, that sustained treatment of human MRT with low-dose HDACi can lead to sustained cell growth arrest and differentiation. RESULTS: Sustained low-dose panobinostat (LBH589) treatment led to changes in cellular morphology associated with a marked increase in the induction of neural, renal, and osteoblast differentiation pathways. Genome-wide transcriptional profiling highlighted differential gene expression supporting multilineage differentiation. Using mouse xenograft models, sustained low-dose LBH589 treatment caused tumor growth arrest associated with tumor calcification detectable by X-ray imaging. Histological analysis of LBH589-treated tumors revealed significant regions of ossification, confirmed by Alizarin Red staining. Immunohistochemical analysis showed increased TUJ1 and PAX2 staining suggestive of neuronal and renal differentiation, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Low-dose HDACi treatment can terminally differentiate MRT tumor cells and reduce their ability to self-renew. The use of low-dose HDACi as a novel therapeutic approach warrants further investigation.