487 resultados para hamster


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This study evaluated the effects of different amino acid formulations on supporting meiotic and cytoplasmic maturation of rhesus monkey (Macacca mulatta) oocytes in vitro. Five hundred and forty-six cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) aspirated from unstimulated adult monkey follicles (greater than or equal to 1000 mum in diameter) were cultured in either modified Connaught Medical Research Laboratories 1066 medium (mCMRL-1066) or in one of eight chemically defined media (modified basic medium 5 supplemented with 5.5 mmol glucose l(-1), 0.003 mmol pantothenic acid l(-1) and different amino acid formulations) as below: (1) modified basic medium 5 (mBM5) containing no amino acid; (2) mBM5 + 0.2 mmol glutamine l(-1); (3) mBM5 + 11 amino acids from hamster embryo culture medium 6 (HECM-6) (11 AA); (4) mBM5 + Eagle's non-essential amino acids (NEA); (5) mBM5 + NEA + 0.2 mmol glutamine l(-1); (6) mBM5 + Eagle's essential amino acids (EA) without glutamine; (7) mBM5 + EA + 0.2 mmol glutamine l(-1); (8) mBM5 + Eagle's 20 amino acids (20 AA) + 0.2 mmol glutamine l(-1); and (9) mCMRL-1066 (control). All media contained FSH, LH, oestradiol and progesterone. After maturation, mature oocytes were subjected to the same fertilization and embryo culture procedures. COCs matured in treatment 5 had greater potential to progress to metaphase II (66%; P < 0.05) than did those in treatments 1 (37.3%), 2 (48.3%)f 3 (41%), 6 (41%) and 9 (43%). Oocytes matured in treatment 8 had the best morula (53%) and blastocyst (18%) developmental responses (P<0.05). The lowest (P<0.05) morula and blastocyst developmental responses were obtained from COCs matured in treatments 1 (0%) and 6 (8%). The other media supported intermediate embryonic development (range 11-38% of morula and blastocyst). These results indicate that the choice of amino acids affects the competence of oocyte maturation and that Eagle's 20 AA with 0.2 mmol glutamine l(-1) is more efficient than the other amino acid formulations for maturation of rhesus monkey oocytes.


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A scheme based on a W-shaped axicon mirror device for total-internal-reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) is presented. This approach combines the advantages of higher efficiency compared with traditional TIRFM, adjustable illumination area, and simple switching between wide-field and TIRF imaging modes. TIRF images obtained with this approach are free of shadow artifacts and of interference fringes. Example micrographs of fluorescently labeled polystyrene beads, of Convallaria majalis tissue, and of Propidium-iodide-labeled Chinese hamster ovary cells are shown, and the capabilities of the scheme are discussed. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America


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To investigate the protective effects of melatonin against high-LET ionizing radiation, V79 Chinese hamster cells were irradiated with 100 keV/mu m carbon beam. Parallel experiments were performed with 200 kV X-rays. To avoid the impact from extra solvents, melatonin was dissolved directly in culture medium. Cells were cultured in melatonin medium for 1 hr before irradiation. Cell inactivation was measured with conventional colony forming assay, medium containing 6-thioguanine was used for the selection of mutants at hprt locus, and the cell cycle was monitored by flow cytometry. Both carbon beam and X-rays induced cell inactivation, hprt gene mutation and cell cycle G2 block dose-dependently. But carbon beam showed stronger effects as indicated by all three endpoints and the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) was 3.5 for cell killing (at 10% survival level) and 2.9 for mutation induction (at 5 x 10(-5) mutants/ cell level). Melatonin showed protective effects against ionizing radiation in a dose-dependent manner. In terms of cell killing, melatonin only increased the survival level of those samples exposed to 8Gy or larger of X-rays or 6 Gy or larger of carbon beam. In the induction of hprt mutation and G2 block, melatonin reduced such effects induced by carbon beam but not by X-rays. The results suggest that melatonin reduces the direct interaction of particles with cells rather than an indirect interaction. Further studies are required to disclose the underlying mechanisms.


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Background The application of polyethylenimine (PEI) in gene delivery has been severely limited by significant cytotoxicity that results from a nondegradable methylene backbone and high cationic charge density. It is therefore necessary to develop novel biodegradable PEI derivates for low-toxic, highly efficient gene delivery.Methods A series of novel cationic copolymers with various charge density were designed and synthesized by grafting different kinds of oligoethylenimine (OEI) onto a determinate multi-armed poly(L-glutamic acid) backbone. The molecular structures of multi-armed poly(L-glutamic acid)-graft-OEI (MP-g-OEI) copolymers were characterized using nuclear magnetic resonance, viscosimetry and gel permeation chromatography. Moreover, the MP-g-OEI/DNA complexes were measured by a gel retardation assay, dynamic light scattering and atomic force microscopy to determine DNA binding ability, particle size, zeta potential, complex formation and shape, respectively. MP-g-OEI copolymers were also evaluated in Chinese hamster ovary and human embryonic kidney-293 cells for their cytotoxicity and transfection efficiency.


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A full length amphioxus cDNA, encoding a novel phosducin-like protein (Amphi-PhLP), was identified for the first time from the gut cDNA library of Branchiostoma belcheri. It is comprised of 1 550 bp and an open reading frame (ORF) of 241 amino acids, with a predicted molecular mass of approximately 28 kDa. In situ hybridization histochemistry revealed a tissue-specific expression pattern of Amphi-PhLP with the high levels in the ovary, and at a lower level in the hind gut and testis, hepatic caecum, gill, endostyle, and epipharyngeal groove, while it was absent in the muscle, neural tube and notochord. In the Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells transfected with the expression plasmid pEGFP-N1/Amphi-PhLP, the fusion protein was targeted in the cytoplasm of CHO cells, suggesting that Amphi-PhLP is a cytosolic protein. This work may provide a framework for further understanding of the physiological function of Amphi-PhLP in B. belcheri.


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The topic of this thesis is an acoustic scattering technique for detennining the compressibility and density of individual particles. The particles, which have diameters on the order of 10 µm, are modeled as fluid spheres. Ultrasonic tone bursts of 2 µsec duration and 30 MHz center frequency scatter from individual particles as they traverse the focal region of two confocally positioned transducers. One transducer acts as a receiver while the other both transmits and receives acoustic signals. The resulting scattered bursts are detected at 90° and at 180° (backscattered). Using either the long wavelength (Rayleigh) or the weak scatterer (Born) approximations, it is possible to detennine the compressibility and density of the particle provided we possess a priori knowledge of the particle size and the host properties. The detected scattered signals are digitized and stored in computer memory. With this information we can compute the mean compressibility and density averaged over a population of particles ( typically 1000 particles) or display histograms of scattered amplitude statistics. An experiment was run first run to assess the feasibility of using polystyrene polymer microspheres to calibrate the instrument. A second study was performed on the buffy coat harvested from whole human blood. Finally, chinese hamster ovary cells which were subject to hyperthermia treatment were studied in order to see if the instrument could detect heat induced membrane blebbing.


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The 78-kDa glucose-regulated protein (GRP78) is ubiquitously expressed in many cell types. Its promoter contains multiple protein-binding sites and functional elements. In this study we examined a high affinity protein-binding site spanning bp -198 to -180 of the rat grp78 promoter, using nuclear extracts from both B-lymphoid and HeLa cells. This region contains a sequence TGACGTGA which, with the exception of one base, is identical to the cAMP-response element (CRE). Site-directed mutagenesis reveals that this sequence functions as a major basal level regulatory element in hamster fibroblast cells and is also necessary to maintain high promoter activity under stress-induced conditions. By gel mobility shift analysis, we detect two specific protein complexes. The major specific complex I, while immunologically distinct from the 42-kDa CRE-binding protein (CREB), binds most strongly to the grp site, but also exhibits affinity for the CRE consensus sequence. As such, complex I may consist of other members of the CREB/activating transcription factor protein family. The minor specific complex II consists of CREB or a protein antigenically related to it. A nonspecific complex III consists of the Ku autoantigen, an abundant 70- to 80-kDa protein complex in HeLa nuclear extracts. By cotransfection experiments, we demonstrate that in F9 teratocarcinoma cells, the grp78 promoter can be transactivated by the phosphorylated CREB or when the CREB-transfected cells are treated with the calcium ionophore A23187. The differential regulation of the grp78 gene by cAMP in specific cell types and tissues is discussed.


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Chronic exposure of various cell types to adrenergic agonists leads to a decrease in cell surface beta 2-adrenergic receptor (beta 2AR) number. Sequestration of the receptor away from the cell surface as well as a down-regulation of the total number of cellular receptors are believed to contribute to this agonist-mediated regulation of receptor number. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these phenomena are not well characterized. Recently, tyrosine residues located in the cytoplasmic tails of several membrane receptors, such as the low density lipoprotein and mannose-6-phosphate receptors, have been suggested as playing an important role in the agonist-induced internalization of these receptors. Accordingly, we assessed the potential role of two tyrosine residues in the carboxyl tail of the human beta 2AR in agonist-induced sequestration and down-regulation of the receptor. Tyr-350 and Tyr-354 of the human beta 2AR were replaced with alanine residues by site-directed mutagenesis and both wild-type and mutant beta 2AR were stably expressed in transformed Chinese hamster fibroblasts. The mutation dramatically decreased the ability of the beta 2AR to undergo isoproterenol-induced down-regulation. However, the substitution of Tyr-350 and Tyr-354 did not affect agonist-induced sequestration of the receptor. These results suggest that tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic tail of human beta 2AR are crucial determinants involved in its down-regulation.


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Regions of the hamster alpha 1-adrenergic receptor (alpha 1 AR) that are important in GTP-binding protein (G protein)-mediated activation of phospholipase C were determined by studying the biological functions of mutant receptors constructed by recombinant DNA techniques. A chimeric receptor consisting of the beta 2-adrenergic receptor (beta 2AR) into which the putative third cytoplasmic loop of the alpha 1AR had been placed activated phosphatidylinositol metabolism as effectively as the native alpha 1AR, as did a truncated alpha 1AR lacking the last 47 residues in its cytoplasmic tail. Substitutions of beta 2AR amino acid sequence in the intermediate portions of the third cytoplasmic loop of the alpha 1AR or at the N-terminal portion of the cytoplasmic tail caused marked decreases in receptor coupling to phospholipase C. Conservative substitutions of two residues in the C terminus of the third cytoplasmic loop (Ala293----Leu, Lys290----His) increased the potency of agonists for stimulating phosphatidylinositol metabolism by up to 2 orders of magnitude. These data indicate (i) that the regions of the alpha 1AR that determine coupling to phosphatidylinositol metabolism are similar to those previously shown to be involved in coupling of beta 2AR to adenylate cyclase stimulation and (ii) that point mutations of a G-protein-coupled receptor can cause remarkable increases in sensitivity of biological response.


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The beta-adrenergic receptor kinase is an enzyme, possibly analogous to rhodopsin kinase, that multiply phosphorylates the beta-adrenergic receptor only when it is occupied by stimulatory agonists. Since this kinase may play an important role in mediating the process of homologous, or agonist-specific, desensitization, we investigated the functional consequences of receptor phosphorylation by the kinase and possible analogies with the mechanism of action of rhodopsin kinase. Pure hamster lung beta 2-adrenergic receptor, reconstituted in phospholipid vesicles, was assessed for its ability to mediate agonist-promoted stimulation of the GTPase activity of coreconstituted stimulatory guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein. When the receptor was phosphorylated by partially (approximately 350-fold) purified preparations of beta-adrenergic receptor kinase, as much as 80% inactivation of its functional activity was observed. However, the use of more highly purified enzyme preparations led to a dramatic decrease in the ability of phosphorylation to inactivate the receptor such that pure enzyme preparations (approximately 20,000-fold purified) caused only minimal (approximately 1off/- 7%) inactivation. Addition of pure retinal arrestin (48-kDa protein or S antigen), which is involved in enhancing the inactivating effect of rhodopsin phosphorylation by rhodopsin kinase, led to partial restoration of the functional effect of beta-adrenergic receptor kinase-promoted phosphorylation (41 +/- 3% inactivation). These results suggest the possibility that a protein analogous to retinal arrestin may exist in other tissues and function in concert with beta-adrenergic receptor kinase to regulate the activity of adenylate cyclase-coupled receptors.


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We have isolated and sequenced a cDNA encoding the human beta 2-adrenergic receptor. The deduced amino acid sequence (413 residues) is that of a protein containing seven clusters of hydrophobic amino acids suggestive of membrane-spanning domains. While the protein is 87% identical overall with the previously cloned hamster beta 2-adrenergic receptor, the most highly conserved regions are the putative transmembrane helices (95% identical) and cytoplasmic loops (93% identical), suggesting that these regions of the molecule harbor important functional domains. Several of the transmembrane helices also share lesser degrees of identity with comparable regions of select members of the opsin family of visual pigments. We have localized the gene for the beta 2-adrenergic receptor to q31-q32 on chromosome 5. This is the same position recently determined for the gene encoding the receptor for platelet-derived growth factor and is adjacent to that for the FMS protooncogene, which encodes the receptor for the macrophage colony-stimulating factor.


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beta-Adrenergic receptor kinase (beta-AR kinase) is a cytosolic enzyme that phosphorylates the beta-adrenergic receptor only when it is occupied by an agonist [Benovic, J. Strasser, R. H., Caron, M. G. & Lefkowitz, R. J. (1986) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83, 2797-2801.] It may be crucially involved in the processes that lead to homologous or agonist-specific desensitization of the receptor. Stimulation of DDT1MF-2 hamster smooth muscle cells or S49 mouse lymphoma cells with a beta-agonist leads to translocation of 80-90% of the beta-AR kinase activity from the cytosol to the plasma membrane. The translocation process is quite rapid, is concurrent with receptor phosphorylation, and precedes receptor desensitization and sequestration. It is also transient, since much of the activity returns to the cytosol as the receptors become sequestered. Stimulation of beta-AR kinase translocation is a receptor-mediated event, since the beta-antagonist propranolol blocks the effect of agonist. In the kin- mutant of the S49 cells (lacks cAMP-dependent protein kinase), prostaglandin E1, which provokes homologous desensitization of its own receptor, is at least as effective as isoproterenol in promoting beta-AR kinase translocation to the plasma membrane. However, in the DDT1MF-2 cells, which contain alpha 1-adrenergic receptors coupled to phosphatidylinositol turnover, the alpha 1-agonist phenylephrine is ineffective. These results suggest that the first step in homologous desensitization of the beta-adrenergic receptor may be an agonist-promoted translocation of beta-AR kinase from cytosol to plasma membrane and that beta-AR kinase may represent a more general adenylate cyclase-coupled receptor kinase that participates in regulating the function of many such receptors.


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DDT1 MF-2 cells, which are derived from hamster vas deferens smooth muscle, contain alpha 1-adrenergic receptors (54,800 +/- 2700 sites per cell) that are coupled to stimulation of inositol phospholipid metabolism. Incubation of these cells with tumor-promoting phorbol esters, which stimulate calcium- and phospholipid-dependent protein kinase, leads to a marked attenuation of the ability of alpha 1-receptor agonists such as norepinephrine to stimulate the turnover of inositol phospholipids. This turnover was measured by determining the 32P content of phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidic acid after prelabeling of the cellular ATP pool with 32Pi. These phorbol ester-treated cells also displayed a decrease in binding affinity of cellular alpha 1 receptors for agonists with no change in antagonist affinity. By using affinity chromatography on the affinity resin Affi-Gel-A55414, the alpha 1 receptors were purified approximately equal to 300-fold from control and phorbol ester-treated 32Pi-prelabeled cells. As assessed by NaDodSO4/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the Mr 80,000 alpha 1-receptor ligand-binding subunit is a phosphopeptide containing 1.2 mol of phosphate per mol of alpha 1 receptor. After phorbol ester treatment this increased to 3.6 mol of phosphate per mol of alpha 1 receptor. The effect of phorbol esters on norepinephrine-stimulated inositol phospholipid turnover and alpha 1-receptor phosphorylation showed the same rapid time course with a t1/2 less than 2 min. These results indicate that calcium- and phospholipid-dependent protein kinase may play an important role in regulating the function of receptors that are coupled to the inositol phospholipid cycle by phosphorylating and deactivating them.


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E-cadherin is involved in the formation of cell-junctions and the maintenance of epithelial integrity. Direct evidence of E-cadherin mutations triggering tumorigenesis has come from the finding of inactivating germline mutations of the gene (CDH1) in hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (HDGC). We screened a series of 66 young gastric cancer probands for germline CDH1 mutations, and two novel missense alterations together with an intronic variant were identified. We then analysed the functional significance of the exonic missense variants found here as well as a third germline missense variant that we previously identified in a HGDC family. cDNAs encoding either the wild-type protein or mutant forms of E-cadherin were stably transfected into CHO (Chinese hamster ovary) E-cadherin-negative cells. Transfected cell-lines were characterized in terms of aggregation, motility and invasion. We show that a proportion of apparently sporadic early-onset diffuse gastric carcinomas are associated with germline alterations of the E-cadherin gene. We also demonstrate that a proportion of missense variants are associated with significant functional consequences, suggesting that our cell model can be used as an adjunct in deciding on the potential pathogenic role of identified E-cadherin germline alterations.


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Measures of prevention and control against polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) focus on an official food control, a code of best practice to reduce PAHs levels by controlling industry and in the development of a chemopreventive strategy. Regulation (EU) 835/2011 establishes maximum levels of PAHs for each food group. In addition, Regulations (EU) 333/2007 and 836/2011 set up the methods of sampling and analysis for its official control. Scientific studies prove that the chemopreventive strategy is effective against these genotoxic compounds effects. Most chemopreventive compounds studied with proven protective effects against PAHs are found in fruit and vegetables.