965 resultados para granular


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The objectives of this final report; Iowa Highway Research Board Project HR-99 by J.M. Hoover, was to evaluate the various factors influencing the stability of granular base course mixes.


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A theory was developed to allow the separate determination of the effects of the interparticle friction and interlocking of particles on the shearing resistance and deformational behavior of granular materials. The derived parameter, angle of solid friction, is independent of the type of shear test, stress history, porosity and the level of confining pressure, and depends solely upon the nature of the particle surface. The theory was tested against published data concerning the performance of plane strain, triaxial compression and extension tests on cohesionless soils. The theory also was applied to isotropically consolidated undrained triaxial tests on three crushed limestones prepared by the authors using vibratory compaction. The authors concluded that, (1) the theory allowed the determination of solid friction between particles which was found to depend solely on the nature of the particle surface, (2) the separation of frictional and volume change components of shear strength of granular materials qualitatively corroborated the postulated mechanism of deformation (sliding and rolling of groups of particles over other similar groups with resulting dilatancy of specimen), (3) the influence of void ratio, gradation confining pressure, stress history and type of shear test on shear strength is reflected in values of the omega parameter, and (4) calculation of the coefficient of solid friction allows the establishment of the lower limit of the shear strength of a granular material.


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Behavior of granular material subjected to repeated load triaxial compression tests is characterized by a model based on rate process theory. Starting with the Arrhenius equation from chemical kinetics, the relationship of temperature, shear stress, normal stress and volume change to deformation rate is developed. The proposed model equation includes these factors as a product of exponential terms. An empirical relationship between deformation and the cube root of the number of stress applications at constant temperature and normal stress is combined with the rate equation to yield an integrated relationship of temperature, deviator stress, confining pressure and number of deviator stress applications to axial strain. The experimental program consists of 64 repeated load triaxial compression tests, 52 on untreated crushed stone and 12 on the same crushed stone material treated with 4% asphalt cement. Results were analyzed with multiple linear regression techniques and show substantial agreement with the model equations. Experimental results fit the rate equation somewhat better than the integrated equation when all variable quantities are considered. The coefficient of shear temperature gives the activation enthalpy, which is about 4.7 kilocalories/mole for untreated material and 39.4 kilocalories/mole for asphalt-treated material. This indicates the activation enthalpy is about that of the pore fluid. The proportionality coefficient of deviator stress may be used to measure flow unit volume. The volumes thus determined for untreated and asphalt-treated material are not substantially different. This may be coincidental since comparison with flow unit volumes reported by others indicates flow unit volume is related to gradation of untreated material. The flow unit volume of asphalt-treated material may relate to asphalt cement content. The proposed model equations provide a more rational basis for further studies of factors affecting deformation of granular materials under stress similar to that in pavement subjected to transient traffic loads.


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This report concerns the stabilization of three crushed limestones by an ss-1 asphalt emulsion and an asphalt cement, 120-150 penetration. Stabilization is evaluated by marshall stability and triaxial shear tests. Test specimens were compacted by the marshall, standard proctor and vibratory methods. Stabilization is evaluated primarily by triaxial shear tests in which confining pressures of 0 to 80 psi were used. Data were obtained on the angle of internal friction, cohesion, volume change, pore water pressure and strain characteristics of the treated and untreated aggregates. The MOHR envelope, bureau of reclamation and modified stress path methods were used to determine shear strength parameters at failure. Several significant conclusions developed by the authors are as follows: (1) the values for effective angle of internal friction and effective cohesion were substantially independent of asphalt content, (2) straight line MOHR envelopes of failure were observed for all treated stones, (3) bituminous admixtures did little to improve volume change (deformation due to load) characteristics of the three crushed limestones, (4) with respect to pore water characteristics (pore pressures and suctions due to lateral loading), bituminous treatment notably improved only the bedford stone, and (5) at low lateral pressures bituminous treatments increased stability by limiting axial strain. This would reduce rutting of highway bases. At high lateral pressures treated stone was less stable than untreated stone.


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There is no agreement between experimental researchers whether the point where a granular material responds with a large change of stresses, strains or excess pore water pressure given a prescribed small input of some of the same variables defines a straight line or a curve in the stress space. This line, known as the instability line, may also vary in shape and position if the onset of instability is measured from drained or undrained triaxial tests. Failure of granular materials, which might be preceded by the onset of instability, is a subject that the geotechnical engineers have to deal with in the daily practice, and generally speaking it is associated to different phenomena observed not only in laboratory tests but also in the field. Examples of this are the liquefaction of loose sands subjected to undrained loading conditions and the diffuse instability under drained loading conditions. This research presents results of DEM simulations of undrained triaxial tests with the aim of studying the influence of stress history and relative density on the onset of instability in granular materials. Micro-mechanical analysis including the evolution of coordination numbers and fabric tensors is performed aiming to gain further insight on the particle-scale interactions that underlie the occurrence of this instability. In addition to provide a greater understanding, the results presented here may be useful as input for macro-scale constitutive models that enable the prediction of the onset of instability in boundary value problems.


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This paper presents the results of 3D DEM simulations of granular materials subject to cyclic loading. While both the drained and undrained conditions are considered, the effects of depositional history and consolidation stress history on the stress-strain response are specifically evaluated. It is demonstrated that the different stress histories have a significant effect on soil response and that such effects can be attributed to differences in the initial particle arrangement (fabric).


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El constante deterioro de las fuentes h?dricas y su uso como recurso en el abastecimiento de agua para consumo humano han conllevado a la b?squeda de la optimizaci?n de los procesos de tratamiento de forma tal que se alcancen condiciones de agua segura con el menor riesgo posible de afectaciones a la salud de la poblaci?n. Es por esto que los sistemas de abastecimiento de agua potable han adoptado estrategias enmarcadas dentro de los planes de seguridad del agua mediante la reducci?n de la contaminaci?n en la fuente de abastecimiento, la remoci?n o reducci?n de diferentes contaminantes mediante los procesos de tratamiento y la prevenci?n de la contaminaci?n del agua en el sistema de almacenamiento y distribuci?n al usuario final. Al observar que la filtraci?n es una de las etapas m?s cr?ticas dentro del tratamiento por ser la ?ltima barrera f?sica para la remoci?n de part?culas presentes en el agua; se plante? este proyecto de grado para estudiar a escala de laboratorio el uso de carb?n activado granular en el proceso de filtraci?n de agua clarificada del Rio Cauca, con el fin de analizar la eficiencia de remoci?n de turbiedad y materia org?nica medida como UV254 y as? establecer el alcance de los valores l?mite recomendados por las entidades internacionales para la disminuci?n del riesgo microbiol?gico y el riesgo cr?nico que pueda estar asociado a la presencia de materia org?nica en el agua para consumo humano. Se emple? carb?n activado granular de origen bituminoso y arena en seis diferentes configuraciones como medio filtrante principal en la etapa de filtraci?n (50%CAG ? 50% Arena, 65% CAG ? 35% Arena, 75% CAG ? 25% Arena, 85% CAG ? 15% Arena, 90% CAG ? 10% Arena y 100% CAG). Se consider? adem?s una configuraci?n con antracita y arena (70% Antracita ? 30% Arena) para comparar el comportamiento de ambos materiales filtrantes en el tratamiento de agua resultante del proceso de clarificaci?n efectuado por la Planta de Tratamiento de Agua Potable Puerto Mallarino en la ciudad de Cali. Se emple? un sistema de filtraci?n en columnas con distribuci?n de agua mediante conducciones reguladas a un caudal constante de 12 mL/min. El efluente de cada unidad de filtros fue evaluado y comparado con el afluente mediante la medici?n de Color Aparente, Turbiedad, UV254, pH y Conductividad. Se obtuvo como resultado que la configuraci?n C5 con 90% de CAG y 10% Arena logr? una mayor estabilidad de la turbiedad obteniendo valores m?nimos por debajo de 2 UNT (MAVDT), 0.5 UNT (WHO) y 0.15 UNT (EPA) y aunque no tuvo diferencias significativas comparado con el filtro de Antracita y Arena, si present? un mejor desempe?o en la remoci?n de turbiedad debido al alcance de un mayor n?mero de datos por debajo de 0.3 UNT. En cuanto a la eficiencia de remoci?n de materia org?nica en el agua medida como UV254 se observaron mejores resultados para la configuraci?n C4 con 85% de CAG y 15% Arena y aunque las eficiencias de remoci?n de materia org?nica no fueron significativamente altas se observa claramente la ventaja que presenta el uso de CAG como medio filtrante adsorbente comparado con el medio convencional de Antracita y Arena. La obtenci?n de bajas eficiencias de remoci?n fue debido al contenido de material en suspensi?n ya que los filtros de CAG trabajaron en la retenci?n de dicho material afectando considerablemente la capacidad de adsorci?n. Mediante esta investigaci?n se comprob? que la selecci?n adecuada de las condiciones operacionales de los filtros de CAG puede generar agua comparativamente similar o superior a los filtros conformados con materiales convencionales como Antracita y arena. De igual forma, el uso de CAG como medio filtrante para el tratamiento de agua del Rio Cauca es un insumo que puede aportar a una posible estrategia para disminuir el riesgo microbiol?gico y el riesgo cr?nico asociado con el contenido de materia org?nica en el agua distribuida a la poblaci?n cale?a


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As estruturas de solo reforçado com geossintéticos são normalmente constituídas por solos granulares com boas propriedades físicas e mecânicas. O uso de apenas este tipo de solos pode proporcionar o aumento, por vezes insustentável, do custo da execução das estruturas e o aumento do seu impacto ambiental. Deste modo, as estruturas de solo reforçado perdem a sua vantagem competitiva em relação a outros tipos de estruturas (muros de betão, muros de gravidade, muros de gabiões, etc.). Para resolver este problema podem ser utilizados outros tipos de solos (solos locais, finos, com propriedades físicas e mecânicas piores mas, no entanto, mais baratos) para a execução deste tipo de estruturas. De forma geral, com este estudo pretendeu-se contribuir para o incremento do conhecimento sobre a utilização de solos finos para a construção de estruturas de solo reforçado (muros e taludes). Para tal avaliaram-se as diferenças no comportamento mecânico dos materiais compósitos (solo granular reforçado versus solo fino reforçado) e das estruturas de solo reforçado constituídas com os dois tipos de solos. Assim, os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar: a influência de vários parâmetros nas propriedades mecânicas e na capacidade de carga dos solos reforçados com geossintéticos; a influência de vários parâmetros no dimensionamento das estruturas de solo reforçado; e o comportamento das estruturas dimensionadas (incluindo a estabilidade global e a influência do processo construtivo) recorrendo a uma ferramenta numérica (PLAXIS). Para cumprir os objetivos propostos foram realizadas análises experimentais em laboratório (análise do comportamento do solo reforçado através de ensaios triaxiais e de California Bearing Ratio) e análises numéricas (dimensionamento de estruturas de solo reforçado; modelação numérica do comportamento através de uma ferramenta numérica comercial com o método dos elementos finitos). Os resultados dos ensaios experimentais mostraram que o comportamento mecânico e a capacidade de carga do solo foram incrementados com a inclusão das camadas de geossintético. Este efeito variou com os diversos parâmetros analisados mas, de forma geral, foi mais importante no solo fino (solo com propriedades mecânicas piores). As análises numéricas mostraram que as estruturas de solo fino precisaram de maior densidade de reforços para serem estáveis. Além disso, as estruturas de solo fino foram mais deformáveis e o efeito do seu processo construtivo foi mais importante (principalmente para estruturas de solo fino saturado).


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Several Cronobacter outbreaks have implicated contaminated drinking water. This study assessed the impact of granular activated carbon (GAC) on the microbial quality of the water produced. A simulated water filter system was installed by filling plastic columns with sterile GAC, followed by sterile water with a dilute nutrient flowing through the column at a steady rate. Carbon columns were inoculated with Cronobacter on the surface, and the effluent monitored for Cronobacter levels. During a second phase, commercial faucet filters were distributed to households for 4-month use. Used filters were backwashed with sterile peptone water, and analyzed for Cronobacter, total aerobic plate count, coliform bacteria and Enterobacteriaceae. Cronobacter colonized the simulated GAC and grew when provided minimal levels of nutrients. Backwashed used filters used in home settings yielded presumptive Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas and other waterborne bacteria. Presumptive Cronobacter strains were identified as negative through biochemical and genetic test.


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We study the behavior of granular crystals subjected to impact loading that creates plastic deformation at the contacts between constituent particles. Granular crystals are highly periodic arrangements of spherical particles, arranged into densely packed structures resembling crystals. This special class of granular materials has been shown to have unique dynamics with suggested applications in impact protection. However, previous work has focused on very low amplitude impacts where every contact point can be described using the Hertzian contact law, valid only for purely elastic deformation. In this thesis, we extend previous investigation of the dynamics of granular crystals to significantly higher impact energies more suitable for the majority of applications. Additionally, we demonstrate new properties specific to elastic-plastic granular crystals and discuss their potential applications as well. We first develop a new contact law to describe the interaction between particles for large amplitude compression of elastic-plastic spherical particles including a formulation for strain-rate dependent plasticity. We numerically and experimentally demonstrate the applicability of this contact law to a variety of materials typically used in granular crystals. We then extend our investigation to one-dimensional chains of elastic-plastic particles, including chains of alternating dissimilar materials. We show that, using the new elastic-plastic contact law, we can predict the speed at which impact waves with plastic dissipation propagate based on the material properties of the constituent particles. Finally, we experimentally and numerically investigate the dynamics of two-dimensional and three-dimensional granular crystals with elastic-plastic contacts. We first show that the predicted wave speeds for 1D granular crystals can be extended to 2D and 3D materials. We then investigate the behavior of waves propagating across oblique interfaces of dissimilar particles. We show that the character of the refracted wave can be predicted using an analog to Snell's law for elastic-plastic granular crystals and ultimately show how it can be used to design impact guiding "lenses" for mitigation applications.