870 resultados para geopolimeri, beni culturali, caolino, meta-caolino, caratterizzazione chimico-fisica
The mesophotic zone is frequently defined as ranging between 30-40 and 150 m depth. However, these borders are necessarily imprecise due to variations in the penetration of light along the water column related to local factors. Moreover, density of data on mesophotic ecosystems vary along geographical distance, with temperate latitudes largely less explored than tropical situations. This is the case of the Mediterranean Sea, where information on mesophotic ecosystems is largely lower with respect to tropical situations. The lack of a clear definition of the borders of the mesophotic zone may represent a problem when information must be transferred to the policy that requires a coherent spatial definition to plan proper management and conservation measures. The present thesis aims at providing information on the spatial definition of the mesophotic zone in the Mediterranean Sea, its biodiversity and distribution of its ecosystems. The first chapter analyzes information on mesophotic ecosystems in the Mediterranean Sea to identify gaps in the literature and map the mesophotic zone in the Mediterranean Sea using light penetration estimated from satellite data. In the second chapter, different visual techniques to study mesophotic ecosystems are compared to identify the best analytical method to estimate diversity and habitat extension. In the third chapter, a set of Remotely Operated vehicles (ROV) surveys performed on mesophotic assemblages in the Mediterranean Sea are analyzed to describe their taxonomic and functional diversity and environmental factors influencing their structure. A Habitat Suitability Model is run in the fourth chapter to map the distribution of areas suitable for the presence of deep-water oyster reefs in the Adriatic-Ionian area. The fifth chapter explores the mesophotic zone in the northern Gulf of Mexico providing its spatial and vertical extension of the mesophotic zone and information on the diversity associated with mesophotic ecosystems.
Il lavoro è volto all’approfondimento, anche in chiave comparatistica, della vigente normativa riguardante la tutela e la valorizzazione dei beni archeologici. Nell’ambito della disciplina predisposta nell’ordinamento italiano si sono prese le mosse dal regime delle scoperte e dei ritrovamenti, per passare successivamente all’approfondimento della tutela approntata nella legislazione nazionale anche con riferimento alle limitazioni alla libera disponibilità e circolazione. Una particolare attenzione è stata dedicata alla tutela del territorio in cui i beni archeologici sono inseriti e quindi alla tutela indiretta, ai vincoli ope legis e alla pianificazione paesaggistica, mentre una specifica trattazione ha riguardato il regime dell’archeologia preventiva e la valorizzazione e fruizione di aree e parchi archeologici nel reciproco interfacciarsi delle legislazioni regionali e delle linee guida emanate con il d.m. MiBAC 18 aprile 2012. Un’indagine articolata ha avuto per oggetto la tutela del patrimonio archeologico subacqueo e in particolare la Convenzione dell’UNESCO adottata a Parigi nel 2001, nonché la tutela sovranazionale dei beni culturali, con riferimento alla disciplina dell’Unione europea e a quella della Convenzione europea per la protezione del patrimonio archeologico del 16 gennaio 1992 e della Convenzione UNIDROIT del 24 giugno 1995 sui beni culturali rubati o esportati illegalmente. Hanno infine fatto seguito due specifiche indagini sulla tutela del patrimonio archeologico in Spagna e in Francia. Quanto alla prima si è esaminato l’attuale quadro costituzionale in cui si inserisce la tutela del patrimonio culturale con particolare attenzione alle disposizioni della Ley 16/1985 del 25 giugno 1985 e alla legislazione delle Comunidades autónomas. Per quanto riguarda la seconda una particolare attenzione è stata dedicata alla Legge 27 settembre 1941 che ha introdotto in Francia la prima disciplina organica relativa agli scavi e ai ritrovamenti archeologici. Nel quadro normativo vigente un’analisi particolareggiata è stata dedicata al Code du Patrimoine, il cui quinto libro è interamente dedicato all’archeologia.
Sawfishes (Chondrichthyes, Pristidae) are considered one of the most endangered families among elasmobranchs. Extensive efforts are required worldwide to gather solid information on historical and recent changes in the composition/range of species. In this study, we have implemented an integrative approach to characterize the species diversity and the abundance of historical rostra of sawfishes from museums and private collections of the Mediterranean area. The identification at the species level of 172 dried rostra was carried out through the integration of both traditional and geometric morphometric techniques with molecular tools, allowing the assessment of a robust methodical approach to discriminate species. In addition, we analysed 35 rostral teeth to clarify the past distribution of sawfish species considering the isotopic composition of oxygen and carbon. The morphometric, molecular, and geographical characterization of samples was accompanied by the preliminary evaluation of growth structures and the inspection of the strontium isotope composition in two teeth to unravel movement patterns of individuals across different salinities of water. Results were integrated with currently available data from public repositories and showed that the historical specimens belonged to four nominal species: Pristis zijsron (81), Anoxypristis cuspidata (39), P. pristis (30), and P. pectinata (22). An identification error of 5.41% emerged in the morphological distinction of rostra between juvenile individuals of P. pectinata and P. zijsron. The new approach of carbon and oxygen isotopes, implemented for the first time in these taxa, permitted the identification of the high-probability habitat preferences of these benthopelagic elasmobranchs in about 50% of the analysed specimens. Using this multidisciplinary approach, we successfully assigned the numerous museum rostra with lacking data to a given species and identified their candidate geographical origin, retrieving novel information and data for understanding the species distribution and ecology of past, sometimes locally/regionally extinct sawfish faunas.
Lo sviluppo della tesi intende analizzare tre tematiche che si ritengono essere cruciali nel ruolo che il diritto penale può avere per tutelare l’ambiente: in primo luogo la focalizzazione delle responsabilità in materia ambientale, tanto della persona fisica quanto della persona giuridica/ente in cui è maturata la violazione, sia essa meramente contravvenzionale, quanto delittuosa, di pericolo o di danno. In secondo luogo la prevenzione: strutturare sistemi organizzati per cogliere allerte e strutturare metodi organizzati di gestione del rischio-reato è la risposta cui l’ordinamento tende per anticipare la commissione di fattispecie dotate di potenzialità dannose a diffusività esponenziale, anche per il tramite di ipotesi di reati presupposto “sentinella”, idonei a far eventualmente scattare strumenti di prevenzione di reati più gravi, cui le stesse sono, nella prassi, prodromiche. Da ultimo, la riparazione: l’analisi delle tendenze legislative e, conseguentemente, dottrinali e giurisprudenziali di spazi per percorsi condivisi di riparazione del danno cagionato all’ambiente da parte tanto di persone fisiche quanto (e soprattutto, nell’intendimento del presente lavoro) da parte degli enti, strutture collettive che, ove organizzate, costituiscono le prime realtà a presidio tanto della prevenzione, quanto della riparazione dell’eventuale danno cagionato all’ambiente e spesso verificatosi nell’ambito della propria attività produttiva, ove lo scopo della massimizzazione del profitto deve necessariamente fare i conti, al giorno d’oggi, con la sostenibilità ambientale.
Cultural heritage is constituted by complex and heterogenous materials, such as paintings but also ancient remains. However, all ancient materials are exposed to external environment and their interaction produces different changes due to chemical, physical and biological phenomena. The organic fraction, especially the proteinaceous one, has a crucial role in all these materials: in archaeology proteins reveal human habits, in artworks they disclose technics and help for a correct restoration. For these reasons the development of methods that allow the preservation of the sample as much as possible and a deeper knowledge of the deterioration processes is fundamental. The research activities presented in this PhD thesis have been focused on the development of new immunochemical and spectroscopic approaches in order to detect and identify organic substances in artistic and archaeological samples. Organic components could be present in different cultural heritage materials as constituent element (e.g., binders in paintings, collagen in bones) and their knowledge is fundamental for a complete understanding of past life, degradation processes and appropriate restauration approaches. The combination of immunological approach with a chemiluminescence detection and Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry allowed a sensitive and selective localization of collagen and elements in ancient bones and teeth. Near-infrared spectrometer and hyper spectral imaging have been applied in combination with chemometric data analysis as non-destructive methods for bones prescreening for the localization of collagen. Moreover, an investigation of amino acids in enamel has been proposed, in order to clarify teeth biomolecules survival overtime through the optimization and application of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography on modern and ancient enamel powder. New portable biosensors were developed for ovalbumin identification in paintings, thanks to the combination between biocompatible Gellan gel and electro-immunochemical sensors, to extract and identify painting binders with the contact only between gel and painting and between gel and electrodes.
This thesis is the result of the RICORDACI project, a three-year European-funded initiative involving the collaboration between the University of Bologna and the restoration laboratory of the Cineteca di Bologna, L'immagine Ritrovata, which aimed to develop innovative solutions and technologies for the preservation of cinematographic film heritage. In particular, this thesis presents new analytical methodologies to exploit two types of portable miniaturized Near Infrared spectrometers working in Diffuse Reflectance over the Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) range, to study the near infrared (NIR) spectral behavior of film base materials for an accurate, non-invasive and fast characterization of the polymer type; and for films with cellulose acetate supports, they can be employed as a diagnostic tool for monitoring the Degree of substitution (DS) affected by the loss of acetyl groups. The proposed methods offer non-invasive, fast, inexpensive and simple alternatives for the characterization and diagnosis of film bases to help the strategic planning and decision-making regarding storage, digitalization and intervention of film collections. Secondly, the thesis includes the evaluation of new green cleaning systems and solvents for the effective, fast and innocuous removal of undesired substances from degraded cinematographic films bases; these tests compared the efficiency of traditional systems and solvents against the new proposals. Firstly, the use of Deep Eutectic Solvent formulations for removing softened gelatin residues from cellulose nitrate bases; and secondly, the employment of green volatile solvents with different application methods, including the use of new electrospun nylon mats, for avoiding the dangerous use of friction for the removal of Triphenyl Phosphate blooms from the surface of cellulose acetate bases. The results obtained will help improving the efficiency of the interventions needed before the digitalization of historical cinematographic films and will pave the way for further investigation on the use of green solvents for cleaning polymeric heritage objects.
La tesi consiste nella descrizione del complessivo background storico-letterario, archeologico e digitale necessario per la realizzazione di un Atlante digitale dell’antica Grecia antica sulla base della raccolta e analisi dei dati e delle informazioni contenute nella Periegesi di Pausania. Grazie all’impiego degli applicativi GIS, ed in particolare di ArcGIS online, è stato possibile creare un database georiferito contenente le informazioni e le descrizioni fornite dal testo; ogni identificazione di un sito storico è stata inoltre confrontata con lo stato attuale della ricerca archeologica, al fine di produrre uno strumento innovativo tanto per a ricerca storico-archeologica quanto per lo studio e la valutazione dell’opera di Pausania. Nello specifico il lavoro consiste in primo esempio di atlante digitale interamente basato sull’interpretazione di un testo classico attraverso un processo di georeferenziazione dei suoi contenuti. Per ogni sito identificato è stata infatti specificato il relativo passo di Pausania, collegando direttamente Il dato archeologico con la fonte letteraria. Per la definizione di una tassonomia efficace per l’analisi dei contenuti dell’opera o, si è scelto di associare agli elementi descritti da Pausania sette livelli (layers) all’interno della mappa corrispondenti ad altrettante categorie generali (città, santuari extraurbani, monumenti, boschi sacri, località, corsi d’acqua, e monti). Per ciascun elemento sono state poi inserite ulteriori informazioni all’interno di una tabella descrittiva, quali: fonte, identificazione, età di appartenenza, e stato dell’identificazione.
Hypoxia is one of the most important and faster spreading threats to marine life and its occurrence has significantly increased in the last century. The effects of hypoxia on marine organisms and communities has mostly been studied in light of the intensity of the disturbance but not a lot of attention has been given to its interaction with other stressors and the timing of its appearance. In this thesis I started to explore these topics through laboratory and manipulative field experiments. I studied the interactive effects of thermal stress and hypoxia on a European native bivalve species (Cerastoderma edule; Linnaeus, 1758 ) and a non native one (Ruditapes philippinarum; Adams & Reeve, 1850) through a laboratory experiment performed in the Netherlands. The non native species displayed a greater tolerance to oxygen depletion than the native one. The first field experiment was performed in an Italian brackish coastal lagoon (Pialassa Baiona) and tested the effects of different timing regimes of hypoxia on the benthic community. It emerged that the main factor affecting the community is the duration of the hypoxia. The ability of the communities to recover after repeated hypoxic periods was explored in the second manipulative field experiment. We imposed three different timing regimes of hypoxia on sediment patches in Pialassa Baiona and we monitored the changes of both the benthic and the microbial communities after the disturbances. The preliminary analyses of the data from this last work suggest that the experimental manipulations caused limited detrimental effects on the communities. Overall this thesis work suggests that the duration of hypoxic events, their repetitive nature and the associated thermal stress are key factors in determining their effects on the communities and that management measures should point towards a reduction of the duration of the single hypoxic periods more than their frequency.
Il patrimonio culturale è l’espressione della comunità a cui si riferisce e il digitale può essere un valido strumento per raccontare le storie relative ai beni culturali affinché siano, non solo studiati, ma anche recepiti nel loro significato più profondo da più pubblici. L’inserimento di testi manoscritti sul web utilizzando le tecnologie dei Linked Data facilitano la fruizione del testo da parte dell’utente non specializzato e la creazione di strumenti per la ricerca. La proposta di digitalizzazione della tesi ha come oggetto la vita di Federico da Montefeltro scritta da Vespasiano da Bisticci utilizzando i vocabolari schema.org, FOAF e Relationship per la marcatura del testo e i Content Management System per la pubblicazione dei dati. In questo modo sarà possibile avere un sito web in cui potrà essere curato anche l’aspetto grafico seguendo le regole della user experience e dell’information achitecture per valorizzare le figure del duca di Urbino e del cartolaio fiorentino.
The focus of this dissertation is the analysis of the music-related philosophical passages from the 5th century B.C. to the 2nd century B.C. It aims to provide a multifaceted view towards music as a cultural phenomenon, which is based primarily on the philological and culturological explorations instead of the technical-musicological approach. The texts from our selected period attest that mousikē had an extremely broad conceptualisation which led to the attribution of the different, sometimes completely opposite value: from an insignificant performative practice to an activity which corresponds to the divine laws and directly affects the human soul. The discussed testimonia provide evidence of defining music both as an exclusively acoustic phenomenon and as a philosophically significant concept that oversteps the sonic definition. Our sources clearly demonstrate that mousikē was a polysemous term: it was understood as an interdisciplinary form of art (as the arts of the Muses), though it was also used to indicate the exclusively instrumental music or a philosophical concept, which does not necessarily define sound as its essential quality. The aim of this dissertation is to clarify the arguments behind each of these positions, to analyse whether such different modes of conceptualisation are compatible among themselves, and to see how they fit together into explaining what was understood as music in Antiquity. In this thesis we explore the conceptual framework of mousikē and analyse what enabled the musical thought to be worthy of the attention of the greatest philosophical minds. We will demonstrate that it was not the sound or the artistic practices that were central in the philosophical thought on music, but instead the embedded structural qualities that have correspondence to the universal proportions of the cosmic world and which are perceptible to the listeners through the medium of sound.
During recent decades, the health of ocean ecosystems and fish populations has been threatened by overexploitation, pollution, and anthropogenic-driven climate change. Due to a lack of long-term data, we have a poor understanding of when intensive exploitation began and what impact anthropogenic activities have had on the ecology and evolution of fishes. Such information is crucial to recover degraded and depleted marine ecosystems and fish populations, maximise their productivity in-line with historical levels, and predict their future dynamics. In this thesis, I evaluate anthropogenic impacts on the iconic Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus; BFT), one of the longest and recently most intensely exploited marine fishes, with a tremendous cultural and economic importance. Using a long-time series of archaeological and archived faunal remains (bones) dating back to approximately two millennia ago, I apply morphological, isotopic, and genomic techniques to perform the first studies on long-term BFT size and growth, diet and habitat use, and demography and adaptation, and produce the first genome-wide data on this species. My findings suggest that exploitation had impacted BFT foraging behaviour by the ~16th century when coastal ecosystem degradation induced a pelagic shift in diet and habitat use. I reveal that BFT biomass began to decline much earlier than hitherto documented, by the 19th century, consistent with intensive tuna trap catches during this period and catch-at-size increasing. I find that BFT juvenile growth had increased by the early 1900s (and more dramatically by the 21st century) which may reflect an evolutionary response to size selective harvest–which I find putative genomic signatures of. Further, I observed that BFT foraging behaviours have been modified following overexploitation during the 20th century, which previously included a isotopically distinct, Black Sea niche. Finally, I show that despite biomass declining from centuries ago, BFT has retained genomic diversity.
This thesis offers an exploration of impact and social investments for agricultural development projects in Sub-Saharan Africa. It does so through the case of SustAgric-Africa (SAA), a social enterprise that aims to lift smallholder farmers out of poverty through the promotion of sustainable farming and operates with capital provided by a variety of investors who are committed to pairing financial returns with social and environmental outcomes. The thesis sets off to answer the following research questions: What is the moral dimension that emerges in finance with the establishment of environmental and social criteria? What kind of arrangements do social and impact investments give origin to? Is it possible to talk about a ‘spirit of the gift’ in such arrangements? What happens when abstract and globalizing ideas around ‘impact’ hit the ground? Drawing from the STS and Actor-Network Theory, I look at the formation engendered by social and impact investments in terms of a socio-technical arrangement, and look at the movements of “objects” between the main actors in terms of circuits. In these processes ideas about ‘value’ and ‘values’ articulate in complex ways in the interplay of gift, debt and credit in the relationships among the three main categories of involved actors: investors, SAA, and the farmers. In the case of SAA, I contend that the ways abstract and globalising ideas about ‘impact’ hit the ground produce uncertain results and contribute to the reproduction of inequalities and unequal wealth distribution and accumulation, deepening ongoing processes of financialization. However, my ethnography also reveals how actors depicted as beneficiaries of impact and social policies and resources, far from being passive recipients of policies and resources, actually question and appropriate them, potentially unsettling the whole arrangement and the moral and ethical claims underpinning it.
The year 14,226 BP marks an important border in the actual radiocarbon (14C) calibration curve: the high resolution and precision characterising the first part (0 – 14,226 BP) of the curve are due to the potential represented by tree-ring datasets, which directly provide the atmospheric 14C content at the time of tree-rings formation with high resolution. They systematically decrease going back in time, where only a few floating tree-ring chronologies alternate to other low-resolution records. The lack of resolution in the dating procedure before 14,226 years BP leads to significant issues in the interpretation and untangling of tricky facts of our past, in the field of Human Evolution. Research on sub-fossil trees and the construction of new Glacial tree-ring chronologies can significantly improve the radiocarbon dating in terms of temporal resolution and precision until 55,000 years BP to clear puzzles in the Human Evolution history. In this thesis, the dendrochronological study, the radiocarbon dating and the extrapolation of environmental and climate information from sub-fossil trees found on the Portugal foreshore, remnants of a Glacial lagoonal forest, are presented. The careful sampling, the dendrochronological measurements and cross-dating, the application of the most suitable cellulose extraction protocol and the most advanced technologies of the MICADAS system at ETH-Zurich, led to the construction of a new 220-years long tree-ring site chronology and to high resolution, highly reliable and with a tight error range radiocarbon ages. At the moment, it results impossible to absolutely date this radiocarbon sequence by the comparison of Δ14C of the trees and 10 Be fluctuations from the ice-cores. For this reason, tree growth analysis, comparisons with a living pine stand and forest-fires history reconstruction have made it possible to hypothesize site and climate characteristics useful to constrain the positioning in time of the obtained radiocarbon sequence.
Investigating stock identity of marine species in a multidisciplinary holistic approach can reveal patterns of complex spatial population structure and signatures of potential local adaptation. The population structure of common sole (Solea solea) in the Mediterranean Sea was delineated using genomic and otolith data, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) markers and otolith data. SNPs were correlated with environmental and spatial variables to evaluate the impact of these features on the actual genetic population structure. Integrated holistic approach was applied to combine the tracers with different spatio-temporal scales. SNPs data was also used to illustrate the population structure of European hake (Merluccius merluccius) within the Alboran Sea, extending into the neighboring Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. The aim was to identify patterns of neutral and potential adaptive genetic variation by applying seascape genomic framework. Results from both genetic and otolith data suggested significant divergence among putative populations of common sole, confirming a clear separation between Western, Adriatic Sea and Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Evidence of fine-scale population structure in the Western Mediterranean Sea was observed at outlier loci level and in the Adriatic. Our study not only indicates that separation among Mediterranean sole population is led primarily by neutral processes, but it also suggests the presence of local adaptation influenced by environmental and spatial factors. The holistic approach by considering the spatio-temporal scales of variation confirmed that the same pattern of separation between these geographical sites is currently occurring and has occurred for many generations. Results showed the occurrence of population structure in Merluccius merluccius by detecting westward–eastward differentiation among populations and distinct subgroups at a fine geographical scale using outlier SNPs. These results enhance the knowledge of the population structure of commercially relevant species to support the application of spatial stock assessment models, including a redefinition of fishery management units.
Il presente lavoro si propone di concentrare la propria attenzione sulle terme pubbliche di età tardoantica – considerando l’insieme della letteratura scientifica disponibile e la necessità di un aggiornamento metodologico – comprese nelle provinciae dell’Hellas e di Creta, secondo i confini che possono essere tracciati sulla base del Synekdemos di Hierocles (§ 1). Il territorio di queste provinciae tardoantiche corrisponde all’incirca alle moderne regioni amministrative della Grecia Occidentale, della Grecia Centrale, dell’Attica e del Peloponneso per l’Ellade e dell’isola di Creta. In aggiunta all’indagine sulle caratteristiche architettoniche degli impianti, si è tentato di porre in rilievo le trasformazioni funzionali verificatesi in esse durante e dopo il loro utilizzo primario (§ 2). Oltre che sui singoli edifici (§ 2.1), l’indagine si è rivolta al contesto topografico di appartenenza. Le osservazioni raccolte sull’insieme del territorio descritto sono state inoltre messe a confronto con alcuni casi di studio rappresentati dalle città di Salonicco, Atene, Patrasso, Corinto e Gortina (§ 3). Si è cercato infine di sintetizzare i risultati emersi dalla ricerca, per contestualizzare il fenomeno termale tardoantico nell’ambito del suo sviluppo architettonico, dei mutamenti politici e urbanistici, dell’influenza del processo di cristianizzazione sulla società del periodo (§ 4).