691 resultados para genistoid clade
The hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3 protease has been one of the molecular targets of new therapeutic approaches. Its genomic sequence variability in Brazilian HCV isolates is poorly documented. To obtain more information on the magnitude of its genetic diversity, 114 Brazilian HCV samples were sequenced and analysed together with global reference sequences. Genetic distance (d) analyses revealed that subtype 1b had a higher degree of heterogeneity (d = 0.098) than subtypes 1a (d = 0.060) and 3a (d = 0.062). Brazilian isolates of subtype 1b were distributed in the phylogenetic tree among sequences from other countries, whereas most subtype 1a and 3a sequences clustered into a single branch. Additional characterisation of subtype 1a in clades 1 and 2 revealed that all but two Brazilian subtype 1a sequences formed a distinct and strongly supported (approximate likelihood-ratio test = 93) group of sequences inside clade 1. Moreover, this subcluster inside clade 1 presented an unusual phenotypic characteristic in relation to the presence of resistance mutations for macrocyclic inhibitors. In particular, the mutation Q80K was found in the majority of clade 1 sequences, but not in the Brazilian isolates. These data demonstrate that Brazilian HCV subtypes display a distinct pattern of genetic diversity and reinforce the importance of sequence information in future therapeutic approaches.
Determining the prevalence and type of antiretroviral (ARV) resistance among ARV-naïve individuals is important to assess the potential responses of these individuals to first-line regimens. The prevalence of primary resistance and the occurrence of recent infections among individuals with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) were identified among recently diagnosed patients at five sexually transmitted disease/AIDS testing and counselling centres in the metropolitan region of Recife (RMR), Pernambuco, Brazil, between 2007-2009. One-hundred and eight samples were analysed using the Calypte® BED assay. Males predominated (56%), as did patients aged 31-50 years. Twenty-three percent presented evidence of a recent HIV infection. The median CD4+ T lymphocyte count was 408 cells/mm³ and the median viral load was 3.683 copies/mL. The prevalence of primary resistance was 4.6% (confidence interval 95% = 1-8.2%) based on criteria that excluded common polymorphisms in accordance with the surveillance drug resistance mutation criteria. The prevalence of resistance to non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase, nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase and protease inhibitors were 3.8%, 1.5% and 0.8%, respectively. Fifty-seven percent of strains were from clade B, 37.7% were clade F and 3.1% were clade C; there were no statistically significant differences with respect to resistance between clades. Recent infection tended to be more common in men (p = 0.06) and in municipalities in the south of the RMR (Jaboatão dos Guararapes and Cabo de Santo Agostinho) (p = 0.046). The high prevalence of recent infection and the high prevalence of non-B strains in this poor Brazilian region merit further attention.
Bartonella species are fastidious bacteria that predominantly infect mammalian erythrocytes and endothelial cells and cause long-lasting bacteraemia in their reservoir hosts. Reports that describe the epidemiology of bartonellosis in Brazil are limited. This study aimed to detect and characterise Bartonella spp DNA from cat blood samples in São Luís, Maranhão, north-eastern Brazil. Among 200 cats tested for multiple genes, nine (4.5%) were positive for Bartonella spp: six cats for Bartonella henselae and three for Bartonella clarridgeiae. Based on the phylogenetic analysis of four genes, the B. henselae strain matched strains previously observed in Brazil and was positioned in the same clade as B. henselae isolates from the United States of America. Moreover, sequence alignment demonstrated that the B. clarridgeiae strain detected in the present study was the same as the one recently detected in cats from southern Brazil.
Rhodnius barretti , a new triatomine species, is described based on adult specimens collected in rainforest environments within the Napo ecoregion of western Amazonia (Colombia and Ecuador). R. barretti resembles Rhodnius robustus s.l. , but mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences reveal that it is a strongly divergent member of the “robustus lineage”, i.e., basal to the clade encompassing Rhodnius nasutus , Rhodnius neglectus , Rhodnius prolixus and five members of the R. robustus species complex. Morphometric analyses also reveal consistent divergence from R. robustus s.l. , including head and, as previously shown, wing shape and the length ratios of some anatomical structures. R. barretti occurs, often at high densities, in Attalea butyracea and Oenocarpus bataua palms. It is strikingly aggressive and adults may invade houses flying from peridomestic palms. R. barretti must therefore be regarded as a potential Trypanosoma cruzi vector in the Napo ecoregion, where Chagas disease is endemic.
Catalase is an important virulence factor for survival in macrophages and other phagocytic cells. In Chlamydiaceae, no catalase had been described so far. With the sequencing and annotation of the full genomes of Chlamydia-related bacteria, the presence of different catalase-encoding genes has been documented. However, their distribution in the Chlamydiales order and the functionality of these catalases remain unknown. Phylogeny of chlamydial catalases was inferred using MrBayes, maximum likelihood, and maximum parsimony algorithms, allowing the description of three clade 3 and two clade 2 catalases. Only monofunctional catalases were found (no catalase-peroxidase or Mn-catalase). All presented a conserved catalytic domain and tertiary structure. Enzymatic activity of cloned chlamydial catalases was assessed by measuring hydrogen peroxide degradation. The catalases are enzymatically active with different efficiencies. The catalase of Parachlamydia acanthamoebae is the least efficient of all (its catalytic activity was 2 logs lower than that of Pseudomonas aeruginosa). Based on the phylogenetic analysis, we hypothesize that an ancestral class 2 catalase probably was present in the common ancestor of all current Chlamydiales but was retained only in Criblamydia sequanensis and Neochlamydia hartmannellae. The catalases of class 3, present in Estrella lausannensis and Parachlamydia acanthamoebae, probably were acquired by lateral gene transfer from Rhizobiales, whereas for Waddlia chondrophila they likely originated from Legionellales or Actinomycetales. The acquisition of catalases on several occasions in the Chlamydiales suggests the importance of this enzyme for the bacteria in their host environment.
The genes encoding alpha- and beta-tubulins have been widely sampled in most major fungal phyla and they are useful tools for fungal phylogeny. Here, we report the first isolation of alpha-tubulin sequences from arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). In parallel, AMF beta-tubulins were sampled and analysed to identify the presence of paralogs of this gene. The AMF alpha-tubulin amino acid phylogeny was congruent with the results previously reported for AMF beta-tubulins and showed that AMF tubulins group together at a basal position in the fungal clade and showed high sequence similarities with members of the Chytridiomycota. This is in contrast with phylogenies for other regions of the AMF genome. The amount and nature of substitutions are consistent with an ancient divergence of both orthologs and paralogs of AMF tubulins. At the amino acid level, however, AMF tubulins have hardly evolved from those of the chytrids. This is remarkable given that these two groups are ancient and the monophyletic Glomeromycota probably diverged from basal fungal ancestors at least 500 million years ago. The specific primers we designed for the AMF tubulins, together with the high molecular variation we found among the AMF species we analysed, make AMF tubulin sequences potentially useful for AMF identification purposes.
Arenaviruses are rodent-born world-wide distributed negative strand RNA viruses that comprise a number of important human pathogens including Lassa virus (LASV) which causes more than 3 00'000 infections annually in Western Africa. Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) is the prototypic member of the arenavirus family, which is divided in two major subgroups according to serological properties and geographical distribution, the Old World and New World arenaviruses. The envelope glycoprotein precursors (GPCs) of arenaviruses have to undergo proteolytic processing to acquire biological function and to be incorporated into progeny virions. A cellular enzyme is responsible for this processing: the Subtilisin Kexin Isozyme-1 or Site-1 protease (SKI- 1/S1P). In this thesis we have studied the relationship between SKI-1/S1P and the envelope GPs of arenaviruses. In a first project, we investigated the molecular interactions between SKI-1/SIP and arenavirus GPCs. Using SKI-1/SIP mutants, we confirmed previously published observations locating LCMV GPC and LASV GPC processing in the Late Golgi/TGN and ER/cis-Golgi, respectively. A single mutation in the cleavage site of LCMV was sufficient to re-locate SKI- 1/SIP-mediated processing from the late Golgi/TGN to the ER/cis-Golgi. We then demonstrated that the transmembrane domain, the C-terminal tail and the phosphorylation sites of SKI-1/S1P are dispensable for GPC processing. Additionally we identified a SKI- 1/S1P mutant defective for autoprocessing at site Β, B' that was selectively impaired in processing of viral GPCs but not cellular substrates. We also showed that a soluble variant of SKI-1/SIΡ was unable to cleave envelope GPs at the cell surface when added in the culture medium. This study highlighted a new target for small molecule inhibitors that would specifically impair GPC but not cellular substrate processing. In a second project, we identified and characterized two residues: LASV GPC Y253 and SKI-1/S1P Y285 that are important for the SKI-1/SIP-mediated LASV GPC cleavage. An alignment of GPC sequences revealed a conserved aromatic residue in P7 position in the GPCs of Old World and Clade C of New World arenaviruses. Mutations in GPC at position P7 impaired processing efficiency. In SKI-1/S1P, mutating Y285 into A negatively affected processing of substrates containing aromatic residues in P7, without affecting others. This property could be used to develop specific drugs targeting SKI-1/SIP-mediated cleavage of LASV GPC without affecting cellular substrates. As a third project we studied the role of the SKI-1/SIP-mediated processing and the unusual stable signal peptide (SSP) for the folding and secretion of soluble forms of the ectodomain of LASV and LCMV glycoproteins. We provide evidence that the transmembrane domain and the cytosolic tail are crucial for the stability of the prefusion conformation of arenavirus GP and that the SSP is required for transport and processing of full-length GP, but not the soluble ectodomain per se. Taken together, these results will lead to a better understanding of the complex interactions between arenavirus GPCs and SKI-1/S IP, paving the avenue for the development of novel anti-arenaviral therapeutics. - Les Arenavirus sont des virus à ARN négatif distribués mondialement et portés par les rongeurs. Cette famille de virus comprend des virus hautement pathogènes pour l'homme comme le virus de Lassa (LASV) qui cause plus de 300Ό00 infections par année en Afrique de l'Ouest. Le virus de la chorioméningite lymphocytaire (LCMV) est le représentant de cette famille qui est divisée en deux sous-groupes selon des critères sérologiques et de distributions géographiques: arenavirus du Nouveau et de l'Ancien monde. Les glycoprotéines d'enveloppe de ces virus (GPCs) doivent être clivées pour être incorporées dans le virus et ainsi lui permettre d'être infectieux. Une enzyme cellulaire est responsable de ce clivage : la Subtilisin Kexin Isozyme-1 ou protéase Site-1 (SKI-l/SlP). Dans cette thèse, nous avons étudié la relation entre cette enzyme cellulaire et les GPs des arenavirus. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié les interactions moléculaires entre SKI- 1/S1P et GPC. A l'aide de mutants de SKI-l/SlP, nous avons confirmé des résultats précédemment publiés montrant que les glycoprotéines d'enveloppe de LASV sont clivés dans le réticulum endoplasmique/cis-Golgi alors que celles de LCMV sont clivées dans le Golgi tardif/TGN. Une seule mutation dans le site de clivage de la glycoprotéine de LCMV est suffisante pour changer le compartiment cellulaire dans lequel est clivée cette glycoprotéine. Ensuite, nous avons démontré que le domaine transmembranaire, la partie cytosolique C-terminale ainsi que les sites de phosphorylations de cette enzyme ne sont pas indispensables pour permettre le clivage de GPC. De plus, nous avons identifié un mutant de SKI-l/SlP dans lequel Γ autoprocessing au site B,B' est impossible, incapable de cliver GPC mais toujours pleinement fonctionnelle envers ses substrats cellulaires. Nous avons également démontré qu'une forme soluble de SKI-l/SlP ajoutée dans le milieu de culture n'est pas capable de couper GPC à la surface de la cellule. Cette étude a défini une nouvelle cible potentielle pour un médicament qui inhiberait le clivage des glycoprotéines des arenavirus sans affecter les processus normaux de la cellule. Dans un second project, nous avons identifié deux acides aminés, LASV GPC Y253 et SKI-l/SlP Y285, qui sont important pour le clivage de LASV GPC. Un alignement des séquences de clivage des GPCs a montré qu'un résidu aromatique est conservé en position P7 du site de clivage chez tous les arenavirus de l'Ancien monde et dans le clade C des arenavirus du Nouveau monde. Une mutation de cet acide aminée dans GPC réduit l'efficacité de clivage par SKI-l/SlP. Mutation de la tyrosine 285 de SKI-l/SlP en alanine affecte négativement le clivage des substrats contenant un résidu aromatique en position P7 sans affecter les autres. Cette propriété pourrait être utilisée pour le développement de médicaments spécifiques ciblant le clivage de GPC. Finalement, nous avons étudié le rôle du processing accomplit par SKI-l/SlP et du signal peptide pour le pliage et la sécrétion de formes solubles des glycoprotéines de LASV et LCMV. Nous avons montré que le domaine transmembranaire et la partie cytosolique de GP sont crucials pour la stabilité de la conformation pre-fusionnelle des GPs et que SSP est nécessaire pour le transport et le processing de GP, mais pas de son ecto-domaine soluble. En conclusion, les résultats obtenus durant cette thèse permettrons de mieux comprendre les interactions complexes entre SKI-l/SlP et les glycoprotéines des arenavirus, ouvrant le chemin pour le développement de nouveaux médicaments anti-arénaviraux.
In the early 2015, several cases of patients presenting symptoms of mild fever, rash, conjunctivitis and arthralgia were reported in the northeastern Brazil. Although all patients lived in a dengue endemic area, molecular and serological diagnosis for dengue resulted negative. Chikungunya virus infection was also discarded. Subsequently, Zika virus (ZIKV) was detected by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction from the sera of eight patients and the result was confirmed by DNA sequencing. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the ZIKV identified belongs to the Asian clade. This is the first report of ZIKV infection in Brazil.
For a better understanding of the complex coevolutionary processes between hosts and parasites, accurate identification of the actors involved in the interaction is of fundamental importance. Blood parasites of the Order Haemosporidia, responsible for malaria, have become the focus of a broad range of studies in evolutionary biology. Interestingly, molecular-based studies on avian malaria have revealed much higher species diversity than previously inferred with morphology. Meanwhile, studies on bat haemosporidian have been largely neglected. In Europe, only one genus (Polychromophilus) and two species have been morphologically described. To evaluate the presence of potential cryptic species and parasite prevalence, we undertook a molecular characterization of Polychromophilus in temperate zone bats. We used a nested-PCR approach on the cytochrome b mitochondrial gene to detect the presence of parasites in 237 bats belonging to four different species and in the dipteran bat fly Nycteribia kolenatii, previously described as being the vector of Polychromophilus. Polychromophilus murinus was found in the four bat species and in the insect vector with prevalence ranging from 4% for Myotis myotis to 51% for M. daubentoni. By sequencing 682 bp, we then investigated the phylogenetic relationships of Polychromophilus to other published malarial lineages. Seven haplotypes were found, all very closely related, suggesting the presence of a single species in our samples. These haplotypes formed a well-defined clade together with Haemosporidia of tropical bats, revealing a worldwide distribution of this parasite mostly neglected by malarial studies since the 1980s.
The otter shrews of mainland Africa are the closest relatives of the Madagascar tenrecs. We sought for similarities in placentation between the two groups and, in a wider context, with other mammals of the Afrotheria clade. Specimens of the Nimba otter shrew (Micropotamogale lamottei) were obtained from the Ivory Coast and examples of the giant otter shrew (Potamogale velox) from the Hill Collection. The Nimba otter shrew has a central haemophagous organ similar to that in tenrecs. The labyrinth of the Nimba otter shrew, however, is endotheliochorial with syncytial trophoblast enclosing the maternal vessels. On the other hand tenrecs have cellular haemomonochorial placentae and an associated spongy zone, which is not present in the Nimba otter shrew. The placenta of the giant otter shrew is also endotheliochorial. The central region of its placenta is particularly interesting, since the juxtafetal portion is clearly a haemophagous region whereas the labyrinth feeding this region is endotheliochorial. Thus there is considerable variation in placental morphology within Tenrecidae. Importantly, however, both otter shrews have a large allantoic sac divided into four intercommunicating lobes by two pairs of septal folds. A similar arrangement has been described for representatives of each of the remaining five orders within Afrotheria. This is significant because previous anatomical studies have failed to establish a single synapomorphy in support of Afrotheria.
AimThe study of adaptive radiations provides an evolutionary perspective on the interactions between organisms and their environment, and is necessary to understand global biodiversity. Adaptive radiations can sometimes be replicated over several disjunct geographical entities, but most examples are found on island or in lakes. Here, we investigated the biogeographical history of the clownfishes, a clade of coral reef fish with ranges that now span most of the Indo-Pacific Ocean, in order to explore the geographical structure of an unusual adaptive radiation. LocationIndian Ocean, Indo-Australian Archipelago (IAA) and Central Pacific Ocean. MethodsWe generated DNA sequence data comprising seven nuclear markers for 27 of the 30 clownfish species. We then inferred a Bayesian phylogeny and reconstructed the biogeographical history of the group using three different methods. Finally, we applied a biogeographical model of diversification to assess whether diversification patterns differ between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. ResultsThe phylogenetic tree is highly supported and allows reconstruction of the biogeographical history of the clade. While most species arose in the IAA, one clade colonized the eastern shores of Africa and diversified there. We found that the diversification rate of clownfishes does not differ between the main radiation and the African clade. Main conclusionsThe clownfishes first appeared and diversified in the IAA. Following a colonization event, a geographically independent radiation occurred in the Indian Ocean off East Africa. This rare example of replicated adaptive radiation in the marine realm provides intriguing possibilities for further research on ecological speciation in the sea.
We characterize divergence times, intraspecific diversity and distributions for recently recognized lineages within the Hyla arborea species group, based on mitochondrial and nuclear sequences from 160 localities spanning its whole distribution. Lineages of H. arborea, H. orientalis, H. molleri have at least Pliocene age, supporting species level divergence. The genetically uniform Iberian H. molleri, although largely isolated by the Pyrenees, is parapatric to H. arborea, with evidence for successful hybridization in a small Aquitanian corridor (southwestern France), where the distribution also overlaps with H. meridionalis. The genetically uniform H. arborea, spread from Crete to Brittany, exhibits molecular signatures of a postglacial range expansion. It meets different mtDNA clades of H. orientalis in NE-Greece, along the Carpathians, and in Poland along the Vistula River (there including hybridization). The East-European H. orientalis is strongly structured genetically. Five geographic mitochondrial clades are recognized, with a molecular signature of postglacial range expansions for the clade that reached the most northern latitudes. Hybridization with H. savignyi is suggested in southwestern Turkey. Thus, cryptic diversity in these Pliocene Hyla lineages covers three extremes: a genetically poor, quasi-Iberian endemic (H. molleri), a more uniform species distributed from the Balkans to Western Europe (H. arborea), and a well-structured Asia Minor-Eastern European species (H. orientalis).
Résumé Les Soricidae sont l'une des plus grandes familles de mammifères avec plus de 300 espèces décrites. Elle a été récemment divisée en trois sous-familles, les Soricidae, qui sont distribuées dans la région Holarctique, les Crocidurinae en Afrique et en Eurasie, et les Myosoricinae en Afrique. La diversité spécifique de cette famille a conduit à des interprétations taxonomiques multiples, qui sont à l'origine de polémiques entre spécialistes, et même les premiers résultats moléculaires ont été fortement contradictoires. Le but de cette thèse est donc d'appliquer des meilleures techniques sur des échantillons mieux ciblés, afin de résoudre les contradictions taxonomiques et comprendre l'histoire de cette famille. Par le biais de marqueurs génétiques mitochondriaux et nucléaires, j'ai étudié: (i) Les relations taxonomiques à différent niveaux hiérarchiques au sein des Soricidae, c'est-à dire, entre les sous-familles, tribus, et genres, ainsi qu'au sein de deux complexes d'espèces largement distribués, et d'une espèce européenne, le but étant d'établir la congruence entre les données génétiques et les interprétations morphologiques classiques. (ii) Les relations biogéographiques, soit l'origine potentielle des différentes sous-familles, tribus, et genres, le nombre d'échanges intercontinentaux, ainsi que la structure phylogéographique à un niveau (péri)-spécifique, afin d'établir l'histoire de la diversification de cette famille. Les analyses combinées d'ADN mitochondrial et nucléaire ont montré un rapport clair entre les taxa à un niveau taxonomique élevé, mettant en évidence les rapports entre les sous-familles, les tribus, et les genres. Bien que Myosorex constitue un groupe monophylétique distinct, sa définition en tant que sous-famille séparée ne peut pas être reconnue. Ainsi, nous proposons d'attribuer un niveau de tribu pour ce clade (inclus dans les Crocidurinae). Nous avons également montré l'inclusion du genre Anourosorex dans les Soricinae et non en position basale dans les Soricidae. Au sein des Crocidurinae, Suncus s'est révélé être paraphylétique, et le genre Diplomesodon devrait être considéré d'un point de vue génétique comme invalide, puisque il se trouve au sein du clade du genre Crocidura. À un niveau taxonomique plus bas, nous avons montré la monophylie de deux complexes d'espèces largement distribués, le groupe de C. suaveolens et de C. olivieri. Néanmoins à l'intérieur de ceux-ci, des différences majeures avec la classification morphologique se sont révélées. Par exemples, C. sibirica n'est pas une espèce valide, les analyses de phylogénie moléculaire ne montrant pas de variations génétiques entre celle-ci et un échantillon de la localité type de C. suaveolens. D'un point de vue biogéographique, les fluctuations climatiques et les activités tectoniques des 20 derniers millions d'années ont fortement influencé la diversité actuelle des Soricidae. À un niveau taxonomique élevé, l'apparition de connexions de terre temporaires entre le Vieux et le Nouveau Monde au Miocène moyen ont mené à plusieurs colonisations indépendantes de l'Amérique par les Soricinae. Celles-ci ónt conduit à une diversification d'une tribu (Notiosoricini), ainsi que de genres (par ex: Cryptotis, Blarina) et d'un sous-genre (Otisorex) endémique au Néarctique. Dans le Vieux Monde, les barrières entre l'Afrique et Eurasie étaient plus perméables, menant à plusieurs échanges bidirectionnels de Crocidurinae. La diversification des clades principaux s'est produite au Miocène, certains clades étant endémiques d'Afrique ou d'Eurasie, tandis que d'autres se sont diversifiés à travers le Vieux Monde. À un niveau spécifique ou péri-spécifique, la fluctuation climatique du Pliocène et les glaciations du Pléistocène ont fortement divisé les populations dans tout le Paléarctique, menant à des entités génétiques distinctes. En Europe, les populations du groupe de C. suaveolens ont été divisées en une lignée Sud-Ouest et une Sud-Est, alors qu'au Proche-Orient et au Moyen-Orient, la diversité de clades est plus importante. En conclusion, mes études ont révélé que du Miocène à nos jours, la diversification des Soricidae a été provoquée par la colonisation de nouveaux habitats (dispersion), ainsi que par l'isolement des populations par diverses barrières (vicariance). Abstract The Soricidae is one of the largest mammalian families with more than 300 species described. It has been recently divided into three subfamilies, the Soricinae, which are distributed in the Holartic region, the Crocidurinae in Africa and Eurasia, and the Myosoricinae in Africa. The specific diversity of this family have led to multiple systematic interpretations and controversies between authors. Fortunately, today, cytotaxonomic, allozymic and molecular studies have permitted to clarify some uncertainties. Nevertheless, the Soricidae remains still poorly known. In this thesis, we aim at understanding with the use of mitochondrial and nuclear markers: (i) the taxonomic relationships at different hierarchical levels within Soricidae, i.e., between the subfamilies, tribes, and genera, as well as within two largely distributed species complexes, and within a European species, the goal being to establish congruence between the genetic data and traditional morphological interpretations; (ii) the biogeographic relationships, especially the potential origin of the different subfamilies, tribes, and genera, the number of transcontinental exchanges, as well as the phylogeographic structure at a (peri)-specific level, in order to establish the history of the genetic diversification of this family. The combined analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA highlight for the first time a clear relationship between taxa at a high taxonomical level, permitting to distinguish the relationships between subfamilies, tribes, and genera. Although Myosorex formed a distinct monophyletic group, its definition as a distinct sub-family cannot be advocated. Thus, we propose to attribute a tribe level for this Glade (included within the Crocidurinae). Additionally, this combination of genes pleads in favour of the inclusion of the genus Anourosorex within the Soricinae and not in a basal position within the Soricidae. Within the Crocidurinae, Suncus appeared to be paraphyletic, and Diplomesodon should be considered from a genetic point of view as invalid, and is presently considered as Crocidura. At a lower taxonomic level, we showed the monophyly of two widely distributed species complexes, the C. suaveolens group and the C. olivieri group. Nevertheless within those, we showed major differences compared to morphological classification. For examples, C. sibirica revealed to not be a valid species, the molecular phylogenetic analyses failed to evidence genetical variations between it and samples of the type locality of C. suaveolens. In a biogeographic point of view, the climatic fluctuations and the tectonic plate activities of the last 20 Myr have strongly influenced the actual diversity of the family. At a high taxonomic level, the successive land bridge connections between the Old and the New World, which occurred during the Middle Miocene, have led to several independent colonisations of America by Soricinae, and a subsequent diversification of endemic Nearctic's tribe (Notiosoricini), genera (e.g. Cryptotis, Blaring) and sub-genus (Otisorex) within the Soricinae. Within the Old World, the barriers between Africa and Eurasia were more permeable, leading to several bidirectional exchanges within the Crocidurinae. The diversification of major clades occurred through the Miocene, some clades being endemic to Africa or Eurasia, whereas others diversified through the Old World. At a species level or a peri-specific level, the Pliocene climatic fluctuation and the Pleistocene glaciations have strongly divided the populations throughout the Palaearctic, leading to well defined genetic entities. In Europe, populations of the C. suaveolens group were split in a classical south-western and south-eastern lineage. In contrast, the Near East and the Middle East reveal many differentiated clades. In conclusion, our studies revealed that, from the Miocene to present, the diversification and speciation events within the Soricidae were caused by natural colonisation of new habitats (dispersion) and isolation of populations by various barriers (vicariance).
CcrM is a DNA methyltransferase that methylates the adenine in GANTC motifs in the chromo-some of the bacterial model Caulobacter crescentus. The loss of the CcrM homolog is lethal in C. crescentus and in several other species of Alphaproteobacteria. In this research, we used different experimental and bioinformatic approaches to determine why CcrM is so critical to the physiology of C. crescentus. We first showed that CcrM is a resident orphan DNA methyltransferase in non-Rickettsiales Alphaproteobacteria and that its gene is strictly conserved in this clade (with only one ex¬ception among the genomes sequenced so far). In C. crescentus, cells depleted in CcrM in rich medium quickly lose viability and present an elongated phenotype characteristic of an im¬pairment in cell division. Using minimal medium instead of rich medium as selective and main¬tenance substrate, we could generate a AccrM mutant that presents a viability comparable to the wild type strain and only mild morphological defects. On the basis of a transcriptomic ap¬proach, we determined that several genes essential for cell division were downregulated in the AccrM strain in minimal medium. We offered decisive arguments to support that the efficient transcription of two of these genes, ftsZ and mipZ, coding respectively for the Z-ring forming GTPase FtsZ and an inhibitor of FtsZ polymerization needed for the correct positioning of the Z- ring at mid-cell, requires the methylation of an adenine in a conserved GANTC motif located in their core promoter region. We propose a model, according to which the genome of C. crescentus encodes a transcriptional activator that requires a methylated adenine in a GANTC context to bind to DNA and suggest that this transcriptional regulator might be the global cell-cycle regulator GcrA. In addition, combining a classic genetic approach and in vitro evolution experiments, we showed that the mortality and cell division defects of the AccrM strain in rich medium are mainly due to limiting intracellular levels of the FtsZ protein. We also studied the dynamics of GANTC methylation in C. crescentus using the SMRT technol¬ogy developed by Pacific Biosciences. Our findings support the commonly accepted model, accord¬ing to which the methylation state of GANTC motifs varies during the cell cycle of C. crescentus: before the initiation of DNA replication, the GANTC motifs are fully-methylated (methylated on both strands); when the DNA gets replicated, the GANTC motifs become hemi-methylated (methyl¬ated on one strand only) and this occurs at different times during replication for different loci along the chromosome depending on their position relative to the origin of replication; the GANTC mo¬tifs are only remethylated after DNA replication has finished as a consequence of the massive and short-lived expression of CcrM in predivisional cells. About 30 GANTC motifs in the C. crescentus chromosome were found to be undermethylated in most of the bacterial population; these might be protected from CcrM activity by DNA binding proteins and some of them could be involved in methylation-based bistable transcriptional switches. - CcrM est une ADN méthyltransférase qui méthyle les adénines dans le contexte GANTC dans le génome de la bactérie modèle Caulobacter crescentus. La perte de l'homologue de CcrM chez C. crescentus et chez plusieurs autres espèces d'Alphaproteobactéries est létale. Dans le courant de cette recherche, nous tentons de déterminer pourquoi la protéine CcrM est cruciale pour la survie de C. crescentus. Nous démontrons d'abord que CcrM est une adénine méthyltransférase orpheline résidente, dont le gène fait partie du génome minimal partagé par les Alphaprotéobactéries non-Rickettsiales (à une exception près). Lorsqu'une souche de C. crescentus est privée de CcrM, sa viabilité décroît rapi¬dement et ses cellules présentent une morphologie allongée qui suggère que la division cellulaire est inhibée. Nous sommes parvenus à créer une souche AccrM en utilisant un milieu minimum, au lieu du milieu riche classiquement employé, comme milieu de sélection et de maintenance pour la souche. Lorsque nous avons étudié le transcriptome de cette souche de C. crescentus privée de CcrM, nous avons pu constater que plusieurs gènes essentiels pour le bon déroulement de la division cellulaire bactérienne étaient réprimés. En particulier, l'expression adéquate des gènes ftsZ et mipZ - qui codent, respectivement, pour FtsZ, la protéine qui constitue, au milieu de la cellule, un anneau protéique qui initie le processus de division et pour MipZ, un inhibiteur de la polymérisation de FtsZ qui est indispensable pour le bon positionnement de l'anneau FtsZ - est dépendante de la présence d'une adénine méthylée dans un motif GANTC conservé situé dans leur région promotrice. Nous présentons un modèle selon lequel le génome de C. crescentus code pour un facteur de transcription qui exige la présence d'une adénine méthylée dans un contexte GANTC pour s'attacher à l'ADN et nous suggérons qu'il pourrait s'agir du régulateur global du cycle cellulaire GcrA. En outre, nous montrons, en combinant la génétique classique et une approche basée sur l'évolution expérimentale, que la mortalité et l'inhibition de la division cellulaire caractéristiques de la souche àccrMeη milieu riche sont dues à des niveaux excessivement bas de protéine FtsZ. Nous avons aussi étudié la dynamique de la méthylation du chromosome de C. crescentus sur la base de la technologie SMRT développée par Pacific Biosciences. Nous confirmons le modèle communément accepté, qui affirme que l'état de méthylation des motifs GANTC change durant le cycle cellulaire de C. crescentus: les motifs GANTC sont complètement méthylés (méthylés sur les deux brins) avant de début de la réplication de l'ADN; ils deviennent hémi-méthylés (méthylés sur un brin seulement) une fois répliqués, ce qui arrive à différents moments durant la réplication pour différents sites le long du chromosome en fonction de leur position par rapport à l'origine de répli-cation; finalement, les motifs GANTC sont reméthylés après la fin de la réplication du chromosome lorsque la protéine CcrM est massivement, mais très transitoirement, produite. Par ailleurs, nous identifions dans le chromosome de C. crescentus environ 30 motifs GANTC qui restent en perma-nence non-méthylés dans une grande partie de la population bactérienne; ces motifs sont probable-ment protégés de l'action de CcrM par des protéines qui s'attachent à l'ADN et certains d'entre eux pourraient être impliqués dans des mécanismes de régulation générant une transcription bistable.
We karyotyped and sequenced 1,140 base pairs of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b of a specimen of Zarudny's rock shrew (Crocidura zarudnyi) from Baluchestan, southeastern Iran, to clarify its cytogenetic and molecular relationships with other Eurasian species of Crocidura. According to the karyotype (2N = 40, FN = 50), Zarudny's rock shrew belongs to the group of the lesser white-toothed shrew (C. suaveolens), which is different from other known crocidurine karyotypes, considering the combination of the diploid and fundamental number of chromosomes. Molecular results revealed that C. zarudnyi is included in a monophyletic clade with the C. suaveolens group, where it is a sister taxon to the others (mean Kimura 2-parameter distance = 9.7%).