196 resultados para fructo-oligosaccharide


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Trypanosoma cruzi is a protozoan parasite that belongs to an early branch in evolution. Although it lacks several features of the pathway of protein N-glycosylation and oligosaccharide processing present in the endoplasmic reticulum of higher eukaryotes, it displays UDP-Glc:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase and glucosidase II activities. It is herewith reported that this protozoan also expresses a calreticulin-like molecule, the third component of the quality control of glycoprotein folding. No calnexin-encoding gene was detected. Recombinant T. cruzi calreticulin specifically recognized free monoglucosylated high-mannose-type oligosaccharides. Addition of anti-calreticulin serum to extracts obtained from cells pulse–chased with [35S]Met plus [35S]Cys immunoprecipitated two proteins that were identified as calreticulin and the lysosomal proteinase cruzipain (a major soluble glycoprotein). The latter but not the former protein disappeared from immunoprecipitates upon chasing cells. Contrary to what happens in mammalian cells, addition of the glucosidase II inhibitor 1-deoxynojirimycin promoted calreticulin–cruzipain interaction. This result is consistent with the known pathway of protein N-glycosylation and oligosaccharide processing occurring in T. cruzi. A treatment of the calreticulin-cruzipain complexes with endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase H either before or after addition of anti-calreticulin serum completely disrupted calreticulin–cruzipain interaction. In addition, mature monoglucosylated but not unglucosylated cruzipain isolated from lysosomes was found to interact with recombinant calreticulin. It was concluded that the quality control of glycoprotein folding appeared early in evolution, and that T. cruzi calreticulin binds monoglucosylated oligosaccharides but not the protein moiety of cruzipain. Furthermore, evidence is presented indicating that glucosyltransferase glucosylated cruzipain at its last folding stages.


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In the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, oligosaccharyl transferase (OT), which catalyzes the transfer of dolichol-linked oligosaccharide chains to nascent polypeptides in the endoplasmic reticulum, consists of nine nonidentical membrane protein subunits. Genetic and biochemical evidence indicated these nine proteins exist in three subcomplexes. Three of the OT subunits (Ost4p, Ost3p, and Stt3p) have been proposed to exist in one subcomplex. To investigate the interaction of these three membrane proteins, initially we carried out a mutational analysis of Ost4p, which is an extraordinarily small membrane protein containing only 36 amino acid residues. This analysis indicated that when single amino acid residues in a region close to the luminal face of the putative transmembrane domain of Ost4p were changed into an ionizable amino acid such as Lys or Asp, growth at 37°C and OT activity measured in vitro were impaired. In addition, using immunoprecipitation techniques and Western blot analysis, we found that with these mutations the interaction between Ost4p, Ost3p, and Stt3p was disrupted. Introduction of Lys or Asp residues at other positions in the putative transmembrane domain or at the N or C terminus of Ost4p had no effect on disrupting subunit interactions or impairing the activity of OT. These findings suggest that a localized region of the putative transmembrane domain of Ost4p mediates in stabilization of the interaction with the two other OT subunits (Ost3p and Stt3p) in a subcomplex in the endoplasmic reticulum membrane.


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From mutants of Escherichia coli unable to utilize fructose via the phosphoenolpyruvate/glycose phosphotransferase system (PTS), further mutants were selected that grow on fructose as the sole carbon source, albeit with relatively low affinity for that hexose (Km for growth ≈8 mM but with Vmax for generation time ≈1 h 10 min); the fructose thus taken into the cells is phosphorylated to fructose 6-phosphate by ATP and a cytosolic fructo(manno)kinase (Mak). The gene effecting the translocation of fructose was identified by Hfr-mediated conjugations and by phage-mediated transduction as specifying an isoform of the membrane-spanning enzyme IIGlc of the PTS, which we designate ptsG-F. Exconjugants that had acquired ptsG+ from Hfr strains used for mapping (designated ptsG-I) grew very poorly on fructose (Vmax ≈7 h 20 min), even though they were rich in Mak activity. A mutant of E. coli also rich in Mak but unable to grow on glucose by virtue of transposon-mediated inactivations both of ptsG and of the genes specifying enzyme IIMan (manXYZ) was restored to growth on glucose by plasmids containing either ptsG-F or ptsG-I, but only the former restored growth on fructose. Sequence analysis showed that the difference between these two forms of ptsG, which was reflected also by differences in the rates at which they translocated mannose and glucose analogs such as methyl α-glucoside and 2-deoxyglucose, resided in a substitution of G in ptsG-I by T in ptsG-F in the first position of codon 12, with consequent replacement of valine by phenylalanine in the deduced amino acid sequence.


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Leishmania promastigotes synthesize an abundance of phosphoglycans, either attached to the cell surface through phosphatidylinositol anchors (lipophosphoglycan, LPG) or secreted as protein-containing glycoconjugates. These phosphoglycans are thought to promote the survival of the parasite within both its vertebrate and invertebrate hosts. The relative contributions of different phosphoglycan-containing molecules in Leishmania–sand fly interactions were tested by using mutants specifically deficient in either total phosphoglycans or LPG alone. Leishmania donovani promastigotes deficient in both LPG and protein-linked phosphoglycans because of loss of LPG2 (encoding the Golgi GDP-Man transporter) failed to survive the hydrolytic environment within the early blood-fed midgut. In contrast, L. donovani and Leishmania major mutants deficient solely in LPG expression because of loss of LPG1 (involved in biosynthesis of the core oligosaccharide LPG domain) had only a slight reduction in the survival and growth of promastigotes within the early blood-fed midgut. The ability of the LPG1-deficient promastigotes to persist in the midgut after blood meal excretion was completely lost, and this defect was correlated with their inability to bind to midgut epithelial cells in vitro. For both mutants, when phosphoglycan expression was restored to wild-type levels by reintroduction of LPG1 or LPG2 (as appropriate), then the wild-type phenotype was also restored. We conclude, first, that LPG is not essential for survival in the early blood-fed midgut but, along with other secreted phosphoglycan-containing glycoconjugates, can protect promastigotes from the digestive enzymes in the gut and, second, that LPG is required to mediate midgut attachment and to maintain infection in the fly during excretion of the digested blood meal.


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Heparin- and heparan sulfate-like glycosaminoglycans (HLGAGs) represent an important class of molecules that interact with and modulate the activity of growth factors, enzymes, and morphogens. Of the many biological functions for this class of molecules, one of its most important functions is its interaction with antithrombin III (AT-III). AT-III binding to a specific heparin pentasaccharide sequence, containing an unusual 3-O sulfate on a N-sulfated, 6-O sulfated glucosamine, increases 1,000-fold AT-III's ability to inhibit specific proteases in the coagulation cascade. In this manner, HLGAGs play an important biological and pharmacological role in the modulation of blood clotting. Recently, a sequencing methodology was developed to further structure-function relationships of this important class of molecules. This methodology combines a property-encoded nomenclature scheme to handle the large information content (properties) of HLGAGs, with matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization MS and enzymatic and chemical degradation as experimental constraints to rapidly sequence picomole quantities of HLGAG oligosaccharides. Using the above property-encoded nomenclature-matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization approach, we found that the sequence of the decasaccharide used in this study is ΔU2SHNS,6SI2SHNS,6SI2SHNS,6SIHNAc,6SGHNS,3S,6S (±DDD4–7). We confirmed our results by using integral glycan sequencing and one-dimensional proton NMR. Furthermore, we show that this approach is flexible and is able to derive sequence information on an oligosaccharide mixture. Thus, this methodology will make possible both the analysis of other unusual sequences in HLGAGs with important biological activity as well as provide the basis for the structural analysis of these pharamacologically important group of heparin/heparan sulfates.


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Heparin has been used as a clinical anticoagulant for more than 50 years, making it one of the most effective pharmacological agents known. Much of heparin's activity can be traced to its ability to bind antithrombin III (AT-III). Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH), derived from heparin by its controlled breakdown, maintains much of the antithrombotic activity of heparin without many of the serious side effects. The clinical significance of LMWH has highlighted the need to understand and develop chemical or enzymatic means to generate it. The primary enzymatic tools used for the production of LMWH are the heparinases from Flavobacterium heparinum, specifically heparinases I and II. Using pentasaccharide and hexasaccharide model compounds, we show that heparinases I and II, but not heparinase III, cleave the AT-III binding site, leaving only a partially intact site. Furthermore, we show herein that glucosamine 3-O sulfation at the reducing end of a glycosidic linkage imparts resistance to heparinase I, II, and III cleavage. Finally, we examine the biological and pharmacological consequences of a heparin oligosaccharide that contains only a partial AT-III binding site. We show that such an oligosaccharide lacks some of the functional attributes of heparin- and heparan sulfate-like glycosaminoglycans containing an intact AT-III site.


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The lipooligosaccharide from Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC), consists of lipid A, an oligosaccharide core and three branches, α, β, and γ. We report the cloning of the gene (lgtG, lipooligosaccharide glycosyl transferase G) encoding the glucosyl transferase of GC that initiates the β chain which consists of a lactosyl moiety. This gene contains a homopolymeric tract of cytidine [poly(C)] and we demonstrate that changes in the number of Cs in poly(C) account for the variation of β chain expression in different GC strains. Biochemical analyses and mass spectrometry clearly attribute the reactivity of mAb 2C7 to the presence of the lactosyl β chain. In addition, we demonstrate that in the absence of the lactosyl group, a phosphoethanolamine is added to generate a new antigenic epitope as evidenced by the gain of reactivity to mAb 2-L1–8. These results show that, like the α chain, the β chain of lipooligosaccharide is subject to antigenic variation.


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Single-stranded DNA binding proteins (SSBs) play central roles in cellular and viral processes involving the generation of single-stranded DNA. These include DNA replication, homologous recombination and DNA repair pathways. SSBs bind DNA using four ‘OB-fold’ (oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide binding fold) domains that can be organised in a variety of overall quaternary structures. Thus eubacterial SSBs are homotetrameric whilst the eucaryal RPA protein is a heterotrimer and euryarchaeal proteins vary significantly in their subunit compositions. We demonstrate that the crenarchaeal SSB protein is an abundant protein with a unique structural organisation, existing as a monomer in solution and multimerising on DNA binding. The protein binds single-stranded DNA distributively with a binding site size of ~5 nt per monomer. Sulfolobus SSB lacks the zinc finger motif found in the eucaryal and euryarchaeal proteins, possessing instead a flexible C-terminal tail, sensitive to trypsin digestion, that is not required for DNA binding. In comparison with Escherichia coli SSB, the tail may play a role in protein–protein interactions during DNA replication and repair.


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Evernimicin (Evn), an oligosaccharide antibiotic, interacts with the large ribosomal subunit and inhibits bacterial protein synthesis. RNA probing demonstrated that the drug protects a specific set of nucleotides in the loops of hairpins 89 and 91 of 23S rRNA in bacterial and archaeal ribosomes. Spontaneous Evn-resistant mutants of Halobacterium halobium contained mutations in hairpins 89 and 91 of 23S rRNA. In the ribosome tertiary structure, rRNA residues involved in interaction with the drug form a tight cluster that delineates the drug-binding site. Resistance mutations in the bacterial ribosomal protein L16, which is shown to be homologous to archaeal protein L10e, cluster to the same region as the rRNA mutations. The Evn-binding site overlaps with the binding site of initiation factor 2. Evn inhibits activity of initiation factor 2 in vitro, suggesting that the drug interferes with formation of the 70S initiation complex. The site of Evn binding and its mode of action are distinct from other ribosome-targeted antibiotics. This antibiotic target site can potentially be used for the development of new antibacterial drugs.


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The activation of plant defensive genes in leaves of tomato plants in response to herbivore damage or mechanical wounding is mediated by a mobile 18-amino acid polypeptide signal called systemin. Systemin is derived from a larger, 200-amino acid precursor called prosystemin, similar to polypeptide hormones and soluble growth factors in animals. Systemin activates a lipid-based signaling cascade, also analogous to signaling systems found in animals. In plants, linolenic acid is released from membranes and is converted to the oxylipins phytodienoic acid and jasmonic acid through the octadecanoid pathway. Plant oxylipins are structural analogs of animal prostaglandins which are derived from arachidonic acid in response to various signals, including polypeptide factors. Constitutive overexpression of the prosystemin gene in transgenic tomato plants resulted in the overproduction of prosystemin and the abnormal release of systemin, conferring a constitutive overproduction of several systemic wound-response proteins (SWRPs). The data indicate that systemin is a master signal for defense against attacking herbivores. The same defensive proteins induced by wounding are synthesized in response to oligosaccharide elicitors that are generated in leaf cells in response to pathogen attacks. Inhibitors of the octadecanoid pathway, and a mutation that interrupts this pathway, block the induction of SWRPs by wounding, systemin, and oligosaccharide elicitors, indicating that the octadecanoid pathway is essential for the activation of defense genes by all of these signals. The tomato mutant line that is functionally deficient in the octadecanoid pathway is highly susceptible to attacks by Manduca sexta larvae. The similarities between the defense signaling pathway in tomato leaves and those of the defense signaling pathways of macrophages and mast cells of animals suggests that both the plant and animal pathways may have evolved from a common ancestral origin.


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The N,N'-diacetyllactosediamine (lacdiNAc) pathway of complex-type oligosaccharide synthesis is controlled by a UDP-GalNAc:GlcNAc beta-R beta 1-->4-N-acetylgalac-tesaminyltransferase (beta 4-GalNAcT) that acts analogously to the common UDP-Gal:GlcNAc beta-R beta 1-->4-galactosyltransferase (beta 4-GalT). LacdiNAc-based chains particularly occur in invertebrates and cognate beta 4-GalNAcTs have been identified in the snail Lymnaea stagnalis, in two schistosomal species, and in several lepldopteran insect cell lines. Because of the similarity in reactions catalyzed by both enzymes, we investigated whether L. stagnalis albumen gland beta 4-GalNAcT would share with mammalian beta 4-GalT the property of interacting with alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-LA), a protein that only occurs in the lactating mammary gland, to form a complex in which the specificity of the enzyme is changed. It was found that, under conditions where beta 4-GalT forms the lactose synthase complex with alpha-LA, the snail beta 4-GalNAcT was induced by this protein to act on Glc with a > 100-fold increased efficiency, resulting in the formation of the lactose analog GalNAc beta 1-->4Glc. This forms the second example of a glycosyltransferase, the specificity of which can be altered by a modifier protein. So far, however, no protein fraction could be isolated from L. stagnalis that could likewise interact with the beta 4-GalNAcT. Neither had lysozyme c, a protein that is homologous to alpha-LA, an effect on the specificity of the enzyme. These results raise the question of how the capability to interact with alpha-LA has been conserved in the snail enzyme during evolution without any apparent selective pressure. They also suggest that snail beta 4-GalNAcT and mammalian beta 4-GalT show similarity at a molecular level and allows the identification of the beta 4-GalNAcT as a candidate member of the beta 4-GalT family.


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The selectins are calcium-dependent C-type lectins that recognize complex anionic carbohydrate ligands, initiating many cell-cell interactions in the vascular system. Selectin blockade shows therapeutic promise in a variety of inflammatory and postischemic pathologies. However, the available oligosaccharide ligand mimetics have low affinities and show cross-reaction among the three selectins, precluding efficient and specific blockade. The SELEX (systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment) process uses combinatorial chemistry and in vitro selection to yield high affinity oligonucleotides with unexpected binding specificities. Nuclease-stabilized randomized oligonucleotides subjected to SELEX against recombinant L-selectin yielded calcium-dependent antagonists with approximately 10(5) higher affinity than the conventional oligosaccharide ligand sialyl LewisX. Most of the isolated ligands shared a common consensus sequence. Unlike sialyl LewisX, these antagonists show little binding to E- or P-selectin. Moreover, they show calcium-dependent binding to native L-selectin on peripheral blood lymphocytes and block L-selectin-dependent interactions with the natural ligands on high endothelial venules.


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The Xenopus developmental gene DG42 is expressed during early embryonic development, between the midblastula and neurulation stages. The deduced protein sequence of Xenopus DG42 shows similarity to Rhizobium Nod C, Streptococcus Has A, and fungal chitin synthases. Previously, we found that the DG42 protein made in an in vitro transcription/translation system catalyzed synthesis of an array of chitin oligosaccharides. Here we show that cell extracts from early Xenopus and zebrafish embryos also synthesize chitooligosaccharides. cDNA fragments homologous to DG42 from zebrafish and mouse were also cloned and sequenced. Expression of these homologs was similar to that described for Xenopus based on Northern and Western blot analysis. The Xenopus anti-DG42 antibody recognized a 63-kDa protein in extracts from zebrafish embryos that followed a similar developmental expression pattern to that previously described for Xenopus. The chitin oligosaccharide synthase activity found in extracts was inactivated by a specific DG42 antibody; synthesis of hyaluronic acid (HA) was not affected under the conditions tested. Other experiments demonstrate that expression of DG42 under plasmid control in mouse 3T3 cells gives rise to chitooligosaccharide synthase activity without an increase in HA synthase level. A possible relationship between our results and those of other investigators, which show stimulation of HA synthesis by DG42 in mammalian cell culture systems, is provided by structural analyses to be published elsewhere that suggest that chitin oligosaccharides are present at the reducing ends of HA chains. Since in at least one vertebrate system hyaluronic acid formation can be inhibited by a pure chitinase, it seems possible that chitin oligosaccharides serve as primers for hyaluronic acid synthesis.


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Proliferation, migration-associated differentiation, and cell death occur continuously and in a spatially well-organized fashion along the crypt-villus axis of the mouse small intestine, making it an attractive system for studying how these processes are regulated and interrelated. A pathway for producing glycoconjugates was engineered in adult FVB/N transgenic mice by expressing a human alpha 1,3/4-fucosyltransferase (alpha 1,3/4-FT; EC along the length of this crypt-villus axis. The alpha 1,3/4-FT can use lacto-N-tetraose or lacto-neo-N-tetraose core chains to generate Lewis (Le) blood group antigens Le(a) or Le(x), respectively, and H type 1 or H type 2 core chains to produce Leb and Le(y). Single- and multilabel immunohistochemical studies revealed that expression of the alpha 1,3/4-FT results in production of Le(a) and Leb antigens in both undifferentiated proliferated crypt cells and in differentiated postmitotic villus-associated epithelial cells. In contrast, Le(x) antigens were restricted to crypt cells. Villus enterocytes can be induced to reenter the cell cycle by expression of simian virus 40 tumor antigen under the control of a promoter that only functions in differentiated members of this lineage. Bitransgenic animals, generated from a cross of FVB/N alpha 1,3/4-FT with FVB/N simian virus 40 tumor antigen mice, expand the range of Le(x) expression to include villus-associated enterocytes that have reentered the cell cycle. Thus, the fucosylations unveil a proliferation-dependent switch in oligosaccharide production, as defined by a monoclonal antibody specific for the Le(x) epitope. These findings show that genetic engineering of oligosaccharide biosynthetic pathways can be used to define markers for entry into, or progression through, the cell cycle and to identify changes in endogenous carbohydrate metabolism that occur when proliferative status is altered in a manner that is not deleterious to the system under study.


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UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc): polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (polypeptide GalNAc-T) catalyzes transfer of the monosaccharide GalNAc to serine and threonine residues, thereby initiating O-linked oligosaccharide biosynthesis. Previous studies have suggested the possibility of multiple polypeptide GalNAc-Ts, although attachment of saccharide units to polypeptide or lipid in generating oligosaccharide structures in vertebrates has been dependent upon the activity of single gene products. To address this issue and to determine the relevance of Oglycosylation variation in T-cell ontogeny, we have directed Cre/loxP mutagenic recombination to the polypeptide GalNAc-T locus in gene-targeted mice. Resulting deletion in the catalytic region of polypeptide GalNAc-T occurred to completion on both alleles in thymocytes and was found in peripheral T cells, but not among other cell types. Thymocyte O-linked oligosaccharide formation persisted in the absence of a functional targeted polypeptide GalNAc-T allele as determined by O-glycan-specific lectin binding. T-cell development and colonization of secondary lymphoid organs were also normal. These results indicate a complexity in vertebrate O-glycan biosynthesis that involves multiple polypeptide GalNAc-Ts. We infer the potential for protein-specific O-glycan formation governed by distinct polypeptide GalNAc-Ts.