925 resultados para fresh water fish


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É apresentada uma síntese sobre os peixes do Alto Paraná, com base em dados de coleções, dados de literatura e novas coletas. Trezentas e dez espécies, de 11 ordens e 38 famílias, são referidas para a drenagem, aumentando significativamente números anteriores. Dentre as espécies da área, 236 (76,1%) são autóctones, 67 (21,6%) alóctones e sete (2,3%) exóticas. As principais causas de ocorrência de espécies não nativas (alóctones e exóticas) foram a dispersão a partir do baixo Paraná, após a construção do Reservatório de Itaipu e o escape de pisciculturas. A maior parte das espécies referidas (65%) tem porte pequeno, sendo menor que 21 cm de comprimento; dentre essas, a maioria ocorre apenas em riachos e cabeceiras. Apesar da ictiofauna do Alto Paraná ser uma das melhor conhecidas e mais estudadas, o número de espécies descritas ou referidas para a área tem crescido exponencialmente, o que indica que a riqueza apresentada está longe de representar a realidade. de fato, várias novas espécies têm sido descritas nos últimos anos e cerca de 50 novas espécies, já reconhecidas, estão em fase de descrição. A melhoria no conhecimento sobre a ictiofauna do Alto Paraná é proporcional ao número de pesquisadores envolvidos em estudos na bacia e reflete, de modo inequívoco, iniciativas recentes que têm estimulado e incrementado pesquisas taxonômicas, facilitado o acesso ao material depositado em coleções científicas e aumentado as coletas em áreas e ambientes pouco amostrados. Entretanto, mantido o ritmo de descrições de novas espécies ocorrido até agora nessa última década, as 50 novas espécies já reconhecidas estariam descritas apenas dentro de dez anos, um tempo demasiadamente longo. Por essa razão é muito importante que a comunidade científica e os órgãos de fomento encontrem e viabilizem iniciativas de modo a aumentar esse ritmo de descrições de novos táxons e disponibilizar esses novos nomes mais rapidamente.


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A method for the total mercury determination in fish and shrimps employing chronopotentiometric stripping analysis on gold film electrodes is described. Fish and shrimp tissues were digested using a microwave oven equipped with closed vessels. We developed a microwave heating program which decomposed all the samples employing diluted nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide. The proposed method was validated by analyzing a certified reference material and then applied for different fish species from fresh water and seawater acquired in local markets of São Paulo city, Brazil. The Brazilian legislation establishes 0.5 and 1 mg per kilogram of fish as upper limit of mercury for omnivorous and predator species, respectively. Except for blue shark tissues, the mercury content was situated below 0.5 mu g g(-1) for all the analyzed samples. The detection limit of the proposed method was calculated as 5 ng g(-1) of sample utilizing 5 minutes of electrodeposition (+300 mV vs. Ag/AgCl) on the gold electrode. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study investigates the thrombocyte aggregation process in the South American fresh water turtle (Phrynopys hilarii) using electron microscopy. Blood was taken from surgically exposed lateral neck vessels often turtles Phrynopys hilarii during the spring and summer seasons, when the mean temperature is 37°C. Blood samples were fixed with Karnovsky solution for processing by transmission electron microscopy. The turtle thrombocytes were spindle-shaped with lobulated nuclei. Prominent vesicles and canaliculi were found throughout the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm organelles showed an agranular endoplasmatic reticulum, Golgi complex near the centrioles and scattered free ribosomes. These cells are similar to bird thrombocytes but distinct from fish and frog thrombocytes. Blood clotting time was 5 min ± 30 sec measured by the Lee and White method. Structural alterations resulting from the aggregation process occurred after activation. Thrombocytes developed numerous filopodial projections, an increased number of vacuoles and changed from spindle to spherical shape. P. hilarii thrombocytes have different morphologic characteristics compared to other non-mammalian vertebrate cells. These cells can participate in the aggregation process, as observed in birds.


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There are many tales describing ferocious schools of piranha attacking humans, but there are few scientific data supporting such behavior. The very few documented instances of humans attacked and eaten by piranha schools include 3 that occurred after death by other causes (eg, heart failure and drowning). These predaceous fishes, however, do occasionally injure bathers and swimmers in lakes and rivers. The characteristic profile of most injuries is a single bite per victim, generally related to the fish defending its brood. This paper describes an outbreak of piranha bites in a dammed river portion in southeast Brazil. The outbreak was caused by the speckled piranha, Serrasalmus spilopleura, a widespread species which benefits from the growing tendency of damming rivers all over Brazil. This article focuses on the epidemiological and clinical aspects of the injuries, as well as on piranha biology, to gain a better understanding of the natural history of bite outbreaks.


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This work describes the relative condition factor of the Hypostomus strigaticeps, Astyanax altiparanae, Astyanax scabripinnis, Astyanax fasciatus, Astyanax sp1., Characidium aff. zebra, Piabina argentea, Hypostomus ancistroides, Hypostomus sp1., Parodon tortuosus, Serrapinus heterodon, and Bryconamericus sp., of the APA of São Pedro and Analândia (22°-23°S and 47°30'-48°30'W). The condition factor provides information about the physical state of the animal in the environment. In order to compare different species, the relative condition factor was used. Variations in this factor were correlated with variations through the year and with subsequent alterations in the physiological state of the fishes. The relative condition factor was shown to be efficient in indicating changes in fish condition throughout the year.


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Background. Iron-deficiency anemia currently is the most frequently occurring nutritional disorder worldwide. Previous Brazilian studies have demonstrated that drinking water fortified with iron and ascorbic acid is an adequate vehicle for improving the iron supply for children frequenting day-care centers. Objective. The objective of this study was to clarify the role of ascorbic acid as a vehicle for improving iron intake in children in day-care centers in Brazil. Methods. A six-month study was conducted on 150 children frequenting six day-care centers divided into two groups of three day-care centers by drawing lots: the iron-C group (3 day-care centers, n = 74), which used water fortified with 10 mg elemental iron and 100 mg ascorbic acid per liter, and the comparison group (3 day-care centers, n = 76), which used water containing only 100 mg ascorbic acid per liter. Anthropometric measurements and determinations of capillary hemoglobin were performed at the beginning of the study and after six months of intervention. The food offered at the day-care centers was also analyzed. Results. The fo od offered at the day-care center was found to be deficient in ascorbic acid, poor in heme iron, and adequate in non-heme iron. Supplementation with fortified drinking water resulted in a decrease in the prevalence of anemia and an increase in mean hemoglobin levels associated with height gain in both groups. Conclusions. Fortification of drinking water with iron has previously demonstrated effectiveness in increasing iron supplies. This simple strategy was confirmed in the present study. The present study also demonstrated that for populations receiving an abundant supply of non-heme iron, it is possible to control anemia in a simple, safe, and inexpensive manner by adding ascorbic acid to drinking water. © 2005, The United Nations University.


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Plesiomonas shigelloides is a Gram-negative rod-shaped bacterium, of the family Enterobacteriaceae, which has been isolated from freshwater and salt water, freshwater fish, shellfish and many species of animals. Most human P. shigelloides infections are suspected to be waterborne. The organism can be found in untreated water used as drinking water, in recreational water, or in water used to rinse food that is consumed without cooking or heating. The ingestion of P. shigelloides does not always cause illness in the host animal, and the organism may be present temporarily as a transient, noninfectious member of the intestinal flora. It has been isolated from the stools of patients with diarrhea,but it is also sometimes isolated from healthy individuals. P. shigelloides has been implicated in gastroenteritis, usually a self-limiting disease characterized by fever, chills, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea or vomiting; in severe cases the diarrhea may be yellowish-green, foamy and tinged with blood. The bacteria may also cause extra-intestinal infection. Furthermore, it can produce toxins and may be invasive. The evidence in favor of considering P. shigelloides as an enteropathogen is not totally convincing. Although it has been isolated from patients with diarrhea and incriminated in some outbreaks involving contaminated water and food, it was not possible, in many P. shigelloides samples associated with gastrointestinal infections, to identify a definite mechanism of virulence.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of fresh water shrimp Macrobrachium amazonicum (Heller, 1862) in performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) cultivated in polyculture system and feeding with ration pelleted and mashed. The work was realized in Centro de Pesquisa em Aqüicultura Ambiental-CPAA/IAP - Toledo/PR during 37 days. Were utilized like experimental unit 16 ponds excavated, covered with concrete but with bottom of soil with dimension the 4 x 3 m and useful volume the 3,5 m 3. Were utilized 30 tilapias e 150 shrimps for experimental unit distributed at an entirely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 replications, where TF: tilapia feeding with ration mashed; TCF: tilapia and shrimp feeding with ration mashed; TP: tilapia feeding with ration pelleted; TCP: tilapia and shrimp feeding with ration pelleted. The density used were the 2,6 fishes/m 2 with medium initial weight the 5,58 ± 0,10 g and initial length the 5,56 cm, and the density of shrimp was the 13 shrimps/m 2 with initial length the 1,04 cm. The temperature was gauged daily, while the variables dissolved oxygen, pH and electrical conductivity, weekly. The quantity of ration supplied was the 10% of total biomass of fishes, with feed frequency the 4 times a day, being corrected weekly in function of the biometry. During the experimental period the medium values of temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and electrical conductivity of the ponds water were 23,42 ± 0,83°C, 5,32 ± 0,52 mg/L, 7,02 ± 0,39, e 100,96 ± 1,81 μS/ cm respectively. Won't registering any influence of shrimp during the cultivation and the ration pelleted provide the better conversion alimentary and performance of tilapias.


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Includes bibliography


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The best description of water resources for Grand Turk was offered by Pérez Monteagudo (2000) who suggested that rain water was insufficient to ensure a regular water supply although water catchment was being practised and water catchment possibilities had been analysed. Limestone islands, mostly flat and low lying, have few possibilities for large scale surface storage, and groundwater lenses exist in very delicate equilibrium with saline seawater, and are highly likely to collapse due to sea level rise, improper extraction, drought, tidal waves or other extreme event. A study on the impact of climate change on water resources in the Turks and Caicos Islands is a challenging task, due to the fact that the territory of the Islands covers different environmental resources and conditions, and accurate data are lacking. The present report is based on collected data wherever possible, including grey data from several sources such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Cuban meteorological service data sets. Other data were also used, including the author’s own estimates and modelling results. Although challenging, this was perhaps the best approach towards analysing the situation. Furthermore, IPCC A2 and B2 scenarios were used in the present study in an effort to reduce uncertainty. The main conclusion from the scenario approach is that the trend observed in precipitation during the period 1961 - 1990 is decreasing. Similar behaviour was observed in the Caribbean region. This trend is associated with meteorological causes, particularly with the influence of the North Atlantic Anticyclone. The annual decrease in precipitation is estimated to be between 30-40% with uncertain impacts on marine resources. After an assessment of fresh water resources in Turks and Caicos Islands, the next step was to estimate residential water demand based on a high fertility rate scenario for the Islands (one selected from four scenarios and compared to countries having similar characteristics). The selected scenario presents higher projections on consumption growth, enabling better preparation for growing water demand. Water demand by tourists (stopover and excursionists, mainly cruise passengers) was also obtained, based on international daily consumption estimates. Tourism demand forecasts for Turks and Caicos Islands encompass the forty years between 2011 and 2050 and were obtained by means of an Artificial Neural Networks approach. for the A2 and B2 scenarios, resulting in the relation BAU>B2>A2 in terms of tourist arrivals and water demand levels from tourism. Adaptation options and policies were analysed. Resolving the issue of the best technology to be used for Turks and Caicos Islands is not directly related to climate change. Total estimated water storage capacity is about 1, 270, 800 m3/ year with 80% capacity load for three plants. However, almost 11 desalination plants have been detected on Turks and Caicos Islands. Without more data, it is not possible to estimate long term investment to match possible water demand and more complex adaptation options. One climate change adaptation option would be the construction of elevated (30 metres or higher) storm resistant water reservoirs. The unit cost of the storage capacity is the sum of capital costs and operational and maintenance costs. Electricity costs to pump water are optional as water should, and could, be stored for several months. The costs arising for water storage are in the range of US$ 0.22 cents/m3 without electricity costs. Pérez Monteagudo (2000) estimated water prices at around US$ 2.64/m3 in stand points, US$ 7.92 /m3 for government offices, and US$ 13.2 /m3for cistern truck vehicles. These data need to be updated. As Turks and Caicos Islands continues to depend on tourism and Reverse Osmosis (RO) for obtaining fresh water, an unavoidable condition to maintaining and increasing gross domestic product(GDP) and population welfare, dependence on fossil fuels and vulnerability to increasingly volatile prices will constitute an important restriction. In this sense, mitigation supposes a synergy with adaptation. Energy demand and emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) were also estimated using an emissions factor of 2. 6 tCO2/ tonne of oil equivalent (toe). Assuming a population of 33,000 inhabitants, primary energy demand was estimated for Turks and Caicos Islands at 110,000 toe with electricity demand of around 110 GWh. The business as usual (BAU), as well as the mitigation scenarios were estimated. The BAU scenario suggests that energy use should be supported by imported fossil fuels with important improvements in energy efficiency. The mitigation scenario explores the use of photovoltaic and concentrating solar power, and wind energy. As this is a preliminary study, the local potential and locations need to be identified to provide more relevant estimates. Macroeconomic assumptions are the same for both scenarios. By 2050, Turks and Caicos Islands could demand 60 m toe less than for the BAU scenario.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)