538 resultados para extratores de boro


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A cultura do repolho é cultivada em áreas pequenas e necessita de muita mão de obra, sendo na maior parte conduzida pela agricultura familiar. Avaliou-se o efeito de doses de boro em diferentes cultivares de repolho na região oeste de Mato Grosso do Sul. O experimento foi conduzido na Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS), Unidade Universitária de Aquidauana. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos casualizados no esquema fatorial 2 x 5, sendo duas cultivares e cinco doses de boro, com quatro repetições. Foram avaliadas as características: teores de boro foliar, área da planta, altura de planta, número de folhas externas, massa fresca de folhas externas, massa seca de folhas externas, altura da cabeça, diâmetro da cabeça, número de folhas internas, massa fresca de folhas internas, massa seca de folhas externas, classificação do peso da cabeça, compacidade e produção por hectare. A cultivar 60 Dias apresentou maiores valores nos componentes de produção e conseqüentemente maior produtividade. A aplicação de boro influencia linearmente nos teor de boro foliar, diâmetro de cabeça e número de folha interna. As doses de boro interferem na produtividade de repolho, sendo que na cultivar 60 Dias a dose máxima é de 7,2 kg ha-1 e para cultivar Chato de Quintal a dose mínima deve ser de 1,06 kg ha-1.


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A pitaya é uma espécie vegetal trepadeira e frutífera, pertencente à família das cactáceas e que vem se destacando no mercado de frutas exóticas no Brasil. Objetivou-se avaliar diferentes substratos no enraizamento de cladódios com a base imersa e não-imersa em solução com ácido bórico, na formação e no desenvolvimento inicial de raízes, visando à obtenção de mudas mais vigorosas, de melhor qualidade e com maiores chances de sobrevivência. O experimento foi conduzido sob ripado no Departamento de Produção Vegetal, setor de Horticultura da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas no campus de Botucatu, UNESP, São Paulo. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 4 x 2 (substratos x boro), com quatro repetições. Após 60 dias da instalação do experimento foram avaliados: massa de matérias fresca e seca da parte aérea, massa de matérias fresca e seca das raízes e comprimento da maior raiz. O crescimento e desenvolvimento radicular inicial de estacas são influenciados pelo tipo de substrato e pelo uso do micronutriente boro. A mistura areia + esterco proporciona maior acúmulo de fitomassa na parte aérea e no sistema radicular de pitaya vermelha. Dentre os substratos trabalhados, o mais indicado para a produção de mudas mais vigorosas e de boa qualidade é o preparado à base de mistura de areia + esterco bovino curtido.


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Calos de cana-de-açúcar variedade NA56-79, foram desenvolvidos em meio de cultura contendo sais minerais acrescidos de hormônios e vitaminas. Após a obtenção de quantidade suficiente de material, foram submetidos a três níveis diferentes de boro (omisso, 6,2 mg/L, 12,4mg/L). Foram analisados o teor protéico e a atividade da peroxidase. Os resultados mostraram que, em relação ao teor protéico, este foi menor na deficiência e maior em níveis mais elevados de boro. A variação da atividade da peroxidase mostrou um resultado inverso ao da proteína.


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O trabalho teve como finalidade, estudar o efeito de várias auxinas sintéticas em formulações comerciais e do boro, sobre o enraizamento de estacas caulinares de kiwi (Actinidia chinensis Planch, cv Abbott.). As estacas utilizadas continham dois nós e duas folhas cortadas ao meio, com aproximadamente 10 cm de comprimento, onde o corte basal em bisel foi realizado logo abaixo de um nó e o apical acima do outro nó. O efeito das auxinas, sobre o enraizamento de estacas caulinares de kiwi foi verificado mediante os seguintes tratamentos, aplicados sobre as bases das estacas: T1 H(2)0); T2 (NAA 300 ppm); T3 (IBA 300 ppm); T4 (NAA 300 ppm + B); T5 (IBA 300 ppm + B); T6 (NAA 0,5%-pó) e T7 (IBA 0,5%-pó). Após o tratamento das estacas, estas foram plantadas em bandejas de enraizamento, contendo vermiculita pura e colocadas em câmara de nebulização, onde permaneceram por 120 dias, até a sua coleta. Para a avaliação do efeito de auxinas e do ácido bórico, sobre o enraizamento de estacas caulinares de kiwi, foram realizadas as seguintes observações: 1. porcentagem de estacas enraizadas; 2. análise de açúcares redutores e açúcares totais (em g/100 g de matéria seca); 3. análise de triptofano (em µg/100 mg de matéria seca). Os resultados obtidos no processo de enraizamento de estacas caulinares de kiwi (Actinidia chinensis Planch.) variedade Abbott, levou a concluir que o inverno e outono foram as melhores épocas de coleta dos ramos de auxinas para a confecção das estacas. O processo de enraizamento foi ainda incrementado com a aplicação exógena na base das estacas, sendo que o alto teor de açúcares redutores e totais beneficiou a maior porcentagem de enraizamento.


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Foi conduzido, em casa de vegetação, um experimento em solução nutritiva de Steimberg modificada, cultivando-se o girassol (Helianthus annuus L.), cv. Anhandy, com cinco níveis de cálcio e cinco de boro combinados, em esquema fatorial completo 5 x 5, visando-se induzir sintomas tardios, no início do florescimento, de deficiência desses elementos. A deficiência isolada de cálcio induziu o sintoma de colapso do capítulo quando o nível inicial de cálcio na solução foi tal (15,24 ppm de Ca) que permitiu a manifestação do sintoma no início do florescimento. A deficiência de boro manifestou-se antes do florescimento, para todos os níveis iniciais do micronutriente em solução, e isto impediu sua avaliação, em relação ao capítulo.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate methods for predicting availability of Zn in soils. Surface soil samples representing Podzolized soils from Lins and Marilia var. Marilia and var. Lins, medium texture Dark-Red Latosol, Dusky-Red Latosol and Terra Roxa Estruturada, were gathered from fields in Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. Com was used as indicator plant in a greenhouse experiment. Availability of Zn was determined with: 0.5 M CaCl2, 2.0 N MgCl2, N CH3COONH4 (pH 6.0 and 4.8), 0.05 and 0.1 N HCl, 0.05 N H2SO4, 0.005 M DTPA (pH 7.3 and 6.0), 1.0% Na2-EDTA, 0.01 M EDTA + 1.0 M (NH4)2CO3 (pH 8.6) and 0.02 M EDTA + 0.5 M CH3COOH + 0.5 M CH3COONH4. By using the simple correlation coefficients (Zn extracted from soils x absorbed by plants it can be concluded that the complexant agents and acid solutions showed to be efficient. The salt solutions showed low extraction capacity, low correlation coefficients and less accuracy. By considering aspects as accuracy and easy management DTPA pH 7,3 and Na2-EDTA can be indicated as the most apropriates (r values, respectively, 0.873** and 0.868** and V.C. 7.52% and 7.98%).


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The present research had aimed at studying the auxins and or boron effect on rooting of coffee (Coffea arabica L. cv. Mundo Novo') cuttings. The cuttings were obtained from semi-hardwood orthotropous branches of coffee-tree, containing 2 nodes and with aproximately 10 cm in length. The bases were dipped in treatment solutions composed of IBA or NAA with and without boron during 24 hours. After the treatments, the cuttings were planted in vermiculite. The following could be observed on cuttings taken ninety days after planting - total number of roots formed, average number of roots per cutting and root length. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that cutting treatment with NAA 100 ppm plus boron is responsible for the better rooting of coffee cuttings.


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The current rhythm of petroliferous exploration is esteem that the existing reserves will be depleted in next the 45 years. Thus being, it has that to study intensely, what it has come to be fact, the alternative power plants, as well as the technologies economically capable to ultilizar them. The potential demand of biodiesel for 2020 is taken in consideration that, in accordance with the International Agency of Energia (AIE), in only eight countries, will jump of 34,7 million tons in 2010 for 133,8 million in 2020, with an increment next to 300%. The tame nut is a producing oil plant with all the qualities necessary to be transformed into oil diesel. Beyond perennial and of easy culture, it presents good conservation of the harvested seed, being able to become great producer of substance cousin as optional fuel source. For these authors, this is a culture that can be developed in the small properties, with the available familiar man power, being plus a source of income for the country properties of the Northeast Region. The objective of this work is to evidence the capacity of oil production of the nut-bellwether, and the quality of extration with hexano and methanol in 6 distinct times.


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The study aimed to evaluate the yield and fruit quality of papaya 'Sunrise Solo' as function of nitrogen and boron fertilization. The experiment had a randomized block design with four replications, two plants per plot with a single border. To make up the treatments, we used the experimental array Plan Puebla III, which set the rates for nitrogen (0.0 to 111.2 - 200 - 288.9 - 400 g plant(-1), and B (0.0 - 0.83 - 1.5 - 2.16 - 3.0 g plant(-1)), in a total of ten treatments. The addition of nitrogen increased the yield, average fruit weight and number of fruits per plant. The nitrogen and boron increased the diameter and length of the fruit, amount of seeds and content of soluble solids. The pH of the pulp decreased linearly with increasing doses of nitrogen and boron. It was observed a significant effect of N rates on the level of vitamin C.


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This work was carried out to study the effects of some synthetical auxins and boron on the rooting of stem cuttings of kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa Pl. cv. Tomuri). Cuttings of semi-woody stems with two knots and leaves divided in two, with approximately 10 cm of length were utilized. The base of the cuttings received the following treatments: 1) water only; 2) NAA 300 ppm; 3) IBA 300 ppm; 4) NAA 300 ppm + B; 5) IBA 300 ppm + B; 6) NAA 0,5%-talc and 7) IBA 0,5%-talc. After these treatments, the stems were placed in suitable rooting dishes, with pure vermiculite in misty nebulization chamber for 120 days. Evaluations were made based on the following observations: percentage of rooted stem cuttings; reductor sugar and total sugar analyses and tryptophan analyses. The results showed that the autumm season is the best for rooting for kiwi stem cuttings. The exogenous application of 0.5% of IBA talc on the bases of the cuttings showed positive results.


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This paper evaluated the critical level, responsivity and boron use effciency on growth and the biomass production in six Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla clones (Ca, Cb, Cc, Cd, Ce and Cf). An experiment was carried out in pots containing ground silicon, under greenhouse conditions using four boron rates per solution (0; 0.135; 0.27; 0.54 mg L -1 of B). The treatments were combined in a randomized block experimental design in a 4 × 6 factorial scheme with three replications. Plant height, stem diameter, dry matter production in the shoots of the plant and boron use effciency in the leaves, stem and total dry matter at the 8th month of age were evaluated. Due to boron fertilization, growth and shoot biomass were observed in the Eucalyptus plants after 240 days of being planted in pots. The increases in growth and biomass were 35 to 54% and 21 to 64%, respectively. The boron rates that promoted major growth of the plants were 0.33 to 0.44 mg L -1 of B and in this range the most effcient clone for dry matter production of leaves was Cf and the least effcient one to stem biomass production and the shoot biomass was Cd, no signifcant differences among other clones were observed. The critical level of boron in solution was 0.09 to 0.24 mg L -1 of B in the growth of the plants.


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It was objectified to quantify the initial growth of varieties of castor bean with boron fertilization. Had been tested to cultivate they AL-Guarani, Mirante 10 and Nordestina to the doses of 0; 0.25; 0.50; 0.75 and 1.0 mg kg -1 of B in controlled environment of greenhouse in the Sector of Cafeicultura of the Department of Agriculture of the UFLA. The characteristics valued were: height of plants, length of roots, leaf number, diameter of stem, mass of dry substance (MS) of leafs, of stem, the root and total. To cultivate Mirante 10 it was the one that got minor growth of the system of root. For leaf number to cultivate AL-Guarani it was superior to Mirante 10 and Nordestina. Also to cultivate better AL-Guarani if it detached how much to the production of total mass of MS, while to cultivate Mirante 10 produced more mass of MS than Nordestina.


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The present work had as objective the study of clones of Eucalyptus grandis and E. grandis × E. urophylla under boron suppression on growth in height and diameter, development of symptoms of deficiency, boron content in leaf and polyols production. Plants were cultivated in pots with quartz in a greenhouse using two levels of boron per solution (0 and 0.5 mg L-1 of B). The 32 treatments followed a factorial scheme: 16 × 2 -16 clones and two doses of boron in a randomized block experimental design, with fve repetitions, totaling 160 plots. Plants were evaluated weekly for deficiency symptoms and monthly for height, stem diameter and leaf content of boron in different plant parts. The content of polyols was measured in two occasions: at 162 days and 192 days after starting the experiment. Decrease of growth and quick development of deficiency symptoms 40 days after boron suppression were observed, as well as a decrease of polyols synthesis. Foliar analysis, with boron supplement, resulted in the presence of mannitol and sorbitol in high enough concentration so that the evaluated plants could be considered rich in those polyols. Under boron suppression, boron levels in different portions of branches and stems of plants, as well as the presence of mannitol and sorbitol, indicated a conditional mobility of boron in Eucalyptus.


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The efficiency of monitoring fertigation by means of porous capsule extractors is directly related to its correct placement, since the nutrients applied through fertigation have different mobility throughout the soil profile. The objective of this study was to evaluate the distributions of NO3, P, and K in the soil solution, when applied in citrus in sandy soil through drip fertigation systems, aiming to define the proper placement of the solution extractors. In order to measure the concentration of ions in the soil solution, the extractors were installed at four different distances (5, 15, 25, and 35 cm) and depths (15, 30, 60, and 90 cm) with an emitter located under the projection of the tree canopy. The experiment was conducted in a Valencia orange orchard on citrumelo Swingle rootstock, in Reginópolis/SP. The experimental design was randomized blocks and the treatment arrangement was a 4 x 4 factorial design with five repetitions. Sixteen soil solution extractors were installed per block, with a total of 80 extractors in the experiment. According to the obtained results, to determine P and K, it is recommended to install the solution extractor at 15 cm horizontal and 30 cm depth from the emitter. For NO3, the extractor recommended placement is 25 cm horizontal and 30 cm depth. The soil solution extractor proved to be a sensitive tool, capable of determining the ions mobility in the wet bulb.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)