192 resultados para existentially touched
Gerbrand van den Eeckhout; 7 3/32 in.x 8 3/16 in.; pen and brown ink with brown and reddish-brown wash and some white heightening; touched with red chalk
Severe weather and tornadoes passed through north central Illinois in the early evening of April 20, 2004. Tornadoes touched down in Grant Park, Hopkins Park and Kankakee in Kankakee County; Sheridan, Utica and Weldon in LaSalle County; Granville in Putnam County; and Joliet in Will County. The most severe impacts were to the Village of Utica, which was struck with an F-3 tornado.
People with complex regional pain syndrome type 1 (CRPS1) watched a reflected image of their unaffected limb being touched and felt pain or paresthesia at the corresponding site on the affected limb. The authors suggest that allodynia and paresthesia can be mediated by the brain and that dysynchiria has implications for the understanding and management of CRPS1.
Three studies (N=144) investigated how toddlers aged 18 and 24 months pass the surprise-mark test of self-recognition. In Study 1, toddlers were surreptitiously marked in successive conditions on their legs and faces with stickers visible only in a mirror. Rates of sticker touching did not differ significantly between conditions. In Study 2, toddlers failed to touch a sticker on their legs that had been disguised before being marked. In Study 3, having been given 30-s exposure to their disguised legs before testing, toddlers touched the stickers on their legs and faces at equivalent levels. These results suggest that toddlers pass the mark test based on expectations about what they look like, expectations that are not restricted to the face.
O trabalho é um estudo sobre produção e recepção da rádio Heliópolis FM, por seu público alvo, moradores de Heliópolis. O objetivo foi compreender como a rádio é percebida por seus ouvintes. Metodologicamente, o estudo foi divido em duas etapas. A primeira é mais conceitual e baseada em pesquisa bibliográfica. Na etapa seguinte, resgata-se o histórico da emissora e verifica-se a apropriação da Heliópolis FM por moradores e se a emissora desempenha papel comunitário, investigando-se como a rádio é apropriada por seus ouvintes assíduos. A aproximação à recepção foi feita tendo por base a vertente teórico-metodológica do uso social dos meios, de Jesús Martín-Barbero, segundo o qual este tipo de estudo consiste no deslocamento do espaço de interesse dos meios para o lugar onde é produzido o seu sentido movimentos sociais e, de um modo especial, daqueles que partem do bairro (1997). A técnica usada foi a entrevista semi-estruturada. Conclui-se que a rádio é percebida como comunitária por seus receptores principalmente porque abre espaço para a população local produzir programas, escolher as músicas que serão tocadas, apresentar seus trabalhos e utilizar seus serviços como o de localização de pessoas e documentos perdidos gratuitamente.(AU)
O propósito neste estudo foi determinar a posição de repouso da língua em indivíduos com oclusão dentária normal e respiração nasal, por meio de telerradiografias em norma lateral realizadas após a ingestão de bário. A amostra foi composta por 66 radiografias de indivíduos brancos com oclusão dentária normal, sendo 26 do sexo masculino e 40 do sexo feminino, na faixa etária de 12 a 21 anos de idade, procedentes de escolas da região do Grande ABC Paulista. O critério utilizado para diagnóstico da oclusão normal foi As Seis Chaves para a Oclusão Normal preconizadas por Andrews (1972), devendo estar presentes no mínimo quatro das seis chaves, sendo obrigatória a presença da primeira chave de oclusão que é a da relação interarcos. As radiografias foram obtidas com o indivíduo em posição natural da cabeça após a ingestão de contraste de sulfato de bário para evidenciar o controle da língua. Posteriormente foi feito o desenho anatômico das estruturas pesquisadas, marcados os pontos cefalométricos, traçadas as linhas e os planos, e por último obtidas as seguintes medidas lineares: comprimento e altura da língua, distância do dorso da língua na sua porção média até o palato duro e a distância entre a ponta da língua e a incisal do incisivo inferior. Por meio dos resultados encontrados verificou-se que não existe um padrão único de posicionamento de repouso da língua dentro da cavidade oral, em pacientes respiradores nasais, variando muito sua distância até a incisal dos incisivos inferiores, bem como até o palato duro, havendo uniformidade apenas no fato da língua tocar o palato mole em todos os indivíduos da amostra. Não houve relação estatisticamente significante entre a posição de repouso da língua e os biotipos faciais e nem dimorfismo sexual.
Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar e descrever associações entre bem-estar subjetivo, construto formado por satisfação geral com a vida e afetos positivos e negativos,e autoeficáciapara abstinência de drogas em dependentes de cocaína/crack em processo de abstinência. Utilizou, para avaliar as variáveis, as Escalas de Afetos Positivos e Negativos, de Satisfação Geral com a Vida, de Autoeficácia para Abstinência de Drogas, de Avaliação para Mudança da Universidade de Rhode Island e um questionário de dados sócio-demográficos e socioculturais. Participaram 70 homens, dependentes de cocaína/crack, jovens e de baixa escolaridade.Eram pessoas de rendimentos de até três salários mínimos (63%), que foram internadas mais de uma vez (65%), autodeclaradas abstinentes no momento da coleta dos dados. Os participantes possuíam níveis médiosde autoeficácia para abstinência de drogas, níveis baixos de bem-estar subjetivo, e estavam satisfeitos com suas vidas. Cálculos de correlação de Pearson revelaram que não há associação entre bem-estar subjetivoe autoeficácia para abstinência de drogas, entre prontidão para mudança no consumo de drogas e bem-estar subjetivo, nem entre prontidão para mudança no consumo de drogas eautoeficácia para abstinência de drogas. Resultados de análise de variância revelaram que não houve diferençasnos níveis de bem-estar subjetivo entreos diferentes os agrupamentos de prontidão para mudanças nem entre as médias de autoeficácia para abstinência de drogas entre os diferentes agrupamentos de prontidão para mudanças no consumo de drogas. A discussão abordou os resultados diante do fato de a internação dos participantes ter sido involuntária ou voluntária, do tempo de internação, do seu estágio de prontidão para mudar seu comportamento de consumo de drogas e das características de seu grupo de abstinência diante da literatura da área. Finalmente, apontou, em conclusão, limitações e agenda de pesquisa futura.
Following the fall of France in June 1940 and the installation of the Vichy Regime, government set about establishing its own New Order. A reprogramming of national consciousness was attempted through an emphasis on a return to traditional values which was disseminated in various fora. Despite publications on divers aspects of Vichy's propaganda machine, work on film production of the period has merely touched on mainstream documentary without further analysis. Such a lacuna appears inexplicable in light of the production of 550 or so documentaries between 1940 and 1944, especially in view of a 1948 comment by the film writer Roger Régent that documentary in many ways provided a focal point for the regime's wishes for "moralisation collective". This thesis sets out the first steps of a new evaluation of the role of documentary during the Occupation. After an overview of the changes to the industry and the ideological framework of the Révolution nationale, the thesis discusses theories of propaganda together with direct examples of Vichy propaganda documentary. The 'control' thus established is then applied to an examination of the 'Arts, Sciences, Voyages' series of documentary screenings (1941-43) and the Premier congrès du film documentaire (1943), tracing thematic and ideological consonances and evaluating the use of documentary film of the Occupation in the Service of the Marshal.
The present thesis is located within the framework of descriptive translation studies and critical discourse analysis. Modern translation studies have increasingly taken into account the complexities of power relations and ideological management involved in the production of translations. Paradoxically, persuasive political discourse has not been much touched upon, except for studies following functional (e.g. Schäffner 2002) or systemic-linguistic approaches (e.g. Calzada Pérez 2001). By taking 11 English translations of Hitler’s Mein Kampf as prime examples, the thesis aims to contribute to a better understanding of the translation of politically sensitive texts. Actors involved in political discourse are usually more concerned with the emotional appeal of their message than they are with its factual content. When such political discourse becomes the locus of translation, it may equally be crafted rhetorically, being used as a tool to persuade. It is thus the purpose of the thesis to describe subtle ‘persuasion strategies’ in institutionally translated political discourse. The subject of the analysis is an illustrative corpus of four full-text translations, two abridgements, and five extract translations of Mein Kampf. Methodologically, the thesis pursues a top-down approach. It begins by delineating sociocultural and situative-agentive conditions as causal factors impinging on the individual translations. Such interactive and interpersonal factors determined textual choices. The overall textual analysis consists of an interrelated corpus-driven and corpus-based approach. It demonstrates how corpus software can be fruitfully harnessed to discern ‘ideological significations’ in the translated texts. Altogether, the thesis investigates how translational decision-makers attempted to position the source text author and his narrative in line with overall rhetorical purposes.
Removing noise from signals which are piecewise constant (PWC) is a challenging signal processing problem that arises in many practical scientific and engineering contexts. In the first paper (part I) of this series of two, we presented background theory building on results from the image processing community to show that the majority of these algorithms, and more proposed in the wider literature, are each associated with a special case of a generalized functional, that, when minimized, solves the PWC denoising problem. It shows how the minimizer can be obtained by a range of computational solver algorithms. In this second paper (part II), using this understanding developed in part I, we introduce several novel PWC denoising methods, which, for example, combine the global behaviour of mean shift clustering with the local smoothing of total variation diffusion, and show example solver algorithms for these new methods. Comparisons between these methods are performed on synthetic and real signals, revealing that our new methods have a useful role to play. Finally, overlaps between the generalized methods of these two papers and others such as wavelet shrinkage, hidden Markov models, and piecewise smooth filtering are touched on.
'Double-voicing' means that when a person speaks, they have a heightened awareness of the concerns and agendas of others, which is reflected in the ways they adjust their language in response to interlocutors. The Russian philosopher Mikhail Bakhtin famously applied the concept of 'double-voiced discourse' to the world of literature, but just touched upon its relevance to everyday language. This book reveals how 'double-voicing' is an inherent and routine part of spoken interactions within educational and professional contexts. Double-voicing is closely related to the ways in which power relations are constructed between speakers, as it is often used by less powerful speakers to negotiate perceived threats from more powerful others. The book explores how women leaders use double-voicing more than men as a means of gaining acceptance and approval in the workplace. While double-voicing at times indexes a speaker's linguistic insecurity, the book argues that it can be harnessed to demonstrate linguistic expertise.
'Double-voicing' means that when a person speaks, they have a heightened awareness of the concerns and agendas of others, which is reflected in the ways they adjust their language in response to interlocutors. The Russian philosopher Mikhail Bakhtin famously applied the concept of 'double-voiced discourse' to the world of literature, but just touched upon its relevance to everyday language. This book reveals how 'double-voicing' is an inherent and routine part of spoken interactions within educational and professional contexts. Double-voicing is closely related to the ways in which power relations are constructed between speakers, as it is often used by less powerful speakers to negotiate perceived threats from more powerful others. The book explores how women leaders use double-voicing more than men as a means of gaining acceptance and approval in the workplace. While double-voicing at times indexes a speaker's linguistic insecurity, the book argues that it can be harnessed to demonstrate linguistic expertise.
Venture capitalists can be regarded as financers of young, high-risk enterprises, seeking investments with a high growth potential and offering professional support above and beyond their capital investment. The aim of this study is to analyse the occurrence of information asymmetry between venture capital investors and entrepreneurs, with special regard to the problem of adverse selection. In the course of my empirical research, I conducted in-depth interviews with 10 venture capital investors. The aim of the research was to elicit their opinions about the situation regarding information asymmetry, how they deal with problems arising from adverse selection, and what measures they take to manage these within the investment process. In the interviews we also touched upon how investors evaluate state intervention, and how much they believe company managers are influenced by state support.
After the election of John Sweeney as President of the AFL-CIO in October 1995, activists and supportive intellectuals in the United States began thinking about how to revitalize the almost moribund American labor movement. A key part of this literature has revolved around the concept of “social movement unionism.” This term touched a nerve, and has garnered widespread usage in North America over the past two decades. However, most researchers using this term have no idea that it was initially developed to understand the new unionism developed by members of specific labor movements in Brazil, the Philippines and South Africa, a type of unionism qualitatively different from that found in North America. This paper argues that the term “social movement unionism” should be confined only to labor organizations developing the same type of unionism, wherever in the world such should be found. Accordingly, this concept should not be utilized in North America today as there are no labor centers or unions present that are developing this type of trade unionism. It is important to clarify this confusion because it is leads to incorrect understandings and miscommunication. Accordingly, the current situation—whereby the same term is used to refer to two qualitatively different social phenomena —theoretically works against efforts to build global labor solidarity. What about the progressive, broad-scope unionism emerging in North America over the past two decades? Taking a page from labor history, this article argues that the proper precedent is progressive unionism developed by the United Packinghouse Workers of America, CIO, and others, and therefore should be referred to as “social justice unionism.” An Appendix provides a measurement tool. The argument is empirically grounded and theoretically developed, allowing us to better understand trade unionism around the globe.
The present paper discusses the experience of a psychological emergency attendance in Maternidade Escola Januário Cicco (MEJC) in Natal and has as main objective to investigate the limits and possibilities of this practice in offering psychological care to women in abortion situation. The Ministry of Health considers the abortion a serious medical problem in Brazil and acknowledge the repercussions it causes in personal life and between the women’s family, most of all among the younger ones, in fully productive and reproductive age, that if not supported may suffer deep psychological and physical wounds. This research inserts itself in the field of psychological practices in institutions, by many ways, and aim to offer, by different approaches, among then the psychological emergency attendance, a psychological attention at the institutions. This attention refers to a care during the suffering at the time of crisis and in the many ways that the problem is present. The results were analyzed at a heideggerian hermeneutics optics, which search a determined aspect of reality that intends to know/understand, accompanied by the man’s own movement in existence. The cartography and the logbook were chosen in narrative form as a resource to allow the approximation of daily experience. The emergency psychological attendance was realized on curettage setor of MEJC between march of 2013 and february 2014 at tuesdays and Thursdays from 9h to 12h. The existential plot unveiled at this experience showed some possibilities and limits of emergency psychological attendance as studied. Among the possibilities, the emergency attendance helped the women that suffered an abortion to find new meanings, as: realize the need to self-care; see in the attendance a way to cope with the lost or other issues in their life’s; to enlarge the possibilities of her choice; to rethink her sex e reproductive life, and rethink her relationships and life projects. The attendance has proven itself as a health care mechanism showing the women the need to search for the necessary condition to self-care and to question what in that environment was saw as natural. The attendance showed itself as a suitable practice to the health care demand by creating/inventing ways of meet the woman needs. The attendance promoted an opening at the technical horizons of women’s, what was realized when the complaints moved past the physical health. As refered to the limits, some needs was beyond the emergency attendance service and demanded forwarding to regular psychological care or others specialized services. The service was not able to attend all of the demands of the sector. The attendance did not touched the medical staff to its need or made a change in posture to act beyond the technicality. The attendance, although has not made change in this context, was able to show the main difficulties, like the lack on prepare of the medical staff to deal with the abortion past beyond the technical procedure and the precariousness of the infrastructure of the services offered. At last, the attendance represented a shelter to the women in abortion situation, allowing the suffering to have a place.