932 resultados para executive functions
Die sportmotorische Leistungsfähigkeit (SMLF) gilt in jüngster Zeit als ein Prädiktor für schulische Leistung (SL) (Diamond, 2013). Um die Frage zu beantworten, wie denn zwei auf den ersten Blick so distale Merkmale zusammenhängen sollen, werden unterschiedliche erklärende Variablen diskutiert, wobei die kognitive Stimulationshypothese die exekutiven Funktionen (EF) als mediierende Variable im Zusammenhang zwischen SMLF und SL postuliert. Die Annahme hierbei ist, dass die mit komplexen motorischen Kontrollprozessen einhergehende kognitive Beanspruchung bei einem wiederholten Ausführen von nicht-automatisierten sportbezogenen Handlungen zu einer Aktivierung und somit Förderung der EF führt (Best, 2010). Der mediierende Effekt der EF im Zusammenhang zwischen der SMLF und der SL wird seit einigen Jahren in der Literatur diskutiert und wird im Folgenden innerhalb einer längsschnittlichen Untersuchung getestet. Im Rahmen der Studie SpuK wurden 237 Primarschulkinder (52.3% ♀; 11.31 ± 0.62 Jahre) zu drei Messzeitpunkten in ihrer SMLF (T1) und ihren EF (T2) getestet. Zur Ermittlung der SMLF wurden drei sportmotorische Tests in den Bereichen Koordination, Ausdauer und Schnellkraft durchgeführt. Die EF Inhibition, kognitive Flexibilität und Arbeitsgedächtnis wurden computerbasiert über den N-Back- und Flanker-Test operationalisiert. Zusätzlich wurde die SL (T3) mittels objektiver Schulleistungstests erhoben. Um die Hauptfragestellung zu prüfen, wurde eine bootstrapping basierte Mediationsanalyse in AMOS durchgeführt. Das Strukturgleichungsmodell (2 (22, N=237)=30.357, p=.110; CFI=.978) weist eine zufriedenstellende Anpassungsgüte auf. Erwartungsgemäss zerfällt der Zusammenhang innerhalb des Mediationsmodells zwischen der SMLF und der SL, alsbald die EF ins Modell aufgenommen werden (β=.16, p= .634). Sowohl der Zusammenhang zwischen der SMLF und den EF (β=.38, p= .039), als auch der Zusammenhang zwischen den EF und der SL fallen signifikant aus (β=.91, p=.001) und ergeben dabei eine volle Mediation über den indirekten (p=.021) und totalen Effekt (p=.001). Die vorliegenden längs-schnittlichen Daten bestätigen den Zusammenhang zwischen SMLF und SL bei einer Mediation über die EF und bestätigen somit die aus querschnittlichem Design stammenden Resultate von van der Niet et al. (2014). Literatur Best, J. R. (2010). Effects of physical activity on children’s executive function: Contributions of ex-perimental research on aerobic exercise. Developmental Review, 30, 331-351. Diamond, A. (2013). Executive functions. Annual Review of Psychology, 64, 135-168. van der Niet, A. G., Hartmann, E., Smith, J. & Visscher, C. (2014). Modeling relationships between physical fitness, executive functioning, and academic achievement in primary school chil-dren. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 15(4), 319-325.
Objective: To assess the neuropsychological outcome as a safety measure and quality control in patients with subthalamic nucleus (STN) stimulation for PD. Background: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is considered a relatively safe treatment used in patients with movement disorders. However, neuropsychological alterations have been reported in patients with STN DBS for PD. Cognition and mood are important determinants of quality of life in PD patients and must be assessed for safety control. Methods: Seventeen consecutive patients (8 women) who underwent STN DBS for PD have been assessed before and 4 months after surgery. Besides motor symptoms (UPDRS-III), mood (Beck Depression Inventory, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale) and neuropsychological aspects, mainly executive functions, have been assessed (mini mental state examination, semantic and phonematic verbal fluency, go-no go test, stroop test, trail making test, tests of alertness and attention, digit span, wordlist learning, praxia, Boston naming test, figure drawing, visual perception). Paired t-tests were used for comparisons before and after surgery. Results: Patients were 61.6±7.8 years old at baseline assessment. All surgeries were performed without major adverse events. Motor symptoms ‘‘on’’ medication remained stable whereas they improved in the ‘‘off’’ condition (p<0.001). Mood was not depressed before surgery and remained unchanged at follow-up. All neuropsychological assessment outcome measures remained stable at follow-up with the exception of semantic verbal fluency and wordlist learning. Semantic verbal fluency decreased by 21±16% (p<0.001) and there was a trend to worse phonematic verbal fluency after surgery (p=0.06). Recall of a list of 10 words was worse after surgery only for the third attempt of recall (13%, p<0.005). Conclusions: Verbal fluency decreased in our patients after STN DBS, as previously reported. The procedure was otherwise safe and did not lead to deterioration of mood.
Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), either caused by vascular or traumatic nature, is one of the most important causes for neurological disabilities. People who suffer ABI see how their quality of life decreases, due to the affection of one or some of the cognitive functions (memory, attention, language or executive functions). The traditional cognitive rehabilitation protocols are too expensive, so every help carried out in this area is justified. PREVIRNEC is a new platform for cognitive tele-rehabilitation that allows the neuropsychologist to schedule rehabilitation sessions consisted of specifically designed tasks, plus offering an additional way of communication between neuropsychologists and patients. Besides, the platform offers a knowledge management module that allows the optimization of the cognitive rehabilitation to this kind of patients.
Muchas de las grandes iniciativas empresariales, se ven truncadas por falta de un adecuado análisis económico-financiero. Incluso, muchas grandes ideas no son implantadas correctamente en el primer intento por este motivo, y son otras personas las que consiguen posteriormente el éxito de esas brillantes ideas gracias a una correcta aproximación financiera. Las empresas necesitan definir sus objetivos, establecer las para lograrlos, identificar las personas responsables de su ejecución (sus roles y funciones) y elaborar un plan económico-financiero que recoja el estudio de inversiones necesarias, el análisis de costes, la previsión de ingresos, así como la estrategia financiera más adecuada para la captación de los fondos necesarios para llevar a cabo las acciones programadas. Una vez iniciado el proyecto empresarial, será imprescindible realizar un seguimiento y control de la evolución (integración), tomando las medidas que se estimen oportunas para mantener el rumbo adecuado durante todo el tiempo de actividad. En este trabajo, aplicaremos las metodologías y buenas prácticas de la gestión de proyectos, como marco estructurado que nos permita abordar las principales cuestiones económico-financieras a tener en cuenta a la hora de enfrentarnos a un proyecto empresarial, para contribuir, en la medida de lo posible, a que los emprendedores tengan en cuenta estas cuestiones, facilitando así el desarrollo de negocios, en un difícil entorno económico de crisis como el que actualmente estamos viviendo en España, y animando de esta manera a optar por la iniciativa emprendedora, tratando de minimizar el riesgo en base al contenido. ---ABSTRACT---Lack of adequate economic and financial analysis truncates many of the entrepreneurship and innovation programs. Because of that reason, many great ideas are not even correctly implemented on the first attempt, and the person who finds the proper financial approach, succeed. All the enterprises have to establish clear objectives, actions to accomplish those objectives, assign roles, responsibilities and executive functions to specific people. Elaborate funding plan that contains surveys on necessary investments, cost analysis, estimate the income, liquid assets and also financial strategy suitable for fundraising to finance programmed actions. Once the project has been executed it is essential to monitor and control the development and integration adopting measures accordingly to the needs. This thesis applies methodology and best practice of project management as structured framework for the principal economic and financial issues facing business project. It is necessary contribution to entrepreneurs understanding of business, therefore facilitates business development in such rough environment as Spain is at this moment, and at the same time encourages adopting entrepreneur’s solution as less risky one. This document aims to explore all the economic and financial issues from methodological point of view based on my own professional experience, resulting in helping to understand the importance that economy and finances have in developing adequate corporate strategy. Crisis has highlighted inadequate functionality of many companies. Most popular first symptom is lack of cash flow that deteriorates the company, and results in suspension of payments followed by closing. In other cases, difficulties appear due to poor financial management of committed resources; to be observed in lack of prevision and planning or incorrect basic functionality and operational matters on daily basis. What would be your advice to someone who have magnificent business idea however no knowledge on how to handle finances in order to succeed in initiating and executing the project? Despite of the fact that the central nucleus of this paper is at economics and finances area, all the other concepts and topics given during master will be revived; for example business strategy, consultants abilities, organization and standard processes, among others, are impregnated with knowledge of project management.
El Daño Cerebral Adquirido (DCA) se define como una lesión cerebral que ocurre después del nacimiento y que no guarda relación con defectos congénitos o enfermedades degenerativas. En el cerebro, se llevan a cabo las funciones mentales superiores como la atención, la memoria, las funciones ejecutivas y el lenguaje, consideradas pre-requisitos básicos de la inteligencia. Sea cual sea su causa, todo daño cerebral puede afectar a una o varias de estas funciones, de ahí la gravedad del problema. A pesar de los avances en nuevas técnicas de intervención precoz y el desarrollo de los cuidados intensivos, las afectaciones cerebrales aún no tienen tratamiento ni quirúrgico ni farmacológico que permita una restitución de las funciones perdidas. Los tratamientos de neurorrehabilitación cognitiva y funcional pretenden, por tanto, la minimización o compensación de las alteraciones ocasionadas por una lesión en el sistema nervioso. En concreto, la rehabilitación cognitiva se define como el proceso en el que personas que han sufrido un daño cerebral trabajan de manera conjunta con profesionales de la salud para remediar o aliviar los déficits cognitivos surgidos como consecuencia de un episodio neurológico. Esto se consigue gracias a la naturaleza plástica del sistema nervioso, donde el cerebro es capaz de reconfigurar sus conexiones neuronales, tanto creando nuevas como modificando las ya existentes. Durante los últimos años hemos visto una transformación de la sociedad, en lo que se ha denominado "sociedad de la información", cuyo pilar básico son las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC). La aplicación de estas tecnologías en medicina ha revolucionado la manera en que se proveen los servicios sanitarios. Así, donde tecnología y medicina se mezclan, la telerrehabilitación se define como la rehabilitación a distancia, ayudando a extender los servicios de rehabilitación más allá de los centros hospitalarios, rompiendo las barreras geográficas, mejorando la eficiencia de los procesos y monitorizando en todo momento el estado y evolución del paciente. En este contexto, el objetivo general de la presente tesis es mejorar la rehabilitación neuropsicológica de pacientes que sufren alteraciones cognitivas, mediante el diseño, desarrollo y validación de un sistema de telemedicina que incorpora las TIC para avanzar hacia un nuevo paradigma personalizado, ubicuo y ecológico. Para conseguirlo, se han definido los siguientes objetivos específicos: • Analizar y modelar un sistema de telerrehabilitación, mediante la definición de objetivos y requisitos de usuario para diseñar las diferentes funcionalidades necesarias. • Definir una arquitectura de telerrehabilitación escalable para la prestación de diferentes servicios que agrupe las funcionalidades necesarias en módulos. • Diseñar y desarrollar la plataforma de telerrehabilitación, incluida la interfaz de usuario, creando diferentes roles de usuario con sus propias funcionalidades. • Desarrollar de un módulo de análisis de datos para extraer conocimiento basado en los resultados históricos de las sesiones de rehabilitación almacenadas en el sistema. • Evaluación de los resultados obtenidos por los pacientes después del programa de rehabilitación, obteniendo conclusiones sobre los beneficios del servicio implementado. • Evaluación técnica de la plataforma de telerrehabilitación, así como su usabilidad y la relación coste/beneficio. • Integración de un dispositivo de eye-tracking que permita la monitorización de la atención visual mientras los pacientes ejecutan tareas de neurorrehabilitación. •Diseño y desarrollo de un entorno de monitorización que permita obtener patrones de atención visual. Como resumen de los resultados obtenidos, se ha desarrollado y validado técnicamente la plataforma de telerrehabilitación cognitiva, demostrando la mejora en la eficiencia de los procesos, sin que esto resulte en una reducción de la eficacia del tratamiento. Además, se ha llevado a cabo una evaluación de la usabilidad del sistema, con muy buenos resultados. Respecto al módulo de análisis de datos, se ha diseñado y desarrollado un algoritmo que configura y planifica sesiones de rehabilitación para los pacientes, de manera automática, teniendo en cuenta las características específicas de cada paciente. Este algoritmo se ha denominado Intelligent Therapy Assistant (ITA). Los resultados obtenidos por el asistente muestran una mejora tanto en la eficiencia como en la eficacia de los procesos, comparado los resultados obtenidos con los de la planificación manual llevada a cabo por los terapeutas. Por último, se ha integrado con éxito el dispositivo de eye-tracking en la plataforma de telerrehabilitación, llevando a cabo una prueba con pacientes y sujetos control que ha demostrado la viabilidad técnica de la solución, así como la existencia de diferencias en los patrones de atención visual en pacientes con daño cerebral. ABSTRACT Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) is defined as brain damage that suddenly and unexpectedly appears in people’s life, being the main cause of disability in developed countries. The brain is responsible of the higher cognitive functions such as attention, memory, executive functions or language, which are considered basic requirements of the intelligence. Whatever its cause is, every ABI may affects one or several functions, highlighting the severity of the problem. New techniques of early intervention and the development of intensive ABI care have noticeably improved the survival rate. However, despite these advances, brain injuries still have no surgical or pharmacological treatment to re-establish lost functions. Cognitive rehabilitation is defined as a process whereby people with brain injury work together with health service professionals and others to remediate or alleviate cognitive deficits arising from a neurological insult. This is achieved by taking advantage of the plastic nature of the nervous system, where the brain can reconfigure its connections, both creating new ones, and modifying the previously existing. Neuro-rehabilitation aims to optimize the plastic nature by inducing a reorganization of the neural network, based on specific experiences. Personalized interventions from individual impairment profile will be necessary to optimize the remaining resources by potentiating adaptive responses and inhibiting maladaptive changes. In the last years, some applications and software programs have been developed to train or stimulate cognitive functions of different neuropsychological disorders, such as ABI, Alzheimer, psychiatric disorders, attention deficit or hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The application of technologies into medicine has changed the paradigm. Telemedicine allows improving the quality of clinical services, providing better access to them and helping to break geographical barriers. Moreover, one of the main advantages of telemedicine is the possibility to extend the therapeutic processes beyond the hospital (e.g. patient's home). As a consequence, a reduction of unnecessary costs and a better costs/benefits ratio are achieved, making possible a more efficient use of the available resources In this context, the main objective of this work is to improve neuro-rehabilitation of patients suffering cognitive deficits, by designing, developing and validating a telemedicine system that incorporates ICTs to change this paradigm, making it more personalized, ubiquitous and ecologic. The following specific objectives have been defined: • To analyse and model a tele-rehabilitation system, defining objectives and user requirements to design the different needed functionalities. • To define a scalable tele-rehabilitation architecture to offer different services grouping functionalities into modules. • To design and develop the tele-rehabilitation platform, including the graphic user interface, creating different user roles and permissions. • To develop a data analysis module to extract knowledge based on the historic results from the rehabilitation sessions stored in the system. • To evaluate the obtained results by patients after the rehabilitation program, arising conclusions about the benefits of the implemented service. • To technically evaluate the tele-rehabilitation platform, and its usability and the costs/benefit ratio. • To integrate an eye-tracking device allowing the monitoring of the visual attention while patients execute rehabilitation tasks. •To design and develop a monitoring environment that allows to obtain visual attention patterns. Summarizing the obtained results, the cognitive tele-rehabilitation platform has been developed and evaluated technically, demonstrating the improvements on the efficiency without worsening the efficacy of the process. Besides, a usability evaluation has been carried out, with very good results. Regarding the data analysis module, an algorithm has been designed and developed to automatically select and configure rehabilitation sessions, taking into account the specific characteristics of each patient. This algorithm is called Intelligent Therapy Assistant (ITA). The obtained results show an improvement both in the efficiency and the efficacy of the process, comparing the results obtained by patients when they receive treatments scheduled manually by therapists. Finally, an eye-tracking device has been integrated in the tele-rehabilitation platform, carrying out a study with patients and control subjects demonstrating the technical viability of the developed monitoring environment. First results also show that there are differences between the visual attention patterns between ABI patients and control subjects.
El daño cerebral adquirido (DCA) es un problema social y sanitario grave, de magnitud creciente y de una gran complejidad diagnóstica y terapéutica. Su elevada incidencia, junto con el aumento de la supervivencia de los pacientes, una vez superada la fase aguda, lo convierten también en un problema de alta prevalencia. En concreto, según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) el DCA estará entre las 10 causas más comunes de discapacidad en el año 2020. La neurorrehabilitación permite mejorar el déficit tanto cognitivo como funcional y aumentar la autonomía de las personas con DCA. Con la incorporación de nuevas soluciones tecnológicas al proceso de neurorrehabilitación se pretende alcanzar un nuevo paradigma donde se puedan diseñar tratamientos que sean intensivos, personalizados, monitorizados y basados en la evidencia. Ya que son estas cuatro características las que aseguran que los tratamientos son eficaces. A diferencia de la mayor parte de las disciplinas médicas, no existen asociaciones de síntomas y signos de la alteración cognitiva que faciliten la orientación terapéutica. Actualmente, los tratamientos de neurorrehabilitación se diseñan en base a los resultados obtenidos en una batería de evaluación neuropsicológica que evalúa el nivel de afectación de cada una de las funciones cognitivas (memoria, atención, funciones ejecutivas, etc.). La línea de investigación en la que se enmarca este trabajo de investigación pretende diseñar y desarrollar un perfil cognitivo basado no sólo en el resultado obtenido en esa batería de test, sino también en información teórica que engloba tanto estructuras anatómicas como relaciones funcionales e información anatómica obtenida de los estudios de imagen. De esta forma, el perfil cognitivo utilizado para diseñar los tratamientos integra información personalizada y basada en la evidencia. Las técnicas de neuroimagen representan una herramienta fundamental en la identificación de lesiones para la generación de estos perfiles cognitivos. La aproximación clásica utilizada en la identificación de lesiones consiste en delinear manualmente regiones anatómicas cerebrales. Esta aproximación presenta diversos problemas relacionados con inconsistencias de criterio entre distintos clínicos, reproducibilidad y tiempo. Por tanto, la automatización de este procedimiento es fundamental para asegurar una extracción objetiva de información. La delineación automática de regiones anatómicas se realiza mediante el registro tanto contra atlas como contra otros estudios de imagen de distintos sujetos. Sin embargo, los cambios patológicos asociados al DCA están siempre asociados a anormalidades de intensidad y/o cambios en la localización de las estructuras. Este hecho provoca que los algoritmos de registro tradicionales basados en intensidad no funcionen correctamente y requieran la intervención del clínico para seleccionar ciertos puntos (que en esta tesis hemos denominado puntos singulares). Además estos algoritmos tampoco permiten que se produzcan deformaciones grandes deslocalizadas. Hecho que también puede ocurrir ante la presencia de lesiones provocadas por un accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) o un traumatismo craneoencefálico (TCE). Esta tesis se centra en el diseño, desarrollo e implementación de una metodología para la detección automática de estructuras lesionadas que integra algoritmos cuyo objetivo principal es generar resultados que puedan ser reproducibles y objetivos. Esta metodología se divide en cuatro etapas: pre-procesado, identificación de puntos singulares, registro y detección de lesiones. Los trabajos y resultados alcanzados en esta tesis son los siguientes: Pre-procesado. En esta primera etapa el objetivo es homogeneizar todos los datos de entrada con el objetivo de poder extraer conclusiones válidas de los resultados obtenidos. Esta etapa, por tanto, tiene un gran impacto en los resultados finales. Se compone de tres operaciones: eliminación del cráneo, normalización en intensidad y normalización espacial. Identificación de puntos singulares. El objetivo de esta etapa es automatizar la identificación de puntos anatómicos (puntos singulares). Esta etapa equivale a la identificación manual de puntos anatómicos por parte del clínico, permitiendo: identificar un mayor número de puntos lo que se traduce en mayor información; eliminar el factor asociado a la variabilidad inter-sujeto, por tanto, los resultados son reproducibles y objetivos; y elimina el tiempo invertido en el marcado manual de puntos. Este trabajo de investigación propone un algoritmo de identificación de puntos singulares (descriptor) basado en una solución multi-detector y que contiene información multi-paramétrica: espacial y asociada a la intensidad. Este algoritmo ha sido contrastado con otros algoritmos similares encontrados en el estado del arte. Registro. En esta etapa se pretenden poner en concordancia espacial dos estudios de imagen de sujetos/pacientes distintos. El algoritmo propuesto en este trabajo de investigación está basado en descriptores y su principal objetivo es el cálculo de un campo vectorial que permita introducir deformaciones deslocalizadas en la imagen (en distintas regiones de la imagen) y tan grandes como indique el vector de deformación asociado. El algoritmo propuesto ha sido comparado con otros algoritmos de registro utilizados en aplicaciones de neuroimagen que se utilizan con estudios de sujetos control. Los resultados obtenidos son prometedores y representan un nuevo contexto para la identificación automática de estructuras. Identificación de lesiones. En esta última etapa se identifican aquellas estructuras cuyas características asociadas a la localización espacial y al área o volumen han sido modificadas con respecto a una situación de normalidad. Para ello se realiza un estudio estadístico del atlas que se vaya a utilizar y se establecen los parámetros estadísticos de normalidad asociados a la localización y al área. En función de las estructuras delineadas en el atlas, se podrán identificar más o menos estructuras anatómicas, siendo nuestra metodología independiente del atlas seleccionado. En general, esta tesis doctoral corrobora las hipótesis de investigación postuladas relativas a la identificación automática de lesiones utilizando estudios de imagen médica estructural, concretamente estudios de resonancia magnética. Basándose en estos cimientos, se han abrir nuevos campos de investigación que contribuyan a la mejora en la detección de lesiones. ABSTRACT Brain injury constitutes a serious social and health problem of increasing magnitude and of great diagnostic and therapeutic complexity. Its high incidence and survival rate, after the initial critical phases, makes it a prevalent problem that needs to be addressed. In particular, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), brain injury will be among the 10 most common causes of disability by 2020. Neurorehabilitation improves both cognitive and functional deficits and increases the autonomy of brain injury patients. The incorporation of new technologies to the neurorehabilitation tries to reach a new paradigm focused on designing intensive, personalized, monitored and evidence-based treatments. Since these four characteristics ensure the effectivity of treatments. Contrary to most medical disciplines, it is not possible to link symptoms and cognitive disorder syndromes, to assist the therapist. Currently, neurorehabilitation treatments are planned considering the results obtained from a neuropsychological assessment battery, which evaluates the functional impairment of each cognitive function (memory, attention, executive functions, etc.). The research line, on which this PhD falls under, aims to design and develop a cognitive profile based not only on the results obtained in the assessment battery, but also on theoretical information that includes both anatomical structures and functional relationships and anatomical information obtained from medical imaging studies, such as magnetic resonance. Therefore, the cognitive profile used to design these treatments integrates information personalized and evidence-based. Neuroimaging techniques represent an essential tool to identify lesions and generate this type of cognitive dysfunctional profiles. Manual delineation of brain anatomical regions is the classical approach to identify brain anatomical regions. Manual approaches present several problems related to inconsistencies across different clinicians, time and repeatability. Automated delineation is done by registering brains to one another or to a template. However, when imaging studies contain lesions, there are several intensity abnormalities and location alterations that reduce the performance of most of the registration algorithms based on intensity parameters. Thus, specialists may have to manually interact with imaging studies to select landmarks (called singular points in this PhD) or identify regions of interest. These two solutions have the same inconvenient than manual approaches, mentioned before. Moreover, these registration algorithms do not allow large and distributed deformations. This type of deformations may also appear when a stroke or a traumatic brain injury (TBI) occur. This PhD is focused on the design, development and implementation of a new methodology to automatically identify lesions in anatomical structures. This methodology integrates algorithms whose main objective is to generate objective and reproducible results. It is divided into four stages: pre-processing, singular points identification, registration and lesion detection. Pre-processing stage. In this first stage, the aim is to standardize all input data in order to be able to draw valid conclusions from the results. Therefore, this stage has a direct impact on the final results. It consists of three steps: skull-stripping, spatial and intensity normalization. Singular points identification. This stage aims to automatize the identification of anatomical points (singular points). It involves the manual identification of anatomical points by the clinician. This automatic identification allows to identify a greater number of points which results in more information; to remove the factor associated to inter-subject variability and thus, the results are reproducible and objective; and to eliminate the time spent on manual marking. This PhD proposed an algorithm to automatically identify singular points (descriptor) based on a multi-detector approach. This algorithm contains multi-parametric (spatial and intensity) information. This algorithm has been compared with other similar algorithms found on the state of the art. Registration. The goal of this stage is to put in spatial correspondence two imaging studies of different subjects/patients. The algorithm proposed in this PhD is based on descriptors. Its main objective is to compute a vector field to introduce distributed deformations (changes in different imaging regions), as large as the deformation vector indicates. The proposed algorithm has been compared with other registration algorithms used on different neuroimaging applications which are used with control subjects. The obtained results are promising and they represent a new context for the automatic identification of anatomical structures. Lesion identification. This final stage aims to identify those anatomical structures whose characteristics associated to spatial location and area or volume has been modified with respect to a normal state. A statistical study of the atlas to be used is performed to establish which are the statistical parameters associated to the normal state. The anatomical structures that may be identified depend on the selected anatomical structures identified on the atlas. The proposed methodology is independent from the selected atlas. Overall, this PhD corroborates the investigated research hypotheses regarding the automatic identification of lesions based on structural medical imaging studies (resonance magnetic studies). Based on these foundations, new research fields to improve the automatic identification of lesions in brain injury can be proposed.
This chapter recounts efforts to dissect the cellular and circuit basis of a memory system in the primate cortex with the goal of extending the insights gained from the study of normal brain organization in animal models to an understanding of human cognition and related memory disorders. Primates and humans have developed an extraordinary capacity to process information “on line,” a capacity that is widely considered to underlay comprehension, thinking, and so-called executive functions. Understanding the interactions between the major cellular constituents of cortical circuits—pyramidal and nonpyramidal cells—is considered a necessary step in unraveling the cellular mechanisms subserving working memory mechanisms and, ultimately, cognitive processes. Evidence from a variety of sources is accumulating to indicate that dopamine has a major role in regulating the excitability of the cortical circuitry upon which the working memory function of prefrontal cortex depends. Here, I describe several direct and indirect intercellular mechanisms for modulating working memory function in prefrontal cortex based on the localization of dopamine receptors on the distal dendrites and spines of pyramidal cells and on interneurons in the prefrontal cortex. Interactions between monoamines and a compromised cortical circuitry may hold the key to understanding the variety of memory disorders associated with aging and disease.
Evidências apontam para forte relação independente entre maus tratos na infância, comportamentos disruptivos e prejuízos em funções executivas. No entanto, ainda não é completamente compreendido como estes três fatores se relacionam entre si. Esta pesquisa avaliou a relação entre maus-tratos na infância e transtornos do comportamento disruptivo, testando desempenho em funções executivas como possível mediador e moderador desta relação. A presente pesquisa está inserida no estudo \"Coorte de escolares de alto risco para o desenvolvimento de psicopatologia e resiliência na infância e adolescência - projeto Prevenção\", projeto integrante do Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia de Psiquiatria do Desenvolvimento para Infância e Adolescência (INCT-INPD), o qual incluiu 2500 crianças em idade escolar de São Paulo e Porto Alegre (Brasil). As crianças foram extensamente avaliadas com entrevistas diagnósticas, relatos de pais e da própria criança sobre maus tratos e com testes neuropsicológicos. Resultados indicam associação de maus tratos na infância e transtornos do comportamento disruptivo, porém não foi encontrada associação entre maus tratos e funções executivas. Crianças com transtornos do comportamento disruptivo apresentaram pior desempenho em teste específico para avaliação de flexibilidade cognitiva. Desempenho em funções executivas não agiu como mediador ou moderador da associação entre maus tratos e transtornos do comportamento disruptivo. Desta forma, os resultados indicam que a associação entre experiências de maus tratos e transtornos do comportamento disruptivo ocorre independentemente do desempenho em funções executivas. Futuros estudos longitudinais são fundamentais para confirmar estes resultados e elucidar os mecanismos cognitivos envolvidos nesta associação causal
This paper presents the use of immersive virtual reality systems in the educational intervention with Asperger students. The starting points of this study are features of these students' cognitive style that requires an explicit teaching style supported by visual aids and highly structured environments. The proposed immersive virtual reality system, not only to assess the student's behavior and progress, but also is able to adapt itself to the student's specific needs. Additionally, the immersive reality system is equipped with sensors that can determine certain behaviors of the students. This paper determines the possible inclusion of immersive virtual reality as a support tool and learning strategy in these particular students' intervention. With this objective two task protocols have been defined with which the behavior and interaction situations performed by participant students are recorded. The conclusions from this study talks in favor of the inclusion of these virtual immersive environments as a support tool in the educational intervention of Asperger syndrome students as their social competences and executive functions have improved.
Beaucoup de patients atteints de la maladie de Parkinson (MP) peuvent souffrir de troubles cognitifs dès les étapes initiales de la maladie et jusqu’à 80% d’entre eux vont développer une démence. Des altérations fonctionnelles au niveau du cortex préfrontal dorsolatéral (CPFDL), possiblement en relation avec le noyau caudé, seraient à l’origine de certains de ces déficits cognitifs. Des résultats antérieurs de notre groupe ont montré une augmentation de l’activité et de la connectivité dans la boucle cortico-striatale cognitive suite à la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne (SMT) utilisant des paramètres « theta burst » intermittent (iTBS) sur le CPFDL gauche. Pour cette étude, 24 patients atteints de la MP avec des troubles cognitifs ont été séparées en 2 groupes : le groupe iTBS active (N=15) et le groupe sham (stimulation simulée, N=9). Une batterie neuropsychologique détaillée évaluant cinq domaines cognitifs (attention, fonctions exécutives, langage, mémoire et habiletés visuo-spatiales) a été administrée lors des jours 1, 8, 17 et 37. Le protocole iTBS a été appliqué sur le CPFDL gauche durant les jours 2, 4 et 7. Les scores z ont été calculés pour chaque domaine cognitif et pour la cognition globale. Les résultats ont montré une augmentation significative de la cognition globale jusqu’à 10 jours suivant l’iTBS active, particulièrement au niveau de l’attention, des fonctions exécutives et des habiletés visuo-spatiales. Cet effet sur la cognition globale n’est pas répliqué dans le groupe sham. Ces résultats suggèrent donc que l’iTBS peut moduler la performance cognitive chez les patients atteints de MP avec des déficits cognitifs.
To investigate the effects of different management strategies for non-localized prostate cancer on men's quality of life and cognitive functioning. Men with prostate cancer were randomly assigned to one of four treatment arms: leuprorelin, goserelin, cyproterone acetate (CPA), or close clinical monitoring. In a repeated-measures design, men were assessed before treatment (baseline) and after 6 and 12 months of treatment. A community comparison group of men of the same age with no prostate cancer participated for the same length of time. The men were recruited from public and private urology departments from university teaching hospitals. All those with prostate cancer who were eligible for hormonal therapy had no symptoms requiring immediate therapy. In all, 82 patients were randomized and 62 completed the 1-year study, and of the 20 community participants, 15 completed the study. The main outcome measures were obtained from questionnaires on emotional distress, existential satisfaction, physical function and symptoms, social and role function, subjective cognitive function, and sexual function, combined with standard neuropsychological tests of memory, attention, and executive functions. Sexual dysfunction increased for patients on androgen-suppressing therapies, and emotional distress increased in those assigned to CPA or close clinical monitoring. Compared with before treatment there was evidence of an adverse effect of leuprorelin, goserelin, and CPA on cognitive function. In deciding the timing of androgen suppression therapy for prostate cancer, consideration should be given to potential adverse effects on quality of life and cognitive function.
An adaptation of the traditional Stroop test, the California Older Adult Stroop Test (COAST) (Pachana, Marcopulos, Yoash-Gantz & Thompson, 1995), has been developed specifically for use with a geriatric population, utilizing larger typeface, fewer items (50) per task, and more easily distinguished colors (red, yellow and green). Test-retest reliability and validity data are reviewed for both control and clinical populations. Increased error rates on the Stroop test compared to the COAST were found for the color and color/word interference tasks. These results are discussed in terms of changes in the visual system with increasing age. The implications for better test sensitivity with the COAST for older adult populations are discussed.
This article presents the proceedings of a symposium held at the meeting of the International Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism (ISBRA) in Mannheim, Germany, in October, 2004. Chronic alcoholism follows a fluctuating course, which provides a naturalistic experiment in vulnerability, resilience, and recovery of human neural systems in response to presence, absence, and history of the neurotoxic effects of alcoholism. Alcohol dependence is a progressive chronic disease that is associated with changes in neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neural gene expression, psychology, and behavior. Specifically, alcohol dependence is characterized by a neuropsychological profile of mild to moderate impairment in executive functions, visuospatial abilities, and postural stability, together with relative sparing of declarative memory, language skills, and primary motor and perceptual abilities. Recovery from alcoholism is associated with a partial reversal of CNS deficits that occur in alcoholism. The reversal of deficits during recovery from alcoholism indicates that brain structure is capable of repair and restructuring in response to insult in adulthood. Indirect support of this repair model derives from studies of selective neuropsychological processes, structural and functional neuroimaging studies, and preclinical studies on degeneration and regeneration during the development of alcohol dependence and recovery from dependence. Genetics and brain regional specificity contribute to unique changes in neuropsychology and neuroanatomy in alcoholism and recovery. This symposium includes state-of-the-art presentations on changes that occur during active alcoholism as well as those that may occur during recovery-abstinence from alcohol dependence. Included are human neuroimaging and neuropsychological assessments, changes in human brain gene expression, allelic combinations of genes associated with alcohol dependence and preclinical studies investigating mechanisms of alcohol induced neurotoxicity, and neuroprogenetor cell expansion during recovery from alcohol dependence.
Introduction: Extremely premature infants of normal intellectual ability have an increased prevalence of motor and attentional difficulties. Knowledge of the relationship between early motor difficulties and measures of attention at school age would enhance understanding of these developmental pathways, their interrelationship and opportunities for intervention. Objective: This study examines whether an association exists between early findings of minor motor difficulties and school age clinical and psychometric measures of attention. Methodology: 45/60 eligible ELBW(1000 g) or preterm (< 27/40 gestation) infants born at the Mater Mother's Hospital were assessed at 12 and 24 months for minor motor deficits (using NSMDA) and at 7-9 years for attention, using clinical (Conners and Du Paul Rating Scales) and psychometric (assessing attention span, selective and divided attention) measures. Results: NSMDA at 12 months was only associated with the psychometric measures of verbal attention span. It was not associated with later clinical measures of attention. NSMDA at 24months was strongly associated with specific clinical measures of attention at school age, independent of biological and social factors. It was not associated with psychometric measures of attention. Conclusion: The major finding of this study is that motor difficulties in ELBW infants at 2 years are associated with later clinical measures of attention. Possible mechanisms underlying this relationship are considered. Crown Copyright (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The self-rating Dysexecutive Questionnaire (DEX-S) is a recently developed standardized self-report measure of behavioral difficulties associated with executive functioning such as impulsivity, inhibition, control, monitoring, and planning. Few studies have examined its construct validity, particularly for its potential wider use across a variety of clinical and nonclinical populations. This study examines the factor structure of the DEX-S questionnaire using a sample of nonclinical (N = 293) and clinical (N = 49) participants. A series of factor analyses were evaluated to determine the best factor solution for this scale. This was found to be a 4-factor solution with factors best described as inhibition, intention, social regulation, and abstract problem solving. The first 2 factors replicate factors from the 5-factor solutions found in previous studies that examined specific subpopulations. Although further research is needed to evaluate the factor structure within a range of subpopulations, this study supports the view that the DEX has the factor structure sufficient for its use in a wider context than only with neurological or head-injured patients. Overall, a 4-factor solution is recommended as the most stable and parsimonious solution in the wider context.