252 resultados para estereótipos
O Projeto ´Grupo de Discussões sobre Sexualidade, Gênero e Mídia´ foi baseado na importância de dialogar sobre como os temas Sexualidade e gênero são representados nos meios de comunicação. Os participantes foram dez estudantes universitários dos cursos de Psicologia e Comunicação (Jornalismo, Rádio e Televisão, Relações Públicas e Design). O objetivo foi propiciar um espaço de diálogo entre as áreas de Psicologia e Comunicação, com discussões sobre pesquisas acadêmicas e materiais midiáticos, com discussões e reflexões que contribuíssem para a formação dos estudantes destas áreas. Foram 17 encontros semanais, com a duração de uma hora e meia, realizados em uma sala de uma Clínica de Psicologia universitária. As principais discussões versaram sobre como a mídia produz e reproduz padrões normativos, estereótipos, preconceitos e uma compreensão repressiva da sexualidade e do gênero, pensando juntos sobre formas possíveis de abordar o tema considerando a pluralidade, a diversidade e a multiplicidade da sexualidade humana. Buscou-se também refletir sobre o processo de construção dos produtos midiáticos e a importância dos profissionais que trabalham com o tema refletirem a respeito da própria história de educação sexual, a trajetória pessoal e profissional e o quanto as próprias experiências, concepções, valores e também preconce
For some time, researchers in teacher education (ZEICHNER; LISTON, 1996; GIMENEZ, 2005) have been drawing attention to the need to place undergraduates in contexts of practice that help them make sense of the theoretical training they receive in the graduation course. In this article, we discuss the intersection between school and university for initial foreign language teacher education through activities carried out under the Brazilian Institutional Program for Initiation to Teaching – Language and Literature of a state university. These activities were aimed, on the one hand, to promote reflection about the concept of culture and intercultural language teaching during initial teacher education and, secondly, to deconstruct stereotypes of high school students about German and English language and culture. Based on the analysis of data on the beliefs of students of the school and the support of theoretical studies such as Kramsch (2006, 2009), Bolognini (1993), among others, workshops were designed to expand the cultural universe of the high school students in the partner state school, the concept of culture and to deconstruct stereotypes. It was found that the activity contributed to the reflective education of the undergraduate students in relation to the treatment of the subject culture in language teaching.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC
Considering that our practice is intended to deconstruct stigmas andstereotypes socially produced and institutionalized from normativities ofgender and sexuality, this work proposes a reflection on two issues which hascaused concerns: the secrecy and the ethics in relation to the patients whocome to us. This is because, most of these are LGBTs (lesbian, gay, bisexual,transvestite, transsexual and transgender), and that by being in a situation ofghettoization created by homophobia and resized by inner city context, aresubject to coexist and to relate, what makes be serviced by the same internshipproject or have friends or lovers in this. And, in this configuration, the group isquestioned by ethical dilemmas which imposes on the therapeutic relationship,forcing him to repositioning the respect of aesthetics, this is, the pictureframe setting, the treatment policy, the transference, the ethics and thesecrecy, forcing these concepts to the limit.
The aim of this research was to investigate how the gender representations by young people affect how they interpret and resolve a situation of moral conflict at school. It starts from the references of the Theory of the Organizing Models of Thinking and of critical perspectives on the studies of gender as contributors of conceptual and methodological aspects in the analysis of the psychic functioning. Information was raised with 400 youngsters (15 to 21 years of age) from public and private schools, who answered in writing four questions about feelings, thoughts, and the duty of the characters (boys or girls) before a situation of homophobia at school. The perspective of the gender in the conflict resolution was analyzed taking into account the sex of the characters and the sex of the participants. The results show that the gender representations have an essential role in the manner in which the youngsters resolve interpersonal conflicts, highlighting the reproduction of stereotypes in the social relations among genders at school.
The diversity of social relations in the Amazon region is responsible for the complexity that generalized and simplified ideas conceal in the understanding of its Environmental History. Recent historiography on the North of Brazil shows that this diversity is not to be neglected, under the risk of perpetuating stereotypes and reproducing in common sense social and economic aspects that often lie at the basis of cultural actions, projects and values that push the destruction of the environment, the fragility of citizenship and the uncertainties about the future that hover over the Amazon in the 21st century.
The qualitative study, in its descriptive and interpretive modality, was based on Piaget's theoretical framework in order to analyze the significances of fifty-two students attending classes with tutors. The results indicated that the significances of students about difficulties on learning, errors and tutoring have to do with stereotypes, stigmas and inferiority of their condition to achieve learning objectives. Learning difficulties are seen as a problem of their own personal or family situation, while tutoring a place of punishment for those who have learning difficulties.
This article is part of a master's degree dissertation that studied the way as stigmas and stereotypes regarding lesbianity influence the life, in the sphere of the sexuality, of women that denominate themselves as lesbians, resident in a city in the interior of the State of São Paulo. The stigma here analyzed is that lesbians are women that frustrated with men. We tried to show, through the narratives of the research s participants and basing on gender and feminist studies, how the heteronormativist system naturalizes the masculinity to the men and the sexuality in the masculinity, and how it legitimates speeches about lesbian woman through the heterosexual referential. Also, we tried to show some strategies of the biopoder for the maintenance of that system and, starting from interviews in depth, we presented how the participants of the research (lesbian women) make speeches on that stigma and how they re-significate it through their own narratives. That research was financed by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo FAPESP, and accomplished by the Pos-Graduation Program of the Universidade Estadual Paulista Campus of Assis-SP.Key words: Gender. Sexuality. Lesbianity. Heteronormativity.
This article makes a historiography discussion about slavery, indicates the advances in combats for an afro-brasilian history and, in view of cultural re-sense shows a need to consider the student’s prior knowledge and content of teaching History. These knowledges are essential to move beyond the denunciation of the violence of slavery and lead to the classroom buildings of the recent historiography on slavery in Brazil in view of breaking of stereotypes and changing attitudes.
This study approaches the ways that stigmas and stereotypes of lesbianity influence the sexuality realm of the lives of women who define themselves as lesbians. Basing on the gender and feminists studies, we questioned the legitimations of the heteronormativist society presented as arbitrary speeches about the lesbian existence - the promiscuity and the sexual illegitimacy. Starting from interviews in depth, we presented how the participants of the research (lesbian women) discourse regarding the construction of their subjectivations, through their life histories narratives. That research was financed by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo FAPESP, and accomplished by the Pos-Graduation Program of the Universidade Estadual Paulista Campus of Assis-SP.
This study’s main goal was to investigate the representations of nursing students about the work of a nurse in a gender perspective, during the training process. The research used a sample of 41 nursing students (1st and 9th semesters) being applied to such a questionnaire, analyzed in the face of the organizer model concept, and also the critics studies of gender. Was found the research data, one is able to notice that, students that start off their academic lives in the nursing course have less stereotyped representations regarding gender behavior and certain problematization concerning the sexual division of the profession. When it comes to training, from the moment in which these students begin to live with the nursing practices, that are impregnated with stereotypes, in different contexts, the vision that once was considered generalizing, becomes crystallized, delimiting the practices that exist in nursing. The data points out to the need of the training courses to embark a problematization on the gender relations in the context of the nursing practices, given the fact they seem to reinforce standards, neglecting an egalitarian democratic and professional action in the professional field.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso, intitulado Charges um olhar estereotipado dos professores, é o resultado de um interesse sobre esse tipo de arte gráfica desde a adolescência atrelada à curiosidade sobre a imagem construída historicamente sobre os professores e sobre sua vida profissional. Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar os estereótipos que são atribuídos aos professores nas charges procurando observar características de gênero, de vestuário e de caráter psicológico. Para atingir esse objetivo, teve-se o intuito de utilizar como material de pesquisa as charges do autor italiano Francesco Tonucci que publicou mais de mil charges na Itália e na Espanha. Esse autor procura abordar em seus desenhos temas que mostram a educação formal e informal em seu país, criticando à forma como a educação é tratada, essas realidades se encaixam com a do Brasil em muitos aspectos, e são estes aspectos que forneceram dados para analise. Para desenvolver essa pesquisa se utilizara a abordagem qualitativa, seguindo a metodologia de pesquisa documental e bibliográfica. Neste trabalho foram observados os estereótipos atribuídos aos professores e discutiu-se que imagem é transmitida desse profissional por esse suporte de leitura tão popular. Para aprofundar a questão dos estereótipos se realizou leituras de artigos que abordaram a questão dos estereótipos no contexto educacional, além de fontes que forneceram explicações sobre o fundamento histórico que deram razões para que esses estereótipos acontecessem. Quanto às charges se realizou um breve apanhado histórico de como esse tipo de arte gráfica surgiu e porque faz tanto sucesso nos meios de comunicação