924 resultados para environmental effects
The research on mechanical effects of water-rock and soil interaction on deformation and failure of rocks and soils involves three aspects of mechanics, physics and chemistry. It is the cross between geochemistry and rock mechanics and soil mechanics. To sum up, the mechanical effects of water-rock and soil interaction is related to many complex processes. Research in this respect has been being an important forward field and has broad prospects. In connection with the mechanism of the effects of the chemical action of water-rock on deformation and failure of rocks and soils, the research significance, the present state, the developments in this research domain are summarized. Author prospects the future of this research. The research of the subject should be possessed of important position in studying engineering geology and will lead directly to a new understand on geological hazard and control research. In order to investigation the macroscopic mechanics effects of chemical kinetics of water-rock interaction on the deformation and failure, calcic rock, red sandstone and grey granite reacting chemically with different aqueous solution at atmospheric temperature and atmospheric pressure are uniaxially compressed. The quantitative results concerning the changes of uniaxially compressive strength and elastic modulus under different conditions are obtained. It is found that the mechanical effects of water on rock is closely related to the chemical action of water-rock or the chemical damage in rock, and the intensity of chemical damage is direct ratio to the intensity of chemical action in water-rock system. It is also found that the hydrochemical action on rock is time-dependent through the test. The mechanism of permeation and hydrochemical action resulting in failure of loaded rock mass or propagation of fractures in rocks would be a key question in rock fracture mechanics. In this paper, the fracture mechanical effects of chemical action of water-rock and their time- and chemical environment-dependent behavior in grey granite, green granite, grey sandstone and red sandstone are analyzed by testing K_(IC) and COD of rock under different conditions. It is found that: ①the fracture mechanical effect of chemical action of water-rock is outstanding and time-dependent, and high differences exist in the influence of different aqueous solution, different rocks, different immersion ways and different velocity of cycle flow on the fracture mechanical effects in rock. ②the mechanical effects of water-rock interaction on propagation of fractures is consistent with the mechanical effects on the peak strength of rock. ③the intensity of the mechanical fracture effects increases as the intensity of chemical action of water-rock increases. ④iron and calcium ion bearing mineral or cement in rock are some key ion or chemical composition, and especially iron ion-bearing mineral resulting in chemical action of water-rock to be provided with both positive and negative mechanical effects on rock. Through the above two tests, we suggest that primary factors influencing chemical damage in rock consist of the chemical property of rock and aqueous solution, the structure or homogeneity of rocks, the flow velocity of aqueous solution passing through rock, and cause of formation or evolution of rock. The paper explores the mechanism on the mechanical effects of water-rock interaction on rock by using the theory of chemistry and rock fracture mechanics with chemical damage proposed by author, the modeling method and the energy point of view. In this paper, the concept of absorbed suction between soil grains caused by capillary response is given and expounded, and the relation and basic distinction among this absorbed suction, surface tension and capillary pressure of the soil are analyzed and established. The law of absorbed suction change and the primary factors affecting it are approached. We hold that the structure suction are changeable along with the change of the saturation state in unsaturated soils. In view of this, the concept of intrinsic structure suction and variable structure suction are given and expounded, and this paper points out: What we should study is variable structure suction when studying the effective stress. By IIIy κHH's theory of structure strength of soils, the computer method for variable structure suction is analyzed, the measure method for variable structure suction is discussed, and it reach the conclusions: ①Besides saturation state, variable structure suction is affected by grain composition and packing patter of grains. ②The internal relations are present between structure parameter N in computing structure suction and structure parameter D in computing absorbed suction. We think that some problems exit in available principle of effective stress and shear strength theory for unsaturated soil. Based on the variable structure suction and absorbed suction, the classification of saturation in soil and a principle of narrow sense effective stress are proposed for unsaturated soils. Based on generalized suction, the generalized effective stress formula and a principle of generalized effective stress are proposed for unsaturated soils. The experience parameter χ in Bishop's effective stress formula is defined, and the principal factors influencing effective stress or χ. The primary factor affecting the effective stress in unsaturated soils, and the principle classifying unsaturated soils and its mechanics methods analyzing unsaturated soils are discussed, and this paper points out: The theory on studying unsaturated soil mechanics should adopt the micromechanics method, then raise it to macromechanics and to applying. Researching the mechanical effects of chemical action of water-soil on soil is of great importance to geoenvironmental hazard control. The texture of soil and the fabric of soil mass are set forth. The tests on physical and mechanical property are performed to investigate the mechanism of the positive and negative mechanical effects of different chemical property of aqueous solution. The test results make clear that the plastic limit, liquid limit and plasticity index are changed, and there exists both positive and negative effects on specimens in this test. Based on analyzing the mechanism of the mechanical effects of water-soil interaction on soil, author thinks that hydrochemical actions being provided with mechanical effects on soil comprise three kinds of dissolution, sedimentation or crystallization. The significance of these tests lie in which it is recognized for us that we may improve, adjust and control the quality of soils, and may achieve the goal geological hazard control and prevention.The present and the significance of the research on environmental effects of water-rock and soil interaction. Various living example on geoenvironmental hazard in this field are enumerated. Following above thinking, we have approached such ideals that: ①changing the intensity and distribution of source and sink in groundwater flow system can be used to control the water-rock and soil interaction. ②the chemical action of water-rock and soil can be used to ameliorate the physical and mechanical property of rocks and soils. Lastly, the research thinking and the research methods on mechanical effects and environmental effects of water-rock and soil interaction are put forward and detailed.
作为全球碳循环的主要组成部分,溶解有机质在水生生态系统的各种物理、化学和生物过程中起着十分重要的作用:它是湖泊异养型生物所需能量的主要提供者;是湖泊水体pH的调节剂和控制因素;能够与金属离子或有机污染物相互作用,从而影响它们的迁移转化、毒性和生物可利用性;溶解有机质也是饮用水氯化工艺中生成具有致癌作用消毒副产品的主要前驱物质。溶解有机质组成和结构十分复杂,一般由腐殖质和非腐殖质物质组成,相应的环境地球化学特征和行为也各不相同。因此,研究溶解有机质各分离组分的结构特征和环境效应,将有助于我们对溶解有机质复杂化学结构、循环特征及行为特征的深入理解;有助于揭示溶解有机质对环境中微量污染物的迁移、转化、毒性和生物有效性的影响机理和贡献因素;为水环境评价、预测、控制和管理提供科学依据。 本论文选择云贵高原山区湖泊—红枫湖为研究对象,利用XAD树脂分离技术,把湖泊水体中溶解有机质按极性的不同分成了疏水性酸、碱、中性物质和亲水性酸、碱、中性物质等六种有机组分。主要运用元素分析、有机碳分析仪、傅立叶变换红外光谱、紫外-可见分光光度,高效液相体积排阻色谱、三维荧光光谱和稳定同位素质谱仪等现代分析方法和手段,对各有机组分的地球化学特征及来源的进行了表征和探讨。同时利用荧光猝灭滴定技术研究了溶解有机质分离组分与铜的相互作用,利用顶空气相色谱法测定了各分离组分与氯气反应活性的大小,并确立了生成消毒副产物的主要前驱物质。本论文的研究成果主要有以下几点: 1.改进了分离流程:在XAD-8树脂分离溶解有机质流程的基础上,引入XAD-4树脂,对贵州红枫湖水体中溶解有机质进行了富集分离,得腐殖酸、富里酸、疏水性中性物质、亲水性酸、亲水性碱、亲水性中性物质等六种有机组分,回收率为82%。各分离组分的组成与其它天然水体的组成接近,其中以富里酸为主,占分离组分的51%。 2.溶解有机质分离组分化学结构特征的研究:元素分析表明疏水性组分具有较高的碳和硫含量,而亲水性组分O/C比较高,含有较多的含氧官能团;傅立叶变换红外光谱表明各分离组分在3424-3434 cm-1具有O-H和N-H的吸收峰,腐殖酸组分主要为含氮和聚糖物质,富里酸和亲水性酸表现强的羧基吸收峰。高效体积排阻色谱表明各六种有机组分的分子量较小,重均(Mw)和数均(Mn)分子量分别集中在1688-2355Da和1338-1928Da之间,其中Mw和紫外吸收比值(E2/E3)之间呈负相关关系;三维荧光光谱显示六种有机组分表现了4种不同类型的荧光峰,紫外区类富里酸荧光峰peakA和可见区类富里酸荧光峰peakC;疏水性中性物质还表现了两种类蛋白荧光峰peakB和peakD。荧光强度与紫外吸光系数SUVA254之间呈显著正相关关系,说明了产生荧光和紫外的物质具有某些相似的官能团,其中芳香官能团和共轭双键在这两类光谱的产生中具有重要作用。本研究进一步揭示了溶解有机质不同有机组分的分子量分布、荧光光谱特征和紫外吸收特征之间的一致性,反映了各有机组分之间的亲水、疏水与分子量、光谱特征之间的内在联系,本研究有助于加我们深对溶解有机质复杂性和相似性及化学结构与行为的进一步认识。 3.溶解有机质分离组分来源问题的探讨:我们利用δ13C及C/N比值并结合荧光光谱特征来指示溶解有机质的来源。各分离组分的δ13C及C/N比值表明富里酸主要来自陆源C3植被形成的土壤有机质,而腐殖酸、疏水性中性物质、亲水性酸、亲水性碱、亲水性中性物质属于陆源和内源的混合来源,其中腐殖酸、亲水性酸、亲水性碱接近红枫湖藻类一端,而疏水性中性物质和亲水性中性物质接近陆源一端。荧光光谱表明疏水性中性物质中含有类蛋白荧光峰,可能暗示了该组分还与人类活动有关。该研究加深了对溶解有机质来源的多样性和影响因素复杂性的认识。 4.溶解有机质分离组分与铜离子的相互作用,利用荧光猝灭滴定技术研究了分离组分与铜离子的相互作用,结果表明溶解有机质滴加铜离子后荧光强调显著降低,同时发射波长Em发生蓝移,而激发波长Ex基本不变,说明了分离有机组分在与铜离子相互作用后,π电子减少,共轭性和芳香型降低,直线型分子向非直线型分子转变;溶解有机质分离组分与铜相互作用的滴定曲线与修正的Stern-Volmer模型十分吻合;分离组分的稳定常数logK介于4.73-5.16之间(C峰)和4.64-5.24之间(A峰),logKA与logKC与总酸度以及与酚羟基之间存在显著相关性, 与羧基含量之间也有弱相关关系,说明铜离子优先与配体中强配位点(酚羟基)络合,其次为弱配位基(羧基)。该研究揭示了云贵高原山区湖泊溶解有机质分离组分与金属离子相互作用的差异性和影响因素,为水环境中金属离子迁移转化和毒性的评价提供理论依据。 5.溶解有机质分离组分卤代活性的比较:我们运用顶空气相色谱法测定了红枫湖分离组分与消毒剂反应生成有机卤代物的情况。结果表明红枫湖分离组分氯化消毒副产物主要以三氯甲烷(CHCl3)和二溴一氯甲烷(CHBr2Cl)为主,富里酸是生成三卤甲烷的主要前驱物质,同时富里酸的卤代反应活性也最强。该研究揭示了云贵高原山区湖泊中富里酸是生成消毒副产物的主要前驱物质,该组分以陆源有机质输入为主。因此,该研究对饮用水消毒具有一定的现实意义。
The relatively new recreational pursuit of coasteering, which has developed in the St David's area of Pembrokeshire, appears to be expanding rapidly. The majority of local commercial recreation providers (outdoor pursuit centers etc.) now appear to offer this pursuit. The majority of the rocky coastlines where it takes place lie within Pembrokeshire Marine Special Area of Conservation (SAC), and are also Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). No assessment has yet been undertaken of coasteering's potential impact on the intertidal habitats. Therefore the Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) commissioned the Marine Life Information Network (MarLIN) to undertake a desk study of the likely environmental effects of coasteering on rocky intertidal habitats within the Pembrokeshire marine SAC. The desk study was based on a review of the available literature, and in particular the effects of trampling on rocky intertidal communities. Communities (as biotopes) within the Pembrokeshire marine SAC likely to be exposed to coasteering activities were identified from Phase I biotope data for the area, provided by CCW. Where possible, existing research by MarLIN into the intolerance, recoverability and sensitivity of the biotopes identified, was used to identify their potential vulnerability to trampling. The literature review revealed that: - foliose canopy forming algae (e.g. fucoids) were particularly intolerant and sensitive to trampling impacts; - trampling damaged erect coralline turfs, barnacles, and resulted in an increase in bare space; in some cases paths across the shore were visible; - on brown algae dominated shores, understorey algae could suffer due to increased desiccation but algal turf species, opportunists and gastropod grazers (e.g. limpets) could increase in abundance as an indirect effect of trampling, and that - trampling impacts resulted from physical contact and wear and were dependant on the intensity, duration, and frequency of trampling, and even the type of footwear used. A total of 19 intolerant rocky intertidal biotopes were identified as potentially vulnerable to trampling and hence coasteering within the Pembrokeshire marine SAC, of which six are of Welsh importance and eight are nationally rare or scarce. Trampling is a highly localized impact and it was not possible to identify biotopes, and hence communities, actually impacted by coasteering activities in the Pembrokeshire marine SAC. In addition, the majority of the literature addresses the impacts of trampling on wave sheltered or moderately exposed brown algal dominated shores, while coasteering occurs on more wave exposed, steeply inclined shores. Therefore, direct survey of the routes used by coasteering groups within the Pembrokeshire marine SAC is required to identify the intensity, duration and frequency of trampling impact, together with the communities impacted. Given the paucity of data concerning trampling effects in the rocky intertidal in the UK, a survey of the impacts of coasteering would provide an opportunity to examine the effects of trampling and visitor use in steep rocky, wave exposed shores. The report recognizes the potential to engage coasteerers in contributing to the development of strategies for minimizing adverse impacts, recording impacts and collecting information of use in identifying climate change and the occurrence of non-native species.
Research to date has suggested that both individual marine species and ecological processes are expected to exhibit diverse responses to the environmental effects of climate change. Evolutionary responses can occur on rapid (ecological) timescales, and yet studies typically do not consider the role that adaptive evolution will play in modulating biological responses to climate change. Investigations into such responses have typically been focused at particular biological levels (e.g., cellular, population, community), often lacking interactions among levels. Since all levels of biological organisation are sensitive to global climate change, there is a need to elucidate how different processes and hierarchical interactions will influence species fitness. Therefore, predicting the responses of communities and populations to global change will require multidisciplinary efforts across multiple levels of hierarchy, from the genetic and cellular to communities and ecosystems. Eventually, this may allow us to establish the role that acclimatisation and adaptation will play in determining marine community structures in future scenarios.
Environmental Impact Assessment has gained a prominent position as a tool to evaluate the environmental effects of economic activities. However, all approaches proposed so far use a burden-oriented logic. They concentrate on the different environmental impacts in order to ascertain the overall environmental damage caused by economic activity. This paper argues that such a burden-oriented view is (a) hampered by a series of methodological shortcomings which hinders its widespread use in practice; and (b) is analytically incomplete. The paper proposes a value-oriented approach to impact assessment. For this purpose an economic analysis of the optimal use of environmental and social resources is conducted from both a burden-oriented and a value-oriented standpoint. The basic logic of a value-oriented impact assessment is explained, as well as the resulting economic conditions for an optimal use of resources. In addition, it is shown that value- and burden-oriented approaches are complementary to achieve optimality. Finally, the paper discusses the conditions under which the use of burden- or value-oriented impact assessments is appropriate, respectively.
A post-Markovian master equation has been recently proposed as a tool to describe the evolution of a system coupled to a memory-keeping environment [A. Shabani and D. A. Lidar, Phys. Rev. A 71, 020101 ( R) ( 2005)]. For a single qubit affected by appropriately chosen environmental conditions, the corresponding dynamics is always legitimate and physical. Here we extend such a situation to the case of two qubits, only one of which experiences the environmental effects. We show how, despite the innocence of such an extension, the introduction of the second qubit should be done cum grano salis to avoid consequences such as the breaking of the positivity of the associated dynamical map. This hints at the necessity of using care when adopting phenomenologically derived models for evolutions occurring outside the Markovian framework.
This paper addresses the problem of optimally locating intermodal freight terminals in Serbia. To solve this problem and determine the effects of the resulting scenarios, two modeling approaches were combined. The first approach is based on multiple-assignment hub-network design, and the second is based on simulation. The multiple-assignment p-hub network location model was used to determine the optimal location of intermodal terminals. Simulation was used as a tool to estimate intermodal transport flow volumes, due to the unreliability and unavailability of specific statistical data, and as a method for quantitatively analyzing the economic, time, and environmental effects of different scenarios of intermodal terminal development. The results presented here represent a summary, with some extension, of the research realized in the IMOD-X project (Intermodal Solutions for Competitive Transport in Serbia).
The ways in which fish use space in nature are described, distinguishing between movements within a home range, dispersal and directed migration, as are the mechanisms that determine how fish use space. The external stimuli to which fish respond, how they use these cues to find their way around and the role of hormones in migration are also covered. An account is then given of how movement and orientation change with age, the evidence for inherited differences in these aspects of behaviour and environmental effects on development of space use patterns. The benefits that accrue to fish from moving in particular ways are described, as are adverse consequences of such movements, in the form of energetic costs and exposure to predators and pathogens. The ways in which benefits and costs are balanced against each other are discussed, with special reference to diurnal vertical migration. Although cultured fish usually inhabit confined spaces, their natural patterns of orientation and movement can cause a number of problems in aquaculture and some of these are described. Such problems are amenable to biological solutions and these are considered in the final section of this chapter, which also looks at the potential for using what is known about how fish move about to improve the effectiveness of general husbandry practices.
Pesticide use is important in agriculture to protect crops and improve productivity. However, they have the potential to cause adverse human health or environmental effects, dependent on exposure levels. This review examines existing pesticide legislation worldwide, focusing on the level of harmonisation, and impacts of differing legislation on food safety and trade. Pesticide legislation varies greatly worldwide as countries have different requirements guidelines and legal limits for plant protection. Developed nations have more stringent regulations than developing countries, which lack the resources and expertise to adequately implement and enforce legislation. Global differences in pesticide legislation act as a technical barrier to trade. International parties such as the European Union (EU), Codex Alimentarius Commission (Codex), and North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) have attempted to harmonise pesticide legislation by providing maximum residue limits (MRLs), but globally these limits remain variable. Globally harmonised pesticide standards would serve to increase productivity, profits and trade, and enhance the ability to protect public health and the environment.
Nanotechnology has relevance to applications in all areas of agri-food including agriculture, aquaculture, production, processing, packaging, safety and nutrition. Scientific literature indicates uncertainties in food safety aspects about using nanomaterials due to potential health risks. To date the agri-food industry's awareness and attitude towards nanotechnology have not been addressed. We surveyed the awareness and attitudes of agri-food organisations on the island of Ireland (IoI) with regards to nanotechnology. A total of 14 agri-food stakeholders were interviewed and 88 agri-food stakeholders responded to an on-line questionnaire. The findings indicate that the current awareness of nanotechnology applications in the agri-food sector on the IoI is low and respondents are neither positive nor negative towards agri-food applications of nanotechnology. Safer food, reduced waste and increased product shelf life were considered to be the most important benefits to the agri-food industry. Knowledge of practical examples of agri-food applications is limited however opportunities were identified in precision farming techniques, innovative packaging, functional ingredients and nutrition of foods, processing equipment, and safety testing. Perceived impediments to nanotechnology adoption were potential unknown human health and environmental impacts, consumer acceptance and media framing. The need for a risk assessment framework, research into long term health and environmental effects, and better engagement between scientists, government bodies, the agri-food industry and the public were identified as important.
To estimate the heritability of peripheral refraction in Chinese children and adolescents.
The authors examined 72 monozygotic (MZ) twins and 48 dizygotic (DZ) twins aged 8 to 20 years from a population-based twin registry. Temporal and nasal peripheral refraction, each 40° from the visual axis, and axial refraction were measured using an autorefractor. Relative peripheral refractive error (RPRE) was defined as the peripheral refraction minus the axial refraction. Heritability was assessed by structural equation modeling after adjustment for age and sex.
The mean and SD of temporal refraction (T(40)), nasal refraction (N(40)), RPRE-T(40), RPRE-N(40), and T(40)-N(40) asymmetry were -0.27 ± 2.0 D, 0.36 ± 2.19 D, 1.18 ± 1.39 D, 1.80 ± 1.69 D, and -0.62 ± 1.58 D, respectively. The intraclass correlations for T(40) refraction, N(40) refraction, RPRE-T(40), RPRE-N(40), and T(40)-N(40) asymmetry were 0.87, 0.83, 0.65, 0.74, and 0.58 for MZ pairs and 0.49, 0.42, 0.30, 0.41, and 0.32 for DZ pairs, respectively. A model with additive genetic and unique environmental effects was the most parsimonious, with heritability values estimated as 0.84, 0.76, 0.63, 0.70, and 0.55, respectively, for the peripheral refractive parameters.
Additive genetic effects appear to explain most of the variance in peripheral refraction and relative peripheral refraction when adjusting for the effects of axial refraction.
Um dos principais fatores que afetam negativamente a qualidade do ambiente em muitas cidades em todo o mundo é o material particulado (PM). A sua presença na atmosfera pode ter impactos negativos na saúde humana, clima, património edificado e ecossistemas. Muitos dos estudos realizados em áreas urbanas focam apenas as frações respiráveis (PM10 e PM2,5). No entanto, os processos de formação, a identificação das fontes emissoras e os efeitos dependem muito da distribuição granulométrica das partículas. A atenção tem recaído na análise de hidrocarbonetos poliaromáticos (PAHs), devida à sua carcinogenicidade e a informação disponível sobre outros compostos é escassa. O presente estudo consistiu na obtenção do PM distribuído por diferentes frações de tamanho e na análise detalhada da sua composição química, em dois locais urbanos da Península Ibérica (Madrid e Lisboa). Dado que os veículos representam uma das principais fontes emissoras em ambientes urbanos, efetuou-se uma caracterização mais detalhada deste tipo de emissões, conduzindo uma campanha de amostragem num túnel rodoviário (Marquês de Pombal, Lisboa). As amostragens, em ambas as cidades, decorreram durante um mês, quer no verão quer no inverno, em dois locais urbanos distintos, um junto a uma via com influência de tráfego e outro numa área urbana de fundo. No túnel a amostragem foi realizada apenas durante uma semana. Em Madrid e no túnel, o PM foi recolhido utilizando um amostrador de elevado volume com impactor em cascata com quatro tamanhos: 10-2,5, 2,5-0,95, 0,95-0,49 e < 0,49 μm. Em Lisboa, foi utilizado um impactor em cascata com apenas dois tamanhos, 10- 2,5 e < 2,5 μm. As amostras foram quimicamente analisadas e determinadas as concentrações de compostos carbonados (OC, EC e carbonatos), iões inorgânicos solúveis em água (Cl−, NO3−, SO42−, Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+),metais e compostos orgânicos. Em Madrid, as concentrações médias de PM10 foram 44 e 48% maiores nas amostras recolhidas junto à estrada do que as de fundo urbano no verão e inverno, respetivamente. A fração grosseira e o PM0,5 apresentaram concentrações mais elevadas no verão do que no inverno devido às condições climatéricas pouco usuais. No verão, as amostragens decorreram num mês em que as temperaturas foram muito elevadas e em que ocorreram vários episódios de intrusão de poeira africana. Durante o período de amostragem de inverno, as temperaturas foram muito baixas e registaram-se vários dias de precipitação quer sob a forma de chuva, quer sob a forma de neve. As situações meteorológicas sinóticas mais comuns, incluindo aquelas que causam o transporte de massas de ar com poeiras Africanas, foram identificadas em ambas as estações do ano. As concentrações mássicas de PM10, EC e OC foram encontrados predominantemente na fração de tamanho ultrafino em ambos os locais de amostragem e estações do ano. Nas restantes frações não se observou nenhuma tendência sazonal. O carbono orgânico secundário (SOC) mostrou um claro padrão sazonal, com concentrações muito mais elevadas no verão do que no inverno, em ambos os lugares. A partir do balanço mássico de iões, observou-se que, no verão, a formação de compostos inorgânicos secundários (SIC) conduziu a um enriquecimento pouco comum de Ca2+ na fração submicrométrica, quer nas amostras de tráfego, quer em fundo urbano. Os alcanos, PAHs, os álcoois e os ácidos foram as classes de compostos orgânicos identificados e quantificados no material particulado. Globalmente, representaram 0,26 e 0,11 μg m−3 no verão e inverno, respetivamente, no local de tráfego e 0,28 e 0,035 μg m−3 na área urbana de fundo. Os diferentes compostos orgânicos também apresentaram padrões sazonais, sugerindo fontes de emissão (e.g. escapes dos veículos e fontes biogénicas) ou processos de formação com contribuições variáveis ao longo do ano. As concentrações de benzoapireno equivalente foram menores que 1 ng m-3 e o risco carcinogénico estimado é baixo. No verão, os maiores enriquecimentos de metais ocorreram na fração submicrométrica, e no inverno na fração grosseira. No verão, os enriquecimentos foram ≥ 80% para o Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Sb e Co, no inverno, estes traçadores de emissões do tráfego foram menores, exceto para o Zn. Em Lisboa, a concentração média de PM10 foi de 48 μg m-3 no verão e de 44 μg m-3 no inverno, junto à estrada. Na área de fundo urbano, registaram-se níveis comparáveis nas duas estações (27 μg m-3 e 26 μg m-3). A média do rácio PM2,5/PM10 foi de 65% no verão e 44% no inverno na área de tráfego e 62% e 59% na área urbana de fundo. Estes resultados significam que o PM2,5 é um dos principais contaminantes que afetam a qualidade do ar no centro da cidade de Lisboa. A relação OC/EC, que reflete a composição das emissões de combustão dos veículos, variou entre 0,3 e 0,4 no interior do túnel. Os rácios de OC/EC mínimos obtidos junto às vias de tráfego em Madrid e em Lisboa encontram-se entre os do túnel e os registados em atmosferas urbanas de fundo, sugerindo que os valores mínimos habitualmente obtidos para este parâmetro em ambientes urbanos abertos sobrestimam as emissões diretas de OC pelo transporte rodoviário. Espera-se que os resultados deste trabalho contribuam para suprir, pelo menos em parte, as lacunas de informação quer sobre a composição de várias granulometrias de PM, quer sobre fontes e processos de formação em atmosferas urbanas. Como a exposição a poluentes do ar ultrapassa o controle dos indivíduos e exige ação das autoridades públicas a nível nacional, regional e até mesmo internacional, é importante propor medidas mitigadoras focadas nas principais fontes de emissão identificadas.
This paper discusses how urban freight activity can function such that it meets the urban sustainability objectives policy makers are now beginning to implement. It considers: the importance of urban freight transport in maintaining the economic vitality of the city; the negative impacts that it imposes; the concept of urban sustainability and the development of sustainability strategies; and the means and measures by which freight transport could be made more sustainable. It presents results from a project that investigated the current freight transport operations of seven different companies in three urban areas in the UK. The potential operational, financial and environmental effects of four policy measures on these operations are considered.
Trabalho de Dissertação de Natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Hidráulica
Ecological conditions can influence not only the expression of a phenotype, but also the heritability of a trait. As such, heritable variation for a trait needs to be studied across environments. We have investigated how pathogen challenge affects the expression of MHC genes in embryos of the lake whitefish Coregonus palaea. In order to experimentally separate paternal (i.e. genetic) from maternal and environmental effects, and determine whether and how stress affects the heritable variation for MHC expression, embryos were produced in full-factorial in vitro fertilizations, reared singly, and exposed at 208 degree days (late-eyed stage) to either one of two strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens that differ in their virulence characteristics (one increased mortality, while both delayed hatching time). Gene expression was assessed 48 h postinoculation, and virulence effects of the bacterial infection were monitored until hatching. We found no evidence of MHC class II expression at this stage of development. MHC class I expression was markedly down-regulated in reaction to both pseudomonads. While MHC expression could not be linked to embryo survival, the less the gene was expressed, the earlier the embryos hatched within each treatment group, possibly due to trade-offs between immune function and developmental rate or further factors that affect both hatching timing and MHC expression. We found significant additive genetic variance for MHC class I expression in some treatments. That is, changes in pathogen pressures could induce rapid evolution in MHC class I expression. However, we found no additive genetic variance in reaction norms in our study population.