995 resultados para environmental changes


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar morfometricamente as modificações ocorridas ao longo de 500 anos nas estruturas maxilo-mandibulares de indivíduos da Costa Central do Peru. Foram utilizadas telerradiografias laterais de 30 crânios secos, sem deformidades esqueléticas e em normoclusão, do período Pré-colombiano (grupo Pré-colombiano) e de 30 peruanos nativos contemporâneos, com características esqueléticas e oclusais semelhantes, provenientes da mesma região geográfica (grupo Contemporâneo). Estas telerradiografias foram digitalizadas e 14 pontos cefalométricos foram marcados e utilizados como marcos anatômicos homólogos para a análise morfométrica. O tamanho do centróide, a forma e a alometria foram comparados entre os grupos para a amostra total, para homens e para mulheres, pelos testes de one-way ANOVA, função discriminante e regressão multivariada, respectivamente. As mesmas avaliações foram realizadas para homens e mulheres do mesmo grupo. O tamanho do centróide foi significativamente maior para o grupo Contemporâneo tanto para a amostra total, quanto para homens e mulheres, demonstrando que as estruturas maxilo-mandibulares dos indivíduos contemporâneos é maior do que de seus ancestrais. Quando homens e mulheres foram comparados intra-grupos o tamanho do centróide foi significativamente maior para os homens do grupo Contemporâneo, com a mesma tendência para os homens pré-colombianos, porém sem significância estatística. Observou-se diferenças significativas entre os grupos para a forma das estruturas maxilo-mandibulares indicando que ao longo do tempo houve um deslocamento posterior da região da pré-maxila e um deslocamento considerável para cima e para trás da apófise coronóide, uma abertura do ângulo na região goníaca e um alongamento no sentido vertical da região da sínfise mandibular. Essas mudanças morfológicas foram mais evidentes nas mulheres do que nos homens, parecendo haver maior efeito das tendências seculares nas mulheres. Não houve diferenças morfológicas entre homens e mulheres quando comparados intra-grupos, demonstrando que os resultados observados não foram influenciados pelo dimorfismo sexual. As diferenças de tamanho existentes intra-grupos foram responsáveis por apenas 6% das diferenças de forma, e portanto não há efeito causal do tamanho sobre as diferenças de forma observadas entre os grupos. Pode-se concluir que as diferenças morfológicas das estruturas maxilo-mandibulares encontradas neste estudo sugerem mudanças nas condições ambientais da população da Costa Central do Peru ao longo de 500 anos e podem contribuir para o melhor esclarecimento dos fatores etiológicos das más oclusões.


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O objetivo desse trabalho é o ordenamento territorial em área de proteção ambiental, analisando o processo de ocupação a partir da ação de promotores imobiliários numa área natural protegida por lei. Nos últimos 20 anos, observamos o crescimento irregular e desordenado de empreendimentos imobiliários, dinamizado pelo turismo. A procura por locações para veraneio provocou rápida expansão de loteamentos habitacionais e estabelecimentos comerciais sobre longa faixa de restinga, entre 26 km de praia e complexo sistema lagunar, localizada nos municípios de Saquarema, Araruama e Arraial do Cabo, Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Essa ocupação ameaça ecossistemas remanescentes como: brejos, lagoas costeiras, manguezais e restingas que deveriam ser preservados segundo leis ambientais. Nesse universo, responderemos as seguintes questões: Como atuam os agentes sociais presentes no conflito? Qual o papel do Estado nesse processo? As leis que regem as políticas de conservação ambiental são interdependentes? Há conflitos de competências? A coleta de informações ocorreu através de análise documental, de imagens de satélite, trabalhos de campo, visitas técnicas e entrevistas com agentes sociais. Os resultados possibilitaram um mapeamento da ação desses agentes na área em estudo, suas competências e geração de mapa de uso do solo.


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O atual nível das mudanças uso do solo causa impactos nas mudanças ambientais globais. Os processos de mudanças do uso e cobertura do solo são processos complexos e não acontecem ao acaso sobre uma região. Geralmente estas mudanças são determinadas localmente, regionalmente ou globalmente por fatores geográficos, ambientais, sociais, econômicos e políticos interagindo em diversas escalas temporais e espaciais. Parte desta complexidade é capturada por modelos de simulação de mudanças do uso e cobertura do solo. Uma etapa do processo de simulação do modelo CLUE-S é a quantificação da influência local dos impulsores de mudança sobre a probabilidade de ocorrência de uma classe de uso do solo. Esta influência local é obtida ajustando um modelo de regressão logística. Um modelo de regressão espacial é proposto como alternativa para selecionar os impulsores de mudanças. Este modelo incorpora a informação da vizinhança espacial existente nos dados que não é considerada na regressão logística. Baseado em um cenário de tendência linear para a demanda agregada do uso do solo, simulações da mudança do uso do solo para a microbacia do Coxim, Mato Grosso do Sul, foram geradas, comparadas e analisadas usando o modelo CLUE-S sob os enfoques da regressão logística e espacial para o período de 2001 a 2011. Ambos os enfoques apresentaram simulações com muito boa concordância, medidas de acurácia global e Kappa altos, com o uso do solo para o ano de referência de 2004. A diferença entre os enfoques foi observada na distribuição espacial da simulação do uso do solo para o ano 2011, sendo o enfoque da regressão espacial que teve a simulação com menor discrepância com a demanda do uso do solo para esse ano.


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本文通过高时间分辨率的孢粉分析、14C测年、烧失量测定(600℃)及炭片统计分析,结合表土孢粉分析、古地磁特性等,对北京地区房山东甘池剖面(40.2ºN,116ºE)进行了较为系统的研究,从而揭示了距今15000年以来北京地区植被演替及环境变迁的关系,讨论了气候突变性事件及火因子对森林植被的影响等,同时借助于考古材料及历史地理文献对7000年以来人类活动导致植被的破坏及环境变化进行了讨论。 考虑到本剖面的特殊地貌单元,在分析流水地貌中花粉沉积和沉积物沉积的特殊性后,将北京地区15000年以来植被与环境变化划分为8个阶段: 1.约15780-14767aB.P.,属晚冰期的最盛期,乔木稀疏,草本类以蒿、藜为优势,缺乏反映隐域性环境的沼泽植被,气候冷干。 2.约14767-13482a B.P.,由于降雨增多,湿度加大,平原区形成小的沼泽环境,香蒲、眼子菜、黑三棱等沼生、水生植物得以在水体中生长繁盛,泥炭发育。由于山区生长的针阔叶混交林中盖度不大,并以针叶树种为主,反映气候以寒冷湿润为特征。此段中约14066aB.P.处出现的冷干环境与哥德堡漂移事件相对应,13520aB.P.,则反映出泥炭积累的暂时中断,为一干冷的气候突变点。 3.约13482-12625a B.P.,针阔叶混交林进一步发展,水生植物减少,沼泽逐渐消失,反映气候趋向暖干。 4.约12625-11418aB.P.,乔木减少,针阔叶混交林中针叶、阔叶出现优势交替现象。水生植物也有波动,反映气候趋于干凉,并有冷暖的波动。环境中湿度变化明显。 5.约11418-9607aB.P.,植被稀疏,气候呈现进一步干冷的特征。其中在 10619-10318aB.P.,孢粉及炭片浓度、年沉积率和烧失量均很低,出现了约相当于新仙女木期的冷干气候特征。 6. 9607—7270aB.P.,落叶阔叶树种有所增加,但其盖度不大。水生植物不繁盛,反映由草原植被向森林草原的演替。气候特征由冷向温干转变。 7、7270-3395aB.P.,阔叶树种明显增多,盖度增大,可视为温暖时期的特征,在5771aB.P.和4563aB.P.,曾出现乔木树种的下降,可视为高温期的短暂冷期。 8. 3395-lOOOaB.P.,气候变干变凉,加之人类活动的加剧,导致植被覆盖度的下降。考古学及史料记载,反映出这段发生了多次冷暖干湿交替出现的情形,加之人类对森林的砍伐、焚烧和拓荒,因而使北京山区的森林植被逐渐发生逆向演替、成为现存的次生植被类型。


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Reef fishes are conspicuous and essential components of coral reef ecosystems and economies of southern Florida and the United States Virgin Islands (USVI). Throughout Florida and the USVI, reef fish are under threat from a variety of anthropogenic and natural stressors including overfishing, habitat loss, and environmental changes. The South Florida/Caribbean Network (SFCN), a unit of the National Park Service (NPS), is charged with monitoring reef fishes, among other natural and cultural resources, within six parks in the South Florida - Caribbean region (Biscayne National Park, BISC; Buck Island Reef National Monument, BUIS; Dry Tortugas National Park, DRTO; Everglades National Park, EVER; Salt River Bay National Historic Park and Ecological Preserve, SARI; Virgin Islands National Park, VIIS). Monitoring data is intended for park managers who are and will continue to be asked to make decisions to balance environmental protection, fishery sustainability and park use by visitors. The range and complexity of the issues outlined above, and the need for NPS to invest in a strategy of monitoring, modeling, and management to ensure the sustainability of its precious assets, will require strategic investment in long-term, high-precision, multispecies reef fish data that increases inherent system knowledge and reduces uncertainty. The goal of this guide is to provide the framework for park managers and researchers to create or enhance a reef fish monitoring program within areas monitored by the SFCN. The framework is expected to be applicable to other areas as well, including the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument. The favored approach is characterized by an iterative process of data collection, dataset integration, sampling design analysis, and population and community assessment that evaluates resource risks associated with management policies. Using this model, a monitoring program can adapt its survey methods to increase accuracy and precision of survey estimates as new information becomes available, and adapt to the evolving needs and broadening responsibilities of park management.


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陆地样带研究是国际地圈一生物圈计划( IGBP)全球变化研究中最引入注目的创新之一。目前,国际上已经设立了15条陆地样带,而且正在开展各项研究工作。现有关于陆地样带的研究报道多集中在环境梯度分析、气候变化对植被初级生产力的影响及环境变化与植被变化的对应关系等方面,而关于陆地样带环境梯度变化上植物种群生态学的研究尚未见报道。 本研究以东北样带为平台,研究北纬43。31' - 44041',东经125018’-115。31'范围内,即由湿润到干旱的环境梯度变化系列,羊草主要形态特征、种群密度、生物量、种子生产、生物量分配比例等变化规律及其与环境因子的相关关系,初步探讨了中国东北大尺度环境变化对羊草种群的影响及羊草对变化环境的适应规律。 在本研究的环境变化系列上,羊草种群外部形态的突出变化是种群植株高度由东至西沿降水量逐渐下降的梯度逐级递减,而且植株高度与生长季前期的降水量呈显著正相关关系。除旗叶外,羊草种群各叶片长度具有相似的变化趋势,即长春地区种群叶片长度远远大于其它种群,阿巴嘎旗地区种群叶片长度远远小于其它种群,其它8个种群叶片长度变化不大,呈平缓波动状态。除长春地区羊草叶片宽度显著大于其它种群外,其它9个种群间虽有一定的差异,但基本是处于波动状态。这说明羊草的各形态特征对该梯度环境变化的反映是不同的。 在该环境梯度上,羊草种群总密度、营养枝密度和生殖枝密度具有非常相似的变化趋势,均为由东至西呈先增后减的趋势,并且最大值都在长岭种马场地区。而且,无论是种群总密度,还是营养枝和生殖枝密度均与9月份平均温度显著相关,这是因为秋季高温对地上部分的营养物质向地下根茎转移及地下根茎芽的形成有利,丰富的物质积累和发育良好的地下根茎芽是翌年种群具有较高密度的保障。在本研究的10个种群中,除长春地区种群生殖枝分化率显著低于其它种群外,各羊草种群生殖枝分化率相对稳定,而且羊草种群生殖枝分化率与环境梯度上各环境因子间的相关性均不显著。 在本研究中,种群总生物量、营养枝生物量、生殖枝生物量和个体生物量等指标具有不同的变化趋势。表现为由东至西或由湿润到干旱,除生殖枝生物量在最东端的各种群中呈增加趋势外,种群总生物量和地上群体生物量(营养枝生物量和生殖枝生物量)均呈逐级盘低走势,而且干燥系数和生长季前期的降水量是决定总生物量和地上群体生物量变化的主要因素。地下根茎生物量表现为从湿润的长春市地区到半干旱的绍根地区呈缓慢盘低,而后随干旱程度的加重迅速增加,但至最干旱的阿巴嘎旗地区又迅速下降。在半干旱和干旱地区,植物根系生物量增加能使植物更有效地利用有限的水资源。羊草种群个体生物量的变化趋势基本一致,即除长春地区种群个体生物量远远大于其它9个种群外,各羊草种群个体生物量虽有所差异,但变化不大,基本水平波动状态。个体生物量的相对稳定是羊草能适应各种变化生境的重要保障,而且在该实验梯度上个体生物量的相对稳定是通过种群密度变化来调节的。 在本研究梯度上,虽然各种子生产指标有一定的变化,如锡林郭勒草原定位站种群和阿巴嘎旗种群的种穗长度、结实数和单位面积种子产量均较低等,但这些指标的变化与由东至西的降水量递减等气候因子变化是不一致的,如结实数、单位面积种子产量和种子重量等基本呈波动状态,只是在实验梯度的西端才有明显的下降。这说明在本研究的环境梯度系列上,环境因子对羊草种子生产有一定的影响,但最主要的影响可能是其自身遗传因素,这有待于今后的深入研究。 在本研究的环境梯度上,由东至西或由湿润到干旱的气候变化系列上,羊草种群根茎、营养枝、生殖枝和种子生物量分配比例呈现明显的规律性变化。最显著的表现是羊草种群根茎生物量分配比例随降水量的减少而逐渐增加。在水资源有限的生境下,大比例的根茎生物量分配能增加根系对地下水分的吸收,同时有利于物质和能量在根部的贮藏,这种机制能确保植物在干旱气候条件下生存。相反,羊草种群地上营养枝生物量分配比例由东至西逐渐下降,减少营养枝生物量分配比例可以降低营养枝水分蒸腾量,协调根部水分吸收和枝条蒸腾的关系,保持整个植物体的水分平衡。羊草种群生殖枝和种子生物量分配比例均呈两头低,中间高的变化趋势。这说明降水充足和严重干旱均不利于羊草有性生殖体的生产,半湿润和半干旱气候区是羊草种子生产的理想地域,这也可能是羊革能在半湿润和半干旱气候区大面积分布的原因。


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Seasonal, interannual, decadal and centennial influences on population dynamics have been described for several species. It now seems possible to interpret environmental changes that initiate population change ...


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氮素是影响内蒙古温带典型草原植物生长和初级生产力的主要因素之一,土壤氮素的可利用性及其对全球环境变化的响应对于预测生态系统碳氮平衡显得尤为重要。空气中的游离氮和土壤中的有机氮必须通过固氮作用和矿化作用,转化为无机氮才能被绝大多数高等植物直接利用,氮素转化决定土壤氮素有效性。因此,研究环境变化对草原灌丛豆科固氮植物小叶锦鸡儿和草原优势植物种羊草土壤氮素转化重要生物过程的影响,对于进一步了解草原氮库变化及其对环境变化的可能响应有重要意义。 在中国科学院内蒙古草原生态系统定位站,利用开顶式生长室(Open-top chamber,OTC)控制实验模拟环境变化,经过三年的实验处理,研究氮素、水分和CO2浓度变化对小叶锦鸡儿根瘤生长和共生固氮、小叶锦鸡儿和羊草土壤净氮矿化速率的影响。观察小叶锦鸡儿根瘤形态和数量、测定根瘤长度和生物量以及固氮酶活性、测定土壤净氮矿化速率和土壤酶活性,探讨小叶锦鸡儿和羊草土壤氮素转化对环境变化响应机理。 结果表明,三年生桶培小叶锦鸡儿根瘤多着生于侧根,以浅黄色的小型球状根瘤为主,其次是棕褐色的棒状和纺锤状根瘤,较大型的褐色Y状根瘤相对较少。添加氮素极显著地抑制根瘤生长发育及其固氮酶活性,这种抑制效应随着水分增加和CO2浓度升高有所减缓。随着水分的增加,根瘤形态多样,根瘤着生部位由主根渐向侧根再向须根发展,根瘤数量和重量也显著增加。水分和CO2浓度升高,固氮酶活性增加但是未达到显著水平。小叶锦鸡儿根瘤生长及其固氮酶活性在加水条件下最好,水分可能是限制内蒙古半干旱草原小叶锦鸡儿固氮能力的关键因素。 环境变化影响小叶锦鸡儿土壤无机氮库。添加氮素处理,土壤无机氮库显著增加。添加氮素后,土壤脲酶活性显著降低,铵态氮和无机氮都出现明显的氮固持,但硝化速率增加,可能是由于添加氮素后土壤化学性质改变更利于硝化细菌进行硝化活动。随着水分和CO2浓度的升高,由于植物生长需求更多氮素的供应,土壤无机氮库显著降低。水分和CO2浓度处理对小叶锦鸡儿土壤脲酶活性和净氮矿化速率没有显著影响,但是能一定程度上减缓了氮素的负效应,促使无机氮的转化,使土壤微生物对铵态氮和无机氮的固持减少。但是蛋白酶活性和硝酸还原酶活性对三种环境因子响应均不敏感,脲酶对环境因子的变化最为敏感。小叶锦鸡儿土壤氮素转化与土壤理化性质密切相关,环境因子通过影响土壤脲酶活性以及土壤酸碱度等影响土壤矿化速率,进而影响土壤无机氮浓度和植物可利用氮。 羊草土壤无机氮库与小叶锦鸡儿土壤无机氮库对环境变化的响应较为一致,添加氮素羊草土壤无机氮含量显著增加,水分增加土壤无机氮含量显著降低。添加氮素使硝化速率显著增大,氨化速率和净氮矿化速率降低,但是未达到显著水平,铵态氮和无机氮出现固持现象。水分的增加降低土壤无机氮库,刺激脲酶活性,微生物对铵态氮的矿化作用增加,但是硝态氮的矿化作用受抑制,对净氮矿化没有影响。CO2浓度升高对羊草土壤无机氮库和土壤氮素矿化都没有显著地影响,但是CO2浓度升高在适宜水分下通过刺激土壤微生物活性,促进脲酶活性和无机氮的转化。羊草土壤酶活性对氮素和CO2浓度的响应与小叶锦鸡儿土壤酶活性的响应一致。 综上,不同环境因子对氮素转化过程影响不同,氮素添加抑制小叶锦鸡儿根瘤及其固氮酶活性,降低小叶锦鸡儿和羊草土壤净氮矿化速率。水分和CO2浓度升高一定程度上缓解了氮素对固氮酶活性以及土壤净氮素矿化速率的抑制作用,有利于土壤氮素转化。


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  由于全球气候变化,干旱化问题已经成为制约植物生存、影响农作物产量的主要环境因子,因此有关植物在大尺度环境梯度上对环境因子变化的适应性研究已经成为生态学研究的热点。目前环境变化对植被生产力的影响已经有了广泛研究,但是关于植物在形态解剖和渗透调节等生理特征上对大尺环境梯度变化的适应机制研究报道却很少。本研究以北纬43°16′-44°36′;东经125°17′-115°43′范围内的羊草草地为研究对象,探讨羊草主要形态解剖特征、生理渗透调节特征等的变化规律及其与环境因子的关系,以期揭示大尺度环境梯度上羊草种群对环境变化的响应规律和适应策略。本研究的主要结果如下: 在大尺度环境梯度下,羊草种群的气孔密度和气孔指数表现出非常相似的变化趋势,均为由东向西呈先降后升的变化趋势,且与降水等因子的相关关系为V型二次曲线。这是因为气孔的蒸腾作用是植物散失水分的主要途径,同时蒸腾作用产生的蒸腾拉力是植物根部吸收水分的主要动力,因此这种V型曲线正是它在野外对如何调节体内失水和吸水的一种权衡的结果。由于羊草叶片的营养生长和器官建成主要在7月份,这也导致了该月的平均降水对气孔密度和气孔指数有很重要的影响作用。 在该梯度下,羊草叶片厚度和LMA(Leaf mass per unit area, 单位面积叶重)等形态性状指标、叶片解剖学特征等表现出有规律的变化趋势。具体表现为从东向西随着气候由湿润到干旱的变化,叶片厚度、LMA呈增加趋势;同样维管束、木质部及导管直径和叶片厚度等变化趋势相似,从东向西逐渐增加,它们均与七月份温度显著相关。这说明外界环境变化对羊草的形态性状和解剖特征等产生了显著的影响,而且羊草也会通过改变形态解剖特征等来适应大尺度环境梯度变化。 在本研究中,羊草叶片脯氨酸和可溶糖份含量等生理指标也随着环境梯度的变化呈现出明显的规律变化,主要表现为由东至西随降水量的减少而逐渐增加;叶片钠离子和钾离子含量虽然有一定变化,但是它们与气候因子变化并不一致,而分别与土壤里钠离子和钾离子含量呈显著的相关关系。这说明自东向西随着干旱程度的增加,脯氨酸和可溶糖份含量对羊草适应环境变化起着主要的渗透调节作用。 自然条件下,羊草主要有两种生态型,根据叶片颜色的差异分别为灰绿型(GG)和黄绿型(YG)。它们在分布上也表现出很大的差异,其中灰绿型羊草分布范围更广,且更耐盐碱。我们分别选取查干花和绍根两个样点镶嵌生长的两种生态型羊草,对它们的叶片形态解剖特征和渗透调节特征进行比较。结果显示无论是在查干花还是绍根地区,在同一生境条件下,黄绿型羊草叶片厚度、LMA、及维管束直径、木质部直径和导管直径等均比灰绿型高,而气孔密度和气孔指数比灰绿型低,在形态上表现出明显的旱生化特征。而灰绿型羊草叶片则有较高的脯氨酸含量、可溶糖份含量及钾离子含量,较低的钠离子含量,表现出较强的渗透调节能力、更强的选择性排钠离子和吸收钾离子的能力。为此我们推断在相同生境下两种生态型羊草在应对干旱和盐碱胁迫时在形态和生理上采取不同的适应策略,而且这两种策略是互相补充,这就解释了两种生态型羊草能够镶嵌生长的现象。


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The Moosa Creek extends from its opening into the Persian Gulf, with some sub narrow creeks leading to it. Zangi creek is one of the main branches of Moosa creek. The creek contains numerous sources of organic pollution, including sewage outlet flows and boat waste. After establishing the Petrochemical special Economic Zone (PETZONE) in 1997 near to the Zangi Creek, the pipelines, streets and railway made it distinct from eastern and western parts of this creek. Industrial activities have released sludge and effluents in this creek along these years. A survey of the Zangi creek was performed, assessing water properties, organic pollution, and the population density, distribution and diversity of macrobenthic fauna through bi-monthly sampling from July 2006 to September 2007. Samples were collected from water near the bottom and sediment at 7 stations include 2 stations inside the distinct Zangi creek and 4 stations along a transect with 1 km distances between them in eastern free part and one reference station located at the Persian Gulf entrance to the Moosa creek. The environmental parameters such as temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, COD, turbidity, EC and heavy metals include Hg, Cd, Pb, Ni as well as percentage silt-clay and total organic matter of the sediment were measured. The faunal population density and their distribution are discussed in relation to the environmental changes. Results showed spatial heterogeneity in faunal distribution of the Zangi creek. Nine groups of macrofauna were identified out of distinct zangi creek. Polychaets formed the dominant group (48%) followed by bivalves (13%), gastropods (10%), Decapods (2%), Tanaids (5%), and all other groups (22%). The distinct creek was heavily polluted without any macrofauna communities probably as a consequence of the high pH, COD, low salinity and heavy metals contamination specially Cd and Pb. The other stations near to the disposal site were found with macrofauna communities commonly tolerant to organic pollution, At 3 km east of the disposal site, macrofauna is comparable to the surrounded creek, whereas macrofauna still indicate environmental degradation. Farther a way, faunal density decreases and equilibrium taxa gradually replace opportunistic species, while the other stations were far from polluted area contained lower pollution and relatively healthy macrofauna. The mean biomass of macrobenthic fauna were estimated for the whole studied area. The results are considered in Minimum density and biomass in surrounded creek and maximum density and biomass in 3 km of surrounded area. Biodiversity Indices were low in surrounded creek. The Shanon-weaver information index was used to describe the spatially variations in diversity. Macrofauna density, shanon and simpson index were significantly variable between surrounded and free parts of Zangi creek (p<0.05). The numerical abundance of macrobenthose varied from 221. m-2 in polluted area to 4346 m-2 in free part of Zangi creek. The Shanon-weaver information index varied from 0.4 in distinct area to 2.9 in reference station. The physico- chemical changes between distinct and free creeks showed significant variations such as pH, salinity and EC. Salinity and EC were significantly positive correlate to macrofauna density, whereas pH and TOM percentage indicated significantly negative correlation to density. Heavy metals concentrations in sediments were higher than water samples. Concentration pattern of heavy metals in sediments and water samples were Ni>Pb>Cd>Hg. Salinity and pH were significantly correlated to metals in sediments (p<0.01). No significant correlation were found between Macrofauna density and heavy metals (p<0.05).


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Worldwide, human activity in the watershed has been found to induce lake responses at various levels, including at population and ecosystem scale. Recently, Carignan and Steedman (2000) reported on disruptions of biogeochemical cycles in temperate lakes following watershed deforestation and lor wildfire and Carignan et al., (2000 a, b) concluded that water quality and aquatic biota are strongly influenced by disturbances in the watershed. Similarly, Lake Victoria is no exception as people in its catchment have exploited it for the last hundred years or more, but have now begun to understand the extent to which they have thrown the lake into disorder and how their increasing activity in the watershed have driven some environmental changes within and around the lake.


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The population density, distribution, diversity and secondry production of macrobenthic fauna of the inner Chahbahar Bay were studied through bi-monthly sampling from April 1995 to March 1996. Samples were collected from water near the bottom and sediment at 14 stations inside the Bay and one reference station located outside at the entrance to the Bay. The environmental parameters Such as temperature, water depth, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen as well as percentage silt-clay and total organic matter of the sediment were measured. The faunal population density and their distribution is discussed in relation to the environmental changes. results obtained indicated both spatial and temporal heterogeneity in faunal distribution of the Chahbahar Bay. The total of 18 groups of macrofauna were identified in all samples. Amphipods formed the dominant group (21%) followed by polychaetes (19%), gastropods (15.7%) bivalves (10.6%) and all other groups (33.7%). Seasonal changes in faunal density is shown in relation to Indian Ocean southwest monsoon,the result of which indicated lower population density during monsoon (June to September) than that of the premonsoon (February to May) and post monsoon (October to January) periods. The numerical abundance of macrobenthos varied from 10260.m2 before monsoon to 5190 m2 during monsoon season. Three dominant groups of macrofauna including polychaetes, gastropods, and bivalves were identified in all collected samples. Indices of diversity, richness and evenness were calculated for these three dominant groups. The Shannon-Weaver information index was used to describe the spatially and temporally variation in diversity of these three major faunal groups. The results exhibited lower faunal diversity during monsoon period. The annual production of two dominant macrofauna species including a species of bivalve, Nuculana acuta and a species of Cephalochordata, Branchiostoma lanceolatum were measured by using age group determination. Furthermore the mean biomass and total annual production of macrobenthic fauna were estimated for the whole studied area. The potential yield of demersal fishery resources (fish and crustacean) then estimated and worked out to be 15360 tons/year asuming 10% ecological efficiency of hypothetical pyramid from 3rd to 4th marine trophic level. Accordingly the annual exploitable demersal fishery resources for the entire Chahbahar Bay was estimated to be 7600 to 8500 tons/year by taking 50 to 55% of the total estimated potential in to account.


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The fishery of Lake Wamala has declined since the lake was stocked in 1956 and opened to fishing during the 1960s. Surveys were conducted on the lake during 1975/78 and 1988/92 to investigate the causes of declining fish catches. The lake produced an average of 4000 - 6000 tonnes of fish annually from 1960s through 1970s. Total fish catches decreased from a maximum of 7100 tonnes in 1967 to less than 500 tonnes by 1990s. Catch rates decreased from about 8 kg in the 1960s to less than 1 kg per net per night by 1975. During the 1970s the catch was dominated by Oreochromis niloticus (67%) followed by Clarias gariepinus (17%), and Protopterus aethiopicus (15.1 %). By 1990s the proportion of O. niloticus had decreased to 45.1% while that of P. aethiopicus had increased to 37.6%. These changes seem to have been caused by overfishing resulting from increased fishing effort from the recommended 250 to about 1000 boats and the additional increase in effort through driving fish into the nets by beating water. The maximum size of O. niloticus in the fishery decreased from 32 cm total length in 1975/78 to 22 cm in 1988/92 while the size at first maturity decreased from about 21 cm to 14 cm during the period. This has been concurrent with a shift in the mesh size of gillnet used from 127 mm (5") in 1960s to 64 mm by 1990s. Environmental changes, especially in lake level in 1980, may also have affected the fishery.


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Phylogenetic relationships of six species of Ochotona were investigated using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction-site analysis. The phylogenetic tree constructed using PAUP was based on 62 phylogenetically informative sites with O. erythrotis designated as an outgroup. Two clades were evident. One contained O. curzoniae, O. huangensis, and O. thibetana. in the second, O. daurica was a sister taxon of O. cansus. The five species appear to come from different maternal lineages. The branching structure of the tree and sequence divergence confirm that huangensis and cansus are distinct species, and that mol-osa is a synonym of O. cansus rather than O. thibetana. Divergence time, estimated from genetic distances, indicates that the ancestors of the two maternal lineages diverged ca. 6.5 x 10(6) years ago. O. curzoniae diverged from O. huangensis, and O. daurica diverged from O. cansus, at about the same time (ca. 3.4 x 10(6) years ago). These data suggest a period of rapid radiation of the genus Ochotona in China, perhaps during the late Pliocene. These calculations correspond roughly to tectonic events and environmental changes in China throughout this period, and appear to be substantiated by the fossil record.


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Humans appear to be sensitive to relative small changes in their surroundings. These changes are often initially perceived as irrelevant, but they can cause significant changes in behavior. However, how exactly people's behavior changes is often hard to quantify. A reliable and valid tool is needed in order to address such a question, ideally measuring an important point of interaction, such as the hand. Wearable-body-sensor systems can be used to obtain valuable, behavioral information. These systems are particularly useful for assessing functional interactions that occur between the endpoints of the upper limbs and our surroundings. A new method is explored that consists of computing hand position using a wearable sensor system and validating it against a gold standard reference measurement (optical tracking device). Initial outcomes related well to the gold standard measurements (r = 0.81) showing an acceptable average root mean square error of 0.09 meters. Subsequently, the use of this approach was further investigated by measuring differences in motor behavior, in response to a changing environment. Three subjects were asked to perform a water pouring task with three slightly different containers. Wavelet analysis was introduced to assess how motor consistency was affected by these small environmental changes. Results showed that the behavioral motor adjustments to a variable environment could be assessed by applying wavelet coherence techniques. Applying these procedures in everyday life, combined with correct research methodologies, can assist in quantifying how environmental changes can cause alterations in our motor behavior.