987 resultados para energy reporting


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PURPOSE: To analyze the effects of variations in femtosecond laser energy level on corneal stromal cell death. and inflammatory cell influx following flap creation in a rabbit model. METHODS: Eighteen rabbits were stratified in three different groups according to level of energy applied for flap creation (six animals per group). Three different energy levels were chosen for both the lamellar and side cut; 2.7 mu J (high energy), 1.6 mu J (intermediate energy), and 0.5 mu J (low energy) with a 60 kHz, model II, femtosecond laser (IntraLase). The opposite eye of each rabbit served as a control. At the 24-hour time point after surgery, all rabbits were euthanized and the comeoscleral rims were analyzed for the levels of cell death and inflammatory cell influx with the terminal uridine deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP-nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay and immunocytochemistry for monocyte marker CD11b, respectively. RESULTS: The high energy group (31.9 +/- 7.1 [standard error of mean (SEM) 2.9]) had significantly more TUNEL positive cells in the central flap compared to the intermediate (22.2 +/- 1.9 [SEM 0.8], P=.004), low (17.9 +/- 4.0 [SEM 1.6], P <= .001), and control eye (0.06 +/- 0.02 [SEM 0.009], P <= .001) groups. The intermediate and low energy groups also had significantly more TUNEL positive cells than the control groups (P <= .001). The difference between the intermediate and low energy levels was not significant (P=.56). The mean for CD11b-positive cells/400x field at the flap edge was 26.1 +/- 29.3 (SEM 11.9), 5.8 +/- 4.1 (SEM 1.6), 1.6 +/- 4.1 (SEM 1.6), and 0.005 +/- 0.01 (SEM 0.005) for high energy, intermediate energy, low energy, and control groups, respectively. Only the intermediate energy group showed statistically more inflammatory cells than control eyes (P = .015), most likely due to variability between eyes. CONCLUSIONS: Higher energy levels trigger greater cell death when the femtosecond laser is used to create corneal flaps: Greater corneal inflammatory cell infiltration is observed with higher femtosecond laser energy levels. [J Refract Surg. 2009;25:869-874.] doi:10.3928/1081597X-20090917-08


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Background: Widespread use of prostate-specific antigen screening has resulted in younger and healthier men being diagnosed with prostate cancer. Their demands and expectations of surgical intervention are much higher and cannot be adequately addressed with the classic trifecta outcome measures. Objective: A new and more comprehensive method for reporting outcomes after radical prostatectomy, the pentafecta, is proposed. Design, setting, and participants: From January 2008 through September 2009, details of 1111 consecutive patients who underwent robot-assisted radical prostatectomy performed by a single surgeon were retrospectively analyzed. Of 626 potent men, 332 who underwent bilateral nerve sparing and who had 1 yr of follow-up were included in the study group. Measurements: In addition to the traditional trifecta outcomes, two perioperative variables were included in the pentafecta: no postoperative complications and negative surgical margins. Patients who attained the trifecta and concurrently the two additional outcomes were considered as having achieved the pentafecta. A logistic regression model was created to evaluate independent factors for achieving the pentafecta. Results and limitations: Continence, potency, biochemical recurrence-free survival, and trifecta rates at 12 mo were 96.4%, 89.8%, 96.4%, and 83.1%, respectively. With regard to the perioperative outcomes, 93.4% had no postoperative complication and 90.7% had negative surgical margins. The pentafecta rate at 12 mo was 70.8%. On multivariable analysis, patient age (p = 0.001) was confirmed as the only factor independently associated with the pentafecta. Conclusions: A more comprehensive approach for reporting prostate surgery outcomes, the pentafecta, is being proposed. We believe that pentafecta outcomes more accurately represent patients` expectations after minimally invasive surgery for prostate cancer. This approach may be beneficial and may be used when counseling patients with clinically localized disease. (C) 2011 European Association of Urology. Published by Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: Adequate energy provision and nitrogen losses prevention of critically ill patients are essentials for treatment and recovery. The aims of this study were to evaluate energy expenditure (EE) and nitrogen balance (NB) of critically ill patients, to classify adequacy of energy intake (El), and to verify adequacy of El capacity to reverse the negative NB. Methods: Seventeen patients from an intensive care unit were evaluated within a 24-hour period. Indirect calorimetry was performed to calculate patient`s EE and Kjeldhal for urinary nitrogen analysis. The total El and protein intake were calculated from the standard parenteral and enteral nutrition infused. Underfeeding was characterized as El 90% or less and overfeeding as 110% or greater of EE. The adequacy of the El (El EE(-1) x 100) and the NB were estimated and associated with each other by Spearman coefficient. Results: The mean EE was 1515 +/- 268 kcal d(-1) and most of the patients (11/14) presented a negative NB (-8.2 +/- 4.7 g.d(-1)). A high rate (53%) of inadequate energy intake was found, and a positive correlation between El EE(-1) and NB was observed (r = 0.670; P = .007). Conclusion: The results show a high rate of inadequate El and negative NB, and equilibrium between El and EE may improve NB. Indirect calorimetry can be used to adjust the energy requirements in the critically ill patients. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The effects of 2 diets with different protein contents on weight loss and subsequent maintenance was assessed in obese cats. The control group [Cc; n = 8; body condition score (BCS) = 8.6 +/- 0.2] received a diet containing 21.4 g crude protein (CP)/MJ of metabolizable energy and the high-protein group (HP; n = 7; BCS = 8.6 +/- 0.2) received a diet containing 28.4 g CP/MJ until the cats achieved a 20% controlled weight loss (0.92 +/- 0.2%/wk). After the weight loss, the cats were all fed a diet containing 28.0 g CP/MJ at an amount sufficient to maintain a constant body weight (MAIN) for 120 d. During weight loss, there was a reduction of lean mass in Cc (P < 0.01) but not in HIP cats and a reduction in leptinemia in both groups (P < 0.01). Energy intake per kilogram of metabolic weight (kg(-0.40)) to maintain the same rate of weight loss was lower (P < 0.04) in the Co (344 +/- 15.9 kJ.kg(-0.40).d(-1)) than in the HP group (377 +/- 12.4 kJ.kg-(0.40).d(-1)). During the first 40 d of MAIN, the energy requirement for weight maintenance was 398.7 +/- 9.7 kJ.kg(-0.40).d(-1) for both groups, corresponding to 73% of the NRC recommendation. The required energy gradually increased in both groups (P < 0.05) but at a faster rate in HP; therefore, the energy consumption during the last 40 d of the MAIN was higher (P < 0.001) for the HP cats (533.8 +/- 7.4 kJ.kg(-0.40).d(-1)) than for the control cats (462.3 +/- 9.6 kJ.kg(-0.40).d(-1)). These findings suggest that HIP diets allow a higher energy intake to weight loss in cats, reducing the intensity of energy restriction. Protein intake also seemed to have long-term effects so that weight maintenance required more energy after weight loss. J. Nutr, 139: 855-860, 2009.


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Background: Alterations in gastrointestinal tract physiology after gastrectomy may affect appetite and energy balance. Objective: The objective of this study was to examine energy balance, appetite, and gastrointestinal transit in subjects with gastrectomy. Design: Seven subjects with total gastrectomy (TG) and 14 subjects with partial gastrectomy (PG), who were free from signs of recurrent disease, and 10 healthy control subjects were studied. Resting energy expenditure (REE) was measured by indirect calorimetry and compared with REE predicted by the Harris-Benedict equation (mREE/pREE%). Gastrointestinal transit was measured by scintigraphy. Habitual food intake was assessed, and appetite was measured during scintigraphy after ingestion of a test meal (361 kcal). Results: Body mass index was not different among the groups. mREE/pREE% was higher in patients with PG (P < 0.01) than in control subjects. The TG group showed higher energy intake (P < 0.05) than the PG group and control subjects. Gastric emptying was faster in the PG group than in control subjects, and gastrointestinal transit was accelerated in both PG and TG groups. An intense, precocious postprandial fullness and a relatively early recovery of hunger and prospective consumption sensations were seen in these patients. Conclusions: Patients with PG or TG have higher than predicted energy expenditure, which in TG seems to be compensated for by increased energy intake. These patients have preserved postprandial appetite responses and precocious postprandial fullness, which seem to be associated with disturbances in gastrointestinal transit of the ingested meal and are likely to be independent of vagal fiber integrity or stomach-released ghrelin. Am J Clin Nutr 2009; 89: 231-9.


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The prevention and treatment of diseases related to changes in body composition require accurate methods for the measurement of body composition. However, few studies have dealt specifically with the assessment of body composition of undernourished older subjects by different methodologies. To assess the body composition of undernourished older subjects by two different methods, dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and bioelectric impedance (BIA), and to compare results with those of an eutrophic group. The study model was cross-sectional; the study was performed at the University Hospital of the School of Medicine of Ribeiro Preto, University of So Paulo, Brazil. Forty-one male volunteers aged 62 to 91 years. The groups were selected on the basis of anamnesis, physical examination and nutritional assessment according to the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) score. Body composition was assessed by DXA and BIA. Body weight, arm and calf circumference, body mass index (BMI), fat free mass (FFM) and fat mass (FM) were significantly lower in the undernourished group as compared to the eutrophic group. There were no significant differences between FFM and FM mean values determined by DXA and BIA in both groups, but the agreement between methods in the undernourished group was less strong. Our results suggest caution when BIA is to be applied in studies including undernourished older subjects. This study does not support BIA as an accurate method for the individual assessment of body composition.


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The nutritional composition found in the laboratory and those present on labels of manufactured foods can differ significantly. The purpose of this study was to determine the nutritional composition of hamburgers and meatballs and compare them with your labels. The food analysis was performed following the Analytical Standards Institute`s Adolfo Lutz and energy content was determined by bomb calorimetry. Regarding the energy value, all the samples had values less than informed on the label. The content of lipids of hamburgers and meatballs ( except the beef) were lower than those reported on the label. The values of protein for the meatballs and chicken hamburger had lower values than those labels. Thus, the labels may overestimate as underestimate some nutritional values, leading to population erroneous information.


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Background: Food portion size estimation involves a complex mental process that may influence food consumption evaluation. Knowing the variables that influence this process can improve the accuracy of dietary assessment. The present study aimed to evaluate the ability of nutrition students to estimate food portions in usual meals and relate food energy content with errors in food portion size estimation. Methods: Seventy-eight nutrition students, who had already studied food energy content, participated in this cross-sectional study on the estimation of food portions, organised into four meals. The participants estimated the quantity of each food, in grams or millilitres, with the food in view. Estimation errors were quantified, and their magnitude were evaluated. Estimated quantities (EQ) lower than 90% and higher than 110% of the weighed quantity (WQ) were considered to represent underestimation and overestimation, respectively. Correlation between food energy content and error on estimation was analysed by the Spearman correlation, and comparison between the mean EQ and WQ was accomplished by means of the Wilcoxon signed rank test (P < 0.05). Results: A low percentage of estimates (18.5%) were considered accurate (+/- 10% of the actual weight). The most frequently underestimated food items were cauliflower, lettuce, apple and papaya; the most often overestimated items were milk, margarine and sugar. A significant positive correlation between food energy density and estimation was found (r = 0.8166; P = 0.0002). Conclusions: The results obtained in the present study revealed a low percentage of acceptable estimations of food portion size by nutrition students, with trends toward overestimation of high-energy food items and underestimation of low-energy items.


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Background/Objectives: Reduced food intake, appetite loss and alteration of ghrelin and PYY(3-36) secretion have been suggested to have a function in the loss of body weight commonly observed after gastrectomy. The objective of this study was to investigate the circulating concentrations of ghrelin and PYY(3-36) and their relationships with food intake, appetite and resting energy expenditure (REE) after gastrectomy plus vagotomy. Subjects/Methods: Seven patients with total gastrectomy (TG), 14 with partial gastrectomy (PG) and 10 healthy controls were studied. Habitual food intake and REE was assessed; fasting and postprandial plasma total ghrelin, PYY(3-36) concentrations and appetite ratings were determined after ingestion of a liquid test meal. Results: Differently from PG and controls, fasting ghrelin correlated with REE, and a higher energy intake was observed in the TG group. Fasting plasma ghrelin concentrations were lower in TG compared with controls, and no ghrelin response to the meal was observed in either PG or TG. Fasting plasma PYY(3-36) concentrations were not different among the groups. There was an early and exaggerated postprandial rise in PYY(3-36) levels in both PG and TG groups, but not in controls. No effect of ghrelin or PYY(3-36) concentrations was observed on hunger, prospective consumption or fullness ratings. Conclusions: Total ghrelin and PYY(3-36) do not seem to be involved with appetite or energy intake regulation after gastrectomy plus vagotomy. Ghrelin secreted by sources other than stomach is likely to have a function in the long-term regulation of body weight after TG. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2010) 64, 845-852; doi: 10.1038/ejcn.2010.88; published online 19 May 2010