357 resultados para electroless plating


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A presente investigação teve como objetivo avaliar a prática de cirurgiões dentistas em uma unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) de um hospital militar, o estabelecimento de um protocolo de higiene oral e os seus efeitos sobre a redução de pneumonias associadas à ventilação mecânica (PAVM). As percepções da equipe da UTI sobre as atividades dos cirurgiões dentistas também foram avaliadas por meio de um questionário. O perfil de colonização microbiana da mucosa oral antes e depois do estabelecimento das medidas de higiene oral também foi avaliado tanto por diluição e plaqueamento em meios de cultura microbiológicos seletivos e enriquecidos e através da amplificação pelo método de PCR e eletroforese em gel desnaturante em gradiente (DGGE), subsequente ao sequenciamento dos amplicons. A carga microbiana foi avaliada após a contagem de placas de agar e através da amplificação por PCR em tempo real (qPCR) do gene rrs nas amostras. O protocolo de higiene oral, realizado pelos cirurgiões dentistas, foi capaz de reduzir a incidência de PAVM (p <0,05). O questionário revelou que a modificação da halitose foi percebida por 93,33% dos participantes. A redução da ocorrência das úlceras orais e dos lábios durante a internação dos pacientes foi observada por 80% da equipe da UTI. Foi observada a redução da produção das secreções nasais e bucais por 70% da equipe dos profissionais da UTI. Para 86,66% dos participantes a assistência aos pacientes tornou-se mais agradável após a instituição dos cuidados bucais. O protocolo, realizado com a utilização de solução 0,12% de clorexidina, não foi capaz de evitar a colonização da mucosa oral por patógenos microbianos usualmente encontrados no ambiente hospitalar tais como os bastonetes Gram-negativos entéricos e não fermentadores, nem foi capaz de eliminá-los quando tais micro-organismos já se encontravam presentes antes dos procedimentos de higiene bucal. Alguns Bastonetes Gram-positivos (Lactobacillus sp e corinebactérias) e Staphylococcus epidermidis permaneceram após a realização dos procedimentos. O protocolo de higiene oral permitiu a redução da carga microbiana na mucosa oral de 50% dos pacientes considerando-se o método de contagem microbiana e para 35% dos pacientes pela avaliação dos números de cópias de genes rrs através de qPCR. Em conclusão, o protocolo de higiene oral desenvolvido pelos cirurgiões dentistas foi capaz de reduzir a incidência de PAV na UTI, embora não tenha sido capaz de prevenir a colonização da mucosa oral por supostos patógenos microbianos. O protocolo de higiene oral com a participação ativa dos cirurgiões dentistas foi bem aceito pelos profissionais da UTI e foi capaz de melhorar a qualidade da assistência aos pacientes críticos.


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Three enrichment broths and six plating media were compared for efficiency of detection Salmonella in the presence of numbers of Coliforms (10super(5)/ml) and proteus (10super(3)/ml) from artificially inoculated fish samples. Recovery experiments Salmonella anatum, S. typhimurium and S. enteritidis indicated that the two enrichment broths Dulcitol Selinite (DSE) and Selinite Cystine (SC) were equally efficient. Further, the viability of Salmonella, inoculated into fish muscle and kept at 4°C for 48 hours, was found to be not affected by the low temperature storage. Selective plating media like Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate agar (XLD), Brilliant Green Sulphadiazine agar (BGS) and Brilliant Green agar (BG) were found to be superior in performance to Salmonella-Shigella agar: (SS) and Bismuth Sui phite agar (BiS).


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Prawn processing factories of the three major fish processing centres of the West Coast of India, viz., Cochin, Mangalore and Calicut were surveyed to determine the occurrence of Clostridium perfringens in processing areas, and in processed products. Direct plating on Sulphite-polymyxin- sulphadiazine Agar and enrichment techniques were used. Samples of prawn, prawn guts, frozen prawns, canned prawns, water, ice, swab from utensils and soil from the factory premises were examined. Among a total of 461 samples examined, only 32 (6.9%) gave positive results. The incidence of C. perfringens was more in prawn guts (80%), followed by soil (50%), prawn (38%), ice (33.3%), frozen prawns (11%), swab (5.0%) and water (1.1%). No C. perfringens was isolated from canned prawns.


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Three direct plating methods and two most probable number (MPN) procedures were compared for the enumeration of Clostridium perfringens in seafoods the sulfitecycloserine (SC) agar, sulfite-polymyxin-sulfadiazine (SPS) agar, tryptone-sulfite- neomycin (TSN) agar, LS medium MPN procedure and iron milk MPN procedure. Isolates were confirmed as C. perfringens. The two MPN procedures compared very well with the three plating media tested with stock culture of C. perfringens from our laboratory collection and the reference strain NCIB 6125. But in fish samples, the two liquid media were found to be more sensitive and hence the MPN procedure using LS medium for the detection of C. perfringens in seafoods is suggested.


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A convenient fabrication technology for large-area, highly-ordered nanoelectrode arrays on silicon substrate has been described here, using porous anodic alumina (PAA) as a template. The ultrathin PAA membranes were anodic oxidized utilizing a two-step anodization method, from Al film evaporated on substrate. The purposes for the use of two-step anodization were, first, improving the regularity of the porous structures, and second reducing the thickness of the membranes to 100 similar to 200 nm we desired. Then the nanoelectrode arrays were obtained by electroless depositing Ni-W alloy into the through pores of PAA membranes, making the alloy isolated by the insulating pore walls and contacting with the silicon substrates at the bottoms of pores. The Ni-W alloy was also electroless deposited at the back surface of silicon to form back electrode. Then ohmic contact properties between silicon and Ni-W alloy were investigated after rapid thermal annealing. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations showed the structure characteristics, and the influence factors of fabrication effect were discussed. The current voltage (I-V) curves revealed the contact properties. After annealing in N-2 at 700 degrees C, good linear property was shown with contact resistance of 33 Omega, which confirmed ohmic contacts between silicon and electrodes. These results presented significant application potential of this technology in nanosize current-injection devices in optoelectronics, microelectronics and bio-medical fields.


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Preparation of 238U on 2μm Al foils by molecular plating technique is described. In order to obtain optimum conditions for deposition, several parameters influencing the quality of layers such as current density, distance between the anode and cathode and the deposition time were investigated. The target thickness was determined by spectrophotometry. The uniformity and morphology of the target surface were studied by means of scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry and Infrared spectra. The results show that uranium is deposited in its oxide or hydroxide form uniformly and adherently onto the foil.


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A new and facile method to prepare large-area silver-coated silicon nanowire arrays for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)-based sensing is introduced. High-quality silicon nanowire arrays are prepared by a chemical etching method and used as a template for the generation of SERS-active silver-coated silicon nanowire arrays. The morphologies of the silicon nanowire arrays and the type of silver-plating solution are two key factors determining the magnitude of SERS signal enhancement and the sensitivity of detection; they are investigated in detail for the purpose of optimization.


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In this paper, low surface energy separators With undercut structures were fabricated through a full solution process, These low Surface energy separators are more suitable for application in inkjet printed passive-matrix displays of polymer light-emitting diodes. A patterned PS film was formed on the P4VP/photoresist film by microtransfer printing firstly. Patterned Au-coated Ni film was formed on the uncovered P4VP/photoresist film by electroless deposition. This metal film was used as mask to pattern the photoresist layer and form undercut structures with the patterned photoresist layer. The surface energy of the metal film also decreased dramatically from 84.6 mj/m(2) to 21.1 mJ/m(2) by modification of fluorinated mercaptan self-assemble monolayer on Au surface. The low surface energy separators were used to confine the flow of inkjet printed PFO solution and improve the patterning resolution of inkjet printing successfully. Separated PFO stripes, complement with the pattern of the separators, formed through inkjet printing.


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Various metallized nanostructures (such as rings, wires with controllable lengths, spheres) have been successfully fabricated by coating metallic nanolayers onto soft nanotemplates through simple electroless methods. In particular, bimetallic nanostructures have been obtained by using simple methods. The multiple functional polymeric nanostructures, were obtained through the self-assembly of polystyrene/poly(4-vinyl pyridine) triblock copolymer (P4VP-b-PS-b-P4VP) in selective media by changing the common solvent properties. By combining field emission scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) characterization, it was confirmed that polymer/metal and bimetallic (Au@Ag) core-shell nanostructures could be achieved by chemical metal deposition method.


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We developed an electrochemical detector on a hybrid chip for the determination of glucose in human plasma. The microchip system described in this paper consists of a poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) layer containing separation and injection channels and an electrode plate. The copper microelectrode is fabricated by selective electroless deposition. The fabrication of the decoupler is performed by platinum electrochemical deposition on the metal film formed by electroless deposition. Factors influencing the performance, including detection potential, separation field strength, and buffer concentration, were studied. The electrodes exhibited good stability and durability in the analytical procedures. Under optimized detection conditions, glucose responded linearly from 10 muM to 1 mM. Finally, glucose in human plasma from three healthy individuals and two diabetics was successfully determined, giving a good prospect for a new clinical diagnostic instrument.


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A combination of microcontact printing and block copolymer nanoreactors succeeded in fabricating arrays of silver nanoparticle aggregates. A complex solution of polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine) micelles and silver salt was used as an ink to form thin films or droplets on polydimethylsiloxane stamp protrusions. After these complex aggregates were printed onto silicon substrates under controlled conditions, highly ordered arrays of disklike, dishlike, and dotlike complex aggregates were obtained. A Subsequent oxygen reactive ion etching treatment yielded arrays of silver nanoparticle aggregates.


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A bismuth/multi-walled carbon nanotube (Bi/MWNT) composite modified electrode for determination of cobalt by differential pulse adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry is described. The electrode is fabricated by potentiostatic pre-plating bismuth film on an MWNT modified glassy carbon (GC) electrode. The Bi/MWNT composite modified electrode exhibits enhanced sensitivity for cobalt detection as compared with the bare GC, MWNT modified and bismuth film electrodes. Numerous key experimental parameters have been examined for optimum analytical performance of the proposed electrode. With an adsorptive accumulation of the Co(II)-dimethylglyoxime complex at -0.8 V for 200 s, the reduction peak current is proportional to the concentration of cobalt in the range of 4.0x10(-11)-1.0x10(-7) mol/L with a lower detection limit of 8.1x10(-11) mol/L. The proposed method has been applied Successfully to cobalt determination in seawater and lake water samples.


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Ellis, D. I., Broadhurst, D., Kell, D. B., Rowland, J. J., Goodacre, R. (2002). Rapid and quantitative detection of the microbial spoilage of meat by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and machine learning. ? Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 68, (6), 2822-2828 Sponsorship: BBSRC


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By using Si(100) with different dopant type (n++-type (As) or p-type (B)), it is shown how metal-assisted chemically (MAC) etched silicon nanowires (Si NWs) can form with rough outer surfaces around a solid NW core for p-type NWs, and a unique, defined mesoporous structure for highly doped n-type NWs. High resolution electron microscopy techniques were used to define the characteristic roughening and mesoporous structure within the NWs and how such structures can form due to a judicious choice of carrier concentration and dopant type. Control of roughness and internal mesoporosity is demonstrated during the formation of Si NWs from highly doped n-type Si(100) during electroless etching through a systematic investigation of etching parameters (etching time, AgNO3 concentration, %HF and temperature). Raman scattering measurements of the transverse optical phonon confirm quantum size effects and phonon scattering in mesoporous wires associated with the etching condition, including quantum confinement effects for the nanocrystallites of Si comprising the internal structure of the mesoporous NWs. Laser power heating of NWs confirms phonon confinement and scattering from internal mesoporosity causing reduced thermal conductivity. The Li+ insertion and extraction characteristics at n-type and p-type Si(100) electrodes with different carrier density and doping type are investigated by cyclic voltammetry and constant current measurements. The insertion and extraction potentials are demonstrated to vary with cycling and the occurrence of an activation effect is shown in n-type electrodes where the charge capacity and voltammetric currents are found to be much higher than p-type electrodes. X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy (XPS) and Raman scattering demonstrate that highly doped n-type Si(100) retains Li as a silicide and converts to an amorphous phase as a two-step phase conversion process. The findings show the succinct dependence of Li insertion and extraction processes for uniformly doped Si(100) single crystals and how the doping type and its effect on the semiconductor-solution interface dominate Li insertion and extraction, composition, crystallinity changes and charge capacity. The effect of dopant, doping density and porosity of MAC etched Si NWs are investigated. The CV response is shown to change in area (current density) with increasing NW length and in profile shape with a changing porosity of the Si NWs. The CV response also changes with scan rate indicative of a transition from intercalation or alloying reactions, to pseudocapactive charge storage at higher scan rates and for p-type NWs. SEM and TEM show a change in structure of the NWs after Li insertion and extraction due to expansion and contraction of the Si NWs. Galvanostatic measurements show the cycling behavior and the Coulombic efficiency of the Si NWs in comparison to their bulk counterparts.