972 resultados para effectiveness of treatment


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This study determined the size of aluminum oxide particles used in an air abrasion system that is able to remove carious dentin tissue with maximum preservation of sound structure. Thirty extracted and carious-free third molars were used in this study. The dentin sample was obtained by sectioning the middle of the crown longitudinal to the long axis of the tooth in a mesio-distal direction. One half of the crown corresponded to the sound dentin group (SD), while the other half was used to develop artificial caries, constituting the, carious dentin group (CD). The specimens were air abraded for 15 seconds. The SD and CD groups were each randomly divided into three subgroups (N=10) according to the particle diameter employed (27, 50 and 125 pm). The prepared cavity was perpendicularly cut in half, and the profiles of all hemi-fragments were observed using SEM microscopy. The cavity measurements were made using a modified cephalometric analysis. The 27, 50 and 125 pun aluminum oxide particles did not present selectivity in the removal of carious dentin. However, when using the air abrasive technique for carious dentin treatment, the use of 27 and 50 pun aluminum oxide particles is recommended, due to their capacity to remove less sound tissue than the 125 pun particles.


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The purpose of this study was to compare the removal of root surface smear layer following active application of EDTA gel and EDTA-T (texapon) gel in different concentrations (5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 24%), using scanning electron microscopy. A total of 220 dentin blocks obtained from the root surfaces of extracted teeth were divided into 3 groups: Group I - (control) application of saline solution (n = 20); Group II - EDTA gel (pH 7.0) was applied in the following concentrations: 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 24% (n = 100); Group III - EDTA-T gel (pH 7.0) applied in the same concentrations described above (n = 100). The photomicrographs were evaluated by one calibrated examiner using a smear layer removal index and following statistical analysis (Kruskal-Wallis test). The results demonstrated that the specimens treated with EDTA and EDTA-T gel presented a better smear layer removal than the control group (p < 0.01); no statistically significant differences were observed between the EDTA and EDTA-T groups and between the concentrations tested (Mann-Whitney, p > 0.05). Within the limits of this study, it can be concluded that all treatment modalities effectively removed the smear layer from the root surface. The addition of texapon into the EDTA gel formulation did not increase its effectiveness.


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Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of ProTaper universal retreatment system in the removal of root canal filling material with thermomechanical compaction, in comparison to manualmechanical technique, associated with orange oil or eucalyptol. Materials and methods: Forty extracted lower incisors were filled with thermomechanical compaction technique. After 3 years, the root canal filling was removed by: G1 - manualmechanical technique with orange oil; G2 - manual-mechanical technique with eucalyptol; G3 - ProTaper universal retreatment system with orange oil and G4 - ProTaper universal retreatment system with eucalyptol. In sequence, all root canals were instrumented to F5 instrument. The teeth were longitudinally grooved, images of buccal half were obtained in stereomicroscope and covered area by root canal filling material was measured using image tool software, in cervical, middle and apical radicular thirds. The results were subjected ANOVA and Tukey test (p = 0.05). Results: In all thirds, the manual-mechanical technique showed lower presence of root canal filling material on root canal dentin in comparison to ProTaper retreatment universal system, regardless of organic solvent used (p < 0.05). There is no difference between organic solvents in removal root canal filling material (p > 0.05). Conclusion: The ProTaper universal retreatment system showed lower effectiveness in removal root canal filling material than manual-mechanical technique, regardless of organic solvents (orange oil or eucalyptol oil) used. Clinical significance: Recently rotary instruments have been proposed to removal of root canal filling material. However, there are no studies evaluating its effectiveness in removal root canal filling material in association with orange oil or eucalyptol oil.


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Biological security and the absence of residues in meat Effectiveness, and/or eggs must be considered when recommending options for the control Alphitobius diaperinus in poultry production environments. This research study evaluated the effectiveness of cypermethrin+chlorpyrifos+citronellal in the control of A. diaperinus, including analysis for the presence of residues of this compound in poultry carcasses (experimental farm). Two studies were carried out under laboratory conditions. One used paper filters a four dilutions of the compound, and the other used a container including with pulverized broiler litter and the compound. The analysis of carcasses for residues was conducted in broilers that raised in a broiler house treated (floor and/or litter) with the compound at a dilution of 1:800. Birds were regularly sacrificed, submitted to necropsy, and liver, muscle and fat fragments were collected. Gas chromatography was used to identify the possible presence of any chemical residue in these samples. High effectiveness rates against A.diaperinus were observed in the two laboratory studies, as well as the absence of residues in the carcasses. This compound, can be recommended as a valuable used in the studied concentrations, alternative for the control and treatment of A. diaperinus.


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The aim of this clinical randomized double-blind split-mouth study was to assess the effectiveness of a 6% hydrogen peroxide with nitrogen-doped titanium dioxide light activated bleaching agent. 31 patients were treated with: one upper hemiarcade with a 35% hydrogen peroxide bleaching agent and the other hemiarcade with a 6% hydrogen peroxide. Two applications were completed each treatment session and three sessions were appointed, with one week interval between them. Tooth colour was registered each session and 1 week and 1 months after completing the treatment by spectrophotometer, registering parameters L*, a* and b*, and subjectively using VITA Classic guide. Tooth sensitivity was registered by VAS and patient satisfaction and self-perception result was determined using OHIP-14. Tooth colour variation and sensitivity were compared between both bleaching agents. Both treatment showed a change between baseline colour and all check-points with a ΔE=5.57 for 6% and of ΔE=7.98 for the 35% one month after completing the (p<0.05). No statistical differences were seen when subjective evaluations were compared. Also, no differences were seen in tooth sensitivity between bleaching agents. OHIP-14 questionnaire demonstrated a significant change for all patients after bleaching. A 6% hydrogen peroxide with nitrogen-doped titanium dioxide light activated agent is effective for tooth bleaching, reaching a ΔE of 5.57 one month after completing the treatment, with no clinical differences to a 35% agent neither in colour change or in tooth sensitivity. A low concentration hydrogen peroxide bleaching agent may reach good clinical results with less adverse effects.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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To establish guidelines based on scientific evidence for the management of familial Mediterranean fever. The Guideline was prepared from 5 clinical questions that were structured through PICO (Patient, Intervention or indicator, Comparison and Outcome), to search in key primary scientific information databases. After defining the potential studies to support the recommendations, these were graduated considering their strength of evidence and grade of recommendation. 10,341 articles were retrieved and evaluated by title and abstract; from these, 46 articles were selected to support the recommendations. 1. The diagnosis of FMF is based on clinical manifestations, characterized by recurrent febrile episodes associated with abdominal pain, chest or arthritis of large joints; 2. FMF is a genetic disease presenting an autosomal recessive trait, caused by mutation in the MEFV gene; 3. Laboratory tests are not specific, demonstrating high serum levels of inflammatory proteins in the acute phase of the disease, but also often showing high levels even between attacks. SAA serum levels may be especially useful in monitoring the effectiveness of treatment; 4. The therapy of choice is colchicine; this drug has proven effectiveness in preventing acute inflammatory episodes and progression towards amyloidosis in adults; 5. Based on the available information, the use of biological drugs appears to be an alternative for patients with FMF who do not respond or are intolerant to therapy with colchicine.


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We assessed the efficacy of three different forest intervention techniques, in terms of phytosociological and edaphic responses, that were implemented in 2007. In a farm where trees are planted and managed for cellulose production as well as set aside for environmental conservation, four stands were analysed: three of them were considered degraded and were managed using different intervention techniques (transposition, perch, and abandonment), and a fourth stand comprising pristine vegetation was considered a control (reference). Floristic and phytosociology data were collected in three 10 × 10 m plots established in each stand. Also, a total of 48 soil samples were collected to analyse physical and chemical attributes of the topsoil for the different stands. In terms of biodiversity, all the treatments showed significantly lower values when compared to the reference area. However, the soils in all the treatment and reference stands are similar in terms of physical and chemical attributes. Taking into account the specificities of each restoration technique, we verified that the integrated use of a set of management practices, constituted by the (1) abandonment of the area and (2) following a selective killing of the eucalyptus, is the most suitable and promising model to provide fast and effective restoration in terms of environmental indicators.


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Long-term care settings have the majority of their patients on multiple antibiotics, and outbreaks of antibiotic-associated diarrhea and Clostridium difficile are common. Probiotics have been used with these patients to reduce these side effects. Probiotics can re-establish the composition of intestinal microflora, enhance immune response, and clear pathogens from the host which may reduce the symptoms of antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Therefore, the goal of this study was to conduct a retrospective study of the effectiveness of using probiotic in elderly patients in a long-term care facility in a Midwestern city who suffered from antibiotic-associated diarrhea. The probiotic, CulturelleTM had been administered once a day to eight males and twelve female patients who were taking antibiotics and stool consistency and number were recorded. Out of the original group, seven of the patients receiving the probiotic appeared to have positive effects while two patients had negative effects on stools. Thirteen patients showed no change in stool consistency and number. It was difficult to determine the effects of the probiotic due to the use by the facility of a bowel movement protocol for preventing constipation and impaction, and the lack of dietary records. Published studies in patients in long-term facilities vary greatly in terms of trial design, type and dose of probiotic and duration of treatment, which may explain why probiotics work for some patients and not for others. Probiotic use is becoming more accepted with antibiotic-associated diarrhea but due to the lack of definitive evidence about efficacy and the safety of probiotic use, more studies need to be conducted. Advisors: Kaye Stanek Krogstrand and Julie Albrecht


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When deer populations become locally overabundant, browsing of ornamental and agronomic plants negatively affects plant establishment, survival, and productivity. Milorganite® is a slow-release, organic fertilizer produced from human sewage. We tested Milorganite® as a deer repellent on chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemums morifolium) in an urban/suburban environment, and soybeans (Gycine max) in a rural agriculture environment. Six beds of chrysanthemums at two sites were monitored for 28 to 35 days. Treatment plants received a top dressing of 104 grams of Milorganite® (1120.9 kg/ha). Milorganite® treated plants had more (P < 0.001) terminal buds and achieved greater height (P < 0.002) compared to controls at one site, however damage observed was similar at the second site. In a second experiment, 0.2-ha plots of soybeans (Glycine max) were planted on five rural properties in northeastern Georgia and monitored for ≥ 30 days. Treated areas received 269 kg/ha of Milorganite®. In 4 of 5 sites, Milorganite® delayed browsing on treated plants from 1 week to > 5 weeks post-planting. Duration of the protection appeared to be related to the difference in deer density throughout most of the study areas. Results of this study indicate Milorganite® has potential use as a deer repellent.


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We hypothesized that an exclusion fence could be devised to capitalize on traction limitations of the hooves of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Hexagonal plots (9.8 m wide) enclosed by a 2.4 m field fence with two openings (4.9 m) were established. Data were collected daily on consumption of corn provided (2.27 kg) and events recorded by infrared monitors (IR) for treatment and control sites. Five-day treatment periods consisted of test panels (4.9 m x 2.4 m) placed in plot openings at 0°, 5° and 10° slopes, and lubricant applied at the 10° slope. Deer consumed all corn provided at control sites. At the 10° slope, daily corn consumption decreased (1.50 kg ± 0.26, p < .01), and IR events were lower (p < .01) at treatment sites (23.6 ± 3.2) compared to controls (50.3 ± 9.6). With the addition of a lubricant, corn consumption decreased further (p < .001) to 0.17 kg ± 0.03, and IR recorded events were lower (p < .001) at treatment sites (6.58 ± 0.89) compared to controls (44.8 ± 3.1). Results of this study indicate that traction limitation of the hoof can be exploited.


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The aims of this in vivo study were to compare the effectiveness and color stability of at-home and in-office bleaching techniques and to evaluate whether the use of light sources can alter bleaching results. According to preestablished criteria, 40 patients were selected and randomly divided into four groups according to bleaching treatment: (1) at-home bleaching with 10% carbamide peroxide, (2) in-office bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide (HP) without a light source, (3) in-office bleaching with 35% HP with quartz-tungsten-halogen light, and (4) in-office bleaching with 35% HP with a light-emitting diode/laser. Tooth shade was evaluated using the VITA Classical Shade Guide before bleaching as well as after the first and third weeks of bleaching. Tooth shade was evaluated again using the same guide 1 and 6 months after the completion of treatment. The shade guide was arranged to yield scores that were used for statistical comparison. Statistical analysis using the Kruskal-Wallis test showed no significant differences among the groups for any time point (P > .01). There was no color rebound in any of the groups. The bleaching techniques tested were equally effective. Light sources are unnecessary to bleach teeth. (Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2012;32:303-309.)


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This study evaluated color change, stability, and tooth sensitivity in patients submitted to different bleaching techniques. Material and methods: In this study, 48 patients were divided into five groups. A half-mouth design was conducted to compare two in-office bleaching bleaching techniques (with and without light activation): G1: 35% hydrogen peroxide (HP) (Lase Peroxide - DMC Equipments, Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil) + hybrid light (HL) (LED/Diode Laser, Whitening Lase II DMC Equipments, Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil); G2: 35% HP; G3: 38% HP (X-traBoost - Ultradent, South Jordan UT, USA) + HL; G4: 38% HP; and G5: 15% carbamide peroxide (CP) (Opalescence PF - Ultradent, South Jordan UT, USA). For G1 and G3, HP was applied on the enamel surface for 3 consecutive applications activated by HL. Each application included 3x3' HL activations with 1' between each interval; for G2 and G4, HP was applied 3x15' with 15' between intervals; and for G5, 15% CP was applied for 120'/10 days at home. A spectrophotometer was used to measure color change before the treatment and after 24 h, 1 week, 1, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. A VAS questionnaire was used to evaluate tooth sensitivity before the treatment, immediately following treatment, 24 h after and finally 1 week after. Results: Statistical analysis did not reveal any significant differences between in-office bleaching with or without HL activation related to effectiveness; nevertheless the time required was less with HL. Statistical differences were observed between the result after 24 h, 1 week and 1, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months (integroup). Immediately, in-office bleaching increased tooth sensitivity. The groups activated with HL required less application time with gel. Conclusion: All techniques and bleaching agents used were effective and demonstrated similar behaviors.


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Effectiveness of the association of dexamethasone with antibiotic therapy in pediatric patients with bacterial meningitis Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of the association of corticosteroids and the standard treatment of bacterial meningitis in pediatric patients. Methods: A systematic review of the literature was conducted through the MEDLINE database. Only randomized controlled trials comparing dexamethasone with placebo in the treatment of pediatric patients with bacterial meningitis were included. Results: Eight articles met the inclusion criteria and were selected for analysis. There were no difference in mortality (p = 0.86), and incidence of neurological (p = 0.41) and auditory (p = 0.48) sequelae between the groups. Conclusion: There are no benefits in associating corticosteroids with the standard treatment of bacterial meningitis in pediatric patients.


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Background: Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common neuropathy in the upper extremity, resulting from the compression of the median nerve at wrist level. Clinical studies are essentials to present evidence on therapeutic resources use at early restoration on peripheral nerve functionality. Low-level laser therapy has been widely investigated in researches related to nerve regeneration. Therefore, it is suggested that the effect of low-level laser therapy associated with other conservative rehabilitation techniques may positively affect symptoms and overall hand function in compressive neuropathies such as carpal tunnel syndrome. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of low-level laser therapy in addition to orthoses therapy and home orientations in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Methods/Design: Patients older than 18 years old will be included, with clinical diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome, excluding comorbidies. A physiotherapist will conduct intervention, with a blinding evaluator. Randomization will be applied to allocate the patients in each group: with association or not to low-level laser therapy. All of them will be submitted to orthoses therapy and home orientations. Outcome will be assessed through: pain visual analogic scale, Semmes Weinstein monofilaments (TM) threshold sensibility test, Pinch Gauge T, Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire and two point discrimination test. Discussion: This paper describes the design of a randomized controlled trial, which aim to assess the effectiveness of conservative treatment added to low-level laser therapy for patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Trial registration: Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry (ReBec) - 75ddtf / Universal Trial Number: U1111-1121-5184