996 resultados para discrete mathematics


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Cette thèse s'intéresse à l'étude des propriétés et applications de quatre familles des fonctions spéciales associées aux groupes de Weyl et dénotées $C$, $S$, $S^s$ et $S^l$. Ces fonctions peuvent être vues comme des généralisations des polynômes de Tchebyshev. Elles sont en lien avec des polynômes orthogonaux à plusieurs variables associés aux algèbres de Lie simples, par exemple les polynômes de Jacobi et de Macdonald. Elles ont plusieurs propriétés remarquables, dont l'orthogonalité continue et discrète. En particulier, il est prouvé dans la présente thèse que les fonctions $S^s$ et $S^l$ caractérisées par certains paramètres sont mutuellement orthogonales par rapport à une mesure discrète. Leur orthogonalité discrète permet de déduire deux types de transformées discrètes analogues aux transformées de Fourier pour chaque algèbre de Lie simple avec racines des longueurs différentes. Comme les polynômes de Tchebyshev, ces quatre familles des fonctions ont des applications en analyse numérique. On obtient dans cette thèse quelques formules de <>, pour des fonctions de plusieurs variables, en liaison avec les fonctions $C$, $S^s$ et $S^l$. On fournit également une description complète des transformées en cosinus discrètes de types V--VIII à $n$ dimensions en employant les fonctions spéciales associées aux algèbres de Lie simples $B_n$ et $C_n$, appelées cosinus antisymétriques et symétriques. Enfin, on étudie quatre familles de polynômes orthogonaux à plusieurs variables, analogues aux polynômes de Tchebyshev, introduits en utilisant les cosinus (anti)symétriques.


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In everyday life different flows of customers to avail some service facility or other at some service station are experienced. In some of these situations, congestion of items arriving for service, because an item cannot be serviced Immediately on arrival, is unavoidable. A queuing system can be described as customers arriving for service, waiting for service if it is not immediate, and if having waited for service, leaving the system after being served. Examples Include shoppers waiting in front of checkout stands in a supermarket, Programs waiting to be processed by a digital computer, ships in the harbor Waiting to be unloaded, persons waiting at railway booking office etc. A queuing system is specified completely by the following characteristics: input or arrival pattern, service pattern, number of service channels, System capacity, queue discipline and number of service stages. The ultimate objective of solving queuing models is to determine the characteristics that measure the performance of the system


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The object of this thesis is to formulate a basic commutative difference operator theory for functions defined on a basic sequence, and a bibasic commutative difference operator theory for functions defined on a bibasic sequence of points, which can be applied to the solution of basic and bibasic difference equations. in this thesis a brief survey of the work done in this field in the classical case, as well as a review of the development of q~difference equations, q—analytic function theory, bibasic analytic function theory, bianalytic function theory, discrete pseudoanalytic function theory and finally a summary of results of this thesis


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An attempt is made by the researcher to establish a theory of discrete functions in the complex plane. Classical analysis q-basic theory, monodiffric theory, preholomorphic theory and q-analytic theory have been utilised to develop concepts like differentiation, integration and special functions.


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This thesis is an attempt to initiate the development of a discrete geometry of the discrete plane H = {(qmxo,qnyo); m,n e Z - the set of integers}, where q s (0,1) is fixed and (xO,yO) is a fixed point in the first quadrant of the complex plane, xo,y0 ¢ 0. The discrete plane was first considered by Harman in 1972, to evolve a discrete analytic function theory for geometric difference functions. We shall mention briefly, through various sections, the principle of discretization, an outline of discrete a alytic function theory, the concept of geometry of space and also summary of work done in this thesis


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There is a recent trend to describe physical phenomena without the use of infinitesimals or infinites. This has been accomplished replacing differential calculus by the finite difference theory. Discrete function theory was first introduced in l94l. This theory is concerned with a study of functions defined on a discrete set of points in the complex plane. The theory was extensively developed for functions defined on a Gaussian lattice. In 1972 a very suitable lattice H: {Ci qmxO,I qnyo), X0) 0, X3) 0, O < q < l, m, n 5 Z} was found and discrete analytic function theory was developed. Very recently some work has been done in discrete monodiffric function theory for functions defined on H. The theory of pseudoanalytic functions is a generalisation of the theory of analytic functions. When the generator becomes the identity, ie., (l, i) the theory of pseudoanalytic functions reduces to the theory of analytic functions. Theugh the theory of pseudoanalytic functions plays an important role in analysis, no discrete theory is available in literature. This thesis is an attempt in that direction. A discrete pseudoanalytic theory is derived for functions defined on H.


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We analyze a fully discrete spectral method for the numerical solution of the initial- and periodic boundary-value problem for two nonlinear, nonlocal, dispersive wave equations, the Benjamin–Ono and the Intermediate Long Wave equations. The equations are discretized in space by the standard Fourier–Galerkin spectral method and in time by the explicit leap-frog scheme. For the resulting fully discrete, conditionally stable scheme we prove an L2-error bound of spectral accuracy in space and of second-order accuracy in time.


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In this work, we prove a weak Noether-type Theorem for a class of variational problems that admit broken extremals. We use this result to prove discrete Noether-type conservation laws for a conforming finite element discretisation of a model elliptic problem. In addition, we study how well the finite element scheme satisfies the continuous conservation laws arising from the application of Noether’s first theorem (1918). We summarise extensive numerical tests, illustrating the conservation of the discrete Noether law using the p-Laplacian as an example and derive a geometric-based adaptive algorithm where an appropriate Noether quantity is the goal functional.


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In this series of papers, we study issues related to the synchronization of two coupled chaotic discrete systems arising from secured communication. The first part deals with uniform dissipativeness with respect to parameter variation via the Liapunov direct method. We obtain uniform estimates of the global attractor for a general discrete nonautonomous system, that yields a uniform invariance principle in the autonomous case. The Liapunov function is allowed to have positive derivative along solutions of the system inside a bounded set, and this reduces substantially the difficulty of constructing a Liapunov function for a given system. In particular, we develop an approach that incorporates the classical Lagrange multiplier into the Liapunov function method to naturally extend those Liapunov functions from continuous dynamical system to their discretizations, so that the corresponding uniform dispativeness results are valid when the step size of the discretization is small. Applications to the discretized Lorenz system and the discretization of a time-periodic chaotic system are given to illustrate the general results. We also show how to obtain uniform estimation of attractors for parametrized linear stable systems with nonlinear perturbation.


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The absorption spectrum of the acid form of pterin in water was investigated theoretically. Different procedures using continuum, discrete, and explicit models were used to include the solvation effect on the absorption spectrum, characterized by two bands. The discrete and explicit models used Monte Carlo simulation to generate the liquid structure and time-dependent density functional theory (B3LYP/6-31G+(d)) to obtain the excitation energies. The discrete model failed to give the correct qualitative effect on the second absorption band. The continuum model, in turn, has given a correct qualitative picture and a semiquantitative description. The explicit use of 29 solvent molecules, forming a hydration shell of 6 angstrom, embedded in the electrostatic field of the remaining solvent molecules, gives absorption transitions at 3.67 and 4.59 eV in excellent agreement with the S(0)-S(1) and S(0)-S(2) absorption bands at of 3.66 and 4.59 eV, respectively, that characterize the experimental spectrum of pterin in water environment. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Quantum Chem 110: 2371-2377, 2010


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In this paper, the relationship between the filter coefficients and the scaling and wavelet functions of the Discrete Wavelet Transform is presented and exemplified from a practical point-of-view. The explanations complement the wavelet theory, that is well documented in the literature, being important for researchers who work with this tool for time-frequency analysis. (c) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A neighbourhood assignment in a space X is a family O = {O-x: x is an element of X} of open subsets of X such that X is an element of O-x for any x is an element of X. A set Y subset of X is a kernel of O if O(Y) = U{O-x: x is an element of Y} = X. We obtain some new results concerning dually discrete spaces, being those spaces for which every neighbourhood assignment has a discrete kernel. This is a strictly larger class than the class of D-spaces of [E.K. van Douwen, W.F. Pfeffer, Some properties of the Sorgenfrey line and related spaces, Pacific J. Math. 81 (2) (1979) 371-377]. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We construct some examples using trees. Some of them are consistent counterexamples for the discrete reflection of certain topological properties. All the properties dealt with here were already known to be non-discretely reflexive if we assume CH and we show that the same is true assuming the existence of a Suslin tree. In some cases we actually get some ZFC results. We construct also, using a Suslin tree, a compact space that is pseudo-radial but it is not discretely generated. With a similar construction, but using an Aronszajn tree, we present a ZFC space that is first countable, omega-bounded but is not strongly w-bounded, answering a question of Peter Nyikos. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.