411 resultados para diamondback moth (DBM)
Glasshouse experiments determined effects of a moth, Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and the anthracnose pathogen, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Penz. and Sacc., on each other when attacking the same host plant, Stylosanthes scabra (Vog.) (Leguminosae) cv. Fitzroy. The host was treated with both organisms in 2 ways of succession and at 2 different life stages each. Larvae of the moth preferred to feed on healthy plants rather than plants recently infected with C. gloeosporioides, and preferred such newly infected plants to severely diseased ones. Adult female moths laid more eggs on healthy and recently infected plants than on diseased plants, when given a choice of all 3 plant types. Severity of anthracnose disease was neither promoted nor retarded by damage to leaves caused by larvae of the moth.
A major ongoing debate in population ecology has surrounded the causative factors underlying the abundance of phytophagous insects and whether or not these factors limit or regulate herbivore populations. However, it is often difficult to identify mortality agents in census data, and their distribution and relative importance across large spatial scales are rarely understood. Were, we present life tables for egg batches and larval cohorts of the processionary caterpillar Ochrogaster lunifer Herrich-Schaffer, using intensive local sampling combined with extensive regional monitoring to ascertain the relative importance of different mortality factors at different localities. Extinction of entire cohorts (representing the entire reproductive output of one female) at natural localities was high, with 82% of the initial 492 cohorts going extinct. Mortality was highest in the egg and early instar stages due to predation from dermestid beetles, and while different mortality factors (e.g. hatching failure, egg parasitism and failure to establish on the host) were present at many localities, dermestid predation, either directly observed or inferred from indirect evidence, was the dominant mortality factor at 89% of localities surveyed. Predation was significantly higher in plantations than in natural habitats. The second most important mortality factor was resource depletion, with 14 cohorts defoliating their hosts. Egg and larval parasitism were not major mortality agents. A combination of predation and resource depletion consistently accounted for the majority of mortality across localities, suggesting that both factors are important in limiting population abundance. This evidence shows that O. lunifer is not regulated by natural enemies alone, but that resource patches (Acacia trees) ultimately, and frequently, act together to limit population growth.
The use of long-term forecasts of pest pressure is central to better pest management. We relate the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) to long-term light-trap catches of the two key moth pests of Australian agriculture, Helicoverpa punctigera (Wallengren) and H. armigera (Hubner), at Narrabri, New South Wales over 11 years, and for H. punctigera only at Turretfield, South Australia over 22 years. At Narrabri, the size of the first spring generation of both species was significantly correlated with the SOI in certain months, sometimes up to 15 months before the date of trapping. Differences in the SOI and SST between significant months were used to build composite variables in multiple regressions which gave fitted values of the trap catches to less than 25% of the observed values. The regressions suggested that useful forecasts of both species could be made 6-15 months ahead. The influence of the two weather variables on trap catches of H. punctigera at Turretfield were not as strong as at Narrabri, probably because the SOI was not as strongly related to rainfall in southern Australia as it is in eastern Australia. The best fits were again given by multiple regressions with SOI plus SST variables, to within 40% of the observed values. The reliability of both variables as predictors of moth numbers may be limited by the lack of stability in the SOI-rainfall correlation over the historical record. As no other data set is available to test the regressions, they can only be tested by future use. The use of long-term forecasts in pest management is discussed, and preliminary analyses of other long sets of insect numbers suggest that the Southern Oscillation Index may be a useful predictor of insect numbers in other parts of the world.
Neonate Lepidoptera are confronted with the daunting task of establishing themselves on a food plant. The factors relevant to this process need to be considered at spatial and temporal scales relevant to the larva and not the investigator. Neonates have to cope with an array of plant surface characters as well as internal characters once the integument is ruptured. These characters, as well as microclimatic conditions, vary within and between plant modules and interact with larval feeding requirements, strongly affecting movement behavior, which may be extensive even for such small organisms. In addition to these factors, there is an array of predators, pathogens, and parasitoids with which first instars must contend. Not surprisingly, mortality in neonates is high but can vary widely. Experimental and manipulative studies, as well as detailed observations of the animal, are vital if the subtle interaction of factors responsible for this high and variable mortality are to be understood. These studies are essential for an understanding of theories linking female oviposition behavior with larval survival, plant defense theory, and population dynamics, as well as modern crop resistance breeding programs.
A group of transposons, named maT, with characteristics intermediate between mariner and Tc1 transposons, is described. Two defective genomic copies of MdmaT from the housefly Musca domestica, with 85% identity, were found flanking and imbedded in the MdalphaE7 esterase gene involved in organophosphate insecticide resistance. Two cDNA clones, with 99% identity to each other and 72%-89% identity to the genomic copies were also obtained, but both represented truncated versions of the putative open reading frame. A third incomplete genomic copy of MdmaT was also identified upstream of the putative M. domestica period gene. The MdmaT sequences showed high identity to the transposable element Bmmar1 from the silk-worm moth, Bombyx mori, and to previously unidentified sequences in the genome of Caenorhabditis elegans. A total of 16 copies of full-length maT sequences were identified in the C elegans genome, representing three variants of the transposon, with 34%-100% identity amongst them. Twelve of the copies, named CemaT1, were virtually identical, with eight of them encoding a putative full length, intact transposase. Secondary structure predictions and phylogenetic analyses confirm that maT elements belong to the mariner-Tc1 superfamily of transposons, but their intermediate sequence and predicted structural characteristics suggest that they belong to a unique clade, distinct from either mariner-like or Tc1-like elements.
Hexamerins and prophenoloxidases (PPOs) proteins are members of the arthropod-haemocyanin superfamily. In contrast to haemocyanin and PPO, hexamerins do not bind oxygen, but mainly play a role as storage proteins that supply amino acids for insect metamorphosis. We identified seven genes encoding hexamerins, three encoding PPOs, and one hexamerin pseudogene in the genome of the parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis. A phylogenetic analysis of hexamerins and PPOs from this wasp and related proteins from other insect orders suggests an essentially order-specific radiation of hexamerins. Temporal and spatial transcriptional profiles of N. vitripennis hexamerins suggest that they have physiological functions other than metamorphosis, which are arguably coupled with its lifestyle.
This study evaluated the effect of fluoride oil bone fluoride levels and on ectopic bone formation in young and old rats. Eighty male Wistar rats were assigned to four groups (n = 20/g), which differed according to the fluoride concentration in their drinking water (0, 5, 15 and 50 mg/l). When half of the rats were 90 days old, demineralized bone matrix (DBM) was implanted. The other rats received DBM implants when they were 365 day`s old. The animals were killed 28 days after. Fluoride in the femur surface, whole femur and plasma was analyzed with an electrode, The implants were analyzed histomorphometrically. Data were tested for statistically, significant differences by ANOVA, Tukey`s test, t-test and linear regression (p < 0.05). Increases in plasma, femur surface and whole femur fluoride concentrations were observed cis water fluoride levels increased. There was also a trend for increase in plasina and femur fluoride concentrations cis age increased. Significant positive correlations were found between plasma and femur surface, plasina and femur and femur surface and femur fluoride, concentrations. The morphometric analyses indicated all increase in bone formation for younger rats that received 5 mg/l of fluoride in the drinking water. However, this was not statistically, significant. The younger rats that received 50 mg/l of fluoride showed impairment in bone formation. Bone formation was not significantly affected among the older rats. The results suggest that lower doses of fluoride in the drinking water, which slightly increase plasma fluoride levels, may have an anabolic effect oil bone formation in younger rats. Copyright 2008 Prous Science, S.A.U. or its licensors. All rights reserved.
A migration of Helicoverpa punctigera (Wallengren), Heliothis punctifera (Walker) and Agrotis munda Walker was tracked from Cameron Corner (29degrees00'S, 141degrees00'E) in inland Australia to the Wilcannia region, approximately 400 km to the south-east. A relatively isolated source population was located using a distribution model to predict winter breeding, and confirmed by surveys using sweep netting for larvae. When a synoptic weather pattern likely to produce suitable conditions for migration developed, moths were trapped in the source region. The next morning a simulation model of migration using wind-field data generated by a numerical weather-prediction model was run. Surveys using sweep netting for larvae, trapping and flush counts were then conducted in and around the predicted moth fallout area, approximately 400 km to the south-east. Pollen carried on the probosces of moths caught in this area was compared with that on moths caught in the source area. The survey data and pollen comparisons provided evidence that migration had occurred, and that the migration model gave accurate estimation of the fallout region. The ecological and economic implications of such migrations are discussed.
Effects of gall damage by the introduced moth Epiblema stremiana on different growth stages of the weed Parathenium hysterophorus was evaluated in a field cage using potted plants with no competition and in naturally regenerated populations with intraspecific competition. Gall damage at early stages of plant growth reduced the plant height, main stem height, flower production, lear production, and shoot and root biomass. All galled, potted plants with no competition produced flowers irrespective of the growth stage at which the plants were affected by galling, but lesser than in ungalled plants. Gall induction during early growth stages in field plants experiencing competition prevented 30% of the plants reaching flowering. However, 6% of the field plants escaped from gall damage, as their main stems were less vigorous to sustain the development of galls. Flower production per unit total plant biomass was lower in galled plants than in ungalled plants, and the reduction was more intense when gall damage was initiated at early stages of plant growth. In potted plants with no competition, the number of galls increased with the plant vigour, as the gall insects preferred more vigorous plants. But in field plants there were no relationship between gall abundance and plant vigour, as intraspecific competition enhanced the negative effects of galling by reducing the vigour of the weed.
Six species of insects and a rust fungus have been successfully established for biocontrol of the weed Parthenicum hysterophorus L. in Queensland, Australia. Effectiveness of biocontrol insects was evaluated at two properties in Queensland during 1996-97 based on an exclusion experiment using insecticides. Parthenium-infested plots with and without biocontrol insects were sampled at monthly intervals and the impact of biocontrol insects on parthenium at individual plant and whole population levels monitored. Biocontrol insects were more effective at Mt Panorama (central Queensland) than at Plain Creek (north Queensland). At Mt Panorama, the leaf-feeding beetle Zygogramma bicolorata Pallister caused 96% defoliation and the stem-galling moth Epiblema strenuana Walker affected 100% of the plants, resulting in reductions of 90% in weed density, 40% in plant height, and 82% in flower production. Exclusion of biocontrol insects resulted in a 52% increase in seedling emergence and a seven-fold increase in the soil seed bank in the following season. At Plain Creek, E. strenuana was the only prominent agent. It affected 92% of the plants and prevented 32% of plants from producing any flowers, reduced plant height by 40% and flower production by 49%, but did not reduce the plant biomass, weed density or soil seed bank. However, exclusion of biocontrol insects resulted in an eight-fold increase in the soil seed bank in the following season.
In the past century, the debate over whether or not density-dependent factors regulate populations has generally focused on changes in mean population density, ignoring the spatial variance around the mean as unimportant noise. In an attempt to provide a different framework for understanding population dynamics based on individual fitness, this paper discusses the crucial role of spatial variability itself on the stability of insect populations. The advantages of this method are the following: (1) it is founded on evolutionary principles rather than post hoc assumptions; (2) it erects hypotheses that can be tested; and (3) it links disparate ecological schools, including spatial dynamics, behavioral ecology, preference-performance, and plant apparency into an overall framework. At the core of this framework, habitat complexity governs insect spatial variance. which in turn determines population stability. First, the minimum risk distribution (MRD) is defined as the spatial distribution of individuals that results in the minimum number of premature deaths in a population given the distribution of mortality risk in the habitat (and, therefore, leading to maximized population growth). The greater the divergence of actual spatial patterns of individuals from the MRD, the greater the reduction of population growth and size from high, unstable levels. Then, based on extensive data from 29 populations of the processionary caterpillar, Ochrogaster lunifer, four steps are used to test the effect of habitat interference on population growth rates. (1) The costs (increasing the risk of scramble competition) and benefits (decreasing the risk of inverse density-dependent predation) of egg and larval aggregation are quantified. (2) These costs and benefits, along with the distribution of resources, are used to construct the MRD for each habitat. (3) The MRD is used as a benchmark against which the actual spatial pattern of individuals is compared. The degree of divergence of the actual spatial pattern from the MRD is quantified for each of the 29 habitats. (4) Finally, indices of habitat complexity are used to provide highly accurate predictions of spatial divergence from the MRD, showing that habitat interference reduces population growth rates from high, unstable levels. The reason for the divergence appears to be that high levels of background vegetation (vegetation other than host plants) interfere with female host-searching behavior. This leads to a spatial distribution of egg batches with high mortality risk, and therefore lower population growth. Knowledge of the MRD in other species should be a highly effective means of predicting trends in population dynamics. Species with high divergence between their actual spatial distribution and their MRD may display relatively stable dynamics at low population levels. In contrast, species with low divergence should experience high levels of intragenerational population growth leading to frequent habitat-wide outbreaks and unstable dynamics in the long term. Six hypotheses, erected under the framework of spatial interference, are discussed, and future tests are suggested.
Observations of an insect's movement lead to theory on the insect's flight behaviour and the role of movement in the species' population dynamics. This theory leads to predictions of the way the population changes in time under different conditions. If a hypothesis on movement predicts a specific change in the population, then the hypothesis can be tested against observations of population change. Routine pest monitoring of agricultural crops provides a convenient source of data for studying movement into a region and among fields within a region. Examples of the use of statistical and computational methods for testing hypotheses with such data are presented. The types of questions that can be addressed with these methods and the limitations of pest monitoring data when used for this purpose are discussed. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Chemosensory proteins (CSPs) are ubiquitous soluble small proteins isolated from sensory organs of a wide range of insect species, which are believed to be involved in chemical communication. We report the cloning of a honeybee CSP gene called ASP3c, as well as the structural and functional characterization of the encoded protein. The protein was heterologously secreted by the yeast Pichia pastoris using the native signal peptide. ASP3c disulfide bonds were assigned after trypsinolysis followed by chromatography and mass spectrometry combined with microsequencing. The pairing (Cys(I)-Cys(II), Cys(III)-Cys(IV)) was found to be identical to that of Schistocerca gregaria CSPs, suggesting that this pattern occurs commonly throughout the insect CSPs. CD measurements revealed that ASP3c mainly consists of alpha-helices, like other insect CSPs. Gel filtration analysis showed that ASP3c is monomeric at neutral pH. Using ASA, a fluorescent fatty acid anthroyloxy analogue as a probe, ASP3c was shown to bind specifically to large fatty acids and ester derivatives, which are brood pheromone components, in the micromolar range. It was unable to bind tested general odorants and other tested pheromones (sexual and nonsexual). This is the first report on a natural pheromonal ligand bound by a recombinant CSP with a measured affinity constant.
Hydrolytic kinetic resolution (HKR) of functionalised epoxides using (salen)Co(OAc) complexes provides enantiomerically enriched epoxides and diols, which have been transformed into important insect sex pheromones. In this general approach, (-)-(R)- and (+)-(S)-10-methyldodecyl acetates from the smaller tea tortrix moth were obtained, as was (-)-(R)-10-methyltridecan-2-one from the southern corn rootworm. The (S)-epoxide obtained from undec-1-en-6-yne was transformed to (-)-(R)-(Z)-undec-6-en-2-ol (Nostrenol) from ant-lions. HKR of appropriate bisepoxides was also investigated, and transformations of the resulting bisepoxides and epoxydiols provided (-)-(1R,7R)-1,7-dimethylnonylpropanoate from corn rootworms, (-)-(6R,12R)-6,12-dimethylpentadecan-2-one from the female banded cucumber beetle, and (-)-(2S,11S)-2,11-diacetoxytridecane and (+)-(2S,12S)-2,12-diacetoxytridecane from female pea-midges. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
One of the most important advantages of database systems is that the underlying mathematics is rich enough to specify very complex operations with a small number of statements in the database language. This research covers an aspect of biological informatics that is the marriage of information technology and biology, involving the study of real-world phenomena using virtual plants derived from L-systems simulation. L-systems were introduced by Aristid Lindenmayer as a mathematical model of multicellular organisms. Not much consideration has been given to the problem of persistent storage for these simulations. Current procedures for querying data generated by L-systems for scientific experiments, simulations and measurements are also inadequate. To address these problems the research in this paper presents a generic process for data-modeling tools (L-DBM) between L-systems and database systems. This paper shows how L-system productions can be generically and automatically represented in database schemas and how a database can be populated from the L-system strings. This paper further describes the idea of pre-computing recursive structures in the data into derived attributes using compiler generation. A method to allow a correspondence between biologists' terms and compiler-generated terms in a biologist computing environment is supplied. Once the L-DBM gets any specific L-systems productions and its declarations, it can generate the specific schema for both simple correspondence terminology and also complex recursive structure data attributes and relationships.