998 resultados para dente pré-molar
Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the vestibular-palatal diffusion of 4% articaine with epinephrine 1: 100,000 and 1: 200,000, in impacted maxillary third molar extractions, without palatal injection. Materials and Method: Two hundred teeth were selected from patients age 15 to 46. Patients were divided into 4 groups: 1A, were anesthetized with 4% articaine 1: 100,000 and the surgery was initiated 5 minutes following anesthesia. 1B, used 4% articaine 1: 100,000 but the surgery was started 10 minutes after anesthesia. 2A, used 4% articaine 1: 200,000 the surgery was started 5 minutes after. 2B, used 4% articaine 1: 200,000 but 10 minutes was allowed for anesthetic diffusion before the initiation of in groups (50 extractions each) only buccal vestibule anesthesia was initially administered (i.e. no palatal injections were used). Results: The rate of sufficient vestibule-palatal diffusion, as determined by the lack of necessity of supplemental palatal anesthesia, was: 1A(84%), 1B(98%), 2A(78%), 2B(82%). Chi-square (X2) and residual analyses showed that a higher vestibule-palatal diffusion was obtained using 4% articaine 1: 100,000 with a period of 10 minutes (p<0.05). Conclusions: Most of the extractions could be performed only with vestibule anesthesia. However, vasoconstrictor concentration and the time interval between administration of the anesthetic and initiation of surgery did influence buccal vestibule-palatal diffusion of 4% articaine in the extraction models used.
Mandibular second molar impactions can be difficult to correct and might require surgery. A young man with an impacted mandibular right second molar was treated with a miniplate, which provided anchorage to upright the tooth. Although other devices are available, this technique appears to be predictable and quick, and has few side effects.
Objective: This study compared the clinical efficacy of 4% articaine (A200) and 0.5% bupivacaine (B200), both with 1: 200,000 epinephrine, for lower third molar removal. Study design: Fifty patients underwent removal of symmetrically positioned lower third molars, in 2 separate appointments, under local anesthesia either with A200 or B200, in a double-blind, randomized, and crossover manner. Time to onset, duration of postoperative analgesia, duration of anesthetic action on soft tissues, intraoperative bleeding, and hemodynamic parameters were evaluated. Results: A statistically significant difference between the time to onset of A200 (1.66 +/- 0.13 minutes) and B200 (2.51 +/- 0.21 minutes) was found (P < .05). There was no statistically significant difference in the duration of analgesia, whether the patient was subjected to osteotomy or not, regardless of the local anesthetic used (3 to 4 hours; P < .05). However, when patients received B200 they experienced a statistically significant longer period of anesthesia on the soft tissues as compared with when they had received A200 (around 5 hours and 4 hours, respectively, P < .05). The surgeon`s rating of intraoperative bleeding was considered very close to minimal for both anesthetics. In the surgeries with osteotomy, the comparison between A200 and B200 showed statistically significant differences in the diastolic (64 mm Hg and 68 mm Hg, respectively, P = .001) and mean arterial pressure (86 mm Hg and 89 mm Hg, respectively, P = .031) when data from all the surgical phases were pooled. Additionally, the mouth opening at the suture removal was statistically different for A200 and B200 solutions (91.90% +/- 3.00% and 88.57% +/- 2.38% of the preoperative measure, respectively) when surgeries required bone removal (P < .05). Conclusions: In comparison with 0.5% bupivacaine, 4% articaine (both with 1: 200,000 epinephrine) provided a shorter time to onset and comparable hemostasis and postoperative pain control with a shorter duration of soft tissue anesthesia in lower third molar removal.
The aim of this study was to analyze if the presence of impacted third molars, and their positions in the mandibular angle, can change the bone quality in this area, considering the measure of the cortical thickness in this region as representative or not for mandible fracture risk. Software was used to analyze 50 digital images from panoramic radiographs of patients who had one or two impacted third molars in the mandible, and 30 digital images of patients with agenesis of the mandibular third molar. The thickness of the cortical region of the mandible was measured; it was possible to draw a parallel line to the posterior portion of the mandible and a parallel line to the body of this bone on each side of the image. At the intersection of these lines near the distal portion of the second molar, another line was set up to serve as reference in the cortical thickness measurement. It could be concluded that the cortical thickness of the mandibular angle in male patients without impacted third molars was greater than the thickness in patients with these teeth, and no difference in thickness was found for the female group.
Objective. This article discusses the relationship between apical limit of root canal filling and success on endodontic treatment of a mandibular molar. Study design. A mandibular right first molar with vital pulp was endodontically treated, and 3 years later periapical lesions on mesial and distal roots were detected. The canals were retreated and obturated to the same levels as in the previous treatment. Results. An 8-year radiographic follow-up showed repair of the periapical lesions on both roots. Conclusions. Results suggest that the apical limit of obturation seems to have no influence in the repair of periapical tissues in mandibular molars. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2011; 112: e48-e50)
This paper presents the comparison of surface diffusivities of hydrocarbons in activated carbon. The surface diffusivities are obtained from the analysis of kinetic data collected using three different kinetics methods- the constant molar flow, the differential adsorption bed and the differential permeation methods. In general the values of surface diffusivity obtained by these methods agree with each other, and it is found that the surface diffusivity increases very fast with loading. Such a fast increase can not be accounted for by a thermodynamic Darken factor, and the surface heterogeneity only partially accounts for the fast rise of surface diffusivity versus loading. Surface diffusivities of methane, ethane, propane, n-butane, n-hexane, benzene and ethanol on activated carbon are reported in this paper.
Background: Cementum is essential for periodontal regeneration, as it provides anchorage between the root surface and the periodontal ligament. A variety of macromolecules present in the extracellular matrix of the periodontium, including proteoglycans, are likely to play a regulatory role in cementogenesis. Recently, the small leucine-rich proteoglycan, fibromodulin, has been isolated from bovine periodontal ligament and localized in bovine cementum, as well as in human periodontal ligament. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the distribution of fibromodulin during cementogenesis and root formation. Methods: A standard indirect immunoperoxidase technique was employed, using an antifibromodulin polyclonal antibody on sections of molar teeth from rats aged 3, 5 and 8 weeks. Results: Immunoreactivity to fibromodulin was evident in the periodontal ligament in all sections. An intense positive stain was observed in the extracellular matrix where the periodontal ligament fibers insert into the alveolar bone and where the Sharpey's fibers insert into the cementum. There was no staining evident in the mineralized cellular and acellular cementum. The intensity of immunoreactivity to the antifibromodulin antibody increased proportionally with increasing tissue maturation. Conclusion: The results from this study suggest that fibromodulin is a significant component of the extracellular matrix in the periodontal ligament during development, and may play a regulatory role in the mineralization process or maintaining homeostasis at the hard-soft tissue interface during cementogenesis.
In their 1994 study Taxation and Representation, Deacon and Golding point to the extensive use of press and public relations professionals by governments to promote policy, and to outmanouvre their opponents. With the UK specifically in mind, they warn: 'we cannot ignore the massive expansion of the public relations state.' (p.6). What distinguishes their approach from the more usual preoccupation with the use of 'spin' to 'package' political leaders is a focus on the institutionalisation of public relations within government. In this paper, I explore the utililty of the concept, and consider what the broad features of an Australian 'PR State' might be.
Para garantir a seguran??a no tratamento dos pacientes e aos profissionais de sa??de, foi criado o ???Sistema especial para pr??-qualifica????o de marcas e produtos??? para participa????o em licita????es de materiais hospitalares no Inca, devido ?? peculiaridade do paciente oncol??gico
A experi??ncia da Diretoria Regional de S??o Paulo Metropolitana dos Correios objetiva implementar melhoria em um dos seus principais processos: o atendimento nas ag??ncias. Dentro do contexto de gest??o pela qualidade total, destacamos o programa de ger??ncia da rotina e gerenciamento de melhorias (revis??o de processos), cujas ferramentas nortearam o nosso projeto. Nas ag??ncias, em decorr??ncia dos diversos produtos e servi??os que a ECT comercializa, faz-se necess??ria a gest??o das filas para que o tempo de espera excessivo n??o ocasione a insatisfa????o dos clientes. Com a implanta????o do pr??-atendimento em guich?? espec??fico, na ag??ncia Adolfina de Pinheiros, houve uma redu????o significativa do tempo de espera na fila, servindo como modelo para implanta????o em outras ag??ncias dos Correios. Al??m de atender ?? necessidade do cliente, estabelecida na matriz do QFD (Desdobramento da Fun????o Qualidade) do sistema de gest??o da qualidade da ECT, o projeto objetiva tornar a rotina de trabalho dos atendentes de guich?? mais f??cil, racional e produtiva
Sistema georreferenciado de monitoramento e apoio ?? decis??o da Presid??ncia da Rep??blica (Geo/PR)
Trata-se de um sistema desenvolvido para integrar informa????es em base georreferenciada e textual de diversos ??rg??os p??blicos, a fim de possibilitar an??lises gerenciais, a atua????o estrat??gica e a decis??o ministerial sobre a concess??o de ato de assentimento pr??vio, de acordo com a Lei no 6.634/79. Ao possibilitar o cruzamento de informa????es de diversos bancos de dados, em raz??o da especialidade do Gabinete de Seguran??a Institucional da Presid??ncia da Rep??blica (GSI/PR), o sistema oportuniza o diagn??stico de incongru??ncias e conflitos de atividades entre ??rg??os da Administra????o P??blica Federal indireta e o indicativo da situa????o fundi??ria do Pa??s, tanto no aspecto territorial quanto no da riqueza mineral e respectivos interessados em sua explora????o. O sistema permite que os bancos ???conversem entre si???, o que o torna um marco na hist??ria da gest??o p??blica federal, por possibilitar o conhecimento do nosso territ??rio em tempo real, com informa????es confi??veis, precisas e amig??veis geradas em banco de dados textuais associados a uma base cartogr??fica digital composta por mapas digitalizados, fotografias a??reas e imagens de sat??lites
O Cadastramento de Pr??-Projetos pela Internet agiliza e simplifica a apresenta????o de propostas de projetos com vistas ?? realiza????o de conv??nios e de outros instrumentos similares com o Minist??rio da Sa??de. As propostas s??o cadastradas na p??gina do Fundo Nacional de Sa??de (FNS), no endere??o www.fns.saude.gov.br, o que facilita as an??lises e rotinas pertinentes. Esse processo caracteriza a busca cont??nua de melhorias na qualidade dos servi??os prestados pelo FNS, o que resulta em comprometimento do usu??rio na consecu????o do projeto. Dentre os principais benef??cios obtidos, destacam-se a redu????o de custos na elabora????o de projetos para propostas eventualmente n??o aprovadas e o amplo acesso ??s institui????es, de todo o Brasil, candidatas a financiamentos no Minist??rio da Sa??de