1000 resultados para delta 13C


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Methane is the major hydrocarbon gas measured in Vacutainer samples from Holes 603D and 613 ( C1/sumCn > 0.999). In Hole 613 the concentration of this dry hydrocarbon gas is highest (7.4 x 10 **5 ppm max.) in the upper 60 to 120 m, then decreases erratically to low trace levels by 261 m sub-bottom (lower Pliocene). No gas accumulations were observed in older sediments. Methane from both holes is strongly depleted in both 13C (d13C, - 75 to -85 per mil) and deuterium (D/H, - 175 to -262 per mil), indicating the biogenic origin of the methane. The C and H isotopic compositions support methanogenesis via the CO2-reduction pathway; this is also corroborated by the dissolved-sulfate and alkalinity minima at these depths. The relationship between D/H of the methane and coexisting interstitial water from Site 613 further show the methanogenesis to be primarily by CO2 reduction.


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RATIONALE The ratio of the measured abundance of 13C18O bonding CO2 to its stochastic abundance, prescribed by the delta 13C and delta 18O values from a carbonate mineral, is sensitive to its growth temperature. Recently, clumped-isotope thermometry, which uses this ratio, has been adopted as a new tool to elucidate paleotemperatures quantitatively. METHODS Clumped isotopes in CO2 were measured with a small-sector isotope ratio mass spectrometer. CO2 samples digested from several kinds of calcium carbonates by phosphoric acid at 25 degrees C were purified using both cryogenic and gas-chromatographic separations, and their isotopic composition (delta 13C, delta 18O, Delta 47, Delta 48 and Delta 49 values) were then determined using a dual-inlet Delta XP mass spectrometer. RESULTS The internal precisions of the single gas Delta 47 measurements were 0.005 and 0.02 parts per thousand (1 SE) for the optimum and the routine analytical conditions, respectively, which are comparable with those obtained using a MAT 253 mass spectrometer. The long-term variations in the Delta 47 values for the in-house working standard and the heated CO2 gases since 2007 were close to the routine, single gas uncertainty while showing seasonal-like periodicities with a decreasing trend. Unlike the MAT 253, the Delta XP did not show any significant relationship between the Delta 47 and delta 47 values. CONCLUSIONS The Delta XP gave results that were approximately as precise as those of the MAT 253 for clumped-isotope analysis. The temporal stability of the Delta XP seemed to be lower, although an advantage of the Delta XP was that no dependency of delta 47 on Delta 47 was found. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A 2-year investigation of growth and food availability of silver carp and bighead was carried out using stable isotope and gut content analysis in a large pen in Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu, China. Both silver carp and bighead exhibited significantly higher delta 13C in 2005 than in 2004, which can probably be attributed to two factors: (i) the difference between isotopic compositions at the base of the pelagic food web and (ii) the difference between the compositions of prey items and stable isotopes. The significantly positive correlations between body length, body weight and stable isotope ratios indicated that isotopic changes in silver carp and bighead resulted from the accumulation of biomass concomitant with rapid growth. Because of the drastic decrease in zooplankton in the diet in 2005, silver carp and bighead grew faster in 2004 than in 2005. Bighead carp showed a lower trophic level than silver carp in 2005 as indicated by stable nitrogen isotope ratios, which was possibly explained by the interspecific difference between the prey species and the food quality of silver carp and bighead.


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利用预浓缩装置-气相色谱/燃烧-同位素比值质谱仪(PreCon-GC/C-IRMS)联用系统,建立了就采样、浓缩和在线质谱分析大气CH4中稳定碳同位素组成的测定方法。通过多组试验对比,分析并讨论了利用PreCon-GC/C-IRMS联用技术测定大气CH4中碳稳定同位素比值的试验条件、系统线性、稳定性及准确度和精密度等。结果表明,在本研究方法条件下,当离子流强度在1.0~20 V时,系统线性良好(斜率S=0.04‰/V),在4.0~15 V内其线性(斜率S=0.03‰/V)优于总体线性;系统测量稳定性可靠,&delta;13C值的测定结果的S.D<0.3‰,最大偏差<0.5‰,回收率达99.99%,准确度和精度均符合分析与研究要求。利用该系统对室内和室外草坪地空气中CH4的碳稳定同位素组成做初步测试,其碳同位素的平均值分别为-31.358‰和-33.085‰,且相同地点区域空气中CH4的1&delta;3C值,在1 d内和不同日期间的变化均在0.5‰以内,重现性良好。


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This paper demonstrates the use of stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen in animal tissue for indicating aspects of species behavioral strategy. We analyzed hair from individuals representing four species of New World monkeys (Alouatta palliata, the mantled howler; Ateles geoffroyi, the spider monkey; Cebus capucinus, the capuchin; and Brachyteles arachnoides, the woolly-spider monkey or muriqui) for delta 13C and delta 15N using previously developed methods. There are no significant differences in either carbon or nitrogen ratios between sexes, sampling year, or year of analysis. Seasonal differences in delta 13C reached a low level of significance but do not affect general patterns. Variation within species was similar to that recorded previously within single individuals. The omega 13C data show a bimodal distribution with significant difference between the means. The two monkey populations living in an evergreen forest were similar to each other and different from the other two monkey populations that inhabited dry, deciduous forests. This bimodal distribution is independent of any particular species' diet and reflects the level of leaf cover in the two types of forest. The delta 15N data display three significantly different modes. The omnivorous capuchins were most positive reflecting a trophic level offset. The spider monkeys and the muriquis were similar to one another and significantly more positive than the howlers. This distribution among totally herbivorous species correlates with the ingestion of legumes by the howler monkey population. In combination, these data indicate that museum-curated primate material can be analyzed to yield information on forest cover and diet in populations and species lacking behavioral data.


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Differences in stable-isotope values, morphology and ecology in whitefish Coregonus lavaretus were investigated between the three basins of Loch Lomond. The results are discussed with reference to a genetic investigation to elucidate any substructuring or spawning site fidelity. Foraging fidelity between basins of Loch Lomond was indicated by delta 13C and delta 15N values of C. lavaretus muscle tissue. There was, however, no evidence of the existence of sympatric morphs in the C. lavaretus population. A previous report of two C. lavaretus 'species' in Loch Lomond probably reflects natural variation between individuals within a single mixed population.


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Mit dem Ziel, die Bildung und den Verbrauch von mikrobiellen Residuen zu ermitteln, wurden zwei Inkubationsversuche durchgeführt. Die Versuchsdauer betrug jeweils 67 Tage, wobei an den Tagen 5, 12, 33, 38, 45 und 67 Proben entnommen und auf Ct, Cmik, CO2 sowie die δ13C-Werte, Nt, Nmin und Ergosterol untersucht wurden. In Versuch 1 wurden als leicht umsetzbare Kohlenstoffquelle 3 mg C4-Kohlenstoff g-1Boden in Form von Rohrzucker bzw. Maiscellulose und als N-Ausgleich 200 µg NH4NO3-N g-1Boden hinzugegeben. Der verwendete Boden war ein Lößboden. In Versuch 2 wurden 3 mg C4-Kohlenstoff g-1Boden in Form von Rohrzucker und 100 µg NH4NO3-N g-1Boden in den Boden eingearbeitet. Als Substrat wurde hier ein gebrannter Lößboden verwendet. Bei beiden Versuchen erfolgte an Tag 33 nochmals eine Zugabe von 3 mg C3-Kohlenstoff g-1Boden in Form von Cellulose. Die Zugabe des C4-Kohlenstoffs führte in beiden Versuchen zu einer Zunahme des C4-Anteils in der mikrobiellen Biomasse. Insgesamt wurden im ersten Versuch ca. 78 % des C4-Kohlenstoffs und im zweiten Versuch ca. 64 % mineralisiert. In Versuch 1 wurde bei der Rohrzuckervariante der größte Teil an C4-C innerhalb der ersten 5 Tage mineralisiert, in der Cellulosevariante konnte dagegen eine geringere, aber länger anhaltende Mineralisation bis Tag 33 beobachtet werden. Dies sowie die Entwicklung des C4-C der mikrobiellen Biomasse deuten darauf hin, dass die Cellulose erst zu diesem Zeitpunkt vollständig umgesetzt war, der Rohrzucker dagegen aber schon nach 5 Inkubationstagen. Der Anteil an C4-C in den mikrobiellen Residuen lag an Tag 33 bei 28 % (Cellulosevariante) bzw. 22 % (Rohrzuckervariante) des zugegebenen C4-Kohlenstoffs. Dagegen lag im zweiten Versuch der Anteil an C4-Kohlenstoff in den mikrobiellen Residuen bei 40 %. In Versuch 1 führte die Zugabe der C3-Cellulose an Tag 33 nicht zu einem Verbrauch von mikrobiellen Residuen, im Versuch 2 hingegen zu einer signifikanten Abnahme. Der zugegebene Stickstoff wurde in beiden Versuchen durch die Zugabe des Rohrzuckers in hohen Anteilen immobilisiert, aber nur in geringem Umfang in die mikrobielle Biomasse inkorporiert. An Tag 33 lag der Anteil Stickstoff in den mikrobiellen Residuen bei 52 % (Versuch 1) bzw. 84 % (Versuch 2) des zugegebenen Stickstoffs. In Versuch 1 setzte nach 33 Tagen eine Remineralisation des immobilisierten Stickstoffs ein, unabhängig von der Zugabe der C3-Cellulose. In Versuch 2 wurde der immobilisierte Stickstoff zu keinem Zeitpunkt remineralisiert. Die Zugabe der C3-Cellulose führte hier nicht zu einer Remineralisation des immobilisierten Stickstoffs. Es bestätigte sich die Annahme, dass durch die Zugabe von leicht umsetzbaren Kohlstoffsubstraten die Bildung von mikrobiellen Residuen gesteigert werden kann. Die zweite Annahme, dass durch die Zugabe von N-freiem Substrat, hier C3-Cellulose, die mikrobiellen Residuen bevorzugt abgebaut werden, konnte nicht bestätigt werden.


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The development of traceability methods to distinguish between farmed and wild-caught fish and seafood is becoming increasingly important. However, very little is known about how to distinguish fish originating from different farms. The present study addresses this issue by attempting to discriminate among intensively farmed freshwater Murray cod originating from different farms (indoor recirculating, outdoor floating cage, and flow through systems) in different geographical areas, using a combination of morphological, chemical, and isotopic analyses. The results show that stable isotopes are the most informative variables. In particular, &delta;13C and/or &delta;15N clearly linked fish to a specific commercial diet, while &delta;18O linked fish to a specific water source. Thus, the combination of these isotopes can distinguish among fish originating from different farms. On the contrary, fatty acid and tissue proximate compositions and morphological parameters, which are useful in distinguishing between farmed and wild fish, are less informative in discriminating among fish originating from different farms.


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In the face of hybridization, species integrity can only be maintained through post-zygotic isolating barriers (PIBs). PIBs need not only be intrinsic (i.e. hybrid inviability and sterility caused by developmental incompatibilities), but also can be extrinsic due to the hybrid's intermediate phenotype falling between the parental niches. For example, in migratory species, hybrid fitness might be reduced as a result of intermediate migration pathways and reaching suboptimal wintering grounds. Here, we test this idea by comparing the juvenile to adult survival probabilities as well as the wintering grounds of pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca), collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis) and their hybrids using stable isotope ratios of carbon (&delta;13C) and nitrogen (&delta;15N) in feathers developed at the wintering site. Our result supports earlier observations of largely segregated wintering grounds of the two parental species. The isotope signature of hybrids clustered with that of pied flycatchers. We argue that this pattern can explain the high annual survival of hybrid flycatchers. Hence, dominant expression of the traits of one of the parental species in hybrids may substantially reduce the ecological costs of hybridization.