253 resultados para deconvolution


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The 3D gravity modeling of the Potiguar rift basin consisted of a digital processing of gravity and aeromagnetic data, subsidized by the results of Euler deconvolution of gravity and magnetic data and the interpretation of seismic lines and wells descriptions. The gravity database is a compilation of independent geophysical surveys conducted by several universities, research institutions and governmental agencies. The aeromagnetic data are from the Bacia Potiguar and Plataforma Continental do Nordeste projects, obtained from the Brazilian Petroleum Agency (ANP). The solutions of the Euler Deconvolution allowed the analysis of the behavior of the rift main limits. While the integrated interpretation of seismic lines provided the delimitating horizons of the sedimentary formations and the basement top. The integration of these data allowed a 3D gravity modeling of basement topography, allowing the identification of a series of internal structures of the Potiguar rift, as well intra-basement structures without the gravity effect of the rift. The proposed inversion procedure of the gravity data allowed to identify the main structural features of the Potiguar rift, elongated in the NE-SW direction, and its southern and eastern faulted edges, where the sedimentary infill reachs thicknesses up to 5500 m. The southern boundary is marked by the Apodi and Baixa Grande faults. These faults seem to be a single NW-SE oriented fault with a strong bend to NE-SW direction. In addition, the eastern boundary of the rift is conditioned by the NE-SW trending Carnaubais fault system. It was also observed NW-SE oriented faults, which acted as transfer faults to the extensional efforts during the basin formation. In the central part of the residual anomaly map without the gravity effect of the rift stands out a NW-SE trending gravity high, corresponding to the Orós-Jaguaribe belt lithotypes. We also observe a gravity maximum parallel to the Carnaubais fault system. This anomaly is aligned to the eastern limit of the rift and reflects the contact of different crustal blocks, limited by the eastern ward counterpart of the Portalegre Shear Zone


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We studied how solvent, stirring method, PhIO/MnP molar ratio, presence of water and axial ligand affect the catalytic activities of Mn(TPP)Cl, Mn(MNPP)Cl, Mn(TDCPP)Cl and Mn(TFPP)Cl in the oxidation of cyclohexane by PhIO. A study of the catalytic intermediates in the reaction between Mn(TPP)Cl or Mn(TDCPP)Cl and PhIO was also carried out by UV-Vis and EPR spectroscopies. The reaction of Mn(TPP)Cl with PhIO showed the formation of a mixture of species Mn-IV(OP+ and Mn-V(O)P as intermediates, which were confirmed by the deconvolution of the UV-Vis spectra. Addition of imidazole as cocatalyst favoured the formation of the intermediate species Mn-V(O)P, evidenced by the UV-Vis band at 408 nm. The corresponding EPR spectra gave evidence that in the presence of imidazole, Mn-IV(OP+ species are formed only in very low amounts. For Mn(TDCPP)Cl the dominating intermediate species is Mn-IV(OP+. Addition of imidazole to halogen-substituted MnP systems does not result in increase of the C-ol yields because very stable bis-imidazole-MnP complexes are formed. Anchoring of such MnP on imidazole propyl gel (IPG) results in better catalytic activity because in this case, the catalyst is mono-coordinated to the support and imidazole favours the formation of the intermediate species Mn-V(O)P.


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The deconvolution of the voltammograms of polypyrrole electrochemistry has proved to be possible through the electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance data using the F(dm/dQ) function. This deconvolution allows the evolution of the thickness of the polypyrrole films during their redox processes to be estimated and therefore, the mechanical contraction/decontraction of this polymer as a function of the ionic exchange processes can be evaluated. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Highly fluorinated plasma polymers are chemically inert,acid resistant and have low friction coefficients, thereby being useful in chemical laboratories and for tribological applications. Here we report the plasma polymerization of ethylene-hexafluorobenzene mixtures by PECVD. The principal parameter of interest is the proportion of C(6)F(6) in the feed, R(F). Films were analyzed using near-normal and grazing-angle Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy (IRRAS), the latter being particularly useful for detecting modes not usually observed at near-normal incidence. The presence of CH and CF(x) (x=1 to 2) groups was thus confirmed in films deposited with R(F)>= 40%. Depending on R(F) IRRAS also revealed the presence of -CH(x) (x=1 to 3) -C=C, -C=O and phenyl rings. Deconvolution of C is spectra obtained by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) confirmed the presence of CH, CF and CF(2) groups in films deposited with R(F)>= 40%. Atomic ratios of F:C calculated from the XPS spectral data show that the degree of fluorination rises with increasing RF Some unbound fluorine is present in the films. Post-deposition reactions account for the presence of oxygen (similar to 5%) in the films. Surface energies, determined from contact angle measurements, fall with increasing R(F). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ten copper(II) complexes of tetradentate Schiff bases obtained by condensing two moles of an o-hydroxyphenylcarbonyl compound with a diamine have been prepared and characterized by elemental analyses, melting points, IR and electronic spectra. The IR and electronic spectra of the free ligand and the complexes are compared and discussed. The deconvolution of the visible spectra of the complexes in CHCl3, approximately C2v or C1, yielded four peaks at ca. 15000, 17000, 18000-19000, and 20000-22000 cm-1, assigned to the four d-d transitions.


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The effect of salts, detergents and chaotropic agents on mass spectrometric analysis are relatively well understood, mainly due to their actions decreasing the performance of ESI interface in mass spectrometric analysis. However, there are few studies in the literature characterizing the effect of protein stabilization by glycerol, followed in some circumstances by the suppression of protein signal when ESI interface is used. The aim of the present research was to investigate in details the mass spectrometric behavior of some proteins in presence of high levels of glycerol during ESI-MS analysis. Thus, horse heart myoglobin and chicken ovalbumin were used as standard proteins. It was demonstrated that the presence of 1% (v/v) glycerol suppressed the signal of these proteins during the ESI-MS analysis, even when the sample nozzle potential was scanned from 28 to 80 V. However, when the glycerol concentration was decreased to 0.5% (v/v) and the sample cone voltage adjusted to 50 V, a perfect envelope of peaks was observed, allowing the spectrum deconvolution and the molecular mass determination with mass accuracy lower than 0.01% in each situation. A molecular explanation for this suppressive effect and for the analytical overcoming of this difficult is proposed.


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Introduction Jatropha gossypifolia has been used quite extensively by traditional medicine for the treatment of several diseases in South America and Africa. This medicinal plant has therapeutic potential as a phytomedicine and therefore the establishment of innovative analytical methods to characterise their active components is crucial to the future development of a quality product. Objective To enhance the chromatographic resolution of HPLC-UV-diode-array detector (DAD) experiments applying chemometric tools. Methods Crude leave extracts from J. gossypifolia were analysed by HPLC-DAD. A chromatographic band deconvolution method was designed and applied using interval multivariate curve resolution by alternating least squares (MCR-ALS). Results The MCR-ALS method allowed the deconvolution from up to 117% more bands, compared with the original HPLC-DAD experiments, even in regions where the UV spectra showed high similarity. The method assisted in the dereplication of three C-glycosylflavones isomers: vitexin/isovitexin, orientin/homorientin and schaftoside/isoschaftoside. Conclusion The MCR-ALS method is shown to be a powerful tool to solve problems of chromatographic band overlapping from complex mixtures such as natural crude samples. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Extracts from J. gossypifolia were analyzed by HPLC-DAD and, dereplicated applying MCR-ALS. The method assisted in the detection of three C-glycosylflavones isomers: vitexin/isovitexin, orientin/homorientin and schaftoside/isoschaftoside. The application of MCR-ALS allowed solving problems of chromatographic band overlapping from complex mixtures such as natural crude samples. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia - IBILCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Neste tutorial apresentamos uma revisão da deconvolução de Euler que consiste de três partes. Na primeira parte, recordamos o papel da clássica formulação da deconvolução de Euler 2D e 3D como um método para localizar automaticamente fontes de campos potenciais anômalas e apontamos as dificuldades desta formulação: a presença de uma indesejável nuvem de soluções, o critério empírico usado para determinar o índice estrutural (um parâmetro relacionado com a natureza da fonte anômala), a exeqüibilidade da aplicação da deconvolução de Euler a levantamentos magnéticos terrestres, e a determinação do mergulho e do contraste de susceptibilidade magnética de contatos geológicos (ou o produto do contraste de susceptibilidade e a espessura quando aplicado a dique fino). Na segunda parte, apresentamos as recentes melhorias objetivando minimizar algumas dificuldades apresentadas na primeira parte deste tutorial. Entre estas melhorias incluem-se: i) a seleção das soluções essencialmente associadas com observações apresentando alta razão sinal-ruído; ii) o uso da correlação entre a estimativa do nível de base da anomalia e a própria anomalia observada ou a combinação da deconvolução de Euler com o sinal analítico para determinação do índice estrutural; iii) a combinação dos resultados de (i) e (ii), permitindo estimar o índice estrutural independentemente do número de soluções; desta forma, um menor número de observações (tal como em levantamentos terrestres) pode ser usado; iv) a introdução de equações adicionais independentes da equação de Euler que permitem estimar o mergulho e o contraste de susceptibilidade das fontes magnéticas 2D. Na terceira parte apresentaremos um prognóstico sobre futuros desenvolvimentos a curto e médio prazo envolvendo a deconvolução de Euler. As principais perspectivas são: i) novos ataques aos problemas selecionados na segunda parte deste tutorial; ii) desenvolvimento de métodos que permitam considerar interferências de fontes localizadas ao lado ou acima da fonte principal, e iii) uso das estimativas de localização da fonte anômala produzidas pela deconvolução de Euler como vínculos em métodos de inversão para obter a delineação das fontes em um ambiente computacional amigável.


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O objetivo central deste trabalho é o estudo do desempenho do operador deconvolucional WHL na compressão do pulso-fonte sísmico, sob condições especiais de fase não-mínima e da densidade de eventos no traço, como casos advogados para dados reais e processamento em rotina. O método de ataque ao problema construído é centrado no conteúdo da informação da função autocorrelação submetida a diferentes condições: (a) de truncamento e tipo de janelas; (b) das características da fase do operador (se mínima ou não-mínima); (c) da medida de qualidade; (d) do nível de embranquecimento; (e) do ruído presente e da equalização; (f) do balanceamento do traço; (g) dos princípios físicos da propagação expressos e limitados pelo modelo convolutional. Os resultados obtidos são apenas na forma numérica, organizados na forma de álbuns com dificuldades crescentes, e demonstram como o uso de janelas na autocorrelação serve para diagnosticar e melhorar a performance dos operadores. Concluímos que muitas perguntas ainda surgem quando técnicas de deconvolução são aplicadas a seções sísmicas de bacias sedimentares, e que o modelo de Goupillaud é conveniente para simulações e análises devido a sua descrição matemática simples e completa.


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O presente trabalho trata da aplicação do filtro Kalman-Bucy (FKB), organizado como uma deconvolução (FKBD), para extração da função refletividade a partir de dados sísmicos. Isto significa que o processo é descrito como estocástico não-estacionário, e corresponde a uma generalização da teoria de Wiener-Kolmogorov. A descrição matemática do FKB conserva a relação com a do filtro Wiener-Hopf (FWH) que trata da contra-parte com um processo estocástico estacionário. A estratégia de ataque ao problema é estruturada em partes: (a) Critério de otimização; (b) Conhecimento a priori; (c) Algoritmo; e (d) Qualidade. O conhecimento a priori inclui o modelo convolucional, e estabelece estatísticas para as suas componentes do modelo (pulso-fonte efetivo, função refletividade, ruídos geológico e local). Para demostrar a versatilidade, a aplicabilidade e limitações do método, elaboramos experimentos sistemáticos de deconvolução sob várias situações de nível de ruídos aditivos e de pulso-fonte efetivo. Demonstramos, em primeiro lugar, a necessidade de filtros equalizadores e, em segundo lugar, que o fator de coerência espectral é uma boa medida numérica da qualidade do processo. Justificamos também o presente estudo para a aplicação em dados reais, como exemplificado.