190 resultados para cyclosporin


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We show that anti-IgM-induced cell death in a human B lymphoma cell line, B104, is associated with early intracellular acidification and cell shrinkage. In contrast, another human B cell lymphoma line, Daudi, less susceptible to B cell antigen receptor-mediated cell death, responded to anti-IgM with an early increase in intracellular pH (pHi). The anti-IgM-induced changes of pHi were associated with different levels of activation of the Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1) as judged by its phosphorylation status. Prevention of anti-IgM-induced cell death in B104 cells by the calcineurin phosphatase inhibitor, cyclosporin A, abrogated both intracellular acidification and cell shrinkage and was associated with an increase in the phosphorylation level of NHE1 within the first 60 min of stimulation. This indicates a key role for calcineurin in regulating pHi and cell viability. The potential role of pHi in cell viability was confirmed in Daudi cells treated with an Na+/H+ exchanger inhibitor 5-(N,N-hexamethylene)amiloride. These observations indicate that the outcome of the anti-IgM treatment depends on NHE1-controlled pHi. We suggest that inactivation of the NHE1 in anti-IgM-stimulated cells results in intracellular acidification and subsequently triggers or amplifies cell death.


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Cyclophilin A (CyPA) is specifically incorporated into the virions of HIV-1 and has been shown to enhance significantly an early step of cellular HIV-1 infection. Our preliminary studies implicated CD147 as a receptor for extracellular CyPA. Here, we demonstrate a role for CyPA–CD147 interaction during the early steps of HIV-1 infection. Expression of human CD147 increased infection by HIV-1 under one-cycle conditions. However, susceptibility to infection by viruses lacking CyPA (simian immunodeficiency virus or HIV-1 produced in the presence of cyclosporin A) was unaffected by CD147. Virus-associated CyPA coimmunoprecipitated with CD147 from infected cells. Antibody to CD147 inhibited HIV-1 entry as evidenced by the delay in translocation of the HIV-1 core proteins from the membrane and inhibition of viral reverse transcription. Viruses whose replication did not require CyPA (SIV or mutant HIV-1) were resistant to the inhibitory effect of anti-CD147 antibody. These results suggest that HIV-1 entry depends on an interaction between virus-associated CyPA and CD147 on a target cell.


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Signals that determine fast- and slow-twitch phenotypes of skeletal muscle fibers are thought to stem from depolarization, with concomitant contraction and activation of calcium-dependent pathways. We examined the roles of contraction and activation of calcineurin (CN) in regulation of slow and fast myosin heavy chain (MHC) protein expression during muscle fiber formation in vitro. Myotubes formed from embryonic day 21 rat myoblasts contracted spontaneously, and ∼10% expressed slow MHC after 12 d in culture, as seen by immunofluorescent staining. Transfection with a constitutively active form of calcineurin (CN*) increased slow MHC by 2.5-fold as determined by Western blot. This effect was attenuated 35% by treatment with tetrodotoxin and 90% by administration of the selective inhibitor of CN, cyclosporin A. Conversely, cyclosporin A alone increased fast MHC by twofold. Cotransfection with VIVIT, a peptide that selectively inhibits calcineurin-induced activation of the nuclear factor of activated T-cells, blocked the effect of CN* on slow MHC by 70% but had no effect on fast MHC. The results suggest that contractile activity-dependent expression of slow MHC is mediated largely through the CN–nuclear factor of activated T-cells pathway, whereas suppression of fast MHC expression may be independent of nuclear factor of activated T-cells.


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Increasing evidence suggests that changes in cytosolic Ca2+ levels and phosphorylation play important roles in the regulation of stomatal aperture and as ion transporters of guard cells. However, protein kinases responsible for Ca2+ signaling in guard cells remain to be identified. Using biochemical approaches, we have identified a Ca2+-dependent protein kinase with a calmodulin-like domain (CDPK) in guard cell protoplasts of Vicia faba. Both autophosphorylation and catalytic activity of CDPK are Ca2+ dependent. CDPK exhibits a Ca2+-induced electrophoretic mobility shift and its Ca2+-dependent catalytic activity can be inhibited by the calmodulin antagonists trifluoperazine and N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalenesulfonamide. Antibodies to soybean CDPKα cross-react with CDPK. Micromolar Ca2+ concentrations stimulate phosphorylation of several proteins from guard cells; cyclosporin A, a specific inhibitor of the Ca2+-dependent protein phosphatase calcineurin enhances the Ca2+-dependent phosphorylation of several soluble proteins. CDPK from guard cells phosphorylates the K+ channel KAT1 protein in a Ca2+-dependent manner. These results suggest that CDPK may be an important component of Ca2+ signaling in guard cells.


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Mutations of the Bruton's tyrosine kinase (btk) gene cause X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) in humans and X-linked immune deficiency (Xid) in mice. To establish the BTK role in B-cell activation we examined the responses of wild-type and Xid B cells to stimulation through surface IgM and CD40, the transducers of thymus independent-type 2 and thymus-dependent activation, respectively. Wild-type BTK was necessary for proliferation induced by soluble anti-IgM (a prototype for thymus independent-type 2 antigen), but not for responses to soluble CD40 ligand (CD40L, the B-cell activating ligand expressed on T-helper cells). In the absence of wild-type BTK, B cells underwent apoptotic death after stimulation with anti-IgM. In the presence of wild-type but not mutated BTK, anti-IgM stimulation reduced apoptotic cell death. In contrast, CD40L increased viability of both wild-type and Xid B cells. Importantly, viability after stimulation correlated with the induced expression of bcl-XL. In fresh ex vivo small resting B cells from wild-type mice there was only barely detectable bcl-XL protein, but there was more in the larger, low-density ("activated") splenic B cells and peritoneal B cells. In vitro Bcl-XL induction following ligation of sIgM-required BTK, was cyclosporin A (CsA)-sensitive and dependent on extracellular Ca2+. CD40-mediated induction of bcl-x required neither wild-type BTK nor extracellular Ca2+ and was insensitive to CsA. These results indicate that BTK lies upstream of bcl-XL in the sIgM but not the CD40 activation pathway. bcl-XL is the first induced protein to be placed downstream of BTK.


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Signaling through the interleukin 2 receptor (IL-2R) involves phosphorylation of several proteins including Jak3, STAT5, and, in preactivated cells, STAT3. In the present study, we examined the functional status of the IL-2R-associated Jak/STAT pathway in malignant T lymphocytes from advanced skin-based lymphomas: anaplastic large T-cell lymphoma (ALCL) and Sezary syndrome (SzS). Proliferation of three ALCL cell lines (PB-1, 2A, and 2B) was partially inhibited by rapamycin, a blocker of some of the signals mediated by IL-2R, but not by cyclosporin A, FK-506, and prednisone, which suppress signals mediated by the T-cell receptor. All the cell lines expressed on their surface the high-affinity IL-2R (alpha, beta, and gamma c chains). They showed basal, constitutive phosphorylation, and coassociation of Jak3, STAT5, and STAT3. Weak basal phosphorylation of IL-2R gamma c was also detected. In regard to SzS, peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 10 of 14 patients showed basal phosphorylation of Jak3, accompanied by phosphorylation of STAT5 in 9 patients, and STAT3 in 4 patients. However, in vitro overnight culture of SzS cells without exogenous cytokines resulted in markedly decreased Jak3 and STAT5 phosphorylation, which could be reversed by stimulation with IL-2. This indicates that the basal phosphorylation of Jak3 and STAT5 in freshly isolated SzS cells is induced rather than constitutive. The basal activation of the Jak/STAT pathway involved in IL-2R signal transduction in ALCL and SzS cells reported here suggests that this pathway may play a role in the pathogenesis of cutaneous T-cell lymphomas, although the mechanism (induced versus constitutive) may vary between different lymphoma types.


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Immunophilins are intracellular receptors for the immunosuppressants cyclosporin A, FK506, and rapamycin. In addition to their use in organ transplantation, these natural products have been used to investigate signaling pathways in yeast, plant, and mammalian cells. We have recently described the identification of an immunosuppressant-sensitive signaling pathway in and the purification of several immunophilins from Vicia faba plants. We now report the molecular characterization of a 15 kDa FK506- and rapamycin-binding protein from V. faba (VfFKBP15). The amino acid sequence deduced from the cDNA starts with a signal peptide of 22 hydrophobic amino acids. The core region of VfFKBP15 is most similar to yeast and mammalian FKBP13 localized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In addition, VfFKBP15 has a carboxyl-terminal sequence that is ended with SSEL, a putative ER retention signal. These findings suggest that VfFKBP15 is a functional homolog of FKBP13 from other organisms. Interestingly, two distinct cDNAs corresponding to two isoforms of FKBP15 have been cloned from Arabidopsis and also identified from rice data base, suggesting that pFKBP15 (plant FKBP15) is encoded by a small gene family in plants. This adds to the diversity of plant FKBP members even with the same subcellular localization and is in contrast with the situation in mammalian and yeast systems in which only one FKBP13 gene has been found. Like the mammalian and yeast FKBP13, the recombinant VfFKBP15 protein has rotamase activity that is inhibited by both FK506 and rapamycin with a Ki value of 30 nM and 0.9 nM, respectively, illustrating that VfFKBP15 binds rapamycin in preference over FK506. The mRNA of VfFKBP15 is ubiquitously expressed in various plant tissues including leaves, stems, and roots, consistent with the ER localization of the protein. Levels of VfFKBP15 mRNA are elevated by heat shock, suggesting a possible role for this FKBP member under stress conditions.


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Differentiating 3T3-L1 cells express an immunophilin early during the adipocyte conversion program as described in this issue [Yeh, W.-C., Li, T.-K., Bierer, B. E. & McKnight, S. L. (1995) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 11081-11085]. The temporal expression profile of this protein, designated FK506-binding protein (FKBP) 51, is concordant with the clonal-expansion period undertaken by 3T3-L1 cells after exposure to adipogenic hormones. Having observed FKBP51 synthesis early during adipogenesis, we tested the effects of three immunosuppressive drugs--cyclosporin A, FK506, and rapamycin--on the terminal-differentiation process. Adipocyte conversion was not affected by either cyclosporin A or FK506 and yet was significantly reduced by rapamycin at drug concentrations as low as 10 nM. Clonal expansion was impeded in drug-treated cultures, as was the accumulation of cytoplasmic lipid droplets normally seen late during differentiation. Rapamycin treatment likewise inhibited the expression of CCAAT/enhancer binding protein alpha, a transcription factor required for 3T3-L1 cell differentiation. All three of these effects were reversed by high FK506 concentrations, indicating that the operative inhibitory event was mediated by an immunophilin-rapamycin complex.


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The immunosuppressive drugs cyclosporin A and FK506 interfere with the inducible transcription of cytokine genes in T cells and in other immune cells, in part by preventing the activation of NF-AT (nuclear factor of activated T cells). We show that transcription factor NFAT1 in T cells is rapidly dephosphorylated on stimulation, that dephosphorylation occurs before translocation of NFAT1 into the cell nucleus, and that dephosphorylation increases the affinity of NFAT1 for its specific sites in DNA. Cyclosporin A prevents the dephosphorylation and the nuclear translocation of NFAT1 in T cells, B cells, macrophages, and mast cells, delineating at least one mechanism that contributes to the profound immunosuppressive effects of this compound.


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Synaptic plasticity is modulated by Ca(2+)-induced alterations in the balance between phosphorylation and dephosphorylation. Recent evidence suggests that calcineurin, the Ca(2+)-calmodulin-dependent phosphatase (2B), modulates the activity of postsynaptic glutamate receptors. However, in rat cortex, calcineurin is enriched mainly in presynaptic, not postsynaptic, fractions. To determine if calcineurin modulates glutamatergic neurotransmission through a presynaptic mechanism, we used whole-cell patch clamp experiments to test effects of two specific calcineurin inhibitors, cyclosporin A (CsA) and FK506, on synaptic activity in fetal rat cortical neurons. The rate of spontaneous action-potential firing was markedly increased by either CsA or FK506 but was unaffected by rapamycin, a structural analog of FK506 which has no effect on calcineurin. In voltage-clamp experiments, CsA increased the rate but not the amplitude of glutamate receptor-mediated, excitatory postsynaptic currents, suggesting an increased rate of glutamate release. CsA had no effect on the amplitude of currents evoked by brief bath application of selective glutamate receptor agonists, providing further evidence for a pre- rather than postsynaptic site of action. In conclusion, these data indicate that calcineurin modulates glutamatergic neurotransmission in rat cortical neurons through a presynaptic mechanism.


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Cyclophilins are a family of ubiquitous proteins that are the intracellular target of the immunosuppressant drug cyclosporin A. Although cyclophilins catalyze peptidylprolyl cis-trans isomerization in vitro, it has remained open whether they also perform this function in vivo. Here we show that Cpr3p, a cyclophilin in the matrix of yeast mitochondria, accelerates the refolding of a fusion protein that was synthesized in a reticulocyte lysate and imported into the matrix of isolated yeast mitochondria. The fusion protein consisted of the matrix-targeting sequence of subunit 9 of F1F0-ATPase fused to mouse dihydrofolate reductase. Refolding of the dihydrofolate reductase moiety in the matrix was monitored by acquisition of resistance to proteinase K. The rate of refolding was reduced by a factor of 2-6 by 2.5 microM cyclosporin A. This reduced rate of folding was also observed with mitochondria lacking Cpr3p. In these mitochondria, protein folding was insensitive to cyclosporin A. The rate of protein import was not affected by cyclosporin A or by deletion of Cpr3p.


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Treatment of small resting B cells with soluble F(ab')2 fragments of anti-IgM, an analogue of T-independent type 2 antigens, induced activation characterized by proliferation and the expression of surface CD5. In contrast, B cells induced to proliferate in response to thymus-dependent inductive signals provided by either fixed activated T-helper 2 cells or soluble CD40 ligand-CD8 (CD40L) recombinant protein displayed elevated levels of CD23 (Fc epsilon II receptor) and no surface CD5. Treatment with anti-IgM and CD40L induced higher levels of proliferation and generated a single population of B cells coexpressing minimal amounts of CD5 and only a slight elevation of CD23. Anti-IgM- but not CD40L-mediated activation was highly sensitive to inhibition by cyclosporin A and FK520. Sp-cAMPS, an analogue of cAMP, augmented CD40L and suppressed surface IgM-mediated activation. Taken together these results are interpreted to mean that there is a single population of small resting B cells that can respond to either T-independent type 2 (surface IgM)- or T-dependent (CD40)-mediated activation. In response to different intracellular signals these cells are induced to enter alternative differentiation pathways.


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A cyclophilin (CyP) purified to homogeneity from the polycentric anaerobic rumen fungus Orpinomyces sp. strain PC-2 had a molecular mass of 20.5 kDa and a pI of 8.1. The protein catalyzed the isomerization of the prolyl peptide bond of N-succinyl-Ala-Ala-(cis,trans)-Pro-Phe p-nitroanilide with a kcat/Km value of 9.3 x 10(6) M-1.s-1 at 10 degrees C and pH 7.8. Cyclosporin A strongly inhibited this peptidylprolyl cis-trans isomerase activity with an IC50 of 19.6 nM. The sequence of the first 30 N-terminal amino acids of this CyP had high homology with the N-terminal sequences of other eukaryotic CyPs. By use of a DNA hybridization probe amplified by PCR with degenerate oligonucleotide primers designed based on the amino acid sequences of the N terminus of this CyP and highly conserved internal regions of other CyPs, a full-length cDNA clone was isolated. It possessed an open reading frame encoding a polypeptide of 203 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 21,969, containing a putative hydrophobic signal peptide sequence of 22 amino acids preceding the N terminus of the mature enzyme and a C-terminal sequence, Lys-Ala-Glu-Leu, characteristic of an endoplasmic reticulum retention signal. The Orpinomyces PC-2 CyP is a typical type B CyP. The amino acid sequence of the Orpinomyces CyP exhibits striking degrees of identity with the corresponding human (70%), bovine (69%), mouse (68%), chicken (66%), maize (61%), and yeast (54%) proteins. Phylogenetic analysis based on the CyP sequences indicated that the evolutionary origin of the Orpinomyces CyP was closely related with CyPs of animals.


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A Ceratoconjuntivite Seca (KCS Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca) é uma desordem imunomediada e resulta de alterações do componente aquoso do filme lacrimal e da deficiência dos componentes lipídicos e mucoso.Seu diagnóstico é baseado no Teste Lacrimal de Schirmer (TLS) e no Teste de Ruptura do Filme Lacrimal (TRFL) e tem como sinais clínicos: secreção mucopurulenta, hiperemia conjuntival, blefaroespasmos, fotofobia, incômodo, dor, vascularização, opacidade corneana e pigmentação, além de cegueira em casos avançados. O tratamento convencional consiste em aplicações diárias de Ciclosporina 0,2% ou Tacrolimus 0,03% (pomada ou colírio oftálmicos), que apesar de controlar a doença, são custosos, não curativos e exigem alto comprometimento da interação paciente-proprietário. A terapia celular usando células-tronco (CT) traz uma nova esperança para doenças sem tratamento efetivo. Neste trabalho utilizamos CT mesenquimais (CTM) obtidas a partir de membrana amniótica (CTMA) de cães obtidas a partir do descarte destes tecidos em campanhas de castrações em diferentes tempos gestacionais, sem formação tumoral quando submetidas ao teste tumorigênico durante 60 dias. Dois animais com KCS crônica foram tratados com duas injeções de CTMA com intervalo de 30 dias, sendo a primeira de 0,5x106 células e a segunda de 1x106 células em cada glândula. Na segunda semana após a terapia foi observado aumento da TLS sugerindo um benéficio da terapia que foi diminuindo com o passar das semanas. O TRFL oscilou durante os testes e não apresentou diferenças significativas. A terapia celular utilizando CTMA de cães melhorou a condição ocular nos dois casos em momentos e parâmetros variados, com repercussão na melhoria da superfície, mas não houve regressão do quadro clínico. Investigações futuras em estágios menos avançados da doença podem ajudar a elucidar os mecanismos pelos quais esse efeito foi obtido


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The functional integrity of the immune system is essential for peripheral antinociception. Previous studies have demonstrated that immune cells elicit potent antinociception in inflamed tissues and that corticotropin-releasing factor-induced antinociception is significantly inhibited in animals that have undergone cyclosporin A (CsA)-induced immunosuppression. In this study, we examined the effect of a single bolus of CsA on inflammatory nociception. CsA-treated rats had substantially increased nociception compared with nonimmunosuppressed rats, consistent with a reduction in circulating and infiltrating lymphocytes. Furthermore, CsA-treated rats had inhibition of corticotropin-releasing factor-induced immune-derived antinociception, which was dose-dependently reversed by IV injection of concanavalin A-activated donor lymphocytes (1.0-7.0 X 10(6) cells/0.1 mL). In conclusion, our findings provided further evidence that opioid-containing immune cells are essential for peripheral analgesia. It is evident from these findings that control of inflammatory pain relies heavily on a functioning immune system.