300 resultados para cyclodextrin
Background. Org 25969 is a cyclodextrin compound designed to reverse a rocuronium-induced neuromuscular block. The aim of this study was to explore the efficacy, dose-response relation and safety of Org 25969 for reversal of a prolonged rocuronium-induced neuromuscular block. Methods. Thirty anaesthetised adult patients received rocuronium 0.6mg kg as an initial dose followed by increments to maintain a deep block at level of
A series of supramolecular aggregates were prepared using a poly(propylene oxide) poly(ethylene oxide) poly(propylene oxide) (PPO-PEO-PPO) block copolymer and beta- or alpha-cyclodextrins (CD). The combination of beta-CD and the copolymer yields inclusion complexes (IC) with polypseudorotaxane structures. These are formed by complexation of the PPO blocks with beta-CD molecules producing a powder precipitate with a certain crystallinity degree that can be evaluated by X-ray diffraction (XRD). In contrast, when combining alpha-CD with the block copolymer, the observed effect is an increase in the viscosity of the mixtures, yielding fluid gels. Two cooperative effects come into play: the complexation of PEO blocks with alpha-CD and the hydrophobic interactions between PPO blocks in aqueous media. These two combined interactions lead to the formation of a macromoleculaf network. The resulting fluid gels were characterized using different techniques such as differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), viscometry, and XRD measurements.
Different types of gels were prepared by combining poloxamines (Tetronic), i.e. poly(ethylene oxide)/poly(propylene oxide) (PEO/PPO) octablock star copolymers, and cyclodextrins (CD). Two different poloxamines with the same molecular weight (ca. 7000) but different molecular architectures were used. For each of their four diblock arms, direct Tetronic 904 presents PEO outer blocks while in reverse Tetronic 90R4 the hydrophilic PEO blocks are the inner ones. These gels were prepared by combining alpha-CD and poloxamine aqueous solutions. The physicochemical properties of these systems depend on several factors such as the structure of the block copolymers and the Tetronic/alpha-CD ratio. These gels were characterized using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), viscometry and X-ray diffraction measurements. The 90R4 gels present a consistency that makes them suitable for sustained drug delivery. The resulting gels were easily eroded: these complexes were dismantled when placed in a large amount of water, so controlled release of entrapped large molecules such as proteins (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA) is feasible and can be tuned by varying the copolymer/CD ratio.
It is an exciting era for molecular computation because molecular logic gates are being pushed in new directions. The use of sulfur rather than the commonplace nitrogen as the key receptor atom in metal ion sensors is one of these directions; plant cells coming within the jurisdiction of fluorescent molecular thermometers is another, combining photochromism with voltammetry for molecular electronics is yet another. Two-input logic gates benefit from old ideas such as rectifying bilayer electrodes, cyclodextrin-enhanced room-temperature phosphorescence, steric hindrance, the polymerase chain reaction, charge transfer absorption of donor–acceptor complexes and lectin–glycocluster interactions. Furthermore, the concept of photo-uncaging enables rational ways of concatenating logic gates. Computational concepts are also applied to potential cancer theranostics and to the selective monitoring of neurotransmitters in situ. Higher numbers of inputs are also accommodated with the concept of functional integration of gates, where complex input–output patterns are sought out and analysed. Molecular emulation of computational components such as demultiplexers and parity generators/checkers are achieved in related ways. Complexity of another order is tackled with molecular edge detection routines.
A presente dissertação contempla estudos de reactividade na periferia e no interior do macrociclo corrólico, nomeadamente do 5,10,15- tris(pentafluorofenil)corrol. Nesses estudos foram estabelecidas novas rotas de síntese para a preparação de novos derivados tetrapirrólicos do tipo corrol, alguns deles com potencial aplicação medicinal. Na primeira parte, foi estudado o comportamento de 5,10,15- tris(pentafluorofenil)corrol como componente 2ʌ em reacções de cicloadição de Diels-Alder com hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos, designadamente antraceno, tetraceno, nafto[2,3-a]pireno e pentaceno. Estas reacções foram efectuadas em aquecimento clássico e com radiação de microondas. Desses estudos concluiu-se que todos os hidrocarbonetos aromáticos considerados, à excepção do nafto[2,3-a]pireno, reagem segundo reacções de Diels-Alder, mas apenas com o pentaceno se obtêm aductos provenientes de reacções de cicloadição [4+4]. Os resultados obtidos em algumas destas reacções levaram a um estudo aprofundado sobre a estabilidade do macrociclo considerado. Este estudo foi efectuado sob condições térmicas, sob a acção da luz e na presença de um agente promotor de radicais. Desses estudos concluiu-se que apenas com aquecimento clássico é possível obter o dímero com o anel ciclooctatetraeno ligado pelas posições C-2, C-2’ e C-18, C-18’ e o dímero assimétrico ligado pelas posições C-2 e C-3’. Na presença de luz ou na presença de agente promotor de radicais obtém-se o dímero simétrico ligado pelas posições C-3 e C-3’. O estudo do mecanismo da reacção de dimerização na presença de luz levou ainda à síntese de um corrol mono-iodado. Foi ainda analisado o comportamento de 5,10,15-tris(pentafluorofenil)corrol e de 5,10,15-tris(pentafluorofenil)corrolatogálio(III)(piridina) na presença de iletos de azometino. Destes estudos resultou o desenvolvimento de novas rotas de síntese para a obtenção de novos derivados do tipo amina e do tipo éter. Na terceira parte, descrevem-se estudos de complexação do 5,10,15- tris(pentafluorofenil)corrol com diferentes sais metálicos por espectrometria de massa. Foram usados como fontes de ionização o Electrospray e o LSIMS. Os resultados obtidos comprovaram que os metalocorróis obtidos na fonte são idênticos aos metalocorróis sintetizados. Na quarta parte deste trabalho foram sintetizados novos conjugados corrolciclodextrina por meio de reacções de substituição nucleófila. A actividade fotodinâmica destes derivados foi avaliada numa linha celular cancerígena. A estrutura dos compostos sintetizados foi estabelecida recorrendo a diversas técnicas espectroscópicas actuais, principalmente espectroscopia de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear (RMN de 1H, 13C e 19F, DEPT, COSY, HSQC, HMBC e NOESY), espectrometria de massa em LSIMS, ESI e MALDI e ainda recorrendo a espectrofotometria de Ultravioleta-Visível (UV-vis).
A presente dissertação descreve a síntese e o estudo de propriedades fotofísicas e biológicas de sistemas baseados em ftalocianinas. Os sistemas sintetizados consistem em ftalocianinas contendo unidades de D-galactose, ciclodextrinas, [60]fulereno ou porfirinas. Na primeira parte da dissertação aborda-se a síntese de ftalocianinas substituídas com unidades de D-galactose, com o intuito de serem utilizadas como fotossensibilizadores em terapia fotodinâmica. A eficiência de geração de oxigénio singuleto induzida pelas glicoftalocianinas, bem como a sua actividade fotodinâmica in vitro em células HeLa são avaliadas. Adicionalmente são descritos os estudos de MALDI-MS/MS de dois pares de glicoftalocianinas isoméricas. Numa segunda parte, descrevem-se a síntese e a caracterização de sistemas supramoleculares de ftalocianinas ligadas a ciclodextrinas ou [60]fulereno. Foram desenvolvidas metodologias sintéticas para obter complexos ftalocianínicos de ruténio(II) substituídos axialmente com derivados de ciclodextrinas, e complexos ftalocianínicos de zinco(II) ligados covalentemente a ciclodextrinas. Descreve-se também a síntese de uma díade ftalocianina- [60]fulereno. A estratégia sintética envolve um peculiar primeiro passo, uma reacção de aminação redutiva, no qual se obtém uma ftalocianina funcionalizada com glicina, seguida da habitual reacção de cicloadição 1,3- dipolar. Na terceira parte, abordam-se sistemas dador-aceitador de díades porfirinaftalocianina, como modelos promissores para mimetizar sistemas fotossintéticos naturais. Diferentes tipos de díades porfirina-ftalocianina, ligadas através do grupo fenilo da posição meso ou da posição β-pirrólica da porfirina, são sintetizadas e caracterizadas. As abordagens sintéticas envolvem reacções de aminação catalisadas por paládio e reacções de condensação cruzada de dois ftalonitrilos adequadamente substituídos. Também se descrevem processos de transferência de energia e electrónica fotoinduzidos que se formam a partir das díades porfirina-ftalocianina.
This dissertation describes the synthesis and characterization of different phthalocyanine (Pc) derivatives, as well as some porphyrins (Pors), for supramolecular interaction with different carbon nanostructures, to evaluate their potential application in electronic nanodevices. Likewise, it is also reported the preparation and biological evaluation of interesting phthalocyanine conjugates for cancer photodynamic therapy (PDT) and microorganisms photodynamic inactivation (PDI). The phthalonitrile precursors were prepared from commercial phthalonitriles by nucleophilic substitution of -NO2, -Cl, or -F groups, present in the phthalonitrile core, by thiol or pyridyl units. After the synthesis of these phthalonitriles, the corresponding Pcs were prepared by ciclotetramerization using a metallic salt as template at high temperatures. A second strategy involved the postfunctionalization of hexadecafluorophthalocyaninato zinc(II) through the adequate substituents of mercaptopyridine or cyclodextrin units on the macrocycle periphery. The different compounds were structurally characterized by diverse spectroscopic techniques, namely 1H, 13C and 19F nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies (attending the elemental composition of each structure); absorption and emission spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry. For the specific photophysical studies were also used electrochemical characterization, femtosecond and raman spectroscopy, transmission electron and atomic force microscopy. It was highlighted the noncovalent derivatisation of carbon nanostructures, mainly single wall carbon nanotubes (SWNT) and graphene nanosheets with the prepared Pc conjugates to study the photophysical properties of these supramolecular nanoassemblies. Also, from pyridyl-Pors and ruthenium phthalocyanines (RuPcs) were performed Por-RuPcs arrays via coordination chemistry. The results obtained of the novel supramolecular assemblies showed interesting electron donor-acceptor interactions and might be considered attractive candidates for nanotechnological devices. On the other hand, the amphiphilic phthalocyanine-cyclodextrin (Pc-CD) conjugates were tested in biological trials to assess their ability to inhibit UMUC- 3 human bladder cancer cells. The results obtained demonstrated that these photoactive conjugates are highly phototoxic against human bladder cancer cells and could be applied as promising PDT drugs.
Mestrado em Engenharia Química - Ramo Tecnologias de Protecção Ambiental
O crescimento populacional esperado para os próximos anos conduzirá à necessidade de aumentar a produção agrícola de modo a satisfazer o aumento da procura. Nos últimos anos tem-se assistido a uma evolução tecnológica nos sistemas de produção que tem permitido aumentar a produtividade agrícola, por vezes à custa de elevados consumos de energia e com práticas nem sempre ambientalmente corretas. Os desafios que se colocam atualmente são no sentido de melhorar a conservação de recursos escassos, como o solo e a água, de aumentar a eficiência de uso de fatores de produção, de encontrar novas culturas, do desenvolvimento da biotecnologia, da diminuição dos consumos energéticos e de melhorar ainda mais as tecnologias associadas à produção. De maneira a responder aos desafios emergentes da procura por alimentos, da escassez de terrenos agrícolas aráveis bem como da existência de pragas de insetos e de ervas daninhas, os pesticidas tem vindo a ser usados com maior frequência, tendo-se assistido a uma contaminação dos solos e águas subterrâneas, causando deste modo um risco para a saúde dos seres vivos. Neste sentido, vários fabricantes de pesticidas estão a desenvolver novas formulações contendo pesticidas encapsulados em nanopartículas como modo de aumentar a sua solubilidade em água, biodisponibilidade, volatilidade, estabilidade e eficácia. tendo por objetivo um desenvolvimento sustentável. Neste trabalho, procedeu-se ao estudo do encapsulamento do herbicida Oxadiargil (5-terc-butil-3-[2,4-dicloro-5-(2-propiniloxi)fenil]-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2(3H)-ona) com a 2-hidroxipropil-β-ciclodextrina (HP-β-CD). O estudo da formação do complexo de inclusão Oxadiargil - HP-β-CD foi realizado em diferentes meios, água desionizada, tampão acetato pH = 3,46 e pH = 5,34 e tampão fosfato pH = 7,45, com o objetivo de determinar e comparar a sua constante de estabilidade. Verificou-se, em qualquer dos casos, a ocorrência de uma relação linear entre o aumento da solubilidade do Oxadiargil e o aumento da concentração de HP-β-CD, com um declive inferior a um, o que indicia a formação de um complexo na proporção estequiométrica de 1:1. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que o processo de complexação Oxadiargil - HP-β-CD não é muito influenciado pela constituição e pelo pH do meio. De facto, as constantes de estabilidade obtidas para a água desionizada e soluções-tampão pH = 3,46, pH = 5,34 e pH = 7,45 foram de 919 ± 25, 685 ± 13, 623 ± 17 e 753 ± 9, respetivamente. A solubilidade do complexo obtido nos estudos realizados, em diferentes meios, é cerca de 23 a 32 vezes superior à observada para o Oxadiargil livre. De forma a caracterizar o complexo Oxadiargil - HP-β-CD procedeu-se à sua síntese utilizando o método de “kneading”. O composto obtido foi caracterizado por Ressonância Magnética Nuclear (RMN) tendo-se confirmado a formação de um complexo de inclusão na proporção estequiométrica de 1:1. O complexo obtido é mais solúvel e porventura mais estável quimicamente. O encapsulamento permite uma redução da aplicação dos pesticidas diminuindo assim os custos e o impacto negativo no ambiente. Com a nanotecnologia é possível a libertação controlada dos pesticidas, aumentando a sua eficácia e fornecendo os meios necessários para um desenvolvimento sustentável.
Sulfamethoxazole (SMX) is among the antibiotics employed in aquaculture for prophylactic and therapeutic reasons. Environmental and food spread may be prevented by controlling its levels in several stages of fish farming. The present work proposes for this purpose new SMX selective electrodes for the potentiometric determination of this sulphonamide in water. The selective membranes were made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with tetraphenylporphyrin manganese (III) chloride or cyclodextrin-based acting as ionophores. 2-nitrophenyl octyl ether was employed as plasticizer and tetraoctylammonium, dimethyldioctadecylammonium bromide or potassium tetrakis (4-chlorophenyl) borate was used as anionic or cationic additive. The best analytical performance was reported for ISEs of tetraphenylporphyrin manganese (III) chloride with 50% mol of potassium tetrakis (4-chlorophenyl) borate compared to ionophore. Nersntian behaviour was observed from 4.0 × 10−5 to 1.0 × 10−2 mol/L (10.0 to 2500 µg/mL), and the limit of detection was 1.2 × 10−5 mol/L (3.0 µg/mL). In general, the electrodes displayed steady potentials in the pH range of 6 to 9. Emf equilibrium was reached before 15 s in all concentration levels. The electrodes revealed good discriminating ability in environmental samples. The analytical application to contaminated waters showed recoveries from 96 to 106%.
Solid-contact sensors for the selective screening of sulfadiazine (SDZ) in aquaculture waters are reported. Sensor surfaces were made from PVC membranes doped with tetraphenylporphyrin-manganese(III) chloride, α-cyclodextrin, β-cyclodextrin, or γ-cyclodextrin ionophores that were dispersed in plasticizer. Some membranes also presented a positive or a negatively charged additive. Phorphyrin-based sensors relied on a charged carrier mechanism. They exhibited a near-Nernstian response with slopes of 52 mV decade−1 and detection limits of 3.91 × 10−5 mol L−1. The addition of cationic lipophilic compounds to the membrane originated Nernstian behaviours, with slopes ranging 59.7–62.0 mV decade−1 and wider linear ranges. Cyclodextrin-based sensors acted as neutral carriers. In general, sensors with positively charged additives showed an improved potentiometric performance when compared to those without additive. Some SDZ selective membranes displayed higher slopes and extended linear concentration ranges with an increasing amount of additive (always <100% ionophore). The sensors were independent from the pH of test solutions within 2–7. The sensors displayed fast response, always <15 s. In general, a good discriminating ability was found in real sample environment. The sensors were successfully applied to the fast screening of SDZ in real waters samples from aquaculture fish farms. The method offered the advantages of simplicity, accuracy, and automation feasibility. The sensing membrane may contribute to the development of small devices allowing in locus measurements of sulfadiazine or parent-drugs.
The mechanism of CD8 cooperation with the TCR in antigen recognition was studied on live T cells. Fluorescence correlation measurements yielded evidence of the presence of two TCR and CD8 subpopulations with different lateral diffusion rate constants. Independently, evidence for two subpopulations was derived from the experimentally observed two distinct association phases of cognate peptide bound to class I MHC (pMHC) tetramers and the T cells. The fast phase rate constant ((1.7 +/- 0.2) x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1)) was independent of examined cell type or MHC-bound peptides' structure. Its value was much faster than that of the association of soluble pMHC and TCR ((7.0 +/- 0.3) x 10(3) M(-1) s(-1)), and close to that of the association of soluble pMHC with CD8 ((1-2) x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1)). The fast binding phase disappeared when CD8-pMHC interaction was blocked by a CD8-specific mAb. The latter rate constant was slowed down approximately 10-fold after cells treatment with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin. These results suggest that the most efficient pMHC-cell association route corresponds to a fast tetramer binding to a colocalized CD8-TCR subpopulation, which apparently resides within membrane rafts: the reaction starts by pMHC association with the CD8. This markedly faster step significantly increases the probability of pMHC-TCR encounters and thereby promotes pMHC association with CD8-proximal TCR. The slow binding phase is assigned to pMHC association with a noncolocalized CD8-TCR subpopulation. Taken together with results of cytotoxicity assays, our data suggest that the colocalized, raft-associated CD8-TCR subpopulation is the one capable of inducing T-cell activation.
Flavour is a combination of taste, odour, and chemesthetic sensations. Close associations exist between these sensory modalities, and thus, the overall flavour of a food or beverage product can change when the intensity of one or more of these sensations is altered. Strategies to modify flavour are often utilized by the food industry, and are central to the engineering of new and reformulated products. For functional food and beverages, flavour modification is particularly important, as fortifying agents can elicit high levels of less than desirable sensations, such as bitterness and astringency. The application of various flavour modifying strategies can decrease the perceived intensity of these sensations, and in tum, improve the sensory profile of the product. This collection of studies describes the sensory characteristics of experimental functional beverages fortified with trans-resveratrol, (+)-catechin, and/or caffeine, and examines the impact of novel flavour modifying strategies on the perceived flavour of these beverages. In the first study, results demonstrate that the flavour profile of Cabemet Sauvignon wines fortified with 20 mglL and 200 mg/L of trans-resveratrol is not perceived as different compared to control wine (0 mglL). However, Riesling wine fortified with 200 mg/L is perceived as significantly higher in bitterness compared to 20 mglL and control. For some functional food formulations, alternative strategies for flavour modification are needed. Traditional methods, such as the addition of sucrose and sodium chloride, may decrease the perceived 'healthiness' of a product, and thus, may be sub-optimal. In a second study, high and low concentrations of five different bitter inhibiting compounds - 'bitter blockers' - (B-cyclodextrin, homoeridictyol sodium salt, carboxymethylcellulose - low viscosity, zinc sulfate, magnesium sulfate) were tested for their efficacy towards decreasing the bitterness of high and low concentrations of caffeine and (+)catechin - two health-relevant, plant-derived bitterants. B-cyclodextrin and homoeridictyol sodium salt were the most effective blockers at decreasing (+ )-catechin and caffeine, respectively. In addition to bitter blockers, additional flavour modifying strategies, either alone or in combination - may also be successful in functional food formulations. Both sucrose and rebaudioside A - a plant-derived sweetener - were effective at decreasing the bitterness of (+)catechin. When added to (+)-catechin along with B-cyc1odextrin, both sweeteners provided the most effective decrease in bitterness compared to binary, ternary, or quaternary mixtures of (+)catechin together with bitter blockers, sweeteners, andlor odourants. The perceived intensity of sensations elicited by sweeteners and odourants was not affected by the addition of bitter blockers, and thus, their impact within these complex matrices is minimal. In addition, withinmodal (taste-taste) compared to cross-modal (taste-odour) sensory interactions were more effective at decreasing the bitterness of (+ )-catechin. Overall, results from these studies demonstrate that certain novel, alternative flavour modifying approaches may be successful towards lowering the bitterness and astringency elicited by (+ )-catechin and caffeine in aqueous solutions.
L’entérotoxine stable à la chaleur STb est produite par les Escherichia coli entérotoxinogènes (ETEC). Son rôle dans la diarrhée post-sevrage porcine est établi. L’internalisation de STb a été observée dans des cellules épithéliales intestinales humaines et de rat. Cependant, le mécanisme d’internalisation n’est pas totalement compris, particulièrement dans le jéjunum porcin, la cible in vivo de STb. Par la cytométrie en flux, nous avons examiné l’internalisation de STb couplée à un marqueur fluorescent dans les cellules épithéliales intestinales porcines IPEC-J2 et les fibroblastes murins NIH3T3. Nos résultats révèlent que l’internalisation de STb est températureindépendante dans les IPEC-J2 tandis qu’elle est température-dépendante dans les NIH3T3, où la réorganisation de l’actine est aussi nécessaire. Toutefois, les niveaux de sulfatide, le récepteur de STb, sont semblables à la surface des deux lignées. Le sulfatide est internalisé à 37°C de façon similaire entre les deux types cellulaires. La rupture des lipid rafts, les microdomaines membranaires contenant le sulfatide, par la méthyl-βcyclodextrine ou la génistéine, n’affecte pas l’internalisation de STb dans les deux lignées. Notre étude indique que le mécanisme d’internalisation de STb est dépendant du type cellulaire. L’activité de la cellule hôte peut être requise ou non. Le récepteur de STb, le sulfatide, n’est pas directement impliqué dans ces mécanismes. L’internalisation activité cellulaire-dépendante suggère une endocytose, nécessitant la réorganisation de l’actine mais pas les lipid rafts. L’internalisation de STb est donc un processus complexe dépendant du type cellulaire, qu’il apparait plus relevant d’étudier dans des modèles cellulaires représentatifs des conditions in vivo.
Les sels d’imidazolium ont un rôle important dans certaines protéines et acides nucléiques et ont été utilisés à de nombreuses reprises dans des assemblages supramoléculaires en raison de leurs propriétés uniques. Les sels de diimidazolium dérivés sont toutefois moins connus. Ils ont pour l’instant uniquement été utilisés comme des précurseurs de carbènes N-hétérocycliques. Ils sont donc à la base de plusieurs catalyseurs utilisés pour des réactions de couplage croisés mais leurs propriétés sont toutefois méconnues dans le cadre de la chimie supramoléculaire. Cette classe de composés a nottament attiré notre attention en raison de la facilité de modification de leurs propriétés physico-chimiques par modification de leur structure chimique. L’objectif général des travaux présentés dans cette thèse est l’étude des propriétés supramoléculaires des sels de diimidazolium disubstitués en solution (aqueuse ou organique), ainsi qu’en phase solide ou cristal-liquide. L’influence de l’espaceur entre les deux noyaux imidazolium ainsi que l’influence des substituants latéraux et des contre-ions a été étudiée. Dans un premier temps, les propriétés de complexation des sels de diimidazolium à des macrocycles sont étudiées. Les sels bromure sont étudiés en solution aqueuse avec plusieurs cyclodextrines et le cucurbit[7]uril, et les sels hexafluorophosphate sont étudiés en solution organique pour leur complexation avec l’éther couronne DB24C8 et un calix[4]arène. Cette nouvelle classe de composés a montré de très bonnes propriétés de complexation à ces différents macrocycles en solution et a également permis de contrôler différents assemblages supramoléculaires à l’interface air-eau. Dans un deuxième temps, l’étude des sels de phénylènediimidazolium a permis de modifier les propriétés de complexation en solution pour obtenir la formation de complexes multiples avec le cucurbit[7]util en solution aqueuse. Cette même famille de composés a également permis la formation de cristaux liquides ioniques lorsque les substituants sont des chaînes alkyles plus longues. La résolution de plusieurs structures cristallines de différents sels de diimidazolium a finalement permis de comprendre la nature des interactions intermoléculaires à l’état cristallin. La recherche présentée dans cette thèse a donc permis une étude détaillée des propriétés supramoléculaires des sels de diimidazolium dans tous les états de la matière qui leur sont accessibles.