997 resultados para crisis, fondos de inversión, Costa Rica, mercado de valores


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Aquest projecte s’ emmarca dins el camp de la gestió i la planificació del territori. El cas d’ estudi en qüestió es desenvolupa a Playa Tamarindo (Costa Rica). Es realitza una anàlisi de la situació actual i s’ estudia l’ evolució d’ aquesta localitat en els darrers anys. Aquesta anàlisi determina els canvis que han estat presents tant des del punt de vista físic com socioeconòmic, avaluant-els i quantifican-els per poder-los contrastar


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The understanding of sedimentary evolution is intimately related to the knowledge of the exact ages of the sediments. When working on carbonate sediments, age dating is commonly based on paleontological observations and established biozonations, which may prove to be relatively imprecise. Dating by means of strontium isotope ratios in marine bioclasts is the probably best method in order to precisely date carbonate successions, provided that the sample reflects original marine geochemical characteristics. This requires a precise study of the samples including its petrography, SEM and cathodoluminescence observations, stable carbon and oxygen isotope geochemistry and finally the strontium isotope measurement itself. On the Nicoya Peninsula (Northwestern Costa Rica) sediments from the Piedras Blancas Formation, Nambi Formation and Quebrada Pavas Formation were dated by the means of strontium isotope ratios measured in Upper Cretaceous Inoceramus shell fragments. Results have shown average 87Sr/86Sr values of 0.707654 (middle late Campanian) for the Piedras Blancas Formation, 0.707322 (Turonian-Coniacian) for the Nambi Formation and 0.707721 (late Campanian-Maastrichtian) for the Quebrada Pavas Formation. Abundant detrital components in the studied formations constitute a difficulty to strontium isotope dating. In fact, the fossil bearing sediments can easily contaminate the target fossil with strontium mobilized form basalts during diagenesis and thus the obtained strontium isotope ratios may be influenced significantly and so will the obtained ages. The new and more precise age assignments allow for more precision in the chronostratigraphic chart of the sedimentary and tectonic evolution of the Nicoya Peninsula, providing a better insight on the evolution of this region. Meteor Cruise M81 dredged shallow water carbonates from the Hess Rise and Hess Escarpment during March 2010. Several of these shallow water carbonates contain abundant Larger Foraminifera that indicates an Eocene-Oligocene age. In this study the strontium isotope values ranging from 0.707847 to 0.708238 can be interpreted as a Rupelian to Chattian age of these sediments. These platform sediments are placed on seamounts, now located at depths reaching 1600 m. Observation of sedimentologic characteristics of these sediments has helped to resolve apparent discrepancies between fossil and strontium isotope ages. Hence, it is possible to show that the subsidence was active during early Miocene times. On La Désirade (Guadeloupe France), the Neogene to Quaternary carbonate cover has been dated by microfossils and some U/Th-ages. Disagreements subsisted in the paleontological ages of the formations. Strontium isotope ratios ranging from 0.709047 to 0.709076 showed the Limestone Table of La Désirade to range from an Early Pliocene to Late Pliocene/early Pleistocene age. A very late Miocene age (87Sr/86Sr =0.709013) can be determined to the Detrital Offshore Limestone. The flat volcanic basement had to be eroded by wave-action during a long-term stable relative sea-level. Sediments of the Table Limestone on La Désirade show both low-stand and high-stand facies that encroach on the igneous basement, implying deposition during a major phase of subsidence creating accommodation space. Subsidence is followed by tectonic uplift documented by fringing reefs and beach rocks that young from the top of the Table Limestone (180 m) towards the present coastline. Strontium isotope ratios from two different fringing reefs (0.707172 and 0.709145) and from a beach rock (0.709163) allow tentative dating, (125ky, ~ 400ky, 945ky) and indicate an uplift rate of about 5cm/ky for this time period of La Désirade Island. The documented subsidence and uplift history calls for a new model of tectonic evolution of the area.


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Eighty-four species of benthic and one species of planktonic Foraminifera,classified under 40 genera and 34 families reported for Costa Rica are listed in thispaper. These lists are based on literature data and ongoing studies. All (except forfour species from the Caribbean) are reports from the Pacific Ocean, and most arefrom offshore or have no specific indication of where in Costa Rica the Foraminiferawere collected. Of the other Central American countries there is little informationexcept from Panama. More research is needed on Foraminifera, since they may bea predominant group in some areas and ecosystems, for example the meiofauna ofCaño Island, and much more research is need on planktonic Foraminifera.


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Novos registros: Sphallonycha irundisa Galileo & Martins, 2001 para o Ecuador; Hilaroleopsis icuapira Martins & Galileo, 1992, para a Costa Rica. Novos táxons descritos da Costa Rica: Apebusu gen. nov., espécie-tipo A. rubriventris sp. nov.; Esamirim gen. nov., espécie-tipo E. fasciatus sp. nov.; E. carinatus sp. nov.; Kuatinga gen. nov. espécie-tipo, K.. bicolor sp. nov.: Hilaroleopsis theurgus sp. nov.; Abanycha pectoralis sp. nov.; do Panamá: Esamirim divisus sp. nov. Nova combinação: Esamirim chionides (Bates,1885) comb. nov. (anteriormente em Adesmus). Chaves para gêneros de Hemilophini com garras tarsais internas reduzidas e para as espécies de Esamirim são fornecidas.


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Três espécies novas de abelhas do gênero Lestrimelitta são descritas: L. danuncia sp. nov. (da Costa Rica e Panamá), L. mourei sp. nov. (da Costa Rica) e L. glaberrima sp. nov. (da Guiana Francesa). Todas essas espécies foram identificadas anteriormente como Lestrimelitta limao Smith.


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Cordiluroides Albuquerque is a genus of Neotropical Coenosiinae (Muscidae), known from six species. The genus is here recorded for the first time from Costa Rica, on the basis of three species: C. listrata Albuquerque, 1954, C. insularis (Willliston, 1896) and C. bistriata (Wulp, 1896) sp. rev.. We provide a key for the identification of these Costa Rican species, redescribe and illustrate their external morphological characters and terminalia. C. bistriata and C. vittifera (Stein, 1904) are both considered to be good species and are re-instated from the synonymy of C. insularis. The type material of C. listrata (Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro), of C. insularis and C. bistriata (The Natural History Museum, London) and of C. vittifera (Museum für Naturkunde, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) has been examined.


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Somente quatro espécies de Parandrini eram conhecidas da Costa Rica e do Panamá: três em Parandra Latreille, 1802 (das quais só duas estavam registradas para o Panamá) e uma em Birandra Santos-Silva, 2002. Este trabalho registra Parandra (Parandra) solisi (Santos-Silva, 2007) pela primeira vez para o Panamá e acrescenta duas espécies novas: Parandra (Parandra) gilloglyi sp. nov., procedente do Panamá, e Birandra (Birandra) boucheri sp. nov., proveniente da Costa Rica e Panamá. São fornecidas chaves para as espécies de Parandra (Parandra) que ocorrem na Costa Rica e Panamá e para as espécies de Birandra (Birandra) conhecidas na América Central.


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We present a new model to explain the origin, emplacement and stratigraphy of the Nicoya Complex in the NW part of the Nicoya Peninsula (Costa Rica) based on twenty-five years of field work, accompanied with the evolution of geochemical, vulcanological, petrological, sedimentological and paleontological paradigms. The igneous-sedimentary relation, together with radiolarian biochronology of the NW-Nicoya Peninsula is re-examined. We interpret the Nicoya Complex as a cross-section of a fragment of the Late Cretaceous Caribbean Plateau, in which the deepest levels are exposed in the NW-Nicoya Peninsula. Over 50% of the igneous rocks are intrusive (gabbros and in less proportion plagiogranites) which have a single mantle source; the remainder are basalts with a similar geochemical signature. Ar39/Ar40 radioisotopic whole rock and plagioclase ages range throughout the area from 84 to 83 Ma (Santonian) for the intrusives, and from 139 to 88 Ma (Berriasian-Turonian) for the basalts. In contrast, Mn-radiolarites that crop out in the area are older in age, Bajocian (Middle Jurassic) to Albian (middle Cretaceous). These Mn-radiolaritic blocks are set in a "matrix" of multiple gabbros and diabases intrusions. Chilled margins of magmatites, and hydrothermal baking and leaching of the radiolarites confirm the Ar39/Ar40 dating of igneous rocks being consistently younger than most of the radiolarian cherts. No Jurassic magmatic basement has been identified on the Nicoya Peninsula. We interpret the Jurassic-Cretaceous chert sediment pile to have been disrupted and detached from its original basement by multiple magmatic events that occurred during the formation of the Caribbean Plateau. Coniacian-Santonian (Late Cretaceous), Fe-rich radiolarites are largely synchronous and associated with late phases of the Plateau.


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We propose a new terrane subdivision of Nicaragua and Northern Costa Rica, based on Upper Triassic to Upper Cretaceous radiolarian biochronology of ribbon radiolarites, the newly studied Siuna Serpentinite Mélange, and published 40Ar/39Ar dating and geochemistry of mafic and ultramafic igneous rock units of the area. The new Mesquito Composite Oceanic Terrane (MCOT) comprises the southern half of the Chortis Block, that was assumed to be a continental fragment of N-America. The MCOT is defined by 4 corner localities characterized by ultramafic and mafic oceanic rocks and radiolarites of Late Triassic, Jurassic and Early Cretaceous age: 1. The Siuna Serpentinite Mélange (NE-Nicaragua), 2. The El Castillo Mélange (Nicaragua/Costa Rica border), 3.The Santa Elena Ultramafics (N-Costa Rica) and, 4. DSDP Legs 67/84. 1. The Siuna Serpentinite Mélange contains, high pressure metamorphic mafics and Middle Jurassic (Bajocian-Bathonian) radiolarites in original, sedimentary contact with arc-metandesites. The Siuna Mélange also contains Upper Jurassic black detrital chert formed in a marginal (fore-arc?) basin shortly before subduction. A phengite 40Ar/39Ar -cooling age dates the exhumation of the high pressure rocks as 139 Ma (earliest Cretaceous). 2. The El Castillo Mélange comprises a radiolarite block tectonically embedded in serpentinite that yielded a diverse Rhaetian (latest Triassic) radiolarian assemblage, the oldest fossils recovered so far from S-Central America. 3. The Santa Elena Ultramafics of N-Costa Rica together with the serpentinite outcrops near El Castillo (2) in Southern Nicaragua, are the southernmost outcrops of the MCOT. The Santa Elena Unit (3) itself is still undated, but it is thrust onto the middle Cretaceous Santa Rosa Accretionary Complex (SRAC), that contains Lower to Upper Jurassic, highly deformed radiolarite blocks, probably reworked from the MCOT, which was the upper plate with respect to the SRAC. 4. Serpentinites, metagabbros and basalts have long been known from DSDP Leg 67/84 (3), drilled off Guatemala in the Nicaragua-Guatemala forearc basement. They have been restudied and reveal 40Ar/39Ar dated Upper Triassic to middle Cretaceous enriched Ocean Island Basalts and Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous depleted Island arc rocks of probable Pacific origin. The area between localities 1-4 is largely covered by Tertiary to Recent arcs, but we suspect that its basement is made of oceanic/accreted terranes. Earthquake seismic studies indicate an ill-defined, shallow Moho in this area. The MCOT covers most of Nicaragua and could extend to Guatemala to the W and form the Lower (southern) Nicaragua Rise to the NE. Some basement complexes of Jamaica, Hispaniola and Puerto Rico may also belong to the MCOT. The Nicoya Complex s. str. has been regarded as an example of Caribbean crust and the Caribbean Large Igneous Province (CLIP). However, 40Ar/39Ar - dates on basalts and intrusives indicate ages as old as Early Cretaceous. Highly deformed Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous radiolarites occur as blocks within younger intrusives and basalts. Our interpretation is that radiolarites became first accreted to the MCOT, then became reworked into the Nicoya Plateau in Late Cretaceous times. This implies that the Nicoya Plateau formed along the Pacific edge of the MCOT, independent form the CLIP and most probably unrelated with he Galapagos hotspot. No Jurassic radiolarite, no older sediment age than Coniacian-Santonian, and no older 40Ar/39Ar age than 95 Ma is known from S-Central America between SE of Nicoya and Colombia. For us this area represents the trailing edge of the CLIP s. str.