886 resultados para core-shell


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Acknowledgements We thank the University of Aberdeen for financial support and Dr K. McManus (University of Aberdeen) for performing preliminary experiments with these samples. Electron microscopy and EDS were performed by RTB at the Electron Microscopy Facility, University of St Andrews.


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The synthesis and characterization of new organosilicon derivatives of N3P3Cl6, N3P3[NH(CH2)3Si(OEt)3]6 (1), N3P3[NH(CH2)3Si(OEt)3]3[NCH3(CH2)3CN]3 (2), and N3P3[NH(CH2)3Si(OEt)3]3[HOC6H4(CH2)CN]3 (3) are reported. Pyrolysis of 1, 2, and 3 in air and at several temperatures results in nanostructured materials whose composition and morphology depend on the temperature of pyrolysis and the substituents of the phosphazenes ring. The products stem from the reaction of SiO2 with P2O5, leading to either crystalline Si5(PO4)6O, SiP2O7 or an amorphous phase as the glass Si5(PO4)6O/3SiO2·2P2O5, depending on the temperature and nature of the trimer precursors. From 1 at 800 °C, core−shell microspheres of SiO2 coated with Si5(PO4)6O are obtained, while in other cases, mesoporous or dense structures are observed. Atomic force microscopy examination after deposition of the materials on monocrystalline silicon wafers evidences morphology strongly dependent on the precursors. Isolated islands of size ∼9 nm are observed from 1, whereas dense nanostructures with a mean height of 13 nm are formed from 3. Brunauer−Emmett−Teller measurements show mesoporous materials with low surface areas. The proposed growth mechanism involves the formation of cross-linking structures and of vacancies by carbonization of the organic matter, where the silicon compounds nucleate. Thus, for the first time, unique silicon nanostructured materials are obtained from cyclic phosphazenes containing silicon.


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Polymer Optical Fibers have occupied historically a place for large core flexible fibers operating in short distances. In addition to their practical passive application in short-haul communication they constitute a potential research field as active devices with organic dopants. Organic dyes are preferred as dopants over organic semiconductors due to their higher optical cross section. Thus organic dyes as gain media in a polymer fiber is used to develop efficient and narrow laser sources with a tunability throughout the visible region or optical amplifier with high gain. Dyes incorporated in fiber form has added advantage over other solid state forms such as films since the pump power required to excite the molecules in the core of the fiber is less thereby utilising the pump power effectively. In 1987, Muto et.al investigated a dye doped step index polymer fiber laser. Afterwards, numerous researches have been carried out in this area demonstrating laser emission from step index, graded index and hollow optical fibers incorporating various dyes. Among various dyes, Rhodamine6G is the most widely and commonly used laser dye for the last four decades. Rhodamine6G has many desirable optical properties which make it preferable over other organic dyes such as Coumarin, Nile Blue, Curcumin etc. The research focus on the implementation of efficient fiber lasers and amplifiers for short fiber distances. Developing efficient plastic lasers with electrical pumping can be a new proposal in this field which demands lowest possible threshold pump energy of the gain medium in the cavity as an important parameter. One way of improving the efficiency of the lasers, through low threshold pump energy, is by modifying the gain of the amplifiers in the resonator/cavity. Success in the field of Radiative Decay Engineering can pave way to this problem. Laser gain media consisting of dye-nanoparticle composites can improve the efficiency by lowering the lasing threshold and enhancing the photostability. The electric field confined near the surface of metal nanoparticles due to Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance can be very effective for the excitation of active centers to impart high optical gain for lasing. Since the Surface Plasmon Resonance of nanoparticles of gold and silver lies in the visible range, it can affect the spectral emission characteristics of organic dyes such as Rhodamine6G through plasmon field generated by the particles. The change in emission of the dye placed near metal nanoparticles depend on plasmon field strength which in turn depends on the type of metal, size of nanoparticle, surface modification of the particle and the wavelength of incident light. Progress in fabrication of different types of nanostructures lead to the advent of nanospheres, nanoalloys, core-shell and nanowires to name a few. The thesis deals with the fabrication and characterisation of polymer optical fibers with various metallic and bimetallic nanostructures incorporated in the gain media for efficient fiber lasers with low threshold and improved photostability.


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The aim of this dissertation was to investigate flexible polymer-nanoparticle composites with unique magnetic and electrical properties. Toward this goal, two distinct projects were carried out. The first project explored the magneto-dielectric properties and morphology of flexible polymer-nanoparticle composites that possess high permeability (µ), high permittivity (ε) and minimal dielectric, and magnetic loss (tan δε, tan δµ). The main materials challenges were the synthesis of magnetic nanoparticle fillers displaying high saturation magnetization (Ms), limited coercivity, and their homogeneous dispersion in a polymeric matrix. Nanostructured magnetic fillers including polycrystalline iron core-shell nanoparticles, and constructively assembled superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles were synthesized, and dispersed uniformly in an elastomer matrix to minimize conductive losses. The resulting composites have demonstrated promising permittivity (22.3), permeability (3), and sustained low dielectric (0.1), magnetic (0.4) loss for frequencies below 2 GHz. This study demonstrated nanocomposites with tunable magnetic resonance frequency, which can be used to develop compact and flexible radio frequency devices with high efficiency. The second project focused on fundamental research regarding methods for the design of highly conductive polymer-nanoparticle composites that can maintain high electrical conductivity under tensile strain exceeding 100%. We investigated a simple solution spraying method to fabricate stretchable conductors based on elastomeric block copolymer fibers and silver nanoparticles. Silver nanoparticles were assembled both in and around block copolymer fibers forming interconnected dual nanoparticle networks, resulting in both in-fiber conductive pathways and additional conductive pathways on the outer surface of the fibers. Stretchable composites with conductivity values reaching 9000 S/cm maintained 56% of their initial conductivity after 500 cycles at 100% strain. The developed manufacturing method in this research could pave the way towards direct deposition of flexible electronic devices on any shaped substrate. The electrical and electromechanical properties of these dual silver nanoparticle network composites make them promising materials for the future construction of stretchable circuitry for displays, solar cells, antennas, and strain and tactility sensors.


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La remoción de la hemoglobina (Hb) por adsorción de la proteína sobre nanopartículas (Nps) magnéticas de Fe3O4/TiO2 (núcleo/coraza) aplicando un campo magnético externo, fue investigada mediante espectroscopia ultravioleta en el rango del ultravioleta y visible (UV-VIS). Durante la etapa de contacto de las Nps con la Hb se varió la concentración de las Nps y la temperatura, complementariamente durante la etapa de remoción del complejo Fe3O4/TiO2-Hb se varió la intensidad del campo magnético externo. Con una concentración inicial de Nps de 8 mg ml-1, el valor de la absorbancia del sobrenadante disminuye en un 11% con respecto a la solución inicial de Hb (0,8 g l-1) y al aumentar en un 50% la concentración de Nps, el valor disminuye hasta un 17%. Al incrementar la temperatura de 25 a 35ºC disminuye la adsorción de la Hb pero no se observa indicios de desnaturalización de la misma. Durante la etapa de remoción del complejo Fe3O4/TiO2-Hb, al incrementar la fuerza magnética se logra una caída en la intensidad de la absorbancia, casi un 30%. Finalmente, se determinó la demanda bioquímica de oxígeno (DBO5) de la solución inicial de Hb y del sobrenandante, el valor para la solución inicial de Hb fue de 100 mg ml-1 y los resultados obtenidos para todas las soluciones tratadas fueron inferiores (62 mg ml-1) verificando el impacto que tuvo el uso de las Nps magnéticas de Fe3O4/TiO2 en la remoción de la Hb.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Planaltina, Mestrado em Ciências de Materias, 2016.


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Colloid self-assembly under external control is a new route to fabrication of advanced materials with novel microstructures and appealing functionalities. The kinetic processes of colloidal self-assembly have attracted great interests also because they are similar to many atomic level kinetic processes of materials. In the past decades, rapid technological progresses have been achieved on producing shape-anisotropic, patchy, core-shell structured particles and particles with electric/magnetic charges/dipoles, which greatly enriched the self-assembled structures. Multi-phase carrier liquids offer new route to controlling colloidal self-assembly. Therefore, heterogeneity is the essential characteristics of colloid system, while so far there still lacks a model that is able to efficiently incorporate these possible heterogeneities. This thesis is mainly devoted to development of a model and computational study on the complex colloid system through a diffuse-interface field approach (DIFA), recently developed by Wang et al. This meso-scale model is able to describe arbitrary particle shape and arbitrary charge/dipole distribution on the surface or body of particles. Within the framework of DIFA, a Gibbs-Duhem-type formula is introduced to treat Laplace pressure in multi-liquid-phase colloidal system and it obeys Young-Laplace equation. The model is thus capable to quantitatively study important capillarity related phenomena. Extensive computer simulations are performed to study the fundamental behavior of heterogeneous colloidal system. The role of Laplace pressure is revealed in determining the mechanical equilibrium of shape-anisotropic particles at fluid interfaces. In particular, it is found that the Laplace pressure plays a critical role in maintaining the stability of capillary bridges between close particles, which sheds light on a novel route to in situ firming compact but fragile colloidal microstructures via capillary bridges. Simulation results also show that competition between like-charge repulsion, dipole-dipole interaction and Brownian motion dictates the degree of aggregation of heterogeneously charged particles. Assembly and alignment of particles with magnetic dipoles under external field is studied. Finally, extended studies on the role of dipole-dipole interaction are performed for ferromagnetic and ferroelectric domain phenomena. The results reveal that the internal field generated by dipoles competes with external field to determine the dipole-domain evolution in ferroic materials.


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Il presente lavoro si propone di analizzare il calcestruzzo armato come materiale da costruzione, in particolare focalizzando l’attenzione sulle tecniche di prevenzione di alcuni tipi di degrado con l’utilizzo di trattamenti superficiali. Il calcestruzzo è uno dei materiali da costruzione più utilizzati in quanto presenta molteplici vantaggi come la libertà di forma, il basso costo dei materiali ed il buon comportamento strutturale. Nonostante quanto detto, si possono evidenziare delle criticità inerenti all’utilizzo di questo materiale, il tema centrale di questo lavoro è quello di analizzare nuove tecniche di protezione atte a salvaguardare la struttura da tre diverse tipologie di degrado, valutandone l’effettiva efficacia nell’ottenere quello per cui sono state previste. Nei primi capitoli si esaminerà il calcestruzzo come materiale da costruzione e saranno spiegati i processi che il conglomerato cementizio deve compiere per diventare un materiale indurito e resistente. Nel terzo capitolo si affronteranno, senza entrare nella descrizione puntuale di ciascuna di esse, le diverse cause di degrado del calcestruzzo armato. Infine nel quarto ed ultimo capitolo, verranno esposti tre casi studio: il primo tratta di un tipo di degrado spesso non preso in considerazione ma causante ingenti danni all’aspetto paesaggistico e al patrimonio storico: si analizzano i rivestimenti da poter applicare al calcestruzzo per rendere più semplificato il processo di rimozione dai graffiti. Il secondo si ripromette di analizzare l’efficacia nel proteggere le armature di acciaio dalla corrosione per mezzo un nuovo tipo di pigmenti core-shell poco costosi ma soprattutto ecosostenibili. Infine si porrà lo sguardo su un problema non indifferente ovvero quello della protezione del calcestruzzo armato dalle alte temperature anche in questo caso utilizzando un trattamento superficiale volto a migliorare le performance del calcestruzzo durante l’incendio.


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Les zéolithes étant des matériaux cristallins microporeux ont démontré leurs potentiels et leur polyvalence dans un nombre très important d’applications. Les propriétés uniques des zéolithes ont poussé les chercheurs à leur trouver constamment de nouvelles utilités pour tirer le meilleur parti de ces matériaux extraordinaires. Modifier les caractéristiques des zéolithes classiques ou les combiner en synergie avec d’autres matériaux se trouvent être deux approches viables pour trouver encore de nouvelles applications. Dans ce travail de doctorat, ces deux approches ont été utilisées séparément, premièrement avec la modification morphologique de la ZSM-12 et deuxièmement lors de la formation des matériaux de type coeur/coquille (silice mésoporeuses@silicalite-1). La ZSM-12 est une zéolithe à haute teneur en silice qui a récemment attiré beaucoup l’attention par ses performances supérieures dans les domaines de l’adsorption et de la catalyse. Afin de synthétiser la ZSM-12 avec une pureté élevée et une morphologie contrôlée, la cristallisation de la zéolithe ZSM-12 a été étudiée en détail en fonction des différents réactifs chimiques disponibles (agent directeur de structure, types de silicium et source d’aluminium) et des paramètres réactionnels (l’alcalinité, ratio entre Na, Al et eau). Les résultats présentés dans cette étude ont montré que, contrairement à l’utilisation du structurant organique TEAOH, en utilisant un autre structurant, le MTEAOH, ainsi que le Al(o-i-Pr)3, cela a permis la formation de monocristaux ZSM-12 monodisperses dans un temps plus court. L’alcalinité et la teneur en Na jouent également des rôles déterminants lors de ces synthèses. Les structures de types coeur/coquille avec une zéolithe polycristalline silicalite-1 en tant que coquille, entourant un coeur formé par une microsphère de silice mésoporeuse (tailles de particules de 1,5, 3 et 20-45 μm) ont été synthétisés soit sous forme pure ou chargée avec des espèces hôtes métalliques. Des techniques de nucléations de la zéolithe sur le noyau ont été utilisées pour faire croitre la coquille de façon fiable et arriver à former ces matériaux. C’est la qualité des produits finaux en termes de connectivité des réseaux poreux et d’intégrité de la coquille, qui permet d’obtenir une stéréosélectivité. Ceci a été étudié en faisant varier les paramètres de synthèse, par exemple, lors de prétraitements qui comprennent ; la modification de surface, la nucléation, la calcination et le nombre d’étapes secondaires de cristallisation hydrothermale. En fonction de la taille du noyau mésoporeux et des espèces hôtes incorporées, l’efficacité de la nucléation se révèle être influencée par la technique de modification de surface choisie. En effet, les microsphères de silice mésoporeuses contenant des espèces métalliques nécessitent un traitement supplémentaire de fonctionnalisation chimique sur leur surface externe avec des précurseurs tels que le (3-aminopropyl) triéthoxysilane (APTES), plutôt que d’utiliser une modification de surface avec des polymères ioniques. Nous avons également montré que, selon la taille du noyau, de deux à quatre traitements hydrothermaux rapides sont nécessaires pour envelopper totalement le noyau sans aucune agrégation et sans dissoudre le noyau. De tels matériaux avec une enveloppe de tamis moléculaire cristallin peuvent être utilisés dans une grande variété d’applications, en particulier pour de l’adsorption et de la catalyse stéréo-sélective. Ce type de matériaux a été étudié lors d’une série d’expériences sur l’adsorption sélective du glycérol provenant de biodiesel brut avec des compositions différentes et à des températures différentes. Les résultats obtenus ont été comparés à ceux utilisant des adsorbants classiques comme par exemple du gel de sphères de silice mésoporeux, des zéolithes classiques, silicalite-1, Si-BEA et ZSM-5(H+), sous forment de cristaux, ainsi que le mélange physique de ces matériaux références, à savoir un mélange silicalite-1 et le gel de silice sphères. Bien que le gel de sphères de silice mésoporeux ait montré une capacité d’adsorption de glycérol un peu plus élevée, l’étude a révélé que les adsorbants mésoporeux ont tendance à piéger une quantité importante de molécules plus volumineuses, telles que les « fatty acid methyl ester » (FAME), dans leur vaste réseau de pores. Cependant, dans l’adsorbant à porosité hiérarchisée, la fine couche de zéolite silicalite-1 microporeuse joue un rôle de membrane empêchant la diffusion des molécules de FAME dans les mésopores composant le noyau/coeur de l’adsorbant composite, tandis que le volume des mésopores du noyau permet l’adsorption du glycérol sous forme de multicouches. Finalement, cette caractéristique du matériau coeur/coquille a sensiblement amélioré les performances en termes de rendement de purification et de capacité d’adsorption, par rapport à d’autres adsorbants classiques, y compris le gel de silice mésoporeuse et les zéolithes.


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Composite laminates present important advantages compared to conventional monolithic materials, mainly because for equal stiffness and strength they have a weight up to four times lower. However, due to their ply-by-ply nature, they are susceptible to delamination, whose propagation can bring the structure to a rapid catastrophic failure. In this thesis, in order to increase the service life of composite materials, two different approaches were explored: increase the intrinsic resistance of the material or confer to them the capability of self-repair. The delamination has been hindered through interleaving the composite laminates with polymeric nanofibers, which completed the hierarchical reinforcement scale of the composite. The manufacturing process for the integration of the nanofibrous mat in the laminate was optimized, resulting in an enhancement of mode I fracture toughness up to 250%. The effect of the geometrical dimensions of the nano-reinforcement on the architecture of the micro one (UD and woven laminates) was studied on mode I and II. Moreover, different polymeric materials were employed as nanofibrous reinforcement (Nylon 66 and polyvinylidene fluoride). The nano toughening mechanism was studied by micrograph analysis of the crack path and SEM analysis of the fracture surface. The fatigue behavior to the onset of the delamination and the crack growth rate for woven laminates interleaved with Nylon 66 nanofibers was investigated. Furthermore, the impact behavior of GLARE aluminum-glass epoxy laminates, toughened with Nylon 66 nanofibers was investigated. Finally, the possibility of confer to the composite material the capability of self-repair was explored. An extrinsic self-healing-system, based on core-shell nanofibers filled with a two-component epoxy system, was developed by co-electrospinning technique. The healing potential of the nano vascular system has been proved by microscope electron observation of the healing agent release as result of the vessels rupture and the crosslinking reaction was verified by thermal analysis.


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Nowadays, one of the most ambitious challenges in soft robotics is the development of actuators capable to achieve performance comparable to skeletal muscles. Scientists have been working for decades, inspired by Nature, to mimic both their complex structure and their perfectly balanced features in terms of linear contraction, force-to-weight ratio, scalability and flexibility. The present Thesis, contextualized within the FET open Horizon 2020 project MAGNIFY, aims to develop a new family of innovative flexible actuators in the field of soft-robotics. For the realization of this actuator, a biomimetic approach has been chosen, drawing inspiration from skeletal muscle. Their hierarchical fibrous structure was mimicked employing the electrospinning technique, while the contraction of sarcomeres was designed employing chains of molecular machines, supramolecular systems capable of performing movements useful to execute specific tasks. The first part deals with the design and production of the basic unit of the artificial muscle, the artificial myofibril, consisting in a novel electrospun core-shell nanofiber, with elastomeric shell and electrically conductive core, coupled with a conductive coating, for the realization of which numerous strategies have been investigated. The second part deals instead with the integration of molecular machines (provided by the project partners) inside these artificial myofibrils, preceded by the study of several model molecules, aimed at simulating the presence of these molecular machines during the initial phases of the project. The last part concerns the realization of an electrospun multiscale hierarchical structure, aimed at reproducing the entire muscle morphology and fibrous organization. These research will be joined together in the near future like the pieces of a puzzle, recreating the artificial actuator most similar to biological muscle ever made, composed of millions of artificial myofibrils, electrically activated in which the nano-scale movement of molecular machines will be incrementally amplified to the macro-scale contraction of the artificial muscle.


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Modern world suffers from an intense water crisis. Emerging contaminants represent one of the most concerning elements of this issue. Substances, molecules, ions, and microorganisms take part in this vast and variegated class of pollutants, which main characteristic is to be highly resistant to traditional water purification technologies. An intense international research effort is being carried out in order to find new and innovative solutions to this problem, and graphene-based materials are one of the most promising options. Graphene oxide (GO) is a nanostructured material where domains populated by oxygenated groups alternate with interconnected areas of sp2 hybridized carbon atoms, on the surface of a one-atom thick nanosheets. GO can adsorb a great number of molecules and ions on its surface, thanks to the variety of different interactions that it can express, such as hydrogen bonding, p-p stacking, and electrostatic and hydrophobic interaction. These characteristics, added to the high superficial area, make it an optimal material for the development of innovative materials for drinking water remediation. The main concern in the use of GO in this field is to avoid secondary contaminations (i.e. GO itself must not become a pollutant). This issue can be faced through the immobilization of GO onto polymeric substrates, thus developing composite materials. The use of micro/ultrafiltration polymeric hollow fibers as substrates allows the design of adsorptive membranes, meaning devices that can perform filtration and adsorption simultaneously. In this thesis, two strategies for the development of adsorptive membranes were investigated: a core-shell strategy, where hollow fibers are coated with GO, and a coextrusion strategy, where GO is embedded in the polymeric matrix of the fibers. The so-obtained devices were exploited for both fundamental studies (i.e. molecular and ionic behaviour in between GO nanosheets) and real applications (the coextruded material is now at TRL 9).