968 resultados para constant pressure gradient elution


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The lift force on a spherical nanoparticle near a wall in micro/nanofluidics has not received sufficient attention so far. In this letter the concentration of 200 nm particles is measured at 0.25–2.0 m to a wall in a microchannel with pressure-driven de-ionized water flow pressure gradient 0–2000 kPa/m . The measured data show the influence of the lift force on the nanoparticle concentration distribution. By introducing the Saffman lift force into the Nernst–Planck equation near a wall, we find that the lift force is dominant at the range of 2


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A "swallowtail" cavity for the supersonic combustor was proposed to serve as an efficient flame holder for scramjets by enhancing the mass exchange between the cavity and the main flow. A numerical study on the "swallowtail" cavity was conducted by solving the three-dimensional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations implemented with a k-epsilon turbulence model in a multi-block mesh. Turbulence model and numerical algorithms were validated first, and then test cases were calculated to investigate into the mechanism of cavity flows. Numerical results demonstrated that the certain mass in the supersonic main flow was sucked into the cavity and moved spirally toward the combustor walls. After that, the flow went out of the cavity at its lateral end, and finally was efficiently mixed with the main flow. The comparison between the "swallowtail" cavity and the conventional one showed that the mass exchanged between the cavity and the main flow was enhanced by the lateral flow that was induced due to the pressure gradient inside the cavity and was driven by the three-dimensional vortex ring generated from the "swallowtail" cavity structure.


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Based on air temperature data from three sites of West and East Greenland, on ice charts for the area 54°N, 71°N and 20°W, 70°W, and on CTD profile observations around Greenland, the annual variability of climate is shown. Mean monthly air temperature data from Nuuk/West Greenland reveal the long-term interannual changes of air temperature anomalies. The warming trend which was observed during November, December 1995 was maintained into 1996 for about five months. Thus, spring warming of the near surface water layers, especially on the shallow bank areas off West Greenland has been favoured. As a result of mild air temperatures over most of 1996, sea ice conditions were about normal around Greenland and off eastern Canada. Subsurface observations indicate considerable warming of the 0-200 m water layer off West Greenland. The thermal anomaly of this layer amounts to +1.59K, which is the second highest value on record since the warm 1964 event. The warmer than normal conditions as recorded since November 1995 off East and West Greenland, point at intermediate warming which is characteristic of the second half of the recent decades. The long-term trend of air temperature anomalies off West Greenland points, however, still at cooling, a trend which is persistent since the early 1970s. As the potential driving mechanism for the intermediate warming in the Labrador Sea area, the sea level air pressure gradient between Iceland and the Azores is identified. The 1996 value of this gradient, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) Index, is strongly negative and this represents the flow of mild air masses from the midlatitude Atlantic Ocean to the Greenland/Labrador Sea region. Accordingly, air temperature anomalies indicated unusual warming during the month of February which amounted to >2K in the region of Baffin Land, Labrador and Greenland.


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Some aspects of wave propagation in thin elastic shells are considered. The governing equations are derived by a method which makes their relationship to the exact equations of linear elasticity quite clear. Finite wave propagation speeds are ensured by the inclusion of the appropriate physical effects.

The problem of a constant pressure front moving with constant velocity along a semi-infinite circular cylindrical shell is studied. The behavior of the solution immediately under the leading wave is found, as well as the short time solution behind the characteristic wavefronts. The main long time disturbance is found to travel with the velocity of very long longitudinal waves in a bar and an expression for this part of the solution is given.

When a constant moment is applied to the lip of an open spherical shell, there is an interesting effect due to the focusing of the waves. This phenomenon is studied and an expression is derived for the wavefront behavior for the first passage of the leading wave and its first reflection.

For the two problems mentioned, the method used involves reducing the governing partial differential equations to ordinary differential equations by means of a Laplace transform in time. The information sought is then extracted by doing the appropriate asymptotic expansion with the Laplace variable as parameter.


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O fator de compressibilidade (Z) de gás natural é utilizado em vários cálculos na engenharia de petróleo (avaliação de formações, perda de carga em tubulações, gradiente de pressão em poços de gás, cálculos de balanço de massa, medição de gás, compressão e processamento de gás). As fontes mais comuns de valores de Z são medições experimentais, caras e demoradas. Essa propriedade também é estimada por correlações empíricas, modelos baseados no princípio dos estados correspondentes ou equações de estado (EOS). Foram avaliadas as capacidades das EOS de Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK), Peng-Robinson (PR), Patel-Teja (PT), Patel-Teja-Valderrama (PTV), Schmidt-Wenzel (SW), Lawal-Lake-Silberberg (LLS) e AGA-8 para previsão desta propriedade em aproximadamente 2200 pontos de dados experimentais. Estes pontos foram divididos em quatro grupos: Grupo 1 (Presença de frações C7+, Grupo 2 (temperaturas inferiores a 258,15 K), Grupo 3 (pressões superiores a 10000 kPa) e Grupo 4 (pressões inferiores a 10000 kPa). Os cálculos utilizando as equações de estado sob diferentes esquemas de previsão de coeficientes binários de interação foram cuidadosamente investigados. Os resultados sugerem que a EOS AGA-8 apresenta os menores erros para pressões de até 70000 kPa. Entretanto, observou-se uma tendência de aumento nos desvios médios absolutos em função das concentrações de CO2 e H2S. As EOS PTV e a EOS SW são capazes de predizer o fator de compressibilidade (Z) com desvios médios absolutos entre os valores calculados e experimentais com precisão satisfatória para a maioria das aplicações, para uma variada faixa de temperatura e pressão. Este estudo também apresenta uma avaliação de 224 métodos de cálculo de Z onde foram utilizadas 8 correlações combinadas com 4 regras de mistura para estimativa de temperaturas e pressões pseudorreduzidas das amostras, junto com 7 métodos de caracterização das propriedades críticas da fração C7+, quando presente na composição do gás. Em função dos resultados são sugeridas, para diferentes tipos de sistemas, as melhores combinações de correlações com regras de mistura capazes de predizer fatores de compressibilidade (Z) com os menores erros absolutos médios relativos


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As queimaduras são eventos comuns e recorrentes no dia a dia dos atendimentos médicos. Há uma constante busca para entender a sua fisiopatologia, no intuito de minimizar seus resultados devastadores. Plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) é um concentrado de plaquetas com capacidade de liberação local de múltiplos fatores de crescimento (FC) que aceleram a cicatrização. Este estudo consiste em dois experimentos: o primeiro visa validar um modelo experimental para a criação de queimaduras de tamanho e profundidade padronizados e, o segundo, avalia o uso de PRP em queimaduras. Para o desenvolvimento de queimaduras na validação do modelo experimental, foi idealizado um equipamento que permitisse o controle preciso da temperatura, além da utilização em conjunto de uma técnica inovadora de fixação que garante pressão constante no momento das queimaduras. Para o primeiro experimento, foram utilizados 12 ratos, por grupo, submetidos a queimaduras de 60 oC, 70 oC ou 80 oC por dez segundos, com um equipamento que desenvolvemos. Metade dos animais de cada grupo foi morta no terceiro dia e suas feridas foram analisadas por histologia, e, na outra metade, a ferida foi mensurada e acompanhada até o seu fechamento. No uso de PRP em queimaduras, foram avaliadas queimaduras de segundo grau (SG), segundo grau com diabetes mellitus induzido (SGD) e queimaduras de terceiro grau (TG). Noventa animais foram distribuídos em três grupos (SG, SGD e TG), onde, em cada um, dez animais foram tratados, dez serviram de controle e dez foram utilizados para o preparo do PRP. As áreas das feridas foram acompanhadas até o vigésimo primeiro dia, quando os animais foram mortos e biópsias de pele foram realizadas. Os resultados da validação do modelo mostram que as queimaduras produzidas com 60 oC foram de SG superficial (28% da derme envolvida); com 70 oC foram de SG profundo (72% da derme envolvida); e com 80 oC foram de TG (100% da derme envolvida). Em relação ao uso de PRP em queimaduras, observou-se que nos grupos tratados SG e SGD houve aceleração do fechamento da ferida e redução no número de células CD31, CD163, CD68, MPO e TGF-β positivas, e aumento do número de células MMP2 positivas. A neoepiderme foi mais fina nos controles dos grupos SG e SGD, e o tecido de granulação foi reduzido nos controles SGD e TG. O modelo utilizado é seguro e confiável para produzir queimaduras regulares e uniformes, de diâmetros variados, pela capacidade do controle fino da temperatura e pelo posicionamento do animal, e reprodutíveis. PRP parece acelerar a cicatrização de queimaduras de SG e SGD, mas não de TG.


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Although increasing the turbine inlet temperature has traditionally proved the surest way to increase cycle efficiency, recent work suggests that the performance of future gas turbines may be limited by increased cooling flows and losses. Another limiting scenario concerns the effect on cycle performance of real gas properties at high temperatures. Cycle calculations of uncooled gas turbines show that when gas properties are modelled accurately, the variation of cycle efficiency with turbine inlet temperature at constant pressure ratio exhibits a maximum at temperatures well below the stoichiometric limit. Furthermore, the temperature at the maximum decreases with increasing compressor and turbine polytropic efficiency. This behaviour is examined in the context of a two-component model of the working fluid. The dominant influences come from the change of composition of the combustion products with varying air/fuel ratio (particularly the contribution from the water vapour) together with the temperature variation of the specific heat capacity of air. There are implications for future industrial development programmes, particularly in the context of advanced mixed gas-steam cycles.


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This paper describes both the migration and dissipation of flow phenomena downstream of a transonic high-pressure turbine stage. The geometry of the HP stage exit duct considered is a swan-necked diffuser similar to those likely to be used in future engine designs. The paper contains results both from an experimental programme in a turbine test facility and from numerical predictions. Experimental data was acquired using three fast-response aerodynamic probes capable of measuring Mach number, whirl angle, pitch angle, total pressure and static pressure. The probes were used to make time-resolved area traverses at two axial locations downstream of the rotor trailing edge. A 3D time-unsteady viscous Navier-Stokes solver was used for the numerical predictions. The unsteady exit flow from a turbine stage is formed from rotordependent phenomena (such as the rotor wake, the rotor trailing edge recompression shock, the tip-leakage flow and the hub secondary flow) and vane-rotor interaction dependant phenomena. This paper describes the time-resolved behaviour and three-dimensional migration paths of both of these phenomena as they convect downstream. It is shown that the inlet flow to a downstream vane is dominated by two corotating vortices, the first caused by the rotor tip-leakage flow and the second by the rotor hub secondary flow. At the inlet plane of the downstream vane the wake is extremely weak and the radial pressure gradient is shown to have caused the majority of the high loss wake fluid to be located between the mid-height of the passage and the casing wall. The structure of the flow indicates that between a high pressure stage and a downstream vane simple two-dimensional blade row interaction does not occur. The results presented in this paper indicate that the presence of an upstream stage is likely to significantly alter the structure of the secondary flow within a downstream vane. The paper also shows that vane-rotor interaction within the upstream stage causes a 10° circumferential variation in the inlet flow angle of the 2nd stage vane.


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A theoretical approach for calculating the movement of liquid water following deposition onto a turbomachine rotor blade is described. Such a situation can occur during operation of an aero-engine in rain. The equation of motion of the deposited water is developed on an arbitrarily oriented plane triangular surface facet. By dividing the blade surface into a large number of facets and calculating the water trajectory over each one crossed in turn, the overall trajectory can be constructed. Apart from the centrifugal and Coriolis inertia effects, the forces acting on the water arise from the blade surface friction, and the aerodynamic shear and pressure gradient. Non- dimensionalisation of the equations of motion provides considerable insight and a detailed study of water flow on a flat rotating plate set at different stagger angles demonstrates the paramount importance of blade surface friction. The extreme cases of low and high blade friction are examined and it is concluded that the latter (which allows considerable mathematical generalisation) is the most likely in practice. It is also shown that the aerodynamic shear force, but not the pressure force, may influence the water motion. Calculations of water movement on a low-speed compressor blade and the fan blade of a high bypass ratio aero-engine suggest that in low rotational speed situations most of the deposited water is centrifuged rapidly to the blade tip region. Copyright © 2006 by ASME.


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To investigate the flow control potential of micro-vortex generators for supersonic mixed-compression inlets, a basic model experiment has been designed which combines a normal shock wave with a subsonic diffuser. The diffuser is formed by a simple expansion corner, with a divergence angle of 6 degrees. The diffuser entry Mach numbers were M=1.3 and M=1.5 and a number of shock locations relative to the corner position were tested. Flow control was applied in the form of counter-rotating micro-vanes with heights of approximately 20% of boundary layer thickness. Furthermore, corner fences where employed to reduce sidewall effects. It was found that micro-vortex generators were able to significantly reduce the extent of flow separation under all conditions, but could not eliminate it altogether. Corner fences also demonstrated potential for improving the flow in rectangular cross section channels and the combination of corner fences with micro-vortex generators was found to give the greatest benefits. At M=1.3 the combination of corner fences and micro-vanes placed close to the diffuser entry could prevent separation for a wide range of conditions. At the higher diffuser entry Mach number the benefits of flow control were less significant although a reduction of separation size and an improved pressure recovery was observed. It is thought that micro-vortex generators can have significant flow control potential if they are placed close to the expected separation onset and when the adverse pressure gradient is not too far above the incipient separation level. The significant beneficial effects of corner fences warrant a more comprehensive further investigation. It is thought that the control methods suggested here are capable of reducing the bleed requirement on an inlet, which could provide significant performance advantages.


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Supersonic engine intakes operating supercritically feature shock wave / boundary layer interactions (SBLIs), which are conventionally controlled using boundary layer bleed. The momentum loss of bleed flow causes high drag, compromising intake performance. Micro-ramp sub-boundary layer vortex generators (SBVGs) have been proposed as an alternative form of flow control for oblique SBLIs in order to reduce the bleed requirement. Experiments have been conducted at Mach 2.5 to characterise the flow details on such devices and investigate their ability to control the interaction between an oblique shock wave and the naturally grown turbulent boundary layer on the tunnel floor. Micro-ramps of four sizes with heights ranging from 25% to 75% of the uncontrolled boundary layer thickness were tested. The flow over all sizes of microramp was found to be similar, featuring streamwise counter-rotating vortices which entrain high momentum fluid, locally reducing the boundary layer displacement thickness. When installed ahead of the shock interaction it was found that the positioning of the micro-ramps is of limited importance. Micro-ramps did not eliminate flow separation. However, the previously two-dimensional separation was broken up into periodic three-dimensional separation zones. The interaction length was reduced and the pressure gradient across the interaction was increased.


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In this study heat budget components and momentum flux for August and January 1992 over the north Arabian Sea are computed. The marine meteorological data measured on board during the cruises of PAK-US joint project (NASEER) are used for the computation. Significant differences were found in the heat budget components as well as in the momentum flux during different monsoon periods over the north Arabian Sea. The latent heat flux was always positive and attributed to the large vapour pressure gradient. The computed moisture and latent heat fluxes in January were higher than August The highest value of latent heat flux 309 W/m2 at station 8 was evaluated. These higher latent heat fluxes were due to the large vapour pressure gradient, air-sea temperature difference, the wind speed, and the prevailing wind direction (from north and northeast). Negative values of sensible heat fluxes in both seasons indicate that the heat transfer was from the atmosphere to the ocean. The negative values of net heat gain indicate that the sea surface field became an energy sink: or the sea surface supplied more energy to the atmosphere than it received from it. Large variation in the momentum flux mainly attributed to the variation in the wind speed. Aerial averages of heat and momentum fluxes were also computed.


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The statistical behaviour of turbulent kinetic energy transport in turbulent premixed flames is analysed using data from three-dimensional Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of freely propagating turbulent premixed flames under decaying turbulence. For flames within the corrugated flamelets regime, it is observed that turbulent kinetic energy is generated within the flame brush. By contrast, for flames within the thin reaction zones regime it has been found that the turbulent kinetic energy decays monotonically through the flame brush. Similar trends are observed also for the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy. Within the corrugated flamelets regime, it is demonstrated that the effects of the mean pressure gradient and pressure dilatation within the flame are sufficient to overcome the effects of viscous dissipation and are responsible for the observed augmentation of turbulent kinetic energy in the flame brush. In the thin reaction zones regime, the effects of the mean pressure gradient and pressure dilatation terms are relatively much weaker than those of viscous dissipation, resulting in a monotonic decay of turbulent kinetic energy across the flame brush. The modelling of the various unclosed terms of the turbulent kinetic energy transport equation has been analysed in detail. The predictions of existing models are compared with corresponding quantities extracted from DNS data. Based on this a-priori DNS assessment, either appropriate models are identified or new models are proposed where necessary. It is shown that the turbulent flux of turbulent kinetic energy exhibits counter-gradient (gradient) transport wherever the turbulent scalar flux is counter-gradient (gradient) in nature. A new model has been proposed for the turbulent flux of turbulent kinetic energy, and is found to capture the qualitative and quantitative behaviour obtained from DNS data for both the corrugated flamelets and thin reaction zones regimes without the need to adjust any of the model constants. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


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The dynamics of a fluid in a vertical tube, subjected to an oscillatory pressure gradient, is studied experimentally for both a Newtonian and a viscoelastic shear-thinning fluid. Particle image velocimetry is used to determine the two-dimensional velocity fields in the vertical plane of the tube axis, in a range of driving amplitudes from 0.8 to 2.5 mm and of driving frequencies from 2.0 to 11.5 Hz. The Newtonian fluid exhibits a laminar flow regime, independent of the axial position, in the whole range of drivings. For the complex fluid, instead, the parallel shear flow regime exhibited at low amplitudes [Torralba, Phys. Rev. E 72, 016308 (2005)] becomes unstable at higher drivings against the formation of symmetric vortices, equally spaced along the tube. At even higher drivings the vortex structure itself becomes unstable, and complex nonsymmetric structures develop. Given that inertial effects remain negligible even at the hardest drivings (Re < 10(-1)), it is the complex rheology of the fluid that is responsible for the instabilities observed. The system studied represents an interesting example of the development of shear-induced instabilities in nonlinear complex fluids in purely parallel shear flow.


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In the present investigation of thin aerofoil wakes we compare the global nonlinear dynamics, obtained by direct numerical simulations, to the associated local instability features, derived from linear stability analyses. A given configuration depends on two control parameters: the Reynolds number Re and the adverse pressure gradient m (with m < 0) prevailing at the aerofoil trailing edge. Global instability is found to occur for large enough Re and |m|; the naturally selected frequency is determined by the local absolute frequency prevailing at the trailing edge. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.