874 resultados para component-based development


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Esta tese constitui uma reflexão sobre uma realidade, a praia do Francês, Alagoas, Brasil, que após mais de uma década é agora revisitada demonstrando os impactos socioambientais evidenciados ao longo de 30 anos, e por sua vez, fazem com que esta praia se transforme em laboratório cuja análise desenvolvida poderá servir como exemplo para ações futuras, e sustentáveis, em outras localidades. Sobretudo para áreas encontradas no mundo periférico, subdesenvolvido ou no Sul do Mundo, caracterizadas pela presença de populações tradicionais com seu rico e variado conhecimento, oralmente transmitido, adquirido através de suas observações práticas e cotidianas com seu meio circundante. Porém, este conhecimento encontra-se ameaçado pelo atual padrão de modernização, homogeneização do mundo, que em seu processo de desenvolvimento exclui crenças, valores e percepções de comunidades tradicionais inteiras, uma vez que se caracteriza por ocorrer com ausência de um olhar atento as especificidades locais, onde estas populações são as primeiras a sofrer com o atual modelo imposto que as ignora por completo e, ao mesmo tempo, por ocorrer com anuência do poder público local. Ao ignorá-las, tais ações minam suas formas de subsistência e via de consequência, às exclui das áreas onde sempre viveram e preservaram fazendo com que um importante e aprofundado conhecimento se perca, juntamente com a desintegração de seus laços de sociabilidade. A exemplo do Arquipélago dos Bijagós, Guiné-Bissau, costa Atlântica da África, lugar de existência de importante população tradicional que, a exemplo de outras localidades do mundo periférico, começa a experimentar transformações em seu patrimônio natural e cultural, decorrentes de ações desconectadas da realidade local. Este estudo, acena para uma importante reflexão sobre os impactos observados nesta realidade e os evidenciados na Praia do Francês. Portanto, procura-se aqui demonstrar a importância do conhecimento e das práticas existentes nas populações tradicionais (autóctones) para ações futuras, onde a inclusão deste saber seja prioridade para outras formas de pensar o desenvolvimento; e em seu processo de construção/planejamento este ocorra: com base no respeito à diversidade e com a participação dos mais diferentes e importantes atores. Enfim, um processo de desenvolvimento de base local, endógeno, sustentável.


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Ultrasonic, infrared, laser and other sensors are being applied in robotics. Although combinations of these have allowed robots to navigate, they are only suited for specific scenarios, depending on their limitations. Recent advances in computer vision are turning cameras into useful low-cost sensors that can operate in most types of environments. Cameras enable robots to detect obstacles, recognize objects, obtain visual odometry, detect and recognize people and gestures, among other possibilities. In this paper we present a completely biologically inspired vision system for robot navigation. It comprises stereo vision for obstacle detection, and object recognition for landmark-based navigation. We employ a novel keypoint descriptor which codes responses of cortical complex cells. We also present a biologically inspired saliency component, based on disparity and colour.


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Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Engenharia Informática), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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This paper describes the design and implementation of a component based software application, which alleviates the problem of software interoperability in the UK public sector. We analyze the current interoperability frameworks across the United Kingdom (UK) and European Union (EU) and propose a software solution that enhances such interoperability initiatives. Our example scenario is placed within a UK local authority, which shares data stored within the Police databases, for making efficient and more accurate operational decisions. The prototype, implemented as a J2EE application and built upon existing databases, proves our concept that it is possible to achieve data and application interoperability without integrating data sources and without using XML formats for data sharing.


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In the context of monolingual and bilingual retrieval, Simple Knowledge Organisation System (SKOS) datasets can play a dual role as knowledge bases for semantic annotations and as language-independent resources for translation. With no existing track of formal evaluations of these aspects for datasets in SKOS format, we describe a case study on the usage of the Thesaurus for the Social Sciences in SKOS format for a retrieval setup based on the CLEF 2004-2006 Domain-Specific Track topics, documents and relevance assessments. Results showed a mixed picture with significant system-level improvements in terms of mean average precision in the bilingual runs. Our experiments set a new and improved baseline for using SKOS-based datasets with the GIRT collection and are an example of component-based evaluation.


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Relatório de Estágio para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil


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Thèse réalisée en cotutelle entre l'Université de Montréal et l'Université de Technologie de Troyes


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Les facteurs psychologiques tels que l'hypnose, l'émotion, le stress et l’attention exercent un effet modulant puissant sur la nociception et la douleur. Toutefois, l’influence de l'attention sur la nociception et la douleur, ainsi que les mécanismes neuronaux sous-jacents, ne sont pas clairs. La littérature actuelle sur la modulation attentionnelle des réponses spinales nociceptives, telles que mesurées par le réflexe RIII, et de la perception de l’intensité de la douleur est discordante et souvent contradictoire. Ce mémoire fournit un nouveau cadre pour examiner la modulation du réflexe RIII et de la douleur par l’attention. Une tâche de discrimination sensorielle a été décomposée en trois composantes attentionnelles : la vigilance, l’orientation, et le contrôle exécutif. Auparavant, la nature multidimensionnelle de l’attention fut largement ignorée dans la littérature. Nous démontrons que les composantes attentionnelles ont des effets modulatoires distincts sur la nociception et la douleur et suggérons que ceci représente une partie de la confusion présente dans la littérature. En prenant compte du stress indépendamment, nous démontrons, pour la première fois, que le stress inhibe la modulation attentionnelle du réflexe RIII ce qui indique une interaction et dissociation de la modulation des réponses nociceptives par l’attention et le stress. Ces résultats importants clarifient, en grande partie, les contradictions dans la littérature, puisque les tâches cognitives produisent souvent des augmentations du stress ce qui confond l’interprétation des résultats. De plus, la tâche de discrimination inclut des stimuli visuels et somatosensoriels et révèle que l’influence de l'attention sur la douleur est spatialement spécifique tandis que la modulation attentionnelle de la nociception est spécifique à la modalité des stimuli, au moins en ce qui concerne les modalités examinées. A partir de ces résultats, un nouveau modèle de la modulation attentionnelle des processus de la douleur, basée sur les composantes attentionnelles, a été proposé. Celui-ci est appuyé par la littérature et fournit une explication systématique et intégratrice des résultats antérieurement contradictoires. De plus, à partir de ce modèle, plusieurs mécanismes neuronaux ont été proposés pour sous-tendre la modulation attentionnelle de la nociception et de la douleur.


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We present a trainable system for detecting frontal and near-frontal views of faces in still gray images using Support Vector Machines (SVMs). We first consider the problem of detecting the whole face pattern by a single SVM classifer. In this context we compare different types of image features, present and evaluate a new method for reducing the number of features and discuss practical issues concerning the parameterization of SVMs and the selection of training data. The second part of the paper describes a component-based method for face detection consisting of a two-level hierarchy of SVM classifers. On the first level, component classifers independently detect components of a face, such as the eyes, the nose, and the mouth. On the second level, a single classifer checks if the geometrical configuration of the detected components in the image matches a geometrical model of a face.


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In this paper we present a component based person detection system that is capable of detecting frontal, rear and near side views of people, and partially occluded persons in cluttered scenes. The framework that is described here for people is easily applied to other objects as well. The motivation for developing a component based approach is two fold: first, to enhance the performance of person detection systems on frontal and rear views of people and second, to develop a framework that directly addresses the problem of detecting people who are partially occluded or whose body parts blend in with the background. The data classification is handled by several support vector machine classifiers arranged in two layers. This architecture is known as Adaptive Combination of Classifiers (ACC). The system performs very well and is capable of detecting people even when all components of a person are not found. The performance of the system is significantly better than a full body person detector designed along similar lines. This suggests that the improved performance is due to the components based approach and the ACC data classification structure.


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A virtual system that emulates an ARM-based processor machine has been created to replace a traditional hardware-based system for teaching assembly language. The proposed virtual system integrates, in a single environment, all the development tools necessary to deliver introductory or advanced courses on modern assembly language programming. The virtual system runs a Linux operating system in either a graphical or console mode on a Windows or Linux host machine. No software licenses or extra hardware are required to use the virtual system, thus students are free to carry their own ARM emulator with them on a USB memory stick. Institutions adopting this, or a similar virtual system, can also benefit by reducing capital investment in hardware-based development kits and enable distance learning courses.


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This study proposes a model of how deeply held beliefs, known as ‘social axioms, moderate the interaction between reputation, its causes and consequences with stakeholders. It contributes to the stakeholder relational field of reputation theory by explaining why the same organizational stimuli lead to different individual stakeholder responses. The study provides a shift in reputation research from organizational-level stimuli as the root causes of stakeholder responses to exploring the interaction between individual beliefs and organizational stimuli in determining reputational consequences. Building on a conceptual model that incorporates product/service quality and social responsibility as key reputational dimensions, the authors test empirically for moderating influences, in the form of social axioms, between reputation-related antecedents and consequences, using component-based structural equation modelling (n = 204). In several model paths, significant differences are found between responses of individuals identified as either high or low on social cynicism, fate control and religiosity. The results suggest that stakeholder responses to reputation-related stimuli can be systematically predicted as a function of the interactions between the deeply held beliefs of individuals and these stimuli. The authors offer recommendations on how strategic reputation management can be approached within and across stakeholder groups at a time when firms grapple with effective management of diverse stakeholder expectations.


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This thesis considers Participatory Crop Improvement (PCI) methodologies and examines the reasons behind their continued contestation and limited mainstreaming in conventional modes of crop improvement research within National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS). In particular, it traces the experiences of a long-established research network with over 20 years of experience in developing and implementing PCI methods across South Asia, and specifically considers its engagement with the Indian NARS and associated state-level agricultural research systems. In order to address the issues surrounding PCI institutionalisation processes, a novel conceptual framework was derived from a synthesis of the literatures on Strategic Niche Management (SNM) and Learning-based Development Approaches (LBDA) to analyse the socio-technical processes and structures which constitute the PCI ‘niche’ and NARS ‘regime’. In examining the niche and regime according to their socio-technical characteristics, the framework provides explanatory power for understanding the nature of their interactions and the opportunities and barriers that exist with respect to the translation of lessons and ideas between niche and regime organisations. The research shows that in trying to institutionalise PCI methods and principles within NARS in the Indian context, PCI proponents have encountered a number of constraints related to the rigid and hierarchical structure of the regime organisations; the contractual mode of most conventional research, which inhibits collaboration with a wider group of stakeholders; and the time-limited nature of PCI projects themselves, which limits investment and hinders scaling up of the innovations. It also reveals that while the niche projects may be able to induce a ‘weak’ form of PCI institutionalisation within the Indian NARS by helping to alter their institutional culture to be more supportive of participatory plant breeding approaches and future collaboration with PCI researchers, a ‘strong’ form of PCI institutionalisation, in which NARS organisations adopt participatory methodologies to address all their crop improvement agenda, is likely to remain outside of the capacity of PCI development projects to deliver.


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The development of interactive systems involves several professionals and the integration between them normally uses common artifacts, such as models, that drive the development process. In the model-driven development approach, the interaction model is an artifact that includes the most of the aspects related to what and how the user can do while he/she interacting with the system. Furthermore, the interactive model may be used to identify usability problems at design time. Therefore, the central problematic addressed by this thesis is twofold. In the first place, the interaction modeling, in a perspective that helps the designer to explicit to developer, who will implement the interface, the aspcts related to the interaction process. In the second place, the anticipated identification of usability problems, that aims to reduce the application final costs. To achieve these goals, this work presents (i) the ALaDIM language, that aims to help the designer on the conception, representation and validation of his interactive message models; (ii) the ALaDIM editor, which was built using the EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework) and its standardized technologies by OMG (Object Management Group); and (iii) the ALaDIM inspection method, which allows the anticipated identification of usability problems using ALaDIM models. ALaDIM language and editor were respectively specified and implemented using the OMG standards and they can be used in MDA (Model Driven Architecture) activities. Beyond that, we evaluated both ALaDIM language and editor using a CDN (Cognitive Dimensions of Notations) analysis. Finally, this work reports an experiment that validated the ALaDIM inspection method