960 resultados para collective memory work
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
From the assumption that digital photography not only opened new photographic practices, but also formulated new forms of image appropriations, including how photos are linked to our collective memory, this paper aims to study the Tumblrs pages that use historic photographs in its compositions. From the notion that the archives are an opening to the public space and a place of symbolic assignment, we will discuss the notion that the function of these photographs suffers a displacement that gives priority to the file itself as an object of interest over the event alluded. In other words, it is the file that becomes the object of the representation of a place of memory.
Once the use of historical data serves as an articulator of senses in journalistic narratives, this article proposes to study the cases in which the discursive constructions of the future are structured from the evocation of the past. It is possible to discern how images of the future built on stories parting from the past is related to a specific conception of history and how this history is seen, by journalism, as a repository of examples enrolled in a temporal continuum and fixed as a judging instance able to measure and anticipate the future consequences.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
This thesis explores the function of the theatre in Derek Walcott's literary achievements. Focusing on the semiotic theories that characterize the study of drama as a literary text and as a staged text, the initial approach aims at creating a relationship between semiotics and postcolonial theories. In particular Pavis's concept of intercultural semiotics and Peter Brook's innovative visions about the regenerative function of the space of the theatre represent a useful theoretical basis to consider the specificity of postcolonial theatre as an innovative space, where new cultural meanings emerge. Derek Walcott's dramatic production is studied according to this approach, in order to be defined as a new hybrid, syncretic and multicultural space. After considering the development of drama from a postcolonial and Caribbean perspective, this study begins with an insight into Walcott's views on theatre, taking into consideration his linguistic depth, linked to the European tradition, but also his strong concern with the Caribbean public's cultural needs. The double tension characterizing Walcott's cultural identity as well as his art represents an essential element to analyse his dramatic texts. With an ambivalent approach, which takes into consideration language and performance, this thesis offers an insight into Walcott's plays to detect their postcolonial and multicultural elements. The analysis of the different texts are divided into two chapters (third and fourth). The third chapters - mainly focused on postcolonial themes - explores issues such as language, identity and space, whereas the fourth chapter centers on multiculturalism in text and performance. Dealing with interracial interactions, issues like re-writing classical texts and the manipulation of personal and collective memory as a way to re- establish new historical perspectives, the last part of the thesis aims at demonstrating the idea that Walcott has created a new space in the theatre made by the harmonic fusion of different and opposed cultural elements, which are visible in the literary as well as in the staged text. The textual perspective of Walcott's drama fits into Pavis's definition of intercultural semiotics, as the faithful representation of a multicultural creole society: that of the West Indies.
La tesi intitolata "Dalla «postmémoire» alla scrittura dell’oblio nell’opera di Sylvie Germain" si pone l’obbiettivo di analizzare l’opera della scrittrice francese contemporanea Sylvie Germain alla luce di alcune elaborazioni teoriche sulla dialettica memoria/oblio. Basandoci sulle principali teorie-guida relative alla «memoria culturale» teorizzate da Maurice Halbwachs,Pierre Nora,Tzvetan Todorov,Paul Ricoeur e Aleida Assmann,la nostra analisi si è successivamente concentrata sugli studi condotti attorno al concetto di «postmemory» elaborato dalla studiosa americana Marianne Hirsch. Scopo di questa prospettiva critica è quello di leggere l'opera germainiana come espressione di una «affiliative postmemory», risultato della connessione generazionale di coloro che non hanno vissuto direttamente un trauma con la «literal second generation». Attraverso un approccio interdisciplinare che ha coinvolto gli studi sulla memoria culturale in rapporto alla questione del gender, si è inoltre evidenziata la specificità del ruolo rivestito dai personaggi femminili nei romanzi di Germain che assumono un peso determinante nella trasmissione della memoria individuale e collettiva, studio che ci ha permesso di sottolineare la funzione attiva svolta dalle protagoniste delle opere della scrittrice. Nella fase conclusiva sono state esaminate le opere più recenti di Sylvie Germain pubblicate tra il 2008 e il 2011 in cui l’autrice sembra avvertire la necessità di controbilanciare il peso della «troppa memoria» con una giusta dose di oblio. Sono state inoltre affrontate la questione della responsabilità etica e l’idea di debito nei confronti della memoria familiare e collettiva: la scrittura stessa diventa così per Germain lo strumento attraverso il quale l’autrice assume il ruolo di passeuse de mémoire per le generazioni future.
Organizational and institutional scholars have advocated the need to examine how processes originating at an individual level can change organizations or even create new organizational arrangements able to affect institutional dynamics (Chreim et al., 2007; Powell & Colyvas, 2008; Smets et al., 2012). Conversely, research on identity work has mainly investigated the different ways individuals can modify the boundaries of their work in actual occupations, thus paying particular attention to ‘internal’ self-crafting (e.g. Wrzesniewski & Dutton, 2001). Drawing from literatures on possible and alternative self and on positive organizational scholarship (e.g., Obodaru, 2012; Roberts & Dutton, 2009), my argument is that individuals’ identity work can go well beyond the boundaries of internal self-crafting to the creation of new organizational arrangements. In this contribution I analyze, through multiple case studies, healthcare professionals who spontaneously participated in the creation of new organizational arrangements, namely health structures called Community Hospitals. The contribution develops this form of identity work by building a grounded model. My findings disclose the process that leads from the search for the enactment of different self-concepts to positive identities, through the creation of a new organizational arrangement. I contend that this is a particularly complex form of collective identity work because it requires, to be successful, concerted actions of several internal, external and institutional actors, and it also requires balanced tensions that – at the same time - enable individuals’ aspirations and organizational equilibrium. I name this process organizational collective crafting. Moreover I inquire the role of context in supporting the triggering power of those unrealized selves. I contribute to the comprehension of the consequences of self-comparisons, organizational identity variance, and positive identity. The study bears important insights on how identity work originating from individuals can influence organizational outcomes and larger social systems.
The French sociologist Maurice Halbwachs (1877–1945) conceived re- membrance as a product of ›collective memory‹ and explained this idea in his book on ›La Topographie légendaire des Évangiles en Terre sainte‹ (1941) showing that the topography of the Holy Land was predominantly an imaginary landscape construed by Christian communities. Following this concept, this article studies the ›Palästinalied‹, a text describing the arrival of a pilgrim in the Holy Land in the time of the crusades, abundantly transmitted under the name of Walther von der Vogelweide. The high degree of textual variance in the diverse manuscripts testifies the acting of ›collective memory‹ in the medieval poetic tradition. Of special interest in this context are the strophic arrangements, the variation of deictic markers, the reworking of melodic models documented in the manuscript transmission and the diatopic opposition existing between the emphasis of ›distant love‹ expressed in Jaufré Rudel’s Occitan song ›Lanqand li jorn son lonc en mai‹ (one of the named models) and the attitude of proximity prevailing in the ›Palästinalied‹.
La tesis de maestría 'Recuerdos, espejos y lugares en el teatro comunitario argentino contemporáneo. Memoria colectiva, identidades, y espacio público en las prácticas del Grupo de Teatro Popular de Sansinena [2010-2012]', indaga en las operaciones de memoria, la constitución de identidades y los procesos construcción/ reapropiación del espacio público, que tienen lugar en las prácticas de este grupo de teatro. Dentro del proceso de creación colectiva de la obra, se reconstruyen interpretaciones del pasado compartido, tensiones que dan cuenta de las lógicas que estructuran la selección de los hechos a contar, valores y representaciones que visibilizan un modo de percibir/ construir las identidades. El Grupo de Teatro Popular de Sansinena, la primera organización social que existe en el pueblo, configura un experiencia colectiva novedosa, que instaura nuevas lógicas de sociabilidad, genera vínculos con el 'afuera' y reivindica la bandera de resistencia y el reclamo de visibilización a través de la práctica cultural. Dentro de las dinámicas relacionales que atraviesan el grupo, observamos ciertas tendencias jerárquicas en los vínculos entre la directora y los vecinos que conforman el grupo 'lo que se percibe como una dificultad a superar- estructuradas en el fuerte liderazgo construido por la directora. Una Legitimidad configurada sobre los saberes reconocidos, virtudes heredadas y capacidades comprobadas en la práctica, que se perciben en los testimonios de los vecinos-actores. La conformación del Grupo de Teatro Comunitario de Rivadavia -compuesto por doscientos vecinos de seis pueblos del Partido de Rivadavia (incluido Sansinena)-, da cuenta de los alcances de este fenómeno, que deberá seguir estudiándose desde diversas perspectivas, a fin de visibilizar la relevancia que esta práctica cultural adquiere, tanto a nivel local como nacional
En la presente investigación, realizada como trabajo final de la Licenciatura en Sociología de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, se aborda el tema de la memoria colectiva de los adolescentes de entre 17 y 18 años de la ciudad de La Plata sobre la última dictadura militar argentina iniciada en 1976. El objetivo principal del trabajo consiste en indagar la memoria colectiva de estos adolescentes, explorar las representaciones que construyeron acerca de dicho momento particular de la vida social y política de nuestro país, teniendo en cuenta que estos jóvenes no lo han vivido, es decir, no han sido testigos ni han sufrido en carne propia el terrorismo de Estado. La totalidad de estos chicos ha nacido entre los años 1984 y 1985, cuando la democracia ya estaba vigente. Para la realización de esta exploración se seleccionaron grupos de adolescentes de cuatro escuelas medias de la ciudad de La Plata, distribuidas en distintas zonas geográficas y con diversas características socioeconómicas