969 resultados para coding sequence
Mutations in the gene encoding the endothelin receptor type B (EDNRB) produce congenital aganglionic megacolon and pigment abnormalities in mice and humans. Here we report a naturally occurring null mutation of the EDNRB gene in spotting lethal (sl) rats, which exhibit aganglionic megacolon associated with white coat color. We found a 301-bp deletion spanning the exon 1-intron 1 junction of the EDNRB gene in sl rats. A restriction fragment length polymorphism caused by this deletion perfectly cosegregates with the sl phenotype. The deletion leads to production of an aberrantly spliced EDNRB mRNA that lacks the coding sequence for the first and second putative transmembrane domains of the G-protein-coupled receptor. Radioligand binding assays revealed undetectable levels of functional EDNRB in tissues from homozygous sl/sl rats. We conclude that EDNRB plays an essential role in the normal development of two neural crest-derived cell lineages, epidermal melanocytes and enteric neurons, in three mammalian species--humans, mice, and rats. The EDNRB-deficient rat may also prove valuable in defining the postnatal physiologic role of this receptor.
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a member of the nerve growth factor (NGF) gene family, has been shown to influence the survival and differentiation of specific classes of neurons in vitro and in vivo. The possibility that neurotrophins are also involved in processes of neuronal plasticity has only recently begun to receive attention. To determine whether BDNF has a function in processes such as long-term potentiation (LTP), we produced a strain of mice with a deletion in the coding sequence of the BDNF gene. We then used hippocampal slices from these mice to investigate whether LTP was affected by this mutation. Homo- and heterozygous mutant mice showed significantly reduced LTP in the CA1 region of the hippocampus. The magnitude of the potentiation, as well as the percentage of cases in which LTP could be induced successfully, was clearly affected. According to the criteria tested, important pharmacological, anatomical, and morphological parameters in the hippocampus of these animals appear to be normal. These results suggest that BDNF might have a functional role in the expression of LTP in the hippocampus.
We demonstrate that the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) gene VI product can transactivate the expression of a reporter gene in bakers' yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The gene VI coding sequence was placed under the control of the galactose-inducible promoter GAL1, which is presented in the yeast shuttle vector pYES2, to create plasmid JS169. We also created a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) reporter plasmid, JS161, by inserting the CAT reporter gene in-frame into CaMV gene II and subsequently cloning the entire CaMV genome into the yeast vector pRS314. When JS161 was transformed into yeast and subsequently assayed for CAT activity, only a very low level of CAT activity was detected in cellular extracts. To investigate whether the CaMV gene VI product would mediate an increase in CAT activity, we cotransformed yeast with JS169 and JS161. Upon induction with galactose, we found that CAT activity in yeast transformed with JS161 and JS169 was about 19 times higher than the level in the transformants that contained only JS161. CAT activity was dependent on the presence of the gene VI protein, because essentially no CAT activity was detected in yeast cells grown in the presence of glucose, which represses expression from the GAL1 promoter. RNase protection assays showed that the gene VI product had no effect on transcription from the 35S RNA promoter, demonstrating that regulation was occurring at the translation level. This yeast system will prove useful for understanding how the gene VI product of CaMV mediates the translation of genes present on a eukaryotic polycistronic mRNA.
The gene encoding human plakoglobin was mapped to chromosome 17q12-q22. An intragenic restriction fragment length polymorphism was used to localize the plakoglobin gene distal to locus KRT10 and proximal to the marker D17S858. The plakoglobin gene colocalizes with the polymorphic 17q21 marker UM8 on the same cosmid insert. This subregion of chromosome 17 is known to be particularly subjected to genetic alterations in sporadic breast and ovarian tumors. We show loss of heterozygosity of the plakoglobin gene in breast and ovarian tumors. We have identified a low-frequency polymorphism in the plakoglobin coding sequence which results in an arginine to histidine substitution at amino acid position 142 of the protein, as well as a silent mutation at nucleotide position 332 of the coding sequence. This polymorphism allowed us to demonstrate an allelic association of plakoglobin with predisposition to familial breast and ovarian cancers. Our results, together with the present knowledge about the biological function of plakoglobin, suggest that plakoglobin might represent a putative tumor suppressor gene for breast and ovarian cancers.
The biosynthesis of gibberellins (GAs) after GA12-aldehyde involves a series of oxidative steps that lead to the formation of bioactive GAs. Previously, a cDNA clone encoding a GA 20-oxidase [gibberellin, 2-oxoglutarate:oxygen oxidoreductase (20-hydroxylating, oxidizing), EC 1.14.11.-] was isolated by immunoscreening a cDNA library from liquid endosperm of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima L.) with antibodies against partially purified GA 20-oxidase. Here, we report isolation of a genomic clone for GA 20-oxidase from a genomic library of the long-day species Arabidopsis thaliana Heynh., strain Columbia, by using the pumpkin cDNA clone as a heterologous probe. This genomic clone contains a GA 20-oxidase gene that consists of three exons and two introns. The three exons are 1131-bp long and encode 377 amino acid residues. A cDNA clone corresponding to the putative GA 20-oxidase genomic sequence was constructed with the reverse transcription-PCR method, and the identity of the cDNA clone was confirmed by analyzing the capability of the fusion protein expressed in Escherichia coli to convert GA53 to GA44 and GA19 to GA20. The Arabidopsis GA 20-oxidase shares 55% identity and > 80% similarity with the pumpkin GA 20-oxidase at the derived amino acid level. Both GA 20-oxidases share high homology with other 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases (2-ODDs), but the highest homology was found between the two GA 20-oxidases. Mapping results indicated tight linkage between the cloned GA 20-oxidase and the GA5 locus of Arabidopsis. The ga5 semidwarf mutant contains a G-->A point mutation that inserts a translational stop codon in the protein-coding sequence, thus confirming that the GA5 locus encodes GA 20-oxidase. Expression of the GA5 gene in Ara-bidopsis leaves was enhanced after plants were transferred from short to long days; it was reduced by GA4 treatment, suggesting end-product repression in the GA biosynthetic pathway.
The Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) is an X-chromosome-linked recessive disease characterized by eczema, thrombocytopenia, and immunodeficiency. The disease gene has been localized to the proximal short arm of the X chromosome and recently isolated through positional cloning. The function of the encoded protein remains undetermined. In this study we have characterized mutations in 12 unrelated patients to confirm the identity of the disease gene. We have also revised the coding sequence and genomic structure for the WAS gene. To analyze further the transmittance of the disease gene, we have characterized a polymorphic microsatellite at the DXS6940 locus within 30 kb of the gene and demonstrate the inheritance of the affected alleles in families with a history of WAS.
The prevailing view of the nuclear genetic code is that it is largely frozen and unambiguous. Flexibility in the nuclear genetic code has been demonstrated in ciliates that reassign standard stop codons to amino acids, resulting in seven variant genetic codes, including three previously undescribed ones reported here. Surprisingly, in two of these species, we find efficient translation of all 64 codons as standard amino acids and recognition of either one or all three stop codons. How, therefore, does the translation machinery interpret a “stop” codon? We provide evidence, based on ribosomal profiling and “stop” codon depletion shortly before coding sequence ends, that mRNA 3′ ends may contribute to distinguishing stop from sense in a context-dependent manner. We further propose that such context-dependent termination/readthrough suppression near transcript ends enables genetic code evolution.
Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand-2 (CCL2) is a chemoattractant and activator of macrophages and is a key determinant of the macrophage infiltrate into tumours. We demonstrate here that CCL2 is expressed in normal human ovarian surface epithelium ( HOSE) cells and is silenced in most ovarian cancer cell lines, and silenced or downregulated in the majority of primary ovarian adenocarcinomas. Analysis of the CCL2 locus at 17q11.2-q12 showed loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in 70% of primary tumours, and this was significantly more common in tumours of advanced stage or grade. However, we did not detect any mutations in the CCL2 coding sequence in 94 primary ovarian adenocarcinomas. These data support the hypothesis that CCL2 may play a role in the pathobiology of ovarian cancers, but additional studies will be required to evaluate this possibility.
Background: Approximately 40% of mammalian mRNA sequences contain AUG trinucleotides upstream of the main coding sequence, with a quarter of these AUGs demarcating open reading frames of 20 or more codons. In order to investigate whether these open reading frames may encode functional peptides, we have carried out a comparative genomic analysis of human and mouse mRNA 'untranslated regions' using sequences from the RefSeq mRNA sequence database. Results: We have identified over 200 upstream open reading frames which are strongly conserved between the human and mouse genomes. Consensus sequences associated with efficient initiation of translation are overrepresented at the AUG trinucleotides of these upstream open reading frames, while comparative analysis of their DNA and putative peptide sequences shows evidence of purifying selection. Conclusion: The occurrence of a large number of conserved upstream open reading frames, in association with features consistent with protein translation, strongly suggests evolutionary maintenance of the coding sequence and indicates probable functional expression of the peptides encoded within these upstream open reading frames.
T he international FANTOM consortium aims to produce a comprehensive picture of the mammalian transcriptome, based upon an extensive cDNA collection and functional annotation of full-length enriched cDNAs. The previous dataset, FANTOM(2), comprised 60,770 full- length enriched cDNAs. Functional annotation revealed that this cDNA dataset contained only about half of the estimated number of mouse protein- coding genes, indicating that a number of cDNAs still remained to be collected and identified. To pursue the complete gene catalog that covers all predicted mouse genes, cloning and sequencing of full- length enriched cDNAs has been continued since FANTOM2. In FANTOM3, 42,031 newly isolated cDNAs were subjected to functional annotation, and the annotation of 4,347 FANTOM2 cDNAs was updated. To accomplish accurate functional annotation, we improved our automated annotation pipeline by introducing new coding sequence prediction programs and developed a Web- based annotation interface for simplifying the annotation procedures to reduce manual annotation errors. Automated coding sequence and function prediction was followed with manual curation and review by expert curators. A total of 102,801 full- length enriched mouse cDNAs were annotated. Out of 102,801 transcripts, 56,722 were functionally annotated as protein coding ( including partial or truncated transcripts), providing to our knowledge the greatest current coverage of the mouse proteome by full- length cDNAs. The total number of distinct non- protein- coding transcripts increased to 34,030. The FANTOM3 annotation system, consisting of automated computational prediction, manual curation, and. nal expert curation, facilitated the comprehensive characterization of the mouse transcriptome, and could be applied to the transcriptomes of other species.
Gli organismi vegetali mostrano una notevole capacità di adattamento alle condizioni di stress e lo studio delle componenti molecolari alla base dell'adattamento in colture cerealicole di interesse alimentare, come il frumento, è di particolare interesse per lo studio di varietà che consentano una buona produzione con basso input anche in condizioni ambientali non ottimali. L'esposizione delle colture cerealicole a stress termico durante determinate fasi del ciclo vitale influisce negativamente sulla resa e sulla qualità, a questo fine è necessario chiarire le basi genetiche e molecolari della termotolleranza per identificare geni e alleli vantaggiosi da impiegare in programmi di incrocio volti al miglioramento genetico. Numerosi studi dimostrano il coinvolgimento delle sHSP a localizzazione cloroplastica (in frumento sHSP26) nel meccanismo di acquisizione della termotolleranza e la loro interazione con diverse componenti del fotosistema II (PSII) che determinerebbe un’azione protettiva in condizioni di stress termico e altri tipi di stress. Lo scopo del progetto è quello di caratterizzare in frumento duro nuove varianti alleliche correlate alla tolleranza a stress termico mediate l'utilizzo del TILLING (Target Induced Local Lesion In Genome), un approccio di genetica inversa che prevede la mutagenesi e l'identificazione delle mutazioni indotte in siti di interesse. Durante la tesi sono state isolate e caratterizzate 3 sequenze geniche complete per smallHsp26 denominate TdHsp26-A1; TdHsp26-A2; TdHsp26-B1 e un putativo pseudogene denominato TdHsp26-A3. I geni isolati sono stati usati come target in analisi di TILLING in due popolazioni di frumento duro mutagenizzate con EMS (EtilMetanoSulfonato). Nel nostro studio sono stati impiegati due differenti approcci di TILLING: un approccio di TILLING classico mediante screening con High Resolution Melting (HRM) e un approccio innovativo che sfrutta un database di TILLING recentemente sviluppato. La popolazione di mutanti cv. Kronos è stata analizzata per la presenza di mutazioni in tutti e tre i geni individuati mediante ricerca online nel database di TILLING, il quale sfrutta la tecnica dell’exome capture sulla popolazione di TILLING seguito da sequenziamento ad alta processività. Attraverso questa tecnica sono state individuate, nella popolazione mutagenizzata di frumento duro cv. Kronos, 36 linee recanti mutazioni missenso. Contemporaneamente lo screening con HRM, effettuato su 960 genotipi della libreria di TILLING di frumento duro cv. Cham1 ha consentito di individuare mutazioni in una regione di 211bp di interesse funzionale del gene TdHsp26-B1, tra le quali 3 linee mutanti recanti mutazioni missenso in omozigosi. Alcune mutazioni missenso individuate sui due geni TdHsp26-A1 e TdHsp26-B1 sono state confermate in vivo nelle piante delle rispettive linee mutanti generando marcatori codominanti KASP (Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR) con cui è stato possibile verificare anche il grado di zigosità di tali mutazioni. Al fine di ridurre il numero di mutazioni non desiderate nelle linee risultate più interessanti, è stato eseguito il re-incrocio dei mutanti con i relativi parentali wild type ed inoltre sono stati generati alcuni doppi mutanti che consentiranno di comprendere meglio i meccanismi molecolari presieduti da questa classe genica. Gli individui F1 degli incroci sono stati poi genotipizzati con i medesimi marcatori KASP specifici per la mutazione di interesse per verificare la buona riuscita dell’incrocio. Questo approccio ha permesso di individuare ed implementare risorse genetiche utili ad intraprendere studi funzionali relativi al ruolo di smallHSP plastidiche implicate nella acquisizione di termotolleranza in frumento duro e di generare marcatori potenzialmente utili in futuri programmi di breeding.
1. Adrenomedullin (AM) has two known receptors formed by the calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CL) and receptor activity-modifying protein (RAMP) 2 or 3: We report the effects of the antagonist fragments of human AM and CGRP (AM 22-52 and CGRP 8-37) in inhibiting AM at human (h), rat (r) and mixed species CL/RAMP2 and CL/RAMP3 receptors transiently expressed in Cos 7 cells or endogenously expressed as rCL/rRAMP2 complexes by Rat 2 and L6 cells. 2. AM 22-52 (10 μM) antagonised AM at all CL/RAMP2 complexes (apparent pA 2 values: 7.34±0.14 (hCL/hRAMP2), 7.28±0.06 (Rat2), 7.00±0.05 (L6), 6.25±0.17(rCL/hRAMP2)). CGRP 8-37 (10 μM) resembled AM 22-52 except on the rCL/hRAMP2 complex, where it did not antagonise AM (apparent PA 2 values: 7.04±0.13 (hCL/hRAMP2), 6.72±0.06 (Rat2), 7.03±0. 12 (L6)). 3. On CL/RAMP3 receptors, 10 μM CGRP 8-37 was an effective antagonist at all combinations (apparent pA 2 values: 6.96±0.08 (hCL/hRAMP3), 6.18±0.18 (rCL/rRAMP3), 6.48±0.20 (rCL/ hRAMP3)). However, 10 μm AM 22-52 only antagonised AM at the hCL/hRAMP3 receptor (apparent PA 2 6.73±0.14). 4. BIBN4096BS (10 μM) did not antagonise AM at any of the receptors. 5. Where investigated (all-rat and rat/human combinations), the agonist potency order on the CL/ RAMP3 receptor was AM∼βCGRP>αCGRP. 6. rRAMP3 showed three apparent polymorphisms, none of which altered its coding sequence. 7. This study shows that on CL/RAMP complexes, AM 22-52 has significant selectivity for the CL/ RAMP2 combination over the CL/RAMP3 combination. On the mixed species receptor, CGRP 8-37 showed the opposite selectivity. Thus, depending on the species, it is possible to discriminate pharmacologically between CL/RAMP2 and CL/RAMP3 AM receptors.
Adherence of pathogenic Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. to host cells is in part mediated by curli fimbriae which, along with other virulence determinants, are positively regulated by RpoS. Interested in the role and regulation of curli (SEF17) fimbriae of Salmonella enteritidis in poultry infection, we tested the virulence of naturally occurring S. enteritidis PT4 strains 27655R and 27655S which displayed constitutive and null expression of curli (SEF17) fimbriae, respectively, in a chick invasion assay and analysed their rpoS alleles. Both strains were shown to be equally invasive and as invasive as a wild-type phage type 4 strain and an isogenic derivative defective for the elaboration of curli. We showed that the rpoS allele of 27655S was intact even though this strain was non-curliated and we confirmed that a S. enteritidis rpoS::strr null mutant was unable to express curli, as anticipated. Strain 27655R, constitutively curliated, possessed a frameshift mutation at position 697 of the rpoS coding sequence which resulted in a truncated product and remained curliated even when transduced to rpoS::strr. Additionally, rpoS mutants are known to be cold-sensitive, a phenotype confirmed for strain 27655R. Collectively, these data indicated that curliation was not a significant factor for pathogenesis of S. enteritidis in this model and that curliation of strains 27655R and 27655S was independent of RpoS. Significantly, strain 27655R possessed a defective rpoS allele and remained virulent. Here was evidence that supported the concept that different naturally occurring rpoS alleles may generate varying virulence phenotypic traits.
The microorganisms have a vast genetic diversity and they are present throughout the biosphere, however, only about 1% of the species can be cultivated by traditional cultivation techniques. Within this diversity there is a huge pool genetic and biological being explored. The metagenomics has enabled direct access to microbial genome derived from environmental samples using independent methods of cultivation. The methodology enables to obtain functional information about the proteins, as well as identify potential products with biotechnological interest and new industrially exploitable biological resources, such as new solutions to environmental impacts. Oil-contaminated areas are characterized by a large accumulation of hydrocarbons and surfactants may be used for bioremediation. Thus, the metagenomic approach was used in this study in order to select genes involved in the degradation and hydrocarbon emulsification. In a previous work, the environmental DNA (eDNA) was extracted from soil samples collected from two different areas (Caatinga and Saline River) of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil), the metagenomic libraries were constructed and functionally analyzed. The clone able to degrade the oil was evaluated for the ability to synthesize biosurfactants. The sequence analysis revealed an ORF with 897 bp, 298 amino acids and a protein with around 34 kDa. The search for homology in GenBank revealed sequence similarity with a hypothetical protein of representatives Halobacteriaceae family, who were recently shown as strains producing biosurfactants. The presence of the inserted coding sequence and the acquired phenotype was confirmed. Primers were designed and the ORF amplified by PCR. The ORF was subcloned into pETDuet-1 expression vector for subsequent purification of the protein of interest containing a histidine tail. The tests performed to confirm the biosurfactant activity and the ability of hydrocarbon degradation showed positive results. The immunodetection test (western blot) using the monoclonal AntiHis® confirmed the presence of the environmental protein. This study was the first to report a possible protein with biosurfactant activity obtained from a metagenomic approach