978 resultados para clouds


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Seismic data gathered from the Hydrocarbon Exploration and Discovery Operation is essential to identify possible hydrocarbon existence in a geologically surveyed area. However, the discovery operation takes a long time to be completed and computational processing of the acquired data is often delayed. Hydrocarbon exploration may end up needlessly covering an area without any hydrocarbon traces due to lack of immediate feedback from geophysical experts. This feedback can only be given when the acquired seismic data is computationally processed, analysed and interpreted. In response, we propose a comprehensive model to facilitate Hydrocarbon Exploration and Discovery Operation using encryption, decryption, satellite transmission and clouds. The model details the logical design of Seismic Data Processing (SDP) that exploits clouds and the ability for geophysical experts to provide on-line decisions on how to progress the hydrocarbon exploration operation at a remote location. Initial feasibility assessment was carried out to support our model. The SDP, data encryption and encryption for the assessment were carried out on a private cloud. The assessment shows that the overall process of hydrocarbon exploration from data acquisition, satellite data transmission through to SDP could be executed in a short time and at low costs.


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Cloud computing is the most recent realisation of computing as a utility. Recently, fields with substantial computational requirements, e.g., biology, are turning to clouds for cheap, on-demand provisioning of resources. Of interest to this paper is the execution of compute intensive applications on hybrid clouds. If application requirements exceed private cloud resource capacity, clients require scaling down their applications. The outcome of this research is Web technology realising a new form of cloud called HPC Hybrid Deakin (H2D) Cloud -- an experimental hybrid cloud capable of utilising both local and remote computational services for single large embarrassingly parallel applications.


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This paper considers an Indigenous perspective on the rapidly transforming Australian environment and the impact of world climate change. It is largely based upon a National Climate Change Adaptation and Research Facility (NCCARF) research project, in progress, that is seeking to translate a south-eastern Australian Indigenous perspective of how climate change affects 'country'. The project involves direct community consultation and workshops, framed by a literature review and longstanding author involvements with Indigenous communities in planning, design and native title projects, and will discuss conclusions being raised. Importantly, this discourse is being formulated with peri-urban based Indigenous communities whom are well educated and deeply involved with statutory and strategic planning processes and native title debates.


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All objects emerge from a cloud of activities, virtual pressures and situated encumbrances that precede their status as finished things. Once emerged, traces of their history linger in the object, signposting a range of past and future potentials that are largely inaccessible – or just unnoticed. Objects, in short, always shimmer with connections beyond themselves, through which they are part of ecologies that render them both meaningful and active. We would call this shimmering their ‘abstract life’. However, this life is rarely identified overtly, and tends to linger in the background, rendering their shimmering vitality more mute than manifest. This paper is interested in how that abstract life can become palpably evident though various forms of collapse, where a fallout throws a kind of dust into the lingering cloud – offering visibility, or material presence, to the otherwise largely invisible, abstract life of things. We will touch upon a series of examples, from the World Trade Centre collapse in the attacks of 2001, to the collapse of computational operations and perceptual models. These examples will lead toward experiments in image making – specifically through using panorama software applications on the iPhone – in which a collapse of the programmed panoramic logic creates ‘glitches’, throwing into question the status of the image and their relationship to perception, amongst other things. These experiments will be discussed in order to demonstrate how collapse might operate as a specific technique inside diverse creative practices (from image making to making architecture). By generating clouds of affective dust, related techniques can bring the abstract ‘life’ of objects flickering into the foreground, allowing the agency of the inanimate to shine.


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Using a child's expression that illustrates his mental image of constituted relations of living things, the author conceptualizes relationality, an interrelated view of being, and its importance for early childhood education. The difference between relation and interaction, and the significance of inter-human relationship are discussed as significant aspects for early childhood teachers to understand as they work with children. In particular, this paper seeks to provide insights into the potential contribution of relationality towards early childhood teaching practice.


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Cloud is becoming a dominant computing platform. Naturally, a question that arises is whether we can beat notorious DDoS attacks in a cloud environment. Researchers have demonstrated that the essential issue of DDoS attack and defense is resource competition between defenders and attackers. A cloud usually possesses profound resources and has full control and dynamic allocation capability of its resources. Therefore, cloud offers us the potential to overcome DDoS attacks. However, individual cloud hosted servers are still vulnerable to DDoS attacks if they still run in the traditional way. In this paper, we propose a dynamic resource allocation strategy to counter DDoS attacks against individual cloud customers. When a DDoS attack occurs, we employ the idle resources of the cloud to clone sufficient intrusion prevention servers for the victim in order to quickly filter out attack packets and guarantee the quality of the service for benign users simultaneously. We establish a mathematical model to approximate the needs of our resource investment based on queueing theory. Through careful system analysis and real-world data set experiments, we conclude that we can defeat DDoS attacks in a cloud environment. © 2013 IEEE.


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Data is becoming the world’s new natural resourceand big data use grows quickly. The trend of computingtechnology is that everything is merged into the Internet and‘big data’ are integrated to comprise completeinformation for collective intelligence. With the increasingsize of big data, refining big data themselves to reduce data sizewhile keeping critical data (or useful information) is a newapproach direction. In this paper, we provide a novel dataconsumption model, which separates the consumption of datafrom the raw data, and thus enable cloud computing for bigdata applications. We define a new Data-as-a-Product (DaaP)concept; a data product is a small sized summary of theoriginal data and can directly answer users’ queries. Thus, weseparate the mining of big data into two classes of processingmodules: the refine modules to change raw big data into smallsizeddata products, and application-oriented mining modulesto discover desired knowledge further for applications fromwell-defined data products. Our practices of mining big streamdata, including medical sensor stream data, streams of textdata and trajectory data, demonstrated the efficiency andprecision of our DaaP model for answering users’ queries


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The success of cloud computing makes an increasing number of real-time applications such as signal processing and weather forecasting run in the cloud. Meanwhile, scheduling for real-time tasks is playing an essential role for a cloud provider to maintain its quality of service and enhance the system's performance. In this paper, we devise a novel agent-based scheduling mechanism in cloud computing environment to allocate real-time tasks and dynamically provision resources. In contrast to traditional contract net protocols, we employ a bidirectional announcement-bidding mechanism and the collaborative process consists of three phases, i.e., basic matching phase, forward announcement-bidding phase and backward announcement-bidding phase. Moreover, the elasticity is sufficiently considered while scheduling by dynamically adding virtual machines to improve schedulability. Furthermore, we design calculation rules of the bidding values in both forward and backward announcement-bidding phases and two heuristics for selecting contractors. On the basis of the bidirectional announcement-bidding mechanism, we propose an agent-based dynamic scheduling algorithm named ANGEL for real-time, independent and aperiodic tasks in clouds. Extensive experiments are conducted on CloudSim platform by injecting random synthetic workloads and the workloads from the last version of the Google cloud tracelogs to evaluate the performance of our ANGEL. The experimental results indicate that ANGEL can efficiently solve the real-time task scheduling problem in virtualized clouds.


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As clouds have been deployed widely in various fields, the reliability and availability of clouds become the major concern of cloud service providers and users. Thereby, fault tolerance in clouds receives a great deal of attention in both industry and academia, especially for real-time applications due to their safety critical nature. Large amounts of researches have been conducted to realize fault tolerance in distributed systems, among which fault-tolerant scheduling plays a significant role. However, few researches on the fault-tolerant scheduling study the virtualization and the elasticity, two key features of clouds, sufficiently. To address this issue, this paper presents a fault-tolerant mechanism which extends the primary-backup model to incorporate the features of clouds. Meanwhile, for the first time, we propose an elastic resource provisioning mechanism in the fault-tolerant context to improve the resource utilization. On the basis of the fault-tolerant mechanism and the elastic resource provisioning mechanism, we design novel fault-tolerant elastic scheduling algorithms for real-time tasks in clouds named FESTAL, aiming at achieving both fault tolerance and high resource utilization in clouds. Extensive experiments injecting with random synthetic workloads as well as the workload from the latest version of the Google cloud tracelogs are conducted by CloudSim to compare FESTAL with three baseline algorithms, i.e., Non-M igration-FESTAL (NMFESTAL), Non-Overlapping-FESTAL (NOFESTAL), and Elastic First Fit (EFF). The experimental results demonstrate that FESTAL is able to effectively enhance the performance of virtualized clouds.


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In the cloud, data is usually stored in ciphertext for security. Attribute-based encryption (ABE) is a popular solution for allowing legal data users to access encrypted data, but it has high overhead and is vulnerable to data leakage. The authors propose an anonymous authorization credential and Lagrange interpolation polynomial-based access control scheme in which an access privilege and one secret share are applied for reconstructing the user's decryption key. Because the credential is anonymously bounded with its owner, only the legal authorized user can access and decrypt the encrypted data without leaking any private information.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)