981 resultados para circular patch resonators
The recent boom in wireless communication industry, especially in the area of cellular telephony and wireless data communication, has led to the increased demand for multi band antennas. In such applications the issues to be addressed are, wide bandwidth and gain, while striving for miniature geometry. A dual frequency configuration useful in GSM1800 and Blue tooth, is one that operates with similar properties, both in terms of reflection and radiation characteristics, in the two bands of interest. Dual frequency operations can be realized by exciting the Microstrip Patch Antenna (MPA) using a single feed [1] or dual feed [2]. In this paper, Conformal FDTD[3] method with Perfect Magnetic Conductor (PMC) applied along the plane of symmetry [4] is used to study the characteristics of an Octagonal MPA. The theoretical results are compared against the experimental and IE3D™ simulated results
In this paper, a dual port, dual frequency, dual polarized, octagonal shaped Microstrip patch antenna, suitable for GPS applications is discussed experimentally and theoretically. The proposed antenna configuration is characterized by good impedance bandwidth, gain, isolation between two ports and broad radiation patterns
A dual port dual polarized octagonal microstrip patch antenna suitable for dual band applications is discussed theoretically and experimentally. The antenna exhibits good impedance bandwidth, gain and broad radiation patterns. Parameters predicted by the Conformal Finite Difference Time Domain algorithm show good agreement with the simulated results and experimental observations
A novel compact chipless RFID tag using spurline resonators is discussed in this paper. The detection of the tag's ID is using the spectral signature of a spurline resonator circuit. The tag has a data capacity of 8-bits in the range 2.38 to 4.04 GHz. The tag consists of a spurline multiresonating circuit and two cross polarized antennas. The prototype of the tag is fabricated on a substrate CMET/ LK4.3 of dielectric constant 4.3 and loss tangent 0.0018. The measured results show that group delay response can also be used to decode the tag’s identity
The paper presents a compact planar Ultra Wide Band ¯lter employing folded stepped impedance resonators with series capacitors and dumb bell shaped defected ground structures. An interdigital quarter wavelength coupled line is used for achieving the band pass characteristics. The transmission zeros are produced by stepped impedance resonators. The ¯lter has steep roll o® rate and good attenuation in its lower and upper stop bands, contributed by the series capacitor and defected ground structures respectively.
A simple approach for accurate determination of the resonant frequencies of microstrip antennas of regular geometries is developed and presented. In this approach, a generalised empirical formula for the computation of effective dielectric permittivity is given which takes into account the ratio of the fringing area to the area of the patch. A correction to the equivalent side length of an equilateral triangular patch, previously published, is modified and a new formula is given. A correction to the effective dimensions of an elliptical microstrip antenna is also carried out. Numerical results obtained for the resonant frequencies of elliptical, circular, rectangular and equilateral-triangular microstrip antennas are in good agreement with the available theoretical and experimental results reported by others. The present approach is more efficient, simpler and more accurate
Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on,VOL 48,issue 4,pp 636
The global economy is based on a take-make-consume and dispose model where natural resources are turned into products and the waste disposed of instead of being reused as a resource. In the Asia-Pacific region climate change along with rapid population and economic growth is resulting in increased demand for water and food, potentially leading to economic and political instability. Europe has developed policy and technological innovations that can facilitate the transition towards a circular economy where waste becomes a resource. By using existing instruments Europe can transfer its circular economy knowledge and technology to the Asia-Pacific region to increase security of supply of scarce resources. This can help ensure global security, influence climate change negotiations and create jobs in Europe.
Ejemplar editado en 2005 y reeditado en noviembre de 2007
by Karl Uno Ingard.
Circular de la Inspección de Enseñanza Primaria de Madrid para informar de las celebraciones de las Primeras Comuniones en las escuelas de Madrid. En ella se asegura que estos actos se celebrarán en día festivo con el fin de que puedan acudir los familiares, que los niños estarán acompañados durante el acto de sus padres y familiares y que los niños deberán cantar himnos religiosos populares durante el acto de Comunión.
Se transcribe el texto de una carta que se hizo llegar a los rectores, inspectores de departamento, directores de centros y directores de IDEN de Francia, en donde se exponían las razones por las que se imponía la necesidad de impartir una educación sexual desde la naturalidad y la responsabilidad, para que las familias en colaboración con la escuela, pudieran contribuir a prevenir a los jóvenes contra los problemas que pudiera acarrear la ignorancia en el terreno de la educación sexual. De este modo, se analiza la información que debían comunicar; la transmisión de la educación sexual y el inicio de la responsabilidad en este campo y la actitud que debiera adoptar el profesor ante las preguntas de sus alumnos.
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Através da circular número 117, de 6 de Abril de 1972, o Ministério da Instrução Pública da Itália divulgou o Documento sobre Restauração de 1972 (Carta do Restauro, 1972) entre os directores e chefes de institutos autónomos, para que se atenham, escrupulosa e obrigatoriamente, em todas as intervenções de restauração em qualquer obra de arte, às normas por ela estabelecidas e às instruções anexas, aqui publicadas na íntegra.