1000 resultados para chlorite smectite


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Red-brown dolomitic claystones overlay the Marsili Basin basaltic basement at ODP Site 650. Sequential leaching experiments reveal that most of the elements considered to have a hydrothermal or hydrogenous origin in a marine environment, such as Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Co, Ni, are present mainly in the aluminosilicate fraction of the dolomitic claystones. Their vertical distribution, content and partitioning chemistry of trace elements, and REE patterns suggest enhanced terrigenous input during dolomite formation, but no significant hydrothermal influence from the underlying basaltic basement. Positive correlations in the C and O isotopes in the dolomites reflect complex conditions during the dolomitization. The stable isotopes can be controlled in part by temperature variations during the dolomitization. Majority of the samples, however, form a trend that is steeper than expected for only temperature control on the C and O isotopes. The latter indicates possible isotopic heterogeneity in the proto-carbonate that can be related to arid climatic conditions during the formation of the basal dolomitic claystones. In addition, the dolostones stable isotopic characteristics can be influenced by diagenetic release of heavier delta18O from clay dehydration and/or alteration of siliciclastic material. Strontium and Pb isotopic data reveal that the non-carbonate fraction, the "dye" of the dolomitic claystones, is controlled by Saharan dust (75%-80%) and by material with isotopic characteristics similar to the Aeolian Arc volcanoes (20%-25%). The non-carbonate fraction of the calcareous ooze overlying the dolomitic claystones has a Sr and Pb isotopic composition identical to that of the dolomitic claystones, indicating that no change in the input sources to the sedimentary basin occurred during and after the dolomitization event. Combination of climato-tectonic factors most probably resulted in suitable conditions for dolomitization in the Marsili and the nearby Vavilov Basins. The basal dolomitic claystone sequence was formed at the initiation of the opening of the Marsili Basin (~2 Ma), which coincided with the consecutive glacial stage. The glaciation caused arid climate and enhanced evaporation that possibly contributed to the stable isotope variations in the proto-carbonate. The conductive cooling of the young lithosphere produced high heat flow in the region, causing low-temperature passive convection of pore waters in the basal calcareous sediment. We suggest that this pumping process was the major dolomitization mechanism since it is capable of driving large volumes of seawater (the source of Mg2+) through the sediment. The red-brown hue of the dolomitic claystones is terrigenous contribution of the glacially induced high eolian influx and was not hydrothermally derived from the underlying basaltic basement. The detailed geochemical investigation of the basal dolomitic sequence indicates that the dolomitization was most probably related to complex tectono-climatic conditions set by the initial opening stages of the Marsili Basin and glaciation.


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Li and Li isotopes have been measured in the clay fraction of sediments recovered from the Middle Valley hydrothermal site on the Juan De Fuca Ridge. The Li content of pure detrital clays is 51 ppm while hydrothermal clays and carbonates have lower Li (22+/-11 ppm). However, there is no clear relationship between the mineralogy of the hydrothermal alteration products and their Li content. The d7Li value of the detrital clays is +5.8?. Hydrothermal clays and carbonates have d7Li in the range of -3.9? to +7.8?; these values do not seem to be dependent on the temperature at which they formed. Modelling of the Li and Li isotope systematics indicates that the fluid from which the alteration products form is significantly enriched in Li (higher than 10000 µmol/kg) relative to pore fluids recovered from within the sediments (up to 589 µmol/kg; [Wheat, C.G., M.J. Mottl, 1994. Data report: trace metal composition of pore water from Sites 855 through 858, Middle valley, Juan De Fuca Ridge. In Mottl, M.J., Davis, E.E., Fisher, A.T., Slack, J.F. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Res. 139: 749-755; doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.139.269.1994]), and that this Li is derived from sediment. Thus, the alteration products are not in equilibrium with their conjugate pore fluids; rather, the alteration minerals formed at lower water/sediment ratios. This suggests that fluid flow pathways at Middle Valley were more diffuse in the past than they are today.


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Cenozoic sediments recovered from Sites 548, 549, and 550 were the objects of mineralogical (bulk sample and <2 - µm fraction) and geochemical (HCl extract) studies. Thin sections of rock pebbles embedded in sediments (upper levels at Site 548, particularly) were examined on a polarizing microscope. This study outlines the vertical and lateral variation and evolution of the sedimentation. In the Paleocene and lower Eocene, the clay fraction is abundant and smectite is practically the sole existing clay mineral. High Mn, Al, Fe, Mg, and K contents were measured in HCl extracts. Through the middle Eocene, carbonates become more abundant - highly dominant at Site 548. Metal contents in HCl extracts are very low. The clay fraction, although dominated at all sites by smectites, becomes richer in illite and poorly crystallized chlorite. At the middle/upper Miocene boundary, a significant decrease in the smectite/(illite + chlorite) ratio occurs at all sites, and this decrease continues into the middle Pliocene. This decrease is marked by an abrupt increase of quartz at Site 548. At the two other sites, carbonates remain highly predominant; HCl extracts reflect the relative abundance of the clay and carbonate fractions. After a brief recurrence of smectite in a high-metal-content interval, illite and chlorite become the dominant clay minerals in the upper Pliocene and the Pleistocene, where numerous variations in mineralogical composition occur in the clay fraction (Sites 548 and 549) or in non-clay components (Site 548). Several pebbles of various nature and origin, encountered in different levels of this interval at Site 548, appear to have an ice-rafting origin. This study points out three main breaks in the general evolution of the sedimentation: the first, corresponding to the lower/middle Eocene boundary, is marked by the increase of carbonates and associated elements; the second, corresponding to the middle/upper Miocene boundary, is marked by a major decrease of the smectite/(illite + chlorite) ratio at all sites and by a massive appearance of quartz at Site 548; and the third, which occurred toward the late Pliocene, is marked by the dominance of primary clay minerals and the arrival of ice-rafted pebbles. Our interpretation of results considers paleohydrological and paleoclimatic phenomena. It is suggested that the major middle/late Miocene break was associated with an increase of the deep bottom-water circulation between the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, and/or a climatic evolution: humidification and cooling of climate. The changes toward the late Pliocene appear to have been the first effects of the glaciations at the end of Cenozoic.


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Sedimentology, mineralogy, and petrology of the pre-Pliocene sediments drilled at ODP Sites 652 and 654 in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Leg 107) have been studied with emphasis on the lower Messinian to pre-Messinian intervals. Messinian at Site 652 is essentially turbiditic and basinal in character; it was deposited during the syn-rift phase in a strongly subsiding half-graben and is correlatable with emerged coeval sequences; in part with the Laga Formation of the foredeep of Apennines, and in part with the filling of grabens dissecting that chain in the Tyrrhenian portion of Tuscany. The sequence found in Site 654 indicates an upper Tortonian to Messinian transgression accompanying crustal stretching in the western Tyrrhenian Sea and is perfectly correlatable with the so-called "Sahelian cycle" and with "postorogenic" cycles recognized in peninsular Italy and in Sicily.


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Alteration products of basalts from the four holes drilled during Leg 81 were studied and found to be characterized by the widespread occurrence of trioctahedral clay minerals (Mg smectite to chlorite). In some cases zeolites (analcite, chabazite) are associated with the saponite. A more oxidizing stage is marked by a saponite-celadonite association, presenting the geochemical characteristics of hydrothermal processes. Later stages of alteration are represented by palagonitization and subaerial weathering at two sites. These different alteration processes of basalts from Leg 81 record the paleoenvironment during the first opening stages of the Northeast Atlantic Ocean in the Paleocene-Eocene periods.


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We have performed quantitative X-ray diffraction (qXRD) analysis of 157 grab or core-top samples from the western Nordic Seas between (WNS) ~57°-75°N and 5° to 45° W. The RockJock Vs6 analysis includes non-clay (20) and clay (10) mineral species in the <2 mm size fraction that sum to 100 weight %. The data matrix was reduced to 9 and 6 variables respectively by excluding minerals with low weight% and by grouping into larger groups, such as the alkali and plagioclase feldspars. Because of its potential dual origins calcite was placed outside of the sum. We initially hypothesized that a combination of regional bedrock outcrops and transport associated with drift-ice, meltwater plumes, and bottom currents would result in 6 clusters defined by "similar" mineral compositions. The hypothesis was tested by use of a fuzzy k-mean clustering algorithm and key minerals were identified by step-wise Discriminant Function Analysis. Key minerals in defining the clusters include quartz, pyroxene, muscovite, and amphibole. With 5 clusters, 87.5% of the observations are correctly classified. The geographic distributions of the five k-mean clusters compares reasonably well with the original hypothesis. The close spatial relationship between bedrock geology and discrete cluster membership stresses the importance of this variable at both the WNS-scale and at a more local scale in NE Greenland.


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Analysis of pelagic clay samples from Sites 576, 578, and 581 shows that physical, acoustic, and electrical trends with increasing burial depth are related to mineralogical and diagenetic changes. The properties of interest are bulk density (roo), porosity (phi), compressional-wave velocity (Vp) and velocity anisotropy (Ap), and electrical resistivity (Ro) and resistivity anisotropy (Ar). In general, as demonstrated in particular for the brown pelagic clay, the increase in roo, Vp, Ro, and to a lesser extent Ap and Ar with increasing depth is primarily caused by decreasing phi (and water content) as a result of compaction. The mineralogy and chemistry of the pelagic clays vary as a function of burial depth at all three sites. These variations are interpreted to reflect changes in the relative importance of detrital and diagenetic components. Mineralogical and chemical variations, however, play minor roles in determining variations in acoustic and electrical properties of the clays with increasing burial depth.


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A number of neogenic opaline structures, not previously reported in the literature, as well as other neogenic phases are described from four Oligocene to Pliocene biosiliceous sediment samples from Hole 699A. The possible influence of microbes on the formation or the morphology of some of them is discussed. The samples, which are early Pliocene, early to middle Miocene, and late Oligocene (two) in age, were histologically fixed aboard ship upon retrieval. Investigations of the samples used SEM (with Edax/Tracor) and XRD methods. Diagenesis has affected all four samples, but the most extensive development of neoformed structures occurs in the Miocene and uppermost Oligocene samples, where microbial filaments (0.05 to 10 ?m long), microbial colonies, and siliceous microhemispheroids (0.2 to 0.7 µm diameter) were observed. The latter encrust filaments, diatoms, and detrital grains to varying degrees. Other neoformed structures include (1) flakes formed by coalesced microhemispheroids, some of which are guided by short, stubby filaments, which occur only in the Miocene and uppermost Oligocene samples, and (2) flakes characterized by smooth or microfissured surfaces, which grow on diatom frustules and in pore spaces and have a more widespread distribution. The XRD data indicate possible cristobalite formation in the Miocene and uppermost Oligocene samples; we believe that the neoformed opaline structures (encrusted filaments and microhemispheroids) may represent an early phase of opal-CT. The timing of neoformation of most of these features appears to have been fairly recent, continuing even at the time of sampling. There appears to be no direct correlation of this incipient, lower Miocene-uppermost Oligocene diagenetic layer and the pore-water chemistry profiles; a massive increase in shear strength in these sediments, however, may indicate some cementation. Smectite was identified by XRD as the most prominent clay mineral in these generally clay-poor sediments. Honeycombed minerals with filamentous edges, which could correspond to smectite, were observed with SEM in the pore spaces.


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Upper Miocene to Pleistocene hemipelagites and resedimented facies recovered at Holes 976B and 977A (Leg 161) in the Alboran Basin consist mainly of biogenic and detrital components, with a minor contribution of neoformed mineral phases. Diagenetic processes have not obliterated the primary deposition signal, and therefore detrital components (quartz, feldspar, detrital dolomite, rock fragments, and clays) provide information about source rocks and provenances. No major bulk or clay mineralogy differences were recognized between resedimented and hemipelagic facies; in fact, similar mineral assemblages in both types of facies suggest common source rocks. However, mineral abundance fluctuations can be related to climate variations and tectonic factors, as the main controls of sediment fill of this basin. A marked increase in smectites in Messinian sediments suggests an extensive development of soils during that time, probably favored by the alternation of wet and dry climate episodes and the relative aridification of the Mediterranean borderlands. A notable increase in detrital components suggests a sea-level fall and/or tectonic uplift during the late Pliocene. The significant increase in detrital dolomite in the uppermost Pliocene deposits suggests the uplift of dolomite-rich rocks as source areas. Mineral components in Pleistocene sediments indicate increasing tectonic stability, and clay-mineral fluctuations during the Pleistocene can be related not only to tectonic events, but also to alternating cooling and warming periods.


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The origin of two acoustic sediment units has been studied based on lithological facies, chronology and benthic stable isotope values as well as on foraminifera and clay mineral assemblages in six marine sediment cores from Kveithola, a small trough west of Spitsbergenbanken on the western Barents Sea margin. We have identified four time slices with characteristic sedimentary environments. Before c. 14.2 cal. ka, rhythmically laminated muds indicate extensive sea ice cover in the area. From c. 13.9 to 14.2 cal. ka, muds rich in ice-rafted debris were deposited during the disintegration of grounded ice on Spitsbergenbanken. From c. 10.3 to 13.1 cal. ka, sediments with heterogeneous lithologies suggest a shifting influence of suspension settling and iceberg rafting, probably derived from a decaying Barents Sea Ice Sheet in the inner-fjord and land areas to the north of Kveithola. Holocene deposition was episodic and characterized by the deposition of calcareous sands and shell debris, indicative of strong bottom currents. We speculate that a marked erosional boundary at c. 8.2 cal. ka may have been caused by the Storegga tsunami. Whilst deposition was sparse during the Holocene, Kveithola acted as a sediment trap during the preceding deglaciation. Investigation of the deglacial sediments provides unprecedented details on the dynamics and timing of glacial retreat from Spitsbergenbanken.


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The mineralogy of both bulk- and clay-sized fractions of samples from Sites 671, 672, and 674 of ODP Leg 110 was determined by X-ray diffraction. The major minerals include quartz, calcite, plagioclase feldspar, and the clay minerals smectite, illite, and kaolinite. The smectite is a dioctahedral montmorillonite and is derived primarily from degradation of volcanic ash. Percentage of smectite varies with sediment age; Miocene and Eocene sediments are the most smectite-rich. High smectite content tends to correlate with elevated porosity, presumably because of the ability of smectite clays to absorb significant amounts of interlayer water. Because of a change in physical properties, the decollement zone at Site 671 formed in sediments immediately subjacent to a section of smectite-rich, high-porosity, Miocene-age sediments. Sediments above the decollement at Site 671, as well as all sediments analyzed from Sites 672 and 674, contain nearly pure smectite characteristic of the alteration of volcanic ash. Within the decollement zone and underthrust sequence, however, the smectite contains up to 65% illite interlayers. Although the illite/smectite could be interpreted as detrital clay derived from South America, its absence in the sediments stratigraphically equivalent to the decollement and underthrust sequences at Sites 672 and 674 favors the interpretation that it originated by diagenetic alteration of pre-existing smectite similar to that in the overlying sediments. A significant percentage of the freshening of the pore waters observed in these zones could be due to the water released during smectite dehydration.


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Although scientific evidence prior to that from ODP Leg 119 indicates the presence of an ice sheet on East Antarctica by at least the earliest Oligocene, the question as to the size and stability of that initial ice sheet is still contested. Current hypotheses include (1) the presence of a small ice sheet in the earliest Oligocene with stepwise growth during the Neogene, (2) the presence of a continental-sized ice sheet in the late middle Eocene with no major evidence of subsequent deglaciation, and (3) the presence of glacial ice in the earliest Oligocene with a major ice sheet during the mid-Oligocene, followed by growth and decay of several ice sheets with characteristics similar to the temperate ice sheets of the Pleistocene of North America but with changes over a longer time scale (millions of years vs. 100,000 yr). Principal results from Leg 119 suggest the presence of significant late middle and late Eocene glaciation in East Antarctica and the presence of a continental-size ice sheet in East Antarctica during the earliest Oligocene. Although the Leg 119 results provide only glimpses of the Neogene glacial history of East Antarctica, they do provide evidence of fluctuations in the extent of the ice sheet and the waxing and waning of glaciers across the Prydz Bay shelf during the later part of the late Miocene and Pliocene.