178 resultados para carnivores


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The aim of this report is to provide biomass estimates (AFDW, g.m-2 ) of the four main components of the benthic food web in the southern part of the Bay of St-Brieuc: suspension-feeders, deposit-feeders, herbivores and carnivores. Patterns in the environmental data (i.e., sedimentary characters) are first analysed, and then related to the spatial distribution of communities ; both approaches use classical ordination techniques (PCA, correspondence analysis). A second typology, based on a review of published litterature concerning coastal macrozoobenthos feeding, ascribes each taxonomic unit to a trophic group. Finally, quantitative results are thus given per biota ; suspension-feeders appear to dominate (in terms of biomass) most of fine-sand habitats of the studied area.


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O conhecimento de como os mamíferos carnívoros de médio e grande porte Neotropicais capturam e manipulam suas presas é incipiente, e algumas espécies podem somente ser investigadas por análises das fezes, e certos presupostos teóricos sobre forrageo podem ser aplicados e testados a partir da análise da dieta. Lontra longicaudis é um mamífero aquático cuja as fezes podem ser facilmente reconhecidas e coletadas para fornecer informação básica referentes a ecologia de forrageamento da espécie. Com base nessa situação, foram desenvolvidas duas questões relacionadas a dieta, como: (I) Se a 30 composição de presas na dieta varia entre as estações ao longo do ano? E qual o tamanho da magnitude do efeito deste fator? (II) Se a amplitude da dieta varia entre as estações? Nós respondemos estas questões por meio da análise das fezes. Foram realizadas 12 expedições mensais para as coletas, em um trecho de 13 quilômetros do baixo curso do Arroio Grande. Cada fezes foi coletada individualmente, e dados como data e posição geografica anotados. As presas foram classificadas por categorias alimentares (peixes, mamíferos, aves, anfíbios, serpentes, crustaceos e insetos) e em nível de família. A alimentação de L. longicaudis foi a baseada em peixes, com uma amplitude de dieta estreita. As famílias Cichlidae e Callichthyidae predominaram na dieta ao longo do ano. A composição de peixes na dieta variou sazonalmente, porém, a amplitude da dieta não variou. Assim Lontra longicaudis caça presas e mantém certo grau de felxibilidade alimentar ao longo do ano.


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Co-management, or participative management of fisheries, consists of returning or opening to the community the management of fisheries. This work, carried out in northern Mozambique, analyzed the ecological and social impacts of the implementation of co-management of fisheries. Firstly 198 species of fish were found and photographed and a guide to identification of species - essential to who works in the marine environment – was produced. Following, the spill-over effect was identified in a marine sanctuary. It occurred after 6 years and only for herbivore fishes and not to the carnivores. In order to evaluate co–management of fisheries effects, the captures of the entire province were analyzed. No differences were found in the diversity of the species caught, but an increase of the fish size was detected: this size was smaller in the fishing centers with no CCP (Community Fishing Councils), slightly bigger in the fishing centers with CCP and even bigger in the fishing centers with a more efficient management. At the same time it was observed that the size of the fish caught is bigger in the fishing centers further away from the markets. In addition to the ecological effects and the effects on fisheries, it was also analyzed the point of view of those who live the co-management. The socioeconomic factors that have a stronger influence in their perceptions are the age and the wealth. Finally and according to the CCP members, their main achievements are in the fisheries inspection and in the creation of conservation areas. Their main difficulties are the lack of means of transportation and the lack of recognition of the CCP's authority; both among the population and in the coordination with local authorities. This thesis pioneered in Mozambique in assessing the effects of Community sanctuaries and the effects of CCP on fisheries as well as by revealing the profile of the supporters of co-management and marine sanctuaries. Finally, an assessment of the matter of fact problems that the communities have to face when implementing co-management was also made.


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Although stable isotope ratios are increasingly used to investigate the trophic ecology of marine organisms, their spatial variations are still poorly understood in the coastal environment. In this study, we measured the stable isotope composition (δ13C, δ15N) of suspended particulate organic matter (SPOM) (primary producer), a suspension feeder, the great scallop Pecten maximus (primary consumer), megabenthic decapods and benthic fishes (secondary consumers) along a depth gradient (from 5m to 155m depth) across the continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay. Although the three trophic levels exhibited similar δ13C patterns along the gradient, the δ15N patterns varied between SPOM, scallops and carnivores. The δ15N difference between SPOM and scallops decreased with increasing depth, suggesting that non trophic factors may affect the stable isotope composition of scallops at deepest sampling stations. An opposed trend was found between scallops and carnivores, suggesting that the trophic level of these carnivores increased at higher depth, possibly as an adaptation to lower prey abundances. Although our results suggest that primary consumers are suitable to establish isotopic baselines in coastal environments, we stress the need for further studies aiming at characterizing the variability of stable isotopes in coastal biota, and the respective effects of baseline, trophic and metabolic factors in their isotopic composition.


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Small-scale spatial and temporal variability in animal abundance is an intrinsic characteristic of marine ecosystems but remains largely unknown for most animals, including coral reef fishes. In this study, we used a remote autonomous unbaited video system and recorded reef fish assemblages during daylight hours, 10 times a day for 34 consecutive days in a branching coral patch of the lagoon of New Caledonia. In total, 50 031 fish observations belonging to 114 taxa, 66 genera and 31 families were recorded in 256 recorded videos. Carnivores and herbivore-detritus feeders dominated the trophic structure. We found significant variations in the composition of fish assemblages between times of day. Taxa richness and fish abundance were greater in the early morning and in the late afternoon than during the day. Fourteen taxa displayed well-defined temporal patterns in abundance with one taxon influenced by time of day, six influenced by tidal state and seven influenced by both time of day and tidal state. None of these 14 taxa were piscivores, 10 were herbivore-detritus feeders, three were carnivores and one was plankton feeder. Our results suggest a diel migration from feeding grounds to shelter areas and highlight the importance of taking into account small-scale temporal variability in animal diversity and abundance when studying connectivity between habitats and monitoring communities.


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Nossa pesquisa consiste no estudo esquemático macroscópico na placenta de gatos e a sua caracterização como tipo, placenta zonária, que 62,5% dos casos apresenta uma fissura na área distal do funículo umbilical. Esse é formado por uma área justa fetal, área justa placentária e área média, encontrando achados histológicos de 2 artérias, uma veia, 2 pedículos vitelínicos e 2 pedículos alantoidianos. Na fissura, encontramos um epitélio alantoidiano cobrindo esta área em 10% dos casos e, em 90% dos achados foram encontrados um trofoblasto diminuído comparado com outras áreas placentárias fora da fissura. Portanto, a placenta felina, com sua relação materno fetal mostra uma placenta zonária incompleta, diferente do ocorrido nos outros carnívoros.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Animal, 2015.


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Canine distemper virus (CDV) is a morbillivirus related to measles virus that infects dogs and other carnivores. CDV has a significant global impact on animal health; however, there is no current antiviral treatment for CDV infection. In recent years, it has been demonstrated that sulfated polysaccharides exhibit antiviral properties both in vivo and in vitro, despite their low cytotoxicity to host cells. Fucoidan is a sulfated polysaccharide found in the cell wall matrix of brown algae. In this study, we evaluated in vitro anti-CDV activity of fucoidan, which was derived from Cladosiphon okamuranus. Fucoidan actively inhibited CDV replication in Vero cells at a 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 0.1 lg/ml. The derived selectivity index (SI50) was[20,000. This polysaccharide likely inhibits viral infection by interference in the early steps and by inhibiting CDV-mediated cell fusion. Fucoidan may be useful in development of pharmacological strategies to treat and control CDV infection.


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The depredation of semi-domesticated reindeer by large carnivores reflects an important human-wildlife conflict in Fennoscandia. Recent studies have revealed that brown bears (Ursus arctos) may kill substantial numbers of reindeer calves (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in forest areas in Sweden. Several authors have suggested that predation risk is an important driver of habitat selection in wild Rangifer populations where predation is a limiting factor, but little is known about these mechanisms in semi-domesticated populations. We examined the habitat selection of female reindeer in relation to spatial and temporal variations in brown bear predation risk on the reindeer calving grounds and evaluated the simultaneous responses of brown bears and reindeer to landscape characteristics. We used GPS data from 110 reindeer years (97 individuals) and 29 brown bear years (19 individuals), from two reindeer herding districts in the forest area of northern Sweden. Our results did not indicate that reindeer alter their behavior in response to spatiotemporal variation in brown bear predation risk, on the scale of the calving range. Instead, we suggest that spatiotemporal behavioral adjustments by brown bears were the main driver of prey-predator interactions in our study system. Contrasting responses by brown bears and reindeer to clear-cuts and young forest indicate that forestry can influence species interactions and possibly yield negative consequences for the reindeer herd. Even if clear-cuts may be beneficial in terms of calf survival, logging activity will eventually cause greater abundance of young regenerating forest, reducing available reindeer habitats and increasing habitat preferred by brown bears. Domestication may have made semi-domesticated reindeer in Fennoscandia less adapted to cope with predators. Areal restrictions, limiting the opportunity for dispersion and escape, possibly make the calves more susceptible to predation. Also, a generally higher population density in semi-domesticated herds compared to wild populations can make dispersion a less efficient strategy and the reindeer calves easier prey. Overall, the lack of ability of the reindeer females to reduce brown bear encounter risk on the scale of the calving range is probably an important reason for the high brown bear predation rates on reindeer calves documented in our study areas. 


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Large wild herbivores are crucial to ecosystems and human societies. We highlight the 74 largest terrestrial herbivore species on Earth (body mass≥100 kg), the threats they face, their important and often overlooked ecosystem effects, and the conservation efforts needed to save them and their predators from extinction. Large herbivores aregenerally facing dramatic population declines and range contractions, such that ~60% are threatened with extinction. Nearly all threatened species are in developing countries, where major threats include hunting, land-use change, and resource depression by livestock. Loss of large herbivores can have cascading effects on other species including large carnivores, scavengers, mesoherbivores, small mammals, and ecological processes involving vegetation, hydrology, nutrient cycling, and fire regimes. The rate of large herbivore decline suggests that ever-largerswaths of the world will soon lack many of the vital ecological services these animals provide, resulting in enormous ecological and social costs.


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A rapidly growing body of the literature reveals the important roles apex predators play in shaping the composition and functioning of ecological communities worldwide. The principal effects of apex predators—namely herbivore and mesopredator population suppression—are often evident following their removal from environments, or their reintroduction, including rewilding initiatives. What remains less clear, however, is to what extent humans versus other apex predators affect ecosystems, how both interact across gradients of anthropogenic pressure and how such interactions can be affected by underlying bottom-up processes. Such questions are critical to answer in the Anthropocene, where effective management of ecosystems and conservation of biodiversity requires a better understanding of how top-down and bottom-up processes vary according to anthropogenic influences.


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Context Understanding connectivity patterns in relation to habitat fragmentation is essential to landscape management. However, connectivity is often judged from expert opinion or species occurrence patterns, with very few studies considering the actual movements of individuals. Path selection functions provide a promising tool to infer functional connectivity from animal movement data, but its practical application remains scanty. Objectives We aimed to describe functional connectivity patterns in a forest carnivore using path-level analysis, and to explore how connectivity is affected by land cover patterns and road networks. Methods We radiotracked 22 common genets in a mixed forest-agricultural landscape of southern Portugal. We developed path selection functions discriminating between observed and random paths in relation to landscape variables. These functions were used together with land cover information to map conductance surfaces. Results Genets moved preferentially within forest patches and close to riparian habitats. Functional connectivity declined with increasing road density, but increased with the proximity of culverts, viaducts and bridges. Functional connectivity was favoured by large forest patches, and by the presence of riparian areas providing corridors within open agricultural land. Roads reduced connectivity by dissecting forest patches, but had less effect on riparian corridors due to the presence of crossing structures. Conclusions Genet movements were jointly affected by the spatial distribution of suitable habitats, and the presence of a road network dissecting such habitats and creating obstacles in areas otherwise permeable to animal movement. Overall, the study showed the value of path-level analysis to assess functional connectivity patterns in human-modified landscapes.


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Aim To examine the distributional patterns of vertebrates (including birds, bats, carnivores and lagomorphs) along landscape composition and configuration gradients to better understand the effects of landscape modification on occurrence patterns at both species and community level. Location The region of Alentejo, a forest-dominated area of southern Portugal. Methods The study area was framed using 1647 hexagonal plots, each of 259 ha in size. Composition and configuration gradients were obtained for each plot by integrating the proportions of the main land cover types and their configuration patterns using multivariate analyses. Species-specific vertebrate responses were investigated using data from 75 plots in which carnivores, bats and lagomorphs were sampled, and from 135 plots in the case of birds. Community- level responses were investigated through changes in species richness and beta-diversity in 57 plots where all vertebrate groups were simultaneously sampled. At the species-level, an information-theoretic approach was used to determine the effects of landscape gradients on species’ responses. At the community level, Mantel tests were used to determine between-plot differences in species composition using the Sørensen dissimilarity index. Results We found that the occurrence patterns of most vertebrate species were best predicted by composition-related gradients, although configuration gradients were also frequently included in species-specific occurrence models. We also found a weak correlation between species richness and most landscape gradients suggesting a turnover in the identity of species, something that was corroborated by the stronger correlation between environmental gradients and beta-diversity measures. The amount of forest cover and landscape complexity (estimated as the heterogeneity in the size and number of land cover types) were the main composition and configuration gradients determining vertebrate responses at both species and community level. Main conclusions Our work contributes to a more refined understanding of the mechanisms underlying species distributional patterns in real-world human-modified landscapes. By uncovering generalities of species with multiple ecological requirements and by describing the entire landscape mosaic through landscape gradients, we also suggest that our work greatly helps to fill the gap between existing conceptual landscape models aimed to understand species distributional patterns in human-modified landscapes.