755 resultados para care pathways, patient satisfaction, patient flow, staff attitudes
AIM: Studies have provided insights into factors that may facilitate or inhibit parent-infant closeness in neonatal units, but none have specifically focused on the perspectives of senior neonatal staff. The aim of this study was to explore perceptions and experiences of consultant neonatologists and senior nurses in five European countries with regard to these issues. METHODS: Six small group discussions and three one-to-one interviews were conducted with 16 consultant neonatologists and senior nurses representing nine neonatal units from Estonia, Finland, Norway, Spain and Sweden. The interviews explored facilitators and barriers to parent-infant closeness and implications for policy and practice and thematic analysis was undertaken. RESULTS: Participants highlighted how a humanising care agenda that enabled parent-infant closeness was an aspiration, but pointed out that neonatal units were at different stages in achieving this. The facilitators and barriers to physical closeness included socio-economic factors, cultural norms, the designs of neonatal units, resource issues, leadership, staff attitudes and practices and relationships between staff and parents. CONCLUSION: Various factors affected parent-infant closeness in neonatal units in European countries. There needs to be the political motivation, appropriate policy planning, legislation and resource allocation to increase measures that support closeness agendas in neonatal units. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND: The identification of patients' health needs is pivotal in optimising the quality of health care, increasing patient satisfaction and directing resource allocation. Health needs are complex and not so easily evaluated as health-related quality of life (HRQL), which is becoming increasingly accepted as a means of providing a more global, patient-orientated assessment of the outcome of health care interventions than the simple medical model. The potential of HRQL as a surrogate measure of healthcare needs has not been evaluated. OBJECTIVES AND METHOD: A generic (Short Form-12; SF-12) and a disease-specific questionnaire (Seattle Angina Questionnaire; SAQ) were tested for their potential to predict health needs in patients with acute coronary disease. A wide range of healthcare needs were determined using a questionnaire specifically developed for this purpose. RESULTS: With the exception of information needs, healthcare needs were highly correlated with health-related quality of life. Patients with limited enjoyment of personal interests, weak financial situation, greater dependency on others to access health services, and dissatisfaction with accommodation reported poorer HRQL (SF-12: p < 0.001; SAQ: p < 0.01). Difficulties with mobility, aids to daily living and activities requiring assistance from someone else were strongly associated with both generic and disease-specific questionnaires (SF-12: r = 0.46-0.55, p < 0.01; SAQ: r = 0.53-0.65, p < 0.001). Variables relating to quality of care and health services were more highly correlated with SAQ components (r = 0.33-0.59) than with SF-12 (r = 0.07-0.33). Overall, the disease-specific Seattle Angina Questionnaire was superior to the generic Short Form-12 in detecting healthcare needs in patients with coronary disease. Receiver-operator curves supported the sensitivity of HRQL tools in detecting health needs. CONCLUSION: Healthcare needs are complex and developing suitable questionnaires to measure these is difficult and time-consuming. Without a satisfactory means of measuring these needs, the extent to which disease impacts on health will continue to be underestimated. Further investigation on larger populations is warranted but HRQL tools appear to be a reasonable proxy for healthcare needs, as they identify the majority of needs in patients with coronary disease, an observation not previously reported in this patient group
Background: The evidence base on end-of-life care in acute stroke is limited, particularly with regard to recognising dying and related decision-making. There is also limited evidence to support the use of end-of-life care pathways (standardised care plans) for patients who are dying after stroke. Aim: This study aimed to explore the clinical decision-making involved in placing patients on an end-of-life care pathway, evaluate predictors of care pathway use, and investigate the role of families in decision-making. The study also aimed to examine experiences of end-of-life care pathway use for stroke patients, their relatives and the multi-disciplinary health care team. Methods: A mixed methods design was adopted. Data were collected in four Scottish acute stroke units. Case-notes were identified prospectively from 100 consecutive stroke deaths and reviewed. Multivariate analysis was performed on case-note data. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 17 relatives of stroke decedents and 23 healthcare professionals, using a modified grounded theory approach to collect and analyse data. The VOICES survey tool was also administered to the bereaved relatives and data were analysed using descriptive statistics and thematic analysis of free-text responses. Results: Relatives often played an important role in influencing aspects of end-of-life care, including decisions to use an end-of-life care pathway. Some relatives experienced enduring distress with their perceived responsibility for care decisions. Relatives felt unprepared for and were distressed by prolonged dying processes, which were often associated with severe dysphagia. Pro-active information-giving by staff was reported as supportive by relatives. Healthcare professionals generally avoided discussing place of care with families. Decisions to use an end-of-life care pathway were not predicted by patients’ demographic characteristics; decisions were generally made in consultation with families and the extended health care team, and were made within regular working hours. Conclusion: Distressing stroke-related issues were more prominent in participants’ accounts than concerns with the end-of-life care pathway used. Relatives sometimes perceived themselves as responsible for important clinical decisions. Witnessing prolonged dying processes was difficult for healthcare professionals and families, particularly in relation to the management of persistent major swallowing difficulties.
Nos últimos anos, um conjunto de mudanças de natureza tecnológica institucional, legal e cultural alteraram as funções, a responsabilidade social e a estrutura das organizações de saúde. Estas transformações estão na base do debate actual sobre supervisão clínica em enfermagem enquanto estratégia de promoção da satisfação profissional, segurança e qualidade dos cuidados. A emergência da supervisão clínica em enfermagem permitiu interrogar e dar visibilidade a novas modalidades de formação no contexto de trabalho. A supervisão clínica é um processo multidimensional que inclui encontros regulares entre supervisores e supervisados, com o objectivo de analisar experiências de trabalho e de formação. Dedica-se especial atenção às dimensões emocionais, qualidade de cuidados, relação terapêutica e desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional. A presente pesquisa assume a forma de um estudo de caso realizado num hospital psiquiátrico (Hospital Magalhães Lemos). O objectivo principal do estudo consistiu em compreender o processo amplo e complexo de aprendizagens desenvolvidas em contexto clínico e a forma como estas condicionam as estratégias supervisivas. Recorrendo ao modelo bioecológico de Bronfenbrenner, o estudo interroga de forma sistemática a origem e as relações entre formação e supervisão. Os participantes do estudo foram 18 enfermeiros do referido hospital. Contamos, igualmente, com a colaboração de três peritos com profundo conhecimento da cultura e realidade hospitalar. A informação foi colhida com base em questionários e entrevistas semiestruturadas. O questionário (Clinical Supervision Nursing Inventory – CSNI - V1) inclui três partes. A parte I e II foram relevantes para caracterizar os participantes e o contexto clínico. A parte III do instrumento inclui um inventário com 24 itens. O Alfa de Cronbach calculado pelo autor foi de 0,93 para os 24 itens da escala, indicando excelentes resultados psicométricos. A entrevista semi-estruturada foi usada para a recolha de dados junto dos três peritos. Os enfermeiros possuem uma atitude positiva perante a supervisão clínica. O desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional dos enfermeiros estava relacionado com as oportunidades de formação emergentes no contexto das práticas. Embora a expressão “supervisão clínica” seja por vezes utilizada de forma incorrecta nas organizações, concluímos que existiam no hospital boas práticas a nível da supervisão dos cuidados, relacionando desenvolvimento pessoal, qualidade de cuidados e competências profissionais. Tentámos problematizar as experiências supervisivas partindo de teorias sócio-culturais e bio-ecológicas. Os participantes do estudo referiram que há necessidade de formalizar o sistema de supervisão clínica em enfermagem, evitando relacionálo com o sistema de supervisão de gestão. São apresentados e discutidos diversos subsídios para o desenvolvimento do sistema de supervisão clínica em enfermagem, no hospital.
Several unmet needs have been identified in allergic rhinitis: identification of the time of onset of the pollen season, optimal control of rhinitis and comorbidities, patient stratification, multidisciplinary team for integrated care pathways, innovation in clinical trials and, above all, patient empowerment. MASK-rhinitis (MACVIA-ARIA Sentinel NetworK for allergic rhinitis) is a simple system centred around the patient which was devised to fill many of these gaps using Information and Communications Technology (ICT) tools and a clinical decision support system (CDSS) based on the most widely used guideline in allergic rhinitis and its asthma comorbidity (ARIA 2015 revision). It is one of the implementation systems of Action Plan B3 of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA). Three tools are used for the electronic monitoring of allergic diseases: a cell phone-based daily visual analogue scale (VAS) assessment of disease control, CARAT (Control of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Test) and e-Allergy screening (premedical system of early diagnosis of allergy and asthma based on online tools). These tools are combined with a clinical decision support system (CDSS) and are available in many languages. An e-CRF and an e-learning tool complete MASK. MASK is flexible and other tools can be added. It appears to be an advanced, global and integrated ICT answer for many unmet needs in allergic diseases which will improve policies and standards.
L’isolement avec ou sans contention (IC) en milieu psychiatrique touche près d’un patient sur quatre au Québec (Dumais, Larue, Drapeau, Ménard, & Giguère-Allard, 2011). Il est pourtant largement documenté que cette pratique porte préjudice aux patients, aux infirmières et à l’organisation (Stewart, Van der Merwe, Bowers, Simpson, & Jones, 2010). Cette mesure posant un problème éthique fait l’objet de politiques visant à la restreindre, voire à l’éliminer. Les études sur l’expérience de l’isolement du patient de même que sur la perception des infirmières identifient le besoin d'un retour sur cet évènement. Plusieurs équipes de chercheurs proposent un retour post-isolement (REPI) intégrant à la fois l’équipe traitante, plus particulièrement les infirmières, et le patient comme intervention afin de diminuer l’incidence de l’IC. Le REPI vise l’échange émotionnel, l’analyse des étapes ayant mené à la prise de décision d’IC et la projection des interventions futures. Le but de cette étude était de développer, implanter et évaluer le REPI auprès des intervenants et des patients d’une unité de soins psychiatriques aigus afin d’améliorer leur expérience de soins. Les questions de recherche étaient : 1) Quel est le contexte d’implantation du REPI? 2) Quels sont les éléments facilitants et les obstacles à l’implantation du REPI selon les patients et les intervenants? 3) Quelle est la perception des patients et des intervenants des modalités et retombées du REPI?; et 4) L’implantation du REPI est-elle associée à une diminution de la prévalence et de la durée des épisodes d’IC? Cette étude de cas instrumentale (Stake, 1995, 2008) était ancrée dans une approche participative. Le cas était celui de l’unité de soins psychiatriques aigus pour premier épisode psychotique où a été implanté le REPI. En premier lieu, le développement du REPI a d’abord fait l’objet d’une documentation du contexte par une immersion dans le milieu (n=56 heures) et des entretiens individuels avec un échantillonnage de convenance (n=3 patients, n=14 intervenants). Un comité d’experts (l’étudiante-chercheuse, six infirmières du milieu et un patient partenaire) a par la suite développé le REPI qui comporte deux volets : avec le patient et en équipe. L’évaluation des retombées a été effectuée par des entretiens individuels (n= 3 patients, n= 12 intervenants) et l’examen de la prévalence et de la durée des IC six mois avant et après l’implantation du REPI. Les données qualitatives ont été examinées selon une analyse thématique (Miles, Huberman, & Saldana, 2014), tandis que les données quantitatives ont fait l’objet de tests descriptifs et non-paramétriques. Les résultats proposent que le contexte d’implantation est défini par des normes implicites et explicites où l’utilisation de l’IC peut générer un cercle vicieux de comportements agressifs nourris par un profond sentiment d’injustice de la part des patients. Ceux-ci ont l’impression qu’ils doivent se conformer aux attentes du personnel et aux règles de l’unité. Les participants ont exprimé le besoin de créer des opportunités pour une communication authentique qui pourrait avoir lieu lors du REPI, bien que sa pratique soit variable d’un intervenant à un autre. Les résultats suggèrent que le principal élément ayant facilité l’implantation du REPI est l’approche participative de l’étude, alors que les obstacles rencontrés relèvent surtout de la complexité de la mise en œuvre du REPI en équipe. Lors du REPI avec le patient, les infirmières ont pu explorer ses sentiments et son point de vue, ce qui a favorisé la reconstruction de la relation thérapeutique. Quant au REPI avec l’équipe de soins, il a été perçu comme une opportunité d’apprentissage, ce qui a permis d’ajuster le plan d’intervention des patients. Suite à l’implantation du REPI, les résultats ont d’ailleurs montré une réduction significative de l’utilisation de l’isolement et du temps passé en isolement. Les résultats de cette thèse soulignent la possibilité d’outrepasser le malaise initial perçu tant par le patient que par l’infirmière en systématisant le REPI. De plus, cette étude met l’accent sur le besoin d’une présence authentique pour atteindre un partage significatif dans la relation thérapeutique, ce qui est la pierre d’assise de la pratique infirmière en santé mentale. Cette étude contribue aux connaissances sur la prévention des comportements agressifs en milieu psychiatrique en documentant le contexte dans lequel se situe l’IC, en proposant un REPI comportant deux volets de REPI et en explorant ses retombées. Nos résultats soutiennent le potentiel du développement d’une prévention tertiaire qui intègre à la fois la perspective des patients et des intervenants.
Bakgrund: Demens är en av de stora folksjukdomarna och vårdpersonal möter dessa personer med demens både inom akutsjukvård och kommunal vård. På slutet av sitt liv bor de flesta personer som drabbats av demens på institution. Personcentrerad vård beskrivs vara gynnsamt i vården av personer med demens och personalens erfarenhet av detta har stor betydelse. Syfte: Syftet var att studera sjuksköterskors, enhetschefers och undersköterskors erfarenhet av personcentrerad omvårdnad inom kommunal hälso och sjukvård. Metod: Designen var en deskriptiv studie med kvalitativ ansats som har analyserats med hjälp av en induktiv innehållsanalys. Deltagarna som inkluderades i intervjustudien kom från samma kommun. Det var tio personer och bestod av fyra sjuksköterskor, fyra undersköterskor och två enhetschefer. De valdes ut av verksamhetschefen där inklusionskriteriet var att ha arbetat med personer med demens i minst fem år. Resultat: I resultatet framkom fyra kategorier och 12 subkategorier. Personcentrerad omvårdnad ansågs relevant i samband med god omvårdnad av personer med demens. I arbetet med personcentrerad vård var fokus att; anpassa sig till personen med demens, att se till dennes identitet och personlighet. Vidare lades vikt vid anhörigas deltagande, bemötande och ett gemensamt arbetssätt, vilket bestod av att identifiera behov och se personen bakom sjukdomen. Slutsats: Resultatet visade att de flesta intervjupersonerna hade liknande erfarenheter i att arbeta med personer med demens. Det framkom i studien att bemötandet hade stor betydelse i omvårdnaden. Fokus i personcentrerad omvårdnad var de redovisade kategorierna och dess innehåll och ansågs betydelsefull och nödvändig för att personer med demens får ett så bra och värdigt liv som möjligt efter sjukdomsdebuten.
Este proyecto se origina en el interés de analizar las estrategias actuales de promoción de productos farmacéuticos, en el marco del debate sobre el efecto persuasivo o informativo que la publicidad directa tiene sobre los consumidores. El objetivo es determinar el efecto de las estrategias de promoción directa para consumidores (Direct to Consumer Advertising [DTCA]) sobre el comportamiento de compra de pacientes y las prescripciones que formulan los médicos en el mercado de productos bajo receta en Estados Unidos. Para tal fin se propuso realizar una monografía que incluyera una revisión de literatura de carácter argumentativo, consultando información de nivel secundario en bases de datos científicas cuyos contenidos obedecieran a criterios metodológicos determinados por la naturaleza argumentativa del estudio. Adicionalmente, se analizó el debate sobre estos anuncios a la luz de dos estudios realizados a pacientes con cáncer de seno, próstata y colon, liderados por el Pennsylvania Cancer Registry con los productos biofarmacéuticos Avodart® y Flomax®. Finalmente, la investigación se fundamentó en la relación del mercado farmacéutico en Estados Unidos con cada uno de los agentes que interactúan en él; consumidores, médicos prescriptores y empresas farmacéuticas, así como el valor que estos comparten través de dichas interacciones. Se concluye que el comportamiento de compra de los consumidores está determinado por la naturaleza de la patología que padecen y el comportamiento de los profesionales que prescriben a sus pacientes se ve influenciado por los anuncios DTCA.
Consumersatisfaction is fundamental to organisational success. It is well recognised that personal service is important in achieving consumer satisfaction. However, the application of self-service technology (SST) is widcning and is attennuating traditional exchanges between consumers and service employees. The effect of this reduction of personal service on consumer satisfaction judgements is not well understood. This study addresses this gap by investigating the relative effects of SST and personal service attributes on overall consumer satisfaction. Thc study highlights important service attributes applicable to SST and personal service. The conceptual framework is tested using data collected from 241 leisure and business travellers drawn from premium hotels in a regional area. Structural equation modelling techniques support the conceptual framework. As expected, the attributes of personal service and SST contribute to consumer satisfaction. However, thc impact of personal service attributes 011 consumer satisfaction is much stronger than the effects of SST attributes. Though SST is an important determinant of consumer satisfaction, interactions with staff are critical. These results have applications for the theory and practice of services marketing, and high light avenues for further investigation.
Internal marketing has been discussed in the management and academic literature for over three decades, yet it remains ill defined and poorly operationalized. This paper responds to calls for research to develop a single clear understanding of the construct, for the development of a suitable instrument to measure it, and for empirical evidence of its impact. Existing, divergent conceptualization of internal marketing are explored, and a new, multidimensional construct, describing the managerial behaviors associated with internal marketing is developed, and termed internal market orientation (IMO). IMO represents the adaptation of market orientation to the context of employer-employee exchanges in the internal market. The paper describes the development of a valid and reliable measure of IMO in a retail services context. Five dimensions of IMO are identified and confirmed. These are 1) formal written information generation, 2) formal face-to-face information generation, 3) informal information generation, 4) communication and dissemination of information, and 5) responding to this internal market information. The impact of IMO on important organizational factors is also explored. Results indicate positive consequences for customer satisfaction, relative competitive position, staff attitudes, staff retention and staff compliance.
Background: Most Australians die in institutions and there is evidence to suggest that the care of these patients is not always optimal. Care pathways for the dying have been designed to transfer benchmarked hospice care to other settings (e.g. acute hospitals and residential age-care facilities) by defining goals of best care, providing guidelines to provide that care and documenting outcome. Method: A retrospective audit was undertaken across a network of health-care institutions in Queensland. The 18 goals considered essential for the care of the dying within the Liverpool Care Pathway were taken as a benchmark. Documentation of achievement of each of these goals was sought. Results: The notes of 160 patients who had died in eight institutions (four hospitals, three hospices, one nursing home) were reviewed. Several areas for improvement were identified, particularly in those goals relating to communication, resuscitation orders and care after death. Few units documented the provision of written information to families. Most patients were prescribed medications in anticipation of pain and agitation but less were prescribed drugs for other common symptoms in the dying. Most of the goals were achieved in a higher percentage of cases in hospice units. Marked differences in practice were noted between different institutions. Conclusion: The audit identified several aspects in the care of the terminally ill that could be improved. End-stage pathways may provide a model for improving the care of patients dying in hospitals and institutions in Australia.
Aim: This paper is a report of a study of variations in the pattern of nurse practitioner work in a range of service fields and geographical locations, across direct patient care, indirect patient care and service-related activities. Background. The nurse practitioner role has been implemented internationally as a service reform model to improve the access and timeliness of health care. There is a substantial body of research into the nurse practitioner role and service outcomes, but scant information on the pattern of nurse practitioner work and how this is influenced by different service models. --------- Methods: We used work sampling methods. Data were collected between July 2008 and January 2009. Observations were recorded from a random sample of 30 nurse practitioners at 10-minute intervals in 2-hour blocks randomly generated to cover two weeks of work time from a sampling frame of six weeks. --------- Results: A total of 12,189 individual observations were conducted with nurse practitioners across Australia. Thirty individual activities were identified as describing nurse practitioner work, and these were distributed across three categories. Direct care accounted for 36.1% of how nurse practitioners spend their time, indirect care accounted for 32.2% and service-related activities made up 31.9%. --------- Conclusion. These findings provide useful baseline data for evaluation of nurse practitioner positions and the service effect of these positions. However, the study also raises questions about the best use of nurse practitioner time and the influences of barriers to and facilitators of this model of service innovation.
There has been increasing international efforts to ensure that health care policies are evidence based. One area where there is a lack of ‘effectiveness’ evidence is in the use of end-of-life care pathways (EOLCP) (1). Despite the lack of evidence supporting the efficacy of the EOCLP, their use has been endorsed in the recent national palliative care strategy document in the UK (2). In addition, a publication endorsed by the Australian Government (titled: Supporting Australians to live well at the End of Life- National Palliative Care Strategy 2010) (3), recommended a national roll out of EOLCP across all sectors (primary, acute and aged care) in Australia. According to this document, it is a measure of “appropriateness” and “effectiveness” for promoting quality end-of-life care.
To the Editor: Chaudhry et al. suggest that enhanced support in the use of a telephone-based interactive voice-response system for patients recently discharged after worsening heart failure does not improve outcomes. This finding is broadly consistent with previous systematic reviews of telephone support1 and contrasts with the substantial effect observed with home telemonitoring of vital signs in similar populations.1 The treatment of patients in the control group was excellent, but unrepresentative of usual clinical care and not inferior to the treatment of patients receiving enhanced support. Monitoring alone is unlikely to improve outcomes but may do so when it improves prescription of or adherence to lifesaving treatments. Given enough resources, traditional methods for delivering care may render an interactive voice-response system or a home telemonitoring system ineffective. Nonetheless, there may be more cost-efficient approaches to ensuring quality care.2 Informal post hoc addition of these data to our recent meta-analysis of telephone support1 does not substantially alter the point estimates for death from any cause or heart-failure−related hospitalizations, but it does nullify the small benefit in hospitalizations for any cause, which may not be reduced by a heart-failure−focused intervention.1 Original article: Telemonitoring in Patients with Heart Failure NEJM. December 9, 2010 | S.I. Chaudhry and Others