952 resultados para campus behavior management
One of the Psychology challenges, especially among the assessment and educational areas, is to understand and predict individual differences. In this context, this research aimed to verify the personality styles of students with high and low academic performance. The study included 236 university students from Petrolina-PE and Juazeiro-BA campus of the UNIVASF (Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco). They were uniformly distributed in four disciplines (medicine, psychology, administration and civil engineering), 10 students from each semester (five highest scores average students and five lowest scores average students) took place of the sample. The Millon Index Personality Styles (MIPS) was applied to analyze the personality/behavioral styles of the students. The MIPS is a 180 dichotomous (true/false) item scale. It was also developed and applied a questionnaire about the students characteristics and their academic information. Descriptive and central tendency statistics analysis (mean, standard deviation, frequency and percentage) were done to provide sample information. Then we performed a Mann-Whitney test in the overall sample and in each course and a factorial ANOVA. The results suggest that the university population is heterogeneous and there are significant differences (p <0.05) between the personality styles of students with high and low academic performance, when analyzing the overall sample and in courses of different areas of knowledge. Students of Medicine who have higher performance as personality styles prevalent the conformism and compliance, while students with lower income in this course, the styles are: innovation and discrepancy. Psychology students with higher income are more systematic and lower income students to score significantly on accommodation. The civil engineering students of the two groups differed only in personality style intuition, being such a style more characteristic of higher income students. Students of Management with higher yield stand out more in the style of the doubt and lower yields in these styles: individual, reflection and discrepancy. This study is correlational, but had an exploratory nature because there are no studies about this relationship in Brazil. Therefore, it provided a better understanding of the action characteristics of students with high and low academic performance. Further studies using the Big Five Personality Factors instruments are required because it is the most used model in understanding the influence of personality on students performance. This way, the relation between personality and academic performance will be better discussed. Otherwise, it will be possible to compare with the existing studies in the area
O trabalho teve por objetivo estudar as modificações de atributos químicos de um Latossolo Vermelho após dois anos de manejo com adubação orgânica e/ou mineral com diferentes sistemas de cultivo. O experimento foi realizado na área experimental da Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP, localizada no município de Selvíria, Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, no ano agrícola 2004/2005 e 2005/2006. Os tratamentos foram: cultivo convencional; cultivo mínimo e semeadura direta. As adubações foram: testemunha (sem adubação); adubação mineral (300 kg ha-1 da fórmula 20-00-20); adubação orgânica (esterco bovino - 20 Mg ha-1); adubação orgânica (esterco bovino) + ½ adubação mineral recomendada para a cultura utilizada; 20 e 30 Mg ha-1 de lodo de esgoto. em um ano foi utilizada a soja como cultura e no seguinte o sorgo. Avaliaram-se os atributos químicos do solo em quatro camadas. Os atributos químicos do Latossolo Vermelho foram modificados no primeiro ano após as adubações; a adubação com esterco, lodo de esgoto e a combinação do esterco+adubação mineral foram eficazes em modificar os atributos químicos do solo estudado; o lodo de esgoto foi mais eficaz na recuperação do P do solo e, a semeadura direta contribuiu para o aumento de K no solo
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Using bidimensional arenas, the construction and spatial dispersion of tunnels constructed by Coptotermes gestroi and Heterotermes tenuis (Rhinotermitidae) was determined under different laboratory conditions. Workers of both species showed an increase of the tunneled area with the rise in temperature. The activity of workers of C gestroi also increased with the rise in soil moisture. Primary tunnels showed a high degree of dispersion in the arenas for all treatments. The presence of food did not influence the tunneling pattern of C. gestroi; but for H. tenuis there was a significant decrease in the number of tunnels. In addition, the type of substrate affected the tunneling pattern in both species. The understanding of food searching strategies of subterranean termites could contribute in the improvement of pest management programs based on the use of toxic baits. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The main component of the protein diet of P. sericea was larvae of Lepidoptera (75.38%), with predominance of the following Families: Noctuidae (30.99%), Hesperiidae (19.01%); Pyralidae (19.01%) and Nymphalidae (11.98%). The average weight of the prey captured was 14.2 mg, a value equivalent to 24.7% of the average wasp weight. The average glucidic food load was 28.61 mg, corresponding to approximately half the wasp weight (49.64%). The weight of the load transported in the crop varied according to the food density, which, in turn, influenced the time spent in its collection (Pearson: n=64; r=0.64;p<0.05). Polybia sericea showed predatory interactions against Lepidopteran caterpillars, who are known to be agricultural pests. P. sericea has potential to be used in Integrated Pest Management.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Phosphorus (P) is an essential element in crop nutrition, which can be growth limiting or an environmental contaminant, if present in excess. Tillage practices have a direct effect on the behavior and availability of soil P. Sorption and availability of various P forms were evaluated in an incubation-fractionation study of three soils, a Typic Paleudults (CR soil) and two Cerrado Oxisols (Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo [LVA] and Latossolo Vermelho [LV]) with distinct biogeochemical characteristics and tillage management history. Phosphate and myo-inositol hexakisphosphate (mIPH) were strongly sorbed by the soils. Maximum adsorption capacities (S(max)) were 2.2-6.9, 3.3-7.8, and 1.6-19.8 mmol kg(-1) for phosphate in the 0-40 cm depths of the CR, LV, and LVA soils, respectively. For mIPH, S. were 1.2-3.7, 3.7-5.5, and 4.6-5.2 mmol kg(-1). Saturation indices reflected the long-term effect of repeated manure applications on the Paleudults and the near saturation of its P holding capacity, in contrast to the recently cultivated Cerrado soils. Tillage method appeared to have altered P retention characteristics of the near-surface zone very slightly, while increases in ligand-exchangeable (EEP;) and enzyme-labile organic P (EDTA-PHP) forms were observed in no-till Oxisols. In the Paleudults, added manure P increased bioactive P fractions and P saturation of no-till near-surface soil zone. Estimates of all bioactive P fractions using the ligand-based enzymatic assay showed it to be an effective method for assessing P availability in soil and developing sustainable P management strategies, particularly in Cerrado Oxisols that were low in organic matter while having an extensive P-fixing capacity. Published by Elsevier B.V.
The Brazilian Consensus on Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease considers gastroesophageal reflux disease to be a chronic disorder related to the retrograde flow of gastroduodenal contents into the esophagus and/or adjacent organs, resulting in a variable spectrum of symptoms, with or without tissue damage. Considering the limitations of classifications currently in use, a new classification is proposed that combines three criteria - clinical, endoscopic, and pH-metric - providing a comprehensive and more complete characterization of the disease. The diagnosis begins with the presence of heartburn, acid regurgitation, and alarm manifestations (dysphagia, odynophagia, weight loss, GI bleeding, nausea and/or vomiting, and family history of cancer). Also, atypical esophageal, pulmonary, otorhinolaryngological, and oral symptoms may occur. Endoscopy is the first approach, particularly in patients over 40 yr of age and in those with alarm symptoms. Other exams are considered in particular cases, such as contrast radiological examination, scyntigraphy, manometry, and prolonged pH measurement. The clinical treatment encompasses behavioral modifications in lifestyle and pharmacological measures. Proton pump inhibitors in manufacturers' recommended doses are indicated, with doubling of the dose in more severe cases of esophagitis. The minimum time of administration is 6 wk. Patients who do not respond to medical treatment, including those with atypical manifestations, should be considered for surgical treatment. Of the complications of gastroesophageal reflux disease, Barrett's esophagus presents a potential development of adenocarcinoma; biopsies should be performed, independent of Barrett's esophagus extent or location. In this regard the designation short Barrett's is not important in terms of management and prognosis. © 2002 by Am. Coll. of Gastroenterology.
In June 2001, after a dry period, the level of the water reservoirs in Brazil was below their operational levels. This situation, combined with other historical factors, led the country into a period of power rationing. As expected, power consumption lowered during this period. After December 2001, when the power rationing ended, electrical utilities expected to return to their normal power consumption in a matter of months, but the level of power consumption only returned to its level around years 2004 2005. Consumer behavior went through a change during this period, and the consumers kept this behavior after, leading to electrical and economical consequences until today. This paper presents an analysis of several factors that led to these events, including historical consumption data and comparisons with similar situations. The objective of this analysis is to give helpful information to electrical utilities, that could deal with similar situations, in their load forecasting studies. © 2006 IEEE.
The aim of this work was to evaluate the ipê-roxo (Tabebuia impetiginosa (Mart.) Standl). seedlings behavior in different substrates and irrigation levels and also study the use of urban waste compost in the substrates. The experiment was conducted in the agricultural engineering department at the Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias - UNESP, Campus de Jaboticabal, SP. The experimental design used was the completely randomized with 30 treats and 2 replicates, in a 15× 2 factorial arrangement [15 substrates and 2 irrigation levels (100% and 150% of evapotranspiration)]. The substrates were composed by different material combinations: urban waste, Plantmax, tanned cattle manure, vermiculite and soil. For the study of the seedlings development, the following characteristics were evaluated: the seedlings height (H) and stem diameter (D). Evaluations (H and D) were made on 90, 105, 120, 135 and 150 days after sowing. The statistical analysis showed significant differences between the irrigation levels. According to the results, we can conclude that urban waste compost did not increase Blake development. For tested irrigation levels, the statistical analysis showed significant differences with better results for the 150% ET irrigation level compared to 100% ET.
The study was carried out at the UNESP Rio Claro campus (SP), where biotests consisting of simulated ant attacks were performed in colonies of Mischocyttarus cerberus. The behaviors of the wasps were recorded with a camcorder, for further analysis. This analysis was done using the Mann-Whitney U test and the Principal Component Analysis. In the pre-emergence development stage, colonies with a single foundress defend the nest only after the first larvae appear. When there are only eggs in the nest, the wasp abandons the nest. Before leaving, the wasp rubs its gaster against the nest, releasing the ant repellent secretion. When the nest contains larvae or larvae and pupae, the foundress defends the colony, vibrating its wings, pumping her abdomen and biting the ant.
Child temperament has been studied in various researches and may be useful to predict how a child responds to dental treatment, especially very young children. The purpose of the present longitudinal study was to evaluate the behavioral manifestation of children aged 0 to 3 years, considering different types of dental situation. A total of 169 children were selected and the following data were collected: the age of the child, gender, age of the mother, number of dental visits and their respective dates, stimuli offered to the child, and behavioral response to these stimuli. The children and their respective behaviors were divided into five groups according to the dental situation offered: control, missed visits, fluoride varnish, restoration, and dental trauma. The data were submitted to descriptive and inferential analysis using the chi-square test, with the level of significance set at 5%. Analysis of the different situation offered to infants during routine dental care revealed a predominance of collaborating and partially collaborating behavior, and age at the time of dental care influenced the behavior of the infants, irrespective of the stimulus group. The different types of dental situation provoked changes in the behavioral response of the children of certain age groups, especially in the dental trauma group.
The high demand of pesticides in the production systems makes the application technology one of the main alternatives to optimize the products efficiency. In this context, the study aimed to evaluate the effects of spray nozzles and spray volumes on spraying deposits, armyworm control and crop corn performance in narrow row sowing system. The experiment was carried out at experimental area of Sao Paulo State University, Campus of Botucatu/SP, Brazil, during the 2009/2010 agricultural season, in randomized blocks with factorial scheme (2x2+1) and four replications. It was tested two flat fan spray nozzles (with and without air induction) combined with two spray volumes (100 and 200 L ha-1) plus a control treatment. There was no influence of spray nozzles (without air induction) in the spray deposits levels on plants. However, the flat fan nozzle with air induction was more effective on fall armyworm, with 100% of control against 47.84% from other at 15 days after spraying. The increase in the spray volume promoted high spray deposits (415.4 and 388.6 μL g-1 dry mass for flat fan nozzle with and without air induction, respectively at V10 growth stage) and consequently, the highest spray volume (200 L-1) was more efficient in the fall armyworm suppression, with 100% of control. All the technologies tested showed lower plant injury from fall armyworm. The insecticide sprayed with different technologies did not affect the parameters of plant height and leaf area index. The corn productivity was directly related with control efficiency of fall armyworm. © 2012 Academic Journals Inc.
Brazil is the world leader in broiler production and export. It achieved this position mainly to its excellent supply chain structure and climate, which favor poultry and grain production throughout its territory. Although Brazilian egg production is not as important as broiler production, this segment presents great potential of increasing its share in the global market. However, as elsewhere in the world, Brazilian poultry production faces the challenge to balance two elements within its supply chain: cruelty and productivity. The consumers of the European Union (EU) are very concerned with animal welfare issues. In order to increase its share in the European market, and eventually in the world market, Brazilian poultry producers must understand the effects of production systems on poultry welfare, and try to develop systems that are suited for its climate and other production conditions. There is a consensus that the natural behaviors performed by poultry in intensive production systems allow better welfare. This objective of this review is to present scientific research studies that relate different behaviors to chicken welfare. Poultry behavior is a reflex of their welfare status at a particular moment, and it is related to internal (physiological) and external (environmental) factors. Several natural behaviors that favor welfare, as well as undesirable behaviors, may be stimulated by environmental enrichment. The correct interpretation of the behaviors expressed by poultry, including their frequency, duration, and sequence, may be used to estimate their welfare. Animal production is an import sector of Brazilian economy. It significantly contributes to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), in terms of products destined both to domestic consumption and exports. New technologies applied to products and management practices have been developed for field application, aiming at improving producers' productivity and profitability. In order to comply with the European Union's (EU) guidelines for animal protein production, Brazilian poultry production needs to undergo a process of adaptation. In May, 2007, the EU Commission established its new guidelines for animal welfare in poultry production, pressured by consumer demand. In the EU, there is a growing concern among consumers as to how poultry are reared and slaughtered. European consumers are in the fore front of the demand of high quality products produced with under better welfare conditions, and have spread this concern throughout the world. Beaumont et al. (2010) mentioned that European consumers frequently perceive that standard commercial poultry production has poor animal welfare practices. According to Nääs et al. (2008), Brazilian poultry production today needs to find a balance between cruelty and productivity. In fact, ensuring animal welfare may provide better financial results, as it increases the producer's profit margins and allows maintaining Brazilian chicken export quotas to the EU. França (2008) noted that biological studies that define ethical limits and guidelines for poultry production foster the development of new production practices that may ensure good product quality and productivity without putting bird welfare at risk. Gonyou (1994) states that, when animal welfare started to be studied, the only behavioral factors considered were those related to feeding and reproduction. These first studies used as indicators of animal welfare reduced life expectancy, impaired growth, impaired reproduction, body damage, disease, immunosuppression, adrenal activity, behavior anomalies, and self-narcotization (Broom, 1991). However, current studies evaluate additional indicators, such as natural behaviors, behavioral needs, preferences, behavioral problems, emotional state, cognitive abilities, etc. In the field of ethology, the expression of natural behavior is a frequently used tool used to estimate the welfare of poultry destined to human consumption. According to Bracke & Hopster (2006), natural behavior can be defined as the behavior the animal normaly presents when exposed to conditions similar to its natural habitat. Natural behaviors are pleasurable and promote biological functions that are meaningful to the animal's welfare. The definition of natural behavior, though, does not include the bird's behavior when sick, in flight or during aggression, since these are not considered pleasurable situations. Considering layer behavioral needs in the design of housing facilities optimize their welfare. Mishra et al. (2005) verified that ISA Brown layers spent, during 24 hours, around 97% of the time in the nest, feeding, walking, resting, or dust bathing, and that 57% of these behaviors did not depend on environmental enrichment. It was also observed that hens had preferred behavioral sequences, which included foraging and comfort behaviors, such as wing-stretching and preening. The present review aims at discussing, albeit not exhaustively, scientific research studies on the behavior of Gallusgallus domesticus and its relationship to welfare. The following behaviors are reviewed: feather pecking, scratching, dust bathing, nesting, locomotion activities, and aggressive behaviors. These behaviors are the most frequently observed in commercial broiler, broiler breeder, and layer farming, and therefore, monitoring their incidence may contribute to measure poultry welfare.