907 resultados para cameras and camera accessories
Infrared thermography IR is a technique, which allows us to get rapidly and non-invasive thermal images from objects or human beings. (Barnes, 1967). In Medicine, its usefulness as diagnosis tool was accepted decades ago (BenEliyahu, 1990), but other techniques with a higher efficiency -such as magnetic resonance or x-rays- ousted it. Nevertheless, the technological improvements on thermographic cameras and new studies on sport injuries are reinforcing new applications (Ring, 2006)
In this article, the authors examine the current status of different elements that integrate the landscape of the municipality of Olias del Rey in Toledo (Spain). A methodology for the study of rural roads, activity farming and local hunting management. We used Geographic Information Technologies (GIT) in order to optimize spatial information including the design of a Geographic Information System (GIS). In the acquisition of field data we have used vehicle "mobile mapping" instrumentation equipped with GNSS, LiDAR, digital cameras and odometer. The main objective is the integration of geoinformation and geovisualization of the information to provide a fundamental tool for rural planning and management.
La modelización tridimensional se ha ido implementando como una de las mejores formas de documentación del patrimonio histórico. En concreto, en lo que se refiere a la documentación de petroglifos resulta especialmente interesante en su estudio y difusión. Actualmente, existen diversos métodos de obtener estos modelos 3D, que implican diferentes tipos de instrumental, como escáneres láser o cámaras fotográficas, material informático y software. En este Trabajo Fin de Máster se pretende obtener una visión general de estos métodos,así como proponer una metodología basada en la fotogrametría de objeto cercano, para las necesidades de un proyecto concreto: el proyecto Tamanart en Marruecos. Para ello se realizan dos pruebas; una de laboratorio y otra en el Museo Arqueológico Nacional, para comprobar la viabilidad de esta metodología y sus futuras aplicaciones. ABSTRACT: 3D modeling has been implemented in the last years as one of the best ways to document historical and cultural heritage. In particular, referring to petroglyph documentation it is specially interesting to its study and dissemination. Nowadays, there are several methods to obtain this 3D models that implies different kinds of instruments, like laser-scanners or photographic cameras and computer hardware and software. In the present Master’s Dissertation it is intended to obtain a general vision of this methods,as well as propose a methodology using closed range photogrammetry, based in the needs of a specific project: Tamanart Project, in Morocco. For this purpose two tests are made, one of them in laboratory and the other in the Museo Arqueológico Nacional, to check the feasibility of this methodology and their future applications.
El objetivo principal de este proyecto es el estudio y análisis de dos sistemas de seguridad y protección para muros de vidrio en terminales de transporte, frente a ondas de choque ocasionadas por la detonación de cargas explosivas. Se ha ensayado en primer lugar un adhesivo de seguridad y protección ("Ultra S400") colocado en la cara expuesta a la detonación y un sistema de bandejas metálicas ("kalzip"), tanto en el exterior como en el interior, en el segundo ensayo. Los ensayos se han instrumentado con captadores de presión, acelerómetros, sismógrafos y con cámaras convencionales y de alta velocidad, ésta última nos ha permitido calcular la velocidad de choque en el primero de los ensayos. El análisis de las presiones ha permitido caracterizar la explosión y compararla con los valores de referencia para el TNT del manual norteamericano UFC 3-340. El diseño de los ensayos se ha hecho conforme a las normas ISO y GSA de modo que los resultados han permitido clasificar las diferentes configuraciones de muro cortina ensayadas. ABSTRACT The main objective of this thesis is the analysis and evaluation of two safety and protective systems for glass walls at transportation terminals, against impact waves caused by the detonation of an explosive charge. It has been tested in first place, a safety and protective adhesive ("Ultra S400"), located at the exposed side of the explosion, and a system consisting of some metallic trays ("kalzip"), both inside and outside, for the second experiment. The tests have been monitored by pressure captures, accelerometer, seismographs, conventional cameras, and high-speed cameras, which allow us to determine the impact speed in the first experiment. The analysis of the pressure enables the characterization of the explosion and its comparison against typical TNT reference values from the UFC 3-340 North American manual. The design of the tests has been made according to ISO and GSA standards. Therefore, the results allow us to classify different patterns of curtain walls tested.
La tesis se compone de una primera parte introductoria, en la que se recogen las distintas opiniones y definiciones de la arquitectura “popular”, el estado de la cuestión, comentando los artículos y publicaciones realizados sobre la Mancha. La segunda parte profundiza en aspectos generales previos al análisis edificatorio central de la tesis, con los siguientes capítulos: -Estudio de los condicionantes físicos, históricos, socio-económicos y culturales de la comarca de la Mancha Baja. Acotando el territorio. -Una visión general sobre la arquitectura tradicional de la provincia de Ciudad Real, por comarcas. -Un estudio de las distintas tipologías edificatorias tradicionales, con ejemplos en la comarca manchega. -El análisis de materiales constructivos, elementos y sistemas utilizados en las construcciones tradicionales en la Mancha Baja. La tercera parte, desde la premisa de la representación gráfica, apoyado en un anexo con dibujos de ciento treinta y siete edificios populares de Manzanares y comarca, estudia: El trazado urbano y las casas de Manzanares; desde los levantamientos de plantas, alzados y secciones, emplazamiento en la manzana y fotografías, se realiza una descripción completa, con noventa y seis ejemplos. Además de llegar a las conclusiones derivadas del análisis de estas edificaciones, los objetivos pretendidos con este estudio serían también: Realizar un primer trabajo aproximativo, desde la visión arquitectónica, de la arquitectura tradicional manchega. Recopilar toda la información existente que pueda relacionarse con la arquitectura popular en la comarca, y citar los escritos y publicaciones de referencia para posteriores estudios. Se estudia la geomorfología, el clima, el territorio, la economía, la sociología, etc…, para obtener una información clave, además de los materiales, técnicas constructivas y morfología de las edificaciones. Se destaca el apartado de los edificios preindustriales tradicionales, como molinos de viento, de agua, palomares, pósitos y bodegas con el análisis de varios ejemplos, por su importante presencia en las poblaciones. Por último se desarrolla un amplio bloque sobre bibliografía de arquitectura popular, la consultada y la general. La arquitectura popular de la mancha baja es tapial cubierto de teja árabe, cerrada al exterior, pero abierta a grandes patios, de planta baja y cámaras altas, con elementos auxiliares de protección y acceso, que revisten la aparente simplicidad volumétrica de estos complejos, viviendas-almacén. Con un complejo programa tanto agrícola como doméstico. De gran protección frente al clima, con escasa decoración, esquemas espaciales primitivos y con mayor envergadura estructural en las dependencias agropecuarias. Una arquitectura que mezcla el uso doméstico y el productivo, pero que al evolucionar aumenta su diferenciación. Edificios que mantienen las mismas cualidades estéticas, repitiendo formas y volúmenes, pero de peculiares configuraciones espaciales, se repiten los materiales y técnicas constructivas, así como elementos arquitectónicos con pocas variaciones, pero no existen dos conjuntos similares. No podemos utilizar un ejemplo como modelo de casa manchega. Evoluciona de la casa bloque, básica y primitiva, con ejemplos escasos en las poblaciones más deprimidas, a la casa compleja, donde se separan con claridad las dependencias agropecuarias de las vivideras. Evoluciona de una casa rural, con los mismos esquemas, ya se ubique en el campo o en núcleos de población, a la casa urbana, entre medianerías, en la que se puede encontrar una transformación paralela, desarrollándose programas domésticos, más especializados, mezclados con arquitecturas cultas, con programas que reflejan las nuevas necesidades de la sociedad urbana del siglo XX. ABSTRACT The thesis is composed of a first part that is collected as introducing different views and definitions of popular architecture, the state of affairs, commenting on articles and publications carried out at the Mancha. The second part explores general issues before the main urban analysis of the thesis, with the following chapters: -A study of the geographic, historical, socio-economic and cultural conditions of the region of the Mancha Baja. Delimiting the territory -A tour with an overview of the province of Ciudad Real by regions. -A study of the different traditional building types, with examples in the region from the Mancha. -The Analysis of building materials, components and systems used in traditional buildings in the Mancha Lower The third part studies from the premise of the drawing: The urban planning of the towns to study and houses of Manzanares, from the execution of plans, elevations and sections, sites in the blocks, old photographs, a full description is made, covering a wide range of examples, highlighting the “evolution during the twentieth century, in its last quarter, buildings of popular character “, which is the ultimate aim of the thesis. In addition to reaching the conclusions drawn from the analysis cards of these buildings, the objectives pursued with this study would be also: This paper is the realization of a first rough work from the architectural vision of traditional architecture from the Mancha. To Search a work method for approaching the popular architecture, other than those made so far by other studies of historians, engineers and sociologists, with the graphical representation and the buildings would be studied like living organisms that evolve over time. To collect all the current information that It can be able to connect itself with the popular architecture in the region, and cite the writings and publications of reference for future studies. Geomorphology, climate, topography of the place is studied to obtain a key information about materials, construction techniques and morphology of the buildings. A section is opened to study the case of traditional industrial buildings like windmills, flour mill, pigeon lofts, public granary, threshing floor and cellars with the analysis of several examples; its importance is highlighted in the urban plan of the town. Finally a large block of popular literature on architecture is developed, consulted for work is distinct from the general existing on the subject. The popular architecture from the Mancha is built of rammed earth and roofs inclined of Arabic tiles, the buildings are closed to the outside, but they are open around large courtyards, and ground floor and camera high, with additional elements of protection, they are opened to patios. The manor has a complex program on agricultural and domestic activity. Large climate protection, poor decoration, quite primitive in shaping living spaces, and more structural scale in storage and processing units of agriculture-related products, mainly wine, cereal and to a lesser extent oil. These architecture combines the domestic and productive use, but which will evolve and they are distinguishing, both enclosed spaces such as courtyards. The buildings keep the same aesthetic qualities because they repeat shapes and volumes, but they maintain their spatial configuration individually; the materials, building techniques and architectural elements are repeated with slight variations, but there aren´t two identical houses. This architecture evolved from the block, basic and primitive house, with few examples in the most deprived towns, to the complex house, where agricultural units are clearly separated of domestic rooms. It developed from a country house (with the same patterns) whether it is located in the countryside or in the towns, to an urban house, in which we can find a parallel transformation, developing domestic programs, more specialized, mixed with cultivated architectures, with programs that reflect the changing needs of urban society of the twentieth century.
Actualmente existen varios dispositivos que aceptan gestos sobre superficies táctiles, sean celulares, tabletas, computadores, etc. a los cuales las personas se acostumbran rápidamente a su uso y los aceptan como herramientas necesarias en su vida. Del mismo modo existen algunas aplicaciones que manejan entornos en 3D, y permiten captar gestos realizados con las manos, cuerpo, cabeza. Estas técnicas se han desarrollado mucho por separado pero se ha podido evidenciar en base a los artículos revisados que no existen muchos estudios que combinen las aplicaciones táctiles con las 3D manejadas por gestos en el aire. El presente trabajo muestra un prototipo que permite la comunicación y coordinación entre dos aplicaciones, una que muestra documentos representados por esferas en una aplicación con interacción táctil desarrollada en Unity que funciona sobre Android, y una segunda aplicación desarrollada también en Unity que maneja un entorno 3D con el que se interactúa mediante gestos realizados en el aire. Luego de algunos intentos la interacción entre ambas aplicaciones fue lograda implementando comunicación por sockets entre la aplicación en el dispositivo Android y la aplicación 3D que se encuentra alojada en un computador con Windows 7. La captura de gestos en el aire se realiza mediante el sistema Tracking Tools desarrollado por la compañía Optitrack que captura los movimientos con cámaras infrarrojas y marcadores en los dedos. Este sistema envía los datos de los gestos a nuestra aplicación 3D. Estos equipos son de propiedad del laboratorio Decoroso Crespo de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Una vez lograda la implementación e interacción entre las aplicaciones se han realizado pruebas de usabilidad con nueve estudiantes del Máster Universitario en Software y Sistemas de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Cada uno ha respondido una serie de encuestas para poder obtener resultados sobre cuán usable es el prototipo, la experiencia del usuario y qué mejoras se podrían realizar sobre éste. En la parte final de este documento se presentan los resultados de las encuestas y se muestran las conclusiones y trabajo futuro.---ABSTRACT---Currently there are several devices that accept gestures on touch surfaces like phones, tablets, computers, etc. to which people quickly become accustomed to their use and accept them as necessary tools in their life. Similarly there are some applications that handle 3D environments and like televisions, holograms and allow capture gestures made with hands, body, and head. These techniques have been developed on a separated way but based on some research we may say that the are not many studies that combine touch with 3D applications handled by gestures in the air. This paper presents a prototype of the interaction of two issues of a 2D showing documents represented by spheres on a touch application developed in Unity that works on Android and allows communicating with the second application also developed in Unity that handles a 3D environment interaction of gestures made in air. After some attempts interaction was achieved by implementing communication sockets between the application on the Android device and 3D application that is hosted on a computer with windows 7, and gestures capturing in the air is done by the system Tracking Tools developed by the Optitrack company it captures movements with infrared cameras and markers on the fingers, which sends data to this application gestures, these equipment are owned by the Decoroso Crespo laboratory of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Once achieved the interaction of applications has been conducted performance tests with ten students of the university master of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, each has answered a series of surveys to get results on how usable is the prototype, the user experience and that improvements could be made on this.
A maioria das demandas envolvendo pedidos de danos morais no judiciário trabalhista brasileiro é originada a partir de abusos patronais cometidos no exercício do poder diretivo, em especial de sua dimensão fiscalizatória. Embora inexista, no Brasil, disciplina normativa específica quanto aos limites à maior parte das manifestações do poder de fiscalização, seu exercício é restringido pela dignidade da pessoa humana, que deve ser compreendida de acordo com a noção de trabalho decente propugnada pela OIT. A dignidade humana constitui cláusula geral de proteção aos direitos da personalidade, dentre eles, os direitos à intimidade e à vida privada, os mais ofendidos por meio da fiscalização patronal abusiva nas fases précontratual, contratual e pós-contratual. Práticas como a revista pessoal nos trabalhadores e em seus pertences, a limitação à utilização de banheiros, a instalação de câmeras e microfones no local de trabalho e o monitoramento dos computadores utilizados na empresa revelam, por vezes, violações a esses direitos. A revista não encontra fundamento no poder de fiscalização e no direito de propriedade do empregador, salvo quando tiver por objetivo a garantia da saúde ou segurança no ambiente laboral. A instalação de equipamentos audiovisuais, quando visar a proteção patrimonial do empregador ou for essencial ao procedimento de gestão, somente pode se dar nos espaços em que o trabalho for efetivamente desenvolvido e por tempo determinado, fundada em situação específica, sendo imprescindível a ciência dos monitorados quanto à instalação e à localização dos equipamentos. A escuta telefônica e o monitoramento de computadores e e-mails somente será possível quando o empregador determinar a utilização dos meios exclusivamente para os fins da prestação laboral, com ciência inequívoca dos trabalhadores, além de disponibilizar ou autorizar a utilização de meios alternativos para a comunicação pessoal. Não devem ser admitidas quaisquer limitações à utilização de banheiros, bem como o estabelecimento de escala de gravidez no âmbito empresarial. Sendo o tomador de serviços legitimado a exercer o poder fiscalizatório sobre a atividade produtiva empreendida no estabelecimento e havendo a indiscutível imperatividade da proteção aos direitos da personalidade obreiros, é necessária a fixação normativa de limites ao poder patronal, em prol do estabelecimento da segurança jurídica. O direito de resistência é contraface do poder diretivo, no sentido de que o uso irregular deste faz nascer aquele e, consequentemente, os limites do poder diretivo condicionam os do ius resistentiae. Os trabalhadores devem exercê-lo com fulcro nos direitos à vida privada, à intimidade, à honra e à dignidade humana. A doutrina deve valer-se da técnica da ponderação para estabelecer os limites ao poder fiscalizatório patronal, com fulcro no princípio da proporcionalidade. A divergência jurisprudencial deve ser minimizada pela atividade criativa dos juízes quanto aos limites ao poder fiscalizatório, consoante o princípio da proporcionalidade, e por meio da utilização de mecanismos específicos voltados à redução da insegurança jurídica no Judiciário Trabalhista, tais como recursos de revista, embargos de divergência, incidentes de uniformização de jurisprudência, súmulas, precedentes normativos e orientações jurisprudenciais. Nada impede, ainda, que limites ao poder fiscalizatório patronal sejam estabelecidos por meio de negociação coletiva.
Behaviour analysis of construction safety systems is of fundamental importance to avoid accidental injuries. Traditionally, measurements of dynamic actions in Civil Engineering have been done through accelerometers, but high-speed cameras and image processing techniques can play an important role in this area. Here, we propose using morphological image filtering and Hough transform on high-speed video sequence as tools for dynamic measurements on that field. The presented method is applied to obtain the trajectory and acceleration of a cylindrical ballast falling from a building and trapped by a thread net. Results show that safety recommendations given in construction codes can be potentially dangerous for workers.
Se inicia un análisis de los procesos de trabajo de stop-motion porque ayudan a comprender las diferentes escalas en arquitectura donde las maquetas se convierten en futuros prototipos de infraestructuras de edificios o de paisaje. Stop motion es una técnica de animación fotograma a fotograma de objetos estáticos mediante la manipulación de figuras de plastilina en entornos fijos con cambios de luz, color y sonido. Igual que dicha técnica reúne lo mejor del rodaje tradicional -story board, escenografía, fotografía, personajes, iluminación- la animación de maquetas de interiores sintetiza micro-procesos de mayor repercusión -habitaciones con cambios de humedad, de temperatura, de ventilación y de iluminación- incorporando efectos especiales que son procesados digitalmente en post-producción. Se construyen varios prototipos de habitación con parámetros fijos como el tamaño y la posición de la cámara y otros variables como los materiales, los personajes y la iluminación. Representan un mundo en miniatura que intenta aportar un acercamiento sensorial y atmosférico analizando la magia y la fantasía que Junichirô Tanizaki describe en la penumbra de las construcciones tradicionales japonesas y estudiando las imperfecciones de los escenarios que Tim Burton manipula en su películas de animación con una textura que las tecnologías digitales no pueden igualar. El objetivo es utilizar una escala micro para realizar unos modelos interiores donde las condiciones atmosféricas están controladas y reducidas, y tomar datos que se podrían aplicar a un proceso de modelado a escala intermedia para testar prototipos de edificios como el túnel de viento; o, finalmente, a una escala macro con maquetas de un sector de la costa o de un río donde los fenómenos meteorológicos son los protagonistas para simular inundaciones y diseñar futuras medidas de prevención y seguridad.
We examined the feasibility of a low-cost, store-and-forward teledermatology service for general practitioners (GPs) in regional Queensland. Digital pictures and a brief case history were transmitted by email. A service coordinator carried out quality control checks and then forwarded these email messages to a consultant dermatologist. On receiving a clinical response from the dermatologist, the service coordinator returned the message to the referring GP. The aim was to provide advice to rural Gps within one working day. Over six months, 63 referrals were processed by the teledermatology service, covering a wide range of dermatological conditions. In the majority of cases the referring doctors were able to treat the condition after receipt of email advice from the dermatologist; however, in 10 cases (16%) additional images or biopsy results were requested because image quality was inadequate. The average time between a referral being received and clinical advice being provided to the referring GPs was 46 hours. The number of referrals in the present study, 1.05 per month per site, was similar to that reported in other primary care studies. While the use of low-cost digital cameras and public email is feasible, there may be other issues, for example remuneration, which will militate against the widespread introduction of primary care teledermatology in Australia.
Optometrists play an important part in delivering eye care in the United Kingdom; however opportunities for practitioners to extend their role through co-management of patients with ophthalmologists vary across the country. Devolution in Scotland and Wales has led to greater emphasis on community based care in these regions. This thesis reviews the current situation and, by examining ophthalmic outpatient clinic data, discusses further opportunities to reduce demands on secondary care and the cost savings that can be made. To assess whether the profession is currently in a position to adopt an extended clinical role, changes in the availability of optometric instrumentation are assessed over a two year period. An increased prevalence of fundus cameras and contact tonometers places optometrists in a good position to take on further responsibilities in glaucoma management, however future investment could be impacted by the current economic climate as value for money became increasingly important to practitioners looking to purchase equipment. Methods of training optometrists in the necessary skills to utilise new technology to extend their role are evaluated in terms of both learning and cost effectiveness. Interactive distance learning is proposed as a convenient and effective method to deliver continuing professional development. Any changes to optometric practice must take account of the need for a sustainable business and the importance of attracting and retaining patients. The views of patients are assessed through a validated service quality questionnaire, SERVQUAL. The questionnaire is found to be valid for use in an optometry setting. Patients have a generally positive view of the service quality they receive from their optical practice and consider the intangible aspects, in particular responsiveness and empathy, most important. Optometrists are well placed to increase their role in patient management; however a viable business model must exist to enable investment in instrumentation and training.
Modern compute systems continue to evolve towards increasingly complex, heterogeneous and distributed architectures. At the same time, functionality and performance are no longer the only aspects when developing applications for such systems, and additional concerns such as flexibility, power efficiency, resource usage, reliability and cost are becoming increasingly important. This does not only raise the question of how to efficiently develop applications for such systems, but also how to cope with dynamic changes in the application behaviour or the system environment. The EPiCS Project aims to address these aspects through exploring self-awareness and self-expression. Self-awareness allows systems and applications to gather and maintain information about their current state and environment, and reason about their behaviour. Self-expression enables systems to adapt their behaviour autonomously to changing conditions. Innovations in EPiCS are based on systematic integration of research in concepts and foundations, customisable hardware/software platforms and operating systems, and self-aware networking and middleware infrastructure. The developed technologies are validated in three application domains: computational finance, distributed smart cameras and interactive mobile media systems. © 2012 IEEE.
Following miniaturisation of cameras and their integration into mobile devices such as smartphones combined with the intensive use of the latter, it is likely that in the near future the majority of digital images will be captured using such devices rather than using dedicated cameras. Since many users decide to keep their photos on their mobile devices, effective methods for managing these image collections are required. Common image browsers prove to be only of limited use, especially for large image sets [1].
Image collections are ever growing and hence visual information is becoming more and more important. Moreover, the classical paradigm of taking pictures has changed, first with the spread of digital cameras and, more recently, with mobile devices equipped with integrated cameras. Clearly, these image repositories need to be managed, and tools for effectively and efficiently searching image databases are highly sought after, especially on mobile devices where more and more images are being stored. In this paper, we present an image browsing system for interactive exploration of image collections on mobile devices. Images are arranged so that visually similar images are grouped together while large image repositories become accessible through a hierarchical, browsable tree structure, arranged on a hexagonal lattice. The developed system provides an intuitive and fast interface for navigating through image databases using a variety of touch gestures. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
In 1974, the Geological Survey of Japan began its systematic investigation of manganese nodules in the Central Pacific Basin on the new geological research vessel Hakurei Maru. The first cruise (GH 74-5) was carried out over an eastern part area of the Basin (6°-10°30'N, 164°30'-171°30'W), and the authors report here the preliminary results on the occurrence of manganese nodule deposits, paying particular consideration to their relationship to submarine topography and surficial and sub-bottom sedimentary facies. The surveyed area comprises a deep-sea basin at 5,000-5,400 m, defined to the north and east by the chain of seamounts and guyots of the Christmas Ridge. The deep-sea basin is divided roughly into 2 contrasting topographic features. The eastern part is characterised by flattened topography resulting from continuous deposition of turbidities; the meridian and western parts are characterised by gently rolling topography and the existence of a large number of deep-sea hills. Manganese nodules are almost lacking in the former flattened eastern area, whereas they are widely distributed in the latter rolling meridian and western parts. The population density of nodules varies from less than 1 Kg/m² to 26 kg/m² and the higher density is found in the siliceous-calcareous ooze zone of rather small, flat basins surrounded by deep-sea hills. The density is closely related to the thickness of the transparent layer obtained by 3.5 kHz PDR profiling over the whole area. Considering the various data of grab sampling, 3.5 kHz PDR profiling and to a lesser extent of deep-sea television and camera observations, the most promising manganese field in the present area seems to be confined to the north of the western sector of the area.