1000 resultados para buying services


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This report aims to analyse the Definition, Implementation and Management of Vodafone Portugal’s Apps and Services, so that possible ways of improvement can be suggested. To do so, Vodafone’s strategy regarding the development/ implementation of specific Apps and Services, as well as the strategy of its competitors are going to be analysed. This analysis is going to be complemented with insights from some key-persons of Vodafone’s Consumer Business Unit team in Portugal. Findings suggest that Vodafone is ahead of its competitors when it comes to developing the most innovative Apps and Services, but there is always room for improvements, especially when it comes to communication.


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Digitalisation, globalisation, and evolving customer demands are only a few of the factors that are bound to transform the business process services industry for CBS. By investigating new ways to address these imminent challenges, this thesis explores the feasibility of implementing a formal approach to ideation to complement CBS’ service innovation practice. Two workshops were therefore conducted to put theory into action by generating new service ideas in a multifunctional team. Applying both divergent and convergent ideation techniques revealed that the latter improved an idea’s novelty and creativity as opposed to the expected increase in workability and relevance. Additionally, further analysis sheds light into the potential influence of individual characteristics and group dynamics on creativity. The thesis concludes with a discussion on the organisational implications of the findings and recommendations for future research.


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Even though collaborative consumption (CC) is gaining economic importance, research in CC is still in its infancy. Consumers’ reasons for participating have already been investigated but little research on consequences of participation has been conducted. This article examines whether interactions between customers in peer-to-peer CC services influence the willingness to coproduce service outcomes. Drawing on social exchange theory, it is proposed that this effect is mediated by consumers’ identification with the brand community. Furthermore, continuance intention in CC is introduced as a second stage moderator. In a cross-sectional study, customers of peer-to-peer accommodation sharing are surveyed. While customer-to-customer interactions were found to have a positive effect on brand community identification, brand community identification did not positively affect co-production intention. Surprisingly, the effect of brand community identification on co-production intention was negative. Moreover, continuance intention of customers did not moderate this relationship. Bearing in mind current challenges for researchers and companies, theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.


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Changes in population age structure are a major concern and represent a priority in the agendas and policies of the developed world, which are demanding for renewed models of social and healthcare as well as assistance services to the elderly population. Studies indicate that as far as possible these types of services should desirably be provided at the user’s home, and that ICT-based solutions can have tremendous impact on the delivery of new services. This paper highlight and discusses some of the main results of a project undertaken in a Portuguese Municipality that demonstrates the potential contribution of an e-Marketplace of care and assistance services to the well-being of elderly people. Studies undertaken allowed identifying the main services that should be provided by such e-Marketplace (termed GuiMarket), the relevance that the population grant to this platform and, conversely, the fact that the Digital Divide phenomena influences the potential utilization of this project (and alike projects). The findings support that there is a strong relation between age and qualifications, and between access to ICT and the intended use of GuiMarket.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Industrial e de Sistemas


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Objectives: This study analyzed the moderating role of partners’ support and satisfaction with healthcare services in the relationship between psychological morbidity and adherence to diet in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Methods: Participants were 387 recently diagnosed T2DM patients that answered the following instruments: Revised Summary of Diabetes Self- Care Activities Measure, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scales, Multidimensional Diabetes Questionnaire and Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire. Results: Partners’ positive and negative support moderated the relationship between psychological morbidity and adherence to diet. Satisfaction with healthcare services also moderated the relationship between psychological morbidity and adherence to diet. Conclusions: Intervention programs to promote adherence to diet in patients with type 2 diabetes should focus on partners’ support and patient satisfaction with healthcare services.


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OBJETIVO: A Compulsive Buying Scale (Escala de Compras Compulsivas), instrumento breve e de fácil aplicação, apresenta como vantagem abarcar as principais dimensões do transtorno, sendo elas a compulsão pelas compras e o comportamento impulsivo. O presente estudo tem como objetivo a adaptação transcultural para o português do Brasil da Escala de Compras Compulsivas. MÉTODOS: Para a etapa de adaptação semântica, dois psicólogos bilíngues e um tradutor fluente em português e inglês traduziram a escala de seu idioma de origem, o inglês, para o português. Em um segundo momento, foi realizada a retrotradução da escala por dois tradutores e um psicólogo. Finalmente, a escala foi aplicada em 20 participantes, de modo que pudessem ser feitos ajustes semânticos no instrumento em questão. RESULTADOS: A colaboração entre profissionais especialistas em tradução bilíngue fluentes nos idiomas inglês e português brasileiro, e psicólogos clínicos capacitados à avaliação sobre o constructo a ser mensurado, possibilitou o ajuste dos termos utilizados na versão final da escala para o idioma português, assegurando adequação semântica do instrumento. Assim, todos os itens obtiveram aprovação superior a 90% em sua aplicação experimental. CONCLUSÃO: A versão da escala de compras compulsivas adaptada para o idioma português foi elaborada com êxito.


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Este proyecto cuenta con el financiamiento del sistema INCO de la Unión Europea e incluye 5 contrapartes europeas, y Bolivia y Perú como contrapartes americanos. Consta de cuatro paquetes: producto, mercado, difusión y coordinación. En el primer paquete se desarrollan fundamentalmente los aspectos relacionados con la carne fresca y los productos cárnicos tanto tradicionales como nuevos a desarrollar. Se realizan faenas protocolizadas y espontáneas comparando animales con distintos tratamientos nutricionales de edades entre 19-21 meses. Se realizan análisis de calidad de carne y paneles de degustación. Los productos tradicionales como el charqui se evalúan en su forma tradicional y se implementan sistemas mejorados como desecadores solares. Los chacinados no son tradicionales en el altiplano por eso se realizan en La Pampa con la idea de transferir la tecnología desarrollada. La evaluación de calidad de la carne incluye técnicas de evaluación del animal en pié como la conservación morfológica y la ecografía para predecir calidad de res en el animal vivo. Estas observaciones se corroboran a la faena donde se realiza toda la batería de evaluaciones de calidad de la res.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Informatik, Diss., 2011


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Informatik, Diss., 2012


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We explore the determinants of usage of six different types of health care services, using the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey data, years 1996-2000. We apply a number of models for univariate count data, including semiparametric, semi-nonparametric and finite mixture models. We find that the complexity of the model that is required to fit the data well depends upon the way in which the data is pooled across sexes and over time, and upon the characteristics of the usage measure. Pooling across time and sexes is almost always favored, but when more heterogeneous data is pooled it is often the case that a more complex statistical model is required.


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We model the joint production of entrepreneurs and workers where the former provide both entrepreneurial (strategic) and managerial (coordination, motivation) services, and management services are shared with individual workers in an output maximizing way. The static equilibrium of the model determines the endogenous share of entrepreneurs in the economy in a given moment of time. The time dynamics of the solution implies that a given growth rate in quality of entrepreneurial services contributes to productivity growth proportionally to the share of entrepreneurs at the start of the period and improvement in quality of entrepreneurial services is convergence enhancing. Model predictions are tested with data from OECD countries in the period 1970-2002. We find that improvements in quality of entrepreneurial services over time explain up to 100% of observed average productivity growth in these countries.


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We have compared three cases of payments for water-related environmental services (PES) in Central America, in terms of socioeconomic background, opportunity costs of forest conservation and stakeholders’ perceptions on the conditions of water resources and other issues. We found that, in general, the foregone benefits from land uses alternative to forest cover are larger than the amount paid, which apparently contradicts the economic foundation of PES schemes. A number of possible explanations are explored. The results also suggest that trade-offs between different environmental and social goals are likely to emerge in PES schemes, posing some doubts on their ability to be multipurpose instruments for environmental improvement and rural development. We also found that PES schemes may work as a conflictresolution instrument, facilitating downstream -upstream problem solving, though at the same time they might introduce changes in social perceptions of property rights.


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Recent empirical evidence has found that employment services and small-business assistance programmes are often successful at getting the unemployed back to work. Â One important concern of policy makers is to decide which of these two programmes is more effective and for whom. Â Using unusually rich (for transition economies) survey data and matching methods, I evaluate the relative effectiveness of these two programmes in Romania. Â While I find that employment services (ES) are, on average, more successful than a small-business assistance programme (SBA), estimation of heterogeneity effects reveals that, compared to non-participation, ES are effective for workers with little access to informal search channels, and SBA works for less-qualified workers and those living in rural areas. Â When comparing ES to SBA, I find that ES tend to be more efficient than SBA for workers without a high-school degree, and that the opposite holds for the more educated workers.


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Invasive plants can have different effects of ecosystem functioning and on the provision of ecosystem services, from strongly deleterious impacts to positive effects. The nature and intensity of such effects will depend on the service and ecosystem being considered, but also on features of life strategies of invaders that influence their invasiveness as well as their influence of key processes of receiving ecosystems. To address the combined effect of these various factors we developed a robust and efficient methodological framework that allows to identify areas of possible conflict between ecosystem services and alien invasive plants, considering interactions between landscape invasibility and species invasiveness. Our framework combines the statistical robustness of multi-model inference, efficient techniques to map ecosystem services, and life strategies as a functional link between invasion, functional changes and potential provision of services by invaded ecosystems. The framework was applied to a test region in Portugal, for which we could successfully predict the current patterns of plant invasion, of ecosystem service provision, and finally of probable conflict (expressing concern for negative impacts, and value for positive impacts on services) between alien species richness (total and per plant life strategy) and the potential provision of selected services. Potential conflicts were identified for all combinations of plant strategy and ecosystem service, with an emphasis for those concerning conflicts with carbon sequestration, water regulation and wood production. Lower levels of conflict were obtained between invasive plant strategies and the habitat for biodiversity supporting service. The added value of the proposed framework in the context of landscape management and planning is discussed in perspective of anticipation of conflicts, mitigation of negative impacts, and potentiation of positive effects of plant invasions on ecosystems and their services.