942 resultados para british automotive industry
Työssä tarkastellaan Itä-Euroopan autoteollisuutta ja pyritään selvittämään, miksi autoteollisuus on siirtänyt valmistustaan Itä-Eurooppaan. Lisäksi arvioidaan, miten autoteollisuus on onnistunut investoinneissaan ja pohditaan, miten autoteollisuuden investoinnit ovat vaikuttaneet sekä kohdemaihin että autoyhtiöihin. Työ on rajattu käsittelemään pääasiallisesti henkilöautojen valmistusta Unkarissa, Puolassa, Romaniassa, Slovakiassa ja Tshekissä. Autoteollisuuden siirtyminen Itä-Eurooppaan tapahtui kahdessa aallossa. Ensimmäiset yritykset perustivat tehtaan epävakaaseen liiketoimintaympäristöön jo heti kommunismin romahdettua. Tällöin houkuttimena oli erityisesti edullinen työvoima. Toisessa aallossa saapuivat aasialaiset autotehtaat 2000-luvulla. Nykyisin autoyhtiöt perustelevat sijoituksiaan alueen kasvavalla kysynnällä. Kuitenkin nyt vaikuttaa siltä, että suuntaus olisi muuttumassa ja uudet tehdasinvestoinnit kohdistuisivat Aasian kasvaville markkinoille.
The establishment of quality standards for biodiesel was a key step to win the confidence of the market and the automotive industry, thus ensuring the success of the new fuel. In this review are presented standard methods and other analytical methods suggested for analysis of biodiesel. The methods of analysis were divided into groups according to information that may be provided on the contaminants from the raw material of the production process, the molecular structures of biodiesel and its degradation during storage.
Autoteollisuuden kovan kilpailun takia autonvalmistajat ovat etsineet tapoja pienentää kustannuksia, lisätä tuottavuutta ja ylläpitää kannattavuutta, ja ovat ottaneet käyttöön JIT-tuotannonohjausmenetelmän. Autoteollisuus nähdäänkin yleisesti johtavana JIT-menetelmän soveltajana. JIT-menetelmän käytöllä saavutettavat hyödyt ovat hyvin näkyvissä juuri autoteollisuudessa. Tässä työssä käsittelemme, miten JIT-tuotannonohjausmenetelmää sovelletaan autoteollisuudessa. Lisäksi esittelemme käytännön työkaluja, joiden avulla JIT-tuotannonohjaus voidaan toteuttaa autoteollisuudessa.
Working capital is an investment which is tied up into the inventories and accounts receivable and which is released with accounts payable. Due to the current business landscape with tightened financial conditions and finance markets, organizations emphasize efficient working capital management. With efficient working capital management, a company can reduce the need of finance, free up cash, increase profitability, improve liquidity, increase the efficiency of operations, and decrease (financing) costs. From the perspective of an individual company, efficient working capital management means decreasing inventory levels by shortening the cycle time of inventories, decreasing accounts receivable by shortening the trade credit terms and effective collection procedures, and increasing the level of accounts payable by paying the suppliers later. From an inter-organizational perspective, however, working capital should not be sub-optimized by a single company but holistic view to working capital management through the supply chain should be adopted to create value and improve performance together. The purpose of this research is to take academic research as well as practical management towards inter-organizational working capital management. The thesis discusses the benefits as well as mechanisms of working capital management in the inter-organizational context and has two main objectives: (1) to examine the effect of inter-organizational working capital management on performance in the value chain context and (2) to develop models of working capital management for internal as well as inter-organizational value chains. The results of the archival research conducted in the value chain of the pulp and paper industry and the value chain of the automotive industry indicate that companies can increase relative profitability by managing working capital comprehensively by taking into account all three components, and holistically though the value chain. Companies in the value chain benefit from different strategies in working capital management depending on the position of the company in the value chain. This can be taken into account in inter-organizational working capital management. The effects of inter-organizational working capital management actions on the financing costs of working capital were studied via simulations. Simulations also show that the value chain and individual companies benefit from an inter-organizational view to working capital management. Inter-organizational working capital management actions include for example: shortening the cycle time of inventories, reducing product costs, shifting inventories, shortening payment terms, and considering the cost of capital. The thesis also provides solutions for the practical requirements for tools to control working capital. The design science part of the research introduces the adjusted cash conversion cycle (ACCC) model for internal value chains, as well as models for working capital management in the inter-organizational value chain context: the working capital management model (WCMM) and the financial cycle time model (FCTM) designed in corporation and product levels respectively. This research contributes to literature on working capital management and interorganizational accounting. The research gives a holistic, inter-organizational view to the management of working capital. It advances the knowledge in working capital management on operational level, increases knowledge in the recently risen theme of supply chainoriented, collaborative working capital management, combines management accounting research with supply chain management research, and contributes to the demand of practical inter-organizational accounting methods. In addition, the research has strong practical focus as new managerial methods are introduced.
The Laboratory of Intelligent Machine researches and develops energy-efficient power transmissions and automation for mobile construction machines and industrial processes. The laboratory's particular areas of expertise include mechatronic machine design using virtual technologies and simulators and demanding industrial robotics. The laboratory has collaborated extensively with industrial actors and it has participated in significant international research projects, particularly in the field of robotics. For years, dSPACE tools were the lonely hardware which was used in the lab to develop different control algorithms in real-time. dSPACE's hardware systems are in widespread use in the automotive industry and are also employed in drives, aerospace, and industrial automation. But new competitors are developing new sophisticated systems and their features convinced the laboratory to test new products. One of these competitors is National Instrument (NI). In order to get to know the specifications and capabilities of NI tools, an agreement was made to test a NI evolutionary system. This system is used to control a 1-D hydraulic slider. The objective of this research project is to develop a control scheme for the teleoperation of a hydraulically driven manipulator, and to implement a control algorithm between human and machine interaction, and machine and task environment interaction both on NI and dSPACE systems simultaneously and to compare the results.
Utilization of light and illumination systems in automotive industry for different purposes has been increased significantly in recent years. Volvo as one of the leading companies in manufacturing of luxury cars has found the great capacity in this area. The performance of such an illumination systems is one of the challenges that engineers in this industry are facing with. In this study an effort has been made to design a system to make the iron mark of Volvo being illuminated and the system is being evaluated by optics simulation in software using Ray optics method. At the end, results are assessed and some optimizations are carried out. Different kind of light guides, front side of the iron mark and some possible arrangement for LED also evaluated and different materials tested. The best combination from uniformity, color and amount of luminance aspect selected as a possible solution for this special project which can be used as a base for further studies in Volvo.
Current research describes digital innovation largely similar to product innovation. Digital innovation is seen as an object of coherent activities, however in reality digital innovation results from convergence of variant technologies and those related actors with versatile business goals. To account for the dynamic nature of digital innovation, this study applies a service perspective to digital innovation. The purpose of the study is to understand how digital innovation emerges within a service ecosystem for autonomous shipping. The sub-objectives of this study are to 1) identify what factors motivate and demotivate actors to integrate resources for autonomous shipping, 2) explore the key technology areas to be integrated to realise the autonomous shipping concept, and 3) suggest how the technology areas are combined for mutual value creation within a service eco-system for autonomous shipping. Insights from autonomous driving were also included. This study draws on literatures on service innovation and service-dominant logic. The research was conducted as a qualitative exploratory case study. The data comprise interviews of 18 marine and automotive industry experts, 4 workshops, 4 seminars, and observations as well as various secondary data sources. The findings revealed that the key actors have versatile motivations regarding autonomous shipping. These varied from opportunities for single applications to occupying a central role in an autonomous technology platform. Thus, autonomous shipping can be seen as an umbrella concept comprising multiple levels. In technical terms, the development of the concept of autonomous shipping is largely based on combining existing technology solutions, which are gradually integrated towards more systemic entities comprising areas of the autonomous shipping concept. This study argues that a service perspective embraces the inherently complex and dynamic nature of digital innovation. This is captured in the developed research framework that describes digital innovation emerging on different levels of interaction: 1. strategic relationships for new solutions, 2. new local networks for technology platforms, and 3. global networks for new markets. The framework shows how the business models and motivations of digital innovation actors feed the emergence of digital innovation in overlapping service ecosystems that together comprise an innovation ecosystem for autonomous technologies. Digital innovation managers will benefit from seeing their businesses as part of a larger ecosystem of value co-creating actors. In orchestrating digital innovation within a service ecosystem, it is suggested that managers consider the resources, roles and institutions within the ecosystem. Finally, as autonomous shipping is at its infancy, the topic provides a number of interesting avenues for future research.
Les documents publiés par des entreprises, tels les communiqués de presse, contiennent une foule d’informations sur diverses activités des entreprises. C’est une source précieuse pour des analyses en intelligence d’affaire. Cependant, il est nécessaire de développer des outils pour permettre d’exploiter cette source automatiquement, étant donné son grand volume. Ce mémoire décrit un travail qui s’inscrit dans un volet d’intelligence d’affaire, à savoir la détection de relations d’affaire entre les entreprises décrites dans des communiqués de presse. Dans ce mémoire, nous proposons une approche basée sur la classification. Les méthodes de classifications existantes ne nous permettent pas d’obtenir une performance satisfaisante. Ceci est notamment dû à deux problèmes : la représentation du texte par tous les mots, qui n’aide pas nécessairement à spécifier une relation d’affaire, et le déséquilibre entre les classes. Pour traiter le premier problème, nous proposons une approche de représentation basée sur des mots pivots c’est-à-dire les noms d’entreprises concernées, afin de mieux cerner des mots susceptibles de les décrire. Pour le deuxième problème, nous proposons une classification à deux étapes. Cette méthode s’avère plus appropriée que les méthodes traditionnelles de ré-échantillonnage. Nous avons testé nos approches sur une collection de communiqués de presse dans le domaine automobile. Nos expérimentations montrent que les approches proposées peuvent améliorer la performance de classification. Notamment, la représentation du document basée sur les mots pivots nous permet de mieux centrer sur les mots utiles pour la détection de relations d’affaire. La classification en deux étapes apporte une solution efficace au problème de déséquilibre entre les classes. Ce travail montre que la détection automatique des relations d’affaire est une tâche faisable. Le résultat de cette détection pourrait être utilisé dans une analyse d’intelligence d’affaire.
Dans un contexte de grandes transformations économiques imposées par la mondialisation, le développement d’innovations et la financiarisation de l’économie ont profondément atteint les villes mono industrielles de la période fordiste. L’industrie automobile, grandement influencée par les restructurations économiques globales, a elle aussi été profondément touchée. Ce faisant, les paysages urbains des villes dépendantes de cette industrie, comme Windsor en Ontario, ont été construits et détruits par le processus de destruction créative, dont nous soulignons la composante spatiale. La structure paysagère de Windsor s’est ainsi transformée : alors que des aires importantes dans différents quartiers attendent d’être réinvesties, donnant lieu aux paysages abandonnés, d’autres paysages sont créés. Cette recherche est basée sur l’étude de trois quartiers bordant la Rivière Détroit ayant subi d’importants changements dans leurs paysages. L’objectif principal de ce mémoire est donc de déterminer comment le processus de destruction créative s’opère à Windsor et quels en sont les impacts spatiaux. Afin de parvenir à cet objectif, des observations du paysage avec la création du répertoire photographique, accompagnées d’entrevues directes, ont été les méthodes privilégiées La recherche a permis de déterminer que le processus de destruction créative a lieu dans des contextes de déclin, mais également de croissance. Avec les restructurations économiques globales de l’industrie automobile, les paysages de Windsor se sont créés, déstructurés, et parfois restructurés, grâce aux interventions des acteurs locaux. Face à l’abandon progressif de certains espaces, ces acteurs ont dû réfléchir à de nouvelles stratégies en réponse aux transformations paysagères, comme le néolibéralisme urbain. Nous avons ainsi pu conclure que la destruction créative des paysages est donc en relation avec les processus économiques globaux et négociée par les acteurs locaux.
Demand on magnesium and its alloys is increased significantly in the automotive industry because of their great potential in reducing the weight of components, thus resulting in improvement in fuel efficiency of the vehicle. To date, most of Mg products have been fabricated by casting, especially, by die-casting because of its high productivity, suitable strength, acceptable quality & dimensional accuracy and the components produced through sand, gravity and low pressure die casting are small extent. In fact, higher solidification rate is possible only in high pressure die casting, which results in finer grain size. However, achieving high cooling rate in gravity casting using sand and permanent moulds is a difficult task, which ends with a coarser grain nature and exhibit poor mechanical properties, which is an important aspect of the performance in industrial applications. Grain refinement is technologically attractive because it generally does not adversely affect ductility and toughness, contrary to most other strengthening methods. Therefore formation of fine grain structure in these castings is crucial, in order to improve the mechanical properties of these cast components. Therefore, the present investigation is “GRAIN REFINEMENT STUDIES ON Mg AND Mg-Al BASED ALLOYS”. The primary objective of this present investigation is to study the effect of various grain refining inoculants (Al-4B, Al- 5TiB2 master alloys, Al4C3, Charcoal particles) on Pure Mg and Mg-Al alloys such as AZ31, AZ91 and study their grain refining mechanisms. The second objective of this work is to study the effect of superheating process on the grain size of AZ31, AZ91 Mg alloys with and without inoculants addition. In addition, to study the effect of grain refinement on the mechanical properties of Mg and Mg-Al alloys. The thesis is well organized with seven chapters and the details of the studies are given below in detail.
Even though there have been many studies on the impact of trade liberalisation on labour standards, most of the studies are at national level, and there is a lack of research at industry level. This paper examines the impact of free trade on labour standards in capital- and labour-intensive industries in a developing country. For empirical findings, I take the case of the garment industry, representing labour-intensive industry, and automotive industry, representing capital-intensive industry, in Indonesia in the face of ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA). Since the garment industry is a women-dominated industry, while the automotive industry is a men-dominated industry, this paper also employs a feminist perspective. As such, this paper also investigates whether free trade equally affects men and women workers. Besides free trade, other independent variables are also taken into account. Employing quantitative and qualitative methods, empirical evidence shows that there is an indication that free trade has a negative relationship with labour standards in the garment industry, whereas a positive relationships with labour standards in the automotive industry. This implies that free trade might result in decreasing labour standards in labour-intensive industry, while increasing standards in capital-intensive industry. It can also be inferred that free trade unequally affect men and women workers, in that women workers bear the brunt of free trade. The results also show that other internal and external independent variables are indicated to have relationships with labour standards in the garment and automotive industries. Therefore, these variables need to be considered in examining the extent of the impact of free trade on labour standards in labour- and capital-intensive industries.
Die Automobilindustrie reagiert mit Modularisierungsstrategien auf die zunehmende Produktkomplexität, getrieben durch die wachsenden Individualisierungsanforde-rungen auf der Kundenseite und der Modellpolitik mit neuen Fahrzeuganläufen. Die Hersteller verlagern die Materialbereitstellungskomplexität durch Outsourcing an die nächste Zulieferebene, den First Tier Suppliern, die seit Beginn der 90er Jahre zunehmend in Zulieferparks in unmittelbarer Werknähe integriert werden. Typische Merkmale eines klassischen Zulieferparks sind: Bereitstellung einer Halleninfrastruktur mit Infrastrukturdienstleistungen, Anlieferung der Teileumfänge im JIS-Verfahren (Just-in-Sequence = reihenfolgegenaue Synchronisation), lokale Wertschöpfung (Vormontagen, Sequenzierung) des Zulieferers, Vertragsbindung der First Tier Zulieferer für die Dauer eines Produktlebenszyklus und Einbindung eines Logistikdienstleisters. Teilweise werden zur Finanzierung Förderprojekte des öffent-lichen Sektors initiiert. Bisher fehlte eine wissenschaftliche Bearbeitung dieses Themas "Zulieferpark". In der Arbeit werden die in Europa entstandenen Zulieferparks näher untersucht, um Vor- und Nachteile dieses Logistikkonzeptes zu dokumentieren und Entwicklungs-trends aufzuzeigen. Abgeleitet aus diesen Erkenntnissen werden Optimierungs-ansätze aufgezeigt und konkrete Entwicklungspfade zur Verbesserung der Chancen-Risikoposition der Hauptakteure Automobilhersteller, Zulieferer und Logistikdienst-leister beschrieben. Die Arbeit gliedert sich in vier Haupteile, einer differenzierten Beschreibung der Ausgangssituation und den Entwicklungstrends in der Automobilindustrie, dem Vorgehensmodell, der Dokumentation der Analyseergebnisse und der Bewertung von Zulieferparkmodellen. Im Rahmen der Ergebnisdokumentation des Analyseteils werden vier Zulieferparkmodelle in detaillierten Fallstudien anschaulich dargestellt. Zur Erarbeitung der Analyseergebnisse wurde eine Befragung der Hauptakteure mittels strukturierten Fragebögen durchgeführt. Zur Erhebung von Branchentrends und zur relativen Bewertung der Parkmodelle wurden zusätzlich Experten befragt. Zur Segmentierung der Zulieferparklandschaft wurde die Methode der Netzwerk-analyse eingesetzt. Die relative Bewertung der Nutzenposition basiert auf der Nutzwertanalyse. Als Ergebnisse der Arbeit liegen vor: · Umfassende Analyse der Zulieferparklandschaft in Europa, · Segmentierung der Parks in Zulieferparkmodelle, Optimierungsansätze zur Verbesserung einer Win-Win-Situation der beteiligten Hauptakteure, · Relative Nutzenbewertung der Zulieferparkmodelle, · Entwicklungspfade für klassische Zulieferparks.
Conocer como se vio afectado el comercio en materia automotriz en Colombia por parte de Venezuela es un tema importante para las relaciones diplomáticas y comerciales del país. Al ser Venezuela el país que más importaba vehículos de Colombia, es necesario conocer por qué desde el cambio de la política exterior del presidente Chávez, en el 2004, este sector se ha visto afectado notoriamente y qué estrategias por su parte tendría la industria automotora y el gobierno colombiano para no dejar que éste sector baje su producción.
Els polímers són una sèrie de compostos que troben un ampli ventall d'aplicacions en la indústria actual. Un exemple són les espumes de poliuretà, estructures de tipus cel·lular obtingudes mitjançant la reacció química entre compostos de tipus isocianat i compostos de tipus poliol (polièters amb diferent nombre de grups hidroxil). És imprescindible l'ús d'additius d'estructura tensioactiva (surfactants de silicona) per estabilitzar el procés d'espumació i per proporcionar una estructura cel·lular ordenada i homogènia en mida i distribució. La síntesis i caracterització de les molècules precursores (polihidrosiloxans i polièters al·lílics), l'estudi de la reacció d'hidrosililació com a via d'obtenció dels diferents surfactants per reacció d'addició entre els polihidrosiloxans i els polièters al·lílics i la caracterització i avaluació en formulacions comercials de poliuretà dels surfactants sintetitzats han constituït els objectius del present treball. MEMÒRIA La Tesi Doctoral ha estat presentada seguint el següent esquema: CAPÍTOL I. INTRODUCCIÓ A LA QUÍMICA DEL POLIURETÀ. Es presenten els principis de la química del poliuretà, fent esment dels recents avenços en la síntesis i caracterització d'aquests compostos polimèrics, així com un apartat concret centrat en els surfactants de silicona. Es presenten les estructures habituals d'aquests compostos comercials i es detallen les reaccions de síntesi i les característiques físiques que aquests compostos proporcionen a les espumes de poliuretà. CAPÍTOL II. OBJECTIUS. 1.- Síntesis y caracterització d'una àmplia gamma de poliglicols al·lílics i de polihidrosiloxans amb grups hidrur reactius, ambdós precursors d'estructures polimèriques de tipus surfactant. 2.- Estudi de la reacció d'hidrosililació com a via de formació d'enllaços Si-C no hidrolitzables, mitjançant la reacció d'addició entre els substrats al·lílics insaturats i els polisiloxans amb grups hidrur reactius. 3.- Caracterització de les estructures polimèriques de tipus surfactant sintetitzades i avaluació d'aquestes en formulacions de poliuretà, a fi de relacionar l'estructura química d'aquests oligómers amb els efectes físics que originen en l'espuma de poliuretà. CAPÍTOL III. SÍNTESI I CARACTERITZACIÓ DE SUBSTRATS AL·LÍLICS INSATURATS DE TIPUS POLIGLICOL. S'han caracteritzat per HPLC-UV una sèrie de polietilenglicols comercials. S'ha estudiat la reacció de derivatització al·lílica sobre els grups hidroxil dels polièters comercials (PEG, PPG i copolímers PEG-PPG) i s'han caracteritzat exhaustivament els productes sintetitzats (1H,13C-RMN, GC, GC-MS, FTIR, ESI-MS, HPLC-UV). S'ha iniciat un estudi de polimerització aniònica sobre nous epòxids amb un punt de diversitat molecular, sintetitzant-se i caracteritzant-se els corresponents nous polièters obtinguts. CAPÍTOL IV. SÍNTESI I CARACTERITZACIÓ DE POLIHIDROSILOXANS REACTIUS. S'estudia la síntesis de polihidrosiloxans amb grups hidrur reactius, mitjançant la reacció de polimerització aniònica d'obertura d'anell ("AROP, anionic ring opening polimerization") i mitjançant la reacció de polimerització per equilibració catiònica. Es presenta una caracterització exhaustiva dels productes sintetitzats i es descriu la naturalesa de la microestructura polimèrica a partir de la distribució bivariant dels copolímers PDMS-co-PHMS (poli(dimetilsiloxà)-co-poli(hidrometilsiloxà)). CAPÍTOL V. ESTUDI SISTEMÀTIC DE LA REACCIÓ D'HIDROSILILACIÓ. S'ha estudiat la reacció d'hidrosililació amb la finalitat de sintetitzar estructures copolimèriques poliglicol-polisiloxà a partir de la reacció de polisiloxans hidrur reactius i polièters al·lílics. S'han provat diferents catalitzadors (Pt/C 5%, cat. de Speier i cat. de Karstedt), s'han sintetitzat diferents estructures tensoactives (lineals i ramificades) i s'ha modelitzat les diferents reaccions secundàries observades, per presentar un estudi mecanístic de la reacció d'hidrosililació aplicada a la síntesis de molècules d'elevat PM a partir de la reacció entre substrats al·lílics insaturats i polihidrosiloxans. CAPÍTOL VI. AVALUACIÓ DELS SURFACTANTS EN FORMULACIONS DE POLIURETÀ. S'ha estudiat la idoneïtat dels surfactants de silicona sintetitzats en diferents formulacions de poliuretà comercials. S'ha relacionat el comportament físic d'aquests surfactants en les espumes de poliuretà amb la seva estructura química a partir de l'anàlisi per microscòpia electrònica de rastreig. CAPÍTOL VII. CONCLUSIONS. S'han esposat les conclusions extretes de cada capítol.
Esta Tese trata do Desenho Técnico na formação do trabalhador a partir de um estudo comparado entre Portugal e Brasil, na indústria de automóveis. Observam-se, introdutoriamente, aspectos referentes à trajetória do Desenho de linguagem técnica no percurso do Ensino Industrial e na atual estrutura educativa luso-brasileira, enquanto disciplina escolar. Na segunda parte descreve-se o histórico da indústria de automóveis e a reconfiguração automotiva mundial, através da qual analisam-se as justificativas para este fenômeno, especialmente em Portugal e no Brasil, fundamentadas nas implicações da organização da economia mundial. Estabelece a relação entre a evolução da Divisão Internacional do Trabalho e do Desenho Técnico enquanto linguagem da indústria. Na terceira e última parte são apresentados e analisados os dados relativos à pesquisa empírica, pautada no Método da Triangulação dos dados, e apresenta-se a comparação entre os dois sistemas educativos, no que respeita a presença e frequência do Desenho Técnico na organização curricular do Curso Técnico de Mecatrônica, utilizado como elemento de comparação e sua relação com a oferta formativa para a indústria de automóveis nas duas localidades em que estão instaladas as indústrias pesquisadas, Palmela em Portugal e Camaçari no Brasil, e verifica-se a importância atribuída a este conhecimento no desenvolvimento da atividade produtiva, através do percurso educativo e formativo dos sujeitos, os trabalhadores das indústrias pesquisadas. Os resultados auferidos apontam para a confirmação de que o lugar que o Desenho Técnico ocupa na Educação do Brasil e de Portugal está subordinado ao lugar que estes países ocupam na geografia do Sistema-Mundo.