501 resultados para booklet


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A booklet of rules and regulations for industrial alcohol. A portion of the preparatory note reads: "We endeavoured to bring together in this booklet as much information as possible regarding the Dominion and Provincial rules and regulations at present in force controlling the sale and use of Alcohol for manufacturing, etc."


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A paperback booklet of the Ontario Game and Fishery Laws 1916. The booklet is 91 pages in length and includes an index. See the full text in the Brock University Special Collections and Archives.


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The booklet is a printed set of rules and regulations for the St. Catharines Club. It is pocket size and has several blank pages in the back. The blank pages have handwritten names including H.K. Woodruff. Also included in the booklet are lists of past officers. R. Woodruff is listed as president in 1883, and H.K. Woodruff is listed as a committee member in 1885 and 1886.


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Camp Niagara, in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, was used as summer training grounds for the Second Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force at the start of World War I in 1914. In 1917, the Camp was used to train a group of expatriate Poles and Polish Americans who were recruited to serve in the war. Over 22, 000 volunteers of the Polish diaspora from across Canada and the United States trained at Camp Niagara, known to them as Camp Kosciuszko.


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The Autism Acceptance Project was established in 2006 by Estee Klar, an art curator, writer and mother to a child labeled autistic. The Project “is dedicated to promoting acceptance of and accommodations for autistic people in society.” TAAP has an autistic advisory board, and is funded by private donations. In 2006, TAAP organized an exhibition, The Joy of Autism: Redefining Ability and Quality of Life. The event displayed the work of a dozen autistic artists, as well as video and other installations which illustrated the burgeoning autistic rights movement and forwarded the concept of Neurodiversity.


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Envelope which says “Little book made by my Grandmother. J.C. Woodruff”. Inside this 7 ½ x 10 cm. booklet tied with ribbon is contained: Grandma’s hair, Mamma’s hair, Papa’s hair, Brother Willie’s hair, Margaret Julia Woodruff’s hair (age 4 years, July 24, 1900), my father’s hair – H.K.W, an unidentified lock of blonde hair, and a loose curl of brown hair, 1900.


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Report (20 page booklet) on a water supply for the town of St. Catharines by Thomas Monro, civil engineer. This is addressed to Lucious S. Oille, M.D., chairman of the Water Committee of St. Catharines, June 10, 1875.


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Constitution and By-laws of the Citizens’ Hose Company is a 12 page 14 cm. x 9 ½ cm. booklet. The booklet is slightly discoloured and has had some water damage. This does not affect the text, Aug. 1, 1871.


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Cross sections of excavation required to make a ditch on the earth side of the railroad near Port Dalhousie. This is a 12 page booklet of hand- drawn charts and diagrams which is slightly stained. Text is not affected, Mar. 1860.


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Long Point Company by-laws together with by-laws as to shooting on Long Point. This is a 9 page printed booklet, 1869. Spectator Printing House, Cor. Main and James Streets.


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Copy 1 of the Proceedings of the Long Point Company with copy of new by-laws. This copy (copy 2 is filed with minutes) has a torn back cover and a section cut from the last page. This does affect the text slightly. This is a 14 page printed booklet, June 1874.


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Copy 2 of the Proceedings of the Long Point Company with copy of new by-laws. This copy (copy 1 is filed with by-laws) is missing the back cover (14 page printed booklet), June 1874.


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Le torticolis postural est une affection courante dans le milieu pédiatrique en particulier depuis que les parents ont adopté les lignes directrices de la campagne « Back to Sleep ». Habituellement, un programme d’exercices à domicile est présenté aux parents afin de promouvoir une récupération optimale toutefois, peu d’outils existent pour les accompagner dans la réalisation de ces exercices. L'objectif de cette étude était d'évaluer l'impact de l'addition du nouveau livret d’intervention pour le torticolis (LIT) sur la résolution du torticolis (restitution de l’amplitude passive du cou), le stress parental et la satisfaction à l’égard du traitement reçu et sur l'observance des parents au traitement à domicile. Cinquante-huit nourrissons référés en physiothérapie pour un torticolis postural ont été recrutés et randomisés au cours de leur première visite à l’un ou l’autre de ces 2 groupes: Physiothérapie + LIT (n = 29) ou Physiothérapie + traitement standard (n = 29). Des évaluateurs ont évalué à l’aveugle les patients 1 et 3 mois après leur visite initiale, 30 minutes avant leur consultation en physiothérapie. L’amplitude articulaire passive du cou en rotation était mesurée à l’aide d’un goniomètre arthrodial. Le niveau de stress parental a été évalué en utilisant l’Indice de Stress Parental (ISP). Les parents ont reçu l’ISP à la fin de la visite initiale et ont été invités à le compléter à la maison et le retourner à la visite suivante en physiothérapie ou à la visite de 1 mois. La satisfaction des parents à l’égard du traitement reçu a été évaluée en utilisant la Mesure du Processus de Soins (MPOC-56) à 3 mois. L'observance au traitement a été estimée en demandant aux parents de rapporter la durée quotidienne de positionnement des nourrissons sur le ventre pendant la semaine dernière à l’évaluation. L’analyse de nos données consista à d’abord décrire les performances des 2 groupes à l’aide de statistiques descriptives. Ensuite, des tests de t ont permis de comparer le changement à la rotation passive cervicale, entre la visite de 1 mois et la visite initiale ainsi qu’entre la visite de 3 mois et la visite initiale. Des tests de t ont aussi été calculés pour comparer les scores de chaque sous-échelle du ISP (stress parental) et du MPOC-56 (satisfaction des soins) entre les groupes. Le test du chi carré a été réalisé pour comparer l'adhérence entre les deux groupes à 1 et 3-mois. Les résultats ont montré une tendance à un plus grand changement de la rotation passive du cou à 1-mois dans le groupe LIT (Intervalle de Confiance à 95% = 95% IC= 1,97-8,77 ; p = 0, 17) mais pas à 3 mois. Les parents du groupe LIT ont obtenu des scores de stress plus faibles après avoir reçu l'outil d'intervention (95%IC= 49,20-57,94 ; p = 0, 01) et ont déclaré être plus satisfaits que les parents du groupe témoin pour le traitement reçu (95%IC= 6,7-6,8 ; p=0,03) e o partenariat avec les thérapeutes (95%IC= 6,3-6,9 ; p<0,001). Enfin, l'observance au traitement a été plus élevée dans le groupe LIT que dans le groupe contrôle en particulier à 3-mois (p = 0.01). Le nouveau livret d'intervention pour le torticolis accompagné d'un traitement de physiothérapie a tendance à contribuer à une restitution plus rapide de l’amplitude passive du cou en rotation, peut aider à diminuer le niveau de stress parental, contribuer à une plus grande satisfaction à l’égard du traitement et améliorer l’observance au traitement à domicile.


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La cartilla que se presenta es una herramienta soporte para el estudiante de fonoaudiología de la Universidad del Rosario, en la cual podrá encontrar los elementos necesarios para el planteamiento y desarrollo de proyectos de comunicación en cualquier departamento de desarrollo humano de una empresa, bien sea en bienestar o en salud ocupacional. Esta cartilla está conformada por cuatro módulos que dan cobertura a las diferentes temáticas del objeto de estudio de la fonoaudiología, la comunicación humana y sus alteraciones en el ámbito laboral. La comunicación efectiva, la audición y las habilidades vocales son elementos esenciales para el trabajador y para la empresa y es el fonoaudiólogo el profesional idóneo para el trabajo de estas áreas en las empresas.


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Speaker: Lynda Hardman Organiser: Time: 04/02/2015 12:30-13:30 Location: B32/3077 Abstract The challenges of addressing gender inequalities in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine is widely acknowledged. We currently hold a bronze award and ECS is one of many academic units in the University which has gained Athena Swan Charter status. In this seminar, Professor Lynda Hardman, Chair of the Informatics Europe working group "Women in Informatics Research and Education” will be explaining the causes of issued underlying gender inequality and constructive routes to addressing this important agenda. In undertaking to commit to an action plan which is a prerequisite of gaining charter status, the University or academic department agreed to accept and incorporate the Athena Swan six principles listed below: * To address gender inequalities requires commitment and action from everyone, at all levels of the organisation * To tackle the unequal representation of women in science requires changing cultures and attitudes across the organisation * The absence of diversity at management and policy-making levels has broad implications which the organisation will examine * The high loss rate of women in science is an urgent concern which the organisation will address * The system of short-term contracts has particularly negative consequences for the retention and progression of women in science, which the organisation recognises * There are both personal and structural obstacles to women making the transition from PhD into a sustainable academic career in science, which require the active consideration of the organisation. This seminar is designed to provide an opportunity to explore these issues NOTE: Lynda will be basing here talk on some of the work she directed as chair of the "Women in Informatics Research and Education” working group. The purpose of the working group is to actively participate and promote actions that contribute to improve gender balance in Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies. The first concrete result of the working group's activities was the publication of the booklet "More Women in Informatics Research and Education" in 2013. The booklet is a compact source of clear and simple best practices to deans and heads of departments that aim to increase the participation of women as both students and employees in their institutions. Many tips included were also inspired by colleagues already in leading positions who have already implemented actions in their institutions to attract more women and ensure their continued participation in the organization at commensurate ratios with their male colleagues. The booklet is endorsed by the European Commission and features a foreword by Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission, responsible for the Digital Agenda.