950 resultados para atypical mycobacterium


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m-AMSA, an established inhibitor of eukaryotic type II topoisomerases, exerts its cidal effect by binding to the enzyme-DNA complex thus inhibiting the DNA religation step. The molecule and its analogues have been successfully used as chemotherapeutic agents against different forms of cancer. After virtual screening using a homology model of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis topoisomerase I, we identified m-AMSA as a high scoring hit. We demonstrate that m-AMSA can inhibit the DNA relaxation activity of topoisomerase I from M. tuberculosis and Mycobacterium smegmatis. In a whole cell assay, m-AMSA inhibited the growth of both the mycobacteria. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv1027c-Rv1028c genes are predicted to encode KdpDE two component system, which is highly conserved across all bacterial species. Here, we show that the system is functionally active and KdpD sensor kinase undergoes autophosphorylation and transfers phosphoryl group to KdpE, response regulator protein. We identified His(642) and Asp(52) as conserved phosphorylation sites in KdpD and KdpE respectively and by SPR analysis confirmed the physical interaction between them. KdpD was purified with prebound divalent ions and their importance in phosphorylation was established using protein refolding and ion chelation approaches. Genetically a single transcript encoded both KdpD and KdpE proteins. Overall, we report that M. tuberculosis KdpDE system operates like a canonical two component system. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background: DNA-binding protein from starved cells (Dps) are nano-compartments that can oxidize and store iron rendering protection from free radicals. Results: A histidine-aspartate ionic cluster in mycobaterial Dps2 modulates the rate of iron entry and exit in these proteins. Conclusion: Substitutions that disrupt the cluster interface alter the iron uptake/release properties with localized structural changes. Significance: Identifying important gating residues can help in designing nano-delivery vehicles. Dps (DNA-binding protein from starved cells) are dodecameric assemblies belonging to the ferritin family that can bind DNA, carry out ferroxidation, and store iron in their shells. The ferritin-like trimeric pore harbors the channel for the entry and exit of iron. By representing the structure of Dps as a network we have identified a charge-driven interface formed by a histidine aspartate cluster at the pore interface unique to Mycobacterium smegmatis Dps protein, MsDps2. Site-directed mutagenesis was employed to generate mutants to disrupt the charged interactions. Kinetics of iron uptake/release of the wild type and mutants were compared. Crystal structures were solved at a resolution of 1.8-2.2 for the various mutants to compare structural alterations vis a vis the wild type protein. The substitutions at the pore interface resulted in alterations in the side chain conformations leading to an overall weakening of the interface network, especially in cases of substitutions that alter the charge at the pore interface. Contrary to earlier findings where conserved aspartate residues were found crucial for iron release, we propose here that in the case of MsDps2, it is the interplay of negative-positive potentials at the pore that enables proper functioning of the protein. In similar studies in ferritins, negative and positive patches near the iron exit pore were found to be important in iron uptake/release kinetics. The unique ionic cluster in MsDps2 makes it a suitable candidate to act as nano-delivery vehicle, as these gated pores can be manipulated to exhibit conformations allowing for slow or fast rates of iron release.


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Single-stranded DNA binding proteins (SSBs) are vital in all organisms. SSBs of Escherichia coli (EcoSSB) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtuSSB) are homotetrameric. The N-terminal domains (NTD) of these SSBs (responsible for their tetramerization and DNA binding) are structurally well defined. However, their C-terminal domains (CTD) possess undefined structures. EcoSSB NTD consists of beta 1-beta 1'-beta 2-beta 3-alpha-beta 4-beta 45(1)-beta 45(2)-beta 5 secondary structure elements. MtuSSB NTD includes an additional beta-strand (beta 6) forming a novel hook-like structure. Recently, we observed that MtuSSB complemented an E. coli Delta ssb strain. However, a chimeric SSB (m beta 4-beta 5), wherein only the terminal part of NTD (beta 4-beta 5 region possessing L-45 loop) of EcoSSB was substituted with that from MtuSSB, failed to function in E. coli in spite of its normal DNA binding and oligomerization properties. Here, we designed new chimeras by transplanting selected regions of MtuSSB into EcoSSB to understand the functional significance of the various secondary structure elements within SSB. All chimeric SSBs formed homotetramers and showed normal DNA binding. The m beta 4-beta 6 construct obtained by substitution of the region downstream of beta 5 in m beta 4-beta 5 SSB with the corresponding region (beta 6) of MtuSSB complemented the E. coli strain indicating a functional interaction between the L-45 loop and the beta 6 strand of MtuSSB.


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In eubacteria, RecA is essential for recombinational DNA repair and for stalled replication forks to resume DNA synthesis. Recent work has implicated a role for RecA in the development of antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria. Consequently, our goal is to identify and characterize small-molecule inhibitors that target RecA both in vitro and in vivo. We employed ATPase, DNA strand exchange and LexA cleavage assays to elucidate the inhibitory effects of suramin on Mycobacterium tuberculosis RecA. To gain insights into the mechanism of suramin action, we directly visualized the structure of RecA nucleoprotein filaments by atomic force microscopy. To determine the specificity of suramin action in vivo, we investigated its effect on the SOS response by pull-down and western blot assays as well as for its antibacterial activity. We show that suramin is a potent inhibitor of DNA strand exchange and ATPase activities of bacterial RecA proteins with IC50 values in the low micromolar range. Additional evidence shows that suramin inhibits RecA-catalysed proteolytic cleavage of the LexA repressor. The mechanism underlying such inhibitory actions of suramin involves its ability to disassemble RecA-single-stranded DNA filaments. Notably, suramin abolished ciprofloxacin-induced recA gene expression and the SOS response and augmented the bactericidal action of ciprofloxacin. Our findings suggest a strategy to chemically disrupt the vital processes controlled by RecA and hence the promise of small molecules for use against drug-susceptible as well as drug-resistant strains of M. tuberculosis for better infection control and the development of new therapies.


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We previously reported interferon gamma secretion by human CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells in response to recombinant E. coli-expressed Rv1860 protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) as well as protection of guinea pigs against a challenge with virulent MTB following prime-boost immunization with DNA vaccine and poxvirus expressing Rv1860. In contrast, a Statens Serum Institute Mycobacterium bovis BCG (BCG-SSI) recombinant expressing MTB Rv1860 (BCG-TB1860) showed loss of protective ability compared to the parent BCG strain expressing the control GFP protein (BCG-GFP). Since Rv1860 is a secreted mannosylated protein of MTB and BCG, we investigated the effect of BCG-TB1860 on innate immunity. Relative to BCG-GFP, BCG-TB1860 effected a significant near total reduction both in secretion of cytokines IL-2, IL-12p40, IL-12p70, TNF-alpha, IL-6 and IL-10, and up regulation of co-stimulatory molecules MHC-II, CD40, CD54, CD80 and CD86 by infected bone marrow derived dendritic cells (BMDC), while leaving secreted levels of TGF-beta unchanged. These effects were mimicked by BCG-TB1860His which carried a 6-Histidine tag at the C-terminus of Rv1860, killed sonicated preparations of BCG-TB1860 and purified H37Rv-derived Rv1860 glycoprotein added to BCG-GFP, but not by E. coli-expressed recombinant Rv1860. Most importantly, BMDC exposed to BCG-TB1860 failed to polarize allogeneic as well as syngeneic T cells to secrete IFN-gamma and IL-17 relative to BCG-GFP. Splenocytes from mice infected with BCG-SSI showed significantly less proliferation and secretion of IL-2, IFN-gamma and IL-17, but secreted higher levels of IL-10 in response to in vitro restimulation with BCG-TB1860 compared to BCG-GFP. Spleens from mice infected with BCG-TB1860 also harboured significantly fewer DC expressing MHC-II, IL-12, IL-2 and TNF-alpha compared to mice infected with BCG-GFP. Glycoproteins of MTB, through their deleterious effects on DC may thus contribute to suppress the generation of a TH1- and TH17-dominated adaptive immune response that is vital for protection against tuberculosis.


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HU, a widely conserved bacterial histone-like protein, regulates many genes, including those involved in stress response and virulence. Whereas ample data are available on HU-DNA communication, the knowledge on how HU perceives a signal and transmit it to DNA remains limited. In this study, we identify HupB, the HU homolog of the human pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis, as a component of serine/threonine protein kinase (STPK) signaling. HupB is extracted in its native state from the exponentially growing cells of M. tuberculosis H37Ra and is shown to be phosphorylated on both serine and threonine residues. The STPKs capable of modifying HupB are determined in vitro and the residues modified by the STPKs are identified for both in vivo and the in vitro proteins through mass spectrometry. Of the identified phosphosites, Thr(65) and Thr(74) in the DNA-embracing beta-strand of the N-terminal domain of HupB (N-HupB) are shown to be crucial for its interaction with DNA. In addition, Arg(55) is also identified as an important residue for N-HupB-DNA interaction. N-HupB is shown to have a diminished interaction with DNA after phosphorylation. Furthermore, hupB is shown to be maximally expressed during the stationary phase in M. tuberculosis H37Ra, while HupB kinases were found to be constitutively expressed (PknE and PknF) or most abundant during the exponential phase (PknB). In conclusion, HupB, a DNA-binding protein, with an ability to modulate chromatin structure is proposed to work in a growth-phase-dependent manner through its phosphorylation carried out by the mycobacterial STPKs.


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Thiolases are enzymes involved in lipid metabolism. Thiolases remove the acetyl-CoA moiety from 3-ketoacyl-CoAs in the degradative reaction. They can also catalyze the reverse Claisen condensation reaction, which is the first step of biosynthetic processes such as the biosynthesis of sterols and ketone bodies. In human, six distinct thiolases have been identified. Each of these thiolases is different from the other with respect to sequence, oligomeric state, substrate specificity and subcellular localization. Four sequence fingerprints, identifying catalytic loops of thiolases, have been described. In this study genome searches of two mycobacterial species (Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium smegmatis), were carried out, using the six human thiolase sequences as queries. Eight and thirteen different thiolase sequences were identified in M. tuberculosis and M. smegmatis, respectively. In addition, thiolase-like proteins (one encoded in the Mtb and two in the Msm genome) were found. The purpose of this study is to classify these mostly uncharacterized thiolases and thiolase-like proteins. Several other sequences obtained by searches of genome databases of bacteria, mammals and the parasitic protist family of the Trypanosomatidae were included in the analysis. Thiolase-like proteins were also found in the trypanosomatid genomes, but not in those of mammals. In order to study the phylogenetic relationships at a high confidence level, additional thiolase sequences were included such that a total of 130 thiolases and thiolase-like protein sequences were used for the multiple sequence alignment. The resulting phylogenetic tree identifies 12 classes of sequences, each possessing a characteristic set of sequence fingerprints for the catalytic loops. From this analysis it is now possible to assign the mycobacterial thiolases to corresponding homologues in other kingdoms of life. The results of this bioinformatics analysis also show interesting differences between the distributions of M. tuberculosis and M. smegmatis thiolases over the 12 different classes. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The nucleoid-associated protein HU plays an important role in maintenance of chromosomal architecture and in global regulation of DNA transactions in bacteria. Although HU is essential for growth in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), there have been no reported attempts to perturb HU function with small molecules. Here we report the crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of HU from Mtb. We identify a core region within the HU-DNA interface that can be targeted using stilbene derivatives. These small molecules specifically inhibit HU-DNA binding, disrupt nucleoid architecture and reduce Mtb growth. The stilbene inhibitors induce gene expression changes in Mtb that resemble those induced by HU deficiency. Our results indicate that HU is a potential target for the development of therapies against tuberculosis.


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We report the crystal structure of the first prokaryotic aspartic proteinase-like domain identified in the genome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. A search in the genomes of Mycobacterium species showed that the C-terminal domains of some of the PE family proteins contain two classic DT/SG motifs of aspartic proteinases with a low overall sequence similarity to HIV proteinase. The three-dimensional structure of one of them, Rv0977 (PE_PGRS16) of M. tuberculosis revealed the characteristic pepsinf-old and catalytic site architecture. However, the active site was completely blocked by the N-terminal His-tag. Surprisingly, the enzyme was found to be inactive even after the removal of the N-terminal His-tag. A comparison of the structure with pepsins showed significant differences in the critical substrate binding residues and in the flap tyrosine conformation that could contribute to the lack of proteolytic activity of Rv0977. (C) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Federation of European Biochemical Societies. All rights reserved.


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Background: Increased incidence of lung cancer among pulmonary tuberculosis patients suggests mycobacteria-induced tumorigenic response in the host. The alveolar epithelial cells, candidate cells that form lung adenocarcinoma, constitute a niche for mycobacterial replication and infection. We thus explored the possible mechanism of M. bovis Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG)-assisted tumorigenicity in type II epithelial cells, human lung adenocarcinoma A549 and other cancer cells. Methods: Cancer cell lines originating from lung, colon, bladder, liver, breast, skin and cervix were treated with tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha in presence or absence of BCG infection. p53, COP1 and sonic hedgehog (SHH) signaling markers were determined by immunoblotting and luciferase assays, and quantitative real time PCR was done for p53-responsive pro-apoptotic genes and SHH signaling markers. MTT assays and Annexin V staining were utilized to study apoptosis. Gain-and loss-of-function approaches were used to investigate the role for SHH and COP1 signaling during apoptosis. A549 xenografted mice were used to validate the contribution of BCG during TNF-alpha treatment. Results: Here, we show that BCG inhibits TNF-alpha-mediated apoptosis in A549 cells via downregulation of p53 expression. Substantiating this observation, BCG rescued A549 xenografts from TNF-alpha-mediated tumor clearance in nude mice. Furthermore, activation of SHH signaling by BCG induced the expression of an E3 ubiquitin ligase, COP1. SHH-driven COP1 targeted p53, thereby facilitating downregulation of p53-responsive pro-apoptotic genes and inhibition of apoptosis. Similar effects of BCG could be shown for HCT116, T24, MNT-1, HepG2 and HELA cells but not for HCT116 p53(-/-) and MDA-MB-231 cells. Conclusion: Our results not only highlight possible explanations for the coexistence of pulmonary tuberculosis and lung cancer but also address probable reasons for failure of BCG immunotherapy of cancers.


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Chromatin immunoprecipitation identified 191 binding sites of Mycobacterium tuberculosis cAMP receptor protein (CRPMt) at endogenous expression levels using a specific alpha-CRPMt antibody. Under these native conditions an equal distribution between intragenic and intergenic locations was observed. CRPMt binding overlapped a palindromic consensus sequence. Analysis by RNA sequencing revealed widespread changes in transcriptional profile in a mutant strain lacking CRPMt during exponential growth, and in response to nutrient starvation. Differential expression of genes with a CRPMt-binding site represented only a minor portion of this transcriptional reprogramming with similar to 19% of those representing transcriptional regulators potentially controlled by CRPMt. The subset of genes that are differentially expressed in the deletion mutant under both culture conditions conformed to a pattern resembling canonical CRP regulation in Escherichia coli, with binding close to the transcriptional start site associated with repression and upstream binding with activation. CRPMt can function as a classical transcription factor in M. tuberculosis, though this occurs at only a subset of CRPMt-binding sites.


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Two mechanisms - factor independent and dependent termination - ensure the completion of RNA synthesis in eubacteria. Factor-dependent mechanism relies on the Rho protein to terminate transcription by interacting with RNA polymerase. Although well studied in Escherichia coli, the properties of the Rho homologs from most bacteria are not known. The rho gene is unusually large in genus Mycobacterium and other members of actinobacteria, having,150 additional residues towards the amino terminal end. We describe the distinct properties of Rho from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is an NTPase with a preference for purine nucleoside triphosphates with kinetic properties different from E. coli homolog and an ability to use various RNA substrates. The N-terminal subdomain of MtbRho can bind to RNA by itself, and appears to contribute to the interaction of the termination factor with RNAs. Furthermore, the interaction with RNA induces changes in conformation and oligomerization of MtbRho.


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Polypharmacology is beginning to emerge as an important concept in the field of drug discovery. However, there are no established approaches to either select appropriate target sets or design polypharmacological drugs. Here, we propose a structural-proteomics approach that utilizes the structural information of the binding sites at a genome-scale obtained through in-house algorithms to characterize the pocketome, yielding a list of ligands that can participate in various biochemical events in the mycobacterial cell. The pocket-type space is seen to be much larger than the sequence or fold-space, suggesting that variations at the site-level contribute significantly to functional repertoire of the organism. All-pair comparisons of binding sites within Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), pocket-similarity network construction and clustering result in identification of binding-site sets, each containing a group of similar binding sites, theoretically having a potential to interact with a common set of compounds. A polypharmacology index is formulated to rank targets by incorporating a measure of druggability and similarity to other pockets within the proteome. This study presents a rational approach to identify targets with polypharmacological potential along with possible drugs for repurposing, while simultaneously, obtaining clues on lead compounds for use in new drug-discovery pipelines.


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The significance of G-quadruplexes and the helicases that resolve G4 structures in prokaryotes is poorly understood. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome is GC-rich and contains >10,000 sequences that have the potential to form G4 structures. In Escherichia coli, RecQ helicase unwinds G4 structures. However, RecQ is absent in M. tuberculosis, and the helicase that participates in G4 resolution in M. tuberculosis is obscure. Here, we show that M. tuberculosis DinG (MtDinG) exhibits high affinity for ssDNA and ssDNA translocation with a 5' -> 3' polarity. Interestingly, MtDinG unwinds overhangs, flap structures, and forked duplexes but fails to unwind linear duplex DNA. Our data with DNase I footprinting provide mechanistic insights and suggest that MtDinG is a 5' -> 3' polarity helicase. Notably, in contrast to E. coli DinG, MtDinG catalyzes unwinding of replication fork and Holliday junction structures. Strikingly, we find that MtDinG resolves intermolecular G4 structures. These data suggest that MtDinG is a multifunctional structure-specific helicase that unwinds model structures of DNA replication, repair, and recombination as well as G4 structures. We finally demonstrate that promoter sequences of M. tuberculosis PE_PGRS2, mce1R, and moeB1 genes contain G4 structures, implying that G4 structures may regulate gene expression in M. tuberculosis. We discuss these data and implicate targeting G4 structures and DinG helicase in M. tuberculosis could be a novel therapeutic strategy for culminating the infection with this pathogen.