228 resultados para aquário cilíndrico
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA
Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Matayba guianensis Aubl . is a shrubby or arborial Sapindaceae quite common in the Brazilian Cerrado with a key role in providing resources for ants and bees. It presents a rapid growth, and is important for the recovery of degraded areas, but little is known about its seedlings production. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe the morphology of the branch and the seed germination and of seedling Matayba guianensis Aubl . in its post-seminal development and define the type of substrate and container suitable for seedling emergence and seedling production of this species. We evaluated three types of containers: black polyethylene bags, cartridge and polystyrene tray, with 5 kinds of substrates: sand, earth, earth - sand - manure (1:1:1); commercial substrate, and coconut fiber, with 4 replicates of 25 seeds per treatment . The branch, fruit, seed, seedling and their morphological events were described. The branch is cylindrical with paripinnate and alternate leaves, the fruit is dry and dehiscent. The seeds have a large amount of aryl, and the germination is cryptocotylar and hypogeal. The highest percentage of emergence occurred in styrofoam container with 91 % of the seeds germinated in commercial substrate , followed by coconut fiber (88 %). The development of root and stem were higher in tubes and plastic bags , using coconut fiber or commercial substrate.
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The aims of this work are to analyze the direct solar radiation pressure torque (TPRS) in the rotational motion of spin-stabilized artificial satellites, to numerically implement these solutions and to compare the results with real data of the Brazilian Satellite Data Collection – SCD1 and SCD2, supplied by INPE. The mathematical model for this torque is determined for a cylindrical satellite, and the components of this torque are determined in a fixed system in the satellite. An analytical solution for the spin motion equations is proposed, in which TPRSD does not affect the spin velocity of the satellite. Two approaches are adopted in the numerical implementation of the developed theory: the first one considers the proposed theory and the second introduces a variation in the spin velocity based on its real variation. The results obtained indicate that the solar radiation pressure torque has little influence in the right ascension and declination axis of rotation due to the small dimension of the satellite and altitude in which it is found. To better validate the application of the presented theory, the angular deviation of the spin axis and solar aspect angle were also analyzed. The comparison of the results of the approaches conducted with real data show good precision in the theory, which can be applied in the prediction of the rotational motion of the spin-stabilized artificial satellites, when others external torques are considered besides the direct solar radiation pressure torque
The nickel alloys have a chemical composition with high tenor of alloy elements which are responsible for the material's mechanical and thermal properties, but also are the main causative of problems during the machining, making the process difficult. The objective of this work is the study of the machining by external cylindrical turning of the nickel based alloy Nimonic 80A, seeking the machining optimization of this alloy, seeking the best condition of lubricant fluid use, providing real increases of productivity without the need of investments in new production means. Besides, the results of this work should offer more detailed information regarding the behavior of this alloy in relation to machining by turning. The machining experiences were accomplished in a specimen of the nickel alloy, considering the machining parameters: cutting speed (75 and 90 m/min), cutting depth (0,8 mm) and feed rate (0,15 and 0,18 mm/v). The valuations were accomplished in a CNC lathe and tools with of hard metal inserts. After each stage of the turning the measures of the cutting length were accomplished, of the waste of the tools through a magnifying glass (8x) and the roughness of the specimen evaluated in each phase of the process, with the aid of a portable roughness meter. Through light optical microscopy it was possible to observe the wear of the cutting tools for each appraised condition. The roughness values, Ra and Ry, for the appraised conditions were always superiors to the theoretical values. After analysis of the results it was possible to end that, the best acting for this work strip tested it was obtained for ap=0,8mm: f=0,15mm/rev and VC=75m/min, what resulted in a larger cutting length (1811 m)
Diplópodos são animais detritívoros sendo considerados importantes macro-artrópodos do solo, desempenhando importante papel na manutenção do equilíbrio do ecossistema. Comumente não apresentam população numerosa, mas desequilíbrios ambientais, mudanças climáticas e utilização de pesticidas podem eliminar possíveis competidores ocasionando explosões populacionais. Dotados de um corpo cilíndrico com 25 a 100 segmentos com cutícula; o exoesqueleto da maioria dos diplópodos é fortemente calcificado. Possuem diplossegmentos que se originam da fusão entre dois segmentos durante o desenvolvimento e a grande parte destes diplossegmentos apresenta dois pares de pernas, de onde deriva o nome Diplopoda. O tubo digestório destes animais é formado por três regiões: o intestino anterior, o médio e o posterior. Trabalhos com morfologia do tubo digestório de milípides são raros e na maioria antigos. Assim, este trabalho de conclusão de curso objetivou realizar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre as descrições morfológicas existentes sobre o tubo digestório de diplópodos visando rever a nomenclatura utilizada para os diferentes componentes presentes nas regiões que o compõem, principalmente para o tecido presente na região do intestino médio denominada até então de camada de “corpo gorduroso” constituinte do intestino médio. Foi intuito também, rever a utilização do tubo digestório de diplópodos como biomarcador em bioensaios de solos impactados. Após a revisão dos dados na literatura, ficou claro que a camada presente no intestino médio de diplópodos, denominada de “corpo gorduroso”, na realidade é constituída por células hepáticas, as quais foram descritas na literatura como sendo de distribuição aleatória, sem formar uma camada contínua
In the treatment plans in conventional Proton therapy are considered only the elastic interactions of protons with electrons and/or nuclei, it means, mainly ionization and coulomb excitation processes. As the energy needed to reach the deep tumors should be of several hundred of MeVs, certainly the nuclear inelastic channels are open. Only some previous studies of the contribution of these processes in the full dose have been made towards targets composed of water. In this study will be presented the results of the simulation of the processes of interaction of beams of protons in the range of 100-200 MeV of energy with a cylindrical phantom composed by striated muscle (ICRU), emphasizing in the contribution to total dose due to the deposition of energy by secondary particles alpha (α), deuterium (2H), tritium (3H), neutron (n) and hélio3 (3He), originated by nuclear inelastic processes. The simulations were performed by using the method of Monte Carlo, via the computer code MCNPX v2.50 (Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended). The results will be shown demonstrated through the graphics of the deposited dose with or without nuclear interaction, the percentual of dose deposited by secondary particles, the radial dispersion of neutrons, as well as the multiplicity of secondary particles
In proton therapy, the deposition of secondary particles energy originated by nuclear inelastic process (n, 2H, 3H, 3He and α) has a contribution in the total dose that deserves to be discussed. In calculations of plans implemented for routine treatment, the paid dose is calculated whereas the proton loses energy by ionization and or coulomb excitement. The contribution of inelastic processes associated with nuclear reactions is not considered. There are only estimates for pure materials or simple composition (water, for example), because of the difficulty of processing targets consisting of different materials. For this project, we use the Monte Carlo method employing the code MCNPX v2.50 (Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended) to present results of the contribution to the total dose of secondary particles. In this work, it was implemented a cylindrical phantom composed by cortical bone, for proton beams between 100 and 200 MeV. With the results obtained, it was possible to generate graphics to analyze: the dose deposition relation with and without nuclear interaction, the multiplicity and percentage of deposited dose for each secondary particle and a radial dispersion of neutrons in the material