916 resultados para animal by-products


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A thermotolerant strain of Rhizopus oryzae was grown in three agro-industrial by-products: brewers’ rice, corn grits and wheat bran. Different substrates, cultivation time, moisture content, additional nitrogen sources, pH and temperature of incubation were evaluated aiming to optimize growing conditions. The highest enzymatic activity was observed after 24 h of cultivation using wheat bran as substrate with the following salt solutions: NH4NO3, MgSO4.7H2O and (NH4)2SO4 0.1% at temperature of 35°C. It was observed that changes in the pH range 4.0-6.0 did not significantly affect α-amylase activity. The optimum operation conditions were 75°C and pH 4.5. The enzymes remained stable at 75°C in the absence of substrate for 25 min.


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Okara is a residue of production process of soy milk, wich has a considered nutritional value for containing proteins, lipids and fi bers in signifi cant amount, besides bioactive compounds, such as isofl avone. Despite these qualities, the great amount of okara produced annually in Brazil and in other countries generates a problem of disposal waste and it has served only for animal food products. Such situation can be changed by studies, that demonstrate the viability of okara’s utilization in human nourishment. Thus, the purpose of this research was to develop a fermented hamburger with a probiotic bacteria, based on chicken meat and okara fl our. Five formulations were processed: F1-100% of chicken meat, unfermented and containing curing salts, F2-100% of chicken meat, fermented with L. acidophilus, F3 - 90% of chicken meat and 10% of okara meal, fermented with L. acidophilus, F4 - 70% of chicken meat and 30% of okara meal, fermented with L. acidophilus; F5 - 50% of chicken meat and 50% of okara meal, fermented with L. acidophilus. All formulations were evaluated for the viability of the probiotic culture, determination of cooking yield and shrinkage percentage, pH and sensory characteristics. The results have demonstrated that it is possible to elaborate a chicken hamburger, fermented with Lactobacillus acidophilus CRL 1014, with the addition of 10% okara fl our.


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The use of digesters has become an important alternative for the proper disposal of organic agricultural wastes, serving as a solution to some environmental and health problems. Furthermore, the process of digestion provides commercially valuable by products such as biogas and bio fertilizer. The generation of biogas from agricultural waste, and its use in power generation systems has aroused great interest in rural areas because it enables supply in whole or in large part the energy demand of ownership by reducing production costs. The advent of technology has brought new forms of energy conversion of biogas, as the use of micro turbines specifies to be fuelled with biogas derived from the decomposition of organic matter in digesters, since it has a low level of methane in its composition, and high degree of impurities such as hydrogen sulphide, which are harmful to equipment and reduce the calorific value of biogas. The use of micro turbines behind other advantages like low emissions, great fuel flexibility and low maintenance. This paper presents an analysis of the feasibility of using biogas generated from cattle manure in micro turbines to generate electricity. Behind also an assessment of the energy potential that each animal has on various uses of biogas, and forms of energy recovery from the exhaust gases of the micro turbine. Also conducts an evaluation of the energy savings that the use of biogas aggregates properties.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Ciência de Alimentos - IBILCE


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The present work aimed to investigate the effects of acute sucrose treatment on the perception of painful stimuli. Specifically, we sought to determine the involvement of the endogenous opioid peptide-mediated system as well as the role of the mu(1)-opioid receptor in antinociception organisation induced by acute sucrose intake. Nociception was assessed with the tail-flick test in rats (75, 150 and 250 g) of different ages acutely pre-treated with 500 mu L. of a sucrose solution (25, 50, 150 and 250 g/L) or tap water. Young and Adult rats (250 g) showed antinociception after treatment with 50 g/L (during 5 min) and 150 g/L and 250 g/L (during 20 min) sucrose solutions. Surprisingly, this antinociception was more consistent in mature adult rodents than in pups. To evaluate the role of opioid systems, mature adult rodents were pre-treated with different doses (0.25, 1 or 4mg/kg) of the non-selective opioid receptor antagonist naloxone, the selective pi-opioid receptor antagonist naloxonazine or vehicle followed by 250 g/L sucrose solution treatment. Sucrose-induced antinociception was reduced by pre-treatment with both naloxone and naloxonazine. The present findings suggest that sweet substance-induced hypo-analgesia is augmented by increasing sucrose concentrations in young and adult rodents. Acute oral sucrose treatment inhibits pain in laboratory animal by mediating endogenous opioid peptide and mu(1)-opioid receptor actions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe the regional and socioeconomic distribution of household food availability in Brazil. METHODS: Data from the 2008-2009 Household Budget Survey on food and beverage acquisition for household consumption, conducted by the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), were analyzed. The amounts of foods, recorded during seven consecutive days in the 55,970 sample households, were converted into calories and nutrients. Food quality indicators were constructed and analyzed according to the regional and socioeconomic strata of the Brazilian population. RESULTS: The amount of energy from protein was adequate in all regional and socioeconomic strata. On the other hand, an excess of free sugars and fats was observed in all regions of the country, especially in the Southern and Southeastern regions. The proportion of saturated fats was high in urban areas and consistent with the greater contribution of animal-derived products. Limited availability of fruits and vegetables was found in all regions. An increase in the fat content and reduction in carbohydrate content of the diet were observed with the increase in income. CONCLUSIONS: The negative characteristics of the Brazilian diet observed at the end of the first decade of the 21(st) century indicate the need to prioritize public policies for the promotion of healthy eating.


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Salmonellosis is one of the most prevalent foodborne diseases worldwide. Food animals have been identified as reservoirs for nontyphoid Salmonella infections. in poultry, host-specific Salmonella infections cause fowl typhoid and pullorum diseases that produce economic losses in different parts of the world. Several measures have been used to prevent and control Salmonella infections in poultry, and vaccination is the most practical measure because it avoids contamination of poultry products and by-products and prevents disease in humans. Salmonella vaccines can decrease public health risk by reducing colonization and organ invasion, including invasion of reproductive tissues, and by diminishing fecal shedding and environmental contamination. We review available information on the host-specific and non-host-specific Salmonella serotypes found in poultry and the improved understanding of the pathogenesis of and immune responses to infection. We also include some approaches based on updated publications regarding killed and live attenuated vaccines and their immune mechanisms of protection.


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The consumer demand for natural, minimally processed, fresh like and functional food has lead to an increasing interest in emerging technologies. The aim of this PhD project was to study three innovative food processing technologies currently used in the food sector. Ultrasound-assisted freezing, vacuum impregnation and pulsed electric field have been investigated through laboratory scale systems and semi-industrial pilot plants. Furthermore, analytical and sensory techniques have been developed to evaluate the quality of food and vegetable matrix obtained by traditional and emerging processes. Ultrasound was found to be a valuable technique to improve the freezing process of potatoes, anticipating the beginning of the nucleation process, mainly when applied during the supercooling phase. A study of the effects of pulsed electric fields on phenol and enzymatic profile of melon juice has been realized and the statistical treatment of data was carried out through a response surface method. Next, flavour enrichment of apple sticks has been realized applying different techniques, as atmospheric, vacuum, ultrasound technologies and their combinations. The second section of the thesis deals with the development of analytical methods for the discrimination and quantification of phenol compounds in vegetable matrix, as chestnut bark extracts and olive mill waste water. The management of waste disposal in mill sector has been approached with the aim of reducing the amount of waste, and at the same time recovering valuable by-products, to be used in different industrial sectors. Finally, the sensory analysis of boiled potatoes has been carried out through the development of a quantitative descriptive procedure for the study of Italian and Mexican potato varieties. An update on flavour development in fresh and cooked potatoes has been realized and a sensory glossary, including general and specific definitions related to organic products, used in the European project Ecropolis, has been drafted.


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La contaminazione chimica rappresenta uno dei rischi principali per la sicurezza alimentare e può arrecare anche gravi danni alla salute umana. Rientrano in questa tesi di dottorato tre famiglie di contaminanti: Micotossine, Metalli e Insetticidi. La ricerca di aflatossina B1 è stata effettuata su 90 confezioni di farina, sia biologici sia convenzionali. La presenza della micotossina è stata rilevata solo nelle farine di mais. Solo un campione di produzione convenzionale ha superato il limite di 2 ppb definito per legge. Il dato di maggior rilievo è stato che il quantitativo di 5 grammi di campionamento si è dimostrato non rappresentativo sul totale della confezione commerciale di farina. Più attendibile si è invece dimostrato un campionamento di 20 grammi. L’aflatossina M1 è stata ricercata in 58 campioni di latte di cui 35 sono risultati positivi. Tuttavia, i livelli riscontrati erano costantemente inferiori al limite previsto per legge. Sono stati sottoposti a estrazione e purificazione, e analizzati con metodica HPLC-FL per la ricerca di Ocratossina A, 114 campioni di bile, 35 campioni di plasma, 40 campioni di rene prelevati da polli in Giordania. Le analisi hanno fornito risultati costantemente negativi. Sono stati analizzati 72 campioni (30 di muscolo, 29 di fegato e 13 di rene) prelevati da 30 bovini nel macello di Irbid (Giordania), di età compresa tra 8 e 30 mesi e provenienti da allevamenti diversi, per la ricerca di 13 elementi essenziali e non essenziali. In questo studio nessun campione supera i livelli massimi stabiliti dalla normativa europea per quanto riguarda gli elementi considerati. Infine, sono stati analizzati 37 campioni di latte ovino e 31 campioni di latte bovino, prelevati in Giordania in diversi allevamenti, per la ricerca di 4 neonicotinoidi (imidacloprid, acetamiprid, thiamethoxam e thiacloprid). I campioni, analizzati con sistema HPLC/MS/MS, sono risultati costantemente negativi ai quattro neonicotinoidi ricercati.


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Bacteria with antimicrobial resistance can be transferred from animals to humans and may compromise antimicrobial treatment in case of infection. To determine the antimicrobial resistance situation in bacteria from Swiss veal calves, faecal samples from 500 randomly selected calves originating from 129 farms were collected at four big slaughterhouses. Samples were cultured for Escherichia coli, Enterococcus sp. and Campylobacter sp. and isolated strains were tested for antimicrobial susceptibility to selected antimicrobial agents by the minimal inhibitory concentration technique using the broth microdilution method. From 100 farms, data on farm management, animal husbandry and antimicrobial treatments of the calves were collected by questionnaire. Risk factors associated with antimicrobial resistance were identified by logistic regression. In total, 467 E. coli, 413 Enterococcus sp. and 202 Campylobacter sp. were isolated. Of those, 68.7%, 98.7% and 67.8%, respectively, were resistant to at least one of the tested antimicrobial agents. Resistance was mainly observed to antimicrobials frequently used in farm animals. Prevalence of resistance to antimicrobials important for human treatment was generally low. However, a rather high number of quinupristin/dalfopristin-resistant Enterococcus faecium and ciprofloxacin-resistant Campylobacter sp. were detected. External calf purchase, large finishing groups, feeding of milk by-products and administration of antimicrobials through feed upon arrival of the animals on the farm significantly increased the risk of antimicrobial resistance at farm level. Participation in a quality assurance programme and injection of a macrolide upon arrival of the animals on the farm had a protective effect. The present study showed that veal calves may serve as a reservoir for resistant bacteria. To ensure food safety, veal calves should be included in the national monitoring programme for antimicrobial resistance in farm animals. By improving farm management and calf husbandry the prevalence of resistance may be reduced.


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An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of increasing the level of two sources of fibrous by-products, orange pulp (OP) and carob meal (CM), in iso-NDF growing-finishing pig diets on nutrient balance, slurry composition and potential ammonia (NH3) and methane (CH4) emissions. Thirty pigs (85.4 ± 12.3 kg) were fed five iso-nutritive diets: a commercial control wheat/barley (C) and four experimental diets including two sources of fibrous by-products (OP and CM) and two dietary levels (75 and 150 g/kg) in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement. After a 14-day adaptation period, faeces and urine were collected separately for 7 days to measure nutrient digestibility and the excretory patterns of N from pigs (6 replicates per diet) housed individually in metabolic pens. For each animal, the derived NH3 and CH4 emissions were measured in samples of slurry over an 11- and 100-day storage periods, respectively. Source and level of the fibrous by-products affected digestion efficiency in a different way as the coefficients of total tract apparent digestibility (CTTAD) for dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), fibre fractions and gross energy increased with OP but decreased with CM (P < 0.05). Crude protein CTTAD decreased with the inclusion of both sources of fibre, being lower at the highest dietary level. Faecal concentration of fibre fractions increased (P < 0.05) with the level of inclusion of CM but decreased with that of OP (P < 0.01). High dietary level for both sources of fibre increased (P < 0.02) CP faecal content but urine N content decreased (from 205 to 168 g/kg DM, P < 0.05) in all the fibre-supplemented compared to C diet. Additionally, the proportions of undigested dietary, water soluble, and bacterial and endogenous debris of faecal N excretion were not affected by treatments. The initial slurry characteristics did not differ among different fibre sources and dietary levels, except pH, which decreased at the highest by-product inclusion levels. Ammonia emission per kg of slurry was lower in all the fibre-supplemented diets than in C diet (from 2.44 to 1.81 g, P < 0.05). Additionally, slurries from the highest dietary level of by-products tended (P < 0.06) to emit less NH3 per kg of initial total Kjeldahl N and showed a lower B0, independently of the fibre source. Thus, the fibre sources and their dietary levels affected pig nutrient digestion and composition of urine and faeces, showing potential to decrease NH3 and CH4 emissions at high levels of inclusion, independently of type of fibre.


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Esta Tesis doctoral fue desarrollada para estudiar las emisiones de amoniaco (NH3) y metano (CH4) en purines de cerdos, y los efectos ocasionados por cambios en la formulación de la dieta. Con este propósito, fueron llevados a cabo tres estudios. El experimento 1 fue realizado con el objetivo de analizar los factores de variación de la composición de purines y establecer ecuaciones de predicción para emisiones potenciales de NH3 y CH4. Fueron recogidas setenta y nueve muestras de piensos y purines durante dos estaciones del año (verano y invierno) de granjas comerciales situadas en dos regiones de España (Centro y Mediterráneo). Se muestrearon granjas de gestación, maternidad, lactación y cebo. Se determinó la composición de piensos y purines, y la emisión potencial de NH3 y CH4. El contenido de nutrientes de los piensos fue usado como covariable en el análisis. La espectroscopia de reflectancia del infrarrojo cercano (NIRS) se evaluó como herramienta de predicción de la composición y potencial emisión de gases del purín. Se encontró una amplia variabilidad en la composición de piensos y purines. Las granjas del Mediterráneo tenían mayor pH (P<0,001) y concentración de cenizas (P =0,02) en el purín que las del Centro. El tipo de granja también afectó al contenido de extracto etéreo (EE) del purín (P =0,02), observando los valores más elevados en las instalaciones de animales jóvenes. Los resultados sugieren un efecto tampón de la fibra de la dieta en el pH del purín y una relación directa (P<0,05) con el contenido de fibra fecal. El contenido de proteína del pienso no afectó al contenido de nitrógeno del purín, pero disminuyó (P=0,003) la concentración de sólidos totales (ST) y de sólidos volátiles (SV). Se obtuvieron modelos de predicción de la emisión potencial de NH3 (R2=0,89) y CH4 (R2=0,61) partir de la composición del purín. Los espectros NIRS mostraron una buena precisión para la estimación de la mayor parte de los constituyentes, con coeficientes de determinación de validación cruzada (R2cv) superiores a 0,90, así como para la predicción del potencial de emisiones de NH3 y CH4 (R2cv=0,84 y 0,68, respectivamente). El experimento 2 fue realizado para investigar los efectos del nivel de inclusión de dos fuentes de sub-productos fibrosos: pulpa de naranja (PN) y pulpa de algarroba (PA), en dietas iso-fibrosas de cerdos de cebo, sobre la composición del purín y las emisiones potenciales de NH3 y CH4. Treinta cerdos (85,4±12,3 kg) fueron alimentados con cinco dietas iso-nutritivas: control comercial trigo/cebada (C) y cuatro dietas experimentales incluyendo las dos fuentes de sub-productos a dos niveles (75 y 150 g/kg) en una estructura 2 × 2 factorial. Después de 14 días de periodo de adaptación, heces y orina fueron recogidas separadamente durante 7 días para medir la digestibilidad de los nutrientes y el nitrógeno (N) excretado (6 réplicas por dieta) en cerdos alojados individualmente en jaulas metabólicas. Las emisiones de NH3 y CH4 fueron medidas después de la recogida de los purínes durante 11 y 100 días respectivamente. La fuente y el nivel de subproductos fibrosos afectó a la eficiencia digestiva de diferentes formas, ya que los coeficientes de digestibilidad total aparente (CDTA) para la materia seca (MS), materia orgánica (MO), fracciones fibrosas y energía bruta (EB) aumentaron con la PN pero disminuyeron con la inclusión de PA (P<0,05). El CDTA de proteína bruta (PB) disminuyó con la inclusión de las dos fuentes de fibra, siendo más bajo al mayor nivel de inclusión. La concentración fecal de fracciones fibrosas aumentó (P<0,05) con el nivel de inclusión de PA pero disminuyó con el de PN (P<0,01). El nivel más alto de las dos fuentes de fibra en el pienso aumentó (P<0,02) el contenido de PB fecal pero disminuyó el contenido de N de la orina (de 205 para 168 g/kg MS, P<0,05) en todas las dietas suplementadas comparadas con la dieta C. Adicionalmente, las proporciones de nitrógeno indigerido, nitrógeno soluble en agua, nitrógeno bacteriano y endógeno excretado en heces no fueron afectados por los tratamientos. Las características iniciales del purín no difirieron entre las diferentes fuentes y niveles de fibra, excepto para el pH que disminuyó con la inclusión de altos niveles de sub-productos. La emisión de NH3 por kg de purín fue más baja en todas las dietas suplementadas con fibras que en la dieta C (2,44 vs.1,81g de promedio, P<0,05). Además, purines de dietas suplementadas con alto nivel de sub-productos tendieron (P<0,06) a emitir menos NH3 por kg de nitrógeno total y mostraron un potencial más bajo para emitir CH4, independientemente de la fuente de fibra. El experimento 3 investigó los efectos de la fuente de proteína en dietas prácticas. Tres piensos experimentales fueron diseñados para sustituir una mescla de harina y cascarilla de soja (SOJ) por harina de girasol (GIR) o por DDGS del trigo (DDGST). La proporción de otros ingredientes fue modificada para mantener los contenidos de nutrientes similares a través de las dietas. El cambio en la fuente de proteína dio lugar a diferencias en el contenido de fibra neutro detergente ligada a proteína bruta (FNDPB), fibra soluble (FS) y lignina ácido detergente (LAD) en la dieta. Veinticuatro cerdos (ocho por dieta), con 52,3 o 60,8 kg en la primera y segunda tanda respectivamente, fueron alojados individualmente en jaulas metabólicas. Durante un periodo de 7 días fue determinado el balance de MS, el CDTA de los nutrientes y la composición de heces y orina. Se realizó el mismo procedimiento del experimento 2 para medir las emisiones de NH3 y CH4 de los purines de cada animal. Ni la ingestión de MS ni el CDTA de la MS o de la energía fueron diferentes entre las dietas experimentales, pero el tipo de pienso afectó (P<0.001) la digestibilidad de la PB, que fue mayor para GIR (0,846) que para SOJ (0,775), mientras que la dieta DDGST mostró un valor intermedio (0,794). La concentración fecal de PB fue por tanto influenciada (P<0,001) por el tratamiento, observándose la menor concentración de PB en la dieta GIR y la mayor en la dieta SOJ. La proporción de N excretado en orina o heces disminuyó de 1,63 en la dieta GIR hasta 0,650 en la dieta SOJ, como consecuencia de perdidas más bajas en orina y más altas en heces, con todas las fracciones de nitrógeno fecales creciendo en paralelo a la excreción total. Este resultado fue paralelo a una disminución de la emisión potencial de NH3 (g/kg purín) en la dieta SOJ con respecto a la dieta GIR (desde 1,82 a 1,12, P<0,05), dando valores intermedios (1,58) para los purines de la dieta DDGST. Por otro lado, el CDTA de la FS y de la fibra neutro detergente (FND) fueron afectados (P<0,001 y 0,002, respectivamente) por el tipo de dieta, siendo más bajas en la dieta GIR que en la dieta SOJ; además, se observó un contenido más alto de FND (491 vs. 361g/kg) en la MS fecal para la dieta GIR que en la dieta SOJ, presentando la dieta DDGST valores intermedios. El grado de lignificación de la FND (FAD/FND x 100) de las heces disminuyó en el orden GIR>DDGST>SOJ (desde 0,171 hasta 0,109 y 0,086, respectivamente) en paralelo a la disminución del potencial de emisión de CH4 por g de SV del purín (desde 301 a 269 y 256 mL, respectivamente). Todos los purines obtenidos en estos tres experimentos y Antezana et al. (2015) fueron usados para desarrollar nuevas calibraciones con la tecnología NIRS, para predecir la composición del purín y el potencial de las emisiones de gases. Se observó una buena precisión (R2cv superior a 0,92) de las calibraciones cuando muestras de los ensayos controlados (2, 3 y Antezana et al., 2015) fueron añadidas, aumentando el rango de variación. Una menor exactitud fue observada para TAN y emisiones de NH3 y CH4, lo que podría explicarse por una menor homogeneidad en la distribución de las muestras cuando se amplía el rango de variación del estudio. ABSTRACT This PhD thesis was developed to study the emissions of ammonia (NH3) and methane (CH4) from pig slurry and the effects caused by changes on diet formulation. For these proposes three studies were conducted. Experiment 1 aimed to analyse several factors of variation of slurry composition and to establish prediction equations for potential CH4 and NH3 emissions. Seventy-nine feed and slurry samples were collected at two seasons (summer and winter) from commercial pig farms sited at two Spanish regions (Centre and Mediterranean). Nursery, growing-fattening, gestating and lactating facilities were sampled. Feed and slurry composition were determined, and potential CH4 and NH3 emissions measured. Feed nutrient contents were used as covariates in the analysis. Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) was evaluated as a predicting tool for slurry composition and potential gaseous emissions. A wide variability was found both in feed and slurry composition. Mediterranean farms had a higher pH (P<0.001) and ash (P=0.02) concentration than those located at the centre of Spain. Also, type of farm affected ether extract (EE) content of the slurry (P=0.02), with highest values obtained for the youngest animal facilities. Results suggested a buffer effect of dietary fibre on slurry pH and a direct relationship (P<0.05) with fibre constituents of manure. Dietary protein content did not affect slurry nitrogen content (N) but decreased (P=0.003) in total solid (TS) and volatile solids (VS) concentration. Prediction models of potential NH3 emissions (R2=0.89) and biochemical CH4 potential (B0) (R2=0.61) were obtained from slurry composition. Predictions from NIRS showed a high accuracy for most slurry constituents with coefficient of determination of cross validation (R2cv) above 0.90 and a similar accuracy of prediction of potential NH3 and CH4 emissions (R2cv=0.84 and 0.68, respectively) thus models based on slurry composition from commercial farms. Experiment 2 was conducted to investigate the effects of increasing the level of two sources of fibrous by-products, orange pulp (OP) and carob meal (CM), in iso-fibrous diets for growing-finishing pig, slurry composition and potential NH3 and CH4 emissions. Thirty pigs (85.4±12.3 kg) were fed five iso-nutritive diets: a commercial control wheat/barley (C) and four experimental diets including two sources of fibrous by-products OP and CM and two dietary levels (75 and 150 g/kg) in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement. After a 14-day adaptation period, faeces and urine were collected separately for 7 days to measure nutrient digestibility and the excretory patterns of N from pigs (6 replicates per diet) housed individually in metabolic pens. For each animal, the derived NH3 and CH4 emissions were measured in samples of slurry over an 11 and 100-day storage periods, respectively. Source and level of the fibrous by-products affected digestion efficiency in a different way as the coefficients of total tract apparent digestibility (CTTAD) for dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), fibre fractions and gross energy (GE) increased with OP but decreased with CM (P<0.05). Crude protein CTTAD decreased with the inclusion of both sources of fibre, being lower at the highest dietary level. Faecal concentration of fibre fractions increased (P<0.05) with the level of inclusion of CM but decreased with that of OP (P<0.01). High dietary level for both sources of fibre increased (P<0.02) CP faecal content but urine N content decreased (from 205 to 168 g/kg DM, P<0.05) in all the fibre-supplemented compared to C diet. Additionally, the proportions of undigested dietary, water soluble, and bacterial and endogenous debris of faecal N excretion were not affected by treatments. The initial slurry characteristics did not differ among different fibre sources and dietary levels, except pH, which decreased at the highest by-product inclusion levels. Ammonia emission per kg of slurry was lower in all the fibre-supplemented diets than in C diet (2.44 vs. 1.81g as average, P<0.05). Additionally, slurries from the highest dietary level of by-products tended (P<0.06) to emit less NH3 per kg of initial total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and showed a lower biochemical CH4 potential , independently of the fibre source. Experiment 3 investigated the effects of protein source in practical diets. Three experimental feeds were designed to substitute a mixture of soybean meal and soybean hulls (SB diet) with sunflower meal (SFM) or wheat DDGS (WDDGS). The proportion of other ingredients was also modified in order to maintain similar nutrient contents across diets. Changes in protein source led to differences in dietary content of neutral detergent insoluble crude protein (NDICP), soluble fibre (SF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL). Twenty-four pigs (eight per diet), weighing 52.3 or 60.8 kg at the first and second batch respectively, were housed individually in metabolic pens to determine during a 7-day period DM balance, CTTAD of nutrients, and faecal and urine composition. Representative slurry samples from each animal were used to measure NH3 and CH4 emissions over an 11 and or 100-day storage period, respectively. Neither DM intake, nor DM or energy CTTAD differed among experimental diets, but type of feed affected (P<0.001) CP digestibility, which was highest for SFM (0.846) than for SB (0.775) diet, with WDDGS-based diet giving an intermediate value (0.794). Faecal DM composition was influenced (P<0.001) accordingly, with the lowest CP concentration found for diet SFM and the highest for SB. The ratio of N excreted in urine or faeces decreased from SFM (1.63) to SB diet (0.650), as a consequence of both lower urine and higher faecal losses, with all the faecal N fractions increasing in parallel to total excretion. This result was parallel to a decrease of potential NH3 emission (g/kg slurry) in diet SB with respect to diet SFM (from 1.82 to 1.12, P<0.05), giving slurry from WDDGS-based diet an intermediate value (1.58). Otherwise, SF and insoluble neutral detergent fibre (NDF) CTTAD were affected (P<0.001 and P=0.002, respectively) by type of diet, being lower for SFM than in SB-diet; besides, a higher content of NDF (491 vs. 361 g/kg) in faecal DM was observed for SFM with respect to SB based diet, with WDDGS diet being intermediate. Degree of lignification of NDF (ADL/NDF x 100) of faeces decreased in the order SFM>WDDGS>SB (from 0.171 to 0.109 and 0.086, respectively) in parallel to a decrease of biochemical CH4 potential per g of VS of slurry (from 301 to 269 and 256 ml, respectively). All slurry samples obtained from these three experiments and Antezana et al. (2015) were used to develop new calibrations with NIRS technology, to predict the slurry composition and potential gaseous emissions of samples with greater variability in comparison to experiment 1. Better accuracy (R2cv above 0.92) was observed for calibrations when samples from controlled trials experiments (2, 3 and Antezana et al., 2015) were included, increasing the range of variation. A lower accuracy was observed for TAN, NH3 and CH4 gaseous emissions, which might be explained by the less homogeneous distribution with a wider range of data.


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Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) patients fail to remove pyrimidine dimers caused by sunlight and, as a consequence, develop multiple cancers in areas exposed to light. The second most common sign, present in 20–30% of XP patients, is a set of neurological abnormalities caused by neuronal death in the central and peripheral nervous systems. Neural tissue is shielded from sunlight-induced DNA damage, so the cause of neurodegeneration in XP patients remains unexplained. In this study, we show that two major oxidative DNA lesions, 8-oxoguanine and thymine glycol, are excised from DNA in vitro by the same enzyme system responsible for removing pyrimidine dimers and other bulky DNA adducts. Our results suggest that XP neurological disease may be caused by defective repair of lesions that are produced in nerve cells by reactive oxygen species generated as by-products of an active oxidative metabolism.


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The ALL-1 gene positioned at 11q23 is directly involved in human acute leukemia either through a variety of chromosome translocations or by partial tandem duplications. ALL-1 is the human homologue of Drosophila trithorax which plays a critical role in maintaining proper spatial and temporal expression of the Antennapedia-bithorax homeotic genes determining the fruit fly’s body pattern. Utilizing specific antibodies, we found that the ALL-1 protein distributes in cultured cells in a nuclear punctate pattern. Several chimeric ALL-1 proteins encoded by products of the chromosome translocations and expressed in transfected cells showed similar speckles. Dissection of the ALL-1 protein identified within its ≈1,100 N-terminal residues three polypeptides directing nuclear localization and at least two main domains conferring distribution in dots. The latter spanned two short sequences conserved with TRITHORAX. Enforced nuclear expression of other domains of ALL-1, such as the PHD (zinc) fingers and the SET motif, resulted in uniform nonpunctate patterns. This indicates that positioning of the ALL-1 protein in subnuclear structures is mediated via interactions of ALL-1 N-terminal elements. We suggest that the speckles represent protein complexes which contain multiple copies of the ALL-1 protein and are positioned at ALL-1 target sites on the chromatin. Therefore, the role of the N-terminal portion of ALL-1 is to direct the protein to its target genes.