888 resultados para and juvenile
It has been predicted on theorerical grounds (Sibly & Calow, 1983; Taylor & Williams, 1984) that optimal offspring size should be highly sensitive to juvenile growth and survival rates. To test such models, genetically-identical individuals of Simicephalus vetulus were reared at different temperatures and monitored for offspring size and juvenile growth rate. As adult size correlates negatively with temperature, an analysis of covariance was performed to separate the effects of temperature and maternal size. The result is that offspring size indeed correlates negatively with juvenile growth rate. Comparisons are made with field observation of several authors on seasonal variation of offspring size and alternative explanations are discussed. It is concluded that present experiments support the prediction of the theoretical models.
Report for the scientific sojourn at the University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute from February to August 2007. Myogenesis of skeletal muscles in vertebrates is controlled by extracellular signalling molecules together with intracellular transcription factors. Among the transcriptional factors, the members of the myogenic regulatory family play important roles regulating skeletal muscle development and growth. To characterize the gene structure and expression of fish myogenin, we have isolated the myogenin genomic gene and cDNA from gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) and analyzed the genomic structure, pattern of expression and the regulation of musclespecific expression. Sequence analysis revealed that the seabream myogenin shares a similar gene structure with other fish myogenins, with three exons, two introns and the highly conserved bHLH domain. Expression studies demonstrated that myogenin is expressed in both slow and fast muscles as well as in muscle cells in primary culture. In situ hybridization showed that myogenin was specifically expressed in developing somites of seabream embryos. Promoter activity analysis demonstrated that the myogenin promoter could drive green fluorescence protein expression in muscle cells of zebrafish embryos, as well as in myofibers of adult zebrafish and juvenile seabream.
High Precision U-Pb zircon and monazite dating in the Aiguilles Rouges-Mont Blanc area allowed discrimination of three short-lived bimodal magmatic pulses: the early 332 Ma Mg-K Pormenaz monzonite and associated 331 Ma peraluminous Montees Pelissier monzogranite; the 307 Ma cordierite-bearing peraluminous Vallorcine and Fully intrusions; and the 303 Fe-K Mont Blanc syenogranite. All intruded syntectonically along major-scale transcurrent faults at a time when the substratum was experiencing tectonic exhumation, active erosion recorded in detrital basins and isothermal decompression melting dated at 327-320 Ma. Mantle activity and magma mixing are evidenced in all plutons by coeval mafic enclaves, stocks and synplutonic dykes. Both crustal and mantle sources evolve through time, pointing to an increasingly warm continental crust and juvenile asthenospheric mantle sources. This overall tectono-magmatic evolution is interpreted in a scenario of post-collisional restoration to normal size of a thickened continental lithosphere. The latter re-equilibrates through delamination and/or erosion of its mantle root and tectonic exhumation/erosion in an overall extensional regime. Extension is related to either gravitational collapse or back-are extension of a distant subduction zone.
Des de l’entrada en vigor del nou Codi Penal de 1995, la Direcció General de Mesures Penals Alternatives i Justícia Juvenil ha realitzat un nombre reduït de mediacions. Al novembre de 1998, es va iniciar un programa pilot en alguns jutjats penals i d’instrucció de Catalunya, basat en l’anàlisi de les possibilitats d’aplicació de la reparació a la víctima. També s’estudiaven les primeres experiències de mediació i les tècniques de mediació adquirides pels professionals de la Direcció General en els àmbits de la mediació penal juvenil i la mediació familiar. En aquest estudi, s’avaluen els objectius respecte de l’infractor (responsabilització de les accions i reparació), la víctima (participació en la resolució, sentir-se reparada...), la justícia (promoure la responsabilització, la reparació i la pau social, garantir la resolució...) i la comunitat (apropar la justícia als ciutadans). Els resultats mostren la rellevància que està adquirint la justícia restauradora i la necessitat de facilitar eines perquè es pugui desenvolupar, tot i que de moment el nombre de casos derivats ha estat baix. S’ha demostrat la necessitat de flexibilitat en el tractament dels casos a causa de la diversitat de conflictes. També s’ha vist la necessitat de promoure la formació dels professionals que hi intervenen i d’impulsar reformes legislatives.
In 1974, the 65th Iowa General Assembly enacted a provision of Chapter 749 B of the Code of Iowa requiring law enforcement agencies to submit reports of crime and arrests to the Bureau of Criminal Investigation. The following language now is contained in section 692.15 Code of Iowa concerning Uniform Crime Reports: If it comes to the attention of a sheriff, police department or other law enforcement agency that a public offense has been committed in its jurisdiction, the law enforcement agency shall report information concerning such a public offense to the department on a form to be furnished by the department not more than thirty-five days from the time the public offense first comes to the attention of the law enforcement agency. The reports shall be used to generate crime statistics. The department shall submit statistics to the governor, the general assembly, and the division of criminal and juvenile justice planning of the department of human rights on a quarterly and yearly basis.
If it comes to the attention of a sheriff, police department or other law enforcement agency that a public offense has been committed in its jurisdiction, the law enforcement agency shall report information concerning such a public offense to the department on a form to be furnished by the department not more than thirty-five days from the time the public offense first comes to the attention of the law enforcement agency. The reports shall be used to generate crime statistics. The department shall submit statistics to the governor, the general assembly, and the division of criminal and juvenile justice planning of the department of human rights on a quarterly and yearly basis.
If it comes to the attention of a sheriff, police department or other law enforcement agency that a public offense has been committed in its jurisdiction, the law enforcement agency shall report information concerning such a public offense to the department on a form to be furnished by the department not more than thirty-five days from the time the public offense first comes to the attention of the law enforcement agency. The reports shall be used to generate crime statistics. The department shall submit statistics to the governor, the general assembly, and the division of criminal and juvenile justice planning of the department of human rights on a quarterly and yearly basis.
If it comes to the attention of a sheriff, police department or other law enforcement agency that a public offense has been committed in its jurisdiction, the law enforcement agency shall report information concerning such a public offense to the department on a form to be furnished by the department not more than thirty-five days from the time the public offense first comes to the attention of the law enforcement agency. The reports shall be used to generate crime statistics. The department shall submit statistics to the governor, the general assembly, and the division of criminal and juvenile justice planning of the department of human rights on a quarterly and yearly basis.
If it comes to the attention of a sheriff, police department or other law enforcement agency that a public offense has been committed in its jurisdiction, the law enforcement agency shall report information concerning such a public offense to the department on a form to be furnished by the department not more than thirty-five days from the time the public offense first comes to the attention of the law enforcement agency. The reports shall be used to generate crime statistics. The department shall submit statistics to the governor, the general assembly, and the division of criminal and juvenile justice planning of the department of human rights on a quarterly and yearly basis.
If it comes to the attention of a sheriff, police department or other law enforcement agency that a public offense has been committed in its jurisdiction, the law enforcement agency shall report information concerning such a public offense to the department on a form to be furnished by the department not more than thirty-five days from the time the public offense first comes to the attention of the law enforcement agency. The reports shall be used to generate crime statistics. The department shall submit statistics to the governor, the general assembly, and the division of criminal and juvenile justice planning of the department of human rights on a quarterly and yearly basis.
If it comes to the attention of a sheriff, police department or other law enforcement agency that a public offense has been committed in its jurisdiction, the law enforcement agency shall report information concerning such a public offense to the department on a form to be furnished by the department not more than thirty-five days from the time the public offense first comes to the attention of the law enforcement agency. The reports shall be used to generate crime statistics. The department shall submit statistics to the governor, the general assembly, and the division of criminal and juvenile justice planning of the department of human rights on a quarterly and yearly basis.
CJJP takes a look at the forecast of inmates population in the state of Iowa in a ten year period. Information was produced by Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning. This report was made possible partially through funding from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics and its program for State Statistical Analysis Centers. Points of view or opinions expressed in this report are those of the Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP), and do not necessarily reflect official positions of the U.S. Department of Justice.
The Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning issued its first state legislation monitoring report in February 2002, covering the first six month’s impact of Senate File 543 on the justice system. SF 543, enacted during the 2001 legislative session, changed the maximum penalty for first-offense Burglary-3rd degree, and established new sentencing options available to the court: * An alternative determinate prison sentence for certain Class D felons * Extended felony sentence reconsideration from 90 days to one year
CJJP takes a look at the forecast of inmates population in the state of Iowa in a ten year period. Information was produced by Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning. This report was made possible partially through funding from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics and its program for State Statistical Analysis Centers. Points of view or opinions expressed in this report are those of the Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP), and do not necessarily reflect official positions of the U.S. Department of Justice.
Funds for this report and grant were provided to the Iowa Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP) and Statistical Analysis Center, by the Justice Research and Statistics Association (JRSA) through a cooperative agreement entitled “Juvenile Justice Evaluation Resource Center” with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).