275 resultados para adaption


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Procurou-se no presente trabalho examinar o significado exato do conceito de redução, enquanto aplicável às ciências, particularmente à Psicologia. O reducionismo, conforme foi destacado, terá de ser verificado, inicialmente sob os aspectos legais, metodológicos e linguísticos, isto é, segundo as formas de natureza mais geral. No âmbito da Psicologia, foram consideradas mais detalhadas as contribuições de R. Carnap e C.C. Pratt propondo, respectivamente, uma redução de linguagem e à Fisiologia. A análise crítica destas contribuições ressaltou suas deficiências principalmente sob dois aspectos: a rejeição da concepção de que os objetos apresentam diversos ângulos válidos de investigação científica, e a ausência de rigorosa comprovação empírica dos argumentos reducionistas enquanto passam do plano lógico para o concreto, ou ultrapassam diversos níveis ontologicamente definidos da realidade. O estudo também mostra a articulação do reducionismo com o problems corpo-mente, procedendo-se a um exame das principais soluções, monistas e dualistas, oferecidas para solucinar a questão. A alternativa mais adequada para o exame das manisfestações psicológicas deverá sera adoção de diversos planos de investigação ao invés de uma orientação que se caracterize pela unilateralidade. O caráter complementar do resultado das diversas contribuições científicas poderá ser explorado em benefício de uma concepção antropológica mais rica. O desenvolvimento e a aceitação de esquemas reducionistas, longe de se apresentar como um fenômino estranho no quadro cultural contemporâneo, corresponde a perspectivas filosóficas que se definem em termos de um mecanismo e determinismo. Em qualquer situação, na medida em que não se pretenda contribuir para a descaracterização da ciência, devem ser salvaguardados os critérios sintáticos e semânticos como recursos para o julgamento das contribuições que se pretende científicas. Este procedimento contudo não deve se oferecer como um obstáculo a outras iniciativas, como as de ordem filosófica, que seguem o curso definido por sua própria metodologia. Abre-se, portanto, neste nível, a oportunidade para um trabalho de integração mais elevado.


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Objective: the aim of this investigation was to evaluate the cervical adaptation of metal crowns under several conditions, namely (1) variations in the cervical finish line of the preparation, (2) application of internal relief inside the crowns, and (3) cementation using different luting materials. Method and Materials: One hundred eighty stainless-steel master dies were prepared simulating full crown preparations: 60 in chamfer (CH), 60 in 135-degree shoulder (OB), and 60 in rounded shoulder (OR). The finish lines were machined at approximate dimensions of a molar tooth preparation (height: 5.5 mm; cervical diameter: 8 mm; occlusal diameter: 6.4 mm; taper degree: 6; and cervical finish line width: 0.8 mm). One hundred eighty corresponding copings with the same finish lines were fabricated. A 30-mu m internal relief was machined 0.5 mm above the cervical finish line in 90 of these copings. The fit of the die and the coping was measured from all specimens (L0) prior to cementation using an optical microscope. After manipulation of the 3 types of cements (zinc phosphate, glass-ionomer, and resin cement), the coping was luted on the corresponding standard master die under 5-kgf loading for 4 minutes. Vertical discrepancy was again measured (L1), and the difference between L1 and L0 indicated the cervical adaptation. Results: Significant influence of the finish line, cement type, and internal relief was observed on the cervical adaptation (P < .001). The CH type of cervical finish line resulted in the best cervical adaptation of the metal crowns regardless of the cement type either with or without internal relief (36.6 +/- 3 to 100.8 +/- 4 mu m) (3-way analysis of variance and Tukey's test, alpha = .05). The use of glass-ionomer cement resulted in the least cervical discrepancy (36.6 +/- 3 to 115 +/- 4 mu m) than those of other cements (45.2 +/- 4 to 130.3 +/- 2 mu m) in all conditions. Conclusion: the best cervical adaptation was achieved with the chamfer type of finish line. The internal relief improved the marginal adaptation significantly, and the glass-ionomer cement led to the best cervical adaptation, followed by zinc phosphate and resin cement.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper describes two solutions for systematic measurement of surface elevation that can be used for both profile and surface reconstructions for quantitative fractography case studies. The first one is developed under Khoros graphical interface environment. It consists of an adaption of the almost classical area matching algorithm, that is based on cross-correlation operations, to the well-known method of parallax measurements from stereo pairs. A normalization function was created to avoid false cross-correlation peaks, driving to the true window best matching solution at each region analyzed on both stereo projections. Some limitations to the use of scanning electron microscopy and the types of surface patterns are also discussed. The second algorithm is based on a spatial correlation function. This solution is implemented under the NIH Image macro programming, combining a good representation for low contrast regions and many improvements on overall user interface and performance. Its advantages and limitations are also presented.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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This report analyses the agriculture, health and tourism sectors in Saint Lucia to assess the potential economic impacts of climate change on the sectors. The fundamental aim of this report is to assist with the development of strategies to deal with the potential impact of climate change in Saint Lucia. It also has the potential to provide essential input for identifying and preparing policies and strategies to help advance the Caribbean subregion closer to solving problems associated with climate change and attaining individual and regional sustainable development goals. Some of the key anticipated impacts of climate change for the Caribbean include elevated air and sea-surface temperatures, sea-level rise, possible changes in extreme events and a reduction in freshwater resources. The economic impact of climate change on the three sectors was estimated for the A2 and B2 IPCC scenarios until 2050. An evaluation of various adaptation strategies for each sector was also undertaken using standard evaluation techniques. The key subsectors in agriculture are expected to have mixed impacts under the A2 and B2 scenarios. Banana, fisheries and root crop outputs are expected to fall with climate change, but tree crop and vegetable production are expected to rise. In aggregate, in every decade up to 2050, these sub-sectors combined are expected to experience a gain under climate change with the highest gains under A2. By 2050, the cumulative gain under A2 is calculated as approximately US$389.35 million and approximately US$310.58 million under B2, which represents 17.93% and 14.30% of the 2008 GDP respectively. This result was unexpected and may well be attributed to the unavailability of annual data that would have informed a more robust assessment. Additionally, costs to the agriculture sector due to tropical cyclones were estimated to be $6.9 million and $6.2 million under the A2 and B2 scenarios, respectively. There are a number of possible adaptation strategies that can be employed by the agriculture sector. The most attractive adaptation options, based on the benefit-cost ratio are: (1) Designing and implementation of holistic water management plans (2) Establishment of systems of food storage and (3) Establishment of early warning systems. Government policy should focus on the development of these adaption options where they are not currently being pursued and strengthen those that have already been initiated, such as the mainstreaming of climate change issues in agricultural policy. The analysis of the health sector placed focus on gastroenteritis, schistosomiasis, ciguatera poisoning, meningococal meningitis, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases and malnutrition. The results obtained for the A2 and B2 scenarios demonstrate the potential for climate change to add a substantial burden to the health system in the future, a factor that will further compound the country’s vulnerability to other anticipated impacts of climate change. Specifically, it was determined that the overall Value of Statistical Lives impacts were higher under the A2 scenario than the B2 scenario. A number of adaptation cost assumptions were employed to determine the damage cost estimates using benefit-cost analysis. The benefit-cost analysis suggests that expenditure on monitoring and information provision would be a highly efficient step in managing climate change and subsequent increases in disease incidence. Various locations in the world have developed forecasting systems for dengue fever and other vector-borne diseases that could be mirrored and implemented. Combining such macro-level policies with inexpensive micro-level behavioural changes may have the potential for pre-empting the re-establishment of dengue fever and other vector-borne epidemic cycles in Saint Lucia. Although temperature has the probability of generating significant excess mortality for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, the power of temperature to increase mortality largely depends on the education of the population about the harmful effects of increasing temperatures and on the existing incidence of these two diseases. For these diseases it is also suggested that a mix of macro-level efforts and micro-level behavioural changes can be employed to relieve at least part of the threat that climate change poses to human health. The same principle applies for water and food-borne diseases, with the improvement of sanitation infrastructure complementing the strengthening of individual hygiene habits. The results regarding the tourism sector imply that the tourism climatic index was likely to experience a significant downward shift in Saint Lucia under the A2 as well as the B2 scenario, indicative of deterioration in the suitability of the island for tourism. It is estimated that this shift in tourism features could cost Saint Lucia about 5 times the 2009 GDP over a 40-year horizon. In addition to changes in climatic suitability for tourism, climate change is also likely to have important supply-side effects on species, ecosystems and landscapes. Two broad areas are: (1) coral reefs, due to their intimate link to tourism, and, (2) land loss, as most hotels tend to lie along the coastline. The damage related to coral reefs was estimated at US$3.4 billion (3.6 times GDP in 2009) under the A2 scenario and US$1.7 billion (1.6 times GDP in 2009) under the B2 scenario. The damage due to land loss arising from sea level rise was estimated at US$3.5 billion (3.7 times GDP) under the A2 scenario and US$3.2 billion (3.4 times GDP) under the B2 scenario. Given the potential for significant damage to the industry a large number of potential adaptation measures were considered. Out of these a short-list of 9 potential options were selected by applying 10 evaluation criteria. Using benefit-cost analyses 3 options with positive ratios were put forward: (1) increased recommended design speeds for new tourism-related structures; (2) enhanced reef monitoring systems to provide early warning alerts of bleaching events, and, (3) deployment of artificial reefs or other fish-aggregating devices. While these options had positive benefit-cost ratios, other options were also recommended based on their non-tangible benefits. These include the employment of an irrigation network that allows for the recycling of waste water, development of national evacuation and rescue plans, providing retraining for displaced tourism workers and the revision of policies related to financing national tourism offices to accommodate the new climate realities.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente estudo realiza estimativas da condutividade térmica dos principais minerais formadores de rochas, bem como estimativas da condutividade média da fase sólida de cinco litologias básicas (arenitos, calcários, dolomitos, anidritas e litologias argilosas). Alguns modelos térmicos foram comparados entre si, possibilitando a verificação daquele mais apropriado para representar o agregado de minerais e fluidos que compõem as rochas. Os resultados obtidos podem ser aplicados a modelamentos térmicos os mais variados. A metodologia empregada baseia-se em um algoritmo de regressão não-linear denominado de Busca Aleatória Controlada. O comportamento do algoritmo é avaliado para dados sintéticos antes de ser usado em dados reais. O modelo usado na regressão para obter a condutividade térmica dos minerais é o modelo geométrico médio. O método de regressão, usado em cada subconjunto litológico, forneceu os seguintes valores para a condutividade térmica média da fase sólida: arenitos 5,9 ± 1,33 W/mK, calcários 3.1 ± 0.12 W/mK, dolomitos 4.7 ± 0.56 W/mK, anidritas 6.3 ± 0.27 W/mK e para litologias argilosas 3.4 ± 0.48 W/mK. Na sequência, são fornecidas as bases para o estudo da difusão do calor em coordenadas cilíndricas, considerando o efeito de invasão do filtrado da lama na formação, através de uma adaptação da simulação de injeção de poços proveniente das teorias relativas à engenharia de reservatório. Com isto, estimam-se os erros relativos sobre a resistividade aparente assumindo como referência a temperatura original da formação. Nesta etapa do trabalho, faz-se uso do método de diferenças finitas para avaliar a distribuição de temperatura poço-formação. A simulação da invasão é realizada, em coordenadas cilíndricas, através da adaptação da equação de Buckley-Leverett em coordenadas cartesianas. Efeitos como o aparecimento do reboco de lama na parede do poço, gravidade e pressão capilar não são levados em consideração. A partir das distribuições de saturação e temperatura, obtém-se a distribuição radial de resistividade, a qual é convolvida com a resposta radial da ferramenta de indução (transmissor-receptor) resultando na resistividade aparente da formação. Admitindo como referência a temperatura original da formação, são obtidos os erros relativos da resistividade aparente. Através da variação de alguns parâmetros, verifica-se que a porosidade e a saturação original da formação podem ser responsáveis por enormes erros na obtenção da resistividade, principalmente se tais "leituras" forem realizadas logo após a perfuração (MWD). A diferença de temperatura entre poço e formação é a principal causadora de tais erros, indicando que em situações onde esta diferença de temperatura seja grande, perfilagens com ferramentas de indução devam ser realizadas de um a dois dias após a perfuração do poço.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este trabalho avaliou a qualidade das adaptações cervicais de coroas totais metálicas, tendo como fonte de variação: a) o término do ombro cervical do preparo - biselado, inclinado em 1350; reto em 900, chanfro e gume de faca; b) o alívio ou não das superfícies internas das coroas; e, c) os tipos de agente de cimentação permanente, cimentos - fosfato de zinco Harvard; ionômero de vidro Ketac-Cem, policarboxilato de zinco Durelon e resinoso Panavia Ex. Inicialmente, foram confeccionados corpos-de-prova em modelos-padrão de aço inoxidável usinado, de acordo com o tipo de preparo dos términos cervicais experimentais. As cápsulas metálicas de aço inoxidável preparadas, tendo ou não alívio da superfície interna de 30 micrometros até a distância de 0,5 mm do limite do término cervical, justapunham-se precisamente e formavam um conjunto com adaptação e assentamento exatos. Estas foram cimentadas nos corpos-de-prova com os diferentes agentes cimentantes, os quais foram manipulados de acordo com as instruções dos fabricantes. Desenvolveram-se metodologias de reaproveitamento dos corpos-de-prova, estabilidade das cápsulas impedindo seu deslocamento durante a tomada das medidas e mensuração precisa. Concluiu-se que: a) as melhores médias de adaptações cervicais, semelhantes entre si, foram obtidas em modelos-padrão com ombros: lâmina de faca, ombro inclinado em 1350 e chanfro; b) as piores médias de adaptações cervicais, semelhantes entre si, foram obtidas em modelos-padrão com ombros reto em 900 e degrau em 900 com bisel de 450; c) houve melhora significativa na adaptação quando cápsulas metálicas foram cimentadas com alívio de sua superfície interna; d) os cimentos...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Ubiquitous Computing promises seamless access to a wide range of applications and Internet based services from anywhere, at anytime, and using any device. In this scenario, new challenges for the practice of software development arise: Applications and services must keep a coherent behavior, a proper appearance, and must adapt to a plenty of contextual usage requirements and hardware aspects. Especially, due to its interactive nature, the interface content of Web applications must adapt to a large diversity of devices and contexts. In order to overcome such obstacles, this work introduces an innovative methodology for content adaptation of Web 2.0 interfaces. The basis of our work is to combine static adaption - the implementation of static Web interfaces; and dynamic adaptation - the alteration, during execution time, of static interfaces so as for adapting to different contexts of use. In hybrid fashion, our methodology benefits from the advantages of both adaptation strategies - static and dynamic. In this line, we designed and implemented UbiCon, a framework over which we tested our concepts through a case study and through a development experiment. Our results show that the hybrid methodology over UbiCon leads to broader and more accessible interfaces, and to faster and less costly software development. We believe that the UbiCon hybrid methodology can foster more efficient and accurate interface engineering in the industry and in the academy.


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Biological rhythms are present in the lives of almost all organisms ranging from plants to more evolved creatures. These oscillations allow the anticipation of many physiological and behavioral mechanisms thus enabling coordination of rhythms in a timely manner, adaption to environmental changes and more efficient organization of the cellular processes responsible for survival of both the individual and the species. Many components of energy homeostasis exhibit circadian rhythms, which are regulated by central (suprachiasmatic nucleus) and peripheral (located in other tissues) circadian clocks. Adipocyte plays an important role in the regulation of energy homeostasis, the signaling of satiety and cellular differentiation and proliferation. Also, the adipocyte circadian clock is probably involved in the control of many of these functions. Thus, circadian clocks are implicated in the control of energy balance, feeding behavior and consequently in the regulation of body weight. In this regard, alterations in clock genes and rhythms can interfere with the complex mechanism of metabolic and hormonal anticipation, contributing to multifactorial diseases such as obesity and diabetes. The aim of this review was to define circadian clocks by describing their functioning and role in the whole body and in adipocyte metabolism, as well as their influence on body weight control and the development of obesity.


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Despite new methods and combined strategies, conventional cancer chemotherapy still lacks specificity and induces drug resistance. Gene therapy can offer the potential to obtain the success in the clinical treatment of cancer and this can be achieved by replacing mutated tumour suppressor genes, inhibiting gene transcription, introducing new genes encoding for therapeutic products, or specifically silencing any given target gene. Concerning gene silencing, attention has recently shifted onto the RNA interference (RNAi) phenomenon. Gene silencing mediated by RNAi machinery is based on short RNA molecules, small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and microRNAs (miRNAs), that are fully o partially homologous to the mRNA of the genes being silenced, respectively. On one hand, synthetic siRNAs appear as an important research tool to understand the function of a gene and the prospect of using siRNAs as potent and specific inhibitors of any target gene provides a new therapeutical approach for many untreatable diseases, particularly cancer. On the other hand, the discovery of the gene regulatory pathways mediated by miRNAs, offered to the research community new important perspectives for the comprehension of the physiological and, above all, the pathological mechanisms underlying the gene regulation. Indeed, changes in miRNAs expression have been identified in several types of neoplasia and it has also been proposed that the overexpression of genes in cancer cells may be due to the disruption of a control network in which relevant miRNA are implicated. For these reasons, I focused my research on a possible link between RNAi and the enzyme cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in the field of colorectal cancer (CRC), since it has been established that the transition adenoma-adenocarcinoma and the progression of CRC depend on aberrant constitutive expression of COX-2 gene. In fact, overexpressed COX-2 is involved in the block of apoptosis, the stimulation of tumor-angiogenesis and promotes cell invasion, tumour growth and metastatization. On the basis of data reported in the literature, the first aim of my research was to develop an innovative and effective tool, based on the RNAi mechanism, able to silence strongly and specifically COX-2 expression in human colorectal cancer cell lines. In this study, I firstly show that an siRNA sequence directed against COX-2 mRNA (siCOX-2), potently downregulated COX-2 gene expression in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and inhibited PMA-induced angiogenesis in vitro in a specific, non-toxic manner. Moreover, I found that the insertion of a specific cassette carrying anti-COX-2 shRNA sequence (shCOX-2, the precursor of siCOX-2 previously tested) into a viral vector (pSUPER.retro) greatly increased silencing potency in a colon cancer cell line (HT-29) without activating any interferon response. Phenotypically, COX-2 deficient HT-29 cells showed a significant impairment of their in vitro malignant behaviour. Thus, results reported here indicate an easy-to-use, powerful and high selective virus-based method to knockdown COX-2 gene in a stable and long-lasting manner, in colon cancer cells. Furthermore, they open up the possibility of an in vivo application of this anti-COX-2 retroviral vector, as therapeutic agent for human cancers overexpressing COX-2. In order to improve the tumour selectivity, pSUPER.retro vector was modified for the shCOX-2 expression cassette. The aim was to obtain a strong, specific transcription of shCOX-2 followed by COX-2 silencing mediated by siCOX-2 only in cancer cells. For this reason, H1 promoter in basic pSUPER.retro vector [pS(H1)] was substituted with the human Cox-2 promoter [pS(COX2)] and with a promoter containing repeated copies of the TCF binding element (TBE) [pS(TBE)]. These promoters were choosen because they are partculary activated in colon cancer cells. COX-2 was effectively silenced in HT-29 and HCA-7 colon cancer cells by using enhanced pS(COX2) and pS(TBE) vectors. In particular, an higher siCOX-2 production followed by a stronger inhibition of Cox-2 gene were achieved by using pS(TBE) vector, that represents not only the most effective, but also the most specific system to downregulate COX-2 in colon cancer cells. Because of the many limits that a retroviral therapy could have in a possible in vivo treatment of CRC, the next goal was to render the enhanced RNAi-mediate COX-2 silencing more suitable for this kind of application. Xiang and et al. (2006) demonstrated that it is possible to induce RNAi in mammalian cells after infection with engineered E. Coli strains expressing Inv and HlyA genes, which encode for two bacterial factors needed for successful transfer of shRNA in mammalian cells. This system, called “trans-kingdom” RNAi (tkRNAi) could represent an optimal approach for the treatment of colorectal cancer, since E. Coli in normally resident in human intestinal flora and could easily vehicled to the tumor tissue. For this reason, I tested the improved COX-2 silencing mediated by pS(COX2) and pS(TBE) vectors by using tkRNAi system. Results obtained in HT-29 and HCA-7 cell lines were in high agreement with data previously collected after the transfection of pS(COX2) and pS(TBE) vectors in the same cell lines. These findings suggest that tkRNAi system for COX-2 silencing, in particular mediated by pS(TBE) vector, could represent a promising tool for the treatment of colorectal cancer. Flanking the studies addressed to the setting-up of a RNAi-mediated therapeutical strategy, I proposed to get ahead with the comprehension of new molecular basis of human colorectal cancer. In particular, it is known that components of the miRNA/RNAi pathway may be altered during the progressive development of colorectal cancer (CRC), and it has been already demonstrated that some miRNAs work as tumor suppressors or oncomiRs in colon cancer. Thus, my hypothesis was that overexpressed COX-2 protein in colon cancer could be the result of decreased levels of one or more tumor suppressor miRNAs. In this thesis, I clearly show an inverse correlation between COX-2 expression and the human miR- 101(1) levels in colon cancer cell lines, tissues and metastases. I also demonstrate that the in vitro modulating of miR-101(1) expression in colon cancer cell lines leads to significant variations in COX-2 expression, and this phenomenon is based on a direct interaction between miR-101(1) and COX-2 mRNA. Moreover, I started to investigate miR-101(1) regulation in the hypoxic environment since adaptation to hypoxia is critical for tumor cell growth and survival and it is known that COX-2 can be induced directly by hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1). Surprisingly, I observed that COX-2 overexpression induced by hypoxia is always coupled to a significant decrease of miR-101(1) levels in colon cancer cell lines, suggesting that miR-101(1) regulation could be involved in the adaption of cancer cells to the hypoxic environment that strongly characterize CRC tissues.