991 resultados para Ylikoski, Petri: Tiede tutkimuskohteena : filosofinen johdatus tieteentutkimukseen
F. 1 Processionnal, depuis le 1er dim. de l'Avent jusqu'au 2 novembre : « Asperges me... » F. 66 Procession à N.-D. de Haut-Soleil (mardi de Pâques). F. 170 « Ant. et resp. cantanda in processionibus... secundum exigentiam temporis. » F. 181v Contre les épidémies et les fléaux (addit. fin XVIe s.).
This article presents an optimization methodology of batch production processes assembled by shared resources which rely on a mapping of state-events into time-events allowing in this way the straightforward use of a well consolidated scheduling policies developed for manufacturing systems. A technique to generate the timed Petri net representation from a continuous dynamic representation (Differential-Algebraic Equations systems (DAEs)) of the production system is presented together with the main characteristics of a Petri nets-based tool implemented for optimization purposes. This paper describes also how the implemented tool generates the coverability tree and how it can be pruned by a general purpose heuristic. An example of a distillation process with two shared batch resources is used to illustrate the optimization methodology proposed.
Lectio praecursoria 11.2.2005 Kuopion yliopisto