189 resultados para YERSINIA-PESTIS


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BACKGROUND Peptide transporters are membrane proteins that mediate the cellular uptake of di- and tripeptides, and of peptidomimetic drugs such as β-lactam antibiotics, antiviral drugs and antineoplastic agents. In spite of their high physiological and pharmaceutical importance, the molecular recognition by these transporters of the amino acid side chains of short peptides and thus the mechanisms for substrate binding and specificity are far from being understood. RESULTS The X-ray crystal structure of the peptide transporter YePEPT from the bacterium Yersinia enterocolitica together with functional studies have unveiled the molecular bases for recognition, binding and specificity of dipeptides with a charged amino acid residue at the N-terminal position. In wild-type YePEPT, the significant specificity for the dipeptides Asp-Ala and Glu-Ala is defined by electrostatic interaction between the in the structure identified positively charged Lys314 and the negatively charged amino acid side chain of these dipeptides. Mutagenesis of Lys314 into the negatively charged residue Glu allowed tuning of the substrate specificity of YePEPT for the positively charged dipeptide Lys-Ala. Importantly, molecular insights acquired from the prokaryotic peptide transporter YePEPT combined with mutagenesis and functional uptake studies with human PEPT1 expressed in Xenopus oocytes also allowed tuning of human PEPT1's substrate specificity, thus improving our understanding of substrate recognition and specificity of this physiologically and pharmaceutically important peptide transporter. CONCLUSION This study provides the molecular bases for recognition, binding and specificity of peptide transporters for dipeptides with a charged amino acid residue at the N-terminal position.


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After an outbreak of Yersinia enterocolitica at a NHP research facility, we performed a multispecies investigation of the prevalence of Yersinia spp. in various mammals that resided or foraged on the grounds of the facility, to better understand the epizootiology of yersiniosis. Blood samples and fecal and rectal swabs were obtained from 105 captive African green monkeys (AGM), 12 feral cats, 2 dogs, 20 mice, 12 rats, and 3 mongooses. Total DNA extracted from swab suspensions served as template for the detection of Y. enterocolitica DNA by real-time PCR. Neither Y. enterocolitica organisms nor their DNA were detected from any of these samples. However, Western blotting revealed the presence of Yersinia antibodies in plasma. The AGM samples revealed a seroprevalence of 91% for Yersinia spp. and of 61% for Y. enterocolitica specifically. The AGM that were housed in cages where at least one fatality occurred during the outbreak (clinical group) had similar seroprevalence to that of AGM housed in unaffected cages (nonclinical group). However, the nonclinical group was older than the clinical group. In addition, 25%, 100%, 33%, 10%, and 10% of the sampled local cats, dogs, mongooses, rats, and mice, respectively, were seropositive. The high seroprevalence after this outbreak suggests that Y. enterocolitica was transmitted effectively through the captive AGM population and that age was an important risk factor for disease. Knowledge regarding local environmental sources of Y. enterocolitica and the possible role of wildlife in the maintenance of yersiniosis is necessary to prevent and manage this disease.


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Histo-blood group antigens (HBGAs) have been associated with susceptibility to enteric pathogens including noroviruses (NoVs), enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), Campylobacter jejuni, and Vibrio cholerae. We performed a retrospective cohort study to evaluate the relationship between traveler HBGA phenotypes and susceptibility to travelers' diarrhea (TD) and post-infectious complications. 364 travelers to Guadalajara, Mexico were followed prospectively from June 1 - September 30, 2007 and from June 7–July 28, 2008 for the development of TD and at 6 months for post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome (PIIBS). Noroviruses were detected from illness stool specimens with RT-PCR. Diarrheal stool samples were also assayed for enterotoxigenic and enteroaggregative E. coli, Salmonella species, Shigella species, Vibrio species, Campylobacter jejuni, Yersinia enterocolitica, Aeromonas species, and Plesiomonas species. Diarrheal stools were evaluated for inflammation with fecal leukocytes, mucus, and occult blood. Phenotyping for ABO and Lewis antigens with an ELISA assay and FUT2 gene PCR genotyping for secretor status were performed with saliva. 171 of 364 (47%) subjects developed TD. HBGA typing for the travelers revealed O (62.9%), A (34.6%), B (1.6%), and AB (0.8%) phenotypes. There were 7% nonsecretors and 93% secretors among the travelers. AB phenotypes were more commonly associated with Cryptosporidium species (P=0.04) and ETEC ( P=0.08) as causes of TD. AB and B phenotype individuals were more likely to experience inflammatory diarrhea, particularly mucoid diarrhea ( P=0.02). However, there were relatively few individuals with AB and B phenotypes. GI and GII NoV and Cryptosporidium species infections and PI-IBS were identified only in secretors, but these differences were not statistically significant, (P=1.00), (P=1.00), and (P=0.60), respectively. Additional studies are needed to evaluate whether AB phenotype individuals may be more susceptible to developing TD associated with Cryptosporidium species or ETEC, and whether AB and B phenotype individuals may be more likely to develop inflammatory TD. Further studies are needed to investigate whether nonsecretor travelers may be at less risk for developing infections with NoVs and Cryptosporidium species and PI-IBS.^


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Bacterial pathogens of both animals and plants use type III secretion machines to inject virulence proteins into host cells. Although many components of the secretion machinery are conserved among different bacterial species, the substrates for their type III pathways are not. The Yersinia type III machinery recognizes some secretion substrates via a signal that is encoded within the first 15 codons of yop mRNA. These signals can be altered by frameshift mutations without affecting secretion of the encoded polypeptides, suggesting a mechanism whereby translation of yop mRNA is coupled to the translocation of newly synthesized polypeptide. We report that the type III machinery of Erwinia chrysanthemi cloned in Escherichia coli recognizes the secretion signals of yopE and yopQ. Pseudomonas syringae AvrB and AvrPto, two proteins exported by the recombinant Erwinia machine, can also be secreted by the Yersinia type III pathway. Mapping AvrPto sequences sufficient for the secretion of reporter fusions in Yersinia revealed the presence of an mRNA secretion signal. We propose that 11 conserved components of type III secretion machines may recognize signals that couple mRNA translation to polypeptide secretion.


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Bacterial pathogens have evolved sophisticated mechanisms to interact with their hosts. A specialized type III protein secretion system capable of translocating bacterial proteins into host cells has emerged as a central factor in the interaction between a variety of mammalian and plant pathogenic bacteria with their hosts. Here we describe AvrA, a novel target of the centisome 63 type III protein secretion system of Salmonella enterica. AvrA shares sequence similarity with YopJ of the animal pathogen Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and AvrRxv of the plant pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria. These proteins are the first examples of putative targets of type III secretion systems in animal and plant pathogenic bacteria that share sequence similarity. They may therefore constitute a novel family of effector proteins with related functions in the cross-talk of these pathogens with their hosts.


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High-efficiency entry of the enteropathogenic bacterium Yersinia pseudotuberculosis into nonphagocytic cells is mediated by the bacterial outer membrane protein invasin. Invasin-mediated uptake requires high affinity binding of invasin to multiple β1 chain integrin receptors on the host eukaryotic cell. Previous studies using inhibitors have indicated that high-efficiency uptake requires tyrosine kinase activity. In this paper we demonstrate a requirement for focal adhesion kinase (FAK) for invasin-mediated uptake. Overexpression of a dominant interfering form of FAK reduced the amount of bacterial entry. Specifically, the autophosphorylation site of FAK, which is a reported site of c-Src kinase binding, is required for bacterial internalization, as overexpression of a derivative lacking the autophosphorylation site had a dominant interfering effect as well. Cultured cells expressing interfering variants of Src kinase also showed reduced bacterial uptake, demonstrating the involvement of a Src-family kinase in invasin-promoted uptake.


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Biogenesis of the flagellum, a motive organelle of many bacterial species, is best understood for members of the Enterobacteriaceae. The flagellum is a heterooligomeric structure that protrudes from the surface of the cell. Its assembly initially involves the synthesis of a dedicated protein export apparatus that subsequently transports other flagellar proteins by a type III mechanism from the cytoplasm to the outer surface of the cell, where oligomerization occurs. In this study, the flagellum export apparatus was shown to function also as a secretion system for the transport of several extracellular proteins in the pathogenic bacterium Yersinia enterocolitica. One of the proteins exported by the flagellar secretion system was the virulence-associated phospholipase, YplA. These results suggest type III protein secretion by the flagellar system may be a general mechanism for the transport of proteins that influence bacterial–host interactions.


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The rpoH regulatory region of different members of the enteric bacteria family was sequenced or downloaded from GenBank and compared. In addition, the transcriptional start sites of rpoH of Yersinia frederiksenii and Proteus mirabilis, two distant members of this family, were determined. Sequences similar to the σ70 promoters P1, P4 and P5, to the σE promoter P3 and to boxes DnaA1, DnaA2, cAMP receptor protein (CRP) boxes CRP1, CRP2 and box CytR present in Escherichia coli K12, were identified in sequences of closely related bacteria such as: E.coli, Shigella flexneri, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, Citrobacter freundii, Enterobacter cloacae and Klebsiella pneumoniae. In more distant bacteria, Y.frederiksenii and P.mirabilis, the rpoH regulatory region has a distal P1-like σ70 promoter and two proximal promoters: a heat-induced σE-like promoter and a σ70 promoter. Sequences similar to the regulatory boxes were not identified in these bacteria. This study suggests that the general pattern of transcription of the rpoH gene in enteric bacteria includes a distal σ70 promoter, >200 nt upstream of the initiation codon, and two proximal promoters: a heat-induced σE-like promoter and a σ70 promoter. A second proximal σ70 promoter under catabolite-regulation is probably present only in bacteria closely related to E.coli.


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Pseudomonas syringae is a member of an important group of Gram-negative bacterial pathogens of plants and animals that depend on a type III secretion system to inject virulence effector proteins into host cells. In P. syringae, hrp/hrc genes encode the Hrp (type III secretion) system, and avirulence (avr) and Hrp-dependent outer protein (hop) genes encode effector proteins. The hrp/hrc genes of P. syringae pv syringae 61, P. syringae pv syringae B728a, and P. syringae pv tomato DC3000 are flanked by an exchangeable effector locus and a conserved effector locus in a tripartite mosaic Hrp pathogenicity island (Pai) that is linked to a tRNALeu gene found also in Pseudomonas aeruginosa but without linkage to Hrp system genes. Cosmid pHIR11 carries a portion of the strain 61 Hrp pathogenicity island that is sufficient to direct Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas fluorescens to inject HopPsyA into tobacco cells, thereby eliciting a hypersensitive response normally triggered only by plant pathogens. Large deletions in strain DC3000 revealed that the conserved effector locus is essential for pathogenicity but the exchangeable effector locus has only a minor role in growth in tomato. P. syringae secretes HopPsyA and AvrPto in culture in a Hrp-dependent manner at pH and temperature conditions associated with pathogenesis. AvrPto is also secreted by Yersinia enterocolitica. The secretion of AvrPto depends on the first 15 codons, which are also sufficient to direct the secretion of an Npt reporter from Y. enterocolitica, indicating that a universal targeting signal is recognized by the type III secretion systems of both plant and animal pathogens.


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A 70-kb virulence plasmid (sometimes called pYV) enables Yersinia spp. to survive and multiply in the lymphoid tissues of their host. It encodes the Yop virulon, a system consisting of secreted proteins called Yops and their dedicated type III secretion apparatus called Ysc. The Ysc apparatus forms a channel composed of 29 proteins. Of these, 10 have counterparts in almost every type III system. Secretion of some Yops requires the assistance, in the bacterial cytosol, of small individual chaperones called the Syc proteins. These chaperones act as bodyguards or secretion pilots for their partner Yop. Yop proteins fall into two categories. Some are intracellular effectors, whereas the others are “translocators” needed to deliver the effectors across the eukaryotic plasma membrane, into eukaryotic cells. The translocators (YopB, YopD, LcrV) form a pore of 16–23 Å in the eukaryotic cell plasma membrane. The effector Yops are YopE, YopH, YpkA/YopO, YopP/YopJ, YopM, and YopT. YopH is a powerful phosphotyrosine phosphatase playing an antiphagocytic role by dephosphorylating several focal adhesion proteins. YopE and YopT contribute to antiphagocytic effects by inactivating GTPases controlling cytoskeleton dynamics. YopP/YopJ plays an anti-inflammatory role by preventing the activation of the transcription factor NF-κB. It also induces rapid apoptosis of macrophages. Less is known about the role of the phosphoserine kinase YopO/YpkA and YopM.


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The whole genome sequence (1.83 Mbp) of Haemophilus influenzae strain Rd was searched to identify tandem oligonucleotide repeat sequences. Loss or gain of one or more nucleotide repeats through a recombination-independent slippage mechanism is known to mediate phase variation of surface molecules of pathogenic bacteria, including H. influenzae. This facilitates evasion of host defenses and adaptation to the varying microenvironments of the host. We reasoned that iterative nucleotides could identify novel genes relevant to microbe-host interactions. Our search of the Rd genome sequence identified 9 novel loci with multiple (range 6-36, mean 22) tandem tetranucleotide repeats. All were found to be located within putative open reading frames and included homologues of hemoglobin-binding proteins of Neisseria, a glycosyltransferase (IgtC gene product) of Neisseria, and an adhesin of Yersinia. These tetranucleotide repeat sequences were also shown to be present in two other epidemiologically different H. influenzae type b strains, although the number and distribution of repeats was different. Further characterization of the IgtC gene showed that it was involved in phenotypic switching of a lipopolysaccharide epitope and that this variable expression was associated with changes in the number of tetranucleotide repeats. Mutation of IgtC resulted in attenuated virulence of H. influenzae in an infant rat model of invasive infection. These data indicate the rapidity, economy, and completeness with which whole genome sequences can be used to investigate the biology of pathogenic bacteria.


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Engineering site-specific amino acid substitutions into the protein-tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) PTP1 and the dual-specific vaccinia H1-related phosphatase (VHR), has kinetically isolated the two chemical steps of the reaction and provided a rare opportunity for examining transition states and directly observing the phosphoenzyme intermediate. Changing serine to alanine in the active-site sequence motif HCXXGXXRS shifted the rate-limiting step from intermediate formation to intermediate hydrolysis. Using phosphorus 31P NMR, the covalent thiol-phosphate intermediate was directly observed during catalytic turnover. The importance of the conserved aspartic acid (D92 in VHR and D181 in PTP1) in both chemical steps was established. Kinetic analysis of D92N and D181N mutants indicated that aspartic acid acts as a general acid by protonating the leaving-group phenolic oxygen. Structure-reactivity experiments with native and aspartate mutant enzymes established that proton transfer is concomitant with P-O cleavage, such that no charge develops on the phenolic oxygen. Steady- and presteady-state kinetics, as well as NMR analysis of the double mutant D92N/S131A (VHR), suggested that the conserved aspartic acid functions as a general base during intermediate hydrolysis. As a general base, aspartate would activate a water molecule to facilitate nucleophilic attack. The amino acids involved in transition-state stabilization for cysteinylphosphate hydrolysis were confirmed by the x-ray structure of the Yersinia PTPase complexed with vanadate, a transition-state mimic that binds covalently to the active-site cysteine. Consistent with the NMR, x-ray, biochemical, and kinetic data, a unifying mechanism for catalysis is proposed.


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Pathogenic yersiniae secrete a set of antihost proteins, called Yops, by a type III secretion mechanism. Upon infection of cultured epithelial cells, extracellular Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Yersinia enterocolitica translocate cytotoxin YopE across the host cell plasma membrane. Several lines of evidence suggest that tyrosine phosphatase YopH follows the same pathway. We analyzed internalization of YopE and YopH into murine PU5-1.8 macrophages by using recombinant Y. enterocolitica producing truncated YopE and YopH proteins fused to a calmodulin-dependent adenylate cyclase. The YopE-cyclase and YopH-cyclase hybrids were readily secreted by Y. enterocolitica. The N-terminal domain required for secretion was not longer than 15 residues of YopE and 17 residues of YopH. Internalization into eukaryotic cells, revealed by cAMP production, only required the N-terminal 50 amino acid residues of YopE and the N-terminal 71 amino acid residues of YopH. YopE and YopH are thus modular proteins composed of a secretion domain, a translocation domain, and an effector domain. Translocation of YopE and YopH across host cell's membranes was also dependent on the secretion of YopB and YopD by the same bacterium. The cyclase fusion approach could be readily extended to study the fate of other proteins secreted by invasive bacterial pathogens.


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Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) causes a characteristic histopathology in intestinal epithelial cells called the attaching and effacing lesion. Although the histopathological lesion is well described the bacterial factors responsible for it are poorly characterized. We have identified four EPEC chromosomal genes whose predicted protein sequences are similar to components of a recently described secretory pathway (type III) responsible for exporting proteins lacking a typical signal sequence. We have designated the genes sepA, sepB, sepC, and sepD (sep, for secretion of E. coli proteins). The predicted Sep polypeptides are similar to the Lcr (low calcium response) and Ysc (yersinia secretion) proteins of Yersinia species and the Mxi (membrane expression of invasion plasmid antigens) and Spa (surface presentation of antigens) regions of Shigella flexneri. Culture supernatants of EPEC strain E2348/69 contain several polypeptides ranging in size from 110 kDa to 19 kDa. Proteins of comparable size were recognized by human convalescent serum from a volunteer experimentally infected with strain E2348/69. A sepB mutant of EPEC secreted only the 110-kDa polypeptide and was defective in the formation of attaching and effacing lesions and protein-tyrosine phosphorylation in tissue culture cells. These phenotypes were restored upon complementation with a plasmid carrying an intact sepB gene. These data suggest that the EPEC Sep proteins are components of a type III secretory apparatus necessary for the export of virulence determinants.


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For 21 strains of Salmonella enterica, nucleotide sequences were obtained for three invasion genes, spaO, spaP, and spaQ, of the chromosomal inv/spa complex, the products of which form a protein export system required for entry of the bacteria into nonphagocytic host cells. These genes are present in all eight subspecies of the salmonellae, and homologues occur in a variety of other bacteria, including the enteric pathogens Shigella and Yersinia, in which they are plasmid borne. Evolutionary diversification of the invasion genes among the subspecies of S. enterica has been generally similar in pattern and average rate to that of housekeeping genes. However, the range of variation in evolutionary rate among the invasion genes is unusually large, and there is a relationship between the evolutionary rate and cellular location of the invasion proteins, possibly reflecting diversifying selection on exported proteins in adaptation to variable host factors in extracellular environments. The SpaO protein, which is hypervariable in S. enterica and exhibits only 24% sequence identity with its homologues in Shigella and Yersinia, is secreted. In contrast, the membrane-associated proteins SpaP, SpaQ, and InvA are weakly polymorphic and have > 60% sequence identity with the corresponding proteins of other enteric bacteria. Acquisition of the inv/spa genes may have been a key event in the evolution of the salmonellae as pathogens, following which the invention of flagellar phase shifting facilitated niche expansion to include warm-blooded vertebrates.