973 resultados para YELLOW FEVER VIRUS
Desde o final do século XIX e, até, o início do século XX, Belém na fala do intendente Antonio Lemos era conhecida como a “necrópole” paraense. Doenças e epidemias estavam no centro do debate das práticas médico-sanitárias. O higienismo de médicos tornou se discurso recorrente de intervenção no espaço cotidiano dos moradores, onde as campanhas de profilaxias foram alçadas enquanto responsáveis pela cura da cidade. As ações propostas por esculápios cientistas geraram tensões entre moradores e autoridades públicas diante a aliança do saber médico e o poder público, sobre a qual me propus analisar para explicar o dia-a-dia das medidas coercitivas, no intuito de entender essa aliança. Analisando artigos na imprensa, literatos, jornalistas, políticos, relatos médicos, mensagens de governo, relatórios, fotografias e charges foi possível acompanhar os significados atribuídos pelos contemporâneos em relação as epidemias da varíola, tuberculose e febre amarela, por exemplo, por parte dos saberes médico-sanitários. A belle époque em Belém deixou de ser nessa dissertação um cristal historiográfico, diante as adversidade do viver de sujeitos anônimos. Belém tornou-se um laboratório de experiências, os médicos propunham curá-la para alcançar o tão propalado desenvolvimento econômico ou progresso. A consolidação dessa aliança coube à responsabilidade do renomado sanitarista Oswaldo Cruz, que desembarcou, em 1910, na capital paraense para combater a febre amarela, com carta branca do governador João Coelho. Por outro lado, a cura da cidade ou “necrópole” paraense teve significados mais amplos, destacando-se o sepultamento do mal amarílico, como também, concomitantemente, o sepultamento da oligarquia do coronel Antonio Lemos.
Obrigados a enfrentar uma grave crise epidêmica desencadeada ao longo de quase toda a segunda metade do século XIX, os habitantes de Belém assistem, a partir daquele momento, a uma intensa mobilização social em prol da preservação da saúde pública, que há muito deixara de ser objeto de interesse do Governo Provincial e que agora se via ameaçada pela fúria da febre amarela, da cólera e da varíola, que vinham desordenadamente fazendo suas vítimas pela cidade. Diante disso, esta dissertação procura analisar alguns mecanismos empregados para conter o aumento dos casos das doenças na Capital da Província do Pará, destacando as estratégias sanitárias propostas pelos facultativos ligados à ciência médica, levadas a cabo, muitas vezes sem resultado, pelo poder público, mas que interferiram e modificaram significativamente as práticas de assistência aos enfermos mais necessitados, que geralmente eram socorridos em nome da caridade no Hospital da Santa Casa de Misericórdia. A falta de conhecimento sobre a etiologia das moléstias trouxe à tona ainda um acirrado conflito ideológico entre os médicos, que divergiam quanto aos possíveis fatores que motivaram as epidemias e o tipo de terapêutica a ser aplicada aos doentes, ao mesmo tempo em que o perigo da contaminação aguçou também a “compaixão” e a “caridade” de todos que se viram direta ou indiretamente ameaçados por aqueles males.
O final do século XIX mostrou duas características importantes na área da saúde. A primeira indicava a continuidade da ocorrência de doenças ocasionadas por agentes infecciosos que incluíam a febre amarela, malária, cólera e varíola. Por outro lado, a situação econômica do Estado do Pará com o início da perda da exclusividade na produção extrativista do maior gerador de riquezas para o Estado, a borracha, levou a uma situação em que se tornava cada vez mais difícil e cara a formação de novos médicos paraenses no exterior ou em outros Estados brasileiros. O início do século XX trouxe a abertura de faculdades na cidade de Belém, incluindo duas na área da saúde (Farmácia e Odontologia), além de uma regulamentação nacional para a criação e abertura de cursos de medicina. O Estado do Pará, sob a influência do esforço de Oswaldo Cruz com o seu trabalho de eliminação da febre amarela na cidade de Belém, em uma aplicação prática dos novos conhecimentos gerados pela descrição de agentes infecciosos nas formas de transmissão por meio de vetores e a aplicação de novas maneiras de prevenção e controle de doenças (saneamento e vacinas), após se organizar, a princípio por meio de uma sociedade científica de forma inovadora, cria a oitava escola de medicina do país, em 9 de janeiro de 1919 com o nome de Faculdade de Medicina e Cirurgia do Pará.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Photodynamic therapy, term introduced by von Tapeiner in 1900, can be defined as the administration of a non toxic drug, i.e., a dye, known as photosensitizer (FS), which subsequently will be illuminated with light of specific wavelength. PDT is based on the interaction among FS, oxygen and light, which through photochemical reactions cause cell death. The FS molecules must have a high probability to form the singlet state after the excitation, which can induce chemical changes in the neighborhood in two ways, called reactions type I and type II. The type II reaction is based on the exchange of energy to molecular oxygen, exciting it to its state of higher energy (singlet), which is highly reactive. The proposed mechanisms for cell death are linked to damage to the DNA, mitochondria and to the cytoplasmic membrane. Several pre‐clinical and clinical trials have been carried out and the PDT is already used in many countries for treatment mainly against certain types of cancer. The therapy also has been gaining strength in antimicrobial control, since the microorganisms have appeared increasingly resistant to current antibiotics. Another attempt to use the PDT is for the inactivation of macro‐organisms, such as micro‐crustaceans and mosquitoes. To this end I tested whether the photosensitizers methylene blue, rose Bengal and the chlorophyll a has insecticidal activity against the yellow fever and dengue vector mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Since these diseases have no effective treatments, its control is linked to the vector control, which has shown resistance to chemical pesticides used. Based on this, this work shows its importance, because it is a new type of mosquito control since all the photosensitizers used are low cost, do not generate toxic products at the concentrations used and showed good results in mortality. The best photosensitizer was rose Bengal... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti is a species of mosquitoes known to be the vector of diseases such as dengue and yellow fever, and a better understanding of aspects of their biology can help in the establishment of control strategies for the same. Several previous studies showed that temperature significantly affects the development of immature stages of insects. In general, higher temperatures (up to a threshold) accelerate the development of insects, and lower temperature retards the same. This rule also applies to mosquitoes, including Ae. aegypti. But not still know the effects of daily variation of temperature on the developmental stages of mosquitoes. And this detail is very important, since in natural breeding or artificial, The mosquitoes usually face temperature variations over a single day, which should interfere with its development until the emergence of the adult forms. For this reason, the objective of this study is to analyze the effect of alternating temperatures on the development of Ae. aegypti. To conduct the study, adults were collected active in the neighborhood Bela Vista Campus of UNESP - Rio Claro, SP, using a sweep net or using ovitraps for immatures, and the active search for breeding. Individuals collected were kept under experimental conditions in the laboratory. The adult samples were identified to species level, were considered for the experiments, only samples of Ae. aegypti. The insects were housed in plastic cages, suitable for creating flies. These were fed with sugar solution and blood meal on alternate days. The eggs obtained were used in the experiment with four different temperature regimes. The data collected were analyzed by evaluating whether the different treatments influenced the development of immature to adult, performing the Kruskal-Wallis test and the statistical software BioEstat. Statistical analysis of the sex ratio... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Genética) - IBB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Results of educative actions on the control of vectors for dengue and leishmaniasis were evaluated by using an online semi-present course directed to teachers from Fundamental I Education level in Araçatuba-SP. 40 teachers from municipal schools located on geographical areas of town with higher occurrence of dengue and leishmaniasis cases, attended to the course, which consisted in a conceptual part directed to specific subjects such as vector borne and zoonotic diseases, responsible ownership of pets and health education and a practical phase, directed to execution and application of educative projects in the target schools. Data about the teacher’s specific knowledge, before and after the attendance to the course, were submitted to the Wilcoxon test with a 5% of significant level. The application of practical educative projects was evaluated by multiplicative actions involving target public. Tests showed statistically significant increase in the knowledge about the studied diseases (p<0.0001) after the course, especially on questions related to etiological agent, clinical symptoms on man and animals and prevention. Activities of knowledge multiplication envolved teachers and students which detected the problems and promoted education actions in their neighborhood as stage performing, group cleaning activities and elaboration and distribution of folders during a student pared. In conclusion, educative actions direct to the control of diseases vectors using a semi-present course, provides new knowledge to the teachers, impelling them to motivate their students to adopt vectors control measures and environmental cares and to sensitive the community to collaborate with control diseases.
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA
Leaves of Cassia hoffmannseggii, a wild fabaceous species found in the Atlantic Forest, with a severe mosaic symptom were collected in Pernambuco State, Brazil. By transmission electron microscopy, two types of virus particles were found: the first was recognized as particles of a potyvirus, which was later identified as Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus; and the second was isometric and present in high concentration. The observation of vesicles at the periphery of chloroplasts suggested a tymovirus infection, which was confirmed by subsequent assays. A serological assay against several tymovirus antisera resulted in positive reaction of this tymo-like virus with an antiserum of Passion fruit yellow mosaic virus. By means of RT-PCR and using degenerated primers for the conserved region of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) gene of tymoviruses, a specific DNA fragment was amplified and sequenced. Based on this sequence, a specific forward primer was synthesized and successfully used to amplify the 3' terminal genome region, containing the partial RdRp gene and the complete coat protein (CP) sequences. The CP was 188 amino acids (aa) long, and the highest CP aa identity was observed with Kennedya yellow mosaic virus (61 %). Based on the current ICTV demarcation criterion, this isolate was considered as a distinct tymovirus and tentatively named as Cassia yellow mosaic-associated virus.